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apol_anybody knows why I get the following message when compiling 5.6.0? "Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: qmldevtools-private"00:07
apol_never mind, I think I know what's going on :D00:10
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Fritigernwhat debug packages do i need so I can report plasma crashes?00:56
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FritigernRepeat in case people missed it: what debug packages do i need so I can report plasma crashes?02:32
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dahliaI'd like to install the latest nvidia driver so I can use Vulkan but the one I downloaded from nvidia wants the x server to be shut down and I'm not sure how to do that. I try killing it but it just restarts immediately04:09
dahliais there some preferred way to install this driver?04:09
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FritigernRepeat in case people missed it: what debug packages do i need so I can report plasma crashes?09:22
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jeanDroidDear Kubuntu users, I made an upgrade this morning on my Kubuntu 15.10 box, I have 3 display monitors and now Kubuntu cloned all 3 as one display and no way to change it in the settings. I have DP2, HDMI2, HDMI3, and all are detected as HDMI3. I'm asking for help please!09:48
hateballjeanDroid: What GPU/driver are you using?09:51
jeanDroidhateball: Intel Corporation Sky Lake Integrated Graphics09:58
hateballjeanDroid: So it sounds like a kernel update broke it then. Could you try rebooting into grub and picking an older kernel?09:59
jeanDroidhateball: but it worked fine during some months because right after the install, I put the kernel 4.409:59
hateballjeanDroid: did you compile that kernel yourself?10:00
jeanDroidhateball: no, I took it from here http://linuxg.net/install-kernel-4-4-on-ubuntu/10:01
jeanDroidhateball: now I have 4.4.1, I'll try to update to 4.4.410:01
hateballjeanDroid: Well if you're using kernels from PPAs it is hard to tell10:02
hateballjeanDroid: Any reason you are not using the 4.2 kernel in 15.10?10:02
jeanDroidI guess intel Skylake is better supported in 4.4 than in 4.210:03
jeanDroidhateball: I'll reboot now and let you know10:04
jeanDroidhateball: I switched to kernel 4.4.4, same problem, then back to generic 4.2.0-34 still impossible to change multiple display. So I thing it's not an issue related to the kernel10:11
hateballjeanDroid: check /var/log/apt/history* for what was upgraded10:12
jeanDroidhateball: http://0bin.net/paste/VMOM4dsHGkyIJrRC#10:17
jeanDroidhateball: even if I look at what was updated, I don't know from where the issue can come10:18
jeanDroidhateball: sorry for the previous link, rather check this one https://framabin.org/?a65b0bf0566a4873#fiKM7qd9m+RMWyxJDYdZGcRUH9LaksKWGF46KpiQgaY=10:19
justXUXHi,Can anybody say or point what are Kubuntu plans for 16.04?10:27
jeanDroidI'm gona try manjaro-lxqt 16.0310:28
hateballjustXUX: What do you mean by "plans"? Do you mean a list of what is new?10:34
justXUXhateball, Features that will be implemented10:42
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BluesKajHey all11:31
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picaricahi guya14:51
soeehiho picarica14:51
picaricai have kubuntu on my dvd14:52
picaricaand i want to instaľ it14:52
picaricabutvitbis asking login14:52
picaricaits asking login14:52
picaricahelp? please?14:52
soeelive session14:52
picaricano whenbi bootedbup kubuny from dvd14:52
picaricafrom boot menu14:53
soeeeee.. do you have hdd encrypted ?14:53
picaricai dont tink so. i dont know what itbis14:54
soeeah wait wait, you booted Kubuntu from cd, it started and showing login screen ?14:54
picaricabut like its white n black like terminal14:54
soeepicarica: try typing Kubuntu as user without password14:54
soeehuh ?14:54
picaricaok thx i will tty14:54
soeeso hui was not loaded and you are in terminal ?14:55
picaricabtw its kubuntu 15.1014:55
picaricathat dvd is loud14:57
picaricait takes ao long14:58
picaricait asked for some commabds14:59
