
magespawngood morning05:33
chesedomorning magespawn and all others05:55
Kilosmorning all06:10
chesedomorning Kilos, it is getting cold hey06:28
Kilosyes 06:29
Kilosmakes me sad i sukkel in winter06:29
chesedolol, i mostly love it06:29
Kilosalready my hands are cold06:30
chesedoyip, toes too06:30
Kilosat least we had some rain06:30
inetprogood mornings everyone07:05
inetprooom Kilos, we've had 191mm so far for the month07:05
Kilosmaybe next summer will start off better07:06
chesedohi inetpro, out of interest what's the total season average?07:20
magespawnmorning inetpro Kilos chesedo 07:21
Kiloshi magespawn 07:22
Kiloshi kmf superfly unlaudable TinuvaMac 08:27
inetprohello superfly08:41
nlsthznsup y'all 09:12
Kiloshi nlsthzn 09:23
Kilossame old09:23
nlsthznwell I hope same old is good old :) 09:26
nlsthznoh and I actually came back online in a reasonable time ;)09:26
Kilosyeah thats an improvement09:29
nlsthznand I am totally not using KDE currently... nope ...not me... or maybe I am ... *sigh*09:44
Kilosis it so lekker09:51
nlsthznroocking 14.04 so kde 4 ftw09:57
Kilosi love it09:58
Kilosnothing breaks09:58
Kilosvery stable09:58
nlsthzn +109:59
nlsthznpity once the devs hit super stable to bugger of in another direction again :p09:59
nlsthzngnome 2.32 and then kde 4.14.x :'(10:01
superflyI'm on 16.0410:06
superflygot tired of the 15.10 plasma crashing all the time10:06
superflynew font called Noko10:06
nlsthznhey superfly10:12
nlsthznI will try 16.04 a little bit after release... still something screwy going on in the sound sub-system it seems10:12
nlsthznseems the KDE 5 effort is now starting to hit something resembling stability10:13
Wolfeyeshey everyone10:53
chesedohello Wolfeyes, hows server going?11:05
Wolfeyesserver is installed and working with internet, only have to complete the proxy application now.11:07
WolfeyesBut had a few other clients to attend to first.11:07
chesedosounds great :)11:09
WolfeyesIt is getting there ty chesedo :-), all you guys here played a big part of it.11:12
chesedowe are glad to help Wolfeyes11:14
zipperHey, anyone online11:23
Kiloshi Wolfeyes zipper 11:24
zipperKilos: Hey I met a guy from uh Cape Town11:25
Kiloshi qwebirc39461 11:26
qwebirc39461This is just zipper testing the web interface11:26
Kilosour things work11:27
zipperFor sure11:33
=== chesedo- is now known as chesedo
pavlushkaKi every one, o/13:36
pavlushkaHi every one, o/13:36
magespawnhey pavlushka 13:44
pavlushkaHi magespawn !!!!13:44
pavlushkaSo how are you?13:45
magespawngood and you?13:45
pavlushkajolly good!13:45
pavlushkaKilos, o/13:48
magespawnhome time, chate later all, cheers13:52
pavlushkabye magespawn13:55
KilosMaaz coffee on15:30
* Maaz puts the kettle on15:30
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!15:34
KilosMaaz dankie man15:34
MaazGroot plesier my vriend15:34
Kilossomeone was hear with a vodafone webbook16:05
Kilosanyone remember who it was16:05
chesedoKilos: think it was Xsm16:14
Kilosoh my , was it16:14
Kiloswas someone else that got it from one of his kids16:15
Kilosi wonder what happened16:16
Kilosoh he found a switch by the battery16:16
Kilosi dunno why peeps dont stay here16:17
Kilosjust come for help then leave16:17
Kilossjoe we have a meeting in 5 nights time16:18
chesedoyea, know still have to finish agenda and stuff16:19
* chesedo started looking for lugs today to complete his task16:19
Kilosjozilug have visited here now and again but also dont stay16:19
Kilosand william forgets16:20
Kilosthe cape lugs never appear unles the fly is their rep16:20
chesedowill finish that tom... will have to pm you for some advice16:21
* chesedo gotta go for now16:21
Kilosanytime im awake is good16:21
