
pavlushka-Hello every one!12:59
pavlushka-Ekushey, o/13:00
pavlushka-Kilos, o/13:00
pavlushka-Trying to use the bot,! Info avidemux13:04
pavlushka-!info avidemux13:05
lubotu2avidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - GTK version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.5.4-0ubuntu14 (vivid), package size 613 kB, installed size 1969 kB13:05
pavlushka-!info morse code13:06
lubotu2'code' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed13:06
pavlushka-!info morsecode13:07
lubotu2Package morsecode does not exist in vivid13:07
pavlushka-!Info lubotu213:09
pavlushka-!info lubotu213:10
lubotu2Package lubotu2 does not exist in vivid13:10
pavlushka-lubotu2,  help13:11
lubotu2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:11
lubotu2Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:13
lubotu2If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:14
pavlushka-lubotu2 define morse code13:31
lubotu2pavlushka-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:31
pavlushkaHi every one!14:05
pavlushkaEkushey, o/14:05
pavlushkawow, bdbot, yeah.15:03
pavlushkaits bdBot, yeah.15:03
pavlushkathanks, Ekushey15:06
pavlushkahey, I am joining in a FOSS awareness, what do you think?15:07
EkusheyMozilla event?15:08
pavlushkahey, I am joining in a FOSS awareness, what do you think? Ekushey.15:08
pavlushkaFOSS BD movement.15:08
EkusheyGood luck15:09
pavlushkathanks, but Why LOL, tellme so that I can also LOL.15:09
EkusheyYou don't have to know :)15:09
EkusheyDo what you feel is right for you.15:10
Ekushey!ping tanjir15:12
pavlushkaok, I will15:13
pavlushkaand thanks for the bot.15:14
pavlushkagotta run, will be back soon. 15:20
tanjirping Ekushey 15:31
tanjiryou are travelling?15:31
EkusheyNow in Dhaka tanjir :D16:10
pavlushkaHello tanjir!16:14
pavlushkaheya, Kilos , o/16:22
Kiloshi pavlushka 16:22
pavlushkaHi tanjir, dont you talk to strangers?16:22
belkinsao/ all16:23
* belkinsa spoke because Kilos spoke16:23
Kiloshi belkinsa 16:23
pavlushkabelkinsa, \o/16:23
belkinsapavlushka, looks like you are slowly getting accepted by the LoCo.16:24
pavlushkabelkinsa, yeah, think so16:25
* belkinsa HUGS pavlushka16:25
belkinsaAnd thank you, Ekushey, for allowing him to be in your LoCo.16:25
Kilosalways be friendly with everyone16:25
Kilosoh belkinsa im still struggling with spreadubuntu16:26
Kilosif you see flannel on channel ask him to approve us please16:26
belkinsaWhich channel to look for?16:26
Kilosi have even tweeter ruben with no reply16:27
* pavlushka HUGS belkinsa 16:28
belkinsaKilos, I whois flannel and pinged him.16:28
* Kilos HUGS belkinsa16:30
* pavlushka HUGS Kilos16:30
* belkinsa HUGS Kilos16:30
* belkinsa almost said mugs16:30
Kilosif you get to chat to him ask him if everything is still working there please16:30
belkinsaI will.16:30
Kilosand if they have all given up with it maybe we should find new peeps to take over16:31
* belkinsa nods16:31
Kilospavlushka has added lots of work on poor little me16:31
pavlushkaKilos, really, I didn't know that!!!16:32
Kilosoh belkinsa india next, how does the=at sound to you16:33
pavlushkaKilos, but thanks if you do.16:33
Kilosbelkinsa if flannel responds and im online can we use you number 2 channel16:34
Kilosthen we together16:35
belkinsaYeah, I was thinking that same thought.16:35
pavlushkabelkinsa, I washed my hand to eat as we do in the subcontinent but started typing with the wet hand seeing you.16:41
pavlushkaand now I am off to eat, in front of the monitor.16:42
Kiloseat slow16:43
Kilosrushing food is unhealthy16:43
* pavlushka I eat slower than others. So one might complain the opposite16:46
Kilosslower is better as long as the slower is chewing time16:46
Kiloswhen you eat beatroot every chew makes your body produce nitric oxide16:47
pavlushkaSo, you have some, coz I have finished my meal and its good to have some sweet after meal.17:06
pavlushkalike dessert!!17:07
Kilosdo you eat beetroot17:09
Kilosonly food that can produce nitric oxide when chewed lots17:10
pavlushkaI have eaten beet, its red,17:10
pavlushkabut not beetroot, it looks white I guess.17:14
Kilosyes the red one17:38
pavlushkaok, then i've eaten beetroot, it tastes like a bit grassy too17:43
Kilosno when fresh and boiled they are very tasty17:44
pavlushkaok, I'll try that way17:45
KilosEkushey how strict are you guys on off topic chats17:46
Kilosive been spoiled on the za channel17:47
pavlushkalol, rolling on the ground.17:47
Kiloswe are all friends so family, farming mechanics and everything else is allowed unless there is someone that needs assistance17:47
Kilosyeah you have seen pavlushka 17:48
Kiloswhat a great channel17:48
pavlushkayeah, I've seen it but didn't expected that you would mention it like that.17:49
pavlushkathat you have spoiled za channel, lol17:50
Kilosnono its a wonderful friendly channel17:56
Kiloswhen everyone is friends then working together is a pleasure17:56
pavlushkanight guys, see ya19:33

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