
naccslangasek: ugh, upstream php7.0.4 does not show the problem. very confused right now, will debug it tmrw00:40
naccslangasek: could be a configure option we're passing00:40
slangaseknacc: because of course a language should behave differently depending on the configure options you pass at build time ;)00:42
naccslangasek: i'm hopeful that's not it, but then i'm not sure what it is00:42
slangaseknacc: slight adjustment to the versioning, it should actually be 3.15.1.is.really.2.8.27-0ubuntu1 (you had 3.15.1-1.is.really.2.8.27-1ubuntu1)00:51
slangaseknacc: actually I'm going to make this 3.15.1.is.really.2.8.27-1~build1 to declare that there is no delta and it's ok to autosync later from Debian00:53
slangaseknacc: php-monolog will need an upload to adjust its versioned build-dep; the new package is compatible but will have a version that sorts >> 3, since version numbers in the archive only go up01:11
slangaseknacc: I'll go ahead and upload that change onw01:12
naccslangasek: ah thanks! yep, that makes sense01:14
naccslangasek: sorry, first time i'd encountered that, appreciate your uhelp01:14
naccslangasek: and i think it is a configure-time bug in our php :/ ... i just ran ./configure w/o any options and it didn't show the bug01:15
naccslangasek: it *could* theoretically point at something in a library, i guess, but upstream php-zeta-console-tools dev tested with 7.0.3/7.0.4 and 7.1.0-dev and they all passed01:19
naccslangasek: so i'm 99% sure it's the configure01:19
naccslangasek: ah maybe not as bad, running `./debian/rules dh_auto_configure; make install` also did not show the error. So maybe it's some compile time option we're passing in debian/rules ... will pick it up tmrw01:28
slangaseknacc: php-common also breaks: the version of php-mongodb we have01:35
slangaseknot sure why that is when there's no php-mongodb package yet anywhere in Debian; ohwell01:35
naccslangasek: that is odd; do you want me to spin up a debdiff?01:36
slangaseknacc: nah I'll sort it out, just giving you a headsup01:36
naccslangasek: thanks, i appreciate it01:36
slangaseknacc: stupid dependency boolean tricks: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-monolog/1.17.2-1ubuntu201:42
naccslangasek: ah ok, thanks!01:43
naccslangasek: i think the issue for symfony (at least the first one) is that it needs to not run the same tests (online,network,tty,benchmark,intl-data) that the build avoids01:48
naccslangasek: that will resolve the two failures i see in the logs, i think01:49
naccslangasek: nm, i was looking at an old log! :/01:50
Son_Gokunacc: oh, the monster...01:50
naccslangasek: i *think* we'll want to bump or cherry-pick from 2.7.1001:53
naccslangasek: but i will need to look at the diff, etc01:54
naccalternatively, like you suggested before, we could look to sync from experimental01:55
naccthat would need a FFe, of course01:55
naccbut based upon upstream changelog, all of 2.7.10 is bugfixes01:59
naccso that might be the safest course01:59
Son_Gokunacc: why not just save yourself the trouble and sync to 2.7.10?02:01
sarnoldLatest Upstreams are _always_ the Best Available And Has No Bugs[tm] :)02:01
naccSon_Goku: it's not a sync, it's a merge, so it's a bit more work; and because i have to do a ffe and verify all the changes are not going to break something :)02:01
Son_Gokuwell, using 2.7.10 means that it’ll be easier to cherrypick from 2.8 later on, when you have to02:02
naccSon_Goku: agreed, and i think that's probably our best course of action, as it will unstick symfony's dependencies in the archive ... but would rather consider that at the beginnign of my day rather than the end :)02:03
Son_Gokuthe only reason I’m not advocating for symfony 2.8 is because it breaks too many people’s projects simply because of the version number bump02:04
Son_GokuI spent way too much time fixing composer files and direct file require references trying to use 2.8 than I ever should have02:04
Son_Gokujust because the company I work for practically depends on it, doesn’t mean I like mucking around in it02:05
Son_GokuI’ve learned way too many terrible things in my quest to figure out how much stuff breaks with php702:05
sarnoldfind . -type f -exec sed -i 's/2.7/2.8/g' {}\; #YOLO02:05
Son_Gokusarnold: the saddest part about it is that it didn’t work :(02:06
Son_Gokuat the end of it all, the application was busted02:06
Son_Gokudamn people and their lack of foresight02:06
sarnoldSon_Goku: aww :( that's frustrating02:07
Son_Gokuone of the terrible, terrible downsides to every language having their own package manager is that now people are coding strictly to specific versions or git commits02:07
Son_Gokubecause no tolerance in your software A Good Thing(TM)02:08
Son_Gokuthe situation got bad enough in Fedora land that we had to walk back from our policy of blocking bundling by default02:08
sarnoldow :/02:09
Son_Gokupatches to improve system integration or work with newer versions of software were rejected by upstreams repeatedly, simply because they “don’t care” and that new versions are “Fedora’s problem”02:10
Son_GokuI’m lucky enough to work on packages where I don’t have upstreams like that02:10
Son_Gokubut man, the worst examples of this are chromium and owncloud02:10
sarnoldvendorizing all the things is probably going to be on some visionary genius's slidedeck in five years when the future realizes that the amount of technical debt that has been built into every service ever is too large to overcome02:10
Son_Gokuthe biggest irony of owncloud is that they’re run by former SUSE/openSUSE engineers02:11
Son_Gokuand SUSE themselves don’t allow ownCloud into their core repos02:11
Son_Gokuevery time the system integration issue is brought up, they want people to spin up OBS appliances and interconnect to manage their flavor’s packaging02:12
Son_GokuI’m all for using a nice build system and all, but their attitude is terrible02:12
Son_Gokuthis is one of the big reasons I don’t like Docker02:13
Son_Gokunote that Docker != containers02:13
Son_Gokumaybe I’m an old fogie, but I remember when all the distros were burned because of zlib02:14
sarnoldthat one was -painful-02:14
Son_Gokuyou’re telling me02:14
Son_Gokuto this day, I’m *still* not sure if all of that is gone02:15
Son_GokuI’m only 24, but I remember when it happened02:15
Son_Gokuand holy crap the fallout was horrible02:15
sarnoldheh I bet you're right..02:15
sarnoldheartbleed made front page of newspapers and yet something like 1/3 of the docker images in the world still don't have that one fixed02:16
Son_Gokuthe bullshit about Alpine Linux only encourages it02:16
Son_Gokubecause guess what you have to do when there’s nothing in your container rootfs?02:16
* Son_Goku sighs02:17
Son_Gokuit’s not helping that all the enterprise distros are gunning for this weird space02:17
Son_GokuRed Hat with Atomic, Canonical with Ubuntu Snappy, SUSE with JeOS, Docker with Alpine Linux, etc02:18
Son_Gokuand yes, I’m counting Docker as a distro vendor now02:18
Son_Gokubecause they effectively took over stewardship of Alpine02:18
Son_Gokuoh joy02:19
Son_Gokunetsplit hell02:19
Son_Gokusarnold: I think that like OpenStack, people are going to hit the gas pedal too hard02:20
