
natefinchperrito666: ship it00:14
natefinchperrito666: re: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4233/00:14
ericsnownatefinch: https://github.com/juju/charmrepo/pull/78 :)00:27
natefinchlol charmstore_going_away.go00:28
katconatefinch: what's the key in the map[string][]params.Resource that ListResource returns in charmrepo?00:29
natefinchkatco: the charmID.String()00:30
katconatefinch: really?00:30
katcovar results map[string][]params.Resource00:30
katcoif err := c.Get(path, &results); err != nil {00:30
natefinchkatco: I keep meaning to update the comments on that method.. took me forever to figure it out too00:30
natefinchkatco: yeah00:30
katconatefinch: i assumed it would be some http thing stuffed in there b/c it's parsing the response00:30
katconatefinch: that is super intuitive.00:30
natefinchkatco: ....yeah00:31
ericsnownatefinch, katco: hey, at least you don't have to make your own HTTP GET call...00:31
katconatefinch: ericsnow: i'm just renaming the "results" var to "charmID2resources"00:32
natefinchkatco: 👍00:33
natefinchwow that is a tiny thumbs up00:33
katcoericsnow: natefinch: someone give me a high five shipit00:36
natefinchkatco: can you update the comment to describe it, too?00:37
katconatefinch: what would you like the comment to say00:37
natefinchkatco: like, comment on the function that is00:37
natefinch/ ListResoruces retrieves the metadata about resources for the given charms.  It returns a map of charmurl to resources.00:39
katconatefinch: done00:40
natefinchkatco: shipit00:42
perrito666ok EOW, have a nice night00:44
katcoperrito666: tc00:44
natefinchsee ya perrito66600:44
natefinchahhh... charm.Url *has* a channel00:53
ericsnownatefinch: I wouldn't count on that sticking around00:55
natefinchwe should bring it up, though... if it's already there, why not use it?00:56
* katco cries quietly01:10
katcothe full stack tests01:10
katcosuites... suites upon suites... all the way down01:10
natefinchthe real kicker is that charmrepo tests import charmstore, and the charmstore imports charmrepo01:11
natefinchand both charmrepo and charmstore use dependencies.tsv.... so... good luck01:11
cheryljkatco: did you still need something?01:27
katcocherylj: yeah, sent email01:27
katcocherylj: ty for checking in ^.^01:28
cheryljkatco: is feature-resources the only branch your team is aiming to get merged?01:31
katcocherylj: yep, that's it01:31
cheryljkatco: awesome, thanks.  I'll add it to the list of branches ready for merging (pending CI run)01:31
katcocherylj: ty! please keep us updated on the results01:31
cheryljsure thing01:32
mupBug #1559381 opened: Container not on the same network as host <ci> <lxc> <lxd> <network> <regression> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core maas-spaces-multi-nic-containers:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1559381>02:34
mupBug #1559382 opened: windows cannot be deployed with  maas-spaces-multi-nic-containers <ci> <maas-provider> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core maas-spaces-multi-nic-containers:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1559382>02:34
mupBug #1559400 opened: TestManageModelRunsRegisteredWorkers is flaky <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1559400>05:47
mupBug #1559402 opened: cmdControllerSuite.TestCreateModel is flaky <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1559402>05:47
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