picaricasudo something14:59
picaricaafter iblogged in14:59
picaricanow its black screen.........15:00
picaricai see a cursor and wallpaper15:01
picaricanothing else....15:02
jubo2Hello piippöl15:16
jubo2I'm installing  Kubuntu for a friend15:17
jubo2or actually already installed15:17
jubo2now running upgrades15:17
soee :)15:23
* genii makes more coffee and tosses confetti around15:25
BluesKajgenii, confetti ?  on St Pat's Day ...never heard of that one :-)15:46
geniiGreen shamrock-shaped confetti, of course! ;)15:50
soul__Guys, can you help me to solve my headphones issue? Pavucontrol recognizes when they are plugged in but there is no sound at the end15:52
soul__alsamixer is not muted15:52
soul__oh my god15:55
soul__I connected them to the microphone jack15:56
soul__and I listen to the sound15:56
soul__I need it for an interview15:57
soul__via Internet15:57
soul__And I need to plug in the microphone too..15:57
MaxirideIs it common that Okular takes 10 seconds to open a 10MB pdf and when scrolling 3-5 seconds to load each page?16:02
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: Hi there16:10
floownI have a crash problem with Dolphin on a fresh installation of Kubuntu in a virtualbox VM: http://pastebin.com/vw1Mg0fQ16:10
floownwhat can I do ?16:11
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: looking16:11
floownDolphin crash when I right-clic on a folder or a file16:11
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tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: Looks like KonqPopupMenu/Plugin is missing to my eyes16:13
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: What version of Kubuntu is16:13
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: is ?16:13
floownI'm on Kubuntu 15.1016:15
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: Hmmm I have 15.10 and I haven't seen that, so I don't think it is wide spread.16:17
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: Please could you take a look at this article16:19
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: http://software.moftalk.com/dolphin-in-kde5-missing-some-context-menu-actions-servicetype-konqpopupmenu-plugin-not-found-bktRh3Dp.html16:19
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: See if there is anything here to help16:19
floowntgBot: it seems to solve my problem16:25
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: Great stuff 😃16:25
MaxirideIs there a way to change the okular backend?16:30
Maxirideand for instance try MuPDF?16:30
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: I don't believe you can swap the PDF engine in Okular.16:31
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: However you can install many diferent PDF readers from the Muon Software Centre16:31
Maxiridealready tried Dodcument Viewer (the gnome one) and zathura16:33
Maxiridepdf loading times don't change16:33
Maxiridemight it be an issue due to  the home folder encryption?16:33
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geniiHm. https://docs.kde.org/trunk4/en/kdegraphics/okular/configure-backends.html16:36
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: Well look at that 😃 you can switch out the backend16:38
tgBot<Sick_Rimmit>: nice one gennii16:38
Maxiridenice infos16:38
Maxiridebut that's to tweak the already present poppler backend, not to change it. However I might find useful settings to tweak16:39
geniiBah, seems to just have line enhancement settings16:39
Maxirideoh indeed16:39
Maxiridenot much16:39
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Maxirideeven changing the okular process priority doesn't do much16:41
geniiInterestingly, ldd /usr/bin/okular doesn't show libpoppler so it must be hardcoded in16:42
Maxiridemore oddly I even tried to switch to max priority for the process, no loading speed improvements. So the loading issue must be somewhere else16:43
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Jim_Does anyone here know how to get plasma 5.6 beta20:55
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migisqHiya and Thanks, Thanks for this awesome Kubuntu16.0421:36
migisqIf I sound like jubo2 is only coz I bez me21:37
