
bluesabreochosi, flocculant: pushed a new xfce4-panel to https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xubuntu-staging and a new xfce4-power-manager to https://launchpad.net/~bluesabre/+archive/ubuntu/experimental (since the one in -staging is a higher version number)01:46
bluesabrexfce4-panel change: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=933801:47
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9338 in Panel "Support for RandR's "primary monitor"" [Enhancement,New]01:47
bluesabrexfce4-power-manager change: http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/commit/?id=6eaf8f868ed9ed8018385e16a92eaacef3c32a9d (ish)01:47
bluesabrethat's probably all I've got for tonight, tomorrow I'll work on appstream01:48
bluesabreknome, slickymaster, flocculant: oh, and a new xubuntu-docs http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/commit/?id=6eaf8f868ed9ed8018385e16a92eaacef3c32a9d01:48
flocculantochosi: I'll add xfpm - but not sure it's worth it if desktop 06:59
flocculanthaving trouble getting the one from /experimental 07:06
flocculantknome: will we have the updated docs online soon? couldn't care about the user ones - but really would like cont ones there - will be including users in the final beta test call 08:19
ochosibluesabre: copied the package for wily so i can more easily test it ;)08:36
akxwi-daveflocculant, re the Language thing, re-did the install.. didn't pop up second time... i'll put it down to a blip, but will keep an eye out in case it happena again.09:04
knomeflocculant, i'll take care of that today10:21
knomekryten, uh oh, you might have been right with the relative paths10:23
knomebut tell me10:23
knomewhy did the original stuff work for me then?10:23
knomeerr, not work10:24
krytenI take this as a rethoric question. :P10:24
knomei don't :X10:24
knomeseriously, WOOT10:24
* knome cries a bit10:25
* knome facepalms10:26
knomeanyway, making sure the updated contributor docs are up next10:27
bluesabreknome: ?10:36
bluesabreknome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmnN3eVMWgA10:37
knomebluesabre, can you do one more docs upload at some point10:40
knomeno string changes, only "bugfixes"10:40
bluesabreknome: any time10:40
knomesure, i'll poke you after i've fixed a few more crappy things10:41
knomeflocculant, new contributor docs are up10:50
knomebluesabre, ok, everything is prepared in the branch, including the changelog :)11:41
bluesabreknome: ok, I can quickly package and upload that if you're ready11:56
bluesabreknome: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/16.04.212:03
bluesabrebe sure to change UNRELEASED to xenial in the branch12:04
bluesabreheading out, bbl12:04
knomei will, cheers!12:07
flocculanthi 12:07
flocculantcya bluesabre 12:08
knomehey flocculant 12:08
flocculantthanks knome :)12:08
flocculantearly break - sneaking 2 in today :p12:08
knomeheh :)12:08
knomeif there's anything fishy in the contributor docs, poke me12:08
knomethey should be fine though12:08
knomelunch, bbl12:09
flocculantakxwi-dave: re 'users' call - not sure what you meant by size - if you mean content - pointing to http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa-tester.html should do enough to get them ready12:10
flocculantas soon as the images are ready I'll follow up with call to everywhere :)12:10
flocculantwent well then ... 13:21
knomekryten, please explain to me why it doesn't work now with the ../../13:21
knomething is, the package builds with ../13:22
knomebut not with make13:22
knomeat least here...13:22
knomeer, i eman13:25
knomewhy it doesn't work with "../" in the build13:25
krytenHah, ok.13:26
knomeit works locally with that13:26
knomebut in the build, it seems to require ../../13:26
knomeshould we just introduce some symlinks?13:27
krytenNah, that'd be hacky.13:27
knomei'll let you fix it then13:28
knomei know it's hacky, but i don't have any other solution right now13:28
krytenWell, then just do it like that for now.13:28
knomewhy not fix it right away?13:28
krytenI mean, in light that we're currently a bit under time pressure there.13:30
knomeit's a bugfix, can land at any time13:30
knomeand a FTBFS fix too13:30
krytenBut we'd rather like to have the current docs included in the Final Beta image, no?13:31
knomesure, but would your evaluation be that it'd take longer than until monday to figure out the fix?13:32
krytenAnd right now I'd not even know where to start looking - plus, *you* are supposed to be the DocBook expert.13:32
