
mamarleyHeads-up to anyone running Xenial: APT 1.2.7 breaks most/all PPAs and other third-party repositories.  If you want to keep using the Kubuntu PPAs, you might want to hold apt, apt-utils, apt-transport-https, libapt-inst2.0, and libapt-pkg5.0.02:11
mamarleyIt is currently in Proposed though.02:11
mamarleyIt is apparently because APT 1.2.7 doesn't allow the use of SHA1 for anything, but breaking so many PPAs isn't OK.  Here's the bug I opened if anyone is interested: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1558331.02:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1558331 in apt (Ubuntu) "After upgrading to apt 1.2.7 in Xenial, PPAs and most other third-party repositories become unusable with "The repository is insufficiently signed by key (weak digest)"" [Undecided,New]02:24
daxmamarley: Is that a Warning or fatal error? https://juliank.wordpress.com/2016/03/15/clarifications-and-updates-on-apt-sha1/ implies it's just a warning...02:45
mparilloAnybody notice on Xenial a pop-up telling me I have two updates, but Discover finds none, then apt full-upgrade -y finds (this morning) libkf5kdcraw5 libraw15 09:04
FritigernI have tried for the better part of the day, but can;t seem to get anyone to answer my question in #kubuntu so I figured i'd take a chance and ask here, since it is dev-related. My question is the following: what debug packages do I need so I can report plasma crashes with debug info?09:29
soeeinteresting http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NVIDIA-NLinux-Distro-Rumor09:33
soeeFritigern: hiho09:33
soeeFritigern: please join #plasma and ask there :) Plasma developers are the best source for that question :)09:34
mamarleydax: On my system it appears to be a fatal error.  It tells me that the repository index could not be downloaded and the old copy will be used.10:03
kfunkmparillo: I've got problems with those packages as well. I think it's related to a blocked gwenview upgrade apt is keeping back.10:13
mamarleyTo unblock the Gwenview upgrade, you can uninstall ksnapshot and install kde-spectacle (which is the replacement for ksnapshot).10:19
BluesKajHey all11:31
clivejogood moring sgclark12:40
sgclarkHappy St Patricks day :)12:41
clivejothanks, you too :)12:48
* clivejo dances12:53
* clivejo kicks KCI accidently on purpose a number of times12:54
clivejoonly an hour and 5 mins13:00
clivejoits on fire today13:00
soeethere are good news ... :)13:02
soeetoday is the day when Plasma 5.6 tagged :)13:03
* mamarley slaps soee around a bit with a large trout.13:03
clivejo457 packages with 16 executors taking an average of an hour, only 28 hours 30mins until it finishes13:04
clivejoand only 11 hours before it fills the queue again!13:05
* mamarley slaps KCI around a bit with a large trout.13:05
clivejoit needs more than a slap13:05
yofelhm, ok. We have a problem I guess..13:12
yofel<3 grumpycat13:13
soeeyofel: did you staged 15.12.3 maybe ?13:17
soeeoki :)13:17
tgBot<Clifford>: Sgclark was talking about staging 15.12.3 ?13:38
sgclarksoee: yofel: clivejo: yes I did last night as promised. But I still need to work on two manual etc.14:04
soeesgclark: so it is staged ?14:40
sgclarkstaged - not done14:41
soeeah that is why status page is not rendered right ?14:41
* sgclark always forgets that14:42
sgclarklol ok so ppa-build-status spewed out a ton of html at me... yofel clivejo how does one generate that report these days?14:55
yofelsgclark: you edit the config file in automation, push, and let the cronjob take care of the rest14:57
yofelother than that, the html *is* your status page14:57
sgclarkwell yeah, but more that just me might want to see it :)15:03
sgclarkok looking for this config file15:03
sgclarkoh well as usual I cannot push to that. yofel or clivejo needs to update status page.15:06
yofelpastebin error message please15:06
BluesKajwhen is system settings as root going to accept the font, icon and colour settings I choose so I can read the fonts and text from 10ft away like I can with normal user settings?15:07
sgclarkBluesKaj: we cannot help you there. try #plasma though you will likely get backlash for running gui as root15:08
yofelsgclark: launchpad does not support push over https15:09
yofelyou'll need to rewrite your remote15:09
BluesKajthis is becoming really annoying, for example the partition editor fonts are too small to read becuae it takes on the root sysemsettings for fonts and colours etc.15:10
