arno_ | so, I followed the proper procedure, and updated from 14.04 to 14.10 | 00:02 |
arno_ | and my graphical session does not start | 00:02 |
arno_ | I'm glad I didn't update directly to 15.10. I wonder what a "broken system" would look like | 00:03 |
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Bashing-om | arno_: Proprietary graphic's driver was in use ? | 00:04 |
Fooster | how can I tell if my SSD is using SATA 3? | 00:04 |
Fooster | I checked the dmesg | grep sata | grep link up | 00:04 |
Fooster | and that gives three values | 00:04 |
Fooster | ata1, ata4, and ata3 | 00:04 |
Bashing-om | arno_: You are aware that you can not stop at 14.10 ? As that release is EOL . | 00:06 |
pauljw | Fooster, maybe sudo lshw ? | 00:06 |
arno_ | Bashing-om: I know. But even if unsupported, wasn't it supposed to at least, start? | 00:07 |
arno_ | Bashing-om: I don't remember if I was using a proprietary driver | 00:07 |
arno_ | But my error seems related to this bug | 00:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1359439 in systemd-shim (Debian) "[ 7.287663] systemd-logind[1057]: Failed to start unit user@126.service: Unknown unit: user@126.service" [Unknown,New] | 00:07 |
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arno_ | I'll just install 15.04 and see if that fixes the issue anyway | 00:08 |
Bashing-om | arno_: Well ,, in a perfect world .. yeah ... but so much depends on what was installed .. though the system tries to disable 3rd party sources .. there be slips . | 00:08 |
arno_ | ubuntu upgrades are so painful. That's why I wait until the last moment to do them | 00:09 |
Myrtti | why 15.04 tho | 00:12 |
arno_ | Myrtti: because 14.10 -> 15.04 -> 15.10 | 00:13 |
Myrtti | Well why not install 15.10 straight up | 00:13 |
arno_ | Myrtti: because otherwise, my system might be broken | 00:13 |
Bashing-om | arno_: Honestly. I have used 'buntu since release 9.04, and have release upgraded many times ,, and upgraded other's sysyems .. I have never ever experienced a problem . BUT, all non-ununtu softeware is reverted to our repo, nothing proprietary is in-use and screen saver is disabled . | 00:13 |
Myrtti | it's at least still supported while 15.04 isn't | 00:14 |
arno_ | Bashing-om: I don't know how you do. But I don't remember a time when I had *not* a problem. Either the sound stop working, or the double screen. Or teh graphical system does not start again. Or else, apparmor config has changed, and something is broken | 00:17 |
arno_ | anyway, I stop ranting. It's beer time. Thanks for your help guys. I'll try to fix the issue later | 00:20 |
Bashing-om | arno_: K, No matter the what, we are here to help - together we can . | 00:26 |
maum | hello | 00:28 |
maum | traceroute prints * * * what is this? | 00:28 |
popey | timeout basically | 00:30 |
maum | ah | 00:30 |
matju | how do I upgrade only one package and its dependencies using apt-get ? | 00:34 |
nacc | matju: `apt-get install <package>`, but why do you want to do to that? | 00:35 |
matju | does "install" overwrite any config files, or does it only reinstall configs if they have been purged ? | 00:35 |
metroins | My update notification (top right of screen) has a red triangle with an !. I keep showing update/updating but it never goes away. Is there something I can do to fix this? | 00:37 |
sker | close | 00:41 |
matju | nacc: i want that for limiting the number of things that can break at once. | 00:41 |
Bashing-om | metroins: Show us in a pastebin the outputs of terminal commands : ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' . (greater deatil in terminal ) | 00:41 |
nacc | matju: i see | 00:43 |
nacc | matju: what apt does, depends on your configuration of apt, but generally i twon't overwrite configuration without user permission | 00:43 |
matju | nacc: ok, thanks | 00:43 |
metroins | Bashing-om: Thank you for your help: | 00:46 |
Bashing-om | metroins: Look'n . | 00:46 |
metroins | That did make the red alert go away | 00:47 |
Bashing-om | !google-chrome | 00:48 |
Bashing-om | !google-repo | 00:48 |
Bashing-om | !google repo | 00:49 |
ubottu | I have no google command, use | 00:49 |
Elson | oiê | 00:50 |
Elson | boa noite | 00:50 |
Bashing-om | metroins: We have a bot response to Goggle's server change. Bear with me .. Cleaner than my directive . | 00:50 |
k1l | !chrome-repo | 00:51 |
ubottu | Google recently deprecated 32-bit Chrome, which causes errors on 64-bit multiarch Ubuntu systems. To fix this, run: sudo sed -i 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list /opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome | 00:51 |
metroins | Bashing-om: Thank you. | 00:52 |
metroins | Bashing-om: I don't even use chrome, so I will just uninstall it; I use chromium. | 00:52 |
Bashing-om | metroins: That will work also .. remove google-chrome and also remember to remove it's sources . | 00:53 |
squinty | fwiw, omgubuntu also has a nice blog re that topic | 00:54 |
metroins | squinty: thank you. | 00:55 |
mrfae | how nuch money canonical get to be a slave of amazon? | 00:55 |
nicomachus | metroins squinty: that article is close, but no cigar. | 00:55 |
Bashing-om | squinty: We have a bot response but I can not recall how to query it . | 00:56 |
k1l | mrfae: this is not the right channel for this sort of rant | 00:56 |
nicomachus | You have to follow the Top comment's suggestion, but the bot has it right anyway. | 00:56 |
smtwtfs | Are there any *recommended* guides for installing ubuntu to a secondary ssd/dual boot with win10? | 00:56 |
squinty | nicomachus, works fine here on my machines <shrug> | 00:56 |
k1l | !dualboot | smtwtfs | 00:56 |
ubottu | smtwtfs: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - Macs: | 00:56 |
nicomachus | squinty: if you don't also do the script in /opt/google/chrome/cron/ then it resets after 24 horus. | 00:56 |
nicomachus | hours& | 00:56 |
nicomachus | hours*** | 00:56 |
smtwtfs | thanks so much! | 00:56 |
k1l | smtwtfs: but in general: just install it onto that disk. | 00:56 |
picarda | Hello, anyone use a video as a wallpaper here? | 00:57 |
smtwtfs | ok, thanks. | 00:57 |
squinty | nicomachus, hmmmm...been a while now since I made changes and no errors reported when I update my 16.04 every day... could be different in other releases | 00:58 |
nicomachus | squinty: 16.04 may have fixed it, but since 16.04 support isn't in this channel, answers have to be geared to supported releases. | 00:59 |
reisio | picarda: probably someone does | 00:59 |
mrfae | i really dont know: did someone get paid to improve ubuntu? | 01:00 |
squinty | ok also have not seen it on my 14.04 unity or xfce releases either | 01:00 |
reisio | mrfae: a small group of people, yes | 01:00 |
picarda | ok, because I have an issue and looking for a solution.. | 01:01 |
picarda | It disapear sometimes and give me a black background.. | 01:01 |
metroins | Does anybody have a decent resource for installing android sdk on ubuntu | 01:01 |
metroins | ? | 01:01 |
reisio | metroins: is it not in the repos? | 01:01 |
metroins | reisio I Know the word repo means repository, but I don't know how to answer that question. | 01:02 |
reisio | metroins: looks like it's available, in the universe repo, for Ubuntu 16.04 | 01:03 |
reisio | via 'android-sdk' metapackage | 01:03 |
metroins | reisio: I am on 14.04 | 01:04 |
metroins | reisio: and I tried sudo apt-get install android-sdk with no luck and I checked the application manager as well. | 01:05 |
metroins | reisio: I am a 2 or 3 out of 10 on the scale of expertise in linux. | 01:06 |
Bashing-om | !info android-sdk wily | 01:06 |
ubottu | Package android-sdk does not exist in wily | 01:06 |
k1l | metroins: its not included in ubuntu versions right now. | 01:06 |
k1l | when 16.04 will be released in end of april thats the first one | 01:07 |
metroins | Ok. I'll follow the regular steps for installing it on: | 01:07 |
reisio | metroins: if your primary purpose for the OS will be Android development, I'd say install 16.04 | 01:08 |
reisio | should be more straightforward than other routes | 01:08 |
k1l | metroins: see if that helps: | 01:08 |
metroins | reisio: It is not; it is a tertiary goal. | 01:08 |
reisio | metroins: is another tertiary goal having an up-to-date Ubuntu? | 01:08 |
reisio | because 16.04 would satisfy that as well | 01:08 |
metroins | reisio: stability is the primary goal | 01:08 |
reisio | metroins: what? Then why're you interested in Android? :p | 01:09 |
* reisio kids (mostly) | 01:09 | |
oo7cat | i install ubuntu into laptop, but message show lik this: NO Bootable Device. what’s wrong? | 01:09 |
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metroins | reisio: I primarily run an education company but I have to port my web platform over to mobile apps. So I've got about a year or so to learn how to do it. | 01:10 |
reisio | oo7cat: using... DVD? | 01:10 |
reisio | metroins: well, at least that'll be plenty of time :) | 01:10 |
oo7cat | using usb | 01:10 |
reisio | metroins: will the app need to connect to your remote server/s? | 01:10 |
reisio | oo7cat: how'd you make your usb image? | 01:11 |
oo7cat | | 01:11 |
oo7cat | reisio: | 01:11 |
metroins | reisio: yes or no. I was thinking of making it a "shell/portal" to just the web template and having standalone quizzes that do not connect within the app for ease of development. | 01:11 |
reisio | oo7cat: that's problematic :) the path of least resistance might be to burn a CD/DVD | 01:12 |
reisio | metroins: well, it's not very "hard core", but you might keep in mind that there are a lot of projects out there for taking an existing webUI and generating from that a "standalone app" shell for various mobile OSes | 01:13 |
reisio | g'luck | 01:13 |
oo7cat | i don’t know what you mean? reisio | 01:13 |
reisio | oo7cat: got a CD/DVD burner? Try using that | 01:13 |
metroins | reisio: Thank you. I have been using Ubuntu as my daily driver for 2 months and very much enjoying it. | 01:13 |
k1l | oo7cat: what OS are you using to make the usb? | 01:13 |
reisio | metroins: and before that, what? | 01:14 |
oo7cat | i use ubuntu to make usbe | 01:14 |
metroins | reisio: Windows obviously. Our education software is written in windows applications that we now use in virtualbox | 01:14 |
k1l | oo7cat: ok, easiest is to use "dd". that makes sure the "usb maker" doesnt create any problems. | 01:14 |
oo7cat | what is dd? | 01:15 |
* squinty muses "a full size usb maker?" | 01:15 | |
reisio | oo7cat: a command, be careful if you use it | 01:16 |
k1l | oo7cat: "sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M && sync" just make sure sdb is your actual usb drive and not a 2nd harddisk | 01:16 |
reisio | metroins: yeah, I imagine that would be a nice change :D | 01:16 |
reisio | metroins: run via Wine at all, your apps? | 01:16 |
oo7cat | yeah thanks reisio and k1l | 01:16 |
oo7cat | :) | 01:16 |
metroins | reisio: No. Wine has been crashing with Word/Excel; so we just switched to vbox when we need. | 01:17 |
reisio | metroins: oh, they utilize word/excel, or you guys do? | 01:18 |
reisio | s/they/the apps/ | 01:18 |
metroins | metroins: We do. Our program is web-based using SCORM and moodle. | 01:18 |
reisio | oh right | 01:20 |
reisio | you did say that, heh | 01:20 |
dm_comp | anyone know why texmacs was removed from the repo> | 01:22 |
dm_comp | ?* | 01:22 |
dm_comp | 15.10 | 01:22 |
reisio | dm_comp: good question | 01:22 |
reisio | I presume just a lack of volunteer manpower | 01:22 |
dm_comp | according the the it still has a maintainer | 01:23 |
oo7cat | i can log in ubuntu on laptop when i use usb. | 01:23 |
Bashing-om | !info texmacs wily | 01:24 |
ubottu | Package texmacs does not exist in wily | 01:24 |
k1l | looking at the gnu website i never know if its unmaintained or just that gnu 80s website style :) | 01:24 |
oo7cat | strange why must i use usb when i log in laptop? | 01:24 |
reisio | doesn't mean the maintainer is made out of time | 01:24 |
Bashing-om | !info texmacs trusty | 01:24 |
ubottu | texmacs (source: texmacs): WYSIWYG mathematical text editor using TeX fonts. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (trusty), package size 1699 kB, installed size 6385 kB | 01:24 |
dm_comp | Bashing-om: 15.10 | 01:24 |
reisio | good opportunity to learn latex properly on its own :) | 01:25 |
dm_comp | reisiso: texmaker is really good | 01:25 |
dm_comp | i also like lyx | 01:25 |
k1l | i use texstudio. and gummi if its going to be quick and easy | 01:26 |
reisio | dm_comp: r-e-i-TAB | 01:27 |
oo7cat | i install 15.10. that is problem? | 01:27 |
dm_comp | i just don't understand why they would remove it. :( | 01:27 |
reisio | there's certainly some up front learning, but I think for the most efficient long-term math notation, you'd want to just learn latex on its own | 01:27 |
k1l | dm_comp: the maintainer listed there is not registered on launchpad since 2005 | 01:27 |
reisio | dm_comp: it's probably more that nobody had the time to build a deb | 01:27 |
reisio | which /could be/ because it's become unmaintained and /hard to build/ | 01:28 |
reisio | or it could just mean nobody had time to build it | 01:28 |
reisio | you can always build it yourself :) | 01:28 |
reisio | and it's not /impossible/ an older .deb would work on your version of Ubuntu | 01:28 |
k1l | dm_comp: so it gets pulled from debian. and they only have 2 versions right now. a 1.07 in oldstable. and a 1.99 in rc-buggy | 01:29 |
k1l | dm_comp: so i guess there was a very long time no one working on texmacs or there was no debian maintainer | 01:29 |
dm_comp | nah, to many alternatives | 01:29 |
nacc | dm_comp: it's easy to see why, jsut look at the publishing hsitory | 01:31 |
nacc | "(From Debian) RoQA; orphaned, no activity, blocking transition; Debian bug #797833" | 01:31 |
ubottu | Debian bug 797833 in "RM: texmacs -- RoQA; orphaned, no activity, blocking transition" [Normal,Open] | 01:31 |
nacc | | 01:31 |
dm_comp | I just thought it was odd that it wasn't in 15.10 because I remember having it on 14.04 | 01:32 |
k1l | there were no new releases form texmacs from 2008 to december 2015. | 01:32 |
k1l | dm_comp: maybe the depencies could not get resolved anymore with 2008 software needs. | 01:33 |
dm_comp | I'll just wait for Texvim :) | 01:34 |
dm_comp | jk | 01:34 |
dm_comp | k1l: i tried texstudio and found texmaker easier to use? have you tried texmaker? | 01:36 |
k1l | dm_comp: they are nearly the same :) | 01:39 |
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k1l | texstudio is actually a fork of texmaker. and imho they made some good changes there. | 01:41 |
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root | salve | 01:58 |
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shantorn | is someone aware of correct instruction on how to install bumblebee on 16.04 or even 15.10? | 01:59 |
Blue1 | top | 02:02 |
k1l | shantorn: yes: dont use bumblebee since that is deprecated on ubuntu way before 15.10 | 02:02 |
k1l | shantorn: ubuntu uses nvidia-prime since some time. that is the official nvidia supported driver | 02:02 |
shantorn | how does one do that? its new to me | 02:03 |
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ubuntu211 | how to install google chrome in ubuntu 15.10 32 bit ? I can't to install. Why ? | 02:12 |
esp8266 | hi | 02:13 |
esp8266 | who are you ? | 02:13 |
esp8266 | what ? where ? | 02:14 |
Bashing-om | ubuntu211: Because Google pulled all 32 bit software off their servers as they no longer sypport 32 bit . | 02:14 |
ubuntu211 | Bashing-om: What I do can do ? | 02:15 |
Bashing-om | ubuntu211: Install some other than google-chrome . chromium ?? | 02:16 |
ubuntu211 | Bashing-om: How to install ? | 02:16 |
shantorn | nvidia-prime | 02:17 |
shantorn | !nvidia-prime | 02:17 |
Bashing-om | ubuntu211: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt install chromium-browser ' If on a 32 bit OS . | 02:18 |
Bashing-om | shakamunyi: For some info : terminal command ' apt-cache show nvidia-prime ' | 02:20 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: For some info : terminal command ' apt-cache show nvidia-prime ' . | 02:23 |
shantorn | Bashing-om, here is the details, i am not a wizard here. | 02:26 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: Look'n . | 02:27 |
shantorn | thanks so much | 02:27 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: That to show you that 'nvidia-prime' to controll the graphic's sets .. // What is your ubuntu issue ? | 02:29 |
shantorn | i habe no clue how to switch or use the nvidia prime with ubuntu | 02:29 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: Do you even have hybrid graphics ? As that is the application . | 02:30 |
shantorn | yes i have an older laptop with inte and ncidia 310gm | 02:31 |
cfhowlett | "older" hybrid? optimus? | 02:31 |
shantorn | yes its 5 years old | 02:32 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: OK, lets determine the graphic driver that you need . pastebin - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' - . | 02:32 |
shantorn | Bashing-om, | 02:35 |
shantorn | Bashing-om, my nvidia control panel looks almose empty and nothing like posts i have seen on the web | 02:38 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: Stnadby ... looking at the specs. | 02:40 |
shantorn | ok thank you | 02:41 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: That Nvidia card takes the 340 version driver, so what have you got installed ' dpkg -l grep -i nvidia ' . We do this in steps, and then see what is . | 02:43 |
shantorn | i just purge bumblebee and all of its stuff and i have installed nvidia 340 but system needs a reboot to impliment i believe? | 02:45 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: Probably . reboot and we pick up with the 'dpkg' request . | 02:46 |
shantorn | ok brb | 02:47 |
shantorn | Bashing-om, | 02:50 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: Look'n . | 02:51 |
shantorn | thanks | 02:51 |
shantorn | i see none | 02:51 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: The command is with dpkg -<lower case L> pipe to grep -<lower case I> . try again . | 02:54 |
shantorn | sorry i thought i copy pasted your post earlier, ill try again | 02:55 |
shantorn | thats exactly what i did Bashing-om | 02:55 |
shantorn | ah ha we were missing the | | 02:56 |
shantorn | Bashing-om, | 02:57 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: :) | 02:57 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: " ii mate-optimus " Mate as the Desktop environment ? In the past I have not been successful with installing Nvidia driver in Mate . | 02:59 |
shantorn | i wonder why that is | 03:05 |
shantorn | i use mate on everything i own and i had bb doing it fine but havent ever used nvidia-prime | 03:07 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: I do mot know what is different in Mate, or what is " mate-optimus " but I suspect there is a conflict with the Nvidia proprietary driver . | 03:07 |
Bashing-om | !mate | 03:08 |
shantorn | the only mate optimus is see is a applet for control panel nut a mate-driver, am i mistaken? | 03:08 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: I have never had experience with Mate, can not say . | 03:09 |
shantorn | ok but does the packages i have installed look correct? | 03:09 |
shantorn | steam finally started | 03:10 |
shantorn | and the nvidia-control now has the primus nvidia or intel driver switch option | 03:10 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: Is your system now stable ? All I see is the conflict with mate-optimus . If stable .. could do with some clean up and get those 'rc' packages removed . | 03:12 |
shantorn | its running well, would you please suggest how to "clean up" | 03:14 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: Copy and paste ' dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge ' . Which will remove every 'rc' ( removed but config files remain ) marked package . | 03:16 |
vincent_LP | Hi everyone here! My Ubuntu system has some problem, can I ask question here? | 03:17 |
slakevc | what's the problem | 03:18 |
shantorn | Bashing-om, done and thank you very much for your time. btw is the a webpage or blog the actually explains how to install it and use it? | 03:18 |
vincent_LP | Every time I log out, the system will not show up the welcome page anymore, but only a blinking cursor at top-left corner | 03:19 |
vincent_LP | so I have to ctrl-alt-del to reboot the system | 03:20 |
slakevc | what version of ubuntu are you using? | 03:20 |
vincent_LP | 14.04 | 03:20 |
vincent_LP | unity | 03:21 |
rizi | anyone used screen with ssh. i have a problem that i cant use scroll bar, when i am using it. | 03:21 |
slakevc | vincent_LP is this relevant? | 03:22 |
vincent_LP | and I got this error message when I push ctrl+alt+f2 to shell mode when the welcome page doesn't show up: INFO: task Xorg:xxx blocked for more than 120 seconds | 03:22 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: " ii nvidia-prime " is installed .. might look in the /docs directory on your system and see if any documentation/tutorial is installed . | 03:24 |
vincent_LP | slakevc, I have seen this solution yesterday, but I felt it's a bit different, because my resolution is set correct | 03:25 |
shantorn | thank you for your help Bashing-om | 03:25 |
Bashing-om | shantorn: :) Glad to help . | 03:26 |
slakevc | vincent_LP, when you get a chance, try blindly typing in your password and hitting enter when you logout. That will at least tell us that lightdm is probably the issue | 03:27 |
CriticalClarity | I'm having an issue where I cannot get past my login screen ; however when I switch to virtual console my usb keyboard seems to stop working | 03:27 |
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vincent_LP | slakevc, thanks, I'm trying it, hope I can see you in a minute rather than a few minutes :-D | 03:28 |
vincent_LP | slakevc, no luck, it's dead I guess | 03:32 |
CriticalClarity | any known way to fix keyboard during virtual console? It looks like I have this lightdm login loop issue and the suggestion is to fix in virtual console | 03:32 |
slakevc | vincent_LP, any reason you're stuck on 14.04? it may be a driver issue. You could try booting a live disc of a more recent version of ubuntu and then logging out from the live environment to see if that version would work any better for you. If it does, you should be able to upgrade your current system without losing data | 03:34 |