* migisq bought this laptop for 20€21:37
valorieglad you like it21:37
valoriewow, nice deal21:37
* jubo2 threw in 2x 2GB RAM, Kingston 3K NAND SSD and Kubuntu16.04 and KXStudio repos21:38
* migisq is going to be happytime when he gets his new machine21:38
migisqI like Kubuntu16.04. Initially even more than Kubuntu15.1021:39
migisqTotally gonna dist-upgrade the other laptops when that becomes possible. When does that become possible?21:39
migisqand Kubuntu 15.05 and 15.10 were great OS21:40
migisqI had an actual question..21:40
migisqHow do I turn off the "automatically go to session lock-out in umpteen minutes of inactivity?21:41
migisqI didn't quite find it in the Energy Savings21:41
migisqnothing seemed to match21:41
jubo2Do want.21:45
jubo2When will dist-upgrade be available21:46
jubo2oh hold on..21:46
CrypticGatorHi. I'm having problems with my laptop. It's 16.04. yesterday i did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade21:46
jubo2the OS has not even been released even if it already frozen according to some nice feller in #opensourcemusicians21:46
jubo2I'da been stupid and install 15.1021:46
CrypticGatoreverytme I_inter my password to llog in. A bar goes half way thru and kicks back the log in screen.21:47
jubo2CrypticGator: I had that behaviour earlier on too21:48
jubo2CrypticGator: Integrated Intel HD graphics?21:48
CrypticGator I'm willing to bet it is21:48
CrypticGatorit's a macbook pro retina 13"21:48
jubo2CrypticGator: With external display attached?21:48
CrypticGatorI think only the 15" had discrete graphics21:48
CrypticGatorno, it's dolo21:49
jubo2I gonna totally get a superpixel IPS display when I get around to it21:49
CrypticGatorI'm thinking about that dell 13" xps21:49
jubo2IPS offers far superior reproduction of lights and deeper blacks21:49
CrypticGatorJubo, I_don't think it really does21:50
jubo2"get around to it" == strike rich and actually afford the HW one likes to use21:50
jubo2CrypticGator: But retina isn't a promise of it being IPS, no?21:50
CrypticGatorIPS_generally have a better gammout21:51
CrypticGatorMy HP monitors are IPS. I took them to work.21:51
jubo2This consumer lever electronics is comme-ci, comme-ça (always or almost always) but I thank the Most Holy that all mi servers run glitchlessly and reliably year-after-year21:51
CrypticGatorThe older one is much dimmer, they are both IPS21:51
jubo2CrypticGator: you really the bourgeoisie reptile21:52
CrypticGatorHP Z monitors are prosumers21:52
jubo2HP makes horrible paper feeding mechanism21:52
jubo2always manages to swearword it up21:52
CrypticGatorHP_is a generally s#!tty company21:53
CrypticGatorabout bourgeoisie reptile, we're generally known by rowdy reptiles in gainesville21:54
jubo2you'll be wylin when jubo in da hood21:54
jubo2You wylin' wylin'21:55
CrypticGatorI'm not wylin' I'm chillin'21:55
jubo2that's from a Busta Bus record btw21:55
CrypticGatorSo, how did you fix the loop21:55
jubo2CrypticGator: Reattaching the Lenovo X201 back to the UltraBase dock21:56
CrypticGatorso your base has a video card?21:56
jubo2which has a Display Port connected to a DVI connected to an external display21:56
jubo2CrypticGator: no..21:56
jubo2the system just apparently somehow mixed up which is internal and which is external or something like that21:57
CrypticGatorso connnecting somethign to DP21:57
jubo2lead to blanks screen..21:57
jubo2and the same behaviour you described21:57
CrypticGatorI never connected it to any monitor during that OS's lifespan21:57
jubo2I shoulda mentioned straight-off that mine was on a Kubuntu15.1021:57
CrypticGatorMy google searches yielded it happened much more often on versions that aren't 16.0421:58
CrypticGatorI say it's a lingering bug. and just less install base of 16.0421:58
CrypticGatorbrb let me try connecting it to the tv21:59
jubo2CrypticGator: what I heard it was a Intel HD graphics problem21:59
jubo2not 100% sure21:59
jubo2I recently learned a workaround22:00
jubo2I go to System Settings and untick the "use display" of my external and then normal undocking22:00
jubo2and I have once again laptop capability in my bigger machine22:00
