
dsmythiestsimonq2: Yes, I am here. Note: I am not normally here.01:55
tsimonq2dsmythies: hello :)01:55
dsmythiesWe appreciate your help.01:55
tsimonq2I'm glad to lend a hand. :)01:56
dsmythiestsimonq2: I did my push of the serverguide, if you want to to pull to start from there.01:56
tsimonq2I'm working on a merge proposal now to replace apt-get with apt. :)01:57
tsimonq2okay, I'll check it out quick01:57
dsmythiestsimonq2: I am only aware of Ted Cox doing other edits, which might lead to conflict.01:57
tsimonq2dsmythies: it's a little sad we don't have more MPs :)01:58
dsmythiestismonq2: It is very sad indeed. Myself, for this cycle, I lost an enormous amount of time attempting to get a working 16.04 server.01:59
tsimonq2dsmythies: By the way, tab autocompletion is a thing. :)02:00
tsimonq2(in IRC)02:01
dsmythiestsimonq2: Oh, very cool. I am not very IRC savy.02:01
tsimonq2dsmythies: we all start somewhere :)02:02
knomedsmythies, or typing-savvy ;)02:02
tsimonq2dsmythies: would it be a good idea to link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation/UbuntuServerGuide or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation on https://launchpad.net/serverguide ?02:02
tsimonq2because I think it is a good idea02:03
dsmythiesknome: I am an engineer, and can not spell. I stump spell checkers on a daily basis.02:04
knomedsmythies, no worries, i'm just kidding. :)02:04
dsmythiestsimonq2: Yes, that is proably a good idea.02:04
tsimonq2dsmythies: well, like, "To contribute to the Server guide, visit LINK"02:05
tsimonq2dsmythies: https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/serverguide/apt-get-to-apt/+merge/28955202:06
dsmythiestsimonq2: I'll look right away. I emailed Ted, that there might be changes to the file he is working on. There were many changes by me yesterday also.02:09
tsimonq2alright :)02:10
knometime to go to bed02:12
knomenight! :)02:12
tsimonq2have a good night knome :)02:13
dsmythiesknome: good night.02:13
dsmythiestsimonq2: I do not see a "-y" option in the man pages for apt. However I do for apt-get. Reference line 938 of your MP.02:15
tsimonq2dsmythies: this enough proof? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15421445/ :)02:17
tsimonq2dsmythies: itm ight not be in the man page02:17
tsimonq2*it might02:17
tsimonq2I'll double check and submit a pull request for their man pages if it's a problem :)02:18
dsmythiestsimonq2: O.K. looks good. I'll merge into mine, do a check build (takes considerable time), then push.02:19
dsmythiesOh, it is at rev 269, I expected 260.02:19
dsmythiesI mean 27002:20
tsimonq2dsmythies: do you have a beefy computer or not? if not, merge into your branch, link me and get me instructions, I have a 6 core AMD processor with 16 GB of RAM. :)02:20
dsmythiestsimonq2: My server is beefy enough, and older i7 (4 core, 8 CPU) and 16GB. Build is largely single threaded and I build all 60 plus languages.02:22
tsimonq2oh nice, okay :)02:22
tsimonq2you 2up me on CPU cores :D02:23
dsmythiestsimonq2: It is also running some busy VM's at the moment.02:23
tsimonq2ahh okay02:24
tsimonq2well if you need my machine's help, I'm here :)02:24
dsmythiestsimonq2: I'll be out of time soon, as I have to make dinner for my wife and daugther. They are at workout at the moment, so we eat late on Friday night.02:25
tsimonq2alright :)02:26
tsimonq2dsmythies: what's your time zone?02:26
dsmythiestsimonq2: Pacific (Vancouver Canada) 19:29 now.02:29
dsmythiestsimonq2: How about yourself?02:30
tsimonq2Central time :)02:30
tsimonq2dsmythies: whoops lol replied twice to the MP :)02:31
dsmythiestsimonq2: Still building...02:39
tsimonq2alright :)02:40
dsmythiestsimonq2: Merged. Thanks.02:52
tsimonq2cool, thanks dsmythies :)02:52
* dsmythies off to make dinner.02:52
tsimonq2okay, thanks again dsmythies, bye! :)02:53
kmphSince I cannot edit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ParentalControls even after creating an account just for this purpose and logging in17:48
kmphWhere can I request an edit to be made?17:48
kmphThe issue is that you suggest Firefox addons for parental control17:49
kmphAnd I found at least one of them to be easily bypassable by anyone who has at least rudimentary technical knowledge or simply some wits17:51
kmphAlso the very idea to enforce parental control via browser add-ons seems unsound17:51
kmphIf you recommend this way to do parental control please put a notice that this is not a very secure way17:53
dsmythieskmph: Is that you that emailed the doc-team list just now? If yes, that was the correct thing to do. The site is locked down due to spam. I think the admins would like your exact suggested edits, I'll try to find a reference e-mail, but can not look at this moment.18:26
kmphdsmythies: Yes, I mailed the doc-team list. Not sure what you mean by “a reference e-mail”?18:33
dsmythieskmph: I mean this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2016-February/019691.html18:41
kmphah, thanks. Just a sec.18:42

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