
robert_ancellduflu, does bug 1557984 actually relate to LightDM directly?03:42
ubot5bug 1557984 in ubuntu-touch-session (Ubuntu) "lightdm.override: Please start lightdm after urandom (init script) has executed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155798403:42
duflurobert_ancell: No, but yes. Depends on whether urandom is already getting run on the phone. I'm not sure yet03:43
robert_ancellduflu, where is lightdm.override?03:43
dufluIt gets run at level S but not rc level 2 (normal boot)03:43
duflurobert_ancell: upstart scripts dir03:44
duflu/etc/init/ from memory03:44
pittiGood morning08:19
didrockshey pitti08:23
pittimeh, seems our data center is on fire again08:23
pittibonjour didrocks !08:23
didrockspitti: good luck (I think you need then to restart some of your services)08:23
pittiwell, they auto-retry, but doesn't help; ssh times out on the instances08:24
TheMusoHey willcooke.08:55
willcookeevening TheMuso08:56
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seb128hey TheMuso willcooke pitti, re didrocks08:59
pittibonjour seb128 !09:02
didrocksre seb12809:02
alexarnaudhello world!09:04
seb128hey Laney09:08
seb128hey alexarnaud09:08
seb128how are things in other part of Europe and for our u.k friends?09:09
Laneyhey seb128!09:14
Laneyblue sky!09:14
seb128here as well09:15
seb128quite a nice day09:15
seb128yesterday evening was very nice as well09:15
seb128not too cold, dry and no wind09:15
seb128I played tennis for 2 hours was good to be outside09:16
seb128it even start still being day at 7pm ;-)09:16
Laneyyep, this is good09:17
Laneyand then the clocks are changing soon which means even more light evenings09:17
Laneyhey didrocks09:18
LaneyI found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/isc-dhcp/+bug/1556175 ;-)09:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 1556175 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "networking.service hangs on shutdown -- killing dhclient has no effect any more" [High,Triaged]09:18
seb128didrocks, Laney, btw did you get details on your shutdown issues?09:18
Laneyhappy days09:18
pittiLaney: sorry, I hope you didn't waste too much time on that09:19
pittiLaney: I wasted 1.5 hours on Friday, only to find out that it was already known09:19
pittibut lamont is currently landing fixes09:19
Laney[  276.668148] systemd[1]: networking.service: State 'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing.09:19
Laneypitti: nah, I analysed a log and then found the bug09:20
pittiyep, dhclient doesn't want to die09:20
pittiok, good09:20
Laneyso thanks for filing it!09:20
pittiLaney: I put a "pkill -9 dhclient" workaround into the autopkgtests reboot hooks for that09:20
pittih4cks 4r3 us09:20
Laneyit's good enough for me to be able to leave the room09:20
Laneyif I know it's going to shut down eventually :P09:20
pittiLaney: I sorted out the worker serial timeout suicide du jour now09:21
Laneywhat was it now?09:21
pittiso much fun09:21
pittiLaney: the vivid-proposed kernel is botched09:21
pittiLaney: that, and lgw went down last night09:21
pittinot fully back yet, disabled now09:21
pittibut things are catching up now09:21
seb128we have infra on vivid?09:22
seb128and using -proposed?09:22
pittiseb128: touch09:23
seb128oh, I guess that makes sense if we still do uploads there09:23
seb128ah, right09:23
seb128good old touch!09:23
pittiwith emphasis on "OLD"09:23
Laneystill uploading the kernel though?09:24
pittiLaney: yeah, for *drumroll* touch09:24
pittiand I think we have some snappy stuff there too09:24
LaneyI thought that used device specific things09:24
pittiI think kernel is actually for snappy, yes09:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 1558447 in linux (Ubuntu) "vivid/linux: total ADT test failures" [Undecided,New]09:25
pittiyep, was just talking to apw :)09:26
* Laney might be spotting an appstream-dep11 bug09:27
seb128oh! which one?09:27
seb128Laney, btw do you know if not using our custom screenshot server is a design decision?09:27
seb128or asked differently if there is a reason to not add it as a fallback case09:27
Laneythe decision is to have upstreams provide them09:28
Laneyprobably ask ximion09:28
seb128but meanwhile we have a stack of apps not there yet and which have screenshots on our side09:28
seb128so it looks like we do a "if no_upstream_screenshot; try ours"09:29
seb128going to ask him when he's online09:29
seb128brb testing a greeter change09:30
seb128that made my day I think09:35
seb128Laney, ^ can you try that?09:35
seb128it seems to fix the greeter->login visual corruption issue we have since we enabled scaling09:35
seb128robert_ancell emailed me to ask if I can test since he doesn't have hidpi hardware09:35
Laneyok, will do shortly09:36
Laneyfixing this bug first09:36
seb128I don't either but I GDK_SCALE trick which was enough to see the issue and it seems resolved with ^ for me, but confirmation from somebody with actual hardware/real workflow would be nice09:36
seb128I though that would be tricky and that we would likely not look at it before release09:36
seb128so it's great that somebody did ;-)09:37
willcookegnight TheMuso09:38
seb128chrisccoulson, hey09:40
chrisccoulsonhi seb12809:40
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you?09:41
chrisccoulsonseb128, I'm not too bad thanks. How are you?09:42
seb128I'm good thanks ;-)09:42
willcookechrisccoulson, nudge: https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/firefox/bookmarks-update/+merge/28663309:42
seb128chrisccoulson, I see you just did another firefox upload and I think you didn't respond to will ping the other day ... ^09:42
seb128bah, willcooke just snaped me on it :p09:42
willcookesome physic stuff going on here09:42
seb128urg, one ctrl-W too much09:42
seb128not rage quiting don't worry ;-)09:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, willcooke, yeah, I'll get to it. Unfortunately, we have bigger issues with Firefox right now ;) (like the fact that we can't currently produce builds for the next version)09:43
willcookepfft.  Builds.09:43
willcookethanks chrisccoulson09:44
seb128chrisccoulson, it's a one liner, seems like it would take a minute09:44
seb128but yeah, build is more important ;-)09:44
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks!09:44
seb128"one line in bookmarks" even09:44
seb128one line of code can be more difficult to review since it might impact on things09:44
seb128chrisccoulson, what's the issue with the next version? toolchain fun?09:46
