
rick_h__jcastro: you all cook timetimes right?15:46
rick_h__jcastro: I've got a free blueapron invite and wanted to see if you're intersted15:46
rick_h__jrwren: same ^15:46
jrwrencook timetimes?15:51
jrwrenrick_h__: thanks for offer. My wife is all groceries and from scratch and stuff, so I am out.15:51
rick_h__jrwren: yea, that's what we like. It's fresh stuff from scratch but always a surprise15:52
jcastrorick_h__: I've read both your sentences twice and still can't parse wtf you're talking about lol15:52
rick_h__jcastro: lol would you like a free meal from https://www.blueapron.com/15:52
jcastrobut blueparon looks incredible15:52
rick_h__jcastro: to try it out15:52
jcastroI've seen services like this15:53
* rick_h__ has invites15:53
jcastroI think that if we stopped wasting so much money eating out and being lazy15:53
jcastrothis would work for us and save us money15:53
jcastroYES, invite me.15:53
rick_h__yea, that's our thing. It's cheaper than us eating out twice a week and better food/for us15:53
rick_h__been doing it for 6mo or so and my wife just loves it, but it involved manual cooking15:54
rick_h__so not everyone's cup of tea15:54
jcastroI don't mind cooking15:54
jcastroit's the prep and shopping and stuff that sucks15:54
jcastro"cook this all prepped for you like they do on TV" is the fun part15:55
jcastroI can see why this service is valuable15:55
rick_h__lol, well you still have to chop and dice and such15:55
rick_h__but what's awesome is they ship you the amount you need for the recipe15:55
jcastrowell yeah15:55
jcastrobut it's the right amount15:55
rick_h__so I don't have to buy 10lb of kale for one meal15:55
jcastroit seems better than "we better buy a huge box of XXX at costco in case we need it"15:55
rick_h__invite sent15:55
rick_h__anyone else wants a blueapron meal let me know15:57
jcastroI might need you to send one to my neighbor, I'll let you know, how many do you have?15:58
rick_h__3 more after yours15:58
rick_h__and then I get a new one every few months or whatever15:58
jcastrook I'll probably just sign up16:01
jcastrohow is the food?16:01
rick_h__so I find we like 3 out of 4 meals pretty well16:03
rick_h__what's nice is that it's not stuff we'd normally do which is nice after making the same 10 things time after time16:03
jrwrenlactose intollerant vegetarian wife makes these things practically impossible for us :[16:07
jrwreni'm a tiny bit envious.16:07
greg-gwe were doing something similar out here for a few months, stopped because.. I forget why exactly, but it was nice16:16
greg-goh, because it plus our CSA was too much food16:16
rick_h__greg-g: ah, cool16:16
cmaloneyI'll note that rick_h__ didn't ask me. :)16:39
rick_h__cmaloney: :P I offered everyone16:40
jrwrenhe knows you only eat pizza like a good coder/sysadmin?16:40
rick_h__but I also don't recall cmaloney going "I <3 cooking all the time"16:40
cmaloneyThat's because JoDee is amazed I can boil water without burning the house down16:41
cmaloneyMight hit you up later for an invite. Right now our schedule isn't great for eating at home.16:42
rick_h__cmaloney: gotcha16:42
cmaloneyand I'd like to learn more of the art of turning stuff into meals.16:43
brouschrick_h__: Invite me to blueapron19:07
rick_h__brousch: email addr?19:07
rick_h__brousch: sent19:08
brouschI do 90% of our cooking, and grocery shopping19:09
brouschThe worst part for me is clean up. I don't mind prep19:09
jrwrenmy wife does all, but I usually clean up.19:09
cmaloneyjrwren: ^^19:10
brouschWe currently have organic veg delivered every 2 weeks19:10
cmaloneyI'm the dishwasher19:10
brouschrick_h__: Thanks. I'm signed up for the trial19:14
rick_h__brousch: cool19:15
jcastrosmoser: rick_h__: I have 2 roku 3's for sale if anyone is interested19:43
rick_h__jcastro: thanks but good here19:48
rick_h__jcastro: hey do you know how i could stream offline google play movies to a tv w/o internet?19:48
jcastroI know I can download onto a device19:49
jcastroI am not sure if you can chromecast to a TV from that though19:49
jcastrolet me test, it'll take my device like 10 min to DL it though19:50
rick_h__yea you can't chromecast it19:52
rick_h__but rge roku mention reminded me i want to look into that for when i'm camping19:52
jcastroI wonder if you could do a tablet with an HDMI Out plug19:53
rick_h__so most don't support it. i used to do that with my nexus 7 or 1019:56
rick_h__has a cable for it19:56
smosersome apps can chromecast offline20:03
smoserjcastro, why are you seeling perfectly good roku?20:04
jcastrosmoser: hardware upgrades so they won't be used, one is missing a roku controller but I got a generic controller that also controls the TV for wife-friendly usage20:05
jrwreni know how you can stream off line google play movies to a TV w/o internet. 1. Use Kodi. 2. torrent the same movie. 3. play the movie.20:09
jrwrensorry, I know that isn't helpful. I just couldn't resist.20:10
jcastrothat still won't work without internet20:39
jcastrowould work with plex with the autotranscoding though20:40
jrwrenum, that works without itnernet. I've done it :p20:42
jrwrenI mean... step 2 has to be done ahead of time, of course.20:43
jcastrorick_h__: Adam got a piece of junk android tablet at Fry's last sprint for $40 with a mini sd card slot20:44
jcastroaisrael: ^^^ like that right?20:45
aisraelThis is the one: http://www.microcenter.com/product/448360/a745_tablet20:46
jcastroMarshmellow has a new feature20:47
jcastrowhere you can slap an sd card in20:47
jcastroand it will use that + the internal storage as one virtual disk20:47
jcastrothat way you don't have to manually select where to put content and apps, etc.20:48
jcastroso like, one of these with marshmellow would be a perfect syncing machine for the google content20:48
jrwreni have something like that. mine is absolute garbage. at least that one has lollipop20:49
jcastroit's a 40 dollar tablet20:49
jcastroso yeah, heh20:49
jrwrenmine was $60, a copule years ago. I thought, even for $60, I'll be able to use it for something... but no. it really is worthless. basic web browsing... tooo slow.  even youtube is too slow. it can play the video sure, but the app navigation and search is so slow its useless.20:51
jrwrenMaybe I'm just too demanding.20:51
jcastrois today st. patty's day?20:51
jrwrenpaddy not patty.20:52
jrwrenyes, it is.20:52
jcastrowhy have we not been drinking all day?20:52
jrwrenI've cut back on drinking a lot.20:53
aisraelIt's never too late to start20:53
jrwren I'm getting over a terrible cold.20:53
jcastrowe had bad colds a few weeks ago20:55
cmaloneyjcastro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSC9A5bPhU422:19

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