knomethis has nothing to do with docbook13:33
knomefop needs the font metric files to be able to build the PDF; they are simply referred to in the XSL file13:33
knomeit's not a docbook-internal thing13:34
krytenAlso, I'm kind of on the run right now. :P13:35
krytenBut I'll have a look later then.13:35
knomei can try to help debug it, if you need13:35
knomebut i'm out of ideas right now13:36
knomebecause ../ works locally, not in the build13:36
knomethe opposite with ../../13:36
knomethe only easy way to fix that which i can think of is a symlink13:36
krytenOf course, since it worked before, it'd seem like that's a regression in fop.13:41
knomemaybe it had some path searching magic13:42
knomethough that'd mean our docs were always flawed13:42
kryten'fop -q -c ../libs-common/xubuntu-docbook-pdf-fonts.xml ...', and '<font metrics-url="../libs-common/fonts/fontmetric-notosans-regular.xml"' - so...13:50
knomebut how is the build different than make?13:51
krytenDifferent environment variables.13:53
knomebut which one would affect this?13:53
knomeanyway, booting the desktop machine up to fix the last issues with the wallpaper contest site, then can look at this too13:56
sidiXub packagers, please have a look at #xfce-dev. I suspect either you guys or Corsac made a mistake when packaging libxfce4util15:35
sidiso, interestingly. debian/patches/ubuntu.series is missed by quilt15:50
sidiresulting in local changes when attempting to build the package on my Xubuntu machine15:50
sidiporting the ubuntu.series content to series allowed me to make quilt push everything and to build the package15:51
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krytenknome: There is a least bad hacky solution for that as well - add creation and removal of the needed symlinks to the 'pdf-create.sh' script - keeps it limited to the PDF creation.17:39
flocculantknome: looked at contest - sent you mail - now I thought it would be better to send to all - can if you want18:07
flocculantdavmor2: following a very very tentative \o/ at the recent upgrade to apt and stuff which fixed one bit - I am now failing at udisks2 - should I report that? vaguely ... or should I just wait for someone more intimately involved - like someone called davmor2 who works for Canonical to say 'hey flocculant - could you see what goes on for you upgrading now?' 18:32
flocculantwould this perhaps be better in -release or something ? 18:33
davmor2Hey dude so today I'm busy with silos for phone, However there is a jolly nice man call cyphermox who is starting to concentrate on the upgrade issues currently so you might want to ask him if he would like a fresh report or to keep working on it himself19:04
flocculanthi davmor2 :)19:05
flocculanthe'll see the ping so I won't repeat it - he know's where I am :p19:06
knomekryten, i thought about that too..19:06
knomeflocculant, yeah, sure, feel free to send to everybody :)19:07
flocculantknome: ack19:07
flocculantdone - you'll get another - sorry19:08
knomeand replied back19:13
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flocculantand replied19:22
flocculantignoring ochosi's mail failures ... Mail quota exceeded.19:22
Unit193sidi: WFM.19:27
davmor2flocculant: man you are too easy I'd keep pinging cyphermox till he breaks down and replies ;)19:29
knomedavmor2, it's a different strategy19:29
knomeplay like you're not interested in pinging and seeking for him19:29
knomewhen he lands one line to the channel, attack him like a hyena19:30
pjotterHi everyone. A question: I have installed pulseaudio in debian 8.3 xfce. But for some reason, some settings that pavucontrol sets are not remembered. Since Xubuntu is kind of like Debian + xfce4 and also has a working paulsaudios sytem+pavucontrol, maybe someone here knows what is going wrong?19:32
knomepjotter, since my bank account is kind of like yours, maybe you can transfer some of the money to mine?19:33
flocculantdavmor2: see my plan is to THIS IS NO GOOD FOR UPGRADING FROM 14.04 all over our release stuff and let it hit the fridge next week :p19:33
flocculant*then* talk to cyphermox :)19:34
pjotterHi knome. Sure I've got a negative fortune atm ;)19:34
cyphermoxI'm trying to debug that crasher on upgrade19:35
pjotterBut seriously why is pavucontrol working in Xubuntu but not when I install it on Debian?19:35
cyphermoxit looks very much like it's "just" compiz that is way way way broken19:35
