
Bashing-omradxxx: Next is to see if that 361 (preferred ) version came for our trusted PPA . show in a pastebin site ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' .00:00
Bashing-omradxxx: Yepper ! " # deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu wily main " . put this PPA back inservice . You on a GUI system ? Then in 'software soueces' re-enable the PPA . and we continue .00:05
EriC^^Bashing-om: tail -v, nice command!+100:06
Bashing-omEriC^^: Yeah ... I must say, one of my favorites . cuts quick to the bone .00:07
EriC^^yeah very handy00:07
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radxxxyep in gui..one sec00:08
Bashing-omradxxx: Run: ' sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia* ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install nvidia-361 ' .00:10
sharkmani just installed ubunutu.  and i did sudo apt-get update, and it says "failed to fetch" for various URLs, what should i do?00:11
TragicM3LONsharkman check ping00:12
TragicM3LONsee if it's getting out00:12
Guest63466hi. have a very large file apparently. it's zipped .csv. the zipinfo -l is not giving accurate file sizes as each time i unzip it fills the disk... on a virtaul box. any way to calculate the disksize i need?00:12
Bashing-omradxxx: Reboot and let's see if effect .00:12
radxxxdo I need to select the 361 driver first before reboot?00:12
Bashing-omsharkman: What release did you install ?00:12
sharkmanthanks tragicm3L0n00:13
sharkmanwhen i installed it, it prompted me for my internet password so i assumed it would be connected now00:13
Bashing-omradxxx: Nope not unless this is a hybrid graphics system .00:15
sharkmanfrom a security standpoint, how important is it for me to do apt-get update, apt-get upgrade? i just installed the standard ubuntu 14.04 from their website00:15
radxxxok. reboot now. bbs00:15
Bashing-omsharkman: We;; .. security fixes are somtimes within minutes of discovery ... I update each and every time I boot up .. YMMV .00:16
sharkmanhow can security updates be within minutes? dont you need time to make sure the fix itself is safe and reviewed by others?00:18
Bashing-omsharkman: Great security team for ubuntu !00:18
sharkmanbashing-om, how many people review changes before they get put online? is there a policy on that?00:18
Bashing-omsharkman: Ouch  .. now we are in an area I can not say .00:19
kdm12sharkman, You should update. Don't be afraid of updating, unlike the case in some other operating systems.00:21
sharkmani was thinking of putting some bitcoins on a computer.  and then what happens if i leave it offline for a few months00:21
VillageHello Guys, i want install phpsysinfo on my DS Ubuntu 14.04, maybe someone can help me?00:24
kdm12sharkman: Have you read the bitcoin guides for creating an offline wallet? You might want to.00:24
sharkmanyes kdm12, i have, offline wallets are too complicated for me so im just doing the best i can00:24
sharkmankdm12, it sounds like the takeaway from this is that whenever i put this computer online, i should update and upgrade as a first step00:25
sharkmanbefore opening my wallet00:25
kdm12sharkman: I can't comment on that. But in general I recommend keeping Ubuntu home systems updated.00:25
Bashing-omVillage: There is an issue with ' sudo apt install phpsysinfo ' ??00:26
VillageBashing-om, sudo apt-get* install phpsysinfo?00:26
VillageI don't try ectually, and you know Bashing-om, how it configure?00:27
kdm12Is anyone here running a dual boot with full disk encryption? I'd like to know how reliable it is/if it works before I spend time trying to set it up?00:27
Bashing-omVillage:  Either will do; 'apt' is the new 'apt-get' ; has some added features and such .00:27
Bashing-omVillage: Nope, no experience with that configuration .00:28
VillageBashing-om, but i i type apt-get it's install new, same?00:28
Bashing-omVillage: Yepp .. will still work .00:29
VillageSo i need help with configuration00:29
VillageBashing-om, ok, thanks00:29
Bashing-omVillage: After the install, I expect there will be a doc file also installed .00:29
PiciVillage: I'd take a look at /etc/phpsysinfo/config.php00:30
GoClickWould there be anything terribly detremental to uninstalling any package which isn’t on the dependnacy tree for the only program I want to run on a server?00:31
VillageBashing-om, can be not easy understand how need configure from doc00:31
VillagePici, you have that file or want that i show you?00:33
PiciVillage: Thats for you to look at. I don't know how to use it myself.00:33
VillageHm, can be understand not easy, i'm not prof00:34
fixaderI don't mean to interrupt anything (maybe I am in the wrong place). I am an Ubuntu newbie trying to install WINE on the Ubuntu Studio distro. Could anyone help me? You can DM me if you don't want to clutter the main page.00:34
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Bashing-omfixader: You are at the coorect place ( and time ) To install ' sudo apt install wine ' .00:36
fixader@bashing-om: I am sooo new lol. I just installed Ubuntu Studio today. So I am not sure where to go to download/install WINE. I tried the Software Centre but it kept failing.00:37
munzalitry  ' sudo apt-get install wine'  on the command line00:38
fixaderSo what's happening is, when I try that on the command line, it asks for my password, but whenever I try to type my password, nothing happens. Like none of the password inputs.00:39
Bashing-omfixader: Hey, We were all new at one time . Not to know is not a sin .. Ys know how activate a terminal ( at the desktop key combo ctl+alt+t ) ? and we make sure the system is stable .00:39
fixaderThanks Bashing. How do I make sure the system is stable?00:40
Bashing-omfixader: That is a security measure . theer will be no response to the screen when the pass word is entered . Enter pass word blindly and hit the enter key :)00:40
munzalilol yeah, Linux usually doesn't display passwords. just type it and hit enter00:40
fixaderOh okay thanks! :)00:41
fixaderOkay so it accepted that, but then it said "E: Unable to locate package win"00:41
fixaderSo I type wine?00:42
Bashing-omfixader: Ready at a terminal and we run a couple of commands to see the package management status .00:42
adrian_1908If your error reads "win", I assume you typed win instead of wine?00:42
fixaderOh yes! My bad, thanks adrian00:43
Bashing-omfixader: " Filename: pool/universe/w/wine1.6/wine_1.6.2-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb " from my 14.04 repository .00:43
fixaderIt's tell me I have unmet dependencies, which is wine1.600:44
fixaderOh, okay, so I use that code where @bashing?00:44
adrian_1908fixader: by the way, if you're new to Ubuntu and need a decent image editing software, I recommend Krita (krita.org). Gimp makes for a rather underwhelming experience in my book.00:46
fixaderOk, thanks adrian! :)00:47
Bashing-omfixader: Nope .. that last was to show you that wine1.6 is available . You should have no problem . Next up is to find out what the package manager is unhappy about . For that ypu will learn/use a pastebin site . patience grasshopper .00:47
Bashing-om!pastbinit | fixader00:47
Bashing-om!pastebinit | fixader00:47
ubottufixader: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com00:47
fixaderWow, so much to learn! :)00:48
fixaderI guess this is the price I have to pay when I swear off Windows lol00:48
adrian_1908Yes, it's a lot in the first few days, but as with moving to a new apartment, it quickly becomes more familiar.00:49
fixaderThat makes sense.00:50
fixaderSo, it says I have a broken package. Should I try re-downloading WINE?00:50
Bashing-omfixader: You are getting the crash course . Progress will be rapid .00:51
