
=== devil is now known as Guest10106
stgraberjdstrand: sent lxd 2.0 rc4 to the store, no packaging change03:59
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dholbachgood morning07:34
didrockshey dholbach!07:35
dholbachsalut didrocks07:35
sabdflnervous twitch, that09:52
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renatHi all! It's Renat from Screenly!11:16
renatI have a question. Does this page contain up-to-date documentation? https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/gadget/11:17
kyrofaGood morning11:17
renatBecause when I moved assign part to the boot-assets branch it stopped to produce udev rules with hw-assing information11:18
renatHi, kyrofa!11:18
renatThere is a code block after the "Structure and layout" heading.11:18
renatPS. We moved to 16.04 and now I can't build a gadget snap properly.11:20
renatI used canonical-pi2 snap as a base.11:22
renatJust added config and assign part.11:22
renatThen tried to flash it using the ubuntu-device-flash tool from here: https://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/11:22
ogra_renat, that should work fine11:27
renatIf I place assign part as usual - I get other error: http://pastebin.com/RCmFFguP11:27
renatorga_, hello!11:27
renatogra_, hello!11:27
renatps. My os version it 16.0411:29
ogra_hmm ... mvo ^^^ ?11:29
ogra_(i didnt even know that files out of /boot were ever supported, did that work before ? )11:30
ogra_(supported from gadget snaps i mean)11:30
renatHere is my snap.yaml: http://pastebin.com/UANSHjkN11:31
renatogra_, that worked fine on the  15.0411:32
renatWith regular ubuntu-device-flash11:32
ogra_i guess the new "interfaces" security system gets in your way here11:33
ogra_zyga-phone, or mvo should eb able to tell something about it11:33
zyga-phonewhat's that?11:33
ogra_zyga-phone, hw-assign stuff from gadget snap as i understand it11:34
renatzyga-phone, hi!11:34
zyga-phonedid it break?11:34
zyga-phonerenat: hey!11:34
zyga-phonerenat: AFAIK gustavo will publish spec on how gadget snaps can do this but it's not the same way as it was in 15.0411:34
ogra_renat, btw, did you try without the "assign:" bit ? does it work then ?11:34
zyga-phonerenat: you will have to express connection between plugs in snaps and slots in the system11:35
renatYes. It works. But I need to assign=)11:35
ogra_i just want to be sure it is only that bit that breaks :)11:35
ogra_zyga-phone, it might be technically very complicated though ... looking at the u-d-f error it seems like it tries to add files to the os snap (which is obviously readonly) http://pastebin.com/RCmFFguP11:37
ogra_tghe new implementation needs to take that into account11:37
zyga-phoneogra_: yeah that sounds plausible11:38
zyga-phoneogra_: looks like it's just broken now11:38
zyga-phoneon the up side, I can now install a snap and see the interfaces instantly :)11:39
zyga-phoneand connect them11:39
zyga-phone(I don't write security files yet, still waiting for a few branches to land)11:39
zyga-phonebut integration is progressing nicely11:39
kyrofaHey ogra_ you mentioned a few days ago that u-d-f --install seemed broken. It seems broken for me as well (not in snappy list, no systemd units for the services, etc.). Did you ever find a way around that?11:40
ogra_zyga-phone, well, this is for an appliance image so nobody will interact with the system, the assignment needs to be there by default11:40
zyga-phonethat's supported but the syntax cannot be the same as hw-assign is gone11:40
kyrofaogra_, failing that, do you know where we keep the rpi2 gadget sources so I can customize it a bit?11:41
ogra_kyrofa, nope, and i forgot to file a bug even ... what i saw was that the snap actually got installed under /snaps but the "current" link and all generated files (systemd services etc) were missing11:41
zyga-phonethere's going to be a connection, in the model or gadget, not sure, that says "snap S1, plug P is connected to snap S2, slot S"11:41
zyga-phoneand snappy will honor that11:41
kyrofaogra_, yup, same11:41