cyphermoxso for now trying to just upgrade compiz, next I'll rip compiz out and upgrade without19:35
flocculantcyphermox: mmm - but should that affect us in here ? 19:35
knomepjotter, no idea tbh...19:35
cyphermoxflocculant: xubuntu probably still load compositing in many cases?19:35
cyphermoxtbh, I don't know19:36
flocculantanyway - if you want something other than ubuntu to be tested feel free to ping me :)19:36
pjotterknome: Np... it's a long shot I know.19:36
flocculantcyphermox: yea but not compiz 19:36
knomepjotter, maybe it doesn't have all required pulseaudio things19:36
cyphermoxflocculant: if you want to spin up a 14.04.4 and use update-manager -d to upgrade to xenial, that's useful19:36
cyphermoxit would be my next step19:36
cyphermoxbut then I also need to do this with servers too19:36
knomehe doesn't want, trust19:37
flocculantcyphermox: well I update-manager -d -c as per the testcase earlier 19:37
knomebut he will...19:37
flocculantcyphermox: and it hung 19:37
pjotterWell, I installed all the pulseaudio things, I could think of. But just pulseaudio and pavucontrol should do the trick, I thought.19:37
cyphermoxflocculant: hung how?19:37
cyphermoxhung as in the whole desktop crashes?19:37
flocculantcyphermox: hang on - I grabbed a screenshot of where19:37
flocculantcyphermox: yea - dead as the proverbial19:37
knomehung like a young lamb at the butchers19:38
pjotterIt's not that it doesn't completely. For the most part, it works. But It doesn't per-application soundcard settings.19:38
cyphermoxwell, graphics not changing is very different from the screen going all blank (when it's not stuck behind a screensaver, anyway)19:38
flocculantcyphermox: http://postimg.org/image/jff7qtz91/ - was in vbox jfyi 19:38
ali1234did the mouse pointer still move?19:39
flocculantit had been on udisk2 for ~ 30 minutes or so 19:39
flocculantali1234: nope19:39
ali1234that's really bad then19:39
flocculantnor keyboard working19:39
ali1234mouse pointer is separate from compositing in xfwm19:39
davmor2cyphermox: I have a feeling it is deeper than just compiz I'm wondering if it is xstack disappears during upgrade and compiz just dies a million deaths19:39
cyphermoxpossible, I just haven't made it there yet19:39
cyphermoxdavmor2: I'll get to upgrade servers very soon19:40
davmor2flocculant: man that's cute you still use vbox ;)19:40
flocculantcyphermox: anyway - that's where I got to - happy to do whatever you want19:40
cyphermoxdavmor2: I'm thinking, upgrade a server with no X installed, see if that explodes (it probably doesn't), then upgrade a server on which X has been installed with a very minimal desktop, just enough to run update-manager, and see if that explodes19:40
flocculantdavmor2: I got fed up with kvm root owning the images 19:40
cyphermoxif the second fails, it means it's X19:41
flocculantdavmor2: generally I tend to ignore any fails I get with vb and iso's :p19:41
cyphermoxif not, it means it's in some X libs that only do things in some cases (eg. compositing) or something above X19:41
davmor2cyphermox: sounds like a game plan19:41
cyphermoxit's as scientific as I can think of right now ;)19:41
flocculantha ha ha 19:42
cyphermoxmenus are for restaurants, anyway19:42
davmor2flocculant: yeah vbox died on me one time when I needed it so I switch to kvm + uefi + secureboot + hardware specifics + you get the idea :)19:43
Unit193cyphermox: Are you the ubiquity guy now, btw?19:43
flocculantUnit193: I think he has been for some time :)19:43
flocculantdavmor2: I actually only use it to smoketest images and installation 19:43
flocculantI upgrade to 'dev' just after release and run that for us 19:44
flocculantI think I've managed 5 days of using a released version in the last few years19:44
cyphermoxUnit193: yes19:44
davmor2flocculant: one nice thing for me is I have a cron job that pulls the images daily, and with kvm I can use gvfs to connect to the isos on the server and boot it from there save the hassle of transfers :)19:47
Unit193cyphermox: Not sure what, but keeps crashing near the end of the install process, not sure what's changed or why it doesn't happen on desktop images: https://bitbucket.org/snippets/unit193/ERyrq19:48
cyphermoxwow cool19:49
cyphermoxyou got that for en?19:49
Unit193en_US in my case, yeah.19:52
ochosiflocculant: my mail quota is exceeded?20:13
ochosiyou mean @ebt.at?20:13
ochosi(crap, i should really remove that email address from right about everywhere..)20:13