adrian_1908Maybe Bashing-om can help you there better, but if he keeps silent I'll chime in :P00:52
Bashing-omfoxxtrot: Nope the purpose of pastebin is so we can see what you see for the erorrs . Now in terminal do ' sudo apt install pastebinit ' . and next we run the commnads so we "see" .00:52
fixaderOk, thanks!00:52
fixaderOkay, just did it.00:53
Bashing-omfixader: K; now we do ' sudo apt update | pastebinit ' . The result is a URL back in your terminal, pass that link back here and we have a look .00:54
fixaderOK, one sec00:55
fixaderThere ya go sir!00:55
Bashing-omfixader: Look'n .00:56
Delta706I am thinking about using hdparm to flush writes. How do I determine if my drive supports this?00:57
Bashing-omfixader: Wow sure short . .. next is the biggy ' sudo apt -y upgrade | pastebinit ' .00:58
fixaderOkay I will put that in00:59
fixaderbashing-om: Here ya go http://paste.ubuntu.com/15420811/01:00
Bashing-omfixader: Look'n .01:00
JuliusCaesarBRWhat is the best java IDE?01:02
kdm12JuliusCaesarBR: Best is kind of relative - however I like jetbrains intelliJ. it's easyt o use, has nice features and unlike eclipse, it is stable01:04
kdm12JuliusCaesarBR: You may be in the wrong channel! :-)01:04
JuliusCaesarBRI installed Eclipse IDE on the ubuntu, horribe.01:05
Bashing-omfixader: Well, that says thus far the package manager is in a happy state .. so now, what is the state of wine ? show us ' apt-cache policy wine ' .01:05
fixaderK on sec @bashing01:05
fixaderThis is what I got: wine:01:06
fixader  Installed: (none)01:06
fixader  Candidate: 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu401:06
fixader  Version table:01:06
fixader     1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 001:06
fixader        500 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd6401:06
Bashing-om!paste | fixader01:09
ubottufixader: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:09
fixaderBashing-om: I need to paste you another link?01:11
fixaderhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15420811/ Not sure if this is the right one http://paste.ubuntu.com/15420811/01:11
Bashing-omfixader: Yeah, maybe - Trying to come up with a user friendly way . In your GUI "software sources " is the 'universe' repository enabled ?01:13
fixaderLol, where do I found software sources?01:14
fixaderFound software sources! One sec01:14
fixaderbashing-om: Yes it is enabled01:16
Bashing-omfixader: Greatest reason we use a lot of terminal commands, is because we all do not run the same GUI -> the terminal is the same across all distros and releases of linux !01:17
fixaderThat makes sense01:17
fixaderI just noticed it is set to download from the Canadian server (I'm Canadian) should I switch it to main?01:17
Bashing-omfixader: K, then wine should install .. show in a pastebin ' sudo apt install wine ' . let's see what the package manager complains about .01:18
Bashing-omfixader: Nope .. Canaduan will be better for you .01:19
fixaderBashing-om: Okay. It didn't give me a pastebin link this time, how do I get one again?01:19
xaomywhere can i learn c++ on irc please?01:20
Bashing-omfixader: Copy and paste is this contexxt is best .01:20
fixaderThis is the what I got: wine : Depends: wine1.6 but it is not going to be installed01:21
fixaderE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.01:21
Delta706xaomy: have you considered http://www.learncpp.com/01:21
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k1l_xaomy: try in #coding or ask alis: "/msg alis list"01:22
xaomyDelta706, thank you <301:22
adrian_1908xaomy: I concur with Delta; learncpp.com is a great resource, highly recommended.01:23
Bashing-omfixader: Need to see that full output ... copy and paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com .01:23
xaomythank adrian_190801:23
kdm12xaomy: The largest channel for c++ on freenode is ##c++01:23
adrian_1908kdm12: but all C++ channel are cocky towards beginners, not a good idea.01:24
xaomyok perfect thank you all.... do you have a facebook group or page?01:24
fixaderBashing-om: here ya go http://paste.ubuntu.com/15421013/01:24
Bashing-omfixader: :)01:24
kdm12adrian_1908: I always used to say the best thing about C++ is that before you talk about C++ you have to have an argument about which parts of it are safe and/or modern.01:26
Bashing-omfixader: Try : ' sudp apt install wine1.6 ' . See what happens ./. maybe have to purge wine to install wine1.6 .01:27
Bashing-omfixader: sudo **01:28
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fixader@Bashing-om: Same thing, so should I try purging it? How do I do that?01:29
Bashing-omfixader: Yeah, let's do ' sudo apt-get remove wine ' then do " sudo apt install wine1.6 . If ya do informational command ' apt-cache show wine1.6 ' we get a hint of what is taking place with wine .01:33
Delta706The last time I had bad package problems, it was due to using PPAs. I have since removed all PPA software01:33
fixaderBashing-om: It says it's not installed, so it won't remove it01:34
adrian_1908Bashing-om: Isn't `sudo apt-get purge name` more thorough?01:34
Delta706we need the error message from sudo apt-get install wine1.601:35
fixaderOk I will try that01:35
fixaderOkay this is the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/15421126/01:36
Bashing-omadrian_1908: Yes: in that purge also removes config files .. but as we will re-install I was not all that concerned with config files .01:37
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k1l_is this from a ppa?01:38
minasotaI don't completely understand how packages work in Ubuntu. I'm using 14.04 and apt-cache show weechat is 0.4.2-3. The latest stable is 1.4-1. Is it safe to use the old version from the repo?01:39
Bashing-omk1l_: Great thought, In my defense I did not think a new user ( 3 days ) would be aware of a PPA ???01:41
k1l_minasota: ubuntu doesnt update the version of a package to a new release version. if there are security or heavy bug fixes, then the are applied to the "old" version (patched) and that is shipped in the repos01:41
meskesk1l_ It's called a backport01:41
k1l_minasota: what version do you want to use now?01:42
fixaderBashing-OM: What is a PPA?01:42
Bashing-omfixader: Look'n still .. what returns ' dpkg --list | grep wine ' ?01:42
Bashing-om!ppa | fix01:42
ubottufix: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:42
k1l_fixader: can you show a "apt-cache policy wine1.6 wine1.6-amd64" in a pastebin?01:42
fixaderBashing-om: That command shows up with nothing but a new blank command line after :/01:43
fixaderone sec I will get that for you kil01:43
minasotak1l_: I'm ok with 0.4.2-3. I was just curious why the version offered is dated. But I understand now. Thank you01:43
SatanuxHi everyone!01:44
k1l_minasota: its the state of april 2014. that is when 14.04 was released.01:44
kdm12Am I dreaming or is apt significantly faster than apt-get?01:45
k1l_!info weechat xenial01:45
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4-2 (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 60 kB01:45
k1l_minasota: this version will be in the 16.04 that is in development right now ^01:45
fixaderkil_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15421197/ here ya go01:45
k1l_kdm12: at least it got a progressbar \o/01:46
th34lch3m1sthi, what is it this x-nautilus-desktop bookmark icon (folder with ethernet symbol on it) appeared today in my nautilus?01:46
k1l_fixader: ok, no PPA. so please do a "sudo apt install wine1.6-amd64" and lets see why it doesnt want to install that01:46
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fixaderkil_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15421223/ here ya go01:48
k1l_fixader: ok, we need to find the end of that line of issues: "sudo apt-get install libosmesa6"01:49