seb128willcooke, you might know, but is chrome dropping support for 32bits?09:46
seb128the trusty install from my gf told him that chrome wasn't supporting that platform anymore and would get newer updates09:47
seb128that's a i386 install, so I guess it's the issue but I was not sure09:47
chrisccoulsonseb128, yes, google is dropping support for x86, and also 12.0409:48
willcookeseb128, it is dropping support yeah.  Chromium won't be for a while, or at least qengho has said he'll keep building it for 32bit for now.  But that will get harder and harder, so perhaps we need a plan to transition away09:48
seb128chrisccoulson, willcooke, thanks09:48
willcookeMaybe worth a UOS session09:49
* willcooke adds it to his list09:49
chrisccoulsonseb128, https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/chromium-dev/FoE6sL-p6oU09:49
chrisccoulsonCan we kill x86? ;)09:50
seb128why so much hate :p09:50
seb128I might have to reinstall my laptop one day if you guys keep going this way09:50
* happyaron waits to see seb128 reinstalls09:51
willcookeNot saying we should drop support (although, seriously, upgrade dude)09:52
willcookebut we should be public about our continuing support for 32 bit Cr.09:52
willcookeaka the Softpedia effect09:53
chrisccoulsonseb128, It'll be Firefox dropping support for x86 next - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.planning/URCpj-kTjVU09:53
chrisccoulsonAnd https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=120993209:53
ubot5Mozilla bug 1209932 in General "Disable all 32-bit linux testing" [Normal,Reopened]09:53
davmor2willcooke: well even windows 7/8/10 are 64bit by default09:55
Laneythat doesn't say that09:55
Laneyyou fearmonger09:55
davmor2Laney: if you stop testing an arch the next step is dropping it09:56
chrisccoulsonLaney, from experience, if there's no tests, it breaks fairly quickly09:56
davmor2chrisccoulson: just look at devel-proposed09:57
chrisccoulsonAnd see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1209932#c109:57
ubot5Mozilla bug 1209932 in General "Disable all 32-bit linux testing" [Normal,Reopened]09:57
chrisccoulsonLaney, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Supported_build_configurations for a description of the support levels. No tests and no builds is tier 3 (ie, the same as powerpc)09:57
chrisccoulsonI wish we had an idea of how many ubuntu users are using x86, and of those users, how many of them could run x86-6409:59
chrisccoulsondoes anybody on the desktop team have an account on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ ?10:05
seb128I don't10:08
chrisccoulsonseb128, it would be useful for me to subscribe someone on the desktop team to some issues :)10:08
seb128try ask to willcooke if he wants to create one10:10
seb128he already picked up the theme and seems up to challenge, and he seems to like webbrowser so who knows... ;-)10:10
chrisccoulsonOh, willcooke already has an account10:12
willcookeyeah, I subscribed to a few issues before10:13
willcookefeel free to sub me10:13
willcookeARGH the wiki search is flippin useless10:48
willcookeWe'd be better off embedding a simple Google box pre populated with site:wiki.ubuntu.com10:49
* Laney wrings hands10:58
alexarnauddidrocks: Hey! I see we'll gointo to Paris next wednesday. I think I'll be there also.11:32
didrocksalexarnaud: excellent! :)11:33
willcookeXenial release notes updated with Libre Office details.  Thanks Sweet5hark11:49
desrthello desktop!11:49
willcookewhat up desrt11:50
Sweet5harkwillcooke: yw11:50
Sweet5harkdesrt: welcome!11:50
desrtI am up.11:50
desrtat about 7pm last night i decided to go on a magical journey11:52
desrtachievement unlocked: IKEA by public transit11:52
desrtalso, 15000 steps in my first full day of fitbit measurement :D11:53
* desrt brought home a desk and a lamp on the subway11:53
willcooke:D  that must have been a whole bunch of no fun11:54
desrtit was actually pretty entertaining11:55
desrti had to stop and rest a bit at some points though... those boxes get heavy11:55
Sweet5harkdesrt: next time, buy a poäng and have the most comfy public transport ride ever!12:13
desrttrying to picture how that works on the escellator12:15
qenghoseb128: I think Chrome is already 64-bit only.12:18
willcookeLaney, cyphermox(?) - animal graphic due EOD12:20
Laneywillcooke: 'k - do you know if anyone is updating the slideshow?12:26
willcookeI don't, hence CCing c_yphermox12:27
willcookeIf he doesn't know, I'll do some digging12:27
willcooke(I think it was he who did it last time012:27
Laneywillcooke: noooooooooooooo12:28
LaneyI mean new content12:28
willcookethen no12:28
Laneyit has a thing about the software center12:28
willcookeoh, good catch12:28
seb128hey desrt!12:36
seb128desrt, Trevinho, how are the gtk changes going?12:41
Trevinhoseb128: I'm waiting for a new review12:41
seb128desrt, you have that on your list for today?12:42
* desrt didn't see the new patch12:43
Trevinhodesrt: same MP https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/gtk/unity-border-radius-support/+merge/288331, I linked that few days ago12:43
desrtah.  indeed.  thanks.  i'll take a look.12:44
willcookehey seb128 - just remembered... alternative toolbar in Rhythmbox.... I really like it.  Any thoughts on making it the default?12:52
* willcooke is making installer screenshots12:52
willcookeoh wait, I forgot lunch12:52
Trevinhoseb128: as for https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/gtk/unity-maximized-headerbar-buttons-hide/+merge/288552 do you want take that or leave it to desrt as well?12:52
seb128willcooke, it's not as simple as changing a default, that was a plugin to install12:52
seb128I still have it on my list but but it wasn't high priority enough to push it forward12:53
seb128need a package MIRed etc12:53
willcookeseb128, sure, no worries.  I'll open a bug and we can track it for maybe next time12:53
seb128I might still try to have a look later today12:54
willcookeworlds crappiest "bug" report:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/155853912:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1558539 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Consider enabling Alternative Toolbar plugin by default" [Undecided,New]12:56
desrtTrevinho: looking a bit better, but a few things need fixing still13:04
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seb128Trevinho, oh, sorry, forgot to reply, if desrt could do it that would be great13:04
