
ZendicHello everyone. I'm having an issue manually adding a WPA2 Enterprise (with LEAP auth) wifi conection using the edit connections screen.01:03
ZendicI put in all of the required information but the "Save" button is always greyed out01:03
ZendicI looked at LaunchPad and couldn't find anything there01:26
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toomanyerrorsif i update to 16.04, will my data be preserved?07:44
BluesKajHey all11:31
lotuspsychjebbl dinner12:09
MonkeyDustguten appetit12:09
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: merci :p12:28
iceydo things like:' No Hash entry in Release file' and 'The repository is insufficiently signed by key ' mean that my apt-get dist-upgrade won't process updates from those repos now on Xenial?12:32
MonkeyDustmiegas  ok12:32
miegashi. how do I (re)set the display resolution via command line over ssh?12:32
lotuspsychjeicey: explain what you did exactly?12:33
iceyapt-get update12:33
MonkeyDustmiegas  type   ssh -Y [user@ip] xrandr12:33
lotuspsychjeicey: added external ppa's on xenial?12:33
iceyoh yeah lotuspsychje :) a couple are fun, juju-devel and juju-stable are in the list of warnings12:34
MonkeyDustmiegas  make that ssh -Y -t    <-- -t for terminal12:34
miegasMonkeyDust: xrandr doesn't see the display in the ssh tty.12:34
iceyas well as Chrome and Steam12:34
miegasadding -d :0 doesn't help12:34
lotuspsychjeicey: we dont support of external ppa's mate, please help bug out 16.04 clean12:34
MonkeyDustmiegas  you tried ssh -Y ?12:34
lotuspsychjeicey: if you have troubles, first remove the external ppa's12:35
iceylotuspsychje: I'm just wondering if apt will pull updates from repos that trigger that warning, including Canonical mnanaged repos like http://ppa.launchpad.net/juju/stable/ubuntu12:35
miegasMonkeyDust: problem: all I have to connect is an android tablet with connectbot. :-}12:35
MonkeyDustmiegas  does xrandr show output on your local machine?12:35
lotuspsychjeicey: maybe ask the juju guys that, but adding non-default ppa's can result into issues12:36
miegasalternatively, I'd be happy tongo for "nuke the display config" if I know the files to delete.12:36
miegasxorg.conf isn't it anymore, I guess.12:37
MonkeyDustmiegas  no, i don't even have a xorg.conf file12:38
miegasyeah, mine's just empty.12:39
lotuspsychjeicey: there is a #juju channel if you like also12:40
iceylotuspsychje: I'm in the #juju channel all day every day :) looks like a bug is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1558331 regarding this12:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1558331 in apt (Ubuntu) "After upgrading to apt 1.2.7 in Xenial, PPAs and most other third-party repositories become unusable with "The repository is insufficiently signed by key (weak digest)"" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:40
lotuspsychjelemme have a look12:41
lotuspsychje!info apt xenial12:42
ubottuapt (source: apt): commandline package manager. In component main, is important. Version 1.2.6 (xenial), package size 981 kB, installed size 3166 kB12:42
lotuspsychjeicey: yours is also this version?12:43
icey1.2.7 actually12:43
iceyI updated this morning and now have 1.2.712:43
lotuspsychjehmm bot might need resync then12:43
lotuspsychjeicey: you install xenial fresh or upgrade from..?12:44
iceylotuspsychje: it WAS a freesh xenial, but it's been updated nearly daily for 3 weeks?12:44
lotuspsychjeicey: great, maybe update your experience to this existing bug?12:45
lotuspsychje'im affected too'12:45
iceydone lotuspsychje, I suspect that what's needed most is a note on PPAs (on LP) that use old signing algorithms about how to update them12:46
lotuspsychjeicey: ok tnx for helping bug out xenial12:46
lotuspsychjemaking it better for everyone on final12:46
iceylotuspsychje: it's fun doing all of my day to day work on a pre-release OS :)12:46
lotuspsychjeyeah working like a charm on desktop here also12:47
iceylotuspsychje: I've been fairly happy, Chrome crashes a lot though ;-)12:47
MonkeyDustfinally, single click on an icon to minimize12:47
lotuspsychjeicey: chromium to the rescue12:47
iceyyea lotuspsychje, I ran into something that really wanted chrome, don't remember what it was though12:48
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: yeah it all lookin neat huh12:48
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: did you try gnome-software already?12:49
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: its in repos now12:49
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  yes, i was about to ask youi the same question12:49
lotuspsychjetested yesterday12:49
MonkeyDusttested months ago :p12:50
lotuspsychjeand seems liek the installed packages is ready12:50
miegasok, new question: where are the hardware display specific configs stored?12:57
miegasi just reattached the old one: it works.12:57
miegasback tomthe new one: nope12:58
miegas(and the old one runs at the resolution I want to go back to with the new one)13:00
MonkeyDustmiegas  who are you talking to and what about?13:00
miegaswell, you :-) – and about my "remove wrong display resolution" problem.13:01
MonkeyDustmiegas  all i know is, you can't display the resolution over ssh13:02
miegasI want to force another resolution without graohical access.13:03
miegasturns out, if I connect my old monitor, it reverts to its resolution and everything is fine.13:03
miegasback to the new one: fubar again.13:04
miegasso I assume there's some kind of "per hardware" resolution setting somewhere13:04
miegasmeh, solved via hardware swapping: booted to old monitor, hor-swapped to new one -> new monitor recognized while still running the old resolution.13:16
miegasThen it was a two-click fix.13:16
MonkeyDustmiegas  great13:18
miegasstill annoying though ;-)13:27
miegasbut thanks a lot!13:28
MonkeyDusti already /ignore the gopher dude16:28
lotuspsychjemy mother is sys admin16:29
lotuspsychjeand i am a user hacking her16:29
BluesKajyeah, told him it's time for his own pc16:31
MonkeyDustmy mother this, my mother that16:32
BluesKajmama's boy on a leash16:33
MonkeyDustlike Sterling Archer - if that name rings a bell16:34
lotuspsychjenot here16:35
lotuspsychjebrb mom calls16:35
BluesKajI recall my parents being very upset when I was 10yrs old and bought a new bicycle with my hard earned money from caddying at the local golf club..."it' my money "16:36
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: already a young linux rebel :p16:51
geniiBluesKaj: Maybe they had a bicycle stashed away in the attic they were planning to give you for Christmas16:52
lotuspsychjehmm smart, could have16:54
lotuspsychjeinteresting: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Radeon-DRI3-3Way-Xenial17:01
BluesKajgenii, nope, my Dad was too cheap , I had to work for mostly anything of consequence that i wanted. Some thing I learned early in childhood :-)17:05
vijuWhen is it going to be released?18:20
k1l_viju: what exactly?18:21
BluesKaj16.04 will be released on Apr 2118:21
k1l_ah wait its #ubuntu+1 :)  end of april :)18:22
vijuI was about to download ubuntu 14.04 and then realised 16.04 release is close18:22
BluesKajviju, I'm running KDE/Plasma version, Kubuntu 16.04 Xenial, and it's running fine.18:23
vijuKubuntu16 released before?18:25
BluesKajit's available for testing18:25
vijuCould you tell why 64 bit is pointing me to amd?18:26
vijuI have an intel18:27
BluesKajintel is included if you read the description closely here, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/18:28
BluesKajEM64T= intel18:30

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