k1l_fixader: and this: "sudo apt-get install wine1.6:any"01:49
minasotaThanks k1l_01:49
fixaderkil_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15421244/ still getting that "have held broken packages"01:51
k1l_fixader: hmm, that is a circle :)   please try "sudo apt-get -f install"01:52
ian__just set up ubuntu mate on my new pi 3, anyone know how to get wine running so i can play elderscrolls morrowind01:53
fixader Lol same thing happened01:54
fixaderkil_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15421291/01:54
th34lch3m1stwhat's this x-nautilus-desktop in my nautilus bookmarks?01:56
k1l_fixader: you ran a "sudo apt update" recently?01:56
k1l_fixader: what is "uname -a"?01:56
fixaderJust tried it actuallt01:56
fixaderYou want me to type uname -a in the command line?01:57
_cbcd /#appengine01:57
Bashing-omk1l_: fixader Not making a lot of sense yet / What about ' sudo dpkg -C ' . where we are asking for an audit .01:57
k1l__cb: use "/join #channel"01:57
fixaderkil_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15421321/ this is the uname -a01:58
k1l_fixader: sudo apt-get install wine --fix-missing01:58
fixaderkil_ same thing, broken packages01:59
k1l_fixader: can you show?01:59
k1l_if this is not working i suspect an issue with the hwe.02:00
fixaderkil_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15421342/02:00
fixaderSorry I dissapeared02:01
fixaderWhat is the hwe?02:01
k1l_fixader: what is "dpkg --print-architecture"  and "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures"02:03
fixaderamd64 is all that came up for the first one02:03
k1l_and the second one any outpu?02:04
fixaderI keep typing it wrong and it gives me errors lol. I can't spell02:05
k1l_ok. that is ok02:06
m000gleIs there any way to lock the screen in Ubuntu 15.10, without the Unity Greeter causing the screensaver to activate and the displays to sleep?02:09
Bashing-omk1l_: How bout ' sudo apt install wine1.6-i386 ' see what results ??02:10
m000gleEven with power settings set to never sleep or turn off display, and with caffeine running/activated which should also inhibit this, the Unity Greeter seems to simply ignore the setting.02:10
k1l_Bashing-om: why not02:10
Bashing-omfixader: ^^ .. This has got us wondering what is going on; try the above .02:11
fixaderWill do!02:11
Bashing-omfixader: It is regretfull that you as a new user has to encounter such a situation .02:12
fixaderOh dear, held broken packages again. What does that mean by the way? Haha02:12
fixaderThanks Bashing-m :) You guys have all been so helpful, don't worry, I know this could happen to anyone I am sure. I won't swear off the platform this easily ;)02:13
Bashing-omfixader: Beats me what is going on .. on the wine1.6-i386 attempt .. amy new info ?02:14
fixaderhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15421436/ just this02:14
fixaderI am guessing there isn't such thing as a setup wizard through the GUI eh?02:15
k1l_aha, at least more issues02:15
Bashing-omk1l_: fixader Ouch ^^.. is this not supposed to happen with multi-arch ??02:16
fixaderDo you think I might have an unstable distro release?02:18
fixaderI am using Ubuntu Studio (as opposed to the regular Ubuntu)02:18
k1l_fixader: "sudo apt install libglu1-mesa"02:19
fixaderIs there an alternative to WINE I could try?02:19
Bashing-omfixader: Highly not likely to be unstable release .02:20
fixaderIt says I already have the latest version of libglu1-mesa02:20
fixaderSo much I don't understand yet haha02:20
k1l_fixader: sudo apt install xserver-xorg-core02:20
fixaderUm, okay I just did that one kil_ not sure what I just did actually haha02:22
k1l_fixader: then show the output02:22
fixaderkil_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15421482/02:23
luistvdHi everyone02:24
k1l_fixader: sudo apt-get install wine1.602:24
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fixaderkil_: lol, guess what happened02:25
fixaderSame thing again. Broken packages etc02:25
k1l_100% the same messages?02:26
k1l_fixader: details matter a lot here.02:26
fixaderI will give you a paste02:27
bravescharmI have a Taipan mouse.  when using Ubuntu I can't use the side buttons....is there a way around this?02:27
k1l_its 3:27 am here already. i am about to leave soon.02:27
bravescharmor a way to fix it rather02:27
fixaderkil_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15421509/02:29
fixaderOkay, no worries. Thanks for all your help kil_!02:29
kdm12bravescharm: Do you have razercfg?02:30
k1l_fixader: ok, lets undo the last change:02:30
k1l_fixader: "sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-wily xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily ubuntustudio-desktop xorg"02:31
kdm12bravescharm: If not, here it is. it's the razer config tool for linux. http://bues.ch/cms/hacking/razercfg.html02:31
fixaderNo dice so far :(02:32
k1l_i suspect the lts wily xorg stuff to be an issue here. but i cant find out what exacty. i suggest you file a bug with "ubuntu-bug wine"   and let the wine maintainer clear up that mess they made with that packages.02:32
bravescharmno, don't have razercfg02:33
bravescharmthanks, i'll check it out02:33
k1l_fixader: please show the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"02:33
k1l_fixader: ok. go to systemsettings -> software and updates. then check the trusty-updates repo02:36
fixaderIf I am in the right place, they are all deselected02:37
fixaderOkay, I just selected it on now02:38
k1l_at least -security and -updates need to be selected02:38
fixaderOk, should I try the install again?02:39
k1l_wait. first "sudo apt update"02:40
k1l_then "sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-wily xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily ubuntustudio-desktop xorg"02:40
Bashing-omfixader: Update 1st .02:40
k1l_to undo the latest changes.02:40
k1l_then we try wine again after all that is done02:40
fixaderok I did both of those02:40
fixaderMy software updater is running too.02:41
k1l_fixader: :X02:41
fixaderNot sure exactly what it is updating?02:41
k1l_dont run both02:41
fixaderOh sorry... um02:41
k1l_fixader: _very_ important. you can only run one instance of tha package system.02:41
fixaderOkay, so... I should exit the software updater?02:42
k1l_and you need to report exactly if the last task has gone with success or any output.02:42
k1l_i am guiding a brain surgery through irc here, and i only see what you tell me.02:42
fixaderHaha got ya02:42
fixaderokay I am lost now. Should I do sudo update?02:44
k1l_what is running right now?02:44
fixaderyou mean command lines? Nothing02:45
k1l_any updater?02:45
k1l_if not. then "sudo apt update"02:46
fixaderNo, I shut it down02:46
auvajshi, I need to log in as "mysql" user, I do su mysql - as a root but nothing happens, I'm staying root.. what's wrong?02:46
fixaderkil_: Wow, I got like 14,000 lines in the terminal after doing that. Now it wants a new line. Should I try get wine now?02:47
k1l_fixader: i dont know what you saw02:47
k1l_and i dont know what its asking you02:47
fixaderI will copy it, but it's literally 100s of lines02:47
k1l_ok. now "sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-wily xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily ubuntustudio-desktop xorg"02:49
fixaderIn process02:49
fixaderI feel like a dummy for having updates off...02:50
fixaderI should have told you guys that I had it off sooner.02:50
fixaderI am holding you up kil_? I know you said it's late. I don't want to keep you awake.02:52
fixaderkil_: Okay that's done. You want a paste, or do you know what I should do next?02:53
k1l_ok, now  "sudo apt install wine"02:53
fixaderkil_: in process02:55
k1l_so it installs stuff?02:55
fixaderSo far it looks like it :)\02:56
