
chris349How can I make the system logout after inactivity? Like a screensaver but instead of showing a picture logout the user.00:56
AscavasaionHello there... running lubuntu and wanted to install rhythmbox but it says it has been "missing, has been obsoleted, or s only available from another source".  Any ideas as to another similar music player?  I do not like the feel of audacious.08:07
AscavasaionLooking at a terminal music player like cmus, any advice on it, and if so how do I install it?08:43
hateballoh they left08:52
amishrobots_hello world09:14
amishrobots_i'm having trouble with kolourpaint, anyone want to help?09:14
hateball!help| amishrobots_09:15
ubottuamishrobots_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:15
amishrobots_oh for fuck's sakes, ok, sorry, should ve seen that coming, my color pallet in kolourpaint has dissappeared completely, no where to be found, can't get it to come back09:16
amishrobots_!help| kolourpaint09:17
ubottukolourpaint: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:17
amishrobots_!help| hateball09:17
ubottuhateball: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:17
amishrobots_i see...09:18
amishrobots_!patience| me09:18
ubottume: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:18
amishrobots_!getlaid| me09:19
amishrobots_(worth a shot)09:22
hateballamishrobots_: are you talking about the palette at the bottom of the window?09:25
hateballand please dont spam a load of nonsense, impossible to read09:25
amishrobots_i have tried everything i could think of, including just uninstalling and reinstalling thhe prog09:38
hateballamishrobots_: have you tried moving ~/.kde/share/config/kolourpaintrc ?09:41
hateballso kolourpaint starts with a fresh config09:41
hateballI cant seem to make the palette disappear no matter how I try tho09:41
amishrobots_well, iirc the pallette was "floating" not docked, and i pushed the x button to close it at one point, now i see no way to get it back09:43
hateballinterresting. there's no way to close it if you're running plasma/kwin09:44
amishrobots_i don't know what plasma/kwin is09:45
amishrobots_but how would i move ~/kde/share etc?09:45
hateballopen a file browser, browse into the directory and move or rename the file09:46
hateballor delete it09:46
amishrobots_i am in that directory09:46
amishrobots_holy shit, you just fixed my problem09:48
amishrobots_now i'm curious as to the contents of that file09:48
amishrobots_(i renamed it to "SHITkolourpaintrc")09:49
hateballDo try and keep it family friendly09:49
amishrobots_yeah, sorry09:51
amishrobots_thank you though09:51
amishrobots_i had feared that this would be some long and convoluted process to fix it, but your suggestion worked immediately, and i cannot express the depths of my gratitude09:52
amishrobots_i guess the re-install does not clear out the old config file09:53
hateballNope, it does not09:54
hateballFor good reason too09:54
amishrobots_i had hoped that by reinstalling i would set it back to defaults.09:54
hateballYeah, that's not how it works tho :)09:56
amishrobots_well, thank you again09:56
hateballYou can use apt-get purge to remove configs, but that only works for systemwide configs in /etc09:56
amishrobots_any way that i could buy you a beer or something?09:56
hateballAny files in user homes will be left untouched09:56
hateballamishrobots_: We're all here for free you know09:56
amishrobots_i sort of vaguely understand what yr saying about systemwide configs09:57
amishrobots_basically, you're saying that config file specific to a certain program (and that program only) would not be affected?09:58
hateballI am saying that... for instance if you install something like a DNS server, that would be configured on a systemwide level, with configs in /etc09:58
amishrobots_and yeah, i believe in sharing knowledge freely, but still would like to show my appreciation09:59
hateballIf you remove the binaries, it will leave the configs so you can install it again09:59
hateballIf you use apt-get purge, it will remove the configs in /etc09:59
hateballBut for more... end-user focused applications, whatever they may be, a browser perhaps, the configs are stored in each users home09:59
hateballAnd those will never be touched by the package manager09:59
amishrobots_sorry, my brain is full10:01
amishrobots_i would be happy to send you 2 dollars via paypal for solving a problem which has plagued me for a coupla weeks now10:01
hateballamishrobots_: No thanks :)10:01
amishrobots_damn you take my money!10:02
amishrobots_or else i will make threats upon your person, which i am in no way capable of carrying out!10:03
amishrobots_thank you10:09
amishrobots_i am going to throw angry shroedinger's cats at your most vulnerable organs until you accept my payment!10:13
Capum140Could I get help with LXLE ?18:43
krytenCapum140: LXLE has its own support venues - check its website for that.18:44
Capum140all right18:45
Capum140Hey listen I just tried to post on LXLE forum.... but I have no invitation to sign up on the forum! the other venues are parallel like ubuntu or lubuntu18:58
Capum140who was the guy I was talking with here?18:59
krytenCapum140: That doesn't make it any more eligible for here - it's a separate distro.19:02

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