[00:05] hmm [00:05] col the americans is back [00:32] o0 [00:36] cool show [00:36] you not seen it i guess? [00:37] nah i'm not really watching anything current, still [00:37] how be tricks, mapps ? [00:38] good ta, off work all week:D [00:38] lost my phone though, which sucks....as it taes ages to get a new phone sent here [00:38] and a new sim [00:39] :( no fancy tracking functions turned on? [00:40] tricks aren't allowed now that Paul Daniels is gone [00:40] i was sad when i heard that this morning on Radio 2 [00:49] sucks losing phone [00:49] wish i hadnt even gone out [00:55] mapps: so no tracking? [00:57] nop [00:57] '/ [00:58] :< [07:03] morning all [07:19] o/ [08:19] Morning all [08:19] foobarry: Redmine, I've tinkered but not put it/used it properly yet. Not seen any functionality that does what I was asking though, going to investigate now [09:00] Moring all [09:00] Morning all.. [09:00] mooring all to those on boats... [09:00] true story... :) [09:07] diplo: redmine CRM has tags for users [09:11] From what I can see it's not really designed for my use case though [09:20] morning boys and girls. [09:34] Morning all you funky friday people [09:35] morning davmor2 [09:37] MooDoo: me owld mucka ow bin ya? [09:41] davmor2: still full of cold, but glad it's friday :) [09:42] MooDoo: glad it friday, isn't that just a natural state of being though? [10:25] davmor2: not really, just feel very lethargic and drained this week [10:26] Good morning all! Happy Friday, and happy World Sleep Day! 😴 💤 [10:27] JamesTait: can only be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD-E-LDc384 [10:28] Oh, go on then. [10:30] :) [10:31] I'll raise you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT3SBzmDxGk [10:31] and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfGggAGITwg [10:33] and finally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVH1Y15omgE [10:36] MooDoo: you're really not getting this are you, we're going for songs that have something to do with the day thunder is not helpful for sleeping :P [10:37] MooDoo: did you see the full concert? [10:39] MooDoo, no idea what it has to do with sleep, but I'll give you credit just because it's good. ☺ [10:42] Thought they might be able to afford new bows, though. [10:43] JamesTait: they have carbon fibre ones now :) [10:46] Too right. Cheap bows are the instruments of the devil. 😉 === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [14:28] Good morning peeps :) [14:28] bigcalm: hello slacker, how's life? [14:29] Yes, I use Slack for work. But IRC will always be king [14:30] bigcalm: see I knew you were slacking off [14:31] All well? [14:31] Is 16.04 ready yet? [14:32] !isitoutyet [14:32] No, it's not out yet! [14:32] Boo [14:35] bigcalm: You know you're in driving distance right! [14:41] Bwuhaha [14:41] davmor2: did you know that mr evil lives in Newport as well now? [14:41] bigcalm: oh he moved again did he [14:42] Again? [14:42] Twice in Wolves then out to wheaton aston and now to newport [14:43] Ah [14:43] Maybe he's settled [14:45] No I think he is addicted to moving :) [17:48] inflation busting 3.7% council tax rise! [17:48] stick it to the peasents!! [17:54] damned pheasents [17:55] sire the peasents are revolting. give them a bath [17:55] smth like that anyway [17:55] I forget the proper quote [17:57] i was out for a walk in very posh area of dublin yesterday. high hill with huge mansions + castles on it. at bottom of the hill were very expensive but much smaller mansions... [17:58] i was thinking that 100 years ago the small houses were for those that cook for the lords. now it's for the accountants who cook the books of the wealthy [18:03] aha, found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sztf4hcGrB4 [18:04] great movie... [19:06] nom.com: youtube for food (by the origial inventors of youtube) don't you think you've immediately failed when you get referred to as "like foo but for bar" [19:07] star trek was wagon train to the stars... [19:11] diddledan: Sir