vincent_LP | slakevc, I have some developing tools(xilinx, python...) on this system, not very important but it could take me weeks to find them back if I mess up in upgrading | 03:38 |
vincent_LP | slakevc, and my system was fine a week ago in logout | 03:39 |
vincent_LP | just two days ago, I found this problem | 03:39 |
slakevc | vincent_LP, have you done any apt upgrades since then? | 03:40 |
vincent_LP | slakevc, yes indeed | 03:40 |
vincent_LP | it's two or three days ago | 03:40 |
slakevc | vincent_LP there should be a log of the apt transactions that you can read with 'less /var/log/apt/history.log', that should help you narrow down the issue unless your hardware is suddenly going bad | 03:41 |
vincent_LP | slakevc, thanks, let me check | 03:42 |
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DanteLovesYou | hello | 03:50 |
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crixer01 | Leave | 04:07 |
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dahlia | anyone know the preferred incantations for installing the latest Vulkan-capable nvdia driver? I think it's 355.00.29 (or later?) | 04:19 |
dahlia | I downloaded it from nvidia but it wants me to shut down the X server and I'm not sure how to shut it down without it immediately restarting | 04:20 |
dahlia | but I thought there might be a preferred way to install it? | 04:20 |
Bashing-om | dahlia: Hummm ... what returns ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' ? | 04:21 |
bobby_ | hi does anyone have a link to a document with a concise amount of terminal commands? | 04:21 |
slappymcfry | dahlia: restarting your display manager should be enough | 04:22 |
dahlia | Bashing-om: nvidia-352... | 04:22 |
slappymcfry | bobby_: commands for doing? | 04:22 |
dahlia | slappymcfry: restarting it? | 04:23 |
slappymcfry | dahlia: yeah, so if you are using gdm, `systemctl restart gdm` | 04:23 |
Bashing-om | bobby_: 1) . | 04:23 |
dahlia | slappymcfry: will it stay off long enough for me to update the driver from a ssh terminal? | 04:24 |
slappymcfry | dahlia: use "stop" instead of "restart", then simply "start" it again | 04:25 |
dahlia | ah ok | 04:25 |
Bashing-om | dahlia: You can try the 352, installing direct from Nvidia is a means of last resort . Maybe some problems with 352 -- could try the 361 driver from our trusted PPA ?? | 04:25 |
dahlia | but I have kubuntu, is there something besides gdm? | 04:25 |
dahlia | Bashing-om: I want the Vulkan version | 04:25 |
dahlia | which I guess is 355+? | 04:26 |
slappymcfry | dahlia: Depends which display manager kubuntu uses. | 04:26 |
slappymcfry | dahlia: what do you need Vulkan API for? | 04:27 |
dahlia | to use a program that needs it? | 04:27 |
slappymcfry | dahlia: well, of course :) I'm asking out of curiousity | 04:27 |
dahlia | because I want to start learning vulkan coding | 04:28 |
Bashing-om | bobby_: How about : . | 04:29 |
slappymcfry | dahlia: be warned that installing a driver from outside the repos may have instability implications. | 04:29 |
dahlia | slappymcfry: ya I kinda figured that | 04:30 |
dahlia | which is why I was asking if there was a preferred way | 04:30 |
picarda | very nice your link Bashing-om | 04:31 |
slappymcfry | dahlia: here you go | 04:31 |
dahlia | slappymcfry: tyvm | 04:31 |
Bashing-om | picarda: :) | 04:31 |
slappymcfry | dahlia: click on the "read about installing" | 04:32 |
bobby_ | thanks a lot guys | 04:32 |
Bashing-om | bobby_: picarda :: <=advanced command line tutorial . | 04:32 |
slappymcfry | I found these on /r/linux today: and many more on the author's site. | 04:33 |
dahlia | slappymcfry: ah ok that was kinda hard to find | 04:33 |
dahlia | (bad vision) | 04:33 |
picarda | doesn't see, to work the link Bashing-om | 04:40 |
Bashing-om | picarda: confirmed .. guess it is taken down ... yukkie ! | 04:45 |
Bashing-om | picarda: Hey this looks interesting : . | 04:47 |
toomanyerrors | guys | 05:00 |
toomanyerrors | help | 05:00 |
toomanyerrors | my apt wont work neither will software updater and i need to uninstall unity8 | 05:01 |
toomanyerrors | i installed from apt | 05:01 |
toomanyerrors | please help!!! | 05:02 |
davido | error messages are useful. | 05:04 |
toomanyerrors | i need help | 05:10 |
toomanyerrors | please please please | 05:10 |
toomanyerrors | anyone | 05:11 |
gr33nbits | just say what you need maybe | 05:12 |
gr33nbits | if someone knows i am sure they will help if they not afk | 05:12 |
dahlia | slappymcfry: well I installed the nvidia-361 driver from that ppa site but it doesn't seem to have the vulkan hooks in it. Guess I need the one directly from nvidia | 05:13 |
toomanyerrors | error message while trying to install package and red circle with white hyphen in middle mousing over it shows | 05:13 |
slappymcfry | dahlia: I wouldn't know, I'm an intel peasant myself :) | 05:14 |
dahlia | heh | 05:14 |
toomanyerrors | | 05:16 |
toomanyerrors | this is the error i receive when i try to run apt | 05:17 |
toomanyerrors | | 05:17 |
toomanyerrors | and synaptic | 05:17 |
Rave1 | | 05:22 |
neonixcoder | I just installed my 14.04 and after booting I can not see any thing on the screen. I suspect it is a resolution issue. | 05:31 |
neonixcoder | any thoughts on this guys? | 05:31 |
* shrilaxmi Away from desk | 05:32 | |
neonixcoder | I do not wnat GUI, just require terminal to work | 05:32 |
neonixcoder | My /etc/default/grub file content is | 05:34 |
Rave1 | | 05:34 |
* shrilaxmi Back to desk | 05:41 | |
ubunu | hi pako | 05:53 |
ubunu | eka kariyek wath nadda | 05:53 |
ubunu | ko me hukkannala | 05:54 |
ubunu | any pakku nadda | 05:54 |
reisio | ubunu: #ubuntu-tam | 05:55 |
dsnyders | Hi all! I have a box that I want to set up as a virtual machine server. 8core intel i7 with 64GB of RAM. Any recommendations for a host OS? | 06:07 |
hateball | You're... asking in #ubuntu | 06:08 |
=== Guest31887 is now known as PDXLabCoat | ||
hateball | !support | 06:08 |
ubottu | The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see and and | 06:08 |
baizon | dsnyders: it depends, ubuntu server, centos, debian | 06:09 |
dsnyders | hateball: I suppose you're right. Silly question. Ubuntu. Of course, if I ask this over on #centos, the answer is going to be Centos, and on #fedora, it will be Fedora Baby! | 06:12 |
daichi | hello world | 06:14 |
Zulu_Too | Hello everyone. :) | 06:17 |
Kilos | hi Zulu_Too | 06:17 |
Kilos | are you a real zulu? | 06:18 |
Zulu_Too | Nice to meet you Kilos. | 06:18 |
* shrilaxmi Away from desk | 06:18 | |
Zulu_Too | I am as real as you can get. :) | 06:18 |
Zulu_Too | Kilos is that a Greek name? | 06:18 |
Kilos | sawubona madota | 06:18 |
Kilos | what kilos? | 06:19 |
Kilos | its the metric of my name | 06:19 |
toomanyerrors | who is this shrilaxmi? so far i have only seen away from desk and back to desk from her | 06:19 |
toomanyerrors | also she is the name twin of my maths teacher | 06:20 |
Zulu_Too | What is interesting is most people here don't know what the word UBUNTU means. Is is a Hindi name. It is a word from Africa. | 06:20 |
toomanyerrors | i know that | 06:20 |
baizon | !support | 06:20 |
ubottu | The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see and and | 06:20 |
baizon | !offtopic | 06:21 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 06:21 |
toomanyerrors | it means human connections | 06:21 |
Zulu_Too | It means "I am what Iam because of who we all are." | 06:21 |
toomanyerrors | yes something like that | 06:21 |
toomanyerrors | around the time i decided to use ubuntu | 06:21 |
Kilos | i think it has a few meaning | 06:22 |
toomanyerrors | i read the wikipedia article | 06:22 |
Zulu_Too | It feels good to do homework. :) | 06:22 |
Kilos | unity is close | 06:22 |
toomanyerrors | t is based on free software and named after the Southern African philosophy of ubuntu (literally, "human-ness"), which often is translated as "humanity towards others" or "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity | 06:22 |
Kilos | working together as one | 06:22 |
Kilos | thats it toomanyerrors | 06:23 |
Zulu_Too | Anyways, I have some issues with parking someone's software in / or root directory. I don't like someone's program to part ownership of root. Anyone here to make a comment? | 06:23 |
toomanyerrors | me not know | 06:23 |
toomanyerrors | me sorry | 06:23 |
Zulu_Too | Putting software in the / root directory is not my cup of tea. | 06:24 |
Zulu_Too | With Windows it is: c:\ | 06:25 |
toomanyerrors | with linux it is / | 06:25 |
Zulu_Too | Lots of programmers do their own thing with Linux and Windows. Windows is notorious for lots of trash. | 06:26 |
bipul | Can anyone help me to get the output: for ((;;)); do tail -f /var/log/kern.log | a=$(grep -E "wlan0: authenticated" | tail -c21) | echo $a ; done | 06:26 |
* shrilaxmi Back to desk | 06:26 | |
Zulu_Too | Bipul Google that command to see if you are making that command work. | 06:27 |
bipul | Zulu_Too, Which command? | 06:28 |
Zulu_Too | The one you just pointed out here. | 06:28 |
Zulu_Too | Kilos where are you from? | 06:30 |
Kilos | south africa | 06:31 |
Kilos | hehe | 06:31 |
Zulu_Too | Nice to meet you Kilos. | 06:31 |
Kilos | nice to meet you as well | 06:31 |
Zulu_Too | What is the African greeting to people? | 06:31 |
Kilos | sawubona is hello in zulu | 06:31 |
Kilos | dumela in sotho | 06:32 |
Zulu_Too | I will put that down in my notes. Thanks for telling me and us that. | 06:32 |
Kilos | yw | 06:32 |
Zulu_Too | Kilos, I remember that there is an African tribe that speaks with clicks in their voice. It is a strange language. Are you familiar with it? | 06:34 |
Kilos | the tribe are the bushmen | 06:34 |
Triffid_Hunter | Zulu_Too: the kalahari bushmen, made famous by the 'gods must be crazy' movies | 06:35 |
Kilos | i cant speak it but it is fascinating to listen to | 06:35 |
Kilos | some of the other afican languages have the odd click here and there but pure bushman is full of clicks | 06:36 |
Zulu_Too | I have seen and heard of the tribesmen and I was fascinated by it. It reminded me of Morse Code or digital speaking. I suppose you can say that. : | 06:36 |
Kilos | yeah | 06:36 |
Kilos | Zulu_Too try watch the movies Triffid_Hunter mentioned | 06:37 |
Zulu_Too | Kilos you sound like a very brilliant person. It is a pleasure to meet you. | 06:37 |
Kilos | no just friendly | 06:37 |
Zulu_Too | Friendly is good enough. | 06:37 |
Kilos | i dont often have time to come here and im old so when things get hectic i run | 06:38 |
Zulu_Too | Kilos are you a computer technician? | 06:38 |
Kilos | nope by trade a dieasel mechanic and electonics technician from many years ago | 06:38 |
pavlushka | Kilos, -.-- . ... | 06:39 |
Kilos | but ive learned quite a lot since installing 8.10 and needing help from #ubuntu-za | 06:39 |
Kilos | diesel | 06:39 |
Zulu_Too | Kilos I am a Computer Scientist and Master Technician and have 5 Masters Degrees. I love coming to this channel and learninig about Ubuntu and meeting good people like yourself. | 06:39 |
pavlushka | Kilos, .- .... | 06:39 |
Kilos | ty you are a clever guy hey' | 06:40 |
Zulu_Too | I paid my dues in life. | 06:40 |
toomanyerrors | .... . .-.. | 06:40 |
Kilos | already | 06:40 |
Zulu_Too | When you start making $1,000.00/hour a day, that | 06:41 |
Kilos | i can just about say that, im older | 06:41 |
toomanyerrors | .... . .-.. .--. | 06:41 |
toomanyerrors | that was what i meant | 06:41 |
Zulu_Too | is when you have paid your dues. | 06:41 |
Kilos | wow thats good | 06:41 |
toomanyerrors | helpppp | 06:42 |
toomanyerrors | how do i update apt | 06:42 |
Zulu_Too | I have a huge website. The only one of it's kind. I wish I could have all of the good techs here join. It will take time but that is a different story. | 06:42 |
Zulu_Too | Sudo apt-get update | 06:42 |
Zulu_Too | sudo apt-get updates almost everything :Not all but from a practical standpoint it updates most things. | 06:44 |
toomanyerrors | no i mean the application apt | 06:44 |
toomanyerrors | doesnt matter anymore | 06:44 |
toomanyerrors | because i wasnt able to install software | 06:44 |
Zulu_Too | I would like to sudo apt-get my glass of wine hehe Let me see if that works. :) | 06:44 |
Kilos | lol | 06:45 |
dahlia | sudo apt-get paycheck | 06:45 |
skitoxe | Zulu_Too: 5 Master degrees? "Huge website"? 1.000USD / hour? | 06:45 |
Myrtti_ | guys... | 06:45 |
skitoxe | Zulu_Too: you're sounding like a liar to me... | 06:45 |
Zulu_Too | I don't think anyone cares about your opinion. I always say: " Opinions are like bowel movements. Everyone has one." Take that to the bank. | 06:48 |
Zulu_Too | Donald Trump didn't get rich listening IRC bandits. | 06:49 |
dahlia | I knew someone who had 3 master's degrees once, for real | 06:50 |
dahlia | he finally got a PhD | 06:51 |
Zulu_Too | Kilos you are funny sudo apt-get update | instan and get paycheck hehe | 06:51 |
Kilos | lol thats wasnt me | 06:51 |
Zulu_Too | I was kidding. | 06:51 |
Zulu_Too | :) | 06:51 |
Kilos | :D | 06:51 |
Zulu_Too | Big huggs to Kilos. | 06:51 |
Zulu_Too | Kilos do you want to know something interesting? | 06:53 |
Kilos | yes please | 06:53 |
toomanyerrors | help | 06:54 |
Zulu_Too | I went to a convention and I learned about an African tribe that the men held hands. In America it is a perverted thing. It is an insult to the African tribesmen to not hold hands and be friends. | 06:54 |
Myrtti_ | guys, seriously. Ubuntu support, please. | 06:54 |
Kilos | sorry Myrtti_ | 06:55 |
Zulu_Too | Myrtti, what is your question? | 06:55 |
Zulu_Too | Myrtti you are more than welcome to ask your question. Please don't feal inhibited? | 06:57 |
toomanyerrors | i have a question | 06:58 |
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti | ||
Zulu_Too | Ask away Toom. :) | 06:58 |
toomanyerrors | i had an error | 06:59 |
toomanyerrors | still havent gotten it resolved | 06:59 |
Zulu_Too | OK. did you Google it first? | 06:59 |
mihael_k33hl | My computer was working fine yesterday, and now when I turned it on, I can't get past lightdm | 06:59 |
skitoxe | Zulu_Too: for gods sake, you've never been here have you? | 06:59 |
mihael_k33hl | after entering my password it hangs up, but I can get and login to the virtual ttys though | 06:59 |
toomanyerrors | | 07:00 |
Zulu_Too | Mihael what is lightdm? | 07:00 |
skitoxe | lol | 07:00 |
toomanyerrors | light desktop manager | 07:00 |
Zulu_Too | Ok. | 07:00 |
skitoxe | mr 5 master degrees. | 07:00 |
Zulu_Too | That was a bad mistake. | 07:00 |
toomanyerrors | i had this error for a long long time | 07:00 |
NeoFrontier | Good day linux experts and amateurs. | 07:00 |
meskes | Zulu_Too Its your login (display) Manager. | 07:00 |
Zulu_Too | I have made that mistake. | 07:01 |
Kilos | gotta run, cheers everyone | 07:01 |
Zulu_Too | Kilos God bless you. | 07:01 |
skitoxe | NeoFrontier: g'day mate | 07:01 |
Kilos | ty you too | 07:01 |
toomanyerrors | and i finally found a way to make it work | 07:01 |
toomanyerrors | but it still isnt | 07:01 |
toomanyerrors | i ran sudo rm -vf /var/lib/apt/lists/* then sudo apt-get update | 07:02 |
toomanyerrors | i dont know if it's working | 07:02 |
mihael_k33hl | Anyone knows how to resolve that one? | 07:03 |
Zulu_Too | The question is this: If you log into your linux box and your screen saver is askew, why not right click on the desktop just as Windows and look at the screen resolution first. I have had that problem. What a pain that was. | 07:03 |
toomanyerrors | it is updating but dunno if it'll work | 07:03 |
toomanyerrors | i've updated five times already each time it did it's thing and then said some files were not found they have been ignored or old files used instead | 07:04 |
Zulu_Too | Toomanyerrors Maybe you are looking in the wrong direction for answers. | 07:04 |
toomanyerrors | then where must i look Zulu_TOo | 07:04 |
toomanyerrors | | 07:05 |
skitoxe | mihael_k33hl: Dont know man, what does syslog say? how did it start? did you update or install something that triggered it ? | 07:05 |
Zulu_Too | That is another story Toomannyerrors. Don't combine one problem with other problems. | 07:05 |
skitoxe | Zulu_Too: You're making any sense. You're mixing together two different people... | 07:06 |
skitoxe | you're not* | 07:06 |
toomanyerrors | same problem dude | 07:06 |
toomanyerrors | mergelist error | 07:06 |
skitoxe | toomanyerrors, has asked about one thing and one thing only | 07:06 |
Zulu_Too | OOOOOOH so Skitoxe is the righteous one here. I didn | 07:07 |
Zulu_Too | 't know that | 07:07 |
Zulu_Too | Shall I bow down to you now? | 07:07 |
toomanyerrors | please look | 07:07 |
toomanyerrors | the error message is identical | 07:07 |
toomanyerrors | file path isnt is all | 07:07 |
Zulu_Too | I read the pastebin and it doesn't or it is not clear. | 07:09 |
sunwind | i'm trying to decrypt a pgp message with gpa, when I paste it into the clipboard buffer window and hit 'decrypt' I get a popup window asking for the pgp security code to decrypt it, however the window is totally blank so I can't put anything in, and that's where I'm stuck :/ | 07:09 |
mihael_k33hl | Oh I think it's because my HDD was all used up. df -h says its usage is 100% | 07:09 |
mihael_k33hl | I just don't know why it wouldn't log in though | 07:10 |
skitoxe | mihael_k33hl: lol that's strange. good it worked out though! | 07:10 |
toomanyerrors | Zulu_Too i didnt get that | 07:11 |
mihael_k33hl | skitoxe: syslog doesn't have anything logged too, neither does lightdm.log | 07:11 |
toomanyerrors | but someone pleaaase help me out with this | 07:11 |
skitoxe | mihael_k33hl: Wierd. :-/ | 07:12 |
toomanyerrors | ubuntu 16.04 | 07:19 |
toomanyerrors | !isitout | toomanyerrors | 07:19 |
ubottu | toomanyerrors, please see my private message | 07:19 |
dahlia | well somehow in my feeble failed attempts to get a vulkan driver installed I managed to uninstall kde. I got it working again by installing plasma-desktop and sddm but now many kde apps are gone. Is there some package I can install that gets them all back? (kubuntu 15.10) | 07:20 |
dahlia | maybe kubuntu-desktop? | 07:23 |
hateball | dahlia: kubuntu-desktop is a meta-package that will pull in all those apps, yes | 07:24 |
dahlia | hateball: ty trying it now | 07:25 |
hateball | dahlia: we don't bite over in #kubuntu :) | 07:25 |
dahlia | it's kinda annoying how aptitude will uninstall 90% of the OS when I tell it to unstall a video driver :/ | 07:25 |
dahlia | hateball: I was asking in #kubuntu a couple hours go but it seemed dead | 07:26 |
hateball | dahlia: No idea what you did, but the nvidia blobs dont have any dependencies that would remove any part of your DE | 07:27 |
hateball | So, a guess is you followed some guide of sorts, and asked apt to remove more packages than needed? | 07:27 |
dahlia | hateball: no, anything I asked it to remove had nvidia in the name | 07:28 |
dahlia | but kubuntu-desktop looks like it's reinstalling a lot of stuff | 07:28 |
Ben64 | dahlia: you probably messed up the command | 07:30 |
dahlia | maybe | 07:31 |
dahlia | but Ive been using aptitude for like 15 years | 07:31 |
hateball | well, as long as you didnt use purge, a reinstall should get you back to where you started | 07:31 |
toomanyerrors | help please? | 07:31 |
hateball | !help | toomanyerrors | 07:31 |
ubottu | toomanyerrors: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 07:31 |
Trudko | Hi where should I put system wide variables? I am solo user on my work laptop and I need to add few variables to PATH like JAVA_HOME, etc I've seen people recommend /etc/profiles /etc/environment and .bashrc | 07:33 |
dahlia | hateball: well kubuntu-desktop looks like it may have fixed it (so far) | 07:33 |
Trudko | from reading this I have sort of idea about profiles vs environment not sure about bashrc though | 07:33 |
* shrilaxmi away from desk | 07:33 | |
Trudko | btw maybe I am mixing two different things here I want to update $PATH and add new variables too | 07:34 |
toomanyerrors | merge list error i've been trying to fix for past 5 hrs | 07:34 |
hateball | dahlia: Other than for testing there's not much point running the vulkan driver now anyhow | 07:34 |
dahlia | hateball: unless you want to write vulkan code | 07:34 |
toomanyerrors | please look | 07:34 |
hateball | dahlia: Once nvidia includes it in their next stable branch it'll end up here | 07:34 |
hateball | dahlia: Well, yeah that :p | 07:34 |
toomanyerrors | followed steps from | 07:35 |
toomanyerrors | ran apt-get update 5 times | 07:35 |
dahlia | hateball: ya I was referred to that page earlier but it didnt have the driver I need | 07:35 |
toomanyerrors | 6th run ongoing now | 07:35 |
hateball | dahlia: Yeah as I said they only have it some special vulkan testing branch now, for whatever reason. Anyhow, it should be possible to get the vulkan driver working, I've seen people over in #steamlug talking about testing it | 07:36 |
dahlia | ah ok I was asking in #vulkan and someone said they had it working but I couldnt get the one they used to work | 07:37 |
dahlia | it messed up my x server and I dont know how to configure it | 07:37 |
toomanyerrors | merge list error i've been trying to fix for past 5 hrs please look I followed steps from ALSO ran apt-get update 5 times 6th run ongoing now | 07:38 |
hateball | toomanyerrors: You're... using 11.04? | 07:39 |
hateball | That's long since EOL | 07:39 |
toomanyerrors | im using 14.04 | 07:43 |
toomanyerrors | hateball: why would you think i was using 11.04? | 07:44 |
coolxeon | it works | 07:46 |
toomanyerrors | what works? | 07:49 |
soundscape | is there any current way to incrementally upgrade from 14.04 LTS to 15.10 (via 14.10 -> 15.04)? i've changed my update check to 'any new version' and tried to run [do-release-upgrade -d], but i get a 404 | 07:51 |
guest91049 | if i select install over whole disk and select encrypt + use lvm in ubuntu installer does that encrypt /boot ? | 07:51 |
rojikku | I'm a student, and am put in a position where I have to upgrade a virtual machine installation of ubuntu 8.04 server. I have added the old-releases repositories, and I get this. I can't use the cdrom tray. Though I can wget isos and mount them in the virtual machine, I don't think the alternate ISO works for sever, does it? The tool seemed graphical | 07:53 |
sreeja25 | hi everyone | 07:54 |
bq | which dot file should i put xmodmap command in ? | 07:54 |
trudko | hi guys I screw up my /etc/environment and now I cant log in I want to remove changes I made through recovery mode but its read only I found that if I go to recover mode to root console I can run mount -o remount,rw / to have write rights too | 07:58 |