Trevinhoseb128: np13:04
seb128desrt, ^13:04
Trevinhodesrt: checking13:04
desrtbiggest problem: you moved the signal connect to widget::style-updated but you still disconnect from the context -> boom13:04
cyphermoxwillcooke: new animal soon, ack13:07
willcookecyphermox, I'm fixing up the screenshots in the installer, so I can probably take care of that side of things13:10
cyphermoxwe didn't usually do anything special, just replacing that one screen where the image is on top of the background image, IIRC centered vertically; and centered in the second half of the underlying image13:13
cyphermoxlemme know when you need review/sponsoring13:13
willcookethanks cyphermox13:13
desrtTrevinho: commented on the hide-titlebar bug too13:25
desrtthis patch makes me unhappy...13:25
desrtit feels like it's inside out13:27
* Laney hands in head13:29
* desrt pats Laney on the back13:30
desrtwillcooke: alternative toolbar?  https://img.grouponcdn.com/deal/4V2C4Bn3wp7cpM2KjTNK/AH-960x576/v1/c700x420.jpg13:30
Laneyhi desrt13:32
Laneywrote a moderately dirty solution, then found out it doesn't work13:32
Laneyso back to the start13:32
Laneyluckily the approach I'm now trying is one I aborted a few hours ago13:33
Laneyand stashed instead of just junking13:34
Trevinhodesrt: border radius patch updated again, please check13:36
desrtwill check in a bit13:37
andyrockhey all13:51
Laneyhullo andyrock13:56
* Laney tentatively runs this13:57
seb128hey andyrock! how are you?14:00
seb128still dealing with screensaver issues?14:00
andyrockseb128: today is the last day14:01
andyrocki'll push the changes14:01
andyrockit's a driver issues14:01
seb128did you find something you can do to workaround it?14:01
andyrockthe problem is going to be harder to reproduce14:01
seb128so what do you push? ;-)14:01
andyrockjust changes that make sense to make the problem harder to reproduce14:01
andyrockbut it cannot considered fixed14:02
willcookeseb128, turns out it's a driver issue14:02
andyrocki talked with intel guys yeasterday14:02
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willcookebut andyrock has some improvements that we can use which make things less bad14:02
andyrockit's a very well known problem14:02
seb128andyrock, do you have an intel driver bug number for reference?14:06
seb128I'm just curious14:06
andyrocki just have the irc log14:06
seb128k, no problem14:06
andyrockthey said they fixed a similar problem in the last few weeks14:07
andyrockbut "mine" is not fixed yet but it's just the same problem14:07
seb128andyrock, btw I saw bug #1557717 ... that's what you were working on in London right? that never went anywhere?14:07
ubot5bug 1557717 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "indicator-session should emit Shutdown not Reboot for unity8" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155771714:07
andyrocki moved to something else and now it's to late because it requires an api change14:07
seb128andyrock, I guess it's off the list for xenial at this point?14:07
seb128well, we could get a ffe if we really wanted14:08
seb128but I guess it might not be worth it14:08
willcookecyphermox, if I change the text in one of the slides to I need to manually update the pot file too?14:14
cyphermoxI thought there was some command for it in the source14:14
willcookeah, is that what update-launchpad-translations.sh  does14:14
willcookehrm, no I dont think so14:15
* willcooke reads the readme14:16
abeatopitti, hi, I have some autopkg tests from ofono-phonesim failing: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/xenial/update_excuses.html#ofono14:26
abeatopitti, how do you debug this kind of issues?14:26
abeatoI can reproduce locally using a qemu instance, but no idea on how to iterate on changing the testing script, etc.14:27
pittiabeato: I just retried it14:28
pittiabeato: you can call adt-run -s [....], then you'll get a shell after a test failure14:28
pittiand can then poke around, run just a single test, modify it, etc.14:28
abeatopitti, thanks, I'll try that14:29
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dobeywillcooke, seb128: we aren't shipping the unity8 session by default are we?14:48
seb128dobey, lol, no we are not14:48
seb128it's not really ready for that and a good part of the stack is still in universe14:48
dobeyseb128: so just having unity-scope-click depend on packagekit should make clicks installable, right?14:49
dobeyafaict, installing packagekit doesn't break gnome-software installs14:49
seb128dobey, that might create issues for unity7 users14:49
seb128you are not Cced on that discussion?14:49
dobeyseb128: what issues?14:49
dobeyi wasn't no14:50
seb128it would swap out aptdaemon-pkkit.compat for packagekit14:50
seb128or packagekit 0.8 isn't handle debs so well14:50
seb128so you might get issues with langpacks or codecs installs on unity714:50
dobeyit does do that14:50
dobeyinstalling packagekit removes the pkcompat package14:50
seb128but the apt backend is 0.8 is not good14:51
seb128so we need to fix that14:51
seb128or unity7 users are going to hit those bugs14:51
seb128*in* 0.814:51
dobeyso why can we not make the pkcompat in aptdaemon handle installing clicks?14:51
seb128dobey, who said we can't, patches are welcome ;-)14:52
seb128it's just work that nobody signed up to do14:53
seb128dobey, Cced you on the ongoing discussion, there are already a group of people discussing the topic so we can as well not duplicate work14:53
dobeywell it seems better than the suggestion to build a whole new service to install clicks14:53
dobeyright; i'm not volunteering to do work :)14:54
seb128well, next cycle we are going to upgrade to packagekit 1.0 and remove the aptd compat layer14:54
seb128so we are going to need to do the work anyway14:54
seb128packagekit 1.0 has no plugin14:54
dobeyremove as in delete the code, or remove as in stop shipping the package?14:55
dobeybecause we could ship the pkcompat package on the phone still, instead of packagekit, when we upgrade to 1.0, if we just put the click stuff in there14:55
seb128stop shipping the package14:56
seb128well, in fact no14:56
seb128that compat code needs to be ported to packagekit 1.014:56
seb128api changed in 0.8->1.014:57
seb128so if we want to keep it we need to port the code14:57
seb128which we didn't plan to do14:57
seb128but again, patches are welcome if somebody is wanting to do that14:57
