
sakrecoeri still get the blueman crash at start up on my dev install...12:20
sakrecoeram i missing something?12:21
krytensakrecoer: Not if you think it's not fixed yet, nope :P - LP bug 1533206.12:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1533206 in blueman (Ubuntu) "Blueman-applet crash on login: DBusException in call_blocking(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153320612:35
zequenceJust told this is offtopic channel. Going to abandon any work on -controls for this release. Maybe do a backport later.12:55
zequenceHave rewritten the application from scratch, but only added a new feature. It is not ready though, which is why I haven't put it up yet12:55
OvenWerk1zequence: -controls as it sits is still quite useful.13:36
OvenWerk1I look forward to the changes.13:37
OvenWerk1sakrecoer: the blueman crash... I think is just blueman exiting due to not finding HW. So the problem is that the system picks it up as a crash.13:41
OvenWerk1I will try setting up my Wiimote later. If that still works then the system is workable.13:43
sakrecoerif you are arround krytarik maybe we can continue where we left of on that lightDM thing? :)13:59
sakrecoerlater thsi evening that is...13:59
sakrecoeranyways, i have to run now! o/~13:59
krytenI'll be around, yes - that'd be nice.14:00
sakrecoergot a mail from madeinkobaia. in french. very nice, gave a very different tone somehow.21:12
sakrecoerzequence, he said that he was willing to do some efforts to work in a more teamoriented way. if i got it right, what is keeping him from it is language barrier21:13
sakrecoerkeeping him from it = keeping him from being more engaged in the team.21:14
sakrecoerhe also said that until may he hasn't got the time-space to do anything, unfortunately..21:14
sakrecoerzequence: too bad for the controls. i guess i can relate with the feeling of being uninspired... Whish i could ring on your dorbell with some tacos and beers and help you do it... or bring a cheerleader robot team with pompoms to do some motivation dance under your window21:18
sakrecoerbeen wanting to say it would be an awesome legacy as you step down, but i'm affraid it would just pressure you instead..21:19
sakrecoerso, i organised a robot cheerleading team instead:21:21
sakrecoer└|゚ε゚|┐ ┌|゚з゚|┘ └|゚ε゚|┐ ┌|゚з゚|┘ └|゚ε゚|┐ ┌|゚з゚|┘21:21
sakrecoerit isn't techincaly under your window, but hey, it is IN your irssi window :p21:22
knomesakrecoer, can you confirm me something?21:54
knomesakrecoer, when you log in to the ubuntustudio.org web admin, do you have administrator access?21:54
sakrecoerlet me check21:56
sakrecoerehm... atm all i see on ubuntustudio.org is a white page with an orange ubuntu header21:57
knomei notice that too21:57
knomebut can you just log in?21:57
sakrecoeri'm in, but how do i tell what type of account i have?21:58
knomesakrecoer, can you see the menu "appearance -> menus" ?21:58
knomeok, great21:59
knomethen you can likely see "appearance -> themes" too21:59
knomesakrecoer, you should be able to switch to the correct ubuntu studio theme from that page22:00
sakrecoerknome: buntu Loco Light Theme ?22:01
sakrecoerUbuntu Loco Light Theme, even22:01
knomeshould be very prominently ubuntu studio22:01
knomeif it isn't available... sigh22:01
sakrecoerno such theme i am affraid...22:01
knomeif you want, you can add me to the team that has the admin rights on ubuntustudio.org and i can try to debug it directly with the IS22:02
sakrecoersure, i have never done that before tho, knome.22:03
knomeok, so the membership is linked to a certain LP team22:03
knomedo you know what that is or should i help you figure out?22:03
sakrecoeri reckon it is this one: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-website22:03
sakrecoerbut i don't know for sure..22:03
knomesakrecoer, you can make sure @ settings -> openid teams22:04
knomeyou want the line with role administrator and the ubuntustudio team22:04
sakrecoeryeah that would be the team22:05
sakrecoeryour lp is ~knome ?22:06
sakrecoerstrange, i can add you, but i'm not a member of that team...22:07
sakrecoeroh, maybe it doesn't list me if i look from my own account or something adding you now anyways22:07
sakrecoerknome: done!22:08
knomesakrecoer, you're a member of the core team, which is admin, so you have indirect membership as an admin22:08
sakrecoerok, i added you, knome but i don't see you listed either...22:09
sakrecoeroh, now i do :)22:09
zequenceknome: Our old theme has been replaced22:14
zequenceDon't think that was the idea, right?22:14
knomezequence, not at all; i'm debugging it as we speak with the IS22:15
knomezequence, if they even replaced it with the new theme, not the outdated one22:15
zequenceknome: Well, we still need to have our old theme there, until we have prepared for the new one, which we haven't yet22:16
knomezequence, yes, i'm working on that22:16
zequenceYeah, saw that, sorry22:16
knomezequence, i just just saying this is the worst situation ;)22:16
zequenceHas to happen to somebody :)22:17
zequenceBack to normal22:20
knomeok, should be good now22:20
zequencesakrecoer: Ok, so madeinkobaia won't be around for any work for a while, then22:20
sakrecoerzequence: yup, and he is willing to teamwork, but it seems he doesn't really feel capable due to language...22:22
knomephew. it was close - weekend soon and nobody from the IS around..22:23
zequenceI'm sure he'll warm up to it :)22:23
zequenceknome: :D22:23
knomewe can begin talking finnish with zequence to make him feel more comfortable with french 22:23
zequenceBabel all over again22:24
zequenceknome: Weird that they can't add another source22:28
zequenceWhere are the theme configs saved, anyway? We need to prepare it on a staging site before we publish it anyway22:29
zequenceWe should make those settings first, have them in a repo, and upload from that22:29
knomezequence, they are saved in the database22:30
zequenceknome: Ah. In a specific table, right?22:31
knomezequence, yep, _options iirc22:31
zequenceWe could just set up a front page saying "we're doing maintenance right now, come back later"22:32
knomewell, 22:32
knomeconsidering if/as you can coordinate a specific time when you want to set the theme up to make sure the IS and you are both available, sure22:32
zequenceElse, do both theming and database migration at once22:32
knomeif both themes were available, you could see the new theme in the customization/live preview22:33
knomeand make sure everything is right there22:33
knomeand once you are ready, kick in the new theme22:33
knomebut if you can only ever have one of the two themes available, that's not possible..22:33
knomewell unless you switch to, say, twenty sixteen in between22:33
knomebut that seems silly22:34
zequenceOk. I haven't actually tried making changes to a theme before switching to it22:35
knomethat's a relatively recent addition22:37
knomebut yeah, you can handle it from the GUI now22:37
zequenceknome: Thanks for setting this up, btw.23:05
knomeif you don't mind, i'll stay in the web team until you got the migration done to make sure there isn't anything fishy going on23:05
zequenceknome: You are welcome to stay there as long as you want on my account.23:06
knomei try to remove some hats anyway..23:06
zequenceTry cutting of one or two ears first23:07
knomei'm out of all appendages and limbs by that analogy already23:07

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