trudko | is mount -o remount,rw / safe to use? | 07:58 |
Ben64 | trudko: yes, but how did you mess things up | 07:59 |
trudko | Ben64: I aded some variables and seems like I made some error and I see I am not the only one | 07:59 |
hateball | soundscape: 14.04 to 15.10 is not a supported upgrade. 16.04 will be out soon, and you can upgrade straight to that from 14.04 | 08:00 |
trudko | Ben64: seems like I changed $PATH and screwed it up | 08:00 |
Ben64 | trudko: so do what the link says and put it in your home, not /etc | 08:00 |
soundscape | hateball: ok, thanks. explains why when i tried the same thing on another machine, it completely broke the machine ;) | 08:01 |
trudko | Ben64: sure but in order to do that I need to have write rights so should I log in and use "mount -o remount,rw /"? | 08:01 |
trudko | and then edit /etc/environment | 08:01 |
hateball | soundscape: You need to decide if you want to upgrade every 2 years and stick with LTS, or if you want to upgrade every 6-9 months when using non-LTS. Get stuck in between and it's not much fun. | 08:01 |
soundscape | hateball: stop me if this is the wrong place, but how does the 6month upgrade path usually go for home users? is it a regular problem or should i be *generally* safe? | 08:03 |
soundscape | in terms of bugs | 08:03 |
meskes | You'll be fine, usually. | 08:04 |
=== daniel is now known as Guest88294 | ||
Ben64 | soundscape: should be fine. it gets less fine when you have PPAs and other unsupported things installed | 08:04 |
hateball | soundscape: I've been doing it since 6.06 or so, with a few clean installs here and there due to hardware changes and what not. Shouldnt be a problem. | 08:05 |
soundscape | awesome, thanks guys | 08:05 |
* shrilaxmi Back to desk | 08:06 | |
trudko | ok I was able to recover my env , this is content of my /etc/environment something from it I guess PATH caused error which prevented me from logging in | 08:09 |
tamil | df | 08:11 |
CQ | does ubuntu have any 32 bit images with 32 bit efi bootloader? 15.10 installer and 16.04 live don't have one | 08:14 |
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly | ||
CQ | ...and I don't quite understand what to copy from where in these instructions | 08:15 |
tamil | hi ...i am beginner for kernal programming ...guys can u help me? | 08:16 |
tamil | i am more interested to learn kernal programming... | 08:17 |
CQ | tamil just ask, depends on the question | 08:17 |
meskes | CQ Probably not, anymore. | 08:18 |
meskes | Though I really wouldn't know for sure. | 08:18 |
hateball | tamil: You can have a look here and perhaps in #ubuntu-devel | 08:18 |
tamil | ok...sorry guys. i want a good start on ubuntu....what will i do..? | 08:20 |
tamil | thanks...hateball | 08:20 |
CQ | tamil: install ubuntu, then or | 08:21 |
Valjan | Is there a lubuntu channel or would questions for it fall under the general purview of Ubuntu? | 08:24 |
tamil | thanks ...first i will finish this... | 08:25 |
hateball | Valjan: yes, #lubuntu exists | 08:25 |
hateball | Valjan: Depending on the nature of the question you might have more response here, it can be quite idle over there | 08:25 |
Valjan | It's actually related to Dwarf fortress installation but I've a large suspicion I'm merely missing libraries so I'm going to check that first and get back to you. | 08:30 |
=== rrr_ is now known as bq | ||
gebbione | hi all | 08:37 |
gebbione | i have a stuck on black screen ubuntu since last kernel update on 14.04. Is there a way to get access to the console? | 08:38 |
gebbione | most likely something went wrong with drivers | 08:38 |
minimec | gebbione: I would try to boot an older kernel in the brub menu (same place where you can also boot into recovery mode to get a console). Press and hold the left <shift>key right after the bios/uefi biit screen of your computer. | 08:40 |
minimec | gebbione: * grub menu, not brub menu ... | 08:42 |
drmagoo | Does anyone know howto (if even possible) to launch a rdesktop session (against a win7 workstation) with a window size of 2560x1440 but the resolution is 1920x1080? I have a 4k-monitor which I've just fontscaling to make it more readable, but rdesktop ignores this so everything is really tiny in the rdesktop-session. | 08:43 |
gebbione | yes i know what u mean, something really worrying now is that on the screen it tells me the cpu is reporting errors :/ | 08:43 |
drmagoo | I've just = I've used =) | 08:43 |
gebbione | ok an older kernel works | 08:44 |
gebbione | now my drivers for the video are gone | 08:44 |
gebbione | i need to try to re-install something to fix this ... the pc was working perfectly before the kernel update. How can i remove this update permanently ? | 08:45 |
Ben64 | gebbione: not a good idea. start explaining things. what video card, what drivers, how did you install them, what version of linux, anything else relevant | 08:46 |
gebbione | i have an ATI Radeon HD5770 (or HE checking my hard info) | 08:48 |
gebbione | i have two screens and it shows only the built-in one | 08:48 |
gebbione | when i access with the last kernel i don't get to the main machine anymore | 08:49 |
gebbione | i mean to the login on X | 08:49 |
gebbione | i experience this | 08:49 |
gebbione | right now with the previous kernel i am on the Desktop but the monitors are not detected Ben64 | 08:50 |
=== ale is now known as Guest43532 | ||
gebbione | i m running ubuntu 14.04 | 08:51 |
gebbione | the kernel update was the one i got two days ago, latest i would say | 08:51 |
gebbione | Ben64, on that question on askubuntu someone suggests to re-install ubuntu desktop and then unity | 08:53 |
Ben64 | i asked you four questions, you answered half of one | 08:53 |
DevAntoine | hi | 09:02 |
gebbione | Ben64 GPU is sapphire ati radeon hd5770, i have not installed any particular drivers at the moment lshw -c video says '*-diplay UNCLAIMED ... description VGA compatible', running Ubuntu 14.04 with kernel 3.13.0-83 that gives me the black screen and right now 3.13.0-79 that has given me access to the desktop but the broken video configuration | 09:04 |
DevAntoine | I still have a time issue with xfce. I'm in Paris and the current time is 10:05 but the clock displays 11:05. My timezone is set. If I configure the time manually when I reboot it goes back to h+1 oO | 09:07 |
DevAntoine | wtf is this? I'm not able to have a correct time, that's sick | 09:07 |
minimec | DevAntoine: Do you have a dual boot with windows? I only had that problem with dual boot systems. What time is set in the BIOS? | 09:08 |
Ben64 | DevAntoine: didn't we figure the problem out last night | 09:09 |
DevAntoine | minimec: nop. I don't no the time in the bios | 09:11 |
Dworf | why is background image forgotten always i restart? and firefox needs always restore pages as well, why doesnt all save??? | 09:11 |
DevAntoine | Ben64: well, no. I had to set the time manually and today when starting, back to normal | 09:11 |
EriC^^ | Dworf: type find ~ ! -user $USER | wc -l | 09:12 |
EriC^^ | paste the number it gives here | 09:12 |
DevAntoine | I can understand that my time is not good because I can't reach ntp's servers, but I don't understand why when I set the date manually it default to the wrong date after a reboot | 09:13 |
Dworf | 413 | 09:13 |
EriC^^ | Dworf: do you have any special needs for permissions in your home dir? | 09:13 |
EriC^^ | like somebody else owning certain files etc? | 09:13 |
Dworf | no, no encryption | 09:13 |
Dworf | hmm that might be | 09:13 |
Ben64 | DevAntoine: what is the output of "sudo hwclock --show" | 09:13 |
EriC^^ | no i mean like do you have some programs or stuff that has the owner set to someone else | 09:14 |
DevAntoine | Ben64: eu. 17 mars 2016 11:15:00 CET .671341 seconds | 09:14 |
Dworf | ill try copy the pic in myhome folder from hdd | 09:14 |
DevAntoine | s/eu./jeu. | 09:14 |
Dworf | EriC^^: great it works now, i copied the pic to /pictures/ | 09:18 |
Dworf | but why is firefox always needed to restore pages? | 09:18 |
EriC^^ | if you dont have special permissions stuff in your home dir | 09:19 |
EriC^^ | do sudo chown $USER: -R ~ | 09:19 |
EriC^^ | it'll fix the permissions for all the files | 09:19 |
Valjan | I totally forgot Dwarf Fortress is 32-bit library dependant | 09:20 |
DevAntoine | if hwclock displays a wrong time it means that my bios is set to the wrong time? | 09:22 |
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gebbione | Ben64 i just restarted my machine and now i get the desktop login but i cannot login anymore with my password, something fails (cannot see a message) and i get back to login screen | 09:23 |
Dworf | EriC^^: yup but didnt solve firefox problem | 09:23 |
Ben64 | DevAntoine: try... sudo date -s @`wget -q -O-` | 09:23 |
EriC^^ | Dworf: dunno about that | 09:25 |
Dworf | okay thanks anyway | 09:25 |
EriC^^ | np | 09:25 |
DevAntoine | Ben64: that works oO | 09:26 |
Ben64 | DevAntoine: good, now "sudo hwclock --show" | 09:26 |
DevAntoine | Ben64: that works too | 09:27 |
Ben64 | ok, should be good then | 09:27 |
DevAntoine | Ben64: but I wont rely on your website forever | 09:28 |
DevAntoine | can you explain me what's going on? | 09:28 |
Ben64 | good, cause i took that page down | 09:28 |
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DevAntoine | so it means that next reboot I'll have that issue again? | 09:28 |
Ben64 | used my site as a sort of time server | 09:28 |
Ben64 | the hwclock and system clocks are both correct now, it shouldn't change unless something else is changing it | 09:29 |
rory | I'm trying to script something that connects to github over ssh. I've tried using "yes" but still it prompts Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? | 09:29 |
rory | How can I automate saying "yes" here? | 09:29 |
Ben64 | rory: you're going to need to be more specific | 09:29 |
rory | OK, the first time you SSH to a box, it gives you a message | 09:30 |
rory | showing the host key and asking if you still want to connect | 09:30 |
DevAntoine | Ben64: but why were they wrong and why I couldn't change it? | 09:30 |
rory | It's not acceptable to pause and wait for user input, I need to answer "yes" to this question automatically | 09:30 |
Ben64 | DevAntoine: who knows | 09:30 |
rory | I tried using the "yes" utility piped to the SSH command but it didn't work | 09:30 |
Ben64 | rory: once the key is accepted it won't ask again | 09:31 |
EriC^^ | rory: "expect" | 09:31 |
DevAntoine | Ben64: well, thanks anyway | 09:31 |
rory | Ben64: Yeah but this is new box every time, it will always ask | 09:31 |
rory | EriC^^: Is that really the only way? | 09:31 |
hateball | DevAntoine: Not dualbooting with some other OS that could have changed hwclock ? | 09:32 |
DevAntoine | hateball: no, but before I format it had win10 installed | 09:32 |
bezaban | ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no | 09:32 |
EriC^^ | rory: ^ | 09:33 |
bezaban | personally I would accept it once or manually copy it to known_hosts | 09:33 |
* shrilaxmi away from desk | 09:33 | |
bezaban | since I like to know if the remote host id has changed | 09:33 |
Ben64 | !away > shrilaxmi | 09:34 |
ubottu | shrilaxmi, please see my private message | 09:34 |
bezaban | rory: you can also add it to ssh config file if you don't want to enter -o on the command line | 09:35 |
m1dnight_ | How can I google more about stuff like this: mv "$i" "${i//:/_}". I mean the string operations and stuff. | 09:38 |
m1dnight_ | I have seen one with a hashtag (which is to remove a prefix) so i suspect there are more | 09:38 |
EriC^^ | man bash | 09:38 |
EriC^^ | then /## and hit enter | 09:39 |
m1dnight_ | okay thanks | 09:39 |
bezaban | m1dnight_: google regex | 09:39 |
m1dnight_ | I know regexes, but I was wondering if there were other operators. | 09:40 |
bezaban | also sed/awk tutorials etc | 09:40 |
bezaban | ah ok :) | 09:40 |
EriC^^ | those are bash stuff m1dnight_ | 09:40 |
EriC^^ | ${variable} and stuff you can do with it | 09:40 |
m1dnight_ | got it! | 09:41 |
m1dnight_ | | 09:41 |
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drmagoo | Does anyone know howto (if even possible) to launch a rdesktop session (against a win7 workstation) with a window size of 2560x1440 but the resolution is 1920x1080? I have a 4k-monitor which I've used fontscaling to make it more readable, but rdesktop ignores this so everything is really tiny in the rdesktop-session. | 10:02 |
victor_ | ls | 10:07 |
karrireddy | hi..i got a problem..after installing ubuntu 14 , when i boot a black scheen with "grub" coming..what to do | 10:07 |
=== LegendThinker is now known as Anuj | ||
karrireddy | anyone here? | 10:08 |
karrireddy | sleeping ZZzzzz.. | 10:09 |
hateball | !patience | karrireddy | 10:09 |
ubottu | karrireddy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 10:09 |
hateball | karrireddy: What GPU is in your computer? | 10:09 |
=== screedoz is now known as screedo | ||
karrireddy | hateball: no gpu.. i tried to install ubuntu 14 alongside with win | 10:09 |
EriC^^ | you get grub> ? | 10:10 |
EriC^^ | or grub rescue> ? | 10:10 |
karrireddy | EriC^^: yes yes | 10:10 |
karrireddy | grub> EriC^^ | 10:10 |
hateball | Without a GPU it'd be hard to tell, I'd think | 10:10 |
hateball | Oh well :) | 10:10 |
karrireddy | hateball: :) | 10:10 |
karrireddy | hateball: EriC^^ what steps to follow. | 10:11 |
EriC^^ | can you be online and on the same pc at the same time? | 10:11 |
karrireddy | well EriC^^ i got only one pc.. :( .. i googled and it said use bootrescue disk.. | 10:12 |
karrireddy | EriC^^: will it help | 10:12 |
Anuj | Any software to model /sketch my project plan for android app development | 10:12 |
Anuj | ? | 10:12 |
EriC^^ | karrireddy: do you have a live usb? | 10:12 |
karrireddy | EriC^^: live cd of ubuntu ? yes | 10:12 |
lotuspsychje | Anuj: sketch as in flowchart? | 10:12 |
EriC^^ | boot it and come on here | 10:12 |
Anuj | lotuspsychje, will work for the time | 10:13 |
karrireddy | ok .. 2mins please | 10:13 |
a40ntistos | How difficult will be to multiboot other Linux distributions if i buy a Dell with Ubuntu out of the box? | 10:14 |
lotuspsychje | Anuj: there's a nice online flowchart | 10:14 |
lotuspsychje | !dualboot | a40ntistos | 10:15 |
ubottu | a40ntistos: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - Macs: | 10:15 |
Anuj | lotuspsychje, thanks a ton | 10:15 |
lotuspsychje | a40ntistos: your the boss of your machine, so you choose wich Os you want | 10:15 |
lotuspsychje | !uefi > a40ntistos if uefi machine | 10:16 |
ubottu | a40ntistos, please see my private message | 10:16 |
a40ntistos | thanks lotuspsychje , I was just asking because every guide that I was able to find on the net was to multiboot but with Windows as primary OS | 10:17 |
karrireddy | hello EriC^^ i'm now on boot repair disk.. will this help | 10:18 |
lotuspsychje | a40ntistos: another option would be running ubuntu as main Os, and test your other Os from virtualbox | 10:19 |
minasota | When using history | grep <command> how can I run the command again without typing it out? I notice there is a number assigned to it. Can I use that number somehow? | 10:19 |
novakyu | minasota: are you using X at all? i usually select and middle-click to paste from primary. | 10:21 |
lotuspsychje | a40ntistos: whats your plan exactly? | 10:21 |
minasota | novakyu: That works. Just wondering if it were possible using keyboard only | 10:23 |
tamil | Is there any tool available to test our customized kernel programming ? | 10:24 |
lotuspsychje | tamil: maybe the #ubuntu-devel guys might know that one | 10:24 |
* novakyu goes to look at "man history." | 10:25 | |
minasota | novakyu: I guess that was confusing. I was curious if I use grep to find a command in history if I can use the number assigned to it to use the command again | 10:26 |
novakyu | minasota: at least in zsh, it looks like "![num]" does something like what you wanted? | 10:26 |
novakyu | i'll message you my test | 10:27 |
minasota | novakyu: ok | 10:27 |
tamil | i am using ubuntu but i want to do programming for kernel | 10:27 |
lotuspsychje | tamil: you mean contribute developing? | 10:28 |
tamil | yes ... | 10:28 |
lotuspsychje | !contribute | tamil | 10:28 |
ubottu | tamil: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see and | 10:28 |
lotuspsychje | tamil: see also #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-touch always need good devs | 10:28 |
tamil | okay thanks.... | 10:29 |
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k1l_ | tamil: i would start asking the ubuntu kernel developers if they need help and if they can show you some things. | 10:30 |
ikonia | I really wouldn't | 10:30 |
ikonia | I'd look at doing some work on your own to prove you're up to it and can add value | 10:31 |
ikonia | just wading in will cause more time and effort | 10:31 |
tamil | okay ... | 10:31 |
gebbione | I cannot pass the login screen on my desktop just as described here - - I have tried the lightdm restart and reinstall of the ATI Radeon HD5770 drivers both using the proprietary debs as well as a script that is supposed to install the latest automatically. I am still experiencing the same problem though | 10:33 |
EriC^^ | gebbione: does the guest account work? | 10:33 |
gebbione | EriC^^, i ll try | 10:33 |
aj1 | Hi. I have a shell script in which each line takes some time. | 10:34 |
Craigwell | Anyone have experience installing on bay trail tablets? I have been looking at several tutorials and I'm game, just trying to sort out what version is best for a Dell Latitude 10... 14.04 , 15.10 .... ? Anyone have any thoughts? | 10:34 |
aj1 | I want to be able to log the time along with the command. | 10:34 |
aj1 | Any idea on how to do that? | 10:34 |
hateball | aj1: time $command >> logfile | 10:35 |
gebbione | EriC^^, guest does not work | 10:35 |
aj1 | @hateball, I can't manually do that since I want to log time take for individual line. | 10:35 |
aj1 | Something like the logger format present in other programming languages. | 10:35 |
aj1 | Maybe something like "set -t". | 10:36 |
lotuspsychje | Craigwell: best way is to just install, and see what it gives you | 10:36 |
aj1 | But set does not give you that option. I am using bash shell btw. | 10:36 |
lotuspsychje | Craigwell: every machine reacts differently | 10:36 |
gebbione | EriC^^, any idea on what else i can try? | 10:37 |
EriC^^ | gebbione: upload /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 10:37 |
Craigwell | lotuspsychje: Fair enough. I think I'll try with 15.10 first | 10:38 |
a40ntistos | lotuspsychje: I was thinking to buy a Dell laptop and because I want to learn the linux enviroment etc, I'm planning to buy one with Ubuntu out of the box. No more money to m$ :) | 10:38 |
lotuspsychje | Craigwell: sure mate, try few things out, 16.04 out soon also :p | 10:38 |
Craigwell | yup | 10:38 |
ikonia | a40ntistos: you'll struggle to do that | 10:38 |
ikonia | Dell are not really pushing the ubuntu installed models any more | 10:38 |
ikonia | I don't even think the program is still open, certainly not with a current release | 10:38 |
Craigwell | a40ntistos: It's easy to install ubuntu after the fact | 10:39 |
lotuspsychje | ikonia: they reopened the xps versions again | 10:39 |
ikonia | lotuspsychje: current ubuntu version ? | 10:39 |
Craigwell | Although the newest with uefi / secureboot need a bit of massaging in the bios perhaps | 10:39 |
lotuspsychje | ikonia: holdon lemme find article | 10:39 |
k1l_ | ikonia: there is project sputnik. and they just opened a new round of xps and inspirions with ubuntu. | 10:40 |
lotuspsychje | ikonia: | 10:40 |
ikonia | doesn't say what version it ships with | 10:41 |
ikonia | and has some sort of "selling point" that it 16.04 will be an upgrade otion ? | 10:41 |
ikonia | how can it not be an upgrade option ? it's just ubuntu, everyone will have it as an upgrade option | 10:42 |
ikonia | or are they modifying the build ? | 10:42 |
lotuspsychje | ikonia: more info here: | 10:44 |
gebbione | EriC^^, i managed to upload the log file, should i write the url here or PM | 10:44 |
EriC^^ | yeah, type it here | 10:44 |
gebbione | | 10:44 |
xsil | hi there | 10:45 |
xsil | anyone has a guide for configure apache on ubuntu? | 10:45 |
xsil | i need to know all the apache option | 10:45 |
lotuspsychje | !lamp | xsil | 10:45 |
ubottu | xsil: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process. | 10:45 |
k1l_ | ikonia: this is the project sputnic guy from dell: he says they ship 14.04 and will support the 16.04 upgrade. | 10:46 |
ikonia | k1l_: just been reading that | 10:46 |
chiliblue | I am attempting (and failing to connect a bluetooth gps device to my ubuntu install, gone through the various howto's but I am not getting a full response from 'spdtool browse' it shows the MAC but nothing else. Is there a compatibility list for bt gps devices? | 10:46 |
ikonia | all seems a bit "odd" as if it's some special event that ubuntu runs on a laptop | 10:46 |
ikonia | and dell are doing great work ? | 10:46 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 10:46 |
lotuspsychje | and pricey machines | 10:47 |
xsil | yeah i know lotuspsychje | 10:47 |
xsil | but for example | 10:47 |
xsil | if i wanna configure | 10:47 |
xsil | like in redhat | 10:47 |
xsil | htpasswd | 10:47 |
ikonia | xsil: apache is the same on all distros, it's apache | 10:47 |
xsil | what is the same command in ubuntu? | 10:47 |
ikonia | the file system layout can be different | 10:47 |
xsil | ikonia sorry =) just solved | 10:48 |
xsil | i have to install apache2-utils | 10:48 |
xsil | thank you so much | 10:48 |
chiliblue | on the Bluetooth thing, the graphical bluetooth add device config fails to pair with 0000 when selected, it always sends a random pair code instead. Is this a known issue? | 10:48 |
xsil | any official guide from ubuntu community for virtualhost? | 10:48 |
lotuspsychje | !bluetooth | chiliblue doublechecked this? | 10:49 |
ubottu | chiliblue doublechecked this?: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | gebbione: type sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | 10:51 |
gebbione | EriC^^, it shows Model Juniper XT [Radeon HD 5770] etc.... | 10:52 |
gebbione | the drivers lines are three | 10:52 |
pavlushka | Hi every1! | 10:52 |
Antares | في الفقير من مركز العاصمة واحد مع UTF ! | 10:53 |
gebbione | fglrx-updates - distro non-free | 10:53 |
pavlushka | I wanna play kof in MAME em | 10:53 |
Antares | בכל הומו מרכזת יחידה DC עם UTF ! | 10:53 |
EriC^^ | gebbione: type sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | nc 9999 | 10:53 |