alecuseb128: dobey: would you mind if we continue this in a hangout?14:58
seb128alecu, we can, are we waiting for willcooke?14:58
seb128alecu, also you need to send me the url :p14:58
dobeyseb128, alecu: so there's a silo under testing right now that has a unity-scope-click branch in it for another feature; as soon as it lands i'll stick the dep change into a silo so we can land it15:24
alecudobey: sounds great, thanks15:24
seb128attente, hey, any idea if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1558629 is fixed with your git changes to refresh the appstream index?15:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 1558629 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Doesn't refresh the updates list after installation" [Undecided,New]15:30
seb128I guess not? that list is probably the apt one, right?15:30
attenteseb128: no, it's not fixed yet. it does regenerate the index, but for whatever reason GS still refuses to update its internal catalog15:31
seb128but it's a known issue I guess from what you say15:31
desrtapt-get update wouldn't fix that anyway15:31
seb128if you are working on it maybe assign to be to yourself ;-)15:31
desrtsince it has nothing to do with package lists, but rather dpkg state15:32
attentei thought i did?15:32
attenteoh... that's a dupe15:32
attenteoh... no, that's an entirely different bug15:33
attentesorry, i thought you were talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/155402315:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1554023 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Perform an apt update if there is no appstream available" [Undecided,In progress]15:33
desrtattente: maybe it's the same bug, in fact...15:33
desrti mean.. now that you trigger the apt update properly, the g-s refusing to update its internal catalog seems to be the same issue as g-s refusing to update after installing an update15:34
attentedesrt: yeah, they seem quite similar15:34
desrtie: maybe something is wrong about the way in which it monitors changes on the backend15:34
seb128hum, I wonder why g-s doesn't list rhythmbox in the updates list15:44
willcookeLaney, could you do me a hidpi screenshot of a default desktop with just g-s open?15:48
Laneyis that one I gave to mhall11_9 ok?15:48
willcookemy screen res is too small to get the whole thing in to the size allowed for the installer.  I wonder if I might be able to scale a hidpi one a bit better15:48
willcookethanks Laney, that works nicely15:50
Laneyfun distraction in appstream land15:56
* Laney does the actual planned work15:56
seb128andyrock, Trevinho, do you have any idea why gnome-software and gnome-calendar don't get added to the dash recently used applications?16:28
andyrockseb128: is locked in the launcher?16:28
seb128it's listed in th dash if you type16:28
seb128but it just doesn't get list is recently used16:29
andyrockbut it's no pinned in the launcher?16:29
seb128no it's not16:29
seb128try on your system16:29
seb128start gnome-calendar16:29
seb128close it16:29
andyrocki'm on w right now16:29
seb128ah, k16:29
seb128that might do the same :p16:29
andyrocki'll try in a moment16:29
andyrocklet me push a branch16:29
attenteseb128: it might be because it's still running as a gapplication service...16:29
TrevinhoMh, it's weird, there's should be nothing special16:30
Trevinhodoes the .desktop files define something particular?=16:30
seb128not that I know16:30
seb128attente, I though about that, but they are not listed even after being closed, also gnome-calendar doesn't seem to do that16:31
seb128in fact16:32
seb128so yeah maybe16:32
seb128I wonder if the dash could do a better job with those16:32
seb128or if we need to patch them out to be such services16:32
seb128would dropping the .service be enough?16:33
attenteseb128: was that after sigterm'ing it? it still happened?16:33
seb128attente, yes, they don't get registred in the dash it seems16:33
seb128it might have to do with how they start16:33
seb128well, gnome-calendar doesn't keep running here after I close the UI16:34
seb128though it used to do that16:34
seb128so nothing to kill16:34
seb128Trevinho, tedg, who "maintains" indicator-appmenu today? any opinion on https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/indicator-appmenu/dont-recommends-qt4/+merge/287501 ?16:35
andyrockseb128, Trevinho does dash listen to zeitgeist events to monitor the "close"?16:35
seb128andyrock, I've no idea16:36
seb128willcooke, other thing we didn't really keep tracking but might want to ffe still https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/154437616:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1544376 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Enable firmware support" [High,Triaged]16:36
seb128willcooke, the fwupdate MIR was approved, the fwupd is waiting on security team16:37
seb128maybe worth checking with them16:37
willcookeseb128, I spoke to security the other day about those, they're16:37
willcookeon the case16:37
willcookeI spoke to Tyler on, maybe Monday16:37
willcookemaybe last week,16:37
willcookeanyway it was recently16:38
tyhickssarnold is currently reviewing fwupd16:38
willcookethere you go16:38
tyhicksI think he's getting pretty close to being done16:38
willcookethanks tyhicks16:38
tyhicksnp :)16:38
Laneymhall119: aaahh16:39
willcookeThe system works!16:39
seb128willcooke, I turned the gnome-software bug into a ffe16:39
seb128since we are going to need an ack16:39
willcookethx seb12816:39
Laneymhall119: Then, set the Assigned To field to “ubuntu-sponsors”16:39
Laneymhall119: that should be telling people to subscribe16:39
Laneyalthough there's a few already that have done neither16:40
seb128k, going for some exercice while it's still sunny outside16:41
seb128back in 45 min or so16:41
willcookehave fun seb12816:41
willcookemake pot16:42
willcookeerr, wrong window16:42
Laneythat's illegal16:42
willcookebadum tisch16:42
ogra_now the NSA logs this channel too ... fun16:42
willcookesomeone at the door brb16:43
willcookeand a black helicopter .16:43
willcookescreenshots updated16:44
willcooketext and PO updates done16:44
willcookejust waiting on the arrival of the squirrel16:44
flexiondotorgTrevinho, Just seen your updates to my merge proposal for Compiz. Thanks for sorting that for me :-)16:58
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: np, can you get someone to review it as well?16:59
TrevinhoAlbert maybe?16:59
flexiondotorgOne sec...17:00
