
rick_h__cos1: howdy00:03
cos1not bad, man!00:04
cos1What about yourself?00:04
rick_h__cos1: having too much fun :)00:04
marcoceppifritchie: that's a new one for me.00:04
cos1is it even a thing? ;)00:04
cos1I wasn't even aware that someone can have too much of it, rick_h__ :)00:05
rick_h__cos1: on definitely, it's called 'red-lining' :)00:05
cos1ah ;_00:05
fritchieis there a way to delete a maas environment besides maas destroy-environment, it just hangs on that00:06
arosalescos1: hello and welcome :-)00:06
cos1thanks arosales!00:07
cos1Good to be here indeed00:07
arosalescos1: just in time for the juju 2.0 goodness00:07
cos1wheee! ;)00:08
cos1Would be a lot to learn in the first day or two ;)00:08
marcoceppio/ cos100:10
marcoceppigood to see you again00:10
cos1likewise man!00:12
axinomarcoceppi cory_fu : now I get "INFO install The executable =python3 (from --python==python3) does not exist" , we want -ppython3 actually (without the =)02:47
lazyPoweraxino o/ isn't it silly late for you?02:48
axinoo/ lazyPower02:49
axinocory_fu marcoceppi : we also need to install the "virtualenv" package, else it's not there sometimes apparently !03:40
=== scuttlemonkey is now known as scuttle|afk
saadraza92hey there07:35
saadraza92any juju guru here?09:44
saadraza92facing problems regarding ssh from a juju machine09:45
tinwoodgnuoy, have you got a moment for a quick question?10:27
Sophie__hello :)11:55
Sophie__i have big trouble with juju maybe some1 could help me11:55
Sophie__I am trying to install juju on maas with vms, but although juju has deployed on the node it seems like it is not installed12:03
Sophie__i cannot make the maas server to auto start the node and I do it manually every time, i dont know if this is the problem12:05
Sophie__btw I am awesome <312:11
jcastromagicaltrout: I see you had a problem with juju's search results12:44
magicaltroutjcastro: i don't have problems, i just think they're a bit useless :)12:45
jcastroheh, yeah12:45
jcastroso, I've filed a few bugs on it12:45
jcastroand also on our general SEO stuff12:45
jcastrowhich is terrible also12:45
jcastrojust letting you know mramm will be leading the effort to make search, SEO, and general "why can't people discover this?" problems less sucky12:46
magicaltroutI just think that the non recommended stuff shouldn't get pushed so far down when nothing in the recomended namespace matches, basically.12:47
magicaltroutat first i didn't think my charm was listed cause I couldn't find it without Ctrl+F :)12:47
jcastroanyway, the more people who are non-me who complain about it, the more attention it will get12:47
jcastroso basically, being more squeaky wheel helps me get resources12:47
magicaltroutwant me to complain on the mailing list as well? :)12:47
jcastrobecause why even have a search at all?12:47
jcastroyes, that would be great12:48
magicaltroutk, i'll put something together over lunch and dispatch it12:48
magicaltrouti'm british we like a good moan12:48
jcastroyeah plus when markS sees our little papercut it helps get us the focus we need to just fix the little things12:49
jcastrosometimes we're so worried about the little problems that we forget the little things12:49
jcastroI meant the big problems, heh.12:49
cory_fuaxino: Fixed.  It already does install python-virtualenv: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-basic/blob/master/lib/charms/layer/basic.py#L3413:04
tvansteenburghwhat's the best way to get a list of all the trusty charms in the charm store?14:48
jrwrentvansteenburgh: http://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/list?series=trusty14:49
tvansteenburghthanks guys!14:49
jrwrenrick_h__: haha, beat ya! ;]  and I like my way better14:49
rick_h__jrwren: I do to!14:50
jrwrenyou got the https right though. I got it wrong.14:50
tvansteenburghjrwren, rick_h__: is there a way to filter this down to only recommended charms?14:50
rick_h__well I entered it into a browser first14:50
jrwrentvansteenburgh: add &promulgated=1 to the querystring14:52
rick_h__tvansteenburgh: I forget if the query arg is promulgated=true or what14:52
tvansteenburghjrwren: thanks14:52
urulamatvansteenburgh: its owner= (empty)14:52
marcoceppiwait, it's not approved=1 anymore?14:53
urulamamarcoceppi: never was14:53
urulamamarcoceppi: well, at least last 2 years :)14:53
tvansteenburghurulama: owner= gives me no results14:54
urulamatvansteenburgh: https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/search?text=&owner=&limit=10014:55
jrwrenpromulgated=1 works.   | to jq '.[]|length and there are 1436 trusty charms, and 186 promulgated trusty charms.14:55
jrwrenoh, urulama is right if using /search, but I do not like search, so I use /list ;]14:56
urulamajrwren: don't use list!14:56
tvansteenburghurulama: https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/list?series=trusty&owner=14:56
urulamalist is not indexed and is not meant to be used in this cases14:56
urulamatvansteenburgh: don't use list14:56
jrwrenurulama: but... but... :[14:57