pavlushka | I wanna play kof in MAME em | 10:54 |
chiliblue | lotuspsychje: working through that, Is hidd still current? | 10:54 |
Antares | أنا لا أعرف من الاتصال عن UTF العاصمة، يبصقون الروسية كل شيء ل cp1251 | 10:55 |
Antares | אני לא יודע למי לפנות על UTF DC , רוסית לירוק הכל כדי cp1251 | 10:55 |
pavlushka | I wanna play kof in MAME em | 10:55 |
k1l_ | Antares: stop that in here, please | 10:55 |
Antares | прости | 10:55 |
Antares | sorry | 10:56 |
gebbione | EriC^^, i don't think that worked ... BrokenPipeError . Should i upload the output manually? | 10:56 |
lotuspsychje | chiliblue: not sure, havent played with BT in a while | 10:56 |
EriC^^ | gebbione: ok | 10:56 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 10:56 |
a40ntistos | So you are suggesting me not to go with the Dell Ubuntu laptop? | 10:56 |
pavlushka | Antares, now atleast I can understand | 10:57 |
lotuspsychje | !info blueman | chiliblue tried this also? | 10:57 |
ubottu | chiliblue tried this also?: blueman (source: blueman): Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 1635 kB, installed size 4829 kB | 10:57 |
lotuspsychje | a40ntistos: that really depends what you need mate, any laptop can multiboot things | 10:57 |
chiliblue | lotuspsychje: hmm I don't have a /etc/default/bluetooth | 10:58 |
lotuspsychje | a40ntistos: those dells are pricey and high-end you sure you want spend the money? | 10:58 |
Antares | Говорю в DC++ ни одного хаба с UTF! Русским плевать там всё на cp1251. Не знаю к кому обратиться! :( | 10:58 |
Antares | I speak in the DC ++ hub with any UTF! Russian spit it all on cp1251. I do not know who to ask ! :( | 10:58 |
gebbione | EriC^^, pls check | 10:59 |
k1l_ | Antares: #ubuntu-ru | 10:59 |
a40ntistos | lotuspsychje: they are not that expensive I think so | 10:59 |
gebbione | that is the proprietary driver, it should work well | 10:59 |
Antares | * Не получается войти на #ubuntu-ru (Вы забанены). | 10:59 |
treg | Is Lubuntu the only version that has the 'alternate' installer (non-ubiquity, the debian type installer) anymore? | 10:59 |
momken | heelo | 10:59 |
lotuspsychje | a40ntistos: well lets put it this way, for every machine there's a nice ubuntu flavor, not only those dells | 11:00 |
Antares | хай | 11:00 |
chiliblue | lotuspsychje: cheers for the blueman tip, working now, and I have lost the will to live via the various howto methods | 11:00 |
momken | I want to buy a second-hand graphics card for my old pc | 11:00 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | chiliblue | 11:00 |
ubottu | chiliblue: Glad you made it! :-) | 11:00 |
lotuspsychje | momken: ##hardware please | 11:00 |
momken | I want to connect 2 vga monitors at the same time | 11:00 |
momken | lotuspsychje: I know | 11:01 |
Valjan | so for the rm command, is it okay to type rm -r ~/path/to/directory? | 11:01 |
a40ntistos | lotuspsychje: That's true, but I prefer to but it with linux out of the box instead of Windows | 11:01 |
Valjan | Or will it only ruin everything if you type rm -r /? | 11:01 |
Antares | | 11:01 |
momken | I only want to know is Geforce 210 compatible with ubuntu without needing any new installations? | 11:01 |
lotuspsychje | Antares: stop that, youl get banned like this | 11:02 |
Antares | sooooryyyy! :'( | 11:02 |
mcphail | momken: a 210 will work tolerably with open source drivers, and reasonably well with the proprietary drivers | 11:02 |
momken | mcphail: waht do you mean by tolerably? | 11:03 |
momken | I want to use open source driver | 11:03 |
mcphail | momken: fine for 2d desktop use. Any 3d use will struggle. (I last used a 210 about 2 years ago, so the open source drivers might have improved since then for that card) | 11:03 |
momken | because my ubuntu is on an external hdd and I attach that to different hardwares. so I don't want to install drivers specific to a particular system | 11:04 |
EriC^^ | gebbione: try dpkg -l | grep "fglrx\|xorg" | nc 9999 | 11:04 |
momken | mcphail: Thank you very much | 11:05 |
momken | mcphail: Can I get 2 different outputs out of its vga and dvi connectors at the same time? | 11:05 |
mcphail | momken: I've never tried. Only have one monitor ;) | 11:06 |
momken | mcphail: I can buy ATI vga cards too. Which one is more compatible with ubuntu out of the box? ATI or NVidia? | 11:06 |
gebbione | EriC^^, | 11:07 |
Valjan | for the rm command, is it okay to type rm -r ~/path/to/directory? | 11:07 |
Valjan | errr | 11:08 |
Valjan | for the rm command, is it okay to type sudo rm -r ~/path/to/directory? | 11:08 |
mcphail | momken: if you're planning on open source drivers, AMD is well ahead. nVidia is much better for proprietary drivers. But check a site like phoronix for benchmarks before making a purchase. Different generations of AMD cards have different levels of compatibility | 11:08 |
a40ntistos | lotuspsychje: What would be your suggestion ? | 11:08 |
lotuspsychje | a40ntistos: no sorry, i would make an own ubuntu laptop with ssd inside | 11:09 |
lotuspsychje | a40ntistos: join #ubuntu-discuss if you like | 11:09 |
k1l_ | a40ntistos: the dell laptops are fine. | 11:09 |
drombel | edek | 11:10 |
drombel | siema | 11:10 |
lotuspsychje | !pl | drombel | 11:10 |
ubottu | drombel: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 11:10 |
drombel | im sorry mate : d | 11:10 |
drombel | bye | 11:11 |
a40ntistos | k1l_: I will be able to do the updates and anything like that? Or I will have to wait for Dell to develop it? | 11:11 |
k1l_ | a40ntistos: it will work as a regular ubuntu. | 11:11 |
Craigwell | I couldn't sleep last night | 11:14 |
mhahe | Hello all, I did an update && upgrade, restarted and now I cant get passed my GUI login screen. anyone having the same issue? | 11:14 |
gebbione | mhahe, i have the same | 11:14 |
Craigwell | worried about what the naming convention will be after 17.04 :-{ | 11:14 |
gebbione | it is most likely due to kernel update | 11:14 |
mhahe | gebbione: did you roll back to older kernel version? | 11:14 |
gebbione | mhahe, do you have a ATI radeon card? | 11:15 |
Valjan | for the rm command, is it okay to type sudo rm -r ~/path/to/directory? | 11:15 |
llutz | Valjan: to remove a directory? yes | 11:15 |
mhahe | gebbione: I'm not sure, it's a new desktop to me. All I know is it was working and now it isn't. I can check though | 11:15 |
gebbione | mhahe, not permanently ... i get to login by EriC^^ is checking my logs and packages to see if he spots anything wrong | 11:15 |
Valjan | llutz: Alright, so only sudo rm -r / would bone you? | 11:16 |
hateball | Valjan: Dont type that command in here | 11:16 |
k1l_ | mhahe: did you install a video driver manually? | 11:16 |
=== n00p is now known as naise1 | ||
llutz | Valjan: rm simply does what you tell it to do. if you tell it to do stupid things ... | 11:17 |
Valjan | hateball: Just trying to understand if you point bash to the proper directory it won't recursively delete root | 11:17 |
gebbione | mhahe, i know it is really annoying but i looked at lots of ways to fix it and cannot find a solutions. For instance | 11:17 |
mhahe | gebbione: My card is GeForce GTX 650 Ti | 11:17 |
EriC^^ | gebbione: try sudo apt-get purge fglrx* | 11:18 |
hateball | mhahe: were you using nvidia blob or nouveau ? | 11:18 |
gebbione | next time i see a header update i ll wait a little before doing it | 11:18 |
Valjan | llutz: Alright, I was looking up how to delete a directory and I dabbled a bit too heavily in sudo commands and emacs, wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything stupid before going and deleting stuff with sudo commands. | 11:18 |
novakyu | Valjan: if you are deleting a user directory, why do you even need sudo? | 11:19 |
gebbione | EriC^^, i can retry that but i doubt it will restore my login capabilities | 11:19 |
gebbione | i did it before re-installing the proprietary drivers | 11:19 |
gebbione | should i try again? | 11:19 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 11:19 |
Valjan | Novakyu: The directory was created using sudo emacs, it wasn't user access, only root access. | 11:19 |
EriC^^ | then try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-video{ati,radeon} | 11:19 |
EriC^^ | then try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-video-{ati,radeon} | 11:19 |
EriC^^ | typo ^ | 11:20 |
novakyu | oh. you can always chown to the user first ... but i guess that precaution won't save your root directory, if you accidentally put a space before last /. | 11:20 |
gebbione | EriC^^, done ... should i run something like xstart or lightdm to test if it worked? | 11:22 |
Valjan | Thanks for the assistance all. | 11:22 |
EriC^^ | gebbione: try sudo service lightdm restart | 11:24 |
xsil | gebbione | 11:25 |
xsil | sorry but i read only now | 11:26 |
xsil | have you tried to use sudo apt-get autoremove name_of_file && sudo apt-get purge name_of_file && sudo apt-get purge -y | 11:26 |
gebbione | EriC^^, startx got me in but i still have monitors problems ... i.e. it does not detect them. I restarted lightdm and now out at the login screen i am still stuck | 11:26 |
gebbione | cannot login in again | 11:27 |
gebbione | wait i m in now | 11:27 |
k1l_ | gebbione: dont use startx. | 11:27 |
gebbione | i ll check if i can configure the monitors | 11:28 |
xsil | which video card you have? | 11:28 |
k1l_ | gebbione: please log into a tty1 and first look what is owned by root in your home "ls -al" | 11:28 |
gebbione | mh :/ it shows builtin display (ATI Radeon HD5770) | 11:28 |
xsil | gebbione maybe you have to install proprietary driver from ubuntu repo | 11:28 |
xsil | gebbione time ago i got the same problem with a nvidia video card | 11:29 |
xsil | and after i solved | 11:29 |
gebbione | xsil, EriC^^ just made me uninstall them | 11:29 |
gebbione | i could not login to the desktop with them | 11:29 |
gebbione | k1l_, not much owned by root definitely not anything to do with X | 11:30 |
xsil | its a nvidia card? | 11:30 |
xsil | there's an utility for that... | 11:30 |
gebbione | no | 11:30 |
k1l_ | gebbione: there is nothing that should besides .gvfs | 11:30 |
xsil | which vendor? | 11:31 |
gebbione | ATI (i think AMD) | 11:31 |
gebbione | Sapphire | 11:31 |
BluesKaj | Hey all | 11:31 |
xsil | give me the model | 11:31 |
xsil | lspci | grep -i sapphire | 11:31 |
gebbione | just as above HD5770 | 11:32 |
gebbione | does not grep anything based on Sapphire | 11:32 |
gebbione | you can see the card here | 11:32 |
gebbione | i removed those drivers | 11:33 |
xsil | gebbione have a look here | 11:34 |
xsil | they mark as resolved | 11:34 |
gebbione | i can't see it, requires registration | 11:35 |
gebbione | but i have had no problems until the last kernel update to be honest | 11:35 |
xsil | register XS | 11:35 |
xsil | lol | 11:35 |
k1l_ | xsil: the thread is from 2010. that is ubuntu 10.04 | 11:35 |
k1l_ | gebbione: was the fglrx from ubuntu or from the amd website? | 11:35 |
gebbione | k1l_, initially i don't know. When i installed the system in 2011 i didn't do any customisation or installation of extra drivers | 11:36 |
gebbione | k1l_, i just tried the proprietory | 11:36 |
gebbione | now when i was stuck | 11:36 |
xsil | gebbione this is the solution from the post | 11:38 |
xsil | Re: ATI Radeon HD 5770 Issue | 11:38 |
xsil | I actually was getting an error with fglrx-amdcccle. Every time I would try install it, I would get a broken package message. What I ended up doing was physicaly deleting the /usr/lib64/ and /usr/lib32/ Then I copied over the default xorg.conf so it wouldn't break after removing the drivers. I also removed the /usr/share/ati folder physically as the was not working even when I set the FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL. After | 11:38 |
xsil | this, I rebooted, and was able to install fglrx, fglrx-amdcccle, xserver-xorg-video-radeon from synaptic packager manager. Now I can enable the FGLRX driver and compiz is working fine | 11:38 |
xsil | PS Sorry for the lack of detail in the original post... I'm relatively new to Ubuntu and posting in forums. | 11:38 |
IPA | hello | 11:38 |
IPA | i want to ask | 11:39 |
BluesKaj | !paste | xsil | 11:39 |
ubottu | xsil: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 11:39 |
xsil | ubottu thank you i didn't know it | 11:40 |
ubottu | xsil: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:40 |
gebbione | xsil, to be honest i am a bit worried about installing those drivers | 11:42 |
gebbione | none of this was a problem before | 11:42 |
gebbione | and when i installed them from debs packages i got stuck at login | 11:42 |
DavidFromBE | hello, ubuntu 15.10, why would "amdconfig --adapter=0 --od-getclocks" work for a user and not for another one ? | 11:43 |
gebbione | i tried several times, the machine is stuck for a few days now, first i had to change how grub starts by removing quiet splash and putting nomodeset | 11:43 |
gebbione | now i cannot get the monitors detected | 11:43 |
BluesKaj | !ask |IPA | 11:43 |
ubottu | IPA: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:43 |
IPA | ubottu: just be polite | 11:44 |
ubottu | IPA: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:44 |
DavidFromBE | second user is getting "No protocol specified" then "amdconfig: This program must be run as root when no X server is active". If ran with sudo, he gets the following error : "ERROR - X needs to be running to perform AMD Overdrive(TM) commands". X is running of course... | 11:44 |
IPA | how to i remove files in subfolder but doesnt's remove the subfolder, just the files (video.mp4)? | 11:45 |
hateball | IPA: rm /path/to/files/*.mp4 | 11:45 |
novakyu | find . -type f -exec rm -v {} \;, i think? | 11:46 |
novakyu | and you can add a condition on -name as well, if you want just particular extensions. | 11:46 |
hateball | IPA: Are you talking about a specific subfolder, or recursive like novakyu suggests? | 11:46 |
novakyu | oh ... yeah, mine's recursive. :) | 11:47 |
IPA | hateball: i have many sub folder contain the files, not only for the one subfolder | 11:47 |
novakyu | and search starts from current directory; replace "." with the directory you start searching from. | 11:47 |
IPA | hateball: specific i mean | 11:47 |
acidkali85 | kgh | 11:48 |
novakyu | IPA: are you trying to delete all files or only the files that meet a particular criteria? | 11:48 |
hateball | novakyu, IPA you probably dont want to search just for "-type f" as that would list and delete any file it finds | 11:48 |
ubuntuNoob | hi.. how to move the left side taskbar to bottom in ubuntu fourteen | 11:49 |
gebbione | ubuntuNoob, just install cairoDock instead and have 2 | 11:50 |
MonkeyDust | ubuntuNoob you can't, but you can install cairo-dock | 11:50 |
MonkeyDust | gebbione was faster | 11:50 |
ubuntuNoob | gebbione: MonkeyDust thanks | 11:50 |
ubuntuNoob | MonkeyDust: which one is best | 11:50 |
MonkeyDust | ubuntuNoob 'best' depends on what you prefer, personal choice | 11:51 |
BellaCi | hello | 11:51 |
ubuntuNoob | MonkeyDust: thanks..i'll try both :) | 11:51 |
ubuntuNoob | bye | 11:51 |
IPA | hateball: after i get the list what should i do ? i'm new user ubuntu | 11:52 |
gebbione_ | isnt this driver supposed to do the job - ? | 11:53 |
gebbione | mhahe, did u get past ur login? | 11:53 |
Craigwell | ok.... trying to make this 32 bit uefi boot usb for a baytrail tablet.. | 11:54 |
Craigwell | the boot usb for 14.04 is read only ? How can i copy files to it ? | 11:54 |
Craigwell | i have a bootia32.efi and a couple .deb files i need to put on the install usb | 11:54 |
unknown_1 | test | 11:55 |
ubuntuNoob | MonkeyDust: cairodock is sexy.. | 11:55 |
ubuntuNoob | MonkeyDust: is it possible to remove that left side taskbar | 11:55 |
hateball | IPA: Well, assuming you want to search your entire homedirectory for mp4 files, "find ~/ -name *.mp4" will do that | 11:56 |
unknown_1 | why is it google not supporting 32 bit ubuntu chrome? | 11:56 |
unknown_1 | really annoying | 11:56 |
hateball | IPA: and if you want to remove them as well, "find ~/ -name *.mp4 -delete" | 11:56 |
MonkeyDust | unknown_1 ask google | 11:56 |
IPA | hateball: okay thank you | 11:56 |
unknown_1 | MonkeyDust: is it a way around it to install chrome? | 11:57 |
MonkeyDust | unknown_1 chromium comes to mind | 11:57 |
unknown_1 | MonkeyDust: the same one ? | 11:57 |
Craigwell | Can I make usb install that's not read only ? | 11:57 |
MonkeyDust | !info chromium-browser | unknown_1 | 11:58 |
ubottu | unknown_1: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 48.0.2564.116-0ubuntu0. (wily), package size 57532 kB, installed size 238039 kB | 11:58 |
hateball | novakyu: gnu find has -delete option. while not portable, it's handy :p | 11:58 |
novakyu | yeah, i just saw that in the manpage. it *does* look handy, esp. if you are deleting directories as well? | 11:59 |
BluesKaj | hateball, does nautilus have a delete option in it's settings like dolphin ? | 12:00 |
hateball | BluesKaj: I have no idea :) | 12:00 |
cederfjard | What's the path to/name of the Software Updater binary? I've tried "ps aux | grep" for things like "software" and "update", but no dice... | 12:01 |
BluesKaj | ok hateball I thought you used ubuntu as well as kubuntu | 12:01 |
hateball | BluesKaj: Nah, I lurk and help where DE doesnt matter is all :) | 12:02 |
BluesKaj | hateball, right, like a lot of us :-) | 12:03 |
cederfjard | Regarding my question, apparently I had a typo. The answer is update-manager. | 12:15 |
=== yavor is now known as dinogreen_rex | ||
unknown_1 | does extract .tar and .zip compressed file have different command? | 12:22 |
MonkeyDust | !tar | 12:23 |
ubottu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see | 12:23 |
venkatesh | hi | 12:23 |
venkatesh | gudvnig | 12:23 |
venkatesh | how to setup password fr my compu.. | 12:24 |
MonkeyDust | venkatesh you do it during installation | 12:24 |
hateball | venkatesh: By default you set a password during the installation of Ubuntu | 12:24 |
MonkeyDust | venkatesh or have you enabled auto-login ? | 12:25 |
venkatesh | im using mint bro.... during the insta... i didnt put that, but now i need it.. any option..? | 12:26 |
venkatesh | yes bro... loging automet... | 12:26 |
gebbione_ | any suggestion on getting the two monitors to work on 14.04 with a ATI Radeon HD 5770 card without installing proprietary drivers? | 12:27 |
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje | ||
MonkeyDust | venkatesh mint is not supported here,you have to go to the mint channel | 12:27 |
venkatesh | sry... im new here.. i need min addre.. | 12:28 |
MonkeyDust | venkatesh nulla questio, no problem | 12:29 |
MonkeyDust | !mint | 12:29 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 12:29 |
miegas | hey everyone. How do I set the display resolution in 16.04 *from the command line* via ssh? | 12:29 |
lotuspsychje | miegas: #ubuntu+1 please for 16.04 | 12:29 |
MonkeyDust | miegas start with typing xrandr | 12:29 |
MonkeyDust | oh 16.04 | 12:29 |
Antares | 0_o | 12:30 |
venkatesh | thnx dust | 12:30 |
miegas | the tricky part seems to be "via ssh" - which means xrandr sees no display, apparently | 12:30 |
miegas | lotuspsychje: oh, ok. | 12:30 |
Antares | =( | 12:31 |
icey | do things like:' No Hash entry in Release file' and 'The repository is insufficiently signed by key ' mean that my apt-get dist-upgrade won't process updates from those repos now? | 12:31 |
lotuspsychje | Antares: please stop using this channel for random stuff | 12:31 |
icey | I suppose my question belongs in #ubuntu+1 as well | 12:32 |
mohamed | atralhea-, ping | 12:38 |
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AEL-H | does add-apt-repository add a repository permenantly or does it add it for just one use | 12:41 |
icey | AEL-H: permenantly | 12:42 |
icey | AEL-H: which means that you can get updates from that repository as well | 12:42 |
AEL-H | icey: What would I do if I only wanted it temporarily? | 12:44 |
icey | AEL-H: add it and then remove the file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/(REPO NAME) | 12:44 |
AEL-H | icey: Thank you | 12:44 |
Geogre0k00 | Hello. Should I buy a samsung 750 or 850 SSD? | 12:49 |
=== Supergirl is now known as Guest70586 | ||
lotuspsychje | Geogre0k00: question for ##hardware | 12:50 |
Geogre0k00 | lotuspsychje ok thanks | 12:50 |
IPA | why my wifi adapter name is not usually ? | 12:58 |
IPA | and i can't capture the network and also can't use to aircrack-ng | 12:59 |
lotuspsychje | IPA: ubuntu version please? | 12:59 |
IPA | ubuntu mate 15.10 | 12:59 |
ioria | IPA usually you just need to replace the interfaces's name type ip a | 13:00 |
hateball | IPA: the network driver must support promiscuous mode | 13:01 |
IPA | ioria: how about the capture, whether influential? | 13:01 |
ioria | IPA i don't use anymore aircrack so don't remember ... | 13:02 |
IPA | hateball: before I could use it, but now can not | 13:02 |
ioria | IPA start it with the new interfaces's name | 13:02 |
IPA | ioria: how to rename it ? | 13:03 |
ioria | IPA how do you start it ? | 13:04 |
IPA | ip a | 13:04 |
Dworf | ideas for suttering flash(twitch)? firefox and chromium, sound is great but video come like 1 sec behind and fps like 10 | 13:05 |
Dworf | tried already in firefox settings hardaware accel on/off | 13:05 |
Dworf | youtube works fine | 13:06 |
Dworf | but i guess it uses html5 maybe? | 13:06 |
lotuspsychje | Dworf: vlc playing fine? | 13:06 |
Antares | VERE GOOD | 13:07 |
hateball | Dworf: Most Youtube videos are indeed html5 these days. Googling suggests there are userscripts to force html5 for twitch as well | 13:07 |
Dworf | hmm okay, lotuspsychje i havent tried | 13:08 |
Antares | | 13:08 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | Antares stop that | 13:08 |
ubottu | Antares stop that: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 13:08 |
Noobfan | how to set up my ubuntu pc as a dns server.. is it possible? | 13:12 |
MonkeyDust | Noobfan yes, use tasksel (task selection) | 13:13 |
Noobfan | MonkeyDust: thank you MonkeyDust .. | 13:13 |
luren | any Chinese ? | 13:14 |
MonkeyDust | !cn | 13:14 |
ubottu | 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 13:14 |
scatterp | hi i have a server connected to a router which gets its ip via dhcp how can i set up a VPN that will receive an ip from this router? | 13:15 |
ioria | !info bind9 | Noobfan | 13:15 |
ubottu | Noobfan: bind9 (source: bind9): Internet Domain Name Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:9.9.5.dfsg-11ubuntu1.3 (wily), package size 302 kB, installed size 948 kB | 13:15 |