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: ah, "\ No newline at end of file"... if you can add a blank line too...17:00
flexiondotorgTrevinho, I'll add the new line. The testers also sent me some other minor tweaks for the Compiz MATE profile lastnight.17:02
flexiondotorgCan I add those?17:02
flexiondotorgBasically shadowing tweaks.17:02
flexiondotorgTrevinho, The Ubuntu MATE team and Compiz-Reloaded (Compiz 0.8 fork) have tested the profile. We consider it good to go.17:09
flexiondotorgTrevinho, includes the missing new line also.17:09
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119_canonic
=== mhall119_canonic is now known as mhall119_cct
flexiondotorgmuktupavels, Could you review the following merge proposal please? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/compiz/mate-tweaks/+merge/28939517:25
=== mhall119_cct is now known as mhall119_CC
muktupavelsflexiondotorg, why me? I don't use MATE...17:26
flexiondotorgTrevinho, suggested you.17:27
flexiondotorgIf for no other reason that a sanity check.17:27
flexiondotorgmuktupavels, What do you run BTW/17:27
muktupavelsflexiondotorg, GNOME Flashback...17:27
flexiondotorgNice :-)17:28
=== mhall119_CC is now known as mhall119_CCT
seb128brb, colder outside with the wind that it looked like behind the windows!17:32
seb128it's ok though, after 15 min I was warm and now I'm red :p17:33
* Laney remembers red seb128 from Oakland one time17:35
seb128not the same red :p17:35
Laneybeing spammed with icon bugs now17:36
Laneyno way I can handle these on my own17:36
=== mhall119_CCT is now known as mhall119
seb128are those tagged bugs or something?17:36
Laneyyeah tag appstream17:37
seb128what are the issue? just people submitting icons?17:37
LaneyI checked some17:37
seb128or also files in -common & such?17:37
Laneyand often the upstream includes the icon already17:37
Laneypeople are just making or finding icons and attaching them17:37
seb128shrug even17:41
* Laney ran:17:41
LaneyIn [16]: for bug in lp.distributions['ubuntu'].searchTasks(tags='appstream'): bug.bug.subscribe(person=lp.people['ubuntu-sponsors']) bug.lp_save()17:41
seb128I just saw dholbach jump on his chair and starting the email composer writing about how the sponsoring queue had an increase and needs some extra hands :p17:45
* Laney skipped piloting so far17:46
Laneybetter do that tomorrow17:46
seb128tedg, Trevinho, saw my appmenu ping earlier?17:51
willcookeI gotta dash.  Beavers tonight. mhall119 can you help round up some support for Laney for checking all the icons?  ^^^ Seems your blog post was super effective!17:51
willcookenight all17:52
mhall119absolutely, what can I do Laney ?17:52
muktupavelsTrevinho, https://code.launchpad.net/~albertsmuktupavels/compiz/gwd-dark-theme/+merge/28940617:52
Laneymhall119: first see my earlier ping17:53
Laneysecond get people to do some sponsoring :-)17:53
Laneyprobably more of a dholbach thing17:53
seb128yeah, new gst stack17:54
mhall119Laney: ack, I will udpate my block post shortly17:54
mhall119I cna also go through and change any created bugs to subscribe instead of assign17:55
Laneycan you do that with urls?17:55
seb128Laney, btw the session-shortcuts .desktop are listed as apps in gnome-software, can we get those out in some way?17:56
seb128the new action .desktop to be able to e.g shutdown from the dash17:57
mhall119Laney: you mean auto-subscribe ubuntu-sponsors with URLs? I don't think so17:57
mhall119we wouldn't want it assigned at creation time anyway, only after an icon has been attached17:58
LaneyI didn't see people doing the assignment anyway17:58
Laneynot that I checked them all mind17:58
Laney8° and time to go out for a ride17:59
* Laney one more sync18:00
Laneysyncpackage: Error: Debian version 2.47.92-1 has not been picked up by LP yet. Please try again later.18:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
ximionLaney: did I understand the problem correctly in your PR?18:08
ximionLaney: because if I did understand the problem correctly, this shouldn't be possible to happen...18:14
seb128ximion, hey, do you know if anyone considered using screenshots from http://screenshots.debian.net/ as fallback for softwares not having one? (or in addition to those)18:49
ximionseb128: libappstream does that by default, check /etc/appstream.conf18:49
ximionI thought hughsie implemented something similar in as-glib a while ago...18:49
seb128ximion, hum, I wonder why that doesn't work then :-/18:50
ximionseb128: maybe hughsie dropped that from appstream-glib18:50
ximionthe main problem is that we don't know if a screenshot on screenshots.d.o actually exists18:50
ximionso with libappstream, people will get a filler image in that case18:51
ximionmaybe that wasn't wanted18:51
ximionimplementing support for this in GS or as-glib should be rather simple though18:52
seb128ah, that might be the case18:52
seb128ximion, does in work for you in Debian? (asking before looking more)18:56
seb128inkscape for example should have one18:56
ximionseb128: no, doesn't work18:57
seb128k, thanks18:57
ximionwe only have screenshots for stuff with metainfo18:57
ximionat time18:57
ximionfor weird reasons, sometimes GS also confuses screenshots and shows the wrong screenshots for an app, at least on my machine18:58
ximionI didn't encounter this with the Git snapshot for a while though, so this might be fixed18:58
seb128ximion, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-software/commit/?id=ec41a3671850df63dabe04f197f638956af2ddba18:59
seb128could be that18:59
ximionyeah, that is likely19:00
ximionappstream-generator doesn't use hashes for screenshots19:00
ximionhmm, likely not worth cherry-picking - GS will be released soon together with the rest of GNOME19:01
sarnoldappstream appears to support use of md5 and sha1 hashes; is there a way that libraries that use it can require using e.g. sha256 or better?19:01
mhall119Laney: http://mhall119.com/2016/03/help-make-gnome-software-beautiful/ better?19:05
ximionsarnold: huh? AppStream has nothing to do with hashes...19:08
ximionthe only place where they are used is for checksumming metadata on the server, and that is purely for duplicate-detection, and not for security19:09
sarnoldximion: hmm.19:10
sarnoldximion: i'm reviewing fwupd at the moment and I _think_ that it's using these hashes for authenticity verification, but I haven't yet found any code that requires reasonable minimums19:10