jubo2I'm just going to assume "Screen Energy Saving" activates the autologout22:04
jubo2and disable that22:04
CrypticGatorSo I tried connecting the TV nothing happened. I_put my password and it looped again but htis time the TV_turned on. (Clone)  but it keeps happening22:09
jubo2I'm sorry mi friend but I cannot help you22:09
CrypticGatorI recorded the error message that pops up in a split second22:09
jubo2pastebin it?22:09
jubo2People in #httpd can't stand Pastebin Corporation btw lol22:10
CrypticGatorI_don't know what's httpd is22:10
CrypticGatorNever thought of Pastebin as a company lol22:10
jubo2CrypticGator: I the web server22:10
jubo2Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Daemon22:11
jubo2You young my young friend22:11
jubo2"Age is just a number." ~ Trad.22:11
CrypticGatorso u put that program on your computer and it serves it to the web on port 80?22:11
jubo2"Everyone under 1,000,000,000s old is a youngster" ~ Jubo-Jubo on Trad.22:12
jubo2CrypticGator: yes.. but even more fun is to server TLS encrypted connection requests via 44322:12
CrypticGatorI don't think I've heard 1 sentence about the web while I was in school, lol22:13
jubo2I got into ze Internets in '9522:13
jubo2NSCA Mosaic at a library totally ZAMAZORED me22:13
CrypticGatori got out of school a year ago22:13
jubo2put together with mah 2,400bps modem to connect to this one Internet-connected BBS that has irxx22:14
jubo2irxx == irc22:14
CrypticGatorI remeber that22:14
CrypticGatorbut the modems were 36 k22:15
CrypticGatorand 56k22:15
jubo2People thought I was nerding it out in '95 when I told 'em that this Internet-thingy-tsydem is gonna r0xx0rz the world22:15
CrypticGatorI think it's r0xx0rzing way different than ppl thought it would22:16
CrypticGatorlike in a way that http is 30%  rather than 9922:16
CrypticGatoryou know, hulu, netflix, spotify.22:17
CrypticGatorIP cameras etc22:17
bpromptjubo2:    soooo, did you by any stocks on yahoo or google or those crazy bookselling guys at amazon.com?22:23
CrypticGatorI_thought amazon was going to become huge as soon as I heard they don't want to make a profit22:24
bpromptwell   hmm22:25
CrypticGatorwho cares about dividends when you have growth?22:25
CrypticGatorfunny, not many other companies practice full reinvesting22:25
CrypticGatorI_was like, this company is going to scale big time.22:26
bpromptCrypticGator:   to be clear, profit is = revenue - cost;  by definition to stay in business, you have to make a profit, or you're not growing or reinvesting or reinventing22:26
jubo2bprompt: negative.22:26
jubo2zero stock22:26
jubo2got bets on Clinton and Sanders22:26
bpromptjubo2:    ohhh man ehheh =P22:26
jubo2Clinton bet pays +3.75€ and Sanders bet pays +2.50€ to the 30€ I wagered22:27
jubo225 / 5 split22:27
CrypticGatorWhen you reinvest you turning that  future_costs= revenue-cost22:27
bpromptCrypticGator:    that's true even for so-called non-profit or OSS, they're just a different business model to turn profit22:27
bpromptCrypticGator:    I think folks mistake, profit for "money grabbing".... is not exactly the same thing per se22:28
CrypticGatornon-profits are uppermanagement with salaries that exceed  private companies22:28
CrypticGatorthat's not amazon's case22:28
CrypticGatorbut that's the description of 90% of nonprofites22:29
bpromptCrypticGator:   yeap, non-profits have salaries or pays as high as any private22:29
CrypticGatorWhen I was looking at business school. YOu see all of those guys trying to get in to a top 25 school with the plan of working at a non profit22:29
bpromptCrypticGator:   and they grow, that means, they do turn up a profit, tis just a matter on how it gets used22:29
CrypticGatorI_hate that we don't have democracy in america22:30
CrypticGatorWhen I_fill out my income taxes. I would like to vote on what 25% of the taxes I pay go into. Schools, Military, DEA, FEMA22:31
bpromptCrypticGator:     well, democracy as well as it can be anywhere, kinda, is not a totalitarian regime for one, is not democratic in the Athenian sense either, but is not as bad..... or as the cliche goes "is the worst system I've seen, EXCEPT for all others"22:31