Son_Gokuand then when they realize they landed in some disgusting stuff, the pendulum will swing again02:20
Son_GokuI barely give a pass on Chromium for the bundling thing because they have some semi-legit reasons for it02:21
Son_Gokubut holy hell, look at how many bundled() Provides it has: https://spot.fedorapeople.org/chromium.spec02:22
sarnoldyeah.. I just recently bought a decent machine that I intend to use for vms (among other things), and I just can't bring myself to contemplate installing openstack on the thing. I'd rather have a dozen small shell scripts than a dozen privileged daemons with gross apis and on and on..02:22
Son_Gokulike… WHY do you need your own GTK+3?!02:23
Son_Gokuand then… zlib02:23
Son_Gokusarnold: I have spent two months trying to properly set up OpenStack02:23
Son_Gokunot only can I not get it working (and I like to think I’m reasonably competent as a Linux user/admin/developer/etc)02:24
sarnold# Bundled bits (I'm sure I've missed some)02:24
Son_Gokubut every time I try, more of me dies inside because of the sheer overengineered complexity that’s in it02:24
Son_GokuI just use oVirt now02:25
Son_Gokumy own personal sandbox where I do all my crazy stuff is an oVirt system02:25
Son_Gokuit’s ~15 minutes to set up, and It Just Works(TM)02:25
Son_Gokusomething that the world likes to forget about, these days02:25
Son_Gokumost of my php7.0 package dev work and testing has been on the oVirt system02:26
Son_GokuI have Ubuntu 16.04-dev, Fedora 23 (with remi php70 scl), and CentOS 7 (with remi php70 scl) for testing and development02:27
Son_GokuI’ll probably throw in openSUSE Tumbleweed and Mageia Cauldron to round out my testing02:27
Son_Gokusarnold: but yeah, if you’re looking to make a nice little ESXi-like VM environment, I highly recommend oVirt02:28
Son_Gokuit works great, it’s FOSS, and it’s not complicated!02:28
Son_Gokuactually, does Ubuntu have an equivalent to Fedora’s bundled() Provides?02:29
sarnoldnot that I know of02:29
Son_Gokuit comes in handy for my automated auditing with a shitty shell script02:30
sarnoldthe debian security team has a bundled listing somewhere, but it's not particularly easy to updae02:30
Son_GokuI once tried to make virtual Provides like the ones I’m used to when I make RPMs for Fedora/Mageia02:31
Son_Gokuon Ubuntu02:31
Son_GokuI’ve never seen apt blow up in such strange ways02:31
Son_Gokuapparently, it’s a really stupid idea to load up on virtual Provides02:31
sarnoldoh my :) yeah, I think the easiest way out of that is to start over..02:32
=== juliank_ is now known as juliank
Son_GokuI always wondered why there weren’t things like “libgcc_s.so.1()(64bit)” as Provides and Requires (names independent of package names)02:33
Son_Gokuthen I tried it and found out why02:33
Son_Gokusarnold: also, apparently you can break the apt db and the repo metadata by doing stuff like that02:34
Son_Gokuit doesn’t handle it very well :P02:34
sarnoldhehe yeah, apt assumes everyone doing packaging has learned the debian secret handshakes02:34
Son_GokuI don’t think I’ll ever learn those02:35
Son_GokuI’ve been doing packaging for almost 8 years02:35
Son_Gokuwhen I first started using Ubuntu back in 2005, I was surprised to see that it chose a Debian base02:36
Son_GokuI found out that Mark Shuttleworth was a former Debian maintainer a few years later, and the pieces fell into place :)02:36
Son_Gokusarnold: I feel old when I think about stuff like this02:45
Son_GokuI’ve witnessed the rise of Linux02:45
Son_Gokuand I had a (very) small hand in some of that02:45
sarnoldSon_Goku: heh, I was around for the very end of the a.out -> ELF transition..02:45
Son_GokuI came in just after that, I think02:45
Son_GokuI was there for the transition from LinuxThreads to NPTL, though02:46
sarnoldwoot :) not bad for 24, hehe02:47
Son_Gokuthe COFF->ELF transition was one I was glad to miss though02:47
Son_Gokubut yeah02:51
Son_GokuI think in some ways the biggest disappointment was that the Linux communities never made it so have common tools across all distributions02:52
Son_Gokuthe LSB attempted it, but with how little distros followed it, it didn’t matter02:52
Son_Gokutoday, the closest we’re getting is with systemd, which is forcing distros to stop being special snowflakes in some respects02:53
Son_Gokumaking it easier to make portable applications that don’t require vendoring02:53
slangasekthe LSB never understood that double-dipping by charging both OSVs and distro vendors for certification was a failed funding model02:55
sarnoldand there's just no denying that insserv was annoying :)02:56
slangasekinsserv was never a required LSB interface02:56
sarnoldthat was -optional- and people opted into it? oof :)02:58
slangasekapplications were required to support the various LSB pseudoheaders in their init scripts in order to be compliant; OS implementors could freely ignore that03:00
Son_Gokuironically, it might be easier for me now to come up with a baseline for compatibility than it would have been for the LSB a decade ago03:04
slangaseknacc: alright, php-aws-sdk is still uninstallable, because php-guzzle was removed (LP: #1543808)03:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1543808 in php-guzzle (Ubuntu) "Please consider dropping php-guzzle from Ubuntu Xenial" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154380803:05
Son_Gokusarnold: if I were to sit down for a month (or rather, be allowed to do that and not work), I could probably put together a basic definition of what a Linux system is supposed to have to be compatible03:06
Son_Gokubut really, what actually has to happen is that the distros themselves need to stop making “special snowflake” decisions and actually do some unifying on their own03:07
sarnolddidn't lennart already do that? :)03:07
hallynpitti: so on http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/cgmanager/cgmanager_0.41-1.dsc the testcases fail in debian bc they rely on the memory cgroup which is not enabled there by default;  is there03:07
Son_Gokusarnold: he capitulated way too much early on03:07
hallynpitti: a link showing the proper way to ask 'please reboot with the 'cgroup_enable=memory' boot argument' ?03:07
Son_Gokusystemd actually has a lot of things to deal with debianisms, suseisms, etc.03:08
Son_Gokuthe only distros I know of that got rid of their “isms” to adopt it was Fedora, Mageia, Arch, and a few “newbie” distros03:09
Son_Gokuthe Upstart->systemd move was quite painful in Fedora 1503:09
Son_Gokuof course, you guys got all the benefit of that pain, many years later :)03:09
* hallyn does the dance of joy03:10
* hallyn brushes away some of the copious sarcasm03:10
Son_Gokusarnold: I don’t know if you know this, but there was actually an attempt to make a package manager that supported both rpms and debs on a single system03:12
Son_Gokusingle database, handling all the package types, repos, etc.03:13
sarnoldyikes that sounds terrible03:13
Son_Gokuwell, it’s the rpm5 project03:13
Son_Gokuthe guy is of the firm belief that having a division in packaging systems only hurts the community03:13
Son_Gokuso he made it his goal to introduce support for both packaging systems in RPM503:13
Son_Gokuwhich he did03:13
Son_Gokuhe’s employed by the Yocto Project, who uses his fork of rpm for their stuff03:14