yofelsgclark: this should work:15:10
yofelgit remote remove origin15:11
yofelgit remote add origin git+ssh://sgclark@git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git/kubuntu-automation15:11
yofelgit branch -u origin/master15:11
sgclarkerror: the requested upstream branch 'origin/master' does not exist15:12
yofeloh, I forgot the 'git fetch' before that15:12
sgclarkgood now, thanks yofel15:13
yofelsgclark: you want to setup this https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Git#Configuring_Git15:14
BluesKajsolvbed my problem by installing gparted, at least it follows the rules set for GTK fonts in user system settings 15:48
sgclarkBluesKaj: so if gparted behaved in the way you expect, I reckon partitionmanager actually has the bug, and unless reported upstream will never change.15:50
BluesKajsgclark, yes you're correct, there is a bug filed for partition manager launching as root, but it doesn't seem to be considered very importnt 15:52
BluesKajyou also rigt about their response to my complaint ...don't run system settings /partition manager as root :-)15:54
sgclarkwell i understand what you are saying now though, partition manager has to run as root15:54
sgclarkor it can't really partition15:55
sgclarkso at the kdesu switch over I think is where it needs to retain user settings.15:55
sgclarkif I were a programmer I would fix, alas I am not.15:55
BluesKajyesd but it should take on the plasma look that the user sets up in system settings15:56
sgclarkyes it should I agree. it is a bug15:56
_Groo_hi/2 all17:10
_Groo_guys how can i upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 devel?17:10
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: sgclark: Jenkins question17:10
_Groo_do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE -d17:10
_Groo_the oficial way says it doesnt have any packages available17:11
sgclarkin a meeting17:11
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: If I have jenkins chain of jobs to build a package / system, and some of those build jobs are the same, is there a way to re-use the individual build jobs, in another chain? Janet at work suggested the Join Plugin, any advice on what to use ?17:13
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119_canonic
=== mhall119_canonic is now known as mhall119_cct
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=== mhall119_CCT is now known as mhall119
tgBot<Clifford>: Sgclark did you upload to apps staging?18:22
sgclarkoh hahahahah. forgot to upload to the ppa...18:23
* sick_rimmit waves18:27
sgclarkhi sick_rimmit I am trying to answer your question. Probably not want you want to hear because we (KDE) do not use jenkins to obtain artifacts (I think what you want?)18:29
tgBot<sgclark2>: @Sick_Rimmit we use python script to rsync our deps artifacts to a build as we have lots (KDE) In fact that python script runs most of the build. Maybe you can copy the artifacts somewhere and retrieve later ?  Via some plugin?18:32
sick_rimmitAh ha, it seems that the word artifacts may well be the very clue that we are looking for.18:33
* sick_rimmit Smiles and gives thanks18:33
sick_rimmityofel: I have updated my public keys on lp18:34
sick_rimmitDoes anyone know if it is possible to see the Most Active member in an lp team over say the last month. e.g I am would like to see who is the most active in Kubuntu Bugs over the last month ?18:40
sgclarksick_rimmit: https://launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa at bottom18:43
sgclarkFlames_in_Paradise is our superstar. They do not like IRC and not in here18:43
sgclarkin fact... (he?) is not even a Kubuntu Member and should be!18:46
soee15.12.3 starts to how green :D18:48
yofelsick_rimmit: keys updated19:36
tgBot<athoneycutt>: /me tries to log into docs.kubuntu.org again19:38
tgBot<athoneycutt>: @Yofel ok so the html files are in my account but where is the scripts19:40
yofelrun 'sudo -u kubuntu -i', then cd to docs/19:43
tgBot<athoneycutt>: what if I don't know my sudo pw?19:43
yofelen -> /home/kubuntu/docs/kubuntu-manual/build/html/19:43
yofelis what's currently displayed on the website19:43
sick_rimmitTada I'm logged in19:43
sick_rimmitSome weird looking top konsole19:44
yofelthat is top19:44
yofeljust a custom view19:44
tgBot<athoneycutt>: can you reset the passwd @Yofel ?19:44