CrypticGatorNot really22:32
CrypticGatorhow come bernie voters are internet informed and read up all about him22:32
CrypticGatorHow come hillary voters are voting on brand and CNN MSNBC propaganda22:33
CrypticGatorthat's not democracy22:33
bpromptCrypticGator:    america is a republican system, like the romans, as clogged with all virtues and vices just the same, but those are systemic issues though, no one individual to blame per se22:33
CrypticGatorI agree we are a republic in a way22:34
CrypticGatorbut we almost had 3 bushes22:34
CrypticGatorand maybe have to clintons22:34
CrypticGatorpushing monarchism there22:34
bpromptCrypticGator:    just to be clear, we're like 150miles from the topic =)22:34
CrypticGatorIf you can fix my Kubuntu crisis,,...22:35
CrypticGatorI wonder how kernel code reviews go22:37
bpromptCrypticGator:     talking to folks here and there, I've found that, voters as you put it, in a way are accomplices in the machine anyway, often times one can say, "oh man the networks are plotting or colluding on this or that", a great percentage of folks view is "ignorance is bliss", so, they kinda like the CNN entertaintainment, as much as the WWF fans, they all know is staged and fake, yet they watch it and pay for it22:37
CrypticGatorspecifically drivers22:37
bpromptCrypticGator:   still running 12.04 here =)22:38
CrypticGatorAs a fake WWE fan myself. I_doubt that's true22:38
CrypticGatorfor news22:38
bpromptCrypticGator:    you do know is all fake, right? =)22:39
CrypticGatorIt's very real22:39
CrypticGatorIt's scripted22:39
CrypticGatorI know22:39
bprompthehhe, yeah, as much as boxing, boxing matches, at least the ones that count, are also fixed22:39
CrypticGatorI_don't consider wrestling fixed22:40
bpromptCrypticGator:    so.... kinda hard to blame politicians when they're really providing the entertainment their constituencies want and desire22:40
geniiWe do have a #kubuntu-offtopic channel :)22:40
CrypticGatorit's designed on how they can make the story more entertaining22:40
bpromptgenii:    channel was slow, but I'm aware :), indeed22:41
CrypticGatorSo.. HOw is a pull request reviewed?22:41
bprompta pull?  a bug pull? a feature pull?22:42
CrypticGatorWhen the changes aren't really a logic22:42
jubo2Wednesday, August 20, 2014] [04:05:51 PM] <jubo2>      no traffic == no support demand == good for us22:42
* genii slides jubo2 a coffee22:42
jubo2[Saturday, September 13, 2014] [10:23:47 PM] <jubo2>    Channel traffic == support requests, bad for us22:43
jubo2different date. same thought22:43
bpromptCrypticGator:     I assume that'd be better fit at #kubuntu-devel22:44
CrypticGatorJust curious22:44
CrypticGatorbut that's not going to solve my problems22:44
bpromptCrypticGator:    last I checked we're in March, so ahemm, 16.04 is in beta2 or thereabouts I'd think22:47
CrypticGatorI want to try Plasma 5.5 before I commit it to my real system22:47
CrypticGatorDon't throw rocks at me now..22:48
bpromptjust saying, that you're on beta2 :), beta users beware22:48
CrypticGatorSo when my Mint gets LTS, I switch from cinnammonn to PLASMA22:48
CrypticGatorIt doesn't seem to be a Kubuntu/ Ubuntu problem22:49
CrypticGatorit's with intel and the graphics22:49
bpromptCrypticGator:   one may note that Mint is just a fork of Ubuntu22:50
CrypticGatorI_like the support for Ubuntu22:51
CrypticGatorbut I hate that vanilla Ubuntu is the least vanilla of all it's derivates22:51
* migisq doesn't even know what vanilla means22:51
CrypticGatorlol I used two definitions, of the many definitions of vanilla22:52
bpromptyeah... you need to vary it some, add some strawberry and chocolate, so you can make it a Minty Neapolitan22:53
migisqI think butter cup crunch is better GNU/Linukka flavour22:53
CrypticGatorno thanks. After having some ice cream and lollipop, I'm full of marshmellow22:54
jubo2Mershmallow.. Does that come with hot choco?22:55
CrypticGatorI hope someone got the Android Joke22:56
CrypticGatorOh my22:56
CrypticGatorKernel 4.4.4 fixes it22:56
D-rexAnyone else been getting the  error, Data files for some packages could not be downloaded than goes on about flashplugin-installer requesting extra packages.22:56