ximionsarnold: ah, indeed - I forgot about that, it's mostly hughsie's domain19:12
ximionanyway, the allowed hashes there are SHA-1 and SHA-256 at time19:12
sarnoldximion: any chance you can aim me at the code that implements the minimum requirements? :)19:12
ximionyou mean19:14
* ximion isn't sure if he gets the question19:15
seb128attente, do you know offhand where is the code that build the list of packages that have updates available?19:16
sarnoldinteresting, the debian version has md5 still.. http://sources.debian.net/src/appstream-glib/0.5.10-2/libappstream-glib/as-checksum.c/?hl=140#L26819:16
attenteseb128: no, sorry19:16
seb128attente, no worry19:16
sarnoldximion: I was just hoping to find a configuration file or a library interface that would allow an appstream consumer to require good hashes, not just any hash19:16
sarnoldximion: thanks for the links :)19:17
attenteseb128: i guess each plugin has a get_updates function you can start with19:17
ximionsarnold: that is hughsie violating the spec ;-)19:17
seb128attente, no such function in gs-plugin-apt.c19:17
sarnoldximion: ahhhh :)19:18
attenteerr. sorry, seb128 try "gs_plugin_add_updates"19:18
ximionsarnold: we agreen on to not define MD5, because it's insecure - not sure why he added it anyway...19:18
seb128attente, thanks19:18
ximioncould have been a customer request, or for testing19:19
seb128attente, bah, that bug is my fault, I did dpkg -i my local build it seems ...19:20
tedgseb128: That seems fine to me, but I'm not sure who's in charge of it. I would have guessed Trevinho :-)19:21
attenteseb128: :)19:21
Trevinhodesrt: can you change the review to approved in https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/gtk/unity-border-radius-support/+merge/288331 then?19:30
Trevinhoseb128: sorry, I missed your appmenu thing... I can check it19:30
seb128Trevinho, thanks19:31
Trevinhoseb128: I see ci failures... Let me check19:31
Trevinhoindicator-appmenu.c:813:21: error: implicit declaration of function 'bamf_view_peek_children' [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]19:32
Trevinho  GList * children = bamf_view_peek_children (BAMF_VIEW (application));19:32
TrevinhoWell it should be defined in bamf headers...19:32
Trevinhoah, it builds in wily? :o19:32
seb128Trevinho, dunno, I just wanted the mp approved to I can land19:32
seb128maybe CI needs to be updated19:32
Trevinhoseb128: I've approved it, do you land it or should I add it to my silo?19:33
Trevinhoseb128: also, first gtk patch is approved, I need to fix the 2nf19:33
seb128Trevinho, I can look at sponsoring gtk tomorrow19:38
seb128Trevinho, if you have a silo and wants to add appmenu that would be nice19:38
seb128but I can do it if you prefer19:38
Trevinhoseb128: I've it ready, so i can do that19:38
Trevinhoit will probably land monday or such though19:39
desrtTrevinho: not really my place to ack19:39
Trevinhodesrt: I mean, since it's need fixing..19:40
desrtoh.  I didn't realise it works this way19:40
seb128desrt, thanks for the reviews on the gtk changes from Trevinho19:40
desrtcurrent status is "needs review"19:40
seb128yeah, I'm going to change that19:41
desrtie: package maintainer should sign off..19:41
seb128but you can comment approve to say it's +1 from you19:41
desrtit's "I don't see further obvious problems" from me :)19:41
seb128I saw, thanks19:42
Trevinhodesrt: I finish something then I probably have to ask about the headerbar one19:42
seb128Trevinho, but I'm on vac starting friday, but L_aney is there next week and can help you landing gtk & co19:43
seb128well, I can upload what is ready tomorrow19:43
seb128but then if you have more changes needed19:44
Trevinhoseb128: ok, thanks. I hope to get that acked by tomorrow :P19:48
pittiLaney: btw, I'm on vac tomorrow; could you have an eye on the test minions?20:09
pitticoming to London tomorrow, over the weekend!20:09
attenterobert_ancell: hey.. so that one patch does depend on the apt plugin since it's the plugin that actually does updates the appstream index20:11
robert_ancellattente, the "Refresh appstream index if needed" patch?20:12
attentei cherry picked it onto the ubuntu-changes branch, but it stopped working20:13
robert_ancellattente, it stopped working?20:13
robert_ancellIt seems to me it should go into the wip/ubuntu-changes branch20:13
attenteand i figured out that the UI isn't updating properly because we're not updating the state of the GsApps, but i'm not sure how we're supposed to get that information after org.debian.aptd.UpdateCache20:13
attenterobert_ancell: yeah, the patch only works on the apt branch20:14
attentesince it's the apt plugin that's updating the appstream index20:14
attentevia org.debian.apt.UpdateCache20:15
robert_ancellattente, g-s refreshes the package list after update has been called. So is the bug not that the APT plugin is not blocking for long enough?20:16
attenteno, the bug is that the state of the GsApps in the list aren't being changed from AS_APP_STATE_UNKNOWN to AS_APP_STATE_AVAILABLE20:18
robert_ancellattente, is this solving the first refresh issue?20:18
robert_ancelli.e. on startup?20:18
attenterobert_ancell: yes, the bug where we have to apt update after installation to update the appstream index https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/155402320:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1554023 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Perform an apt update if there is no appstream available" [Undecided,In progress]20:20
robert_ancellattente, so this would affect all appstream users wouldn't it?20:21
robert_ancellI just don't see the direct connection to the apt plugin - this just seems like a general issue20:21
attenteit's just that it depends on the apt plugin to work. i'm having a really hard time trying to understand if this is an upstream bug or not20:24
seb128Trevinho, sorry about that, but could you take the indicator-appmenu change out of the silo?20:29
seb128Trevinho, I don't think we are going to manage to drop the other bits this cycle so there is no point to drop that one, it's going to result in less good qt4 integration for no win20:31
seb128robert_ancell, hey20:39
robert_ancellseb128, hi20:39
seb128robert_ancell, the greeter scaling fix looks fine to me, but I could only simulate the session20:39
seb128Laney said he would test but I guess he was too busy today20:40
robert_ancellseb128, OK, I'm happy to land it, just really wanted a second opinion20:40