the peasants are revolting, you said it, they stink on ice... [19:12] davmor2 the video above ^^^ [19:12] diddledan: I'm playing catch up I hadn't got that far :) [19:12] goodddddddd [19:12] lol [19:12] knightwise? [19:13] Sorry [19:13] had lag [19:13] keyboard buffer [19:13] search for Star trek Horizons on youtube [19:13] VERY good [19:13] I always say buffer, buffering, and buffered with a G instead of F [19:14] that way I complain that "the video is buggered" [19:14] :-p [19:21] pretty good fanfic btw [19:23] oh hang on, I found a great fanfic the other day, lemme fish-out the link [19:24] http://boingboing.net/2015/03/17/an-erotic-novel-about-clippy.html [19:24] Oh smeet mother of god [19:25] now my eyes are bleeding [19:35] ooh, apple are doing a thing on monday [19:35] * diddledan fires-up the streamer [19:36] a thingy ? [19:36] http://gizmodo.com/what-to-expect-at-apple-s-march-21-event-1764069031 [19:37] a revolutionary _small_ iphone!! [19:37] the many things they've changed is nothing [19:38] which will be a let-down after last-years "the only thing we've changed is everything" [19:38] or a phone that commits seppuku if it sees an fbi badge... [19:39] apple keynotes are so non-events lately [19:39] its becoming embarrasing [19:50] apparently MS have something exciting to be announced in a fortnight: http://www.techradar.com/us/news/software/operating-systems/windows-10-to-get-ground-breaking-features-that-will-change-everything--1317152 [19:50] smells like linkbat :p [19:50] bait [19:50] a choice to have f.b.i. approved privacy? [19:51] zmoylan-pi, is that like a TSA-approved penknife? [19:51] you can get those i think. victoronix make them [19:52] about as sharp as a footballer at the end of their career [20:02] to be fair, footballers aren't sharp even in they hayday [20:02] their* [20:22] Looking for bash ninja to help me with this one liner: pip show | grep "Location: " [20:22] The output is the line where location is with the path [20:23] What I want is to _only output the path_ [20:23] so that I can then cat that path into a file [20:23] pip show | grep "Location:" | awk '{print $2}' [20:23] :D [20:24] you can also do it with `cut -d' ' -f2` [20:24] diddledan, that's awesome thx diddledan! works like a charm [20:24] but cut requires that the space be exactly one space and not a tab or multiple space chars [20:26] ah k. Well the awk works well and is a lot cleaner looking [20:26] awk is far more powerful than that but that's about the only thing I know how to do with it :-p [20:27] hehe, as is most things in terminals :) [20:27] I really should look into learning some proper awk [20:52] diddledan, this is what I ended up with. I'm sure many people will get a heart attack ^_^ ... but I don't visit bash often. [20:52] echo "source: \""$(pip show powerline-status | grep "Location: " | awk '{print $2}')"\"" >> .tmux.conf [20:53] it may have been better to just create a shell script and pass variables around [21:19] ian dunc has quit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35848687 [21:58] can anyone recommend a nice speaker system suitable for front room movie/tv/music use? £170ish budget [21:59] I want optical support so I can take the audio output outta my TV and plug it straight into the speakers [22:46] hmm [22:52] if you want to do it properly it's AV receiver time [22:53] av receiver alone blows the budget [22:53] with no speakers [22:53] Azelphur: stereo or 5.1? soundbar or separates? [22:54] directhex: ideally 5.1, separates [22:54] I already have a fairly ok soundbar, was hoping to upgrade [22:55] http://www.richersounds.com/product/speaker-packages/pioneer/htp072/pion-htp072 [23:04] ah i didn't read that part [23:05] * daftykins likes doing things right once rather than badly several times [23:58] I like to do things wrong over and over and over again. I think doing something right is foolhardy [23:58] it's for this reason that my desk is overflowing with junk [23:59] tidying it would fall into the foolhardy camp