flocculantochosi: yea was ebt20:14
flocculantblame knome ... 20:14
ochosiuse any other addr pls20:14
flocculantI didn't do anymore than reply all :)20:14
flocculantochosi: did you get the Wallpaper Contest site testing, part 2 at all? 20:15
flocculantI'll forward it then :)20:15
flocculantochosi: xfce.org ok? 20:16
flocculantochosi: done - included replies so far ( from me ;) )20:17
flocculantdavmor2: I'm generally only interested in *our* ones - so a zsync alias grabs them and removes the .old20:18
flocculantanything else I get when needed20:19
knomeochosi, that's the main email for your LP apparently,20:49
knomeochosi, it was the registered email on the contest site20:49
ochosiknome: k, not anymore20:51
knomeochosi, good :P20:51
ochosiwhy is the xubuntu bugs team subscribed to issues against "convertall"?20:52
* knome shrugs20:52
knomemaybe somebody tries to convert us to something20:52
ochosiseems like it20:52
flocculantmaybe Jackson did it20:55
flocculantno need to be subscribed to abiword or gnumeric next year eventually too I guess21:00
flocculantochosi: you likely to be about for friday's meeting? 21:01
ochosiyup, let's drop abiword and gnumeric then21:02
ochosiflocculant: it's not very likely unfortunately cause we have friends (with baby) over for an evening together21:02
flocculantochosi: okey doke - just checking :)21:02
flocculantwould hate to #endmeeting just as you showed up 21:03
* knome thinks it would be teh funnee21:03
flocculantochosi: I guess xubuntu bug admin has to unsubscribe us - that's you :p21:03
flocculantknome: lol 21:03
flocculantgiven that Noskcaj has just responded to that convertall thing - I suspect he subscribed us when subscribing himself 21:04
knomehah :)21:05
ochosiok, removed us from convertall21:09
ochosithanks for the hint flocculant ;)21:09
ochosibtw, if there's anything you wanna discuss ahead of tomorrows meeting lemme know21:09
ochosishall i remove us from abiword and gnumeric too?21:10
flocculantdon't think so21:10
ochosii mean it's not like we're really going to fix anything there21:10
flocculantthat was re meeting21:10
flocculantochosi: no - but perhaps we should stay subscribed till we EOL trusty21:10
ochosiand 14.04 will soon be superseded (even if not EOL) by 16.0421:10
flocculantthough that is another year I guess21:10
ochosialrighty, i guess i can set up an email filter for myself ;)21:10
knomeochosi, you sure you don't need a secretary for that?21:11
ochosiknome: why, can you recommend a reliable and affordable one?21:11
knomeyes to former, no to latter21:11
flocculantochosi: actually about the meeting - only thing is perhaps your thoughts on core21:12
flocculantknome and others and I were discussing the other night - perhaps leaving to release on .1 rather than in a few weeks21:13
ochosisorry to ask, but what's the status on that?21:13
knomeno official ISOs yet21:13
flocculantochosi: no change at the moment21:14
flocculantto the status of it21:14
flocculantuninstallable currently as it stands 21:14
flocculantinfinity was hoping to get it done before final beta21:15
ochosiok, so the naming problem is resolved?21:15
ochosiplus, any other outstanding blockers?21:15
ochosi(other than not being installable yet)21:15
ochosiwell taht's good to hear21:16
flocculantochosi: not that we're aware of 21:16
ochosiso it's only about infinity finding some time to merge..?21:16
flocculantochosi: currently with my QA hat on - I am right on the edge now 21:16
ochosiwhat edge is that?21:16
flocculantthe one seperating perhaps we can get this tested and in for April from there's no way I'm even trying now :)21:17
flocculantwith the desktop stuff - unless something went terribly terribly wrong - I'd be happy to mark it with 1 test21:18
flocculantnot doing that with something this new 21:18
ochosiyeah, but is it really that new? i mean apart from a shorter seed i don't see major differences21:19
ochosiUnit193: correct me if i'm wrong21:19
flocculantI can install the desktop :p21:19
flocculantand it *does* get tested by more than just a couple of people 21:19
flocculantI've said all along that if it got too close then I'd not be happy 21:20
flocculantso don't be surprised that I'm not at week 21 of 26 :p 21:21
ochosisure sure21:22
bluesabreevening all21:40
flocculantevening bluesabre :)21:41
bluesabre'ey 'ome21:44
flocculantnight peeps21:50
bluesabrenighty flocculant22:15
ochosinight y'all22:30

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