yofel@athoneycutt, your password is now 'pass' - please change it ;)19:44
tgBot<athoneycutt>: k thanks!19:45
yofelplease don't do experiments with the live build of the docs. Rather make a new clone and later just recreate the symlink19:46
tgBot<athoneycutt>: changed19:46
tgBot<athoneycutt>: oh19:46
tgBot<athoneycutt>: I was going to update with changes that the students made during Code-In19:46
yofelok, then maybe just make a backup of the build folder19:47
yofeljust to be on the safe side19:48
tgBot<athoneycutt>: @Yofel help :)19:48
tgBot<athoneycutt>: not sure how you have this setup19:48
tgBot<athoneycutt>: making the backup and I'll do the changes19:48
yofelthe setup is:19:49
yofelserver shows /home/kubuntu/docs/en19:49
yofelen points to /home/kubuntu/docs/kubuntu-manual/build/html/19:49
yofelwhere kubuntu-manual is the clone of the repo19:49
yofelI think the build was simply done using the Makefile19:50
tgBot<athoneycutt>: yea "make html"19:50
tgBot<athoneycutt>: so cp build build-backup?19:50
yofelright, just found that in the history19:50
yofelyup, cp -r19:50
tgBot<athoneycutt>: -r?19:50
tgBot<athoneycutt>: for dir?19:50
tgBot<athoneycutt>: recursive?19:51
yofelyou need recursive for directories19:51
tgBot<athoneycutt>: ok so there is build and build-backup19:51
tgBot<athoneycutt>: clear to make changes?19:52
yofelyup, go ahead19:52
tgBot<athoneycutt>: any way for the kde wiki to show every change in a set time?19:52
tgBot<athoneycutt>: and not by sections?19:52
tgBot<athoneycutt>: git it19:53
tgBot<athoneycutt>: *got it19:53
tgBot<athoneycutt>: @y19:59
tgBot<athoneycutt>: @Yofel make html is not working in kubuntu-manual19:59
tgBot<athoneycutt>: weird20:00
tgBot<athoneycutt>: now it worked20:00
tgBot<Yofel>: I remember having to fiddle around with sphinx for a while until I got it to build... but it should work fine now20:04
tgBot<athoneycutt>: yea20:05
tgBot<athoneycutt>: just updated the welcome page and some copyright versions20:05
tgBot<athoneycutt>: updated my changes file to reflect20:05
tgBot<athoneycutt>: so cp build to where @Yofel ?20:05
tgBot<athoneycutt>: like you said symlinks though20:06
tgBot<Yofel>: You shouldn't have to update anything, the symlink points to the build result20:06
tgBot<athoneycutt>: so where do I cp the build dir to?20:06
tgBot<Yofel>: nowhere20:07
tgBot<athoneycutt>: ohhh20:07
tgBot<athoneycutt>: I see the changes20:07
tgBot<athoneycutt>: awesome stuff @Yofel thanks!20:09
tgBot<Yofel>: yw20:09
tgBot<athoneycutt>: I'm using 16.04.0 for version numbers atm20:09
tgBot<athoneycutt>: we'll updated with point release20:10
tgBot<athoneycutt>: the best thing to have is LTS docs and current docs thoguh20:10
tgBot<athoneycutt>: *though20:10
tgBot<athoneycutt>: but one thing at a time :)20:10
tgBot<athoneycutt>: one thing at a time?20:13
tgBot<athoneycutt>: damn kde wiki bar is getting in my way20:15
yofelI meant the seperate docs (in the future)20:16
tgBot<athoneycutt>: yea Xubuntu does it very well20:16
MichaelPis there a ppa yet for plasma 5.6 ( 5.5.95 ) ?20:25
clivejoMichaelP: no, not yet20:26
MichaelPclivejo: ok was just wondering been running it on arch... Came across 5.6 for netrunner ... https://launchpad.net/~netrunner-os/+archive/ubuntu/netrunner-15-ci-updates/+index?batch=75&memo=75&start=7520:30
clivejoMichaelP: yeah, we are having to put more effort into Xenial 16.04 as its a LTS20:31
clivejoso 5.6 is on the back burner for now20:31
clivejoany major changes to it?20:31
MichaelPso moreless 16.04 being an LTS .. 5.6 won't be thought of until 16.1020:32
clivejoit will be backported20:33
clivejobut due to the Ubuntu release schedule we have passed the freeze20:33
clivejoso only bug fix releases of 5.5.X can be put in20:34
MichaelPso when 16.04 is released it going to be  plasma 5.5.5 instead of 5.4.3 updating to 5.5.420:35
clivejowell plasma 5.5.4 is in the archive20:36
clivejoand 5.5.5 is being worked on20:36
MichaelPim running 5.5.5 with 5.4 mainline kernel20:37
clivejoon xenial?20:37
MichaelP4.5 mainline kernel20:37
* mamarley wishes there was a way to use the mainline kernel download page as a repository.20:37
clivejoso you are using our plasma staging PPA?20:38
MichaelPnot hard to down 3 packages and install20:38
mamarleyMichaelP: Indeed, but you must manually check for updates and repeat the process for each box.  I have a lot of boxes.20:39