sarnoldI'm reminded of https://xkcd.com/927/03:15
Son_GokuI can’t say I disagree with Jeff on his belief03:15
Son_Gokubut I think his approach was wrong03:15
* hallyn didn't even have to load that xkcd to know what it was gonna be03:15
Son_Gokubecause he managed to alienate everyone in the process of that03:15
Son_Gokuthere was even LWN articles about his project :P03:16
sarnoldhallyn :)03:16
Son_Gokuthe most annoying part is that he took over the project page for RPM on launchpad03:17
Son_Gokuso now it’s chock full of bugs and discussions that are completely non-relevant to the project that actually controls that page03:17
hallynrpm5 webpage tells me it's ~relaunched~03:18
Son_GokuI know03:18
Son_Gokuhe did that on purpose03:18
Son_Gokuwhen Red Hat let him go, he did that03:18
Son_Gokubut it’s aggravating because rpm5 controls https://launchpad.net/rpm despite everything03:20
Son_Gokupeople file bugs about the rpm in ubuntu, but no one deals with it, because the rpm5 people don’t give a damn03:20
Son_Gokuhallyn: the rpm5 project is geared towards merging the capabilities of apt/yum, rpm, and dpkg into a unified rpm03:23
Son_Gokuit can even replace reprepro, createrepo, etc.03:23
hallynwhat about ebuild :)03:23
Son_Gokuit has rudimentary capabilities for that too03:23
Son_Gokuit can download sources and compile them automatically in chroots and stuff like that03:23
Son_Gokuit’s got a lot more capabilities than the main rpm03:24
UmeaboyI've just installed Xenial in my laptop and besides having no Swedish keyboard activated in the keyboard settings (both in the installation and in the booted system) everything runs just fine. No crash so far.03:24
Son_Gokuhallyn: of course, now it has mongodb integration, so I don’t know what to think anymore03:25
UmeaboyOnly thing I want to ask about is a translation that I'm doing for Xenial.03:25
UmeaboyI can use #launchpad if that's preferred, but I just want to hear what you guys think.03:26
Umeaboy<strong>Pidgin</strong> <span>Internet messenger</span>03:26
UmeaboyThe part of Internet Messenger, should that be translated into my language?03:27
UmeaboyIt's a bit tricky to get it accurate.03:27
Son_Gokuisn’t it an “Instant messenger”?03:28
UmeaboyYeah, but in Swedish that's a bit hard to translate.03:28
UmeaboyThat's why I'm asking.03:28
UmeaboyAnd YES, I'm Swedish.03:28
Son_GokuUmeaboy: I think I’ve met you before03:28
UmeaboyYou have.03:29
Son_Gokuin #Mageia, right?03:29
Son_Gokuyou probably shouldn’t translate the “internet messenger” bit03:29
Son_Gokubecause it’s part of Pidgin’s title03:29
UmeaboyMy thought as well.03:30
UmeaboyI was thinking about translating into "Meddelandeklienten"03:30
rlaagerSon_Goku: The name of the application (upstream) is just Pidgin. I believe it's Ubuntu that's adding "Internet messenger". I don't think we use that name upstream at all. I assume Ubuntu used "Internet" instead of "instant" for legal reasons.03:31
rlaagerLikewise, on my system, the menu icon says "Firefox Web Browser", but the name of the application upstream is just Firefox.03:32
Umeaboyrlaager: Yeah, that's just plain irritating.03:33
rlaagerUmeaboy: What's irritating? The extra words in the Ubuntu menus?03:34
Umeaboyrlaager: Yeah.03:34
UmeaboyI know WHY, but............03:34
UmeaboyIt's like I in Swedish say That brown ball of meat to a Meatball.03:35
UmeaboyIt's like you're talking to a 2 year old.03:35
UmeaboySimple can be TO simple as well.03:35
UmeaboyI wish we had a choice during the installation how we want our menus.03:36
UmeaboyJust like you can do in Android03:36
UmeaboyRegular touch desktop or Simple Touchwiz.03:36
UmeaboySimplified Touchwiz that is.03:36
UmeaboyI'll just leave it then I guess.03:38
Umeaboyrlaager and Son_Goku: What about the part for ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: Bienvenue!03:56
UmeaboyI know it's in French, but am I supposed to translate thoose sentances or words?03:57
UmeaboyI have a feeling as to what they are used for, but I want to be sure.03:57
rlaagerUmeaboy: I don't have any guidance there. I'm not an Ubuntu developer and I'm not familiar with that application.03:57
sarnoldi have a vague memory of the slideshow saying 'welcome' in many languages03:58
rlaagersarnold: Everyone loves copying Apple, don't they? ;)03:58
sarnoldrlaager: it's entirely possible that that's what I'm remembering :)03:59
=== shuduo-afk is now known as shuduo
Umeaboysarnold: Are you sure you didn't copy the thought of that from someone else?04:38
bipulCan anyone help me to get the output: for ((;;)); do tail -f /var/log/kern.log | a=$(grep -E "wlan0: authenticated" | tail -c21) | echo $a  ; done06:26
cpaelzergood morning06:48
dholbachgood morning07:34
pittiGood morning08:14
pittihallyn: sorry, I'm missing context here -- buliding the .dsc fails because debian's buildds don't enable the memory cgroup? this would be either the arch specific porter lists (https://lists.debian.org/ports.html) or perhaps https://lists.debian.org/debian-dak/08:18
pittihallyn: or is that for autopkgtests? in Debian they currently run in a container, but at least enabling some kernel option there is much simpler/less contentious08:19
pittiwgrant: meh, since yesterday our scalingstack instances are one big "timed out waiting for ssh" sorryness08:20
pittiand "INFO: task sshd:659 blocked for more than 120 seconds."08:20
cjwatsonpitti: lgw01 is undergoing maintenance; lcy01 doesn't seem too awful08:23
pittithis affects all three clouds08:23
cjwatsonpitti: though there was an incident yesterday that took it down08:23
cjwatson(lcy01 that is)08:24
cjwatsonpitti: I think you'll need to check directly with IS then; LP builders are not broken across the board08:24
pitticjwatson: ack, thanks08:24
cjwatson(I think)08:24
pittijust wanted to check before as there's no vanguard ATM08:24
pittiright, lgw doesn't respond, so if that's known, I won't report that again08:25
cjwatsonit's having surgery done on its mysql08:27
* pitti blames the vivid backported 3.19.0-57-generic kernel08:29
pittiapw: the vivid 3.19.0-57.63 kernel update is completely broken :(08:32
pittiapw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15406752/08:36
lamontdoko: smb ppa:lamont/ppa for your isc-dhcp testing fun, if you would be so kind.  Once I wake up, I'll bump versions and upload to xenial08:42
dokota, thanks08:42
smblamont, I just copied your bind over to a ppa of mine to add isc-dhcp later08:42
* lamont had some things come up that kept him from sleeping tonight, so he fought the battle to the conclusion.08:43
lamontotoh, too sleepy to be confident in my testing, nor do I have a trivially easy test setup for dhcp08:43
dokoMirv, libinput needs a merge, xserver-xorg-input-libinput is dep-wait08:43
smbDoes not sound that good08:43
wgrantpitti: lgw01 is back.08:44
wgrantAfter some mysql hackery.08:44
smblamont, Oh I saw you actually just uploaded a new version of isc-dhcp of yours. I was not sure you would be awake to do so08:44
lamontI did08:44
lamontthat one built locally (needed a new lib for 9.10)08:44
smbI see (just reading the changelog)08:45
lamontsmb: thanks for that work, btw08:45
lamontn.b., all I did was make it not ftbfs.08:45
