dholbach | good morning | 08:24 |
davidcalle | Hey dholbach o/ | 08:58 |
dholbach | salut davidcalle | 09:02 |
popey | Zut alors! | 09:14 |
dholbach | wow... looks like popey has been practising his French! | 09:24 |
dholbach | maybe it's time to change the channel language after all | 09:25 |
popey | :) | 09:25 |
Kilos | lol | 09:30 |
* Kilos thanks you all, for the time and hard work you put in | 09:30 | |
davidcalle | dholbach: channel? You mean all Ubuntu images, right?! | 09:40 |
dholbach | of course | 10:01 |
davidcalle | dholbach: what do you mean by legacy conversion in your email? Maybe the store could simply consider that oem == gadget | 10:49 |
dholbach | davidcalle, they were called "oem snaps" in the past | 10:51 |
dholbach | I still have to find out what's happening and how it could be clearer | 10:51 |
davidcalle | dholbach: right, especially since we apparently can't query both oem and gadget in the same query | 10:52 |
dholbach | yep | 10:55 |
davidcalle | popey: dpm: dholbach: be amazed! http://i.imgur.com/frcVOgl.png | 10:58 |
dholbach | wow :) | 10:58 |
popey | ooooh | 11:07 |
popey | I don't like it, change it back :) | 11:07 |
nigelb | Wow, suddenly we're getting etherpad spam? | 11:13 |
nigelb | I had a few people write to me begging me to accept them into the team. Weird. | 11:13 |
dpm | davidcalle, cool, I like your retro Windos XP theme! :P | 11:21 |
dpm | *windows | 11:21 |
popey | nigelb: yeah, we are all getting them | 11:22 |
nigelb | popey: I'm just amused that it took spammers so *long* to find this honeypot. | 11:23 |
czajkowski | does anyone have any experience creating a public slack channel ? | 11:54 |
popey | I don't think you can | 11:58 |
popey | We tried for Ubuntu, but had to make it invite only, with specific domains allowed, and admins able to invite others | 11:58 |
czajkowski | ahh | 12:05 |
czajkowski | that's a bit painful | 12:05 |
popey | yup | 12:07 |
nigelb | I've been invited to a few "open" slack channels. | 12:12 |
nigelb | It ended up being too painful to use. | 12:13 |
czajkowski | ug | 12:16 |
czajkowski | h | 12:16 |
czajkowski | thanks | 12:16 |
dholbach | I call it a day a bit earlier today - have a great weekend everyone! | 16:00 |
Kilos | you too ty dholbach | 16:00 |
dholbach | thanks Kilos | 16:00 |
Kilos | hi popey no reply from ruben on both his twitter nicks | 18:38 |
Kilos | now i have no idea how to carry on with spreadu buntu | 18:47 |
knome | what exactly is the issue? | 18:52 |
Kilos | there are a few of us waiting to be approved there knome | 18:53 |
knome | right | 18:53 |
Kilos | hoping to use it to spreadubuntu in bangladesh and india areas | 18:54 |
Kilos | and of course in africa | 18:54 |
popey | Usually we give someone time to respond | 18:56 |
popey | Like, the person could be on vacation. | 18:56 |
popey | Imagine coming back from vacation and finding loads of pings from someone who could have just waited a week. | 18:56 |
Kilos | ok | 18:56 |
knome | ultimately, should't all sites have at least a few different admins though, to make sure things can roll on smoothly? | 18:56 |
popey | Yes, teams should have multiple admins | 18:57 |
popey | Often that's not the case. | 18:57 |
knome | unfortunately | 18:57 |
popey | it happens | 18:57 |
knome | totally... | 18:57 |
popey | Kilos: did you notice there's more than one admin on the team? | 19:01 |
popey | perhaps you could contact the other admin? | 19:01 |
Kilos | i see no other admins popey | 19:02 |
popey | https://launchpad.net/~spreadubuntu/+members scroll down | 19:02 |
popey | there's like 7 | 19:02 |
knome | :) | 19:02 |
Kilos | let me check that | 19:03 |
popey | What exactly is the goal here? To get added to the team? | 19:03 |
popey | Then what? | 19:03 |
Kilos | ask belkinsa | 19:04 |
Kilos | we working together to help locos that are having probs | 19:04 |
Kilos | surely if there are 7 admins someone would have approved peeps there | 19:05 |
Kilos | is spreadubuntu still working | 19:05 |
popey | define "working"? | 19:06 |
popey | You would have hoped that people would approve, yes. | 19:06 |
popey | However, Spreadubuntu is quite old, and I expect some (all?) of the admins have moved on to other things and not handed over formally to thers. | 19:06 |
popey | So probably each admin is either a) not getting the admin mail, b) ignoring it, c) assuming someone else will do it. | 19:06 |
popey | All of which are unfortunate | 19:07 |
popey | one of them is flannel who is on irc | 19:07 |
popey | you could poke them | 19:07 |
popey | https://launchpad.net/~nealbussett == Flannel on irc | 19:07 |
Kilos | ill try flannel ty | 19:07 |
popey | np | 19:07 |
jcastro | Do I want to live in a world where the launcher can be moved to the bottom? | 19:09 |
popey | Be afraid jcastro, be very, very afraid. | 19:11 |
svij | now we just need a Win7 theme for Unity! | 19:12 |
popey | That's it, that's _all_ we need. | 19:16 |
mhall119 | jcastro: don't worry, the window controls are still on the left | 19:18 |
wxl | mhall119: fyi i denied and just approved https://launchpad.net/~abibarra as i got an email from them saying that they say your blog post and wanted to work on the appstream stuff. | 23:43 |
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