ogra_kyrofa, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-systems/files11:41
renatHmm... I was able to do hw-assign on the 16.04 snappy.11:42
renatIs it the other way of setting up access rights to devices on 16.04?11:42
ogra_yes, it all changed11:43
ogra_(and i think hw-assign itself is actually gone in the latest images)11:43
renatWhere can I read how it's done now? Or is there any example gadget snap where I can find hardware assigning stuff?11:44
kyrofaogra_, where would you log that bug, anyway? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools ?11:46
ogra_kyrofa, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goget-ubuntu-touch/+filebug11:48
kyrofaogra_, ahh11:48
ogra_if you give me the bug number i can confirm it :)11:49
kyrofaogra_, bug #155851711:58
ubottubug 1558517 in goget-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-device-flash --install option doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155851711:58
kyrofaThank you :) . So is trunk of that tool the version that actually works?12:02
ogra_i dont think so ... afaik the all-snaps stuff has not been merged yet12:02
kyrofaSo I can't even try to fix this12:04
kyrofaMaybe lp:~snappy-dev/goget-ubuntu-touch/all-snaps ...12:05
kyrofaI was hoping maybe the gadget would be as simple as "here's the stuff to preload" but it has all sorts of stuff in it that I don't want to duplicate. I'm not even sure I'd call that a workaround for this problem12:08
kyrofaogra_, I'm willing to bet it's simply using an old version of snappy12:19
renatOk. I found a little bit more information about new mechanism of slots and plugs. As far as I can understand - I need to create a plug to the file on the gadget snap. (I need access to the /dev/vchiq). But I still can't find how it's done on the gadget snap side=(12:21
renatSeems I'm digging to chaotically without knowing right direction=(12:22
renatGuys, can you help me with this, please?12:22
kyrofarenat, sorry, I'm afraid you have more gadget snap experience than I do :(12:32
kyrofaI'd love to help12:32
kyrofarenat, have you tried looking at the sources for the gadget snaps that already exist?12:32
renatkyrofa, I investigated these packages: ~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-systems but nothing useful there=(12:34
kyrofarenat, bah, sorry12:35
renatInteresting that there is two commands, snappy and snap. I can install snapcraft 2.4 generated snaps using "snappy" command, but not using "snap" command.12:36
kyrofarenat, yeah, we're in the midst of transitioning to snap12:43
kyrofadidrocks, I'm not sure what you're saying in your comment here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/746791/snappy-ubuntu-core-on-beaglebone-black/746814#74681412:43
renatI will continue using snappy for now.12:43
didrockskyrofa: can you se my edit on your answer?12:43
didrockskyrofa: it needs peer reviewing12:43
kyrofadidrocks, no, I'm not that cool on askubuntu apparently12:43
kyrofadidrocks, how might I get that ability?12:44
didrockskyrofa: more credits/points12:44
didrockshum, it seems that my edit was rejected :/12:44
didrockslet me retry12:44
didrocksand see if you can see it12:44
didrocks"This edit was intended to address the author of the post and makes no sense as an edit. It should have been written as a comment or an answer.12:45
didrocksno, it was another option12:45
didrockskyrofa: ok, let me write it as another answer then, and you can plus it :)12:46
kyrofadidrocks, ooo, rejected!12:46
niemeyerjdstrand: Heya12:46
kyrofadidrocks, alright, I'll plus it ;)12:46
niemeyerjdstrand: When you are around, would you mind to have another look at https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/658?12:46
didrockskyrofa: https://askubuntu.com/questions/746791/snappy-ubuntu-core-on-beaglebone-black/747087#74708712:47
didrockskyrofa: I'm plussing your answers so that you get credits as well :)12:47
kyrofadidrocks, I know, it gives me fuzzy feelings every time12:47
kyrofaThank you :)12:49
didrocksthanks to you! :)12:49
jdstrandniemeyer: sure13:01
jdstrandniemeyer: and hi :)13:01