lamontbut Ihave every reason to believe that it by damn well better fix the bugs08:46
smblamont, yw. Heh, yeah, unfortunately that was not obvious before :)08:46
Mirvdoko: you might mean that to tjaalton?08:46
lamontsmb: do not, if you value your keyboard or sanity, read debian/apply-export-patch in the bind9 tree.. you have been warned08:46
dokoMirv, ohh, crap, I do ... :-/08:46
pittiwgrant: yay, thanks for notifying; reenabling08:47
wgrantpitti: I misread LP logs, it may not actually be working yet.08:47
wgrantBut if it's not working then you may be able to get more details as to why.08:47
pittiwgrant: well, I can talk to it; absolute-limits is still as wrong as before, but at least it's back alive somehow08:47
wgrant(we don't have logs from lgw01 because lgw01 is entertaining)08:47
smblamont, Bah, thats the kind of "warning" to lure people of just doing that... :-P I try to don a tin foil hat before doing so ...08:47
tjaaltondoko: oh right08:47
wgrantLet me know if you can/can't start instancecs.08:48
lamontsmb: :D08:48
dokotjaalton, and a 1.2.2 seems to be out08:50
lamontsmb: I took a really really big hammer and just beat the living hell out of that square peg until it fit.08:50
tjaaltondoko: yes updating it atm08:50
pittiwgrant: right, "server building" is hanging, it's stuck in scheduling/NOSTATE08:51
smblamont, ugh... Looking forward to see what I avoided to do... Also sounds a bit like you should forward a bill to isc for fixing what they wanted to be paid a year ago...08:52
pittiapw: I purged all linux-meta test requests from  the vivid queues FYI, so they'll stay in "MISS" forever on your side08:53
apwpitti, ahh did we lose the vivid hosts ... damn08:54
lamontsmb it's a configure run, followed by a pair of for looped sed commands with a patch run in between...08:54
lamonttbf, I could have moved the patch run, but ... HAMMER08:55
smblamont, yay! (half-hearted) :) At least good you did not use grep08:55
lamontsmb: it didn't make it into the script. :p08:55
smbSo we do not need  a Claymore on top of the hammer08:56
lamontsmb: not as long as the dhcp bugs are fixe08:57
lamontalso, thanks isc for dropping the --enable-exportlib code08:57
lamontand yes, I'll be grumbling at my isc contacts08:58
lamontbut not until next week08:58
lamontsmb: doko isc-dhcp is built, waiting for publication09:00
smblamont, ack09:01
lamontand sleep for me.!!09:01
smbHeh, I think that you better do on your own for yourself09:02
seb128dholbach, just curious, that u-m-w update, how did you reconstruct the update package? patched the old version and renamed the dir? or unpackaged the new tarball and moved the debian dir over?09:13
smbHm... to my testing 1 of 2 problems solved09:13
seb128dholbach, also I would have guided flexiondotorg to do it the proper way so next requests can be more easily handled :p09:14
flexiondotorgseb128, I have been so guided :-)09:14
seb128flexiondotorg, sorry but those diff + tarball sponsoring requests are just not easy to reconstruct/sponsor09:15
seb128you should better add the dsc/diff|debian.tar.gz/orig09:15
flexiondotorgseb128, Understodd and future sponsoring requests will be more sponsor friendly.09:16
smbdoko, So it looks like dhcp lease renewal works now, but I think the signal handling still is an issue. I see the normal kill being noticed (strace attached) but looks like it still refuses to do something ...09:22
dholbachseb128, very easy: downloaded old package and debdiff, applied it09:24
dholbachseb128, but I said to flexiondotorg that a link to a .dsc file in a ppa would maybe be more straight-forward09:25
seb128dholbach, right, I did that, but then you can't really review the packaging diff and there is no garanty there is no cruft over what a proper tarball unpack + diff would have done09:25
seb128oh well, I guess they can fix fallover from that workflow if there are some09:26
dholbachnext time, ppa upload :)09:26
seb128or dsc/diff.gz to the bug09:26
seb128that works as well09:26
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: when you're reassigning bugs to ubiquity, please could you reassign them to the ubiquity package in Ubuntu, not to the ubiquity project in Launchpad (which we use for code hosting, but not for bug tracking)?  I've been reassigning them on but it gets tedious09:35
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Sure, what is the correct project name?09:35
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: the ubiquity package in Ubuntu, as I said09:36
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: as in, "also affects distribution/package", not "also affects project", etc.09:36
flexiondotorgThanks, that's the clue I needed.09:37
lamontsmb: as for delving deeper into the crazy, I suspect that y'all are as familiar with the relevant code as I am...   I'd prefer to let foundations go crazy with it :(09:41
lamontsmb: anyway, I'll be back to waking status in about 5 hours, will upload the non ~foo versions then, hopefully with whatever fixes you come up with in the mean time...09:41
smblamont, Hm, we will see how much that is but have a good night (had hoped you may already have)09:43
lamontthere was driving involved.09:43
lamontand the "huh, let me try to punt this to foundations" thought brought me back.. now I'm off to actual sleep.09:43
wgrantpitti: Should be fixed for real now.09:55
pittiwgrant: yay, works indeed, thanks10:17
pittiqueues will appreciate the horsepower10:17
juliankThe test failure of apt on i386 was flakyness again, and should be ignored. I just made the test a bit less flaky, we'll see how well that works in the next upload.11:00
xnoxpitti, autopackagetest ENOQUOTA11:47
pittixnox: it should be much better now that lgw01 is  back, queues are catching up fast11:47
pittithey were broken since last night for various reasons11:47
xnoxright, but i see adt logs having errors "30 out of 30 cpus used" and thus failing everything.11:48
pittixnox: that's mostly harmless, they'll auto-retry11:48
pittixnox: that happens if there are several "big" tests running which use an m1.large instead of the normal small11:48
pittithus they  block more cores11:48
pitti(linux, binutils)11:49
pittiplus, lcy01's db is off again and claiming that I use more resources than I actually do11:49
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roaksoax /win 1312:49
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smoserpitti, i have (at least) one more question.12:53
smoseri suspect that if i'm running on an add event, that even in an import i cannot update rules that would be executed later.12:54
smoserheres what i'm interested in doing.12:54
infinityjuliank: iz migrated now.12:54
cjwatsoninfinity: oh dear12:55
cjwatsonwe haven't had time to re-sign PPAs yet12:55
smoser a.) add event fires a rule in place by cloud-init that runs cloud-init-name-device via import12:55
cjwatsonI guess we're about to get a support firestorm12:56
smoser   that blocks until i've found information on what devices should be named12:56
smoser b.) i want to allow nic device name assignment based on something other than MAC (for example 'ID_NET_NAME_PATH' might be something)12:57
smoserso i'm going to end up with some language for saying "ID_NET_NAME_PATH=enp0s25 NAME=foo0"12:58