MichaelPlooks that way20:39
clivejoMichaelP: how is it working for you?20:39
MichaelPmamarley: yes but 4.5.0 is latest20:40
mamarleyI know that.20:40
clivejodid you run into the ksnapshot issue?20:40
MichaelPclivejo: the other day everything was running great.... Then i went back to arch... did the kde-unstable repo for 5.6.... Then desided come back to kubuntu... I like graphics quality better.... But like speed of pacman better on package manager20:42
clivejothere is some issue with apt at the moment in Xenial20:48
clivejo!info calligra xenial20:50
ubottucalligra (source: calligra): extensive productivity and creative suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.9.7-0ubuntu11 (xenial), package size 9 kB, installed size 64 kB20:50
mamarleyclivejo: It is complaining about insufficient signatures?20:50
MichaelPI think only issue i had so far was half way thru dist-upgrade.. i opened firefox and system locked.. so had to shutdown from power button.. then run dpkg --configure -a20:51
sick_rimmitwho is Flames_in_Paradise ?20:51
MichaelPSo instead of #kubuntu ... This is channel i want to use for 16.04 right ?20:52
sick_rimmitMichaelP: Probably not, this is the development channel.20:53
sick_rimmitFor help, and support you probably want #kubunut20:53
sick_rimmitsorr y#kubuntu20:54
sgclarksick_rimmit: doesnt do irc, https://launchpad.net/~ellisistfroh Usually contacts me via email with questions/big bugs20:54
yofelfor 16.04, it's #ubuntu+1 for all ubuntu flavors20:54
sick_rimmitAh ha, their Bug contribution is spectacular20:54
sgclarkI know right?! we need to get them to apply for membership20:55
MichaelPi forgot about ubuntu+120:55
* clivejo reads "Bazaar in five minutes"20:55
MichaelPall the crap you read about managment of kubuntu... is that all worked out now ?20:57
tgBot<athoneycutt>: crap?20:57
MichaelPtgBot: about lead person leaving21:00
clivejoMichaelP: the tgBot is just a relay, IRC <==> Telegram21:00
clivejono need to refer to it directly21:01
MichaelPohh ok21:01
clivejoa new thing we are testing :)21:02
MichaelPreboot my system now... plasma 5.5.5 installed and mainline kernel 4.5.0 .. reboot into those21:05
clivejoyofel: ping21:07
tgBot<athoneycutt>: alright finished the welcome and installation pages21:15
clivejoyofel: so I sync'ed calligra bzr branch with archive - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/calligra/revision/13521:17
clivejonext step merge in my version 2.9.10 in my PPA?21:19
clivejook dokey21:26
clivejooh dear, I dunno how to merge with bzr21:30
* clivejo goes back to reading21:30
clivejowell that didnt work :(21:36
clivejoshould I use a local git repo to do the merge?21:37
sgclarkclivejo: that is what I do.21:42
sgclarkin case things blow up :)21:42
clivejoit didnt blow up, but it didnt merge either!21:44
soee_2 reds in apps 15.12.321:47
mparilloOn Xenial with Plasma 5.5.5, I have replaced ksnapshot with kde-spectacle (thanks mamarley), but now the print screen does not work. Is this a bug, or just an artifact that a fresh install will not hit.21:48
clivejoI have to run spectacle manually from the kick off menu21:49
* valorie is writing to Flames_in_Paradise21:49
valorieshouldn't we remove ksnapshot from the iso, and replace it with spectacle?21:50
valorieand also force uninstall ksnapshot on a xenial upgrade?21:50
valoriemparillo: I've heard that the print-screen shortcut sometimes isn't set21:51
valorieperhaps we need to be sure to do that in our packaging as well?21:51
valorieunsure if that's something we control21:51
sgclarkksnapshot is removed from kubuntu_meta that I did in staging, but I think yofel wanted to go through seed , not sure if he got to that.21:52
sgclarkas for the keybinding, the file exists to bind it, we are not clear on why it is not working.21:52
sgclarkpossibly related to stuff being stuck?maybe something important?21:53
clivejowhy is it deleting the archive changelog entries21:59
clivejoyofel: is there somewhere I can upload this new version of calligra?22:57
clivejosee if it builds?22:58
clivejosgclark: are kdiamond and kopete in manual?23:05
sgclarkyeah, I wont get to them until later sorry, busy.23:07
clivejosgclark: is staging misc where I should upload calligra?23:09
sgclarkclivejo: yes that is a good place for that23:11
clivejostupid ftp!23:21

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