Kilosgo well16:21
Kiloshi Cryterion 16:52
CryterionIsn't the topic a bit out of date16:52
CryterionHey kilos16:53
Kilosoh my16:53
Kilosinetpro topic please16:53
Kilosty Cryterion 16:53
Kilosi forgot its not feb anymore16:53
CryterionNp. Just noticed now16:53
magespawnMaaz tell pavlushka thanks and shot for showing me something new17:56
Maazmagespawn: Righto, I'll tell pavlushka on freenode17:56
magespawngood evening17:56
Kiloshi magespawn 17:56
pavlushkaya, shot but dont shoot.17:57
Maazpavlushka: By the way, magespawn on freenode told me "tell pavlushka thanks and shot for showing me something new" 59 seconds ago17:57
pavlushkaI am reading you guys.17:58
Kilosshot=well done in za slang17:58
pavlushkaKilos, thanks, you just saved my life.17:58
Kilosi even tweeted ruben to see whats going on at spreadubuntu17:59
* Cryterion gets his guns out18:00
* pavlushka nooooo18:00
* Cryterion starts playing with them :)18:00
* Cryterion loads them with some blanks, and gets ready to chase people around18:01
pavlushkaCryterion, chase me if you can.18:02
Cryterionlol, at least they blanks, so it'll just make a noise, lol18:02
pavlushkareally, I thought they were blanks. lol18:07
superflyhey Cryterion18:10
Cryterionheya superfly18:10
superfly(and everyone else)18:10
superflyCryterion: how much do you know about the travelnet mod for Minetest?18:11
CryterionA bit, why what's the q?18:11
superflyCryterion: I've mis-placed an elevator and I can't pick it up or remove it18:12
magespawnokay then18:12
Cryterionsomething must've gone wrong, I'll try login to help. But network I'm on isn't very nice18:13
Kiloshi fusionsparc 18:14
fusionsparcHow are you guys?18:14
Kilosgood ty and you18:15
superflyCryterion: this is actually on my own server. I was just wondering if you knew18:15
fusionsparcLots of rain so I'm happy.. :)18:16
superflyJust started raining here18:17
fusionsparcitching to load Kubuntu 15.1018:22
Kilosrather go 16.0418:23
Kilosfly had plasma probs18:23
Kilosor be paitient for a month18:24
fusionsparcoh...when's the release date again?18:24
fusionsparcI might do that..18:24
Kilosmust be near end of april18:24
KilosMaaz google when is 16.04 release date18:25
MaazKilos: "Xenial Xerus release schedule - Ubuntu Wiki" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule :: "This Is The Release Date for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - OMG! Ubuntu!" http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/10/ubuntu-16-04-release-schedule-release-schedule-date-xenial-xerus :: "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus - fossBytes" http://fossbytes.com/the-spyware-feature-in-18:25
Maazubuntu-will-be-disabled-in-ubuntu-16-04-xenial-xerus/ :: "List of Ubuntu releases - Wikipedia,…18:25
fusionsparcDownloading the 16.04 daily release to test in virtualbox..18:27
Kiloswb magespawn 18:29
magespawnbefore i was so rudely interrupted18:42
magespawndid not even notice i was gone18:42
Kilosyou been and came again since then18:44
Kilosinetpro ping18:44
Kiloshaha now the paw arrived18:45
magespawni like the paw19:12
magespawnright now just one of me19:16
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:23
pavlushkanight all guys!20:01
inetprochesedo: hmm.... you have not updated the minutes from last time or created the new agenda yet?21:30
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | pastebin: http://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Next Meeting: Tue, 22 March 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1MfCyKd
inetprochesedo: copied and pasted agenda from last time, feel free to edit...21:33

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