k1l_ok. so the missing security and updates packages were the issue. since the repos were pointing at them but your system couldnt  find them and solve that depencies.02:56
fixaderRight, makes sense02:57
fixaderSo in theory, I should be good? The real test is when it finishes haha02:57
k1l_ok, leaving now. bb :)02:57
fixaderThanks so much though man! You have been a life saver02:57
fixaderLooks like Wine installed! Now I just have to figure out to use it haha03:11
Bashing-om!yah | fixader03:14
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bobby_hi, how can I install a .jar file that has been blocked because it 'sin't trusted from the source site' ?03:41
radxxxBashing-om..still here?03:47
Bashing-omradxxx: k,03:47
radxxx*sigh* wasn't ubuntu. my gtx970 died03:47
radxxxput an old card in, working ok now03:48
Bashing-omradxxx: Happens . .. my card also on it's last leg ... the fan is scremming .03:48
radxxxwas only 7 month out. paid 500 for that bloody thing. warranty fortunately03:49
Bashing-omradxxx: 970 is a recent card . warrenty ?03:49
radxxxyes thankgod03:49
radxxxsorry to have waisted your time. Just happened straight after that system update03:50
Bashing-omradxxx: THAT is a bunch of money, reason for high concern when it does not function .03:50
radxxxthats why I never expected it to be dead. Vid cards should last a lot longer than that03:51
Bashing-omradxxx: Not a real waste of time ... all in the process to know the fault ... Me presently with hard drive issue - my back up drive -, hope my drive is not dead .03:52
bobby_hi, how can I install a .jar file that has been blocked because it 'sin't trusted from the source site' ?03:53
radxxxarg hate it when that happens. Thats why I got a 4bay nas. One drive fails, just pull it out an put new one in, problem solved.03:53
Bashing-omradxxx: A thought, power supply able to handle it ? Best I recall the 970 has a pretty high draw .03:54
radxxxyeah it worked fine for the time I had it. Checked the PS with a powersupply tester, all ok03:54
radxxxGTA V max setting ,running great. Might get some withdrawls waiting for the new card :P03:56
Bashing-omradxxx: :p - :p03:58
radxxxanyways..Im off.. thnx again :)03:58
haasn(You can spend any amount of money you want on GPUs, they will still be terrible)03:59
RJ45I am having problems getting the 950M in my laptop to work properly for games, I was trying everything I could for hours on end to fix a blank screen issue, I'm now having success with Xubuntu 16.04.beta with Nvidia-361 drivers (I can actually get to the desktop now), but now I have a whole other problem, Steam throws-up "OpenGL GLX Extention not supported on this display", what can I do?04:02
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Emperor_Earth_Jordan_U: Okay. Please mention me when you can get to it!04:08
Emperor_Earth_I'm still not sure what is wrong with the iso's that I'm building with Windows + ImgBurn. I think it's something to do with the load segments?04:08
[GH0ST]Hello, how can I dual-boot with Windows in UEFI?04:15
Bashing-om!dualboot | [GH0ST]04:16
ubottu[GH0ST]: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:16
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:17
[GH0ST]I don't have the option to disable secure boot.04:19
Bashing-om[GH0ST]: Some machines need to set a firmware password .04:21
[GH0ST]You think that might work?04:21
NoCodeIs there any easy way to get cmus 2.7 in wily?04:22
Bashing-om[GH0ST]: maybe, I do not recall the ones that have to have the password set to access set up options .04:22
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NotYouTuneed some help with an install on laptop04:56
NotYouTuUEFI and I are not getting along04:56
NotYouTuI want my laptop setup the way I've always had it, /boot on usb.  I created an efi partition on the usb (we'll call it /dev/sdb1) and one for /boot (/dev/sdb2)... but after install it just says no OS found04:58
nuccunSo I installed Ubuntu on a flash drive (actual install, not Live system), and now I can't boot my laptop into Windows 10 without it :D05:11
nuccunplace is like a revolving door05:16
TJ-nuccun: sounds like it/you changed the laptop's UEFI boot manager boot order. At startup press the key that gets you to the firmware's manual boot device chooser, and select Windows05:25
nuccunSo when it boots up without the flash drive, it takes me to a GRUB prompt05:27
nuccunJust figured out all I have to do is exit GRUB and it takes me to the boot device choice screen05:27
nuccunso actually no biggie :D05:28
TJ-sounds like GRUB got made number-1 boot-loader05:29
nuccunOne thing I don't understand, and it's mainly because I don't understand GRUB, but how it exists when the flash drive isn't plugged in05:30
nuccunI would think it would have been installed on the flash drive05:30
TJ-if the PC is UEFI based, then the storage device will have an EFI system partition on it and every OS you install (in UEFI mode) will put a boot-loader there. In addition, the OSes can tell the firmware they want their bootloader to start first, which is likely what is happening there.05:32
TJ-The alternative - if the system is starting in Legacy BIOS mode - is that grub-pc has its bootstrap code in the MBR of sector 0 and its core.img in later sectors. For that to be the case you'd be dumped at a GRUB "rescue>" prompt05:34
nuccunIt's just a GRUB prompt, not rescue05:35
nuccunI'm not seeing any adverse affects to Windows or Ubuntu with it like this, and for fear of screwing something else up I think I'm just going to leave it since it's working ok05:36
TJ-That means that core.img loads AND reads in, at a minimum, the 'normal' module05:36
haasnI'm trying to run Ubuntu 15.10 inside a qemu/KVM virtual machine, but when trying to log in compiz just crashes05:36
TJ-haasn: I doubt the guest has hardware accelerated 3D graphics, unless you've configured PCI pass-through?05:37
haasnTJ-: I have not. I'm using the qxl graphics device05:37
TJ-haasn: that'll probably be it then. qemu/kvm has mainly been used for server guests although there is now some work ongoing to add a 3D openGL pass-through05:38
haasnTJ-: So unity can't run at all? Not even emulated? What are my alternatives?05:38
TJ-haasn: I believe VMware and VirtualBox provide an accelerated GPU driver05:39
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haasnVMware and VirtualBox are both out of the question05:39
haasnI tried logging in to xfce session instead of unity shell, and it works but I get no panel at the top :(05:40
TJ-switch to a non-compositing desktop is the usual solution05:41
haasnweird, xfce4-panel wasn't installed for some reason. Fixed now, anyway05:43
haasnTJ-: I wonder if I can some how set up lightdm to automatically log in using xfce session if it's running inside a VM and unity shell otherwise05:44
TJ-haasn: lightdm has script hooks you can attach your own script to, which could detect being in a guest and alter (or not) the coonfigured session05:45
haasnSounds like it's going in the direction of what I want05:46
haasnDo you know if ubuntu has packaged guest additions for qemu/kvm?05:46
TJ-!info qemu-quest-agent | haasn05:48
ubottuhaasn: Package qemu-quest-agent does not exist in wily05:48
TJ-!info qemu-guest-agent | haasn05:49
ubottuhaasn: qemu-guest-agent (source: qemu): Guest-side qemu-system agent. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.3+dfsg-5ubuntu9.2 (wily), package size 132 kB, installed size 570 kB05:49
TJ-haha! helps to type g not q05:49
pcfreak30files list file for package `libx11-6' contains empty filename. How can I resolve this? Seems to be an issue in the deb?05:52
haasnTJ-: Hmm, qemu-guest-agent is installed but it doesn't seem to have affected anything05:52