smoserwhich looks a lot like udev rules. so rather than using writing another parser, i'd like to re-use udev rules. but in order to do that i'd have to create or update a rules file that [possibly] did not exist when this event started.12:59
smoserie, i'd like for cloud-init-local to write /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules13:00
infinitycjwatson: Oh.  A blocking bug might have been nice.  If only the guy who wrote that feature was an LP dev.13:02
cjwatsoninfinity: I didn't realise it was going to start happening quite so soon :P13:02
cjwatsonjuliank: bug 1558331 - looks like synaptic's handling of warnings causes confusion13:03
ubottubug 1558331 in apt (Ubuntu) "After upgrading to apt 1.2.7 in Xenial, PPAs and most other third-party repositories become unusable with "The repository is insufficiently signed by key (weak digest)"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155833113:03
cjwatson(if you read the bug log closely, it looks as though PPAs aren't actually unusable, but synaptic displays warnings as errors and makes it look as though they will be)13:03
infinitycjwatson: I've noticed sbuild's temp repo is also goofycakes with the new apt.  Should we just switch that to [trusted=yes] for apt >> XX and be done with it?13:03
infinity(Thankfully, sbuild's just noisy, it doesn't fail)13:04
cjwatsoninfinity: there was some debate about that in a bug somewhere, I forget the details13:04
juliankcjwatson: Yeah, the warning system is somewhat confusing.13:04
juliankWith 1.2.8 it gets better13:04
juliankAs it then shows the actual errors as E:13:05
infinitycjwatson: Well, signing on the same system that turns around and reads the archive is snakeoil at best.  trusted=yes is obviously smarter in that case, but needs to be branched based on the version of apt in the target chroot until we no longer care about old apt.13:05
cjwatsoninfinity: sure, I get that, but signing with --digest-algo SHA512 might be an easier temporary fix13:05
infinitycjwatson: Oh, true.13:05
cjwatsonthat should work even with prettyarchaic gpg13:06
juliankcjwatson: Could a rebuild of all PPAs be triggered after your digest algo change is in? Is that possible?13:06
infinityAnything's possible, but I bet republishing all active PPAs would take a few days.13:07
cjwatsonjuliank: still need to work that out, a full rerun of everything would be extremely slow but it may be possible to have a job that just re-signs everything13:07
infinity(rough order of magnitude guess)13:07
juliankIt won't hurt not to do it, though, then users might notice some inactive PPAs13:07
cjwatsonthis is a pretty strict definition of "inactive"13:07
infinityjuliank: "inactive" doesn't imply "bad".13:07
juliankWell, if they add a xenial repo after the patch is done, they won't have an issue.13:08
cjwatsonit should be possible to just go through and run the Release step on everything13:08
juliankthey = the PPA owners13:08
cjwatsonbut I need to work out the details13:08
juliankI don't think there's a huge amount of xenial PPAs for end users yet13:08
infinityYou underestimate how popular PPAs are. :)13:09
juliankI even have PPAs on my Debian system!13:11
juliankworks OKish13:11
cjwatsonif my query isn't completely wrong there are at least 1440 PPAs with xenial publications13:12
cjwatsonwe definitely want to do something in bulk13:12
juliankOh, and the Chrome repository generator is fixed on Google's side now; so that should start working with the next Chrome (pre-)release13:14
juliankI also think now that we have warnings for the SHA1 signed release files, there's no need to turn them into errors for 16.10, we can just turn them into errors everywhere on January 1.13:34
juliankWhich is the same time frame the web browsers have.13:34
juliank(one stable update for xenial, one for xenial+1; and an upload to xenial + 2)13:34
juliankOn the other hand, I could also make the code a time bomb that automatically knocks it off on Jan 113:35
cjwatsontimebombs are terrible, you then get to deal with mis-set clocks etc.13:37
rbasakAlso a package bump with a changelog entry is less surprising as an explanation of changed behaviour.13:37
juliankYeah. It's also declarative now, a timebomb wouldn't...13:38
* juliank has a table digest id => (trust state, name)13:38
juliankAPT does not trust any digest in the private/implementation-defined range13:39
juliankonly the SHA2 ones and the reserved ones in the official range13:40
juliankstarting with 1.2.813:40
juliank(1.2.7 would have also accepted digest algorithms in the private range)13:40
xnoxpitti, is it possible to ignore spl-linux "regressions"? as far as I can see linux package builtin module is loaded, instead of the dkms module and then test fails.13:51
xnoxit's an automatic dkms test or some such.13:51
pittixnox: ah, we had this case with another package already indeed13:51
pittiyeah, http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/s/spl-linux/xenial/amd64 doesn't look very good13:52
pittixnox: will hint13:52
pittixnox: in fact we already have a hint, it just needs its version bumped :)13:52
xnoxpitti, thank you. And were is the test comming from? i guess we should be able to force use the dkms module, over the built-in one to make the tests test the dkms....13:52
pittixnox: from /usr/lib/dkms/dkms-autopkgtest13:53
xnoxpitti, tah.13:53
xnoxpitti, so dkms-autopkgtest can setup a wrapper script around dkms to call `dkms --force "$@"`, or e.g. dkms script could be modified to accept environment variable DKMS_FORCE= or some such. what would you prefer?14:16
xnox(then modules will be "force" installed by dkms, and we can test that they actually succeed)14:16
pittixnox: maybe14:18
pittixnox: but maybe the better thing would be to remove the dkms packages for which we already ship the modules in our kernel?14:18
xnoxpitti, we will not.14:18
xnoxpitti, e.g. dkms package is arch:all, and in case of spl we pre-compile it only for some arches, not all.14:18
pittixnox: env variable sounds a bit difficult as that's called via apt -> dpkg -> postinst14:22
pittixnox: so I guess dkms-autopkgtest would need to drop a config file somewhere?14:22
pittiwrapping sounds ok too, but then we don't really test dkms14:22
pittiwe want to see what these packages actually *do* on installation14:22
pittismoser: this language (map some properties to a name) is pretty much what .link files are, no?14:26
pittismoser: /lib/systemd/network/99-default.link is the default if there are no more specific rules, but anything earlier than that can define its own name based on properties, and will then be handled by 80-net-setup-link.rules14:27
xnoxpitti, yeah i'm not sure what should happen when a person does an active choice to install spl-dkms, e.g. whether or not it should or shouldn't shadow kernel built-in spl.ko.14:28
smoserpitti, yeah. that might work.14:28
smoserpitti, i like it. the only thing i dont like is that it ties me even more to systemd14:30
pittismoser: this is udev stuff, so it'll work under upstart or sysv all the same14:32
pittibut it does tie you to >= vivid (or so)14:32
pittismoser: anyway, you can equally well use udev rules for that, it's not a big difference14:32
pittiin both cases you need to have the rules in place before the network device gets detected14:33