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks!13:11
ogra_renat, i fear only zyga-phone and niemeyer can help with your prob (i havent used hw-assign from gadget before and they are the ones implementing the new featureset in 16.04 for such bits)13:17
ogra_there will at least be new syntax that i dont know where it is documented ...13:19
renatogra_, thanks. Let me disturb them again, then=)13:21
niemeyerrenat, ogra_: This is likely the best docs we have on it ATM: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5_T00yTq0wobm_nHzCV-KV8R4jdk-PXcrtm80ETTLU/edit13:21
niemeyerPlease note this is work in progress.. fast progress as we speak13:22
niemeyerrenat: hw-assign will soon not be there13:22
renatniemeyer, already read them=( Decided to leave my question here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/747090/allow-access-to-the-device-file-on-the-snappy-16-0413:22
renatBut the guy with nick "techraf" sends me back here=)13:24
techrafrenat: I was suggesting, not sending you back13:25
renattechraf, hi!=)13:25
ogra_niemeyer, sadly that doesnt cover gadget vs oem snap defaults13:25
ogra_niemeyer, renat used to use the "assign:" bits in his oem snap in 15.04 and wants to convert that part to his 16.04 gadget snap now13:26
niemeyerogra_: I don't recall us touching the gadget snap in that sense yet, although that's definitely going to be broken soon indeed if it's already not13:28
ogra_right, it used to call hw-assign during image creation in u-d-f .... but with all-snaps it cant actually create the udev rules inside the os snap (since it is readonly now)13:29
niemeyerogra_, renat: Aha, indeed.. that's not going to work13:30
renatniemeyer, we need to wait for an update?13:30
ogra_yeah, we need to have some equivalent by release though13:30
niemeyerrenat: So the answer is that this isn't working yet, sorry.. it will once interfaces land entirely and we get the gadget to express the default connections to be made13:31
niemeyerrenat: What is in that document explains how that's going to work, but it doesn't document how the gadget snap will express those default connections13:31
niemeyerrenat: That's on me to specify over the next few days13:31
renatniemeyer, understood, thanks.13:31
ogra_i'd suggest to use your app snap unconfined for now so you are not blocked by this13:33
ogra_(temporary indeed)13:33
renatogra_, yes. I can do hw-assign for now. At least - it worked today=)13:34
ogra_heh, or that :)13:34
ogra_(as long as it still works)13:34
jdstrandniemeyer: should I concern myself with the 'Handling errors' email to snappy-devel?13:35
niemeyerrenat, ogra_ : Sweet.. hw-assign will probably be broken very soon.. but we'll introduce the development mode before or while we do that so snaps can continue to evolve while we finish the proper logic13:35
niemeyerSo you'll be able to do something along the lines of "snap install --devel <snap>" and get something that is "unconfined" (it'll have more logic to aid in development, besides unconfinement)13:36
ogra_neat !13:37
renatniemeyer, ogra_, thanks!13:37
ogra_(it would even be cooler if it could convert from squashfs to ext2 at install time so you can edit in place ;) )13:37
jdstrandniemeyer: it seems resolved in the comments of the PR, so I guess I'll just ignore the email thread13:38
niemeyerjdstrand: It's sorted.. let me answer Zygmunt's email13:39
niemeyerogra_: You'll be able to do the equivalent of that, in a much nicer way13:40
niemeyerogra_: we will get a "snap try" or "snapcraft try" subcommand, which you can call inside the snap development tree13:40
qenghoHi hi. So, when a process calls "snappy config $p yamlfile", it's the responsibility of the config program in the package to verify and then write a new configuration file for the program, right? Is it supposed to signal the running process to reload right then?13:49
ogra_qengho, thats the job of what you defined as "config:" in the snap..yaml of $p13:51
qenghoogra_: Okay, so the config program in-package should both write the native config file AND reload the process right away.13:52
