
dholbachgood morning07:35
davidcalledholbach: dpm, I'll be coordinating with fo0bar in #webops when he is around and ready for the upgrade.09:12
dpmdavidcalle, looking forward to it!09:18
dholbachdavidcalle, how are things looking? :)14:02
davidcalledholbach: no clouds in sight! But still waiting for the pilot ;-)14:03
dholbachI like the mental imagery already - let's hope it won't be a crash landing :-)14:06
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119_canonic
=== mhall119_canonic is now known as mhall119_cct
=== mhall119_cct is now known as mhall119_CC
=== mhall119_CC is now known as mhall119_CCT
=== mhall119_CCT is now known as mhall119

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