[18:47] hi all, i'm trying lubuntu xenial daily build and i found a bug, ubiquity is broken when trying to create encrypted partitions [18:48] Bug #1490824 [18:48] bug 1490824 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) ""unsafe swap space detected" error prevents encrypted install when swap partition exists" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1490824 [18:49] Vlado2: report it on the ISO tracker as well [18:50] where is that? [18:50] Vlado2: and also note #lubuntu-devel would probably be a better reporting place, potentially [18:50] this bug affect all flavours [18:50] i already tried standard ubuntu [18:50] affects* [18:51] this bug is present probably for years [18:54] clearly based on the information provided there in the comments about this being broken since 14.04 [18:54] you've marked the bug as confirmed, I suggest you subscribe to it [18:55] i'm not developer [18:55] i didn't say you were [18:55] i suggested you subscribe so you know the status of it as time goes on [18:55] ok, i can subscribe [18:56] i'm struggling with reporting the bug on the iso tracker [18:57] help is greatly appreciated [18:57] would if i could - i'm currently grappling with some other tasks at the moment [19:00] ok, i managed to submit the bug into the iso tracker [19:03] Vlado2: others are saying they can't replicate, so i'm not sure what the state is [19:03] can i talk to them? [19:04] to the "others" [19:04] well, the one i reached was an Xubuntu tester [19:04] they don't 'test' for it, but meh [19:04] note also that this close to final freeze i doubt there'll be time to fix [19:04] if it is indeed an issue [19:05] it is indeed an issue, i had the same problem with ubuntu 15.10, lubuntu 15.10 and linux mint 17.3 [19:05] we can't use Mint as a basis [19:05] !mint [19:05] Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [19:05] ^ that [19:05] Vlado2: #ubuntu-quality for testing/reporting/discussing when you're working on the Xenial ISOs [19:06] yes i know, i was just trying to say that i have no problems to replicate this problem even on different flavours [19:06] i read that [19:06] i also skipped that and provided you the channel to go to in the future with these [19:06] but note we're near Final Beta [19:06] so... [19:06] people're busy :) [19:25] yes, i can see how busy they are since nobody did fix this problem since 2014