Noobfan | ubottu: ioria thank you .. :) | 13:16 |
ubottu | Noobfan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:16 |
luren | I'm try to understand what you mean...So poor my English is | 13:17 |
Noobfan | ubottu: who will be the next american president? | 13:17 |
ubottu | Noobfan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:17 |
ioria | Noobfan ok :þ | 13:17 |
Noobfan | ioria: :) | 13:17 |
htc | hi | 13:19 |
htc | everyone ,i m novice to ubuntu. | 13:19 |
lotuspsychje | !manual | htc start here | 13:21 |
ubottu | htc start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 13:21 |
lotuspsychje | htc: you can also ask questions about ubuntu issues here, welcome to the community | 13:21 |
htc | thank you everyone for a warm welcome | 13:22 |
Hanumaan | mkfs.ext4 says this "/dev/sdb1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!" but /dev/sdb1 is a new drive not yet formated and not mounted any where even according to lsof .. what could be the problem? | 13:22 |
k1l_ | Hanumaan: what is "mount" output? please show in a pastebin | 13:23 |
gebbione_ | hi folks, i m back with my monitors/video card problem | 13:24 |
gebbione_ | since re-installing the ATI drivers doesnt work | 13:24 |
gebbione_ | can anyone think of an alternative solution? | 13:24 |
gebbione_ | should contact some support board or site? | 13:24 |
=== Hacker is now known as Guest97133 | ||
hateball | gebbione_: you could download a 16.04 nightly and see if amdgpu works nicer. fglrx is deprecated there at any rate | 13:25 |
Hanumaan | k1l_ this is mount output | 13:25 |
gebbione_ | hateball, i am on 14.04 btw, not on 15. | 13:26 |
k1l_ | Hanumaan: and "sudo lsof /dev/sdb" lists anything? | 13:26 |
hateball | gebbione_: Right, that's still my only suggestion. You will be able to upgrade from 14.04 straight to 16.04 when it is released | 13:27 |
hateball | gebbione_: But perhaps someone else actually uses AMD hardware and has some other ideas :) | 13:27 |
gebbione_ | yes i see upgrading to fix this a strange way of doing it | 13:28 |
gebbione_ | since 14 is LTS | 13:28 |
gebbione_ | i blame it on the kernel :/ i had no troubles until a few days ago | 13:29 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: get details what exactly is not working? | 13:29 |
Hanumaan | k1l_ this is actually an iSCSI drive with multipath .. here is the output : | 13:29 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: what ubuntu, what kernel, what driver, driver where from, what says the syslog, what says the xorg log? | 13:29 |
k1l_ | Hanumaan: sorry dont know about that | 13:30 |
lotuspsychje | Hanumaan: are you on a server? | 13:30 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, if i use the right drivers fglrx i get stuck at login, it tries to load but it fails hence it reloads the login page. If i remove the driver it uses the default xorg or something and they give me only the built in monitor and does not detect the two monitors | 13:31 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: so the fglrx from the ubuntu repo? or from the website? what kernel in use? what says the syslog and xorg log? | 13:32 |
=== James is now known as Guest35808 | ||
gebbione_ | the deb from the site does not install. it fails and the fglrx from the repos installs but then if i do a fglrxinfo it says unable to detect device or something similar | 13:33 |
gebbione_ | last kernel | 13:33 |
Hanumaan | lotuspsychje, yes | 13:33 |
gebbione_ | the one released a few days ago | 13:33 |
gebbione_ | i ll get it in one sec | 13:33 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: details matter | 13:33 |
lotuspsychje | Hanumaan: you can ask in #ubuntu-server perhaps, they might have more experience in iScsi boxes | 13:33 |
craptalk | what is the difference between chrome and chromium? is it another version of chrome browser? i read it still a bit unstable | 13:34 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: use to show the output of "uname -a", "apt-cache policy fglrx" , "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log" and "dmesg" | 13:35 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, Kernel ->3.13.0-83-generic, Xorg log -> | 13:35 |
k1l_ | craptalk: chrome uses the chromium sourcecode and adds some google stuff to it. | 13:36 |
gebbione_ | i ll get the other info | 13:36 |
MonkeyDust | craptalk plenty websites about the question, here's one ... | 13:36 |
craptalk | MonkeyDust: alright | 13:36 |
ioria | Hanumaan, | 13:36 |
Hanumaan | ioria, I have tried the same but getting the error .. as there is lsof of the multipath .. some how this has to be tackled . that the drive is not getting used .. | 13:40 |
Guest97133 | The Kurds in Syria, announced the creation of a federal region | 13:40 |
cfhowlett | Guest97133, completely offtopic. stop spam | 13:41 |
Combatjuan | Hello. Ubuntu server 14.04. I have one server where Ctrl-C exits as sudo su (as though Ctrl-D) was pressed. It happens from 3 different computers running 4 different terminals. I am out of ideas. | 13:42 |
Combatjuan | I have hundreds of other servers where this does not happen. And comparing between them, the following match: env, .bashrc, .profile, sudoers, shopt output... I can't figure out why the behavior differs. | 13:43 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, i have put the details here | 13:43 |
k1l_ | Combatjuan: sudo su is not good. use "sudo -i" if you really need a root shell | 13:43 |
gebbione_ | the logs are in the separate files | 13:43 |
MonkeyDust | Combatjuan what do you expect ctrl-c and ctrl-d to do? | 13:44 |
Combatjuan | k1l_: It's the same problem whether using sudo su, sudo -i, or sudo bash | 13:44 |
Combatjuan | I expect Ctrl-C to send an interrupt (normally in bash this would clear out the shell and start a new line). I expect Ctrl-D at the prompt to be synomous with typing "exit". | 13:45 |
Combatjuan | Instead the both act as "exit". | 13:45 |
Combatjuan | If I log directly in as root, Ctrl-C works as expected. Googling this problem has proven exceedingly difficult. :-/ | 13:47 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: ok. i dont see any suspicious there right now. i would suggest to move the xorg.conf, make sure the headers are installed and then test the fglrx with 2 different kenrel versions: "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup" | 13:47 |
gebbione_ | how can i switch kernel versions ? | 13:48 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: "sudo apt install linux-generic linux-generic-lts-wily" | 13:48 |
=== DONALDTRUMP is now known as DONALD_TRUMP | ||
cfhowlett | gebbione_, reboot > grub > advanced options > choose older ubuntu | 13:48 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: please show me the output of the last command in a pastebin so i can see any errors. | 13:48 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, it is on the file , do you want it in the pastebin? | 13:49 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: any paste service will work for me | 13:50 |
MrKeuner | is there a gratis version of Ubuntu Landscape? | 13:50 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, for the demsg or for "sudo apt install linux-generic linux-generic-lts-wily" | 13:51 |
k1l_ | MrKeuner: does this help? | 13:51 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: for for "sudo apt install linux-generic linux-generic-lts-wily" please | 13:52 |
cfhowlett | MrKeuner, read | 13:52 |
MrKeuner | kll, cfhowlett thanks. I saw the upto 10 free thing and started trying it without much reading. Apparently ubuntu hosted one doesn't have a gratis version however if you host your own server up to 10 is gratis. | 13:53 |
chl_ | hey, how can I setup this rule with ufw; "allow tcp from any to any established" | 13:56 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, the system is asking to reboot now - | 13:58 |
chand | hello everyone | 13:58 |
gotcha | in ubuntu server 14 LTS, should the dns server b in /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/network/interfaces ? | 13:58 |
chand | i want to use ldap server on ubuntu14.04 any one help me | 13:58 |
cfhowlett | !server | chand | 13:59 |
ubottu | chand: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: - Guide: - Support in #ubuntu-server | 13:59 |
MonkeyDust | !ldap | 14:01 |
ubottu | LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see | 14:01 |
chl_ | also, can you do theese rules with ufw? "tcp any to any established" & "" | 14:02 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: yes wait please, let me have a look at that output | 14:04 |
gebbione_ | ok | 14:05 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: sudo apt install dkms | 14:05 |
gebbione_ | dkms is already the newest version | 14:06 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: please show the output of "for i in /var/lib/dkms/*/[^k]*/source; do [ -e "$i" ] || echo "$i";done" | 14:08 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.2/source | 14:10 |
MonkeyDust | what's ^k in that line? | 14:13 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: ok now please do a "sudo apt install fglrx" and please show the output again | 14:13 |
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gebbione_ | k1l_, fglrx install log | 14:18 |
k1l_ | MonkeyDust: its to sort out stuff that starts with "k" in that folders | 14:19 |
gebbione_ | should i try to open catalyst? | 14:20 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: ok. so now make a reboot. it should boot to the 4.2 kernel as default. if that doesnt help reboot and use the other 3.13 kernel in grub again | 14:20 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, if it is still stuck i will need to remove fglrx or it blocks the login to X, or i can come back from another pc to access IRC | 14:22 |
lemayian | how do I solve problems on unresponsive classes on my eclipse | 14:23 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: if you cant login, with those 2 kernel versions. then login to the tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1) and do a "sudo apt purge fglrx" | 14:24 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: then reboot again | 14:24 |
gebbione_ | ok | 14:24 |
zdarova | zdarova brain freespeak | 14:28 |
zdarova | botnick brain freespeak | 14:29 |
Pici | zdarova: can we help you with something? | 14:29 |
zdarova | Hi, just trying to see if a script is working :D | 14:29 |
mcphail | zdarova: not in here, please | 14:30 |
zdarova | ok sorry | 14:30 |
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Guest12212 | how to use it? I am a newer. | 14:36 |
Bish | use what? | 14:36 |
Guest12212 | this chat | 14:37 |
MonkeyDust | Guest12212 this is the support channel | 14:37 |
MonkeyDust | Guest12212 ask your ubuntu questions here | 14:37 |
Gambit15 | Hey guys, I want to reconfigure the mode/permissions of newly created logs. On systems with systemd, can I still use /etc/logrotate.conf or has it changed now? | 14:38 |
pbx | Guest12212, you can try the #irchelp channel if you want help learning | 14:39 |
Guest12212 | oksy , i will go | 14:39 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, didint work unfortunately :/ | 14:41 |
gebbione_ | i just had to purge fglrx again to gain access to the desktop | 14:41 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: then please show the xorg.0.log and the xorg.0.old.log or xorg.1.log that is from that error boot in a pastebin | 14:42 |
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gebbione_ | k1l_, <- cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 14:46 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, the old one -> | 14:46 |
sean_ | hi.According to the Internet that the configuration of the Linux system JDK environment variables, but isn't work, who has what good configuration steps do | 14:47 |
gebbione_ | sean_, what is not working? have u asked in #java? | 14:48 |
lotuspsychje | !java | sean_ | 14:49 |
ubottu | sean_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see about how to install one of three current implementations. | 14:49 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: [ 119.452] (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0) | 14:51 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: your system has some issues regarding the module building. | 14:51 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: what changes did you do to your system? any PPAs or 3rd party packages in use? | 14:52 |
Glorfindel | hello, I'm trying to digitize some high8 tapes on my ubuntu pc, I have the camera connected via firewire, but don't know what program to use to get the videos recorded onto the ubuntu system, any ideas? | 14:53 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, thanks for spotting this ... however it is quite strange. i just update two nights ago just the updates from ubuntu . ie kernel and then i experienced the problem. I dont remember any other details to be honest and I have not installed anything specific that i remeber of apart from updates | 14:53 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: please show a "cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local.conf" | 14:57 |
MonkeyDust | Glorfindel if you don't get an answer here, try in #ubuntustudio | 14:58 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, interesting it shows 'blacklist fglrx' | 14:58 |
Glorfindel | MonkeyDust: Thanks! | 14:58 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: there it is. | 14:59 |
mcphail | Glorfindel: Hi8 and firewire? That's a blast from the past! IIRC, people used to use "kino" for that kind of thing, but it was a horrible basic program and is no longer maintained. I think it is still in the repos, though. You could have a look at something more modern like kdenlive or blender, and see if you could do the import there | 14:59 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, should i remove or comment this line and try to install it again? | 14:59 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: "sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local.conf" | 14:59 |
Glorfindel | mcphail: I'll try those, thank you much! | 14:59 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: after that, install fglrx again. then reboot. | 15:00 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, rebooting now | 15:01 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, that fixed it :) thanks a million times ... any ideas why that module was blacklisted? | 15:05 |
Nguye^n | ;) | 15:06 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: dont know. just found another guy with the same error and that solution. that is why errormessages are the key to solve issues most times. | 15:06 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: btw: you could get rid of a lot of old kernels and headers to make some free space | 15:06 |
gebbione_ | indeed i have lots | 15:07 |
k1l_ | that is the bug | 15:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1310170 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "fglrx DRI initialization fails on Radeon HD 7660G (Trinity)" [Undecided,Invalid] | 15:07 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: "echo $(dpkg --list | grep linux-image | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -V | sed -n '/'`uname -r`'/q;p') $(dpkg --list | grep linux-headers | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -V | sed -n '/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\([0-9.-]*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/q;p') | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge | 15:08 |
k1l_ | " | 15:08 |
k1l_ | after that make sure linux-generic-lts-wily is still installed | 15:09 |
gebbione_ | After this operation, 8,784 MB disk space will be freed | 15:09 |
gebbione_ | k1l_, it looks like that script will remove all kernels | 15:17 |
gebbione_ | it is removing them one by one from the oldest | 15:17 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: you got like 20-30 kernels there. let it run | 15:17 |
k1l_ | gebbione_: after its done make sure linux-generic and linux-generic-lts-wily are installed | 15:18 |
NOSKian3 | hello. i have just installed debian in my system and when i tried to install irssi or any other program it shows E: Unable to locate package <program>, eg irssi. Please help | 15:20 |
MonkeyDust | NOSKian3 type /j #debian | 15:20 |
k1l_ | NOSKian3: #debian for debian help | 15:20 |
NOSKian3 | thanks | 15:21 |
codemachine | gh | 15:22 |
codemachine | ok | 15:22 |
codemachine | tgfh | 15:23 |
MonkeyDust | codemachine it works | 15:23 |
pseudonymous | Anyone with any experience with pbuilder? Getting a (to me) strange error using 'pdebuild' | 15:25 |
MonkeyDust | !info pbuilder | 15:25 |
ubottu | pbuilder (source: pbuilder): personal package builder for Debian packages. In component main, is extra. Version 0.215+nmu4ubuntu1 (wily), package size 301 kB, installed size 991 kB | 15:25 |
phpcoder | hello | 15:25 |
phpcoder | is there a mega package to install many many fonts? :D | 15:25 |
phpcoder | i saw that openoffice renders bad some documents | 15:25 |
phpcoder | i think it is a problem of fonts | 15:25 |
Pici | pseudonymous: probably a better question for #ubuntu-app-devel or if you don't get an answer there, #ubuntu-motu | 15:25 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: ubuntu-restricted-extras got some extra fonts also | 15:26 |
pseudonymous | phpcoder: packages which contains no files of their own but pull in many others are usually called meta-packages (like the gnome-desktop) | 15:26 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, but is there not a package with all (or many fonts) instead of installing one by one | 15:26 |
phpcoder | ? | 15:26 |
phpcoder | pseudonymous, ah ok | 15:26 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: wich font are you looking ro exactly? | 15:27 |
lotuspsychje | for | 15:27 |
yudinz | :) The OP k1l is a filthy c unt. :) his mother will die from breast cancer soon. S atan make this so :) his w h ore mother will be F UC KED in hell by jesus and the PrOpHeT Muhammad. they both F UCK pigs like her :) :) The moderator k1l is a C U NT :) :)㋛Ubuntu utilizes spyware - Canonical and Shuttleworth are bullies.... the amazon search lens w | 15:27 |
yudinz | as OPT IN | 15:27 |
yudinz | this wont stop | 15:27 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, not a specific font i would like to install as many fonts i can | 15:27 |
phpcoder | is possible | 15:27 |
yudinz | .:) The OP k1l is a filthy c unt. :) his mother will die from breast cancer soon. S atan make this so :) his w h ore mother will be F UC KED in hell by jesus and the PrOpHeT Muhammad. they both F UCK pigs like her :) :) The moderator k1l is a C U NT :) :)㋛Ubuntu utilizes spyware - Canonical and Shuttleworth are bullies.... the amazon search lens | 15:27 |
yudinz | was OPT IN | 15:27 |
yudinz | hi phpcoder | 15:27 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: apt-cache search fonts | 15:28 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, can i install all the things automatically ? | 15:29 |
phpcoder | without selecting each package? | 15:29 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: no, you need to pick a package wisely, read what its for | 15:30 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, the problem is that i "suppose" that openoffice is not rendering a specific doc correctly because i do not have the fonts | 15:31 |
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phpcoder | the problem is that i do not know the name of the font | 15:31 |
phpcoder | for this reason i said that i would like to install as many fonts i can | 15:32 |
phpcoder | and see if it fix the problem | 15:32 |
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lotuspsychje | phpcoder: you opening a MS office doc and cant read? | 15:32 |
phpcoder | i can read.... but it is not rendering correctly | 15:32 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: is it an ms doc? | 15:33 |
MonkeyDust | phpcoder so your question really is about font renedering | 15:34 |
MonkeyDust | rendering* | 15:34 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, yes a .doc | 15:36 |
phpcoder | MonkeyDust, i think it is a problem with missing font | 15:36 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: try install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 15:36 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, is this a package or a specific repository ? | 15:37 |
lotuspsychje | !info ubuntu-restricted-extras | phpcoder | 15:37 |
ubottu | phpcoder: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 64 (wily), package size 3 kB, installed size 30 kB | 15:37 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, | 15:39 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: si, to continue | 15:39 |
chand_ | hi | 15:39 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, after this? there will be other available fonts | 15:40 |
phpcoder | ? | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: some MS fonts will be added to your system also yes | 15:40 |
chand_ | is there any to know who has log in my client pc with out going on client pc? | 15:40 |
MonkeyDust | chand_ try w and who | 15:41 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, after installing this ubuntu-restricted-extras | 15:41 |
phpcoder | ok | 15:41 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: close your .doc and reopen after install, see if it shows correctly | 15:42 |
chand_ | MonkeyDust, i have ipaddress only, want to which user has login on client pc | 15:42 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, tried....does not change anything | 15:43 |
phpcoder | hmmm | 15:43 |
MonkeyDust | chand_ in a termiinal, type w | 15:43 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: can you check wich font is active in that word .doc? | 15:44 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, how can i do that? | 15:44 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: open it and check font? | 15:44 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, if i open it via openoffice... | 15:45 |
phpcoder | openoffice can detect the font correctly | 15:45 |
phpcoder | so i should try another way | 15:45 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: you have openoffice on your ubuntu also? | 15:46 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, sure | 15:48 |
