
zequencesakrecoer: Mostly adding this so you are aware of what else is happening, though I wouldn't focus too much on anything concerning uploads for a good while longer. It's just added complexity. For now, for you, I'd just focus on sources - what is in them, and how to adminster them.00:08
sakrecoercool thanks!00:16
sakrecoerseems i managed to mess up that merge... http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.xenial/revision/1475/font-meta00:17
sakrecoer2 lines of fonts-noto-hinted, and no line for fonts-noto-mono00:17
sakrecoerkryten catched the error :)00:18
sakrecoerseems the meta will have to be redone https://launchpadlibrarian.net/248143022/ubuntustudio-meta_0.148_0.149.diff.gz00:39
sakrecoervery sorry about it.00:39
sakrecoerzequence: if i look into it now, i will probably mess it up even more, i shall sleep on my new knowledge and come back tomorrow fit, clear and happy!00:42
zequencesakrecoer: I missed that as well, but I did notice desktop seed has both, which it probably doesn't need to have. 01:15
cfhowlettUbuntu Designs Wanted:  http://mhall119.com/2016/03/help-make-gnome-software-beautiful/07:48
krytenzequence: "...but I did notice desktop seed has both, which it probably doesn't need to have." - well, you did say that you wanted to include -mono as well, and you weren't specific to 'fonts', so I just went with it - also, it's small. :)08:22
kryten!info fonts-noto-mono08:22
ubottuPackage fonts-noto-mono does not exist in wily08:22
krytenDalekSec: You you fix that please? ↑08:23
kryten!info fonts-noto-mono xenial08:23
ubottufonts-noto-mono (source: fonts-noto): "No Tofu" monospaced font family with large Unicode coverage. In component universe, is optional. Version 20160116-1 (xenial), package size 71 kB, installed size 143 kB08:23
kryten* Can you08:23
DalekSecCan't configure ubottu, nope.08:24
krytenAh, right.08:24
krytenHmm, who else then?08:24
kryten(Requested in -irc - not that I have any authority here, but since it's supposed to be the default anyway...)08:51
sakrecoerso, is a new commit the way to go to correct my error?10:23
sakrecoeror is the best thing to roll back? i've neveer done it: rollback, so unless it would take much more time i figure it would be a good excersise..?10:24
sakrecoeri'll be back arround 3pm UTC11:18
zequencesakrecoer: It is possible to remove commits, but you only do that locally. Once it is up in the clouds, what you do is simply make a new commit11:49
zequenceTo remove the latest commit, you can do 'bzr uncommit'11:49
zequenceIt's useful to do, when working with the source at times11:49
zequenceAlso, to revert to the latest commit 'bzr revert'11:49
zequenceAnd, always keep an eye on the status with 'bzr status' and go through your changes with 'bzr diff -r<n>' before pushing.11:50
zequenceBut, as said, in this case, you just make a new change in the normal way11:51
zequencesakrecoer: Seems the metas got throught, so that part is over with12:05
krytenzequence: Sorry for my part in the duplication of -hinted in 'fonts', rather than adding -mono to it, as well - seem to have missed it on diff'ing the diffs. :|12:40
zequencekryten: Not a big deal. And, I'm known to make mistakes like that all the time myself.12:51
krytenThat is to say, I just said something to that extent to sakrecoer as well :P - [13:31:43] <kryten>     And ftm, crap like overlooking that happens to me rather regularly too - no one is perfect, we can only try to - from my experience with that I only try to avoid it as much as possible, but like you just witnessed, still happens occasionally.12:58
zequenceThe final responsibility is always with the uploader, though. The uploader needs to know what is being uploaded, all though not always exactly why - trusting the packager.13:02
zequenceYou see small errors like this even within the kernel team now and again13:03
kryten!info fonts-noto-mono13:05
ubottufonts-noto-mono (source: fonts-noto): "No Tofu" monospaced font family with large Unicode coverage. In component universe, is optional. Version 20160116-1 (xenial), package size 71 kB, installed size 143 kB13:05
krytenzequence, sakrecoer: Ftm, I'd volunteer taking on an official role in administering the Studio IRC channels.13:25
zequencekryten: Fine with me13:34
zequenceLet's see..13:35
zequenceWe have a irc ops team. Since I so rarely do anything aside from write on IRC, I have little clue as to what powers it has13:35
zequenceAh, there are two pending approvals for jimmy and set as well13:35
zequenceMust have missed that13:36
zequenceAh, but it's not our team :(13:36
flocculantzequence: the powers makes the one not using the powers buy cake for the rest :)13:36
zequenceWe don't own it13:36
zequenceflocculant: I can eat cake, sure :)13:37
zequencekryten: Seems they decide who is on the team https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-council13:38
krytenzequence: Yes, it's the IRCC that governs those - would have to apply there, by joining that team.13:38
zequencekryten: I think this is the team that should be ops on our channels https://launchpad.net/~irc-ubuntustudio-ops13:39
zequencekryten: Anything I can help with for you to join that team?13:39
krytenI'm on that page right now, that is. :P13:39
krytenNope, I'll just have to click the 'Join' button for now.13:40
zequenceJust reading up on the application process13:41
zequenceThink I skipped that when I became a member, but I don't really remember13:42
krytenLooks pretty painless to me otherwise.13:43
* sakrecoer votes kryten for irc admin20:13
sakrecoeri'll commit a fix as soon as i get home. 21:03
sakrecoerhad a crap day, couldn't make this afternoon.. but now the day is over...21:04
DalekSeczequence: You can add him to the ACL of here and -ot though.  I can't see if you have any templates for the channels, all I know is #ubuntustudio doesn't.21:22

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