seb128so feel free to wait another day to get his feedback or to just land it20:40
seb128I'm glad somebody looked at it, it was bothering me but I had the feeling nobody would have slots for that before release20:40
seb128I though it would be more difficult20:40
seb128like having to do with the order in which process exit or something20:41
robert_ancellYeah, the other hidpi issues have been more complex, but this one seems fairly straightforward20:41
seb128robert_ancell, other one, do you have any idea if https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1557752 would be easy to implement?20:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1557752 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "doesn't use screenshots.u.c images" [High,Confirmed]20:42
seb128unsure where the issue is20:42
robert_ancellseb128, not sure. I think it should certainly be done in the appstream layer20:42
seb128ximion said that appstream has it20:43
robert_ancellI will have a look and see if something broke there - you think it used to work right?20:43
seb128and he though hughsie had it in -glib20:43
seb128but that maybe it got removed because they didn't want placeholder images when there is no screenshot or something20:43
seb128appstreamcli has those20:44
seb128I tried on inkscape20:44
seb128so the info is there, maybe -glib doesn't expose it or g-s doesn't use it20:44
robert_ancellMost of those issues seem to have been having multiple entries, and g-s using the one without screenshots20:45
robert_ancellBut they're not too hard to track down20:45
ximionseb128: -glib doesn't expose it20:46
ximionand I think that is because the code has ben removed together with the AppInstall bits we previously had in there20:46
ximionbut I could also imagine GNOME having something against the placeholder images20:47
ximion(it doesn't look nice ^^)20:47
ximionon the other hand, I thing there's no GUI app having a placeholder image in Ubuntu20:47
robert_ancellseb128, ximion, any idea how many packages have the issue? Could we just fix their appstream data to have valid images?20:48
robert_ancellThat would be the nicest solution, rather than hacking in placeholders20:48
seb128http://screenshots.ubuntu.com/ states " 7718 screenshots online."20:48
ximionrobert_ancell: phew, that's not a bad idea, but the dep11-generator would then need to know whether images are present or not...20:48
robert_ancellI meant find the packages that don't have screenshots in their appstream data, and add the Ubuntu ones20:49
robert_ancell(in the upstreams)20:49
ximionah, yeah, that would be even better!20:50
seb128there is only 7718 ones to submit20:50
seb128you don't sleep at night anyway right? ;-)20:50
ximionfinding that out isn't hard, maybe a few lines of Python to parse the YAML file and find type:desktop-app components w/o Screenshots tag20:50
robert_ancellseb128, not all of them... this is just finding the top 100 apps right and making sure they look good20:50
seb128joke aside I don't know how many are useful, and ideally we would fix every single project to have valid data including screenshots20:50
robert_ancellUltimately it's the issue of the upstreams to provide this20:50
seb128but realistically we have other things more important to work on before release20:51
seb128it's just that xenial is this cycle20:51
seb128and that project is too new20:51
seb128we can probably drop the fallback later20:51
robert_ancellI'm really just trying to gague the scope of the problem (just a few or most apps)20:51
seb128but it would be useful meanwhile20:51
ximionoh well, I started libappstream in 2012, and AppStream exists since 2011 - 4 years for upstream projects to provide files ^^20:51
ximion(well, 2-3 years, to be fair ^^ - metainfo files didn't exist before, and the original idea was to have distros implement the screenshots.d.o API, which OpenSUSE even did :) )20:53
seb128there is no incensitive to do so when those datas don't reach your users20:53
seb128I think most upstream didn't/don't care20:53
ximiontrue - withough hughsie writing GNOME Software, we'd still have close to zero metainfo files20:53
ximionbtw, I have some time next week that I'll spend on speeding up the appstream-generator rewrite - when that is done, we can do a lot more with the metadata faster20:55
ximionthe dep11-generator has a few hard-to-fix quirks and also is Debian/Ubuntu-only20:55
ximionif upstreams don't add screenshots fast enough, we could also always inject screenshots.u.o screenshot urls into our metadata for Xenial then ;-)20:56
ximionseb128: I need to talk with Laney about that - too bad he isn't around21:06
robert_ancellseb128, which is the debian/rules part that is best to copy a binary file for a patch? i.e. it should be done before make21:30
robert_ancelltrying to get the gnome-software packaging into a branch..21:31
seb128robert_ancell, dh9?21:32
seb128    <cmd>21:34
seb128    dh_auto_build21:34
seb128should work I guess?21:34
robert_ancellyeah, that was my guess looking at other packages21:34
robert_ancellattente, are there any bugs to link the firmware update error change and the appstream refresh change to?22:02
robert_ancellwriting changelog for next release nwo22:02
attenterobert_ancell: an upstream one for the error: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76377822:03
ubot5Gnome bug 763778 in General "Segfault when org.freedesktop.fwupd service doesn't exist" [Normal,New]22:03
robert_ancellattente, could you open a LP one and link to that?22:03
attentestill hesitant about the refresh change because i have no idea how to get the UI to refresh properly22:04
attentewell, the index to be refreshed properly internally22:04
attenterobert_ancell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-software/+bug/155881622:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 1558816 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Segfault when org.freedesktop.fwupd service doesn't exist" [Undecided,New]22:10
robert_ancellattente, ta22:10
robert_ancellattente, and the appstream issue?22:11
attenterobert_ancell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/155402322:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 1554023 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Perform an apt update if there is no appstream available" [Undecided,In progress]22:11
Laneyhi ximion23:03
LaneyI'm here for 5 minutes!23:03
LaneyI was like "hmm, should I go on IRC?"23:03
