
xnoxcyphermox, hi15:51
xnoxthis multipath tools merge from rharper fixes a critical bug for s390x =/15:52
xnoxhave you per chance managed to take a look at it?15:52
xnoxand/or does it conflict with any other work that you have been doing for multipath tools?15:52
cyphermoxxnox: feel free, I haven't got to it yet (but the FFE is also not approved yet)15:53
cyphermoxshould be fine to land, worst case I'll do upload on top, but in any case I'm all for that update, it probably fixes a bunch of crasp15:54
cyphermoxtrying to debug upgrades still15:55
cyphermoxI've taken a roundabout way to do the upgrade manually and things don't crash so far, so I'm not sure what the problem is anymore15:55
* cyphermox goes back to cheering compiz on to finally crash15:56
xnoxcyphermox, is it normal for something to write out /etc/network/interfaces.d/<ifname> during a d-i install?18:15
xnoxand then cause problems, e.g. static ip in /etc/network/interfaces, yet dhcp snippet in interface.d hogging all shutdowns.18:16
cyphermoxI think so, yeah18:16
cyphermoxdid you set up the system with static or dhcp?18:16
xnoxcyphermox, static.18:16
cyphermoxand what's in /etc/network/interfaces.d/<ifname> exactly?18:17
xnoxcyphermox, it certainly did not used to do that at all.18:17
xnoxone sec.18:17
cyphermoxslaac for ipv6?18:17
xnoxallow-hotplug encf5f018:18
xnoxiface encf5f0 inet dhcp18:18
xnoxfile name is "encf5f0"18:18
xnoxhm.... do any udev rules do that, i wonder.18:18
cyphermoxthey certainly should not18:19
xnoxallow-hotplug -> i wonder who adds that.18:20
xnoxbut netcfg never writes anything into interfaces.d18:22
xnoxbusybox ip a does it?18:23
xnoxor e.g. dhcp client?18:23
xnoxif one tries to do dhcp in the shell, whilst installing the system, and then that gets copied?18:23
cyphermoxneither should go writing things in /etc/network18:26
cyphermoxlemme run a new install, should be easy to find out what's touching this18:29
xnoxMar 15 04:49:26 net/hw-detect.hotplug: Detected hotpluggable network interface encc00018:30
xnoxMar 15 04:49:26 net/hw-detect.hotplug: Detected hotpluggable network interface encc000.258618:30
xnoxMar 15 04:49:26 net/hw-detect.hotplug: Detected hotpluggable network interface lo18:30
cyphermoxsure but all that does is write to /etc/network/devhotplug, not /etc/network/interfaces.d18:31
superm1cyphermox: i added ubiquity r6393 to handle keeping fwupdate signed efi in target, not sure if you had anything else you wanted to do before next ubiquity upload18:34
cyphermoxnothing I can think of right now18:35
xnoxcyphermox, this is all on s390x by the way, with interfaces which one must manually enable.18:36
xnoxthus they do appear as if they got hotplugged half way through the installation.18:36
cyphermoxwell, yeah, I believe you that's what seems to happen on that system. I'm grepping through all my workspace to try and figure out what might do this18:37
cyphermoxI have no idea18:37
cyphermoxor you can run an install again and somewhere near the end, before reboot, get to a console and grep through /18:37
cyphermoxit could just as easily be some s390x specific magic for the interfaces18:38
xnoxhorum, let's do that.18:38
cyphermoxat least it does not look to be hw-detect or netcfg, but I may have not grepped for the right thing18:38
cyphermoxalso, are you installing 16.04 or 14.04?18:39
cyphermoxnetcfg could be different between the two18:39
xnox16.04 only18:41
xnoxs390x is only on 16.0418:41
infinityxnox: Do you have cloud-init in that install?  I think it writes interface snippets.22:16
xnoxinfinity, oh.22:42

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