jubo2Muricans are so lazy they sell instant hot choco with mershmallows included coz it'd be too complicated to purchase the tiny ones and manually put 'em to the cocoa22:56
D-rexI have successfully installed the flashplugin-installer 3 times22:56
jubo2I have fish shot22:57
jubo2damn this is a fine liquour drink22:57
bpromptD-rex:    what do you need the flashplugin for anyway?22:57
jubo2Kids.. "When it comes to drugs.. Just Say NO.. RML"22:57
CrypticGatorI_constantly have to hit yes22:58
jubo2to what?22:58
jubo2yeah.. I get that too22:58
CrypticGatorit's so ubiquitous22:58
jubo2I guess there are vulnerabilities to flash22:58
D-rexbprompt: I don't I just want the error to go away, haha22:58
jubo2I think I use HTML5 packaged video22:59
jubo2not sure22:59
D-rexI tried purging and all that good jazz and nothing seems to make it go awya22:59
jubo2if the Flash works..22:59
CrypticGatorLike what bprompt  implied22:59
CrypticGatorit has to finally go away23:00
CrypticGatorwhy are people/companies still supporting this tool23:00
jubo2CrypticGator: yeah I think you just hit "allow and remember"23:00
jubo2that may be horribly inethical to use Adobe products23:00
CrypticGatorI have to23:00
jubo2I dunno... I make whisky & cola23:00
CrypticGatorfirefox works with flash23:00
CrypticGatorSO check this.. Google says it can't open source the little it hides in chrome because flash is a proprietery technology23:01
CrypticGatorIt may be about something else.. /silverlight23:02
CrypticGatoror netflix23:02
jubo2ficken silverlight23:02
jubo2oh sorry. no swearing. sry forgit..23:02
CrypticGatorHey.. You know micro$oft shelled out big money23:02
CrypticGatorfor Net flix to use and scale it23:03
jubo2Why wouldn't they23:03
bpromptD-rex:    well... hmmm that's what I'd do first, get rid of it... nope, I don't get that myself, bear in mind that, flash itself is being phased out, has been for the last 10years or more, and chromium browsers include their own pepperflash stuff23:03
jubo2at one point they had $60bln in the cashbox23:03
tgBot<ovidiuflorin>: this is the support channel, please keep the offtopic discussions in the offtopic channel23:03
CrypticGatorThey probably paid for the tiger teams for netflix to implmeent instant streaming on it23:03
jubo2Then they bought Nokia for $5 or $6bln23:03
jubo2still got at least $54bln in the cashbox23:03
D-rexbprompt: yeh,  just dont understand the persistence of this error even after removing the package23:05
valoriefolks, can we keep this channel for support topics23:05
D-rexIll just live it for now just annoying seeing it at every startup23:05
valorieand move the rest to #kubuntu-offtopic23:05
migisqvalorie: ok. got a support question: "Where in System Settings do I disable the autolocking of session after inactivity23:06
migisqIt bumms me out and I want to do away with it23:06
migisqI know my friend wants that the screen doesn't lock itself if he is not constantly banging at the keyboard like 10,000 monkeys23:07
valoriealt+space and then screenlock23:08
valoriegets you right to the correct control module (KCM)23:08
migisqvalorie: Oh thank you!23:08
valorieyes, I hate it when it locks too soon23:08
valorieI don't mind it after an hour or so23:09
migisqyeah but at 5min it is swearwordin' annoying23:09
CrypticGatorHOw can up upgrade the kernall to 4.4.4 ?23:09
CrypticGatorMind you, I_can't login23:09
migisqCrypticGator: oi desolé23:10
migisqI go install the lowlatency kernel23:10
migisqwhat was that called the apt'able package23:10
migisqoh well.. I'll find it23:10
CrypticGator:/ I hope I_dno't break this computer as well. I need to get work done23:11
jubo2was "linux-lowlatency"23:12
robotdevil1Does anyone on 14.04 and have an android. Can someone plz look and see if you get really weird folders when using MOST RECENT DEVICE from the system tray in the panel. If I open folder this way I get all kind of crazy folders that appear to be on my phone. If just navigate through dolphin all is good.23:54
robotdevil1man is mtp stupid23:54

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