MonkeyDust | phpcoder it's possible that you found a bug in libre office | 15:48 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: ok check wich font it is then? | 15:48 |
phpcoder | lotuspsychje, openoffice is converting all in ARIAL | 15:49 |
phpcoder | and one table is bad rendered | 15:49 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: you sure this .doc is not corrupt? | 15:49 |
phpcoder | i have another reader WPS OFFICE | 15:50 |
phpcoder | and i can see it correctly... | 15:50 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 15:50 |
phpcoder | so for this reason i do not understand why libreoffice cant do it | 15:51 |
phpcoder | and it sets all the fonts in arial | 15:51 |
MonkeyDust | phpcoder report a LO !bug | 15:52 |
lotuspsychje | phpcoder: if this .doc have no sensitive data you can share with us? let us have a look | 15:52 |
chand_ | MonkeyDust, I have two pc one and another is now i want to know who is logged on in pc from | 15:52 |
chand_ | "w " command only show current pc user | 15:53 |
MonkeyDust | chand_ and 'who' | 15:54 |
chand_ | MonkeyDust, who is also showing same pc details. | 15:54 |
tasuki | there's a file which contains info on when cron.monthly has run last, anyone knows where that file is located? | 15:55 |
tasuki | it was in /proc or /var or something like that, catting it would output a date | 15:55 |
MonkeyDust | tasuki type locate cron.monthly | 15:56 |
lotuspsychje | !cron | tasuki | 15:57 |
ubottu | tasuki: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See | 15:57 |
llutz | tasuki: /var/spool/anacron | 15:57 |
tasuki | couldn't `locate` it, but googled it: /var/spool/anacron/cron.monthly | 15:58 |
chand_ | I have two pc one and another is now i want to know who is logged on in pc from | 15:59 |
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k1l_ | chand_: then logon .2 via ssh and do who | 16:00 |
zacktu | I get an error from system update. What's wrong? W:Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file), E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 16:00 |
chand_ | kil_ i dont want to login via ssh on anoter pc | 16:02 |
mcphail | zacktu: don't worry - it is simply Google messing up a repo they forced onto your system when you installed Chrome. There is a quick fix (I think ubottu has a one-liner, but I don't know the command) | 16:02 |
moocowmoo_ | anybody got any tips to restore dns lookups (working fine for 200 days!) on ubuntu 14.04.1 server? already did 'ifdown eth0;ifup eth0'... | 16:03 |
chand_ | is it any way to store user information on server pc? | 16:03 |
moocowmoo_ | dig works, nslookup works, ping doesn't. | 16:03 |
mcphail | zacktu: | 16:03 |
Pici | moocowmoo_: Sounds like something with nsswitch might be broken. I gotta run to a thing, but this might at least point you in the right direction. | 16:04 |
moocowmoo_ | Pici, thanks. I'll see about trying to restart it | 16:05 |
lotuspsychje | !chrome-repo | mcphail zacktu | 16:05 |
ubottu | mcphail zacktu: Google recently deprecated 32-bit Chrome, which causes errors on 64-bit multiarch Ubuntu systems. To fix this, run: sudo sed -i 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list /opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome | 16:05 |
mcphail | lotuspsychje: ta | 16:05 |
zacktu | mcphail: thanks for the link | 16:07 |
lotuspsychje | mcphail: tnx to ops working on triggers | 16:07 |
mcphail | zacktu: if you use the one-liner lotuspsychje got ubottu to post, it should stop your modification getting overwritten by Google's stupidity in the future | 16:07 |
gopherIRC | hi anyone helping out? | 16:08 |
MonkeyDust | gopherIRC let's hear it | 16:08 |
gopherIRC | MonkeyDust: im using windows 7 and i dont got admin, id like to run unetbooting and install linux but i neeed admin pass, can you help me out? | 16:10 |
MonkeyDust | gopherIRC i'm sure the people in ##windows can tell how windows works | 16:10 |
gopherIRC | im going to give it a shot | 16:10 |
akik | gopherIRC: there's a program called nt offline password editor which you can use to do it | 16:10 |
gopherIRC | akik: can you help me out working with that? | 16:11 |
gopherIRC | lemme search on it | 16:11 |
akik | but yea it's more for ##windows | 16:11 |
DirtyCajun | what do you call the sudo gui that ubuntu server uses when it asks questions during install. i know its a debian thing i just dont know what | 16:12 |
MonkeyDust | DirtyCajun gksu | 16:12 |
DirtyCajun | im sorry i used sudo im so used to typign that. pseudo is what i mean | 16:13 |
mcphail | DirtyCajun: isn't it just a standard (n)curses screen? | 16:14 |
DirtyCajun | ahhh | 16:15 |
DirtyCajun | boom | 16:15 |
DirtyCajun | ncurses. | 16:15 |
DirtyCajun | ty | 16:15 |
awreece_ | How do I measure the disk utilization on my raid0 device? If I look at iostat -x, I see that md0 has 0 util, await, svctime, and queue size | 16:17 |
gopherIRC | at windows they told me to ask the admin:S | 16:17 |
nomic | df -u | 16:17 |
nomic | df - report file system disk space usage | 16:17 |
MonkeyDust | gopherIRC meaning you need to know the password? | 16:17 |
nomic | df - u gives you a summery | 16:17 |
nomic | a | 16:17 |
awreece_ | thats not what I want, I want disk utilization, not capacity | 16:18 |
numb3r | Hi, can anyone share 'fdisk -l' with dual boot windows and Linux, pliz | 16:18 |
k1l_ | numb3r: better say what your issue is | 16:18 |
MonkeyDust | numb3r what brings you here | 16:18 |
gopherIRC | MonkeyDust: offcouse, id id know the pass, i whouldnt be asking for support, id like to install linux | 16:18 |
gopherIRC | but with unetbootin i got no permion | 16:19 |
gopherIRC | permission | 16:19 |
akik | gopherIRC: not very helpful :) the offline password editor is a linux system which enables you to reset your windows passwords | 16:19 |
jushur | gopherIRC: do the computer have a dvd writer? if so id sudgest you burn the iso to one instead of messing with admin rights in windows, | 16:19 |
gopherIRC | and how do i execute it? | 16:19 |
numb3r | I want to recover my partition table with testdisk and I don't really remember what it look like | 16:19 |
lotuspsychje | gopherIRC: yeah make an ubuntu usb from another pc? | 16:20 |
k1l_ | numb3r: so other ones output doesnt help you. | 16:20 |
gopherIRC | what if i dont have no cds or usbs | 16:20 |
k1l_ | numb3r: because you dont know if the have seperate data partitions, or manufacturer recovery partitions etc. | 16:20 |
jushur | gopherIRC: first rule when trying to do things. be prepared! | 16:20 |
lotuspsychje | gopherIRC: buy a cd from canonical :p | 16:20 |
gopherIRC | im going to be honest, the sys admin is from my family, so i can exploit it | 16:21 |
gopherIRC | anyone? | 16:21 |
jushur | gopherIRC: one question for you, are you allowed to do this at all? | 16:22 |
numb3r | k1l_, I wonder if / partion and /home partition are shown seperatly with fdisk -l | 16:22 |
gopherIRC | yes of course, the sis admin is my mother | 16:22 |
gopherIRC | whats wrong? | 16:22 |
k1l_ | numb3r: that depends on how you installed it. if you installed it in 2 partitions, then yes | 16:22 |
MonkeyDust | gopherIRC is this your own pc, or from the enterprise/school you work for | 16:22 |
lotuspsychje | gopherIRC: and if you have no usb's how was you going to use unetbootin? | 16:22 |
gopherIRC | no its my mothers asus sonic master | 16:23 |
MonkeyDust | gopherIRC then better ask your mom's assistance | 16:23 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 16:23 |
gopherIRC | how ahm, she did the same with my fujistsu notebook :| | 16:25 |
numb3r | k1l_, I install it in one partition | 16:25 |
BluesKaj | gopherIRC, you had better be careful not to lose your mother's and mucking up her installation | 16:25 |
gopherIRC | data loss? | 16:26 |
BluesKaj | yes | 16:26 |
sw0rdy | hi | 16:27 |
gopherIRC | can i join an exploit room? | 16:27 |
lotuspsychje | gopherIRC: you would not be trolling us dont you? | 16:28 |
gopherIRC | whats trolling? .. no shes just going to be a bit upset , but she upsets me too all the time, so.. | 16:28 |
Laurenceb_ | hi, is there any way to upgrade from 10.04 to 14.04? | 16:28 |
sw0rdy | linux-image generic and linux-image-extra generic are ready to be removed but the GUI software updater also has an update for those so do I remove the old ones from terminal first or will the Updater handle everything | 16:29 |
sw0rdy | ? | 16:29 |
gopherIRC | besides i miss linux | 16:29 |
lotuspsychje | !eolupgrade | Laurenceb_ | 16:29 |
ubottu | Laurenceb_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 16:29 |
jushur | gopherIRC: #ubuntu-offtopic plz | 16:29 |
lotuspsychje | !usn | Laurenceb_ see also the risks of an eol version | 16:30 |
ubottu | Laurenceb_ see also the risks of an eol version: Please see for information about recent Ubuntu security updates. | 16:30 |
Laurenceb_ | ok | 16:30 |
BluesKaj | gopherIRC, well methinks it's time you had your own machine | 16:30 |
k1l_ | sw0rdy: why do you want to remove them? | 16:30 |
sw0rdy | I dunno I'm not a linux guru, I just saw last time I did apt-get install to install something it mentioned a bunch of packages weren't being used so I just tried apt-get autoremove to see what packages it shows and it shows me those two packages linux-image generic and linux-image-extra generic | 16:31 |
sw0rdy | k1l_ ^ | 16:31 |
k1l_ | Laurenceb_: run the EOLupgrade to 12.04. then the next LTS upgrade to 14.04 | 16:31 |
Laurenceb_ | k1l_ that wont work | 16:32 |
k1l_ | sw0rdy: removing those packages actually means removing the linux kernel | 16:32 |
k1l_ | Laurenceb_: what will not work with what error? | 16:32 |
Laurenceb_ | oh EOLupgrade | 16:32 |
Laurenceb_ | nvm | 16:32 |
sw0rdy | k1l_, ok then, I'll just let the GUI Software Updater do its thing then | 16:32 |
gopherIRC | MonkeyDust: the reg editor resets the pass but it needs a bootdisk | 16:34 |
sw0rdy | k1l_, oh and Software Updater is JUST listing them as available updates so actually I think it will install the new versions and remove the old by itself? | 16:34 |
k1l_ | gopherIRC: we cant deal with windows issues in here. how to get admin priviledges or not is better in ##windows | 16:35 |
k1l_ | sw0rdy: yes. | 16:35 |
sw0rdy | can you please confirm that so I can feel comfortable to click on Install Now | 16:35 |
sw0rdy | nice, I'll take that as confirmation :) | 16:35 |
Laurenceb_ | I'm getting many errors | 16:40 |
Laurenceb_ | W: GPG error: lucid Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2 | 16:40 |
Laurenceb_ | and many more | 16:40 |
deso | Hello, kind of stupid question sorry, been out of the loop for quite some time. Used my lubuntu laptop for a few minutes yesterday and got a plethora of notifications from outlook's mail service that I was accessing my account from Netherlands, which is the same location I was using the VPN from. I didn't log on the webpage frontend that day, and I think my laptop is compromised. Is there any guidelines for this or something like a on-site virus check for this | 16:41 |
deso | kind of situation? | 16:41 |
k1l_ | Laurenceb_: turn off those 3rd party repos | 16:41 |
Laurenceb_ | ok | 16:41 |
Laurenceb_ | | 16:43 |
DirtyCajun | is this the dialog utility? | 16:44 |
reisio | DirtyCajun: probably | 16:44 |
Laurenceb_ | k1l_ any idea whats wrong ^ ? | 16:44 |
k1l_ | Laurenceb_: using any proxy? | 16:44 |
Laurenceb_ | no | 16:45 |
k1l_ | deso: what about that vpn is faulty? | 16:45 |
k1l_ | Laurenceb_: please show your source.list file | 16:46 |
deso | I don't think it's the VPN, I didn't enter that mail address while using the VPN service. I usually disable it to access mail. | 16:47 |
sw0rdy | does ubuntu require updating to install updates | 16:47 |
k1l_ | sw0rdy: updates bring updates :) | 16:47 |
sw0rdy | right :) | 16:47 |
mike | I'm experiencing a strange issue when sshing to a server; and sudo su'ing, ctrl+c is catching sigterm and exits the session. | 16:48 |
Laurenceb_ | | 16:48 |
Laurenceb_ | kl1_: ^ | 16:48 |
mike | I can't seem to track this down. Anyone have any crazy ideas? | 16:48 |
mike | I have two servers that behave differntly. I checked .bashrc .profile etc, confirmed same coreutils version, all the things | 16:48 |
deso | going to try doing a full sweep using the list on - just to be sure | 16:49 |
deso | thanks for the help, bye | 16:50 |
k1l_ | Laurenceb_: try "sudo gpg --import KEYS" | 16:54 |
k1l_ | Laurenceb_: then again "sudo do-release-upgrade" | 16:54 |
Laurenceb_ | gpg: can't open `KEYS': No such file or directory | 16:56 |
Laurenceb_ | gpg: Total number processed: 0 | 16:56 |
k1l_ | Laurenceb_: hmm | 16:56 |
genii | Where k1l_ wrote KEYS you put instead the last 8 characters of the key it's complaining about | 16:56 |
Laurenceb_ | oh | 16:57 |
Laurenceb_ | lol sorry | 16:57 |
Laurenceb_ | but I don't know where I should get these 8 characters from? | 16:59 |
Echo6_ | did a symbolic link and it showed up in red when the rest are in aqua. What did I do wrong? | 17:02 |
genii | Echo6_: What is the exact command you typed? | 17:04 |
=== dave4925_ is now known as Illumitardi | ||
Echo6_ | ln -s ../path/to/my/file.conf file.conf | 17:04 |
Echo6_ | broken link | 17:05 |
Laurenceb_ | I have no clue what I'm doing lol | 17:05 |
Laurenceb_ | I just want it to work :-/ | 17:05 |
damnruskie | hi! Im trying to run a sh script which is having trouble seeing my environmental settings. for example in bash i can do echo $myvar and I get what I want. I can also do this in sh, and dash, and this myvar is set through a source ~/.my_env_vars in my .profile and my .bashrc, yet if I do a simple /bin/sh script that tries to access this variable and run it through bash I get that the variable is undefined. any clues? | 17:07 |
genii | Echo6_: You have the paths reversed | 17:08 |
Echo6_ | genii: it was because I typo-ed the path. It works not but it didn't solve of overall problem. | 17:08 |
Echo6_ | Fricking apache keeps displaying my php files as text. | 17:09 |
Echo6_ | Only in that directory though. | 17:09 |
Echo6_ | aparently all directories. | 17:10 |
Echo6_ | it would appear my php is not working | 17:10 |
asterismo | hi | 17:17 |
asterismo | does any version of ubutnu run on this touch laptop? hp 15-f337wm | 17:17 |
asterismo | i cannot find anything on google | 17:17 |
pseudonymous | Does anyone know how to create a dsc file from the beginnings of my package ? I have a source dir with a debian folder containing the usual suspects. (I need a dsc-file to use pbuild, it seems) | 17:19 |
tgm4883 | pseudonymous: debuild with the proper flags? | 17:20 |
lotuspsychje | asterismo: ubuntu desktop has touch support | 17:20 |
lotuspsychje | asterismo: best way is to install and try a 14.04.4 or higher iso | 17:20 |
Marezz | I plan on installing ubuntu 14.04 Unity on Samsung 850 EVO SSD, is it going to work fine with it or does it require some sort of setting changes? | 17:21 |
tgm4883 | pseudonymous: yea, debuild has flags to build a source package | 17:21 |
damnruskie | fine i just did that 3 days ago Marezz | 17:21 |
pseudonymous | tgm4883: I want to use pbuild - if I end up compiling a package on my own system right now it defeats the purpose of using pbuild to manage a clean environment | 17:21 |
lotuspsychje | Marezz: bios needs to be changed from IDE to AHCI and will work fine with ubuntu | 17:21 |
compdoc | Marezz, its nothing to do with the OS, but set your bios to AHCI first | 17:21 |
Marezz | its already on ahci | 17:22 |
lotuspsychje | Marezz: then your good to go | 17:22 |
pseudonymous | tgm4883: and pdebuild (ostensibly working as debuild) fails with not being able to find dh (part of the debhelper package). | 17:22 |
Marezz | hopefully ubuntu doesnt do too much writing.. | 17:22 |
teward | pseudonymous: what was the *exact* error you saw? | 17:22 |
Fenix_Peregrino | Hellow guys. I have the next question: the thing is I have been trying to fix my graphics on Ubuntu 15.1 and I havent been successfull at all. I have asked here and I have consulted different forums around the internet. The reason I want to fix them is because I play Dota2 (Steam game) and every time I play Dota2 it has a terrible fps lag. So I was thinking on installing Wine (even though I dont know if this will fix the problem), but Im worried or | 17:22 |
Fenix_Peregrino | concern that installing Wine will open vulnerabilities on my system. Can someone help me? | 17:22 |
lotuspsychje | Marezz: you wont be able to break the ssd dont worry | 17:22 |
teward | pseudonymous: and what pbuilder dist are you using | 17:23 |
lotuspsychje | Marezz: ubuntu and ssd are great match | 17:23 |
trism | pseudonymous: you build the source package with debuild -S then you put the dsc into pbuilder | 17:23 |
pseudonymous | teward: | 17:23 |
Marezz | thanks | 17:23 |
trism | pseudonymous: it doesn't actually build anything it just creates the necessary files | 17:24 |
pseudonymous | trism: I get the same error as posted in ( | 17:24 |
teward | pseudonymous: what's your build-depends? | 17:25 |
pseudonymous | teward: | 17:26 |
deus402 | j hello, i am having some trouble deciding the best route to take with mdadm on 14.04 | 17:26 |
tgm4883 | pseudonymous: I use debuild to create the dsc files we upload to launchpad. You don't have to use that to build a binary package | 17:26 |
deus402 | i have a 2 4tb drive software raid 0 that is now completely full. i have added an additional 2 4tb drives to the system and would like to migrate to raid level 6. | 17:26 |
tgm4883 | pseudonymous: IIRC, 'debuild -S -sa' | 17:26 |
teward | pseudonymous: For what it's worth, I use my computer to run the source package build, and pass the actual .dsc files to whatever I use for building | 17:27 |
deus402 | should i create a degraded raid5 array on the new drives, copy as much as possible to the new array, then add the now empty old drives to the raid 5, then convert to raid 6? | 17:27 |
deus402 | or is there some possible way using mdadm to go directly from raid0 to raid6 using the two blank drives? | 17:27 |
pseudonymous | tgm4883: (IIRC?) - still got the same result - complains that "make: dh: Command not found" | 17:27 |
Knight35 | Hello everyone, how can I upgrade from 15.04 to 15.10 from terminal? | 17:28 |
deus402 | or is there an even better way that i'm not thinking of? zfs? | 17:28 |
pseudonymous | Which I *really* don't get. I was under the impression that Build-Depends should install the packages I specify prior to build/clean | 17:28 |
teward | pseudonymous: build-depends is for the actual binary build, i doubt it pulls in the dh requirements. | 17:28 |
teward | pseudonymous: long shot, but did you install ubuntu-dev-tools and such to your computer before running the pdebuild stuff? | 17:29 |
pseudonymous | tweard: no, but I will now | 17:29 |
tgm4883 | pseudonymous: install debhelper then? | 17:29 |
lotuspsychje | !eolupgrade | Knight35 | 17:30 |
ubottu | Knight35: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 17:30 |
lotuspsychje | !usn | Knight35 see also the risks of an eol version | 17:30 |
ubottu | Knight35 see also the risks of an eol version: Please see for information about recent Ubuntu security updates. | 17:30 |
pseudonymous | tgm4883: I have debhelper on my own machine (debuild still fails). I know that debhelper provides dh exactly because I just did "dpkg -S `which dh`" | 17:30 |
teward | pseudonymous: I would surmise that you didn't set up pbuilder right then - you get a "No pbuilderrc" error | 17:31 |
pseudonymous | teward: even with the 'ubuntu-dev-tools' package, "debuild -S -sa" fails | 17:31 |
pseudonymous | teward: I was under the impression that it would be an optional file. If there's any recommendable instructions, I'll be happy to read. I have a mountain of packages I need to build | 17:31 |
tgm4883 | pseudonymous: sorry I'm in a meeting right now | 17:32 |
teward | pseudonymous: what errors does it fail with? | 17:32 |
teward | when you run 'debuild -S -sa' on the source directly without sending through pbuilder | 17:32 |
tgm4883 | pseudonymous: can you show the whole log? | 17:32 |
teward | ^ that | 17:32 |
pseudonymous | teward: I know, debuild is outside pbuild. pbuild also supplied pdebuild which ostensibly works as debuild but within the pbuild chroot env - both yield the same output | 17:33 |
Bingo | << need to set ubuntu default to load. | 17:33 |
teward | pseudonymous: you haven't given us full logs OR output data | 17:33 |
pseudonymous | There is no more than ? | 17:33 |
teward | pseudonymous: install debhelper. `sudo apt-get install debhelper` | 17:34 |
teward | on your computer itself | 17:34 |
pseudonymous | I'll be happy to provide whatever - I'm very keen to get this working. | 17:34 |
teward | you probably need other debhelper packages too | 17:34 |
teward | pseudonymous: sudo apt-get install packaging-dev | 17:34 |
teward | make sure you run that too | 17:34 |
pseudonymous | teward: <- that's the result of attempting to install debhelper, I already have it | 17:34 |
teward | (that'll pull in a lot of things, including debhelper) | 17:35 |
teward | pseudonymous: alright, well, not sure what to tell you if your system says it can't find dh | 17:35 |
pseudonymous | After installing 'packaging-dev' : ( same error, 'debuild -S -sa' fails saying dh command isn't found | 17:37 |
trism | pseudonymous: which dh; does it find it? | 17:38 |
k1l_ | Laurenceb_: sorry, i am afk. dont know about that error | 17:39 |
Laurenceb_ | k nvm | 17:39 |
Laurenceb_ | I gave up, will try at the weekend perhaps | 17:39 |
pseudonymous | trism: yup, I used the location from that command to surmise which package I should be needing (debhelper) by using 'dpkg -S' afterwards | 17:40 |
Echo6_ | GPG error: trusty InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY C2518248EEA14886 | 17:43 |
trism | pseudonymous: do you get the same thing with: dpkg-buildpackage -S; | 17:43 |
pseudonymous | Does anyone know of a guide which starts from scratch using pbuild or sbuild ? Maybe I irrevocably f'ed something up. I'd "just" like to build some packages which I already know how to compile successfully outside of all this packaging stuff | 17:44 |
pseudonymous | trism: Yes, I do. I guess I should say that I generated these scripts using "dh_make -f <path-to-tarball>" | 17:45 |
trism | pseudonymous: can you build other packages, maybe: apt-get source hello; cd hellodir; dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -S; | 17:47 |
trism | pseudonymous: at least then we will know if it is a problem with the package or the system (seems like a system problem though) | 17:47 |