TJ-haasn: depends whats in it and what you expect :)05:52
haasnTJ-: seems like it just installs /usr/sbin/qemu-ga; running that however just produces ‘error opening channel: No such file or directory”. Apparently google doesn't even *find* anything for the keyword “qemu-guest-agent” :p05:54
haasnTJ-: What I expect is pretty easy to describe, on the other hand: I want the VM guest to auto-resize along with the window, and to share my host's cursor position instead of it being captured + emulated inside the VM05:55
TJ-haasn: see http://wiki.qemu.org/Features/QAPI/GuestAgent05:55
haasnThis works fine for windows guests after installing the SPICE client additions05:55
haasnTJ-: ah, thanks. manually running qemu-ga -m virtio-serial -p /dev/virtio-ports/* makes it work pretty much instantly05:58
haasnNow I just have to patch the init script I guess05:58
haasnActually, false alarm. It didn't really work, it just removed focus from the VM so I figured it was working because my cursor behaved normally again05:59
haasnAnd the process hangs itself up (need to pkill -9)05:59
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haasnOh, I noticed the documentation suggests org.qemu.guest_agent.0 but my actual filename is com.redhat.spice.0. It probably froze up because they're speaking completely different protocols :p06:00
haasnSo scratch what I said about qemu guest agents: What I need is whatever it is that interfaces with com.redhat.spice.006:01
Anthony-Lhey, anyone else experiencing slow download speed form ubuntu website?06:01
TJ-!info xserver-xorg-video-qxl  | haasn06:03
ubottuhaasn: xserver-xorg-video-qxl (source: xserver-xorg-video-qxl): X.Org X server -- QXL display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.4-3ubuntu1 (wily), package size 82 kB, installed size 208 kB06:03
TJ-haasn: I think that might be what you need; I seem to remember Qemu uses QXL over SPICE06:04
haasnTJ-: I am using QXL over SPICE. I already checked that, and xserver-xorg-video-qxl *is* installed (though I didn't install it manually)06:05
TJ-haasn: I wonder if it needs configuring to be used; I'd have thought it'd show up in the Xorg.0.log06:05
haasnTJ-: looks like spice-vdagent + rebooting did the trick06:06
haasn(the rebooting bit was important)06:06
haasnapparently the spice thing on the other end didn't like what must have been complete nonsense to it that was accidentally being sent by qemu-guest-agent, and just closed the socket06:06
TJ-haasn: of the guest?06:06
haasnautomatic resizing still does not work, for some odd reason; I can set the option now (it's not disabled) but it just does nothing :)06:08
haasn:( *06:08
haasnHow odd: In the settings manager, I can see the available display modes - and there's one at the very top which reflects the size that the display *should* have. As I change the window, I can see its values updating06:10
haasnBut selecting that display mode apparently does nothing06:10
haasnOops. dmesg paints a colorful picture: *ERROR* Mode doesn't fit in vram size06:13
haasnit works for sufficiently small windows06:13
TJ-ahh, allocate more GPU RAM for the guest06:14
haasnTJ-: virt-manager won't let me edit the figure, it just says 16 MiB :/06:15
TJ-I edit the XML directly, either manually or better using virsh06:16
haasnYeah, did that and it seems to work06:17
haasnNow I just need GLX to work. `glxinfo` fails with extension "GLX" missing06:18
Guest98898When i login to my ubuntu 14.04 system i see motd message as "136 packages can be updated.06:18
Guest9889867 updates are security updates.06:18
Guest98898". How can i install only Security updates and not packages ?06:18
haasnhttps://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTQzMg has some interesting stuff, in particular emulating GLX would allow me to run unity in the guest as well06:19
Guest98898upgrading all packages upgrade some of the library which cause service interruption.06:20
TJ-Guest98898: "apt-get upgrade --target-release trusty-security" should do it.06:20
Guest98898TJ- : Thanks for prompt update, let me try06:21
haasnTJ-: You mentioned PCI passthrough earlier. I have a ‘spare’ GPU in my machine: the one built in to the intel CPU (on-board intel HD graphics). Do you know if I could pass that to the VM and allow it to use it for rendering, while still being able to see the VM's rendered contents as a window in my host OS (via SPICE)?06:23
haasn(*and* still being able to use my nvidia GPU on the host OS)06:23
Guest98898TJ- : i was looking at ubuntu docs and found "unattained-upgrades". have you use this ?06:24
TJ-haasn: you're getting very complicated now :)06:26
TJ-Guest98898: most servers are configured to use it06:26
haasnTJ-: It's not me that's complicated, it's all this darn software!!! I just want to run steam06:26
TJ-haasn: 'just' is such a small word :)06:26
haasnand that's where all the nightmares start06:27
haasnFor starters, I couldn't run steam on my host distro even if I wanted to, but besides that, I don't want to. So I have a separate partition (with ubuntu on it) just for linux gaming and nothing else. Now, of course, I can't be bothered waiting 10 hours for a game to download while logged into an otherwise useless desktop and twiddling my thumbs, so I figured I'd ‘just’ run the same ubuntu partition inside06:28
haasna VM so I can download in the background while I use my host OS for other things..06:28
haasnNow of course steam _needs_ GLX so it can render its garbage interface06:28
srinathI want to remove the dnscrypt-proxy from ubuntu06:39
srinathI get error: dpkg: error processing package dnscrypt-proxy (--remove):06:40
srinath subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 206:40
srinathI want to remove the dnscrypt-proxy from ubuntu06:42
srinathit says error like this: I get error: dpkg: error processing package dnscrypt-proxy (--remove):  subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 206:43
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locksmithWhy can't Mexicans be fire fighters? ....... Cuz they can't tell the difference between hose A and Hose B06:45
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ROPAag4ve, hi de KY1J!07:05
QwertieHey I need a bit of help collecting information for a bug report07:05
QwertieI am collecting the suspend info for this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/155090507:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1550905 in linux (Ubuntu) "[MacBookAir7,1] Backlight control broken. Won't turn on after suspend." [Medium,Incomplete]07:05
kazukahow do i add vmware-user command when ubuntu starts07:06
QwertieBut the instructions for collecting the debug info assume you cant get it to resume at all. I can its just that the screen backlight wont turn on07:06
ROPAI'm trying to install 15.10 onto a micro SD card (16 GB).  The installation recognizes my primary hard drive, but won't recognize the 16 GB micro SD card. I've tried with the micro sd mounted and unmounted. It shows up on the LIVE usb desktop, but the installation software won't recognize it.07:09
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ROPAI should also say this is a micro sd card from a cell phone, but it works for storing files and files can be deleted from the card. It is not write protected. Any Ideas??07:10
ROPAkazuka, and Qwertie Sure wish I could help you both!!!07:11
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aulexHas anyone installed gnome on Ubuntu 15.10 using a laptop with nvidis graphics, I cannot seem to get mine installed, I tried installing Ubuntu-gnome-desktop, but I'm greeted with a blackscreen, I tried pure gnome-shell and same thing and I also tried purging everything unity and still no luck. I swapped betwee lightdm and gdm and it didn't help either, any suggestions?07:28