Laneybut my fingers automatically did it for me23:03
Laneyrobert_ancell: sorry I forgot, I can do that tomorrow if you want to wait23:07
robert_ancellLaney, already uploaded :)23:07
robert_ancellSo shout out if it's broken!23:07
ximionLaney: nice!23:15
ximionmain question: did I understand the bug in your pull-request?23:16
ximionbecause I'm not sure I did...23:16
ximionand you're right, reprocessing is terrible, opening debs multiple times is bad23:16
LaneyThe bug is that combined with the optimisation to skip suites if we think nothing changed then you miss if packages migrate between them23:16
Laneybut it fixes itself next time the target suite gets written for another reason23:17
LaneyI'm struggling to think right now what 'another reason' might be23:19
Laneyreprocessing is one, or (mainly for Ubuntu) if a package manages to build and migrate before we see it in the generator23:19
ximionah, right, now I get it!23:22
ximionI forgot that we do that optimization now...23:22
ximionthen we would always need to update the database with new suite information... not sure if that's better than just rewriting the file...23:23
Laneyhttps://github.com/ximion/appstream-dep11/blob/master/dep11/generator.py#L187 <- that bit23:23
ximionwill think about it - in that light, your patch doesn't look too bad23:24
ximiononly that we will have to update suite data and store another sub-database in LMDB bothers me a bit...23:24
ximionignoring migrating packages is no option either though ^^23:24
ximionLaney: btw, I am making good progress with the D rewrite of the generator - I will have a lot more time next week to work on it, I think23:25
ximionthat means we can use it earlier23:25
ximionand it means that the appstream-generator project will be the future23:25
ximionbecause for future extension of the project, I don't want to implement the same parser and emitter once in Python and in C23:26
ximionhaving it in one place makes maintaining that stuff a lot easier23:26
ximion(and the new generator is really much faster and more reliable)23:26
LaneyI tried to do it directly, without that, in this commit: https://github.com/iainlane/appstream-dep11/commit/86fa951946c5af63b7273fe78f80cdc7be45590723:27
ximionthis will also allow some neat things in future like instant validation of metadata files23:27
Laneybut that breaks for packages which already exist in the target and I didn't figure out how to fix that23:27
Laneyximion: nice, if I get time and you make it easy enough I will set up a testing environment with that one23:27
ximionLaney: that's the annoying part: I'll need to package a few D bits to make this easy for people23:28
ximionbut it's manageable23:28
ximionbut not as nice as deploying a Python software, unfortunately23:28
Laneyit's fine if it's packaged23:29
ximionLaney: you will need to compile AppStream (C) and appstream-generator (D), which are developed in parallel, which complicates things a little23:29
ximionif Git versions should be used23:29
ximionI will package that thing, maybe even in time for Xenial (but IÄm not yet 100% sure if that's possible)23:30
Laneyif you can make it so that I don't have to have a local mirror that would be nice ;-)23:30
Laneyor at least abstract the .deb stuff so that someone else could contribute that23:30
ximionLaney: right now the generator can produce YAMl and XML metadata, merge .esktop files and metainfo files and transform them - missing is the Screenshots and Icons part (the hard stuff ^^)23:30
ximionLaney: the new generator supports backends: https://github.com/ximion/appstream-generator/blob/master/source/backends/interfaces.d23:31
ximionimplement those two interfaces, and the thing will be usable on any distribution23:32
ximionwell, three with the contentsindex...23:32
ximionbut maybe I can find a way to get rid of the latter23:32
Laney'dir' looks suspicious23:33
ximion(main issue there is that we need to have the contents of all packages before being able to process metadata, so we would need two passes at the packages, which is meh)23:33
Laneyalthough a remote one could put the mirror there23:33
ximionLaney: the Packages index must be local - but the "Package" object could download stuff on demand23:34
ximionas long as getContentsList and getFileData work, the generator won't care23:34
ximionif it turns out that your requirements are so special that they can't be implemented in the debian backend or in some generic way, one can always create an ubuntu backend, and I won't get in your way then23:36
ximion(on the Debian AppStream server CPU is the bottleneck, and we have plenty of diskspace)23:36
Laneyyou get a nice NFS mounted mirror23:37
Laneywe don't have those :(23:37
ximiondon't you have a datacenter or something?23:38
ximionI thought providing this would be even easier for Canonical, since I assumed your hardware would be less diverse than Debian's23:38
Laneyyeah but it doesn't provide that facility23:38
Laneydon't ask me why23:39
ximionLaney: btw, the Python bz2 reader doesn't properly read the bz2 files in the Ubuntu and Debian archives23:39
ximionand those contain the long descriptions for packages...23:40
LaneyI looked at this when you implemented it23:40
ximionthis is super dumb, because the bz2 files are valid23:40
Laneyit was crashing originally iirc23:40
ximionand the new appstream-generator (powered by libarchive) reads them without problems23:40
Laneyshould probably file a bug about that...23:40
ximionit smells like a bug in Python's implementation, but I didn't investigate this more23:40
ximionLaney: anyway, this description issue is something I feel we should definitely fix before the release23:42
LaneyIn [4]: b.readline()23:43
LaneyOut[4]: b'Package: abi-compliance-checker\n'23:43
Laneymaybe I don't remember what the problem is23:43
ximionif after next week it looks like the new generator could reach feature parity with the dep11-generator quickly, I will ignore the issue in the latter (maybe report a bug against Python anyway, if it's really not me using the API wrong)23:43
ximionLaney: is it working now?23:43
Laneybut I'm not reproducing it that simply23:44
* Laney shrugs23:53
LaneyI can't even get it to work on xenial now23:53
LaneyIn [11]: for s in TagFile(bz2.open('/home/laney/temp/Translation-en.bz2', mode='rb')):23:53
Laney        print (s.get('Package'))23:53
Laney   ....:23:53
LaneyIn [12]:23:53
Laneyneed to sleep now23:55

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