smoserare you sure ?14:33
pittiwell, once a network device appears you need to name it somehow, and once the event is processed that name i s set14:33
pittiyou can change it on the next boot of course, but one must not start using the name in any configuration by then14:34
smoserpitti, right. but i think with systemd.link via /lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules i can probably manage to populate that directory *during* the event, just prior to 8014:35
smoseras it uses IMPORT. as long as 'builtin' reads the directory when the rule is processed (the same way it seems to for IMPORT{program}14:36
pittiyeah, that could work14:36
pittiadding rules while a rule is being processed most probably doesn't14:36
smoseryeah, i'm pretty sure it doesnt.14:36
smoserpitti, not a huge deal i dont think, but i'm almost certain that 'wait_for_interface' in /lib/udev/ifupdown-hotplug is completely bogus.14:44
smoser read state /sys/class/net/$interface/operstate14:45
smoserdoes not populate 'state' variable from the contents of read state /sys/class/net/$interface/operstate14:45
smoserthat *should* say14:45
smoser read state < /sys/class/net/$interface/operstate14:45
smoserthe former just does a read from stdin and returns error, never setting 'state'14:45
pittismoser: maybe; this isn't being used for anything except lo under !systemd, so I doubt it's being tested14:51
smoseryeah, i dont think its a big deal in reality14:51
smoserbut its completely broken if anyone ever expected it to work14:51
pittismoser: actually, the only reason to even have this wrapper is the systemd-escape --template for ifnames with funny chars14:52
pittiotherwise the udev rule could just directly say ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}+=ifup%<something>.service14:53
smoserwell, you said the wrapper would be needed to avoid dead ifup@non-auto-interface14:53
pittiright, that too14:54
smoserwhat funny names are there ?14:54
pittiwell, someone might decide that they want an interface with / or @ or a space in the name14:56
pitti(which arguably is just making your life hard, but we at least shoudln't crash on it)14:57
xnoxit will get systemd-encoded no?15:00
xnoxah right, mentioned above.15:00
xnoxone can name interface names using UTF-8 characters and it totally works.15:00
xnoxkernel is totally happy with network interface called 好15:01
xnoxvery good name15:01
naccslangasek: right, i'll work on that next -- i remember that now15:02
blake_rlamont: isc-dhcp is doing something wierd it keeps losing connection to its failover peer15:04
blake_rlamont: it didnt use to do this15:05
nacctjaalton: did that fix to commons-lang-java also unbreak pki?15:05
tjaaltonnacc: yes15:06
nacctjaalton: great!15:06
naccslangasek: it looks like, possibly, the zeta-console-tools is because we've disabled some normally built-in extension in the debian/ubuntu builds. I've got the list from ondrej and am now debugging15:07
blake_rlamont: also stop using SIGTERM is still broken15:26
blake_rlamont: I have to do SIGKILL which is nasty for the failover15:26
infinityblake_r: This is known.15:47
infinityblake_r: And being worked on.15:47
blake_rinfinity: yeah lamont was working on it and wanted me to test15:50
blake_rinfinity: is someone else working on it15:50
infinityblake_r: Ahh, you're testing a PPA or something?  Nevermind, then.15:53
slangasekxnox: do you name your interfaces 好 and 不好?15:53
lamontinfinity: ppa in prep for xenial upload... it's less broken, but I was hoping smb or doko or cyphermox would have more info for us15:54
smblamont, if you wait a little maybe I have15:54
infinitylamont: "Less broken" instills such amazing confidence.15:55
xnoxslangasek, i have had a double decoding bug, renaming my interfaces like that. And i was like "it can't be, and it totally is working"15:55
smblamont, I am currently doing local test builds15:55
xnoxslangasek,  好 and 不好 are awesome names for e.g. veth pair for a container =)15:55
smbinfinity, at least it did do some work while only still not stop doing it when you wanted to15:56
lamontinfinity: the first report was that 1 of 2 bugs appeared fixed. :/15:56
infinitylamont: The bug I care about is the kill/term one.  Though, if there are others, I'm all for them all being fixed. :P15:56
lamontinfinity: the other one had to do with not handing out leases, iirc15:57
smbinfinity, unfortunately that was the one not fixed15:57
* smb wonders whether he talks to a different room15:57
infinityIf we fail to fix that one, we're going to have to hack around it with a late shutdown job that does killall dhclient.  Which is vile.  So let's not.15:57
infinitysmb: I'm seeing you. :P15:58
smbinfinity, thank deity! :-P15:58
lamontsmb: and we're getting into the area where I'm not fully up to speed on the code that dhcp is using, so I'm kinda leaning on y'all here...15:58
lamontnot just because I'm a touch sleep deprived atm15:58
smblamont, I am suspecting some code in bind lib/isc/unix/app.c15:59
lamontsmb: this would not surprise me15:59
smblamont, but let me finish the test builds and then I could ask you to confirm I am not completely crazy (only half)15:59
lamontpoke me if I can help with any of it15:59
* lamont goes to his meeting16:00
infinitysmb: Given your size, is your half crazy the same volume as my full crazy?16:00
blake_rlamont: the failover connection also seems to be going in and out, something that I saw before these issues occurred16:00
smbinfinity, guess it depends on the square of distance or so16:00
infinitysmb: Well, the question is if relative crazy or absolute crazy is the more interesting measure.16:01
lamontblake_r: I suspect that's related to the signals, but yeah16:01
smbinfinity, that kindo of gets us into half-a-bee territory :-P16:02
maswansmb: but half infinity is still infinity16:03
infinitymaswan: I think you've just solved all my time management issues.  Fetch me a saw.16:03
smbbut then on the other hand there is no more crazy than inifinite crazy... So half of mine never can not be anywhere near (no matter of size)16:05
naccslangasek: ugh, i'm super frustrated by this, but the maze of dependencies (and really old versions of various components) means i think the simplest answer is to put php-guzzle back in. is that feasible?16:21
naccslangasek: i think the only reason we will need it is for this runtime dependency for aws-sdk-for-php16:21
naccslangasek: as php-opencloud 2.0 uses php-guzzlehttp16:22
naccslangasek: LP: #154380716:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1543807 in php-opencloud (Ubuntu) "[FFe] upgrade to php-opencloud 2.0.0" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154380716:22
naccslangasek: then again, we could *not* move php-opencloud up, if php-guzzle is around16:22
nacci hate carrying around a fully deprecated and unmaintained package, but these packages are a nightmare to untangle16:23
smbinfinity, do you happen do remember to number of the dhclient is ignoring me part of the problem16:27
infinitysmb: That sentence no English.16:28
smbinfinity, at least those are English words. :-P16:29
infinitysmb: There were many English words, yes.16:29
smbinfinity, what I meant there is the dhclient does not terminate problem16:29
