
LaneyIs thing-which-updates-the-view-of-Debian's-archive sad?09:55
Laneyhttps://launchpad.net/debian/+source/glib2.0 <- no 2.47.92-1 (experimental)09:55
LaneySuspiciously coincides with https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2016/03/msg00006.html10:00
Laneysounds like newer debmirrors fix things in this area10:00
Laneyso I'm going to guess "yes, but known"10:01
cjwatsonLaney: We've upgraded debmirror, but gina itself may still be sad.  I'll look at logs shortly.10:03
Laneycjwatson: 'k, thanks10:03
cjwatsonLaney: Right, so there's both a follow-up problem with debmirror (needs newer debian-archive-keyring; RTed) and some problems with gina itself11:24
cjwatsonLaney: Trying to deal with this as quickly as possible, but it's been one thing after another this week, it's possible it will be broken until early next week :-/11:24
Laneycjwatson: Ack, nae bother for me to just upload it, wouldn't stress too much11:25
cjwatsonLaney: It's effectively an outage, I don't have the option of saying it doesn't matter :)11:25
Laneycjwatson: Oh yeah, it matters - just easy enough to get around :)11:30
* Laney receives a council tax bill11:30
cjwatsonAlso in category: can't really ignore11:30
FauxHee hee.11:35
mapreriwe're lucky ganneff didn't do it Wednesday evening of the Easter week :>11:48
kyrofaSo I have a script that I use to check if someone has signed the CLA via the python launchpadlib. I'd like to also check if that person is a member of the Canonical group (because I figure being an employee is equivalent to the CLA), but that group is private. Is there any way to do this?16:12
kyrofaI guess I can give it a token from my own account, but I don't want that in CI16:16
kyrofacjwatson, you helped me with that initial script. Any ideas?16:29
dobeykyrofa: you can't16:58
dobeykyrofa: well, you can't do it with a bot account you own. script would have to be run either by yourself, or by a bot which only IS has access to, is my understanding17:00
kyrofadobey, sad. I'm not even sure why the group is private (e.g. the github one isn't)17:00
dobeykyrofa: because privacy; we don't want to publish a list of all our current employees, basically.17:01
kyrofadobey, I guess I can just check if one of the email address on the account is a canonical email17:01
kyrofaAnd make assumptions from there17:02
dobeykyrofa: workaround is to use other teams that your bot can see or is a member of, with all the key personnel in the team17:02
dobeykyrofa: you can't, because the e-mail might not be visible to your bot :)17:02
kyrofaArgh :17:02
dobeywhat are you doing that chacks that?17:03
kyrofaWe get PRs to Snapcraft from the community, so we want to make sure they signed the CLA before we accept17:04
kyrofaBut I'll just continue running my script manually17:04
dobeyis snapcraft hosted on github?17:05
dobeyor on lp?17:05
kyrofadobey, github17:06
dobeyyeah, that complicates things17:08
cjwatsonkyrofa: It might be best to do something like exporting a list of addresses to the CI bot periodically.17:17
rbanffy_cjwatson, sorry to take this long, but I made the fix you suggested to https://code.launchpad.net/~rbanffy/launchpad/highlight_listing_tr/+merge/258766. Would you like to take a look?20:07
carakaGreetings. I'm getting a clean build locally, but a 'failed to upload' on LP. Am I missing some glaring message in this log? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/248645822/buildlog.txt.gz20:19
dobeycaraka: you're looking at the wrong log; i presume this is for a recipe build? there should be an "upload log" link for an upload failure20:22
carakathank you, I'll look again20:23
carakaand yes, it's a recipe20:23
carakadobey: Thank you - and of course that log answers my question.  :P20:24
dobeyi suspect it probably complains about same version with different contents20:24

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