pseudonymous | trism: yup, that works fine. Issuing the same dpkg-buildpackage command (flags & all) in my mono pkg dir still fails with dh not being found | 17:48 |
trism | pseudonymous: weird, can you pastebin your debian/rules? | 17:50 |
trunks_ | hi | 17:52 |
pseudonymous | trism: I hadn't imagined that had such a profound impact (but again, of *course* it does) - I've found the offending line to be "export PATH=$(MONO_PREFIX)/bin:$PATH" in my rules file.. Will have to fix somehow | 17:53 |
pseudonymous | trism: thanks for helping me get so far :) | 17:53 |
trism | pseudonymous: np hope you fix it | 17:53 |
Bingo | Installed Ubuntu to sda6, win10 on sda1 - windows does not load ubuntu. Need solution. | 17:53 |
EriC^^ | ' | 17:54 |
EriC^^ | Bingo: ill brb will help in a sec | 17:55 |
Bingo | looking at this efibootmgr now, if i can order the loading, ubuntu or grub will load windows | 17:56 |
llutz | !info avr-libc | 17:56 |
ubottu | avr-libc (source: avr-libc): Standard C library for Atmel AVR development. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.8.0+Atmel3.4.5-1 (wily), package size 4358 kB, installed size 35809 kB | 17:56 |
=== Guest84129 is now known as EriC^ | ||
Bingo | or, if i can build an entry in bcdedit for ubuntu, mebe? | 17:57 |
EriC^ | Bingo: which laptop do you have? | 17:57 |
Bingo | is HP 15-ac143wm | 17:58 |
Bingo | i5 | 17:58 |
EriC^ | Bingo: ok, boot the pc, press f9 to get a boot options menu, choose ubuntu, or press esc when it boots and see the menu | 17:58 |
Desetude | Hey, I have attempted to remove ubuntu gnome to revert back to unity but when I rebooted after attempting to do so, my PC gets stuck on the gnome loading splash screen | 17:59 |
Desetude | And I think my only option is to go into recovery mode, how can I then remove gnome? | 17:59 |
Desetude | Oh, hey Eric :p | 18:00 |
Bingo | EriC^ -- I get windows loading, then I have to get out of windows by troubleshooting selection, or get to firmware via System (Shift/restart) | 18:00 |
EriC^ | Bingo: get firmware and choose ubuntu | 18:01 |
EriC^ | hey Desetude | 18:01 |
Bingo | Yes I can choose firmware.. but is there Grub can load either from tha start ? | 18:01 |
Bingo | why's windows do this? Whaa whaaa | 18:02 |
EriC^ | Bingo: can you boot into ubuntu? | 18:03 |
Bingo | (calms down) I can use bcdedit, right? Or, no? | 18:03 |
Bingo | yes in 14.04now | 18:03 |
EriC^ | ok, type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc 9999 | 18:03 |
Bingo | use netcat | 18:05 |
EriC^ | try again | 18:05 |
=== mike_ is now known as Guest76815 | ||
Bingo | termbin url | 18:06 |
EriC^ | which is? | 18:06 |
Bingo | | 18:06 |
EriC^ | Bingo: type sudo efibootmgr -A 0002 | 18:07 |
EriC^ | Bingo: if you want to revert, use sudo efibootmgr -a 0002 | 18:08 |
Bingo | must specify an entry to delete | 18:08 |
EriC^ | did you type 0002 ? | 18:08 |
Bingo | sudo efibootmgr -A 0002 | 18:09 |
Bingo | see the -b option | 18:09 |
EriC^ | try yeah | 18:10 |
EriC^ | Bingo: type sudo efibootmgr -A -b 0002 | 18:10 |
Bingo | sudo efibootmgr -A -b 0002 , like this ! | 18:11 |
EriC^ | yeah] | 18:11 |
Bingo | ubuntu, WBM, USB. DVD, HDD | 18:12 |
EriC^ | ok try restarting | 18:12 |
Bingo | so, when it reboots, grub takes over? | 18:12 |
EriC^ | yeah | 18:12 |
Bingo | ? I remember some ppl nicks in here and in windows was on dalnet, undernet | 18:13 |
Bingo | EriC^ - did you ever work or sit in windows? Compdoc mebe there? | 18:14 |
EriC^ | yeah i've used windows my whole life | 18:14 |
Bingo | lemme see if this reboots.. | 18:14 |
gautiergc | Hi! I'm having trouble with my fresh install of Ubuntu 15.10 | 18:15 |
gautiergc | I can't reach my own session after my first reboot | 18:15 |
k1l_ | gautiergc: what video card? | 18:16 |
gautiergc | When booting, I've a message about fsck from "util-linux" and it is stopped here | 18:16 |
gautiergc | With Ctrl+Alt+F1, i've forced lightdm to start | 18:16 |
gautiergc | if a log into my session, I'm back with the fsck stuff | 18:16 |
gautiergc | but I can use my "guess" account | 18:17 |
gautiergc | @k1l_ I've a Intel chip (i5 4200M + nvidia) | 18:17 |
gautiergc | but, it doesn't seem to be a problem with the graphic... | 18:18 |
gautiergc | where should I look to retrieve the access to my session? | 18:18 |
Bingo | EriC^ - YOU DID IT! | 18:19 |
gautiergc_ | I'm here again, sorry | 18:20 |
Bingo | Yer awesome !! | 18:20 |
k1l_ | !nomodeset | gautiergc_ | 18:20 |
ubottu | gautiergc_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 18:20 |
gautiergc_ | so, somebody has an idea about my problem? | 18:20 |
EriC^ | Bingo: great | 18:20 |
UserUS | check /var/log | 18:20 |
Bingo | be sure the display brightness is up | 18:20 |
EriC^ | Bingo: if you ever need to revert it, sudo efibootmgr -a -b 0002 | 18:20 |
Bingo | Ok it will revert, eh.. i will read on that efibootmgr program | 18:21 |
gautiergc_ | @k1l_ nomodeset ? | 18:21 |
Trinity | hi I just installed a new graphics card along with my old one | 18:21 |
Trinity | I have a triple monitor set-up and i've connected two of the monitors to the new card | 18:21 |
Trinity | now the two monitors are displaying fine but the other monitor isn't | 18:22 |
Trinity | lspci | grep VGA is showing that both graphics cards are available | 18:22 |
k1l_ | gautiergc_: see the bots message | 18:22 |
Trinity | is there something I need to toggle to get them to work? | 18:22 |
Trinity | I used to use andr to align the desktops but andr is only showing two monitors atm | 18:22 |
pseudonymous | Trinity: oh dear. That can turn out to be difficult. If it's a nvidia/intel combo know that there's all sorts of dirty hacks depending on the laptop vendor to power those screens, some of which won't work under Linux, sadly | 18:23 |
Trinity | pseudonymous, both are nvidia based gpus | 18:23 |
Trinity | pseudonymous, and it's a desktop | 18:23 |
pseudonymous | Trinity: ah, OK. Well, then I'd ask: Have you played around with nvidia-settings yet ? If using the binary blob then nvidia-settings is basically the only viable way to configure your screens | 18:24 |
Trinity | pseudonymous, perhaps i'm missing something. the screen is also showing up on nvidia-settings | 18:24 |
Trinity | I get DFP-0, DFP2 on the added GPU | 18:24 |
Trinity | and DFP-1 on the old | 18:24 |
Trinity | i'm starting to suspect that one monitor is being rendered on top of another monitor | 18:25 |
Trinity | if that's even possible | 18:25 |
pseudonymous | Trinity: all screens are turned on and report getting a signal from the computer ? (My screens typically complain and go into energy-saving mode if there's no signal from the computer) | 18:26 |
Trinity | as dragging a menu I actually get three different screens. (two screens on my right monitor) | 18:27 |
Trinity | pseudonymous, yes, I believe they are. One is in power saving mode but nvidia-settings reports Signal: TMDS | 18:27 |
Trinity | wait nvmd, it's missing Connection link: Single and Refresh rate | 18:27 |
tasuki | hi, on my desktop I get timeouts on certain https websites upon a TLS handshake, like this: | 18:29 |
tasuki | I've tried connecting to the internet through different means and this persists | 18:29 |
tasuki | any idea what could be wrong? | 18:29 |
tasuki | the website does work when connecting eg from a DO droplet | 18:30 |
tasuki | so probably something on my side, but no idea what | 18:30 |
Trinity | ah found it | 18:30 |
Trinity | I had to enbale it in X Server Display Config | 18:30 |
Trinity | thanks pseudonymous | 18:30 |
gautiergc | Me again, nomodeset wasn't good | 18:30 |
gautiergc | I've the same behavior now with or without it | 18:30 |
gautiergc | I've the ligthdm interface | 18:31 |
gautiergc | when I try to log into my session, I'm redirected to the lightdm page | 18:31 |
gautiergc | guess session is okay | 18:31 |
pseudonymous | Trinity: sorry multitasking. But I'm happy you've found it :) | 18:31 |
pseudonymous | Oh, and it sounds like a sweet rig, btw. Enjoy it ^^ | 18:31 |
gautiergc | Any idea? | 18:31 |
UserUS | my battery level is not moving after being charged, it's frozen on charging. How do I restart it? | 18:31 |
EriC^ | UserUS: restart indicator-power | 18:32 |
Bashing-om | gautiergc: Authorization to access your desktop ? Do you own ' ls -al .Xauthority ; ls -al .ICEauthority ' ? | 18:33 |
gautiergc | that a 600/root for both | 18:34 |
UserUS | Now it's just gone? | 18:34 |
EriC^ | UserUS: try again | 18:35 |
UserUS | I tried 4 times | 18:35 |
gautiergc | should I change with "chown <ME>" for both, also with a more permissive chmod? | 18:35 |
Bashing-om | guampa: Well ... seems "you" are not authorized .. this is from the ctl+alt+F1 console interface ? And logged into the system with your username, correct ? | 18:35 |
gautiergc | I will try with me as owner and group | 18:37 |
Bashing-om | gautiergc: TYhis is only applicable IF logged into the system with "your" username . | 18:38 |
rud0lf | good evening :) | 18:39 |
gautiergc_ | (solved) changing owner:group by me on both authority file has solved my problem! thank you very much! | 18:39 |
Bashing-om | guampa: Great, you do good work ... ( no sudo for a GUI application anymore, right ?) . | 18:40 |
glit_ch | hello | 18:45 |
glit_ch | i have ubuntu server 14.04.4 name resolution problems | 18:46 |
glit_ch | and it's not resolv.conf | 18:46 |
glit_ch | network works, no network manager, ping IP works, ping does not; host, nslookup, dig all work | 18:47 |
glit_ch | unattended updates are enabled, space was low - so it may failed on update | 18:48 |
Bashing-om | glit_ch: Check /etc/network/interfaces >> " dns-nameservers " ? or such ?? | 18:48 |
glit_ch | check | 18:48 |
glit_ch | would strace ping help' | 18:49 |
glit_ch | ? | 18:49 |
BluesKaj | glit_ch, by no nm , do you mean it's a static IP on the LAN setup in network interfaces file and you don't use nm | 18:49 |
glit_ch | it's a static yes, but not on LAN, it's on digitalocean | 18:50 |
glit_ch | and no nm installed | 18:50 |
BluesKaj | do you have the digital ocean dns IPs in /etc/network/interfaces? | 18:51 |
glit_ch | no, and | 18:52 |
BluesKaj | or /etc/resolve.conf? | 18:52 |
BluesKaj | no digital ocean nameservers ? | 18:53 |
glit_ch | no | 18:53 |
glit_ch | not in resolv.conf, not in e/n/interfaces | 18:53 |
jushur | glit_ch: how about you ask their forums. is probably blocked in their firewall. | 18:54 |
BluesKaj | so you just periodically use a vps connection, glit_ch? | 18:55 |
glit_ch | no, works on other nodes | 18:55 |
glit_ch | can you check one file for me please? | 18:55 |
glit_ch | -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 44K May 7 2014 ping | 18:55 |
Trinity | damn, pseudonymous everythign works but I think i've encountered what you were talking about (the tricky part) | 18:56 |
pseudonymous | Trinity: oh, what's acting up ? | 18:56 |
Trinity | basically I have two X Screens now and applications in one XScreen cant be dragged to the other | 18:56 |
Trinity | it's not broken but a big inconvenience | 18:56 |
pseudonymous | Trinity: aaaah. this is one of several modes that the nvidia blob will accept | 18:56 |
Trinity | pseudonymous, im sorry? is there something I can do about it? | 18:57 |
pseudonymous | Trinity: I think you may be running in the wrong display mode. Checkout Xinerama vs Twinview (latter is nvidia-specific). Not sure - will look into it a bit now too | 18:58 |
Trinity | pseudonymous, mhm I saw Xinerama but it's description didn't seem to completely fit what I am trying to achieve. I'll try it though and let you know what happens | 18:59 |
pseudonymous | Trinity: (old docs, but what I came across). Definitely sounds as if you need to enable Twinview mode. The docs mention the alternative being running one X screen per GPU | 18:59 |
glit_ch | @BluesKaj what do you mean? | 19:00 |
BluesKaj | glit_ch, is this a permament connection or do you use a client to connect once in a while to edit your files onj the server | 19:03 |
Desetude | After attempting to remove gnome and revert back to unity, I restarted and now my PC gets stuck on the gnome loading splash screen. I have attempted to go into recovery mode but when trying to remount with rw access, I get the error ''already mounted on / or busy". | 19:04 |
Desetude | Can anyone help? | 19:04 |
Trinity | pseudonymous, yea from those docs it seems like Xinerama is what I want. I'll let you know once I get around to trying it | 19:05 |
Trinity | thanks for all of the help :) | 19:05 |
=== fred_ is now known as Guest45709 | ||
glit_ch | BluesKaj, it's vps that servers as web server, i check it every now and then | 19:05 |
pseudonymous | Desetude: unity & gnome are intimately linked and I've found that the best way to screw over a ubuntu install is to try and run gnome 3 :P That said, I'd research on force-reinstalling the ubuntu-desktop meta-package. If that still fails, you could try creating a new user and seeing if they can log into unity, if yes, you have some broken config files strewn about $HOME | 19:05 |
pseudonymous | Trinity: np :) | 19:05 |
Desetude | pseudonymous: I don't think it's anything to do with the user as it happens before logging in | 19:08 |
pseudonymous | Desetude: then you need to start by forcefully reinstalling the ubuntu-desktop metapackage. It should at least return all binaries etc to a pristine state | 19:09 |
Desetude | pseudonymous: How can I do that? | 19:10 |
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly- | ||
pseudonymous | Desetude: apt-get --reinstall install <package> | 19:11 |
Desetude | But I still get the error with the remount | 19:11 |
Desetude | "already mounted on / or busy" | 19:12 |
pseudonymous | Desetude: ooooooh, now I finally follow. Sheesh. That I wouldn't know, sorry :/ If I recall correctly, Ubuntu will boot the kernel, then use an initrd (initialise ramdisk) image to load a mini system before mounting the actual drive and passing control onto your install. Sounds like the initrd-part fails to mount properly or something.. | 19:14 |
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka | ||
Desetude | pseudonymous: Any ideas on what I could do? | 19:14 |
pseudonymous | Desetude: nope, that's outside my field, sorry. (Well, aside from yelling in here until an actual ubuntu expert walses in). | 19:15 |
pseudonymous | Desetude: well.. You *could* write a USB and poke around a little. See if you can mount the disk yourself. And if your $HOME is installed on a separate partition then you could always (from the liveUSB) export a list of installed packages and simply reinstall the system proper. Otherwise you'll have to look at whether or not there's a rescue option on the liveUSB to reinstall the bootloader and initrd | 19:16 |
pseudonymous | image | 19:17 |
graps | Hi | 19:18 |
Desetude | pseudonymous: Could I just use USB to completely reinstall ubuntu? | 19:18 |
pseudonymous | Desetude: if your /home partition is separate from the system, then sure, you could format the original install and start over | 19:18 |
graps | Desetude: Do you have a boot install on the USB drive ? | 19:19 |
Desetude | graps: Yes | 19:19 |
Desetude | graps: Only recently installed ubuntu | 19:19 |
pseudonymous | Desetude: if you do, read answer #2 from ( - you'll see that this way, you can have your new install reinstall all the software you had on the old :) [Of course, if that ruins the new install, then you're forced to reinstall a third time and manually install the software you need] | 19:20 |
Desetude | graps: I mean I still have the usb drive to boot onto, the actual install is currently on my usb | 19:20 |
graps | Desetude: I have a boot USB drive too, but still use a disc player (Buffalo Blu-ray drive) to load Ubuntu on ultrabooks/laptops | 19:20 |
pseudonymous | Anyway, have to run. Best of luck! | 19:20 |
Desetude | graps: Does ubuntu usb have an option to completely reinstall ubuntu | 19:21 |
graps | Desetude: I think so, as long as the boot program is on there, and there is a partitioning program there, too | 19:21 |
Desetude | graps: Hopefully this wont mess with my other partitions | 19:21 |
Desetude | graps: Dont want ma windows install messing up | 19:22 |
graps | Desetude: You can always abort the partitioniing before committing. I like dual booting Win7 and Ubuntu | 19:22 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
graps | Desetude: Did you already use the Windows partitioning program to reserve a linux part ? | 19:23 |
Desetude | graps: I created an unallocated partition and linux used it | 19:24 |
graps | Desetude: Desetude: Excellent | 19:24 |
Desetude | graps: So I should just reinstall from USB and I should be fine? | 19:24 |
graps | Desetude: Yes, it should be fine. Did you back up the Linux data files (your stuff) ? | 19:25 |
Desetude | graps: Haven't put anything on it so don't need to | 19:25 |
Desetude | graps: Everything like that is on my windows partition | 19:25 |
graps | Desetude: Yep. Just leave the Windows partition alone, and either reformat the /home, /usr, /boot, and other part.s and you'll have a new Linux partition in about 30 minutes or thereabouts | 19:26 |
Desetude | graps: Alright, I have to go off irc then, thanks for the help | 19:27 |
Dworf | how to underclock r9 390 with ubuntu commandline? | 19:27 |
graps | Desetude: yw, good luck ! | 19:27 |
lee_ | hello room | 19:27 |
graps | lee_: Hi | 19:28 |
lee_ | i took on a small project of installing compiz cube but the skydome wont work | 19:30 |
graps | lee_: Does anybody have compiz experience in here ? lee_ has a question | 19:30 |
graps | ubottu: compiz | 19:30 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see and more help #compiz | 19:30 |
lee_ | thats a very tough room | 19:31 |
graps | lee_: Too rigorous/brainy ? | 19:31 |
lee_ | you could say that | 19:31 |
lee_ | but ill keep reading | 19:32 |
lee_ | and googling | 19:32 |
lee_ | cya | 19:32 |
graps | lee_: Yeah, there's bound to be someone who can help you in here, soon | 19:32 |
Desetude | Hello | 19:34 |
graps | Destude: wb | 19:34 |
Desetude | graps: I'm just going to completely uninstall ubuntu I think | 19:34 |
Desetude | graps: And only have it on my other pc | 19:34 |
graps | Desetude: You can just delete all the linux partitions (incl. the swap part) | 19:34 |
Desetude | graps: So will my boot be fine then? | 19:34 |
graps | Desetude: Do you want to use Grub ? | 19:35 |
Desetude | graps: No, it's just looking at some places saying removing linux removes the ability to remove the ability to boot into windows | 19:35 |
Desetude | graps: But I also have Windows boot manager which shouldnt be removed when removing linux partitions | 19:35 |
llutz | Desetude: better reinstall bootmanager/mbr of the remaining OS first, then remove linux-stuff | 19:35 |
graps | Desetude: You can remove the linux part.s with Windows | 19:36 |
Desetude | graps: Yeah, ik | 19:36 |
Desetude | llutz: What do you mean | 19:36 |
Desetude | llutz: I still have the windows boot manager | 19:36 |
graps | Desetude: You have another laptop/PC for linux ? | 19:36 |
llutz | Desetude: then you'll be fine | 19:36 |
Desetude | graps: yeah | 19:36 |
Desetude | graps: And I never really use it on this computer | 19:37 |
graps | Desetude: Okay | 19:37 |
graps | ubottu: partition manager | 19:37 |
graps | ubottu: partition | 19:37 |
ubottu | For help with partitioning a new install see: l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap | 19:37 |
Desetude | graps: Time to restart and hope all is well :P | 19:38 |
dax | !partition =~ s/ l / / | 19:38 |
ubottu | I'll remember that dax | 19:38 |
graps | Desetude: Again, good luck ! | 19:38 |
graps | ubottu: games | 19:40 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and and | 19:40 |
Slartibart | My USB headphones turn on(LEDs lighting up), and show up in the sound preferences. Everything looks ok. But if I switch to them as output device the sound is still sent to the computer speakers. Is there a service that I can restart or something? | 19:41 |
graps | ubottu: bluetooth | 19:42 |
ubottu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see | 19:42 |
graps | Slartibart: They're Bluetooth headphones, right ? | 19:43 |
k1l_ | graps: if you only want to test the bot you can use pm, too | 19:43 |
BluesKaj | usb phones | 19:43 |
graps | Slartibart: Oh, okay | 19:43 |
Dworf | how to underclock r9 390 with ubuntu commandline? anyone? | 19:43 |
Slartibart | yes :) | 19:43 |
graps | k1l_: Thanks | 19:43 |
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graps | Slartibart: I've got a link from IxQuick about USB headphones: | 19:46 |
Rochvellon | After a hard reset the tray icon from Dropbox doesn't apear anymore. Instead there is only a image not found icon. Reinstalling and deleting the profile doesn't help. Any ideas? | 19:46 |
graps | Slartibart: That last link didn't have a reply. This one has troubleshooting: | 19:48 |
dgarstang | I'm installing go with "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y lvm2 gccgo-go git". Later when I do a ""apt-get -y autoremove" it gets removed. Why? I'm using it! | 19:48 |
jatin30 | is anyone familiar with flex and bison? | 19:48 |
graps | jatin30: What's the specific question(s) ? | 19:49 |
mcphail | jatin30: not really in scope in this channel... | 19:49 |
lee_ | Anyone using compiz Skydome ? | 19:49 |
Slartibart | graps: Good one. Thanks :) | 19:50 |
graps | Slartibart: yw | 19:50 |
graps | lee_: Did you try this link already: | 19:50 |
lee_ | doing both | 19:51 |
lee_ | I've been to that site before | 19:52 |
lee_ | but thank you | 19:52 |
graps | lee_: It's for Fedora 14, but I'll check another search term now... | 19:52 |
graps | lee_: Here's an older Ubuntu compiz Skydome link: | 19:54 |
lee_ | thanks | 19:54 |
rud0lf | is there a better way of forcing another user to log out than "pkill -u user" ? i mean the way that won't brutally kill processes? | 19:54 |
graps | lee_: yw | 19:54 |
rud0lf | i've tried "pkill -HUP -u user" but that kills anyway | 19:54 |
jgornick | Hey folks, I'm trying to setup a USB modem with pppd and my modem successfully connects, but then after the ip-up script is started, pppd gets SIGHUP. Any ideas to why this is happening? I'm trying to get this to work with pon <provider> | 19:56 |
graps | rud0lf: Did you try this link already: | 19:56 |
rud0lf | i've seen this page, thanks, but i think it kills all processes too | 19:57 |
graps | rud0lf: Okay | 19:57 |
aph__ | Slm | 19:57 |
graps | jgornick: Have you checked out this link already: | 19:59 |
graps | jgornick: It's a bit for a Huawei modem, but might offer some tips | 19:59 |