infinitysmb: They just didn't sentence correctly.16:29
smbinfinity, the one you are interested in getting fixed. I just cannot remember which bug number that was16:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1556175 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "networking.service hangs on shutdown -- killing dhclient has no effect any more" [High,Triaged]16:30
smbinfinity, coold thanks16:30
smbSo I can add the correct closing codes to the changelog16:30
infinitysmb: Does that mean you've fixed it?16:31
slangaseknacc: do you have a php7-compatible php-guzzle? the lack of compatibility was why it was removed16:31
slangaseknacc: my handwavy guess was that it was going to be better to port php-aws-sdk to php-guzzlehttp16:31
smbinfinity, I think I have. Though I will let lamont have double check the change16:31
naccslangasek: well ... we *could* port. that's why we were updating php-aws-sdk :)16:31
naccslangasek: and it's almost impossilbe to figure out what to backport16:32
infinitysmb: \o/16:32
naccslangasek: as i think we'd be backporting basically all of v3 of the SDK (lots of changes upstream)16:32
smbinfinity, seems slightly crazy to fix signal processing not working by removing parts that install signal handlers16:32
naccslangasek: but let me keep digging16:32
infinitysmb: That does sound potentially sketchy.16:34
smbinfinity, though effectively that is exactly how things where before upstream tried magics with the lib.16:36
infinitysmb: Right, sounds sketchy on both counts.  Removing a signal handler is often a sign your doing something wrong, but I'd argue that adding one to a client library is also a sign you've done something wrong. :P16:37
infinitysmb: (Unless you've taught all the applications that link to it how to deal with the new world order)16:37
smbinfinity, Right, which seems to be the little detail upstream did not care (enough)...16:38
infinitysmb: The question is if removing the handler for dhcp's sake then breaks bind.16:39
infinitysmb: Unless you're doing this in a dhcp-only build of the library.16:39
smbinfinity, Oh I basically added a if (!isc_bind9) -> don't care about that16:39
infinitysmb: Right, that seems potentially reasonable then.16:40
naccslangasek: as to symfony, i do think we'll want to update to 2.7.10, that will pick up several bugfixes, and allow for compat with php-proxy-manager 2.016:44
lamontsmb: looking now16:51
smblamont, I need 1 more minutes , sorry16:51
hallynpitti: for autopkgtests, yes.17:19
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flexiondotorgIs there something "wrong" with the xenial archive?18:10
flexiondotorgI can see new version of packages actually in the directory structure.18:10
flexiondotorgBut apt-get update and apt-cache show is not finding these newer versions.18:10
mitya57flexiondotorg, be more precise? which package?18:11
flexiondotorgubuntu-mate-welcome was one I was interested in.18:11
flexiondotorg16.04.4 is in published, but only 16.04.3 is discoverable.18:11
flexiondotorggstreamer-plugins-1.0-bad is uninstallable as weel.18:12
mitya57flexiondotorg, ubuntu-mate-welcome was published today, maybe your mirror is not yet updated…18:12
infinityflexiondotorg: ubuntu-mate-welcome looks there to... What mitya57 said.18:12
infinityflexiondotorg: Are you using a Canonical mirror, or a downstream, or a proxy?18:12
flexiondotorgOK, I'll check what mirror I'm using.18:13
mitya57And gst-plugins-bad1.0 was published *only* 25 minutes ago, and not even migrated to release yet.18:14
naccslangasek: ok, i can confirm that, based upon my testing, php-guzzle really is incompatible with php7 (curl issues, minimally)18:15
naccslangasek: i'm going to ask the monolog maintainer about their dep18:15
slangaseknacc: ok. fwiw I'm context switching out the php stuff at this point since I don't see anything for me to do on it without diving into upstream code; but as soon as you have anything that wants sponsoring (or just review), just poke me18:18
naccslangasek: yep, will do, thanks!18:18
naccslangasek: have a (relatively) quick question for you, if you're available18:50
naccslangasek: I *think* I have a way forward for php-monolog, but would like to understand if it's acceptable. It sounds like the only reason there is a build-dep on php-aws-sdk is to run the tests. So we *could* skip the tests, or intentionally fail those tests (the runtime throws an error) and catch that error appropriately.18:53
slangaseknacc: shoot18:53
naccslangasek: if we could keep the previously sync'd version of php-aws-sdk :/18:53
naccslangasek: so much churn, i'm really sorry18:53
slangaseknacc: ok, we can certainly restore it (with a funky version number now), but that version was also not viable - you have fixes now for it?18:55
naccslangasek: ok, so my understadning of why php-aws-sdk didn't work was strictly this php-monolog issue18:55
naccas it's the only dependency in the archive on it18:55
slangaseknacc: do you believe php-monolog will be compatible with the new php-aws-sdk package?18:56
naccslangasek: oh i see what you're asking18:56
naccslangasek: so no, php-monolog is not compatible (afaict) with v3 of the API. But an upstream contributor basically says that "versioned dependency" in the composer.json is only there so the tests run. The runtime will leverage AWS if you want it to, but it's no a key part of the functionality, if that makes sense?18:58
naccslangasek: i'm asking upstream for more clarity on what they'd recommend here18:58
naccslangasek: v2 of the SDK is explicitly not PHP7 compatible (due to php-guzzle not being PHP7 compatible)18:59
slangaseknacc: right. so before we re-uplift php-aws-sdk, I want to make sure we have a solution for php-monolog, whatever it is - because downgrading aws-sdk a second time would be exceptionally painful :)19:00
naccslangasek: yep, understood, i just wanted to clarify what is possible or not19:00
naccslangasek: i'm not going to suggest antyhing until i get clarity from upstream19:00
superm1cyphermox: slangasek, any intentions on moving to mokutil 0.3 instead of 0.2?  it looked like it's changed now to use system efivar rather than an old embedded library along with tons of fixing on issues19:07
naccslangasek: can you explain to my why php-mongodb hasn't proceeded to release?19:09
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slangaseknacc: because of the php-defaults breaks, I think19:14
slangaseknacc: so new php-defaults needs to go in first19:14
slangaseksuperm1: hadn't made any plans around it; are there specific issues that are fixed that you're concerned about?19:15
naccslangasek: ok, my current tentative suggestion is: re-uplift php-aws-sdk; remove build-dep in php-monolog which will skip tests. Not ideal, but from interacting with upstream, the AWS usecase is quite small (for monolog)19:16
naccslangasek: hrm, i can chdist install both?19:16
slangaseknacc: the php-common from xenial, plus the php-mongodb from xenial-proposed?19:16
cyphermoxsuperm1: does 0.3 better handle non-interactiveness19:17
superm1slangasek: there's been a variety of odd issues that got fixed directly in efivar the past few months related to how it built up and parsed efi variables.  they've affected both fwupdate and efibootmgr directly.  i haven't directly seen any issues with mokutil myself that mirrored the type of stuff that happened in efivar19:17