ogra_qengho, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/ircproxy/view/head:/snapcraft.yaml uses http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/ircproxy/view/head:/config.sh in my ircproxy package to generate a bip.conf file for the bip binary it ships for example13:52
ogra_(though shell for parsing yaml is perhaps not what you want :) )13:52
qenghoPython3 forever13:52
ogra_yeah, i dont really like to ship megabytes of python in my snap for just that13:53
ogra_(the python interpreter in the os snap isnt guaranteed to be there ... we might drop it now that we got rid of system-image)13:54
qenghoogra_: gasp! Sounds like some better yaml tool should be a to-do item.13:55
ogra_you can use a go or C binary ::)13:55
qenghoIf I delighted in doing things the hard way, I would not be using snappy at all.13:57
ogra_well, in any case relying on anything from the os will make your snap not os independent ... which it should be since nothing (except snappy itself) is guaranteed in there13:58
ogra_we might even drop the shell at some point (for some snappy shell implementation)13:59
ogra_sorry ... s/the shell/bash/ .... /bin/sh will have to be there for boot scripts and the like14:00
qenghoogra_: can I have some kind of built-in programming language that isn't 1975 Bourne shell? Tcl? Awk?14:03
ogra_qengho, whatever you ship :)14:08
qenghoogra_: And? Can I rely on coreutils?14:08
ogra_you can guess for them :)14:09
ogra_one of the core feastures of snappy is that apps and the os can be updated completely independently ... that only works if you dont make such assumptions14:09
ogra_the question for coreutils is if confinement allows you to use them at all14:10
ogra_(you can indeed make an assumption that python is there or that you always have a certain libc version. but you will risk that the independence breaks when one of them gets in incpmpatible update ... we do not have any actual dependency support)14:12
noise][Chipaca or mvo: do you know if it's on anyone's plate to tweak the autoupdate frequency (https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1537793) ?14:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1537793 in Snappy "Autoupdate should be less frequent and more randomly distributed" [Undecided,New]14:56
kyrofaogra_, looking at the pi2 gadget, autopilot is false. But when I create an all-snaps image it's true. Does that mean another gadget is being used?15:04
ogra_kyrofa, no, it means the option isnt called autopilot anymore :)15:05
kyrofaogra_, hahaha15:05
ogra_legacy code is legacy :)15:05
kyrofaogra_, so I can safely remove that, then. Auto-updates seem to work in all-snaps anyway15:06
kyrofaogra_, is gadget->software->preinstalled still valid?15:07
ogra_not sure15:07
ogra_(i always used --install to get preinstalled snaps)15:07
kyrofaogra_, I'm not sure how I'd find out. Dive into the snappy source I guess15:07
ogra_or just add something and see if it gets installed :)15:08
kyrofaogra_, I just learned that --install will never work for 16.04, by the way15:08
kyrofaogra_, it's not a bug in u-d-f, it's a snappy thing15:08
kyrofaogra_, where the snaps used to be activated upon boot, but no longer are15:08
kyrofaogra_, u-d-f installs them without activating them15:08
ogra_well, we surely want webdm preinstalled as we had it before ... in the official imgs15:09
kyrofaogra_, we'll have to do it with model assertions then15:09
ogra_whatever works :)15:09
kyrofaogra_, yeah, they're be a way to do it anyway15:09
ogra_as long as we know early enough to implement it for the release all is fine i guess15:10
kyrofajdstrand, I'm trying to upload a gadget that is essentially the rpi2 gadget with a preinstalled snap15:25
kyrofajdstrand, it failed review, obviously because it's a gadget, but also with "found binaries for architecture 'all': boot-assets/bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb, boot-assets/start_x.elf, boot-assets/bcm2708-rpi-b.dtb, boot-assets/fixup.dat, boot-assets/fixup_x.dat, boot-assets/bootcode.bin, boot-assets/uboot.bin, boot-assets/start_cd.elf, boot-assets/uboot.env, boot-assets/bcm2708-rpi-b-plus.dtb, boot-assets/start.elf, boot-assets/fixup_15:25