yigalaulex: this easily could be the graphics card being used, you may need to tweak the kernel settings07:29
aulexHow would I go about doing that07:30
yigalaulex: Let me ask you a few questions first.07:30
yigalAre you using the Nouveau driver or the proprietary nvidia driver?07:31
yigalalso what graphics card are you using?07:31
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aulexNvidia-352, 750m07:32
aulexSo proprietary07:34
cheyanyigal: this is aulex, I just swapped onto a terminal irc07:38
cheyanoff of my phone07:38
cheyanso I'm using properiatery driver nvidia-352 and I have the gpu 750m07:39
Aussie_mattHi all, anyone followed the asus z205ta thread to get linux on it?07:39
cheyanwell, not sure where yigal went so I guess I'll ask again07:43
cheyanDoes anyone know how to properly install gnome, I tried installing via ubuntu-gnome-desktop, but that resulted on a blackscreen on bootup, I tried just pure gnome-shell, but same issue, and I also tried purging unity, but that also didn't work. I suspect it has something to do with my gpu has I have a 750m on my laptop running the propriatery driver nvida-35207:45
cheyanI also tried swapping between gdm and lightdm, in all instances, but it never helped07:46
Shirakawasunacheyan: ubuntu-gnome-desktop is the right metapackage07:52
Shirakawasunacheyan: I would troubleshoot the black screen07:52
cheyanim not sure how I would go about it07:52
cheyando you have suggestions07:52
Shirakawasunacheyan: it may be a process (hard to say without knowing the problem)! But I would start by figuring out *what* the black screen is. I'd start by attempting to switch to a virtual terminal during the black screen (ctrl + alt + F1 or F2, etc)07:53
cheyanthats what i'm in right now07:53
Shirakawasunaah, cool07:53
Shirakawasunacheyan: I would then check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look for (EE) warnings07:54
Shirakawasunaor I guess they're technically errors07:54
cheyanno EE07:55
cheyanhmm I do have Xorg.0.old07:56
cheyanthat has some warnings in it07:56
Shirakawasunais virtual terminal 7 still the black screen?07:56
cheyanhow do I swap to 7 XD07:56
Shirakawasunamost warnings (WW) are harmless07:56
Shirakawasunactrl + alt + F707:56
Shirakawasunathat's where X goes by default07:57
cheyanwell I mean EE07:57
cheyanin the old one I do see EE07:57
Shirakawasunacheck the date to make sure it's relevant07:57
cheyanoh I do have warnings in Xorg.0.log07:57
cheyanno errors though07:58
Shirakawasunals -l /var/log/Xorg.*07:58
Shirakawasunaso you can know if the Xorg.0.log.old is relevant (check the timestamp)07:58
Shirakawasunaif it is, tell me what the (EE) is07:59
cheyanit's today about 30 minutes ago07:59
cheyanI also have a failsafe log from about 2 hours ago which is when I first started this07:59
Shirakawasunacool, I'm guessing 30 minutes ago = black screen08:00
Shirakawasunaso what's the (EE)08:00
ShirakawasunaI'm guessing you either have an error with Xorg or a lightdm issue08:00
cheyansegfault with xorg it looks like08:01
cheyanoh hmm08:01
jimShirakawasuna, (EE) are errors in the log08:02
cheyanyea I see a stack trace08:02
cheyanor a backtrace, don't know what that is but I assume it's a stack trace08:02
cheyanit's in reference to /usr/bin/X08:03
Shirakawasunajim: I know08:03
Shirakawasunacheyan: ouch, a segfault?08:03
ShirakawasunaI was expecting a nice video driver error08:03
jimShirakawasuna, you asked :P08:03
Shirakawasunajim: Ah, no I was asking cheyan what was next to the (EE) in their log :)08:04
cheyanin the failsafe log08:04
cheyanI also have errors08:04
cheyanthis is old though08:04
jimoh ok08:04
Shirakawasunacheyan: lets ignore that one then08:04
Shirakawasunacheyan: debugging a segfault can be tough. Is it in the Xorg.0.log? And if so, what's next to the (EE) entries?08:05
Shirakawasunacheyan: Also, have you by any chance enabled PPAs / other package repos relevant to X, like xorg-edgers?08:05
cheyanit's in Xorg.0.log.old, but at the end of it, it says check Xorg.0.log which is weird cause there were no errors in there08:06
cheyanhow can i check my list of repositories via terminal08:06
cheyanI don't believe I do08:06
cheyanbut let's double check08:06
ikkaA little bit complex question: Ubuntu (assuming it's the right choice) machine with a file sharing solution (sftp for example) for a small business (a little shop for an old friend of mine, we would skip Windows). It has to be "secure" but nothing very serious. Nothing else needs to be run on the system, it won't be used for anything else. Users would need to be able to log in and upload download on a daily basis (I would teach him how to08:08
ikkacreate and or delete users, so a GUI would be a great addition). Backup and restore every day (including the users) to be safe in case of hardware failure.. what would be the best / most efficient way to solve this. I'm not a Linux master guru:), I'm willing to read as much as possible, but some easier approach and some guides would be appreciated. Please excuse my English. Thank you.08:08
cheyanso the repos I have are blackmage, for flux, docker, dolphin, dropbox, gnome3-team-ubuntu, google-chrome, kilian for flux, mumble, nodesource, obs, scud slack stuff, slack, spotify, java, sublime08:10
Shirakawasunacheyan: PPAs are in /etc/apt/sources.list.d08:10
cheyanthe only thing is the gnome3 repos08:10
cheyanbut I tried to get the latest version of gnome after it failing through gnome-ubuntu-desktop08:11
ShirakawasunaI'd remove all gnome packages, then remove gnome3-team-ubuntu, then reinstall the gnome packages, just to be safe. Though I think that's *probably* not causing your issue08:12
cheyan99% it isn't, but I'll do it anyways08:12
Shirakawasunacheyan: So... what's next to your (EE) lines in Xorg.0.log.old?08:12
cheyanwell first few lines are08:13
Shirakawasunaikka: How secure? Why not use something like Dropbox?08:13
cheyan(EE) Backtrace:08:13
cheyan(EE) 0: /usr/bin/x (xorg_backtrace + hex) [hex address]08:14
cheyannext file of relevance is libc.so.608:14
cheyanthen from there it everything ocucrs in the X binary, im assuming that's xorg?08:15
Shirakawasunait's probably nvidia08:15
cheyanyea that's what I think08:15
ShirakawasunaI'd reinstall your nvidia drivers08:16
cheyanI did08:16
cheyanmultiple times08:16
ShirakawasunaThen I'd downgrade/upgrade them08:16
cheyanvarious versions08:16
cheyandid that too08:16
Shirakawasunathen I'd uninstall them with --purge if it lets you do that without removing a bunch of other packages (like xorg, gnome, etc)08:16
Shirakawasunathen reinstall08:16
Shirakawasunain case it's a config08:16
cheyandid that too08:17
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cheyandidn't require me to delete any GUI packages08:17
cheyanfrom what I saw08:17
Shirakawasunaare you totally sure you don't have a strange version of nvidia or xorg? apt-cache showpkg nvidia-{version} and check 'Versions:'. Same for xorg08:19
ShirakawasunaYou may also want to try nuking /etc/X11/ conf files (just move them to a backup location)08:20
cheyannvidia-352 from the dump08:20
cheyanxorg version 1:7.7+ubuntu408:21
cheyannot sure how to read that08:21
Shirakawasunathose are legit versions08:21
ShirakawasunaI'd uninstall + purge nvidia again08:21
Shirakawasunamake sure *no* nvidia-like packages remain (dpkg-query --list | grep nvidia)08:22
cheyanso clean install basically08:22
Shirakawasunathen check /etc/X11 and see if any config files for it remain08:22
cheyanI have a lot of excess gnome packages installed08:22
Shirakawasunaand move /etc/X11/xorg.conf, if it exists, to a backup location like /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak08:22