naccslangasek: ah ha! that's it, sorry, i was using the php-common from proposed as well, which is waiting right now19:18
cyphermoxsuperm1: sounds worth checking out, I've noticed some issues with setting validation19:18
superm1cyphermox: it does have some different import mechanisms19:18
tewardis anyone else having issues editing things on the wiki?19:26
* teward can't even edit his own page19:27
tewardnevermind, i just had to logout and login again :)19:29
sarnoldteward: the details are that you were added to the new group that is required for editing privilegs, but the wiki doesn't notice until you logout and in again19:31
tewardsarnold: indeed.19:32
tewardweird that this didn't present yesterday19:32
tewardand only today19:32
* teward shrugs19:32
sarnoldodd indeed, I needed tio be added to the group several days ago19:33
superm1cyphermox: https://launchpad.net/~superm1/+archive/ubuntu/uefi/+build/9364737 mokutil 0.3.0 if you want to see if it helps your validation issues.  if you decide to go with it, there are some compile warnings that cause FTBFS on i386 with current toolchain, so might need to be more closely investigated20:20
cyphermoxsuperm1: cool, thanks20:21
tewardI had a poke from someone wondering if the 'unified ping' (ping / ping6) changes from Debian were incorporated into Ubuntu for Xenial, does anyone know offhand?20:49
* teward isn't sure how to answer it20:49
tewardooo, I see, Debian made that change in iputils to unify the ping and ping6 items, and uploaded after featurefreeze20:54
tewardmakes sense :P20:54
superm1cyphermox: pretty sure this will fix the FTBFS on i386 too: https://github.com/lcp/mokutil/commit/cdb4b6f3bfd6ada6558ddfb889e27150f0841b2820:54
naccslangasek: i don't have much experience with importing new upstrema versions, and am ahving some trouble with symfony 2.7.10 and importing it. I'm following the instructions in debian/README.source but I'm not sure how I regenerate the license information for the images; and then I'm getting a dh_php failure afterwards; would you be able to help me understand what is needed?21:12
slangaseknacc: you want 2.7.10 specifically? I see 2.8.3 is available21:18
slangaseknacc: if you were going to 2.8.3, you would just run 'uscan && uupdate'21:18
slangaseknacc: for 2.7.10, you want to download the tarball manually, and then use uupdate21:18
slangasekoh, but the watch file doesn't handle source mangling for us?21:19
naccslangasek: i *think* 2.7.10 is a safer upgrade ... 2.8.3 introduces some functional changes, afaict, and 2.7.10 will get us proxy-manager 2.0 compliance21:20
naccslangasek: not only that, the watch file is syntactically wrong21:20
naccit uses \d21:20
naccrather than \d+ :)21:20
naccso it doesn't even see 2.7.1021:20
slangasekah, heh21:20
slangaseknacc: escape hatch, because Debian already has 2.8.2 in experimental we probably will never have a 2.7.10 tarball in Debian so we don't have to worry about checksum mismatches. So we assume that we can create our own orig.tar.gz with impunity. as for licensing, I only know what I read in that same debian/README.source21:21
slangaseknacc: I would try the script that they provide, and cross-reference with licensecheck21:21
naccslangasek: ok, good to know, let me try with uupdate21:21
naccslangasek: Pharaoh_Atem also indicate the version chagne for symfony breaks lots of tools (2.7 -> 2.8), so i think we'd rather avoid it if we can21:22
* slangasek nods21:24
lamontdoko: http://bugs.debian.org/818541 :p21:30
ubottuDebian bug 818541 in libbind-dev "libbind-dev: arch-dependent files in "Multi-Arch: same" package" [Important,Open]21:31
naccslangasek: can you confirm something for me? does symfony fail to build for you with dh-php in the archive?22:30
slangaseknacc: the current symfony and dh-php packages in the archive?22:31
naccslangasek: yeah -- i have a log locally of it working with dh-php 0.5, but with dh-php 0.10, i'm getting an error22:32
sarnoldpitti: can you please take a look at 1558823? thanks ;)22:36
naccslangasek: so i think 0.10 removed "auto-configuration" and ... so symfony won't build22:40
slangaseknacc: I see it failing to build with test failures22:45
slangaseknacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15410975/22:46
slangaseknot sure if that's related to the auto-configuration you mention22:46
naccslangasek: hrm, with dh_php 0.10? I get: "dh_php: .php configuration file is needed for dh_php"22:46
slangasekit is, however, building without xenial-proposed enabled22:46
slangasekshould I try that?22:46
naccslangasek: ah ambye that's the differnce22:47
naccyeah i'm using proposed22:47
slangasekok, checking22:47
naccslangasek: hrm, I got a failure without proposed too22:49
slangaseknacc: ah, interesting.  And this is symfony 2.7.9+dfsg-1ubuntu2 ?22:50
slangaseknacc: I see the same failure with either xenial or xenial-proposed22:51
naccslangasek: the testcase failure you pasted above?22:51
slangaseknacc: yes22:51
naccslangasek: i'm pulling down the source again to be sure i'm not carrying osme bad state somehow22:53
naccslangasek: ugh, i apologize, it must have been something stale in my repository ... will debug it22:53
slangasekok :)22:53
naccslangasek: ah ha! i see why now23:07
naccslangasek: ok, so in my case, i'm still trying to figure out how to update the licenses23:07
naccso i passed DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck to skip the license check for now23:07
naccslangasek: but that also skips the tests :)23:07
slangasekah ;)23:07
naccslangasek: ah, but symfony 2.8.2 in experimental does have the fix for your testcase failure23:10
naccslangasek: ok,i'll need to spend more time on this to figure out wehther we hsould just go to symfony 2.8.2 like you said earlier; but that adds a new source & binary requiremeint, php-symfony-polyfill (although I think our version can be trimmed down significantly since we aren't going to support php5)23:21
slangasekI think php-symfony-polyfill is already in Ubuntu, but stuck in -proposed?23:22
naccslangasek: ah i see, probably needs some updates to use the right deps23:23
Logandoko: looks like gmp-gcc4 is failing to rebuild due to the new inclusion of -Wdate-time in dpkg-buildflags (which GCC 4.7 doesn't support, apparently)23:28
slangasekLogan: adjust the package to filter it out of the buildflags?23:30
slangasek(or drop the package, because gcc4?)23:30
LoganI didn't want to touch it without doko's approval since he created the split for Xenial23:30
LoganI guess it has some legacy rdeps23:30
slangasekthe worst that can happen is that you're permanently TIL ;)23:31
Loganthe horror!23:31
naccslangasek: ok, debdiff posted in LP: #1558848 for polyfill23:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1558848 in symfony (Ubuntu) "symfony: failing autopkgtests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155884823:32
naccbuilds & passes test here23:33
naccwith that in, i'll look at testing the debian version of symfony, i think23:33
naccslangasek: could you possibly kick php-symfony-security-acl's build? I think it should build now23:58

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