kyrofacd.dat lint-snap-v2_valid_contents_for_architecture"15:25
ogra_thats normal15:25
kyrofaAh, okay15:25
kyrofajdstrand, I requested manual review. Do you mind checking it out?15:26
ogra_gadget is a special case :)15:26
kyrofaogra_, the error message didn't tell me why any of that was actually an error, either15:28
ogra_because your snap is arch: all ... cant contain arch specific binaries15:28
kyrofaogra_, I thought you could do that, as long as you had a shell script to dispatch15:29
ogra_(i.e. you ship armhf binary files ... technically your snap should be arch: armhf then ... but thats not true for gadgets)15:29
ogra_if you would do that in an app snap with a dispatcher script you had to define all arches you ship binaries for (but not use "all")15:30
ogra_not sure if it still exists ... we used to have arch: multi as well15:30
kyrofaOh right, I forgot about that!15:30
ogra_which indicated multiple binary arches15:30
kyrofaOkay, that makes sense then15:31
ogra_(i forgot why exactly gadgets have to be arch: all though ... but there was a reason :) )15:31
kyrofaogra_, yeah I'm sure there's some technicality there somewhere15:32
jdstrandkyrofa: yeah. I may use it as a guinea pig for a change15:34
ogra_do we actually allow snaps inside snaps ?15:35
kyrofajdstrand, sure! I'm on a bit of a timeline though, can I still get that through this morning?15:35
jdstrandjust be a few minutes15:35
kyrofajdstrand, not a problem at all then, thank you :)15:36
sergiusensogra_, I left a cliffhanger for you in that initrd.img thread; hope you don't mind15:45
kyrofasergiusens, hahaha, you piqued my curiosity15:46
kyrofa"Wait... what?"15:46
sergiusenskyrofa, lol15:46
sergiusenswell we have to wait :-)15:47
sergiusensjdstrand, ogra_, given the thing about models and the architecture will be defined there it seems perfectly reasonable to make the gadgets arch specific now15:47
jdstrandkyrofa: fyi, I pressed the button.15:49
kyrofajdstrand, I appreciate it! Did it work for your test?15:49
jdstrandkyrofa: my change worked locally, yes. I suspect the store will need a pull, but wanted to run through the tests again to make sure15:50
kyrofajdstrand, wait, it says failed review15:50
kyrofajdstrand, should I request manual again?15:50
jdstrandkyrofa: yes, I pushed the run the tests again button15:50
jdstrandplease do15:50
kyrofaOh, THAT button15:50
ogra_sergiusens, not a cliffhanger at all :P15:50
kyrofajdstrand, done15:50
sergiusensogra_, oh, the why we don't mount part15:51
kyrofaStill a cliffhanger! Even more intense now as ogra_ totally ignored it15:52
jdstrandoh hrmm, I thought this was like yesterday's owncloud15:52
jdstrandthis is a gadget snap15:52
kyrofajdstrand, right, it's just reloading yesterday's owncloud15:52
kyrofapreloading, rather15:52
* ogra_ wonders if he has all mails in that thread already ... my old mailserver often delays delivery 15:52
jdstrandsorry, got a wire crossed cause I was asked to do another one that needed a different review tools fix15:52
kyrofajdstrand, oh oops, I'm sorry!15:52
jdstrandkyrofa: ok, let me look at this more closely15:53
jdstrandkyrofa: I guess this is following all the new gadget yaml?15:54
kyrofajdstrand, honestly I don't know. I just copied the rpi2 one and added the preinstalled key15:54
jdstrandkyrofa: what command did you use to generate the snap?15:55
kyrofajdstrand, snappy build15:55
jdstrandok, you hit bug #154682115:56
ubottubug 1546821 in Snappy "please add -all-root and -no-xattrs to mksquashfs options" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154682115:56
jdstrandkyrofa: can you do: mksquashfs <dir> <snap> -noappend -comp xz -all-root -no-xattrs15:56
kyrofajdstrand, oh darn, I forgot about that15:56
jdstrandkyrofa: and reupload?15:56
ogra_or snapcraft snap ;)15:56
kyrofajdstrand, will do. I'm comparing that YAML to https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/blob/master/docs/gadget.md though, and it doesn't match up. Should it?15:57