urulamatvansteenburgh: https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/search?text=&owner=&limit=100&series=trusty14:57
urulamaincrease the limit if you want more14:57
urulamajrwren: :) yeah. just don't :D14:57
tvansteenburghurulama: ok, thanks14:58
* urulama is going to block the list and will work with macaroons only :P14:58
jrwren the /search is much faster.14:58
urulamajrwren: yeah. its ES (search) vs mongo collection sweep (list)14:58
jrwrenurulama: yeah, i hate ES, hence my love of /list ;]14:59
cholcombecory_fu, question for ya.  how do you properly mock open in python?  I've found a bunch of crap blog posts but they all don't work right15:09
jrwrencholcombe: i dare you to ask voidspace15:09
cholcombejrwren, i'll ask whomever :D.  I can get it to work locally but it fails when i push it to jenkins15:09
cory_fuI'm happy to help, but obviously voidspace is the expert.  :)15:10
cory_fucholcombe: Do you have repo link?15:10
cholcombecory_fu, sure15:10
cholcombelemme link it up15:11
cholcombecory_fu, jrwren voidspace ^^  line 10115:11
marcoceppicholcombe: I do this15:11
cory_fucholcombe: The most helpful bit of advice I've found is: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/patch.html#where-to-patch15:11
cholcombei mean line 9515:11
marcoceppicholcombe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15408036/15:12
marcoceppicholcombe: thats for both py2 and py315:12
cholcombemarcoceppi, i'll give that a try15:12
cory_fumarcoceppi: Whoa.  That seems unnecessary15:12
cory_fumarcoceppi, cholcombe: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/helpers.html#mock-open15:13
marcoceppicory_fu: why? it's the only way I've found for `with open`15:13
cholcombecory_fu, yeah i can't seem to get mock_open to work with patch correctly15:13
jrwren__main__, builtins, or __builtin__, that is the question.15:13
cory_fucholcombe: Did you include the create=True?15:14
cholcombecory_fu, i did15:14
cholcombeit's perfectly happy when i test locally.  it's jenkins that throws a wrench in it :D15:14
cory_fucholcombe: You shouldn't be patching in __main__.  That's going to change depending on how the code is invoked15:14
cory_fuYou should be patching replace_osd.open15:15
cholcombecory_fu, yeah that's prob the issue15:15
cholcombeugh neither replace_osd.open nor builtins.open works locally in my charmbox15:17
jrwrencholcombe: did you try __builtin__ ?15:18
cory_fucholcombe: Can you point me to the source of replace_osd.lookup_device_name?15:18
cholcombecory_fu, sure15:18
voidspacejrwren: cory_fu: hah, just off to pick up my daughter from school - back soon15:19
cory_fujrwren: You always want to patch closest to where the function you're patching is called.  Patching in __builtins__ is the wrong place15:19
cholcombecory_fu, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/287500/6/actions/replace_osd.py15:19
cholcombeline 3015:19
jrwrencory_fu: nonsense.15:19
jrwrencory_fu: or rather, I strongly disagree for my use cases.15:19
cory_fujrwren: I'm not saying it definitely won't work, but it's a bad habit to get in to and will tend to end you up in situations where your mocks don't work like you expect15:20
cholcombei'll just comment and say the function works trust me ;) lol15:21
cory_fujrwren: And with mocking open in particular, patching it in __builtins__ can make debugging, error reporting, and a host of other things screwy15:21
jrwrencory_fu: I don't agree, but I think I understand your concerns.15:21
cory_fuI know because I used to run in to this stuff all of the time  :)15:22
cholcombecory_fu, i was considering changing the way my code in replace_osd is written to make it easier to patch15:22
cory_fucholcombe: Can you give me the output of the test failure?15:22
cory_fucholcombe: That is not a bad idea.15:22
cholcombecory_fu, yeah it says sda == None fails15:22
cholcombecory_fu, yeah i was thinking of calling os.open or something easier to patch15:23
cory_fucholcombe: Perhaps a nicer way would be to split the open() call into its own method (get_disk_stats) and have lookup_device_name call that instead.  Then you don't really need to test that you can open and read a file, and you can test the logic in l_d_n by itself15:26
cory_fuAnd just mock get_disk_stats15:26
cholcombecory_fu, yeah that's a method i use in rust also.15:26
cholcombecory_fu, that sounds good to do15:26
cory_fuA slightly "better" way would be to have lookup_device_name take the disk_stats as a param, so it's truly functional, but at that point you're trading some calling convenience for a trivial mock and it's probably not worth it15:28
cory_fuBut, in general, isolating your external dependencies and making all of your logic live in purely functional ... functions makes them much easier to test15:28
cory_fuAnd often results in cleaner, easier to use code15:28
cory_fucholcombe: For that test failure, what is the actual "dev_name: {}" output?15:30
cholcombecory_fu, it outputs None15:31
cholcombeso i suspect my patch failed in that case15:31
cory_fucholcombe: Looks like mock_open() doesn't support `for line in fh`: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15408195/15:41
