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enoch85hey kyrofa17:09
enoch85kyrofa: what about adding redis to the owncloud snap, would that be possible?17:09
mvipHey guys. Is the RasPi 3 supported in the latest upstream images?17:44
ogra_not yet, no17:44
mvipogra_ :(17:44
ogra_we rely heavily on u-boot ... thats not 100% done yet foor the pi317:45
mvipogra_ Should be relatively easy to do by pulling in the latest kernel, no?17:45
mvipah ok17:45
ogra_it is on my TODO and we'll definitely have images once it is ready17:45
mvipwell, it will be the same image, won't it?17:46
ogra_not sure yet ... it might need a different devicetree17:47
ogra_(which means differennt gadget snap in our current design)17:48
ogra_(which in turn means separate image)17:48
mviphmm that would make our life a lot more painful as a vendor17:48
mvipas we'd need to maintain twice as many images17:48
mvipThe upstream Raspbian images works fine with both RasPi3 and RasPi 2 fwiw17:49
ogra_well, after all i'd be shooting for a 64bit image in the long term17:49
ogra_which would mean separate image in any case17:50
mvipyeah, i guess that's a good point17:50
ogra_i'l try my best to get a single image for us ... but no promises :)17:50
ogra_(for 32bit)17:51
mvipThanks, ogra_17:51
mvipIt would be *very* cool to have a single image and then have the system auto-detect the 64 bit and pull down the 64 bit system as a system upgrade for the next a/b system. :)17:52
mvipnot sure how viable that would be17:52
ogra_that would need quite some work17:53
ogra_(it is likely that you need a specific kernel for aarch64 ... we dont support switching kernels at all on installed images)17:53
ogra_i.e. it would only work if you hade two kernels in the same kernel package so it could be switched17:54
mvipIIRC, Raspbian uses the same kernel, but I'm not sure if it's fully 64 enabled yet17:54
ogra_it isnt17:54
mvipoh ok17:54
ogra_pi3 isnt 64bit capable yet ...17:54
mvipWasn't that one of the major things in the Pi3?17:56
ogra_the SoC is 64bit ... bt afaik neither th bootlloader can initialize it in that mode yet nor are all kernel patches there17:56
ogra_and i'm rather doubtful that you can have a single kernel that does both17:56
mvipInteresting. Well, sounds like you're far more on top of this stuff than me. ;)17:57
ogra_just by trial and error ;)17:57
mvipI just rebuilt my 4x RasPi cluster today with 3 RasPi 3s hoping to do some more QA/testing on Snappy. Didn't even think about that it wasn't supported.17:58
popeyyeah, I have a pi3 on my desk which is waiting for snappy too :(18:02
mvipogra_: yeah you're right. Looking at /proc/cpuinfo on Raspbian, I can confirm that the RasPi 3 is running as an ARMv7 and not ARMv8.18:21
ali1234ogra_: did you get the writable partition resize thing fixed?19:05
ali1234also someone got a 64 bit kernel to boot on the pi 3. but no communication between the videocore and arm19:06
ogra_ali1234, the GPT resizing is fixed since a while in the cdimage snaps19:16
ali1234it only has 15.04?19:17
ali1234oh, you renamed it again?19:18
ogra_has kernel and os snaps (i'm working on auto-upload to the store atm)19:18
ali1234i can't keep up with all this19:18
ogra_renamd ?19:18
* ogra_ didnt rename anything19:18
ali1234what is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-snappy/19:18
ogra_officially released img files19:19
ali1234what is ubuntu-core then?19:19
ogra_the prodcut19:19
ali1234what is the difference?19:19
ogra_no difference19:19
ogra_different stages of the build19:19
ogra_in 15.04 we used to use a system-image server that pulled the tarballs from cdimage daily builds19:20
ogra_in 16.04 everything was switched to be snaps from the store (withou system-image server)19:20
ogra_so the interim step switched from tarball to snap19:20
ali1234has it ever occurred to you that all of this might be so complicated that hardly anyone will be able to understand it?19:20
ali1234and that this might hamper adoption?19:20
ogra_why would anyone need to understand it19:20
ali1234if i didn't need to understand the software i am running i would just use microcoft19:21
ogra_you will use ubuntu-device-flash to build an image (and later ubuntu-image)19:21
ogra_or you download a per-made image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-snappy/19:21
ogra_nothing has changed there19:21
ogra_(just the backend process has)19:21
ali1234let's say i have to do disaster recovery on a snappy drive19:21
ali1234where do i even look for "the files"?19:22
ali1234stuff like this19:22
ali1234that's just a hypothetical question19:22
ogra_in /writable19:22
sergiusensthat should be the front facing website, not cdimage though19:22
ogra_nothing changed there19:22
ogra_sergiusens, well, the downloads will come from cdimage19:22
ali1234 /writable isnt mounted, the disk is dead19:22
sergiusensand if you want the 'os' you'd probably go to the vendor's website19:22
sergiusensogra_, only under dev; we also plan to put these under releases.ubuntu.com19:23
ogra_well ... s/"os"/"img"/19:23
sergiusenswell infinity does19:23
sergiusensyeah img19:23
ogra_crazy canadians :)19:23
ogra_but yeah, might be under release.u.c19:23
* sergiusens continues to fight python mocking19:23
ogra_in ayn case fro the enduser nothing really changed19:24
ogra_you either use u-d-f or dd a downloaded img file19:24
ogra_for the developer it is interesting to doownload the artefacts from cdimage to get the latest stuff atm though19:24
ogra_in case you want to try something thats not in the released img files yet19:25
ogra_which is why i pointed ali1234 there19:25
ogra_(like the fixed GT resizing)19:25
ogra_(though on the rpi that doesnt kick in anyway, since it uses an msdos table ... and that has not been broken to my knowledge)19:26
ogra_huh ? huh ?19:28
ali1234so why doesn't /writable get resized on rpi?19:28
ogra_i havent heard of it not being resized ... nobody filed a bug19:28
ali1234two days ago you said you were fixing it19:28
ogra_(and i have personally not touched rpi in a while ... only tired the pi3 for a quick test)19:29
ogra_ali1234, hmm, not on the pi though ... the GPT resizing on dragonboards is known to be broken ... thats what i fixed ... (about aa week ago thouh)19:29
ogra_(well, GPT on dragonboard and amd64 in fact)19:30
ogra_ali1234, soory, that might have been some miscommunication ...19:30
ali1234it's broken on the pi19:31
ali1234with the all-snaps image19:31
ogra_i'll check that on monday then ... shouldnt be broken ... the code hasnt changed in ages19:31
ogra_(it simply calls parted resizepart ... pretty dumb code)19:31
ali1234i'll test it again just to make sure19:39
ali1234then i'll try building my own image with ubuntu-device-flash and test that19:41
ali1234ogra_: confirmed that http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/rpi2-all-snap.img.xz does not resize /writable. i built an image with ubuntu-device-flash and make-rpi2-all-snap.sh and it does not boot at all.20:15

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