kyrofaogra_, I tried snapcraft snap and it gave me a wonderfully cryptic error15:57
kyrofaogra_, I'll look into that later ;)15:57
jdstrandkyrofa: honestly? idk15:57
kyrofajdstrand, I'm going to assume the pi2 one is valid... and I'll test it out as soon as it's in the store15:57
jdstrandwhen the docs are all up to date, I'll update the tools for gadget snaps15:58
jdstrandthey'll always trigger a manual review and I can see who uploaded, so I can just waive it through atm15:58
ogra_should gadgets probably stay manual forever ?15:59
jdstrandthat is my current thinking. that doesn't mean the tools can't do lint checks though16:00
ogra_sound like the place i'd  actually do the malicious stuff since it is the most powerful snap in the chain16:00
jdstrandkyrofa: so, this should specify the architecture, no?16:00
jdstrandthat is what sergiusens suggested16:00
kyrofajdstrand, there we go, no more hash mismatch error16:01
kyrofa(uploaded again and in the manual review queue)16:01
kyrofajdstrand, this has gadget->hardware->architecture, but it seems the gadget snaps are arch all16:02
jdstrandok, thanks16:02
jdstrandI'll approve and add a todo to fix that16:02
jdstrandkyrofa: this one has a .git directory16:03
* jdstrand rejects16:03
sergiusensjdstrand, today they are arch all16:04
sergiusensjdstrand, or u-d-f won't find them16:04
* kyrofa alters the layout of the repo16:04
jdstrandI see16:04
sergiusensjdstrand, as it doesn't know before hand what arch a gadget targets16:04
jdstrandis gadget->hardware->architecture something to look at?16:04
sergiusensjdstrand, the functionality of the gadget has been split out and some of it moved to the model16:04
jdstrandis https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/blob/master/docs/gadget.md accurate?16:04
sergiusensjdstrand, but that is not there yet, when it happens, gadgets can be arch specific16:05
jdstrandI see16:05
jdstrandI'll just wait then16:05
ogra_this btw makes all gadget snaps show up in snap find/webdm on all arches16:05
ogra_which is rather ugly16:05
sergiusensogra_, that is probably a bug; we used to filter out gadget snaps completely16:05
sergiusensas they are only selectable during build time16:05
ogra_yeah,m we should do again16:05
sergiusensstevebiscuit, ^16:06
ogra_well, there were discussions about bootloader updates16:06
ogra_for that you would at least want to see the installed gadget16:06
sergiusensogra_, yeah, but you should only see your own gadget16:06
kyrofajdstrand, uploaded again, sorry about that16:06
sergiusensI guess for browsing you can say "show me uninstallables"16:06
sergiusensand it will show you other arches and gadgets16:07
jdstrandkyrofa: approved. thank you for being patient16:09
kyrofajdstrand, ha! Barely any time at all, thank you for taking the time to check it out :)16:10
stevebiscuitsergiusens, ogra_: noted16:44
kyrofajdstrand, I needed to switch the preinstalled key to built-in on that gadget snap. Mind checking it out again?17:11
kyrofaogra_, FYI, preinstalled isn't supported in 16.04, only built-in17:15
ogra_someone should clean up the docs ;)17:16
kyrofaogra_, yeah didrocks is working on revamping it quite a bit actually17:16
kyrofaogra_, though it sounds like the content of the kernel and gadget snaps will still be changing here soon17:17
ogra_well, nothing that touches the user actually17:18
kyrofaogra_, well, developers though17:18
ogra_that will all be internal stuff (if you refer to the initrd discussion)17:18
kyrofaOh, no. I mean all the extra stuff currently included in the gadget might get thinned out/put into other snaps (e.g. the kernel)17:19
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kyrofabeuno, I pinged jdstrand about this but I just noticed that he's away. Can I get someone to take a look at the owncloud-pi2.kyrofa gadget snap's update?17:22
beunokyrofa, sure17:25
beunokyrofa, approved17:26
kyrofabeuno, thank you!17:26
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qenghoUgh. Slots and plugs are bewildering.17:28