cholcombecory_fu, ah wow yeah that's prob the issue15:41
cholcombecory_fu, i changed it around so i have a function that just get diskstats and put that up for review :)15:42
=== scuttle|afk is now known as scuttlemonkey
iceybeisner: can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.macnaughton/openstack-charm-testing/add-ceph-multi-az/+merge/28938716:25
iceyalso want to re-look at https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.macnaughton/openstack-charm-testing/next-ceph-osd-bundle/+merge/285890 beisner16:31
beisnericey, 1 landed, 1 reviewed :)16:35
iceybeisner: yeah, going to have to redo the reviewed one from scratch :-P16:35
iceyeasier than modifying methinks16:36
ryotagamiI have a question regarding charm review. I have a charm that currently in review, and I have an update to that charm that is not related to review items. Should I create a new branch and a bug, or can I update the currently ongoing branch and bug?16:37
beisnericey, so the az bundle that landed in o-c-t is structured for 1 machine per unit, and sets vdb for the disk, which is what we need for serverstack.   to exercise on metal, i'd set osd-devices to "/dev/sdb /dev/vdb"16:38
iceynew mp coming soon ;-)16:39
beisnericey, this will be 7 physical machines.  is there anything you can do to co-locate in lxc to get us down to 4 machines?   also, will ephemeral unmount /mnt error when used on metal?16:40
iceybeisner: shouldn't fail, because 'e_mountpoint and ceph.filesystem_mounted(e_mountpoint)'16:41
iceywill work on wrapping up the mons16:41
beisnericey, ack thx16:51
iceybeisner: https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.macnaughton/openstack-charm-testing/add-ceph-multi-az/+merge/28939416:56
iceybeisner: alternately, can I remove the machine specifications because trhe ceph-mon associates to lxc:ceph-mon/# ?16:57
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cory_fucholcombe: https://github.com/testing-cabal/mock/pull/34318:02
cory_fuNot that it helps you now.  :)18:02
wolsenbeisner: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/292599/ is that ready to land you think?18:29
beisnerwolsen, i do.  shall i hit the button?18:29
wolsenbeisner, we're gonna have to sooner or later18:30
thedacnarindergupta: Congrats on your OPNFV award!18:52
thedacbelatedly ^^18:53
narinderguptathedac: thanks and nothing could have been done without your team.18:53
narinderguptathedac: and ward is for Canonical as I represent Canonical there.... :)18:54
thedacI suspect you had a lot to do with it18:54
beisnerwolsen, ok that's ackd.  once it merges, you'll wanna rebase the other ceilometer stable update.18:55
wolsenbeisner: yes indeedy thx!18:56
lazyPowerbdx ping18:56
beisnerwolsen, thanks for paving that path18:56
wolsenyeah big congrats narindergupta! (btw, I'll merge the m-d proposal you made a bit later today)18:56
narinderguptawolsen: thanks18:56
narinderguptathedac: :)18:57
natefinchmarcoceppi: min-juju-version landed, finally.19:07
lazyPowernatefinch thats in metadata.yaml right?19:11
natefinchlazyPower: yep19:13
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
tvansteenburgh"The LXD local provider will not work on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise) and backporting to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty) is incomplete."19:49
tvansteenburghis this still true re Trusty? ^19:49
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: AFAIU yes19:53
marcoceppicharm and charm-tools 2.0 are building in the devel ppa!20:26
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: if you have a min, could you take a look at this today? https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/137 if not tomorrow morning would be great20:51
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: esp since we will ahve "plugins" show up in the help output of charm 2.0 by default20:51
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: will do20:51
axinocory_fu: but python-virualenv doesn't provide virtualenv anymore, apparently21:00
cory_fuaxino: o_O21:01
cory_fuThat doesn't make any sense21:02
cory_fuaxino: Oh, you're saying they changed it to just "virtualenv"  Hrm21:03
axinocory_fu: yeah21:03
cory_fuaxino: I thought I saw python-virtualenv referenced in your output, though21:04
axino(also, I think we need python3-virtualenv - which is pulled by the "virtualenv" package on xenial)21:06
cory_fuaxino: Line 83 from your previous link: https://pastebin.canonical.com/151985/21:07
cory_fu2016-03-16 07:52:24 INFO install The following NEW packages will be installed:21:07
cory_fu2016-03-16 07:52:24 INFO install   python-virtualenv python3-virtualenv virtualenv21:07
axinoyeah, on that specific unit, the package got pulled21:07
axinobut not on another unit21:07
cory_fuI don't understand.  Why would it be different?21:08
axinoI do not know21:09
axinolooks like python-virtualenv does pull virtualenv. Ugh. I'm not sure what happened yesterday21:11

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