aph__ | Salam melat | 20:00 |
jgornick | graps: Yeah, ran across that. | 20:01 |
graps | jgornick: All right | 20:01 |
graps | brb | 20:02 |
aph__ | ملت وقتي اومدين خبر بدين | 20:04 |
Dworf | how to underclock r9 390 with ubuntu commandline? anyone? | 20:06 |
squinty | aph__, هذه القناة لدعم أوبونتو فقط. يرجى عدم استخدامه للدعاية | 20:07 |
aph__ | squinty: im not arab | 20:07 |
aph__ | Im iranian | 20:08 |
squinty | still holds please take it elsewhere | 20:08 |
aph__ | I want to chat whith my friend | 20:09 |
popey | aph__: this channel is for support, not chat | 20:09 |
squinty | aph__, then please use #ubuntu-offtopic or use the alis bot to find a more appropriate area | 20:10 |
squinty | !alis | 20:10 |
ubottu | alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 20:10 |
aph__ | Amo divonamon kardi ha! | 20:10 |
aph__ | Vel kon amo | 20:10 |
aph__ | Where we can chat in | 20:11 |
popey | aph__: create a channel "/join #aph__channel" - tell your friend to join the same channel | 20:12 |
\9 | or just use private messaging | 20:13 |
\9 | use "/query name" to open a private message box, with "name" replaced with the real name of your friend | 20:13 |
aph__ | I want to have private chat whith my friend! How can i do? | 20:14 |
unknown_1 | anyhere still here? | 20:16 |
julian-delphiki | unknown_1: there are usually people here | 20:16 |
squinty | aph__, easy just read the documentation of your irc software and please stop trolling | 20:16 |
lee_ | well that did not work resizing to multiples of 2 | 20:17 |
aph__ | Vay khoda | 20:17 |
tanuki | Got an Ubuntu Server boot USB stick, booted off it, and now it's whining that it can't mount an install CD-ROM. What do? | 20:17 |
aph__ | squinty: my software is irc cloud | 20:18 |
squinty | aph__, good now go and do some research | 20:19 |
Bashing-om | tanuki: ?? install CD-ROM is a bios thing to boot, not an operating system . | 20:19 |
MonkeyDust | !irc | 20:20 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 20:20 |
MonkeyDust | aph__ ^^^ | 20:20 |
ioria | tanuki, how did you do the usb stick ? | 20:21 |
aph__ | How can i have to pruvate chat whth my friend? | 20:22 |
unknown_1 | aph__: you using what? irssi? | 20:22 |
squinty | he's trolling several participants have given him valid answers | 20:22 |
MonkeyDust | aph__ type /msg [nickname] blah blah | 20:22 |
popey | oops | 20:25 |
aph__ | unknown_1: no irccloud in ios | 20:25 |
MonkeyDust | aph__ you're in the wrong channel | 20:26 |
unknown_1 | aph__: kinda cool thing you have mate | 20:26 |
unknown_1 | aph__: is it good to have mac? | 20:27 |
* popey hugs pici | 20:27 | |
MonkeyDust | unknown_1 don't feed trolls | 20:27 |
julian-delphiki | aph__: unknown_1: this doesn't sound Ubuntu related | 20:27 |
DuncanT | Hi, I'm seeing weird apt-get update errors (starts off being key errors, but if I delete and re-add the keys then I get complains about things not being found in the Release file instead). My colleague in the US can use exactly the same image and his updates complete successfully. I'm in Israel. Can anybody help diagnose, please? | 20:29 |
Eberg | hello ' | 20:29 |
DuncanT | I've tried deleting the package lists and re-downloading | 20:30 |
tanuki | ioria: I have no idea, my boss gave it to me | 20:30 |
Eberg | i have a ts3 server running on my raspi, is there a way that i can also host a website??? | 20:30 |
Eberg | i have a ts3 server running on my raspi, is there a way that i can also host a website??? | 20:30 |
MonkeyDust | Eberg better ask in #ubuntu-arm | 20:30 |
popey | Eberg: what version of ubuntu? | 20:30 |
Eberg | 15. something i think | 20:31 |
ioria | tanuki, have you correctly set the bios for booting from usb device ? | 20:31 |
popey | Eberg: you can run webservers on a pi like any other computer. apache / nginx etc | 20:31 |
Eberg | but how do i do it with also haveing ateamspeak serverup | 20:32 |
Eberg | because it only has one ip | 20:32 |
popey | Eberg: the two are not related. you can use the same ip | 20:32 |
Eberg | oh ok | 20:32 |
tanuki | ioria: I had to go into the boot menu and do it manually. It also only worked with UEFI boot, for some reason. | 20:32 |
Eberg | thanks | 20:32 |
popey | np | 20:32 |
tanuki | He claims he installed another server from the same stick | 20:32 |
Eberg | anyone know of a good tutorial for setting a website up? | 20:32 |
Eberg | on either arm or x86 | 20:33 |
=== adamcm_ is now known as adamcm | ||
Eberg | anyone know of a good tutorial for setting a website up? | 20:34 |
ioria | tanuki, no idea about that.... try to change usb port, otherwise would be better download the server iso again from the official repo , dd (dd is a command) it in the stick and try again | 20:35 |
DuncanT | contains some debug, based on what I've been able to find on various forums | 20:35 |
Eberg | thanks | 20:35 |
tanuki | ioria: Thanks anyway. | 20:35 |
ioria | tanuki, if you are on Windows | 20:36 |
tanuki | ioria: OSX. I'm familiar with dd. (I've been using Linux since about '96.) | 20:36 |
ioria | tanuki, oh, great | 20:36 |
ioria | !mac | tanuki | 20:37 |
ubottu | tanuki: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 20:37 |
tanuki | ioria: The machine I'm installing on is a Dell. I'm using my personal Mac to recreate the boot disk. | 20:38 |
ioria | tanuki, oh, sorry | 20:39 |
tanuki | Dell PowerEdge R220, to be precise | 20:39 |
tanuki | Gah. Misclicked. | 20:40 |
ioria | tanuki, | 20:40 |
Eberg | hmmmm | 20:41 |
Eberg | i have my server set up, but the port fowarding isnt working | 20:41 |
whlai | jello all | 20:43 |
gallo_mobile | hi so i finally got my ubuntu nas to be visible to my Macbook. but how can I make the external drives on my Mac visible to my Ubuntu NAS? | 20:44 |
whlai | using vsftp and having error 553 | 20:44 |
whlai | I read people telling users to chown /www/html with the ftp user, but shouldn't just adding the ftp user to the GROUP that owns /www/html work? | 20:44 |
whlai | i.e., all my files from webroot down are www-data:www-data | 20:44 |
whlai | shouldn't I just be able to add the ftp user to group www-data and have it work? | 20:44 |
whlai | all the posts I see use the chown method, but this doesn't make sense to me (what if you have multiple ftp users?) | 20:45 |
Ben64 | whlai: you should throw away ftp and start using sftp | 20:47 |
whlai | i will | 20:48 |
whlai | one step at a time | 20:48 |
whlai | it's the same package regardless | 20:48 |
Pici | whlai: no it isn't. | 20:48 |
whlai | vsftp | 20:48 |
whlai | | 20:49 |
Pici | whlai: I stand corrected, sorry. | 20:49 |
whlai | any word on the 553 error? | 20:49 |
gallo_mobile | rephrase, I can see drives by connecting in "files" but Sickgear can only see drives attaches to my Ubuntu NAS | 20:50 |
whlai | It's BS that I should have to chown as the ftpuser | 20:50 |
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Ben64 | whlai: use ssh instead | 20:50 |
Ben64 | throw away vsftpd | 20:50 |
whlai | this is for non-ssh users | 20:50 |
Ben64 | give them access to use sftp, and all your problems will be solved | 20:50 |
Ben64 | ftp is old and crappy | 20:50 |
sdesimeur | osmand | 20:50 |
nxcsa | Is a process' RSS (resident set size) only set on creation, or can its value be modified while the process is running? | 20:51 |
whlai | it's the same package, like I said. changing ports and protocols isn't going to fix this issue | 20:51 |
Pici | whlai: actually, are you sure? I don't see anything in that config that would tell it to use actual sftp connections. | 20:52 |
Pici | whlai: and yes, I'd just put your user in that group, assuming that the files have the proper group priveleges. | 20:52 |
=== enzo is now known as Guest82419 | ||
whlai | yeah. you can. i posted link above. what package do you prefer to handle sftp? | 20:53 |
Pici | whlai: openssh-server | 20:53 |
whlai | ahhhh. GROUP privileges | 20:53 |
ioria | as far as i know sftp is on the openssh package and vsftp is another package .... | 20:53 |
whlai | i may have facked up there | 20:53 |
whlai | right on open-ssh | 20:54 |
ioria | that guide is for debian | 20:54 |
whlai | kk | 20:54 |
whlai | ubuntu / deb pretty much same though | 20:54 |
Pici | whlai: that tutorial doesn't even setup ftps, and the example in the second half makes a connection using the standard ftp client on port 21 | 20:54 |
=== tom_ is now known as Guest15883 | ||
whlai | I'll try with open-ssh | 20:55 |
ioria | whlai, or if you wand ftp .... | 20:55 |
whlai | totally was premissions | 20:56 |
Pici | fyi, ftp w/ ssl can be a real pain to deal with if you're behind a firewall. | 20:56 |
whlai | didnt have write for group | 20:56 |
whlai | I is an idiot | 20:57 |
=== nit is now known as Guest65120 | ||
Guest65120 | hi there could someone provide me with help how I can install Openbox windows manager fully featured on a Ubuntu-mate | 21:06 |
=== Guest65120 is now known as K|nG | ||
sdesimeur | smand | 21:09 |
K|nG | hi there could someone provide me with help how I can install Openbox windows manager fully featured on a Ubuntu-mate | 21:09 |
django_ | good day all | 21:09 |
django_ | if do: sudo sed -i -e 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list" do i have to restart for it to work | 21:09 |
VHeinz | hi all | 21:10 |
VHeinz | Hi! I've got a server running Ubuntu 14.04.1 and had to change the password for an ftp user. I could not find a custom PEM password file on this installation, so I changed the password for the system user with the same name. I've restarted vsftpd after that. Unfortunately, vsftpd is no longer working at the moment. If I try to connect (local or from remote doesn't make a difference), it... | 21:10 |
VHeinz | ...immediately hangs after the 'connection established.' message. | 21:10 |
VHeinz | There is no welcome message and/or request for a password. I'm not sure where to look what the issue is. I've checked some log files, but could not find a clue what might be wrong | 21:10 |
nacc | django_: no, just run `apt-get update` | 21:13 |
django_ | nacc, oh sweet ty :) | 21:14 |
coredump|br | So I am trying to backport something from trusty to precise BUT it depends on a version of dpkg-dev that is higher than the available one in precise. What's the best way to do this? I tried changing it on the .dsc file but didn't work, I guess I need to change the source tar? | 21:14 |
VHeinz | If I request a netstat list there are many entries from vsftp in state 'CLOSE_WAIT', about 200+ entries | 21:16 |
coredump|br | VHeinz that's not an issue. | 21:18 |
VHeinz | the latter point you mean? | 21:18 |
phenomenon | hi, i tried to use my usb installation of ubuntu on a lenovo t61. it says "remove disk or other media. press key to restart". Why? i have tried to re-do the usb with same result. Any tips? | 21:19 |
=== Guest61755 is now known as EriC^^ | ||
phenomenon | the t61 thinks"No valid operating system. must be some kind of bios setting.. it works on other computer. tried other bootable usbs as well, same result | 21:21 |
phenomenon | but i cant find anything to change that might be interfering... any tips is appreciated | 21:24 |
llutz | phenomenon: you need to enable usb-bios and boot from "usb-hdd" in bios-settings | 21:28 |
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne | ||
VHeinz | If I run ps -A I see a ton of vsftpd's: | 21:33 |
VHeinz | 32142 ? 00:00:00 vsftpd | 21:33 |
VHeinz | 32144 ? 00:00:00 vsftpd | 21:33 |
VHeinz | 32146 ? 00:00:00 vsftpd | 21:33 |
VHeinz | and so on, I think there are more than one thousand of them. Are these processes or threads? | 21:34 |
VHeinz | According to the ps documentation these are processes | 21:34 |
=== e is now known as puptime | ||
phenomenon | llutz, thanks. i have a option called "USB BIOS Support" and its Enabled. In startup > boot . i can find my usb memory under usb hdd and its no 1 | 21:35 |
whlai | VHeinz, could you post apast of you vsftp config? | 21:35 |
whlai | paste* | 21:35 |
glit_ch | BluesKaj, after some time problems magically vanished :) case closed, thank you and everyone, who tried to help | 21:36 |
whateverosaurs | can anyone help me with external usb audio device? I have some noise / distortion going on, when I'm opening certain apps | 21:37 |
VHeinz | whlai: yes, I'll remove the comments to make it readeable | 21:37 |
Paisley | hi everyone anyone have any idea how to fix this problem ive got | 21:38 |
Paisley | | 21:38 |
whlai | it's fine | 21:38 |
whlai | no need | 21:38 |
whlai | just paste it somewhere and give link | 21:38 |
whlai | dont have much time here | 21:38 |
whlai | you had your users using passwords and not keys, right? | 21:38 |
whlai | shit... sorry, Vheinz, I have to roll out. | 21:39 |
VHeinz | yes for as far as I figured out. But I'm not an expert on this. I expected to see some error in a log pointing to the issue | 21:39 |
whlai | i'm pm you contact info and I can help you a lil later though | 21:39 |
VHeinz | ah ok no problem | 21:40 |
=== Luke_ is now known as Luke | ||
whlai | sent you PM VHeinz | 21:41 |
xangua | ! Pm | 21:41 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 21:41 |
RawPeacock | o/ greetings, I'm trying to configure my phpIPAM server to authenticate against AD over ssl, but seem to be running into some hiccups verifying it is successful, has anyone else suffered through this? | 21:43 |
VHeinz | This is my config | 21:44 |
VHeinz | (as well as with listen_address commented so I could try to connect from localhost. | 21:45 |
VHeinz | (as well as with listen_address commented so I could try to connect from localhost.) | 21:45 |
RawPeacock | VHeinz, mind a pm? | 21:48 |
VHeinz | I've just seen from xangua that that's not recommended | 21:49 |
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RawPeacock | no worries gimme a minute to try to replicate | 21:50 |
migmolrod | hi all | 21:52 |
VHeinz | ok | 21:53 |
lee_G750jm | hello all | 21:55 |
RawPeacock | greetings migmolrod and lee_G750jm | 21:56 |
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migmolrod | i think i'm gonna get mad trying to make this logitech keyboard to work under ubuntu >_< | 21:59 |
cfedde | what does not work? | 22:00 |
migmolrod | it has extra keys G1 to G6, but they act as plain numbers (1 to 6) instead of being considered separated keys. i'm trying a driver from github. no joy yet | 22:01 |
migmolrod | i'd love so much to have tmux or gnu screen shortcuts in those keys... | 22:02 |
Rochvellon | After a hard reset the tray icon from Dropbox doesn't apear anymore. Instead there is only a image not found icon. Reinstalling and deleting the profile doesn't help. Any ideas? | 22:03 |
dm_comp | Anyone on Ubuntu 15.10 and have GIMP 2.8.14 installed? Dose your Gimp crash if you use cage transform tool? | 22:19 |
dm_comp | I found fedora had a bug 1147069 which sound a lot like what i have | 22:20 |
ubottu | Error: Launchpad bug 1147069 could not be found | 22:20 |
migmolrod | @dm_comp, let me try it | 22:20 |
dm_comp | migmolrod: thx :) | 22:20 |
migmolrod | i'm on ubuntu 15.10 with gimp 2.8.14 | 22:20 |
migmolrod | @dm_comp didn't crash but is unresponsive | 22:21 |
dm_comp | yup | 22:21 |
dm_comp | that's was I get | 22:21 |
migmolrod | seems a bug then | 22:22 |
dm_comp | *what | 22:22 |
dm_comp | | 22:22 |
ubottu | bug 1147069 in gimp "Crash while using the cage transform tool" [High,Closed: eol] | 22:22 |
dm_comp | but no fix. | 22:22 |
dm_comp | anyone have GIMP is 2.8.16 | 22:23 |
dm_comp | GIMP 2.8.16 | 22:24 |
RawPeacock | VHeinz, I suspect I need to go back over my PBIS settings, its my first time trying to configure a *nix server so lots of google-fu being attempted | 22:24 |
dm_comp | will 16.4 have GIMP 2.8.16? | 22:24 |
VHeinz | Ok no problem, I need to quit for today anyway | 22:24 |
RawPeacock | thanks :) | 22:26 |
migmolrod | well, i hit a wall with this logitech g710+ driver :( time to go back to work. this will have to wait | 22:27 |
VHeinz | bye! | 22:28 |
Gnjurac | i have a 1min video 720p that is 500mb mkv i want to cmopress it, any good gui or comand line to do that? | 22:35 |
bekks | mkv is a container, not a video format, you could use handbrake or ffmpeg. | 22:37 |
Gnjurac | installin handbrake | 22:38 |
moffergy | Hi - I have a new desktop, I installed Ubuntu on the first hard drive and Windows 10 on the second | 22:38 |
moffergy | But Windows 10 doesn't show up in Ubuntu's boot loader (Grub) | 22:38 |
moffergy | I tried sudo update-grub and that didn't do anything | 22:38 |
moffergy | How can I add Windows 10 to Grub? | 22:38 |
enzo | hola | 22:40 |
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migmolrod | hola | 22:41 |
Gnjurac | f i dont know to use this handbrake it has no option for lower qulity | 22:42 |
Gnjurac | or somthing | 22:42 |
minasota | Gnjurac: try the command line option you were given in #linux | 22:43 |
Gnjurac | nah i just started it | 22:43 |
Gnjurac | will see what i get in soon | 22:44 |
Gnjurac | minasota: lol i wnet OP i compresed it to 3mbs ahhahahaah | 22:45 |
Gnjurac | too ulgy will try now litle better | 22:46 |
Gnjurac | got nice 85mb | 22:46 |
Bashing-om | moffergy: If ubuntu is not also installed in UEFI mode then grub will not see Windows boot code (???) . | 22:47 |
Fenix_Peregrino | guys what is the easiest way to load modules on Python? | 22:54 |
bprompt | Fenix_Peregrino: checked #python yet? | 22:55 |
Fenix_Peregrino | I just try to connect but it says python-unregistred | 22:55 |
Fenix_Peregrino | bprompt: how can I connect to the Channel?, Im using X-Chat on Ubuntu 15.1 | 22:55 |
bprompt | Fenix_Peregrino: /join #python | 22:56 |
Fenix_Peregrino | bpromt: where do I write that? sorry for my ignorance | 22:59 |
migmolrod | Fenix_Peregrino just here, like any other message | 23:00 |
DirtyCajun | why do some versions of 14.04 use inet end.:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX as opposed to inet addr: | 23:01 |
Mikelevel | Fenix_Peregrino~ register your nick | 23:02 |
ubuntu-studio | hello world | 23:14 |
migmolrod | syntax error: missing semicolon after sentence | 23:14 |
Fenix_Peregrino | Mikelevel: how can I register my nick?, thanks for the patience guy | 23:15 |
migmolrod | just kiding, hi, ubuntu-studio | 23:15 |
teward | !register | Fenix_Peregrino | 23:15 |
ubottu | Fenix_Peregrino: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 23:15 |
llls | I am new to hex chat and am not to sure what it is | 23:17 |
llls | I am new to hex xhat | 23:19 |
llls | I am not sure exactly what it is | 23:20 |
squinty | llls, | 23:20 |
k1l_ | !irc | llls | 23:21 |
ubottu | llls: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 23:21 |
kawasaki | elo | 23:33 |
kawasaki | SĄ TU POLACY?? | 23:33 |
scalper | hey | 23:43 |
scalper | i have an ubuntu usb stick for install, how i see quick if it's made of the i386 is or amd-64 | 23:43 |
krabador | scalper, and your cpu is ... ? | 23:43 |
scalper | i have both | 23:44 |
krabador | not in the same ? | 23:44 |
scalper | it's an old usb stick i'm not sure anymore what i did download that time | 23:44 |
scalper | and where i placed it on | 23:44 |
Blakes5 | Hello. I have a problem. I accidentally turned off my wifi in the network icon on the top bar of Ubuntu 15.10. And I'll be damned if I can find a way to turn it back on. Help? | 23:44 |
teward | scalper: if it's old and it has Ubuntu on it, I'd replace what's on it with a more up to date version | 23:44 |
scalper | teward: i used it for my laptop which is i386, but i think i made fault by using it for my desktop too, so that's why i wanted to make sure if i used the same i386 version or another version, i don't have the desktop here | 23:46 |
scalper | you understand | 23:46 |
k1l_ | scalper: do you know what ubuntu version it is? i would not install an outdated ubuntu at all. get a new iso | 23:46 |
scalper | yes i absolute download a new version | 23:46 |
teward | scalper: check what's installed on the laptop then? That will reveal the specific arch. You must still use a newer ISO just in case, and to make sure you're not using an ancient unsupported version | 23:46 |
scalper | but i just want to make sure what version i did install before on the desktop (i dont remember if i did make a new usb stick that time or if i did) | 23:46 |
chris3492 | How can I create custom screensaver for xscreensaver? I make a custom.desktop file under /usr/share/applications/screensavers but it doesnt show up in the list to select the screensaver. | 23:46 |
k1l_ | scalper: start the usb and do a "uname -a" | 23:47 |
scalper | ok, thanks | 23:47 |
scalper | k1l_: in that case, the desktop i would need it do on | 23:47 |
Blakes5 | k1l_, also don't forget lsb_release -a | 23:47 |
squinty | Blakes5, tried System Settings -> network -> wireless | 23:47 |
Blakes5 | squinty, there's nothing there for wireless. Before I accidentally clicked on "Turn off", the wifi adapter showed up. Now it's no where to be found. | 23:49 |
jeff__ | Is it possible to change the shell in ubuntu | 23:53 |
exedore6 | jeff__: You mean the cli shell? chsh is for that. | 23:54 |
squinty | Blakes5, see if it shows up with rfkill list wifi and lspci or lsusb maybe? | 23:55 |
jeff__ | Change the de | 23:55 |
bekks | jeff__: a DE isnt a shell. | 23:55 |
k1l_ | jeff__: can you give more details? that question is not very specific | 23:55 |
bekks | jeff__: Change the DE at the login screen. | 23:56 |
jeff__ | I want to replace unity with KDE | 23:56 |
bekks | jeff__: So choose KDE at the login screen. | 23:56 |
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k1l_ | jeff__: so install kde or kubuntu-desktop package. then logout and choose kubuntu on the login screen for that user | 23:57 |
Blakes5 | yeah I can see it in lspci. I think I'm just going to remove the nic, physically,boot/shutdown and then re-install it | 23:57 |
Blakes5 | Thanks for the help though | 23:57 |
casy | i'm using using ubuntu 14.04. when i plug in my usb internet key, my system does not detect it.. please i need help | 23:58 |
exedore6 | I’ve got to say, as an old guy, this ‘different distros for different de’s has gotten weird. | 23:58 |
Blakes5 | casy generally usb network dongles require firmware being installed | 23:58 |
Blakes5 | casy before they will be detected | 23:58 |
Blakes5 | casy it should still be listed in lsusb though | 23:59 |
Blakes5 | casy then find the name of it in lsusb and use that name and do this "dmesg | grep <name>" | 23:59 |
Blakes5 | casy you should then see if it's complaining about firmware. | 23:59 |
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