kyrofaqengho, how so? Can we help?17:30
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qenghokyrofa: Is https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/blob/master/docs/meta.md supposed to be up to date?17:41
kyrofaqengho, doesn't look like plugs are mentioned in there, eh?17:42
kyrofaqengho, so no, I'd say not17:42
kyrofaWant some examples to look at instead?17:42
qenghokyrofa: I think that page is wrong in at least a dozen ways.17:43
kyrofaqengho, I think I agree with you17:43
kyrofaqengho, looks like sections of it have been updated while others have languished17:44
ogra_like our code :P17:44
kyrofaogra_, hahahahahaha17:44
kyrofaqengho, but in all seriousness, there are several examples here that can show you how to use plugs/slots: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/tree/master/examples17:45
kyrofaqengho, sorry about the docs, things are still in flux leading up to 16.0417:46
qenghokyrofa: I understand. Thanks.17:48
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
jdstrandkyrofa, beuno: I'm back now18:08
kyrofajdstrand, all good now, thanks! Tested and works18:08
jdstrandkyrofa: was this another upload? did I not approve it?18:08
kyrofajdstrand, it was another upload18:08
jdstrandI really thought I was losing it18:08
ryanleesipesHey folks, how's it going?18:30
ogra_ryanleesipes, busy ... heading towards a stable 16.04  :)18:38
ryanleesipesogra_, haha, makes sense18:39
ryanleesipeshow far out is it you think?18:39
ogra_stabilizing every day :)18:41
ogra_it should be in beta state when the deb based ubuntu release comes out ... and finished a few weeks after that18:42
ogra_(deb release date is april 21st or so)18:42
kyrofajdstrand, just uploaded another owncloud.canonical using network-listener. Mind pressing the button on that one?18:54
kyrofajdstrand, sorry for this today18:55
kyrofajdstrand, I'll have one more in a minute as well, same package but for armhf18:57
kyrofajdstrand, then I should be done18:57
kyrofajdstrand, alright, armhf is in queue now19:00
kyrofajdstrand, now I think I'm done ;)19:01
jdstrandkyrofa: np :)19:01
kyrofajdstrand, awesome, thanks so much!19:01
qenghoI thought Launchpad's snap-building feature would be too good to be true. I guess the builders don't download "parts".19:41
noise][is this the proper way to get outbound network access for a snap:19:46
noise][  old-security:19:46
noise][    caps: [network-client]19:46
kyrofaqengho, yeah internet access is disabled right now, but that will be fixed soon19:47
kyrofaqengho, kinda useless right now unless your snap is archive-only19:47
kyrofaqengho, I was told "a week or two"19:47
kyrofajospoortvliet, images FINALLY done, email sent. So sorry for the delay20:16
plarselopio: *hopefully* I managed to fix the merge breaks from recent updates with my two PRs, have a look if you get a sec21:52
plarselopio: I'm off tomorrow21:52
qenghoYay, uploaded first package. Boo, fails automatic review because of network listener.21:56
kyrofaqengho, that's to be expected!21:57
kyrofaqengho, request a manual review21:57
kyrofaqengho, network-listener will be changing names shortly, and the review tools are a little ahead of the times. jdstrand knows about this21:58
jdstrandI know about this and added it back in trunk and requested a fix21:59
jdstranda pull*21:59
qenghokyrofa: how does one request a manual review?21:59
qenghokyrofa: state is still "pending review".21:59
kyrofaqengho, oh... how do you know it failed then?21:59
kyrofajdstrand, heh, got tired of all my reviews eh?22:00
kyrofaqengho, in my experience there's a big red bar say that it failed the review, and it's a link. If you click that link and scroll to the bottom of the review log you'll see "Request manual review"22:01
qenghokyrofa: At what web site? myapps.develeloper.u.c?22:01
kyrofaqengho, right22:02
kyrofaqengho, so you must have just gotten an email, eh?22:02
qenghokyrofa: I did.22:03
qenghokyrofa: and I found the button. Submitted.22:04

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