cheyanany suggestion in removing them08:22
ShirakawasunaYeah I'd remove those just for cleanliness' sake, though I don't think they'd cause an X segfault08:23
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cheyanShirakawasuna: it's like 4:30 am for me, i'll finish this up tmmw, hopefully it works, ty for help08:27
kdm12ikka: A lot of people use the business version of gmail for that08:29
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kdm12ikka: There's also dropbox08:31
kdm12Can anyone tell me if it's actually possible to get dual booting working with full disk encryption in Wily?08:36
bekkskdm12: dualbooting which other OS?08:38
kdm12bekks: MacOS08:40
bekkskdm12: Then the answer is "no", since you cannot encrypt the entire disk, if another non-Linux OS is to be installed on the same disk.08:41
bekkskdm12: You can just encrypt your Ubuntu.08:41
kdm12bekks: Can I not encrypt the macos partition with macos, and the ubuntu partitions with ubuntu?08:42
bekkskdm12: Sure, but thats not "full disk encryption".08:42
bekkskdm12: Because you are using two different encryption mechanisms, and you are not encrypting the entire disk with one of them.08:42
kdm12bekks: It's partition level, which is the same thing, surely? Anyhow I;m not quite sure if it will work, or how to go about setting it up.08:44
bekksIf it is the same thing, you set it up just the same - on a smaller partition.08:45
bekkskdm12: Are you using an Apple computer?08:46
kdm12bekks: Yes, it's a macbook. I can get one OS encrypted on it, but not both. Half the problem is the graphical installer doesnt support it, the other of the problem is that booting is complex. Grub has to launch the OS, the OS has to prompt for the key, and then launch.08:47
bekkskdm12: If the graphical installer does not support it, use the text installer, which supports it.08:48
kdm12bekks: I could use an encrypted home as a workaround, but it's not as secure.08:48
kdm12bekks: Have you manage to get it working?08:48
bekksAnd using a MAcbook, I'd stick with using OSX on the entire disk, and just setup a VM for Ubuntu.08:49
kdm12Ubuntu is the primary OS for me :P08:49
bekkskdm12: I havent used the graphical installer until now - at all.08:49
kdm12bekks: I mean have you managed to do with the console mode installer?08:51
HaloSpongeAnyone know when I can buy a Convergence phone direct from the manufacturers website. Links would be nice ?08:51
bekkskdm12: I havent used anything else but the console installer until now :) And yes, it works.08:52
kdm12bekks: Can I please ask how you setup the boot for both OS?08:52
kdm12bekks: My problem is that it wont recognise an encrypted OS, so I need to somehow setup everything manually08:53
bekkskdm12: Then you have to create a grub entry, manually.08:54
EriC^^kdm12: are you using uefi?08:57
kdm12bekks: I've tried this but it doesn't work. I just get a black screen. http://askubuntu.com/questions/293028/how-can-i-install-ubuntu-encrypted-with-luks-with-dual-boot08:57
HaloSpongeAnyone know where I can get a Convergence phone, exactly ?08:58
kdm12EriC^^: It's a new macbook. I think it's EFI.08:59
EriC^^kdm12: maybe use refind to boot grub and macosx and they can handle the decryption of their partitions?08:59
EriC^^the efi partition would have to be unencrypted though09:00
HaloSpongeI'm sneezing my question, now.09:00
kdm12EriC^^: Thanks. Give me some time to try this.09:01
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ikkaA little bit complex question: Ubuntu (assuming it's the right choice) machine with a file sharing solution (sftp for example) for a small business (a little shop for an old friend of mine, we would skip Windows). It has to be "secure" but nothing very serious. Nothing else needs to be run on the system, it won't be used for anything else. Users would need to be able to log in and upload download on a daily basis (I would teach him how to09:33
ikkacreate and or delete users, so a GUI would be a great addition). Backup and restore every day (including the users) to be safe in case of hardware failure.. what would be the best / most efficient way to solve this. I'm not a Linux master guru:), I'm willing to read as much as possible, but some easier approach and some guides would be appreciated.09:33
lhrhow can i09:38
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lhrreg a nikname09:38
EriC^^/nickserv register <password> <email>09:39
Guest51232I just tried Manjaro and the install didn't go very well. I booted up to a grub error: 'no such partition'. After fixing that, I got an error in Ubuntu's GRUB screen: error symbol 'grub_efi_secure_boot' not found. I've fixed all that but I want to know how I can clean up residue from the failed install.09:40
joshuagis linux getting better at getting more games for it?09:40
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ubottuGuest37128: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:56
SeveasWhy is it always italians with the !list?10:02
Seveasis warez via irc still big there?10:02
Pointblank_1Hello, have this question - when I do sudo update-rc.d myapp defaults it makes a bunch of links. Which command will restore original state? I did not understand the manuals about this. Ty10:02
SeveasPointblank_1: that commoand restores defaults. Though it's becoming rapidly obsolete in the world of systemd10:03
Pointblank_1Seveas Ty. I want to clear everything of that app from the system. When I do that command I see the creation of links, not erasing them.10:06
Seveassudo apt-get remove --purge thatapp10:06
Pointblank_1Seveas ty again, taking a note of it. You said it is obsolete. What is the current method suggested, just for my info?10:07
Seveasgood question. My systemd-fu is not quite up to modern standards :)10:07
kbrglIs there any command for viewing the current grub configuration10:08
Pointblank_1Seveas - OK. by the way, I hope we talked of the same thing. That app was not installed through sudo apt-get install. Is just an executable I am running as a service.10:09
Seveaskbrgl: less /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:09
SeveasPointblank_1: in that case update-rc.d -f remove initscriptname10:09
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Seveasor manually remove all its symlinks in /etc/rc?.d/ :)10:09
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Pointblank_1Seveas I think it is the thing I need to know. That "manual removal" I read is a common mistake of system administrators. That when you do this, next time they are restored.10:10
SeveasPointblank_1: neh, if you manually installed it, no automated thing will bring it back10:11
imacrostürk olan var mı ?10:13
imacrosyada türkçe bilen ?10:13
Pointblank_1Seveas OK, this mystified me (found for you: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/update-rc.d.8.html#contenttoc3) Third paragraph. So taking your fix as the solution for my problem and thank you for your help! :)10:16
SeveasPointblank_1: that paragraph is correct. postinst scripts, which are part of packages that are installed with apt-get, will updo whatever you do for such packages10:20
SeveasBut that does not apply to random binaries you installed by hand :)10:20
ferzHi, how can I update lighttpd?  As package it seems quite old 1.4.33 while now there is 1.4.3910:25
Seveas!info lighttpd10:31
ubottulighttpd (source: lighttpd): fast webserver with minimal memory footprint. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.35-4ubuntu1 (wily), package size 246 kB, installed size 922 kB10:31
Seveasupgrade to wily for 1.4.3510:31
Seveas!info lighttpd xenial10:31
ubottulighttpd (source: lighttpd): fast webserver with minimal memory footprint. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.35-4ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 246 kB, installed size 922 kB10:31
ubik123Somebody know how good the BQ Ubuntu tablet is?10:31
cfhowlettyou mean the unreleased version??10:32
cfhowlettdo the math10:33
drmagooDoes anyone here know if its possible to run rdesktop with geometry set to one thing and "screen resolution" to something else?10:33
cfhowlettunreleased ... UNreleased10:33
Seveascfhowlett: your time machine broken again?10:34
cfhowlettwhut?  did I miss a memo, Seveas ?  please explain10:34
ubik1232 GB RAM sounds a little bit less10:34
ubik123for the ubuntu tablet10:34
Seveascfhowlett: I'm guessing ubik123 expects us to have a time machine to go to the future and see how good it is :)10:34
cfhowlettah, yes.10:35
ubik123yes, of course :D10:35
ubik123but bq ubuntu smartphone is quite good10:35
cfhowlettmy machine is still getting steampunked from my encounter with the Morlocks10:35
ubik123except of that skype doesn't run10:35
Seveasubik123: http://www.delorean.com/10:35
Aussie_mattanyone know if kemyLand and HarryHarryHarry from the ubuntu forums get on irc?10:40
SeveasAussie_matt: not under those names at least10:42
Aussie_mattSeveas: ok.... hope they pop up :)10:42
Seveaswhy not simply poke them on the forums?10:43
Aussie_mattI'm not a member... I just wanna ask them about their epic x205ta asus thread... I'm a mageia guy10:44
MarezzDoing apt-get upgrade on 14.04 wont get me systemd right?10:44
ferzMarezz: what's wrong with systemd?10:45
TammytonAny time I boot into Ubuntu, it takes me to the ctrl+alt+f1 screen10:46
TammytonI have to type sudo service lightdm restart to get to the actual login screen10:47
Marezzferz, sorry i dont want to get into that discussion, i dont like systemd, lets leave it at that.10:47
TammytonIt says "Unknown instance" before taking me to the login screen10:47
Tammytondoes anyone know how to fix it?10:47
MonkeyDustTammyton  do you see the 5 dots during startup? if yes, hit f12 when you see them10:47
TammytonI don't10:47
TammytonBut it does say something about cleaning a diary?10:47
iainhas ubuntu ever booted tammyton?10:49
Tammytonyeah, I'm in ubuntu at the moment10:49
TammytonBasically, when I boot ubuntu it says "cleaning diary" or something along those lines10:49
Tammytonthen takes me to the ctrl+alt+f1 screen10:50
TammytonI type in sudo service restart lightdm10:50
TammytonIn the console it says "instance not found"10:50
Tammytonand then it takes me to the actual graphical login screen10:50
MonkeyDustTammyton  use  sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo autoclean10:51
MonkeyDustwhen you're in tty110:51
Tammytonis tty1 the ctrl+alt+f1 console thing?10:52
Tammytondo I need to restart my computer, or can I do it while I'm logged in?10:52
iainso turn on computer  > ubuntu boots to command line >10:52
Tammytonoh alright10:52
iainis that a yeah to me?10:54
TammytonBrb, going to try what monkeydust said10:55
iainthen try running the he siad10:55
ferzMarezz: https://github.com/ServiceManager/ServiceManager10:55
TammytonThis time it went into the console, then almost immediately went to the real login screen. This occasionally happens10:58
TammytonSo I didn't actually get to write the command in10:58
MonkeyDustTammyton  ok, but still use the commands i suggested10:58
MonkeyDustTammyton  use  sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo autoclean10:58
TammytonJust tried. It says command autoclean not found11:00
iainjust run each command individually11:01
iainsudo apt-get autoremove11:01
iainsudo autoclean11:01
iainin the console now11:01
iainthen reboot11:01
iainsudo apt-get autoclean11:02
Tammytonokay, thanks11:02
iainso sudo raises the prvilages of the command, apt-get is the package manager and then you are telling the package manager to do something11:03
iainnot sure it will fix it but hey worth a shot11:03
peterkotanafter ~sudo su, u can leave the sudo command not?11:04
iain not sure of your question, peter, try again11:05
peterkotanthere is a command "sudo su"11:05
TammytonI've just done what you said, but I'm still getting command autoclean not found11:05
iainsu = sudo11:05
iainsame thing11:05
peterkotano aright i see thanks11:06
iainoh actually ia mwrong11:06
iainso we need sudo in ubuntu11:06
iainsu is used in differnt linux distros and raises privialges permantely11:06
iainso use sudo in ubuntu with system commans peter11:07
peterkotani thought with the "sudo su" command u gonna be in the root, so u can leave the sudo next time.. for example...sudo so  ->pw   -> apt-get11:07
MonkeyDustTammyton  try sudo apt-get clean11:07
peterkotanand whats the diff between the terminal  emulator, and the ctrl + alt + f2?11:08
iainno idea about that peter11:09
MonkeyDustpeterkotan  the terminal has config files, like bashrc etc11:09
TammytonMonkeyDust okay, I've just done sudo apt-get clean, but it didn't give me any output or say that it's installed anything11:09
MonkeyDustpeterkotan  e.g. an alias will work in the terminal, but not in tty111:09
peterkotanalright. im quiet newbie, after being a windows user for so long (sorry dont want to hurt anybody)11:10
iaintype apt-get --help11:11
MonkeyDustTammyton  sudo apt install aptitude ... then: sudo aptitude purge ~c   <-- that's a tilde11:12
Tammytonthanks, I'll try it11:13
iaintype apt-get autoremove11:13
TammytonMonkeyDust done11:13
MonkeyDustTammyton  aptitude is not 'done' after a few seconds, it takes a while11:14
Tammytonoh, but it's letting me type commands in again so I assumed it was finished11:14
MonkeyDustaptitude purge ~c, even11:14
Tammytonyeah I did that11:14
MonkeyDustTammyton  i'm running out of ideas now11:15
iainreboot and report what happens11:15
peterkotanin pidgin can we turn off the messages about logging and quitin?11:17
minasotaWhat will happen if I add the weechat repo to my sources list? When I update will it try to update both versions of weechat that are installed?11:17
MonkeyDust!info weechat11:18
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-1 (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 58 kB11:18
MonkeyDustminasota  weechat sits in the universe repo, no need to add a source11:19
minasotaMonkeyDust: I'm on trusty and want to stay lts.11:19
TammytonWell now it goes to the console, asks for my login name and a second later goes to the actual login screen. So I guess that's better than what it was originally11:19
MonkeyDust!info weechat trusty11:19
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-3 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB11:19
minasotaapt-cache show weechat doesn't show a newer version?11:19
BlackVenomHey anyone around that can help with a samba issue11:19
BlackVenomMy Mac only seems to spot it on the odd occasion11:20
Tammytonmonkeydust This comes up before the console screen, if that makes any difference? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15423665/11:21
MonkeyDustTammyton  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue11:22
TammytonUbuntu 15.10 \n \l11:22
TammytonUbuntu 15.10 \n \l11:22
minasotaMonkeyDust: I'm using 0.4.2-3. If I install 1.3-1 from the universe repo will it just simply upgrade my version with settings in tact?11:23
Tammytonaccidentally pasted twice11:23
MonkeyDustminasota  not sure, never tried11:24
iainyou may have a hardware problem11:24
Tammytonoh alright11:25
Tammytondo you think reinstalling ubuntu could help?11:25
TammytonThe first time I installed ubuntu I didn't have this problem. I had a different issue with it though, so I deleted the partition and reinstalled11:26
MonkeyDustTammyton  one more thing: fsck -TV /dev/sda1   <-- replace sda1 with your specific dev11:27
iaintam type: sudo lsblk and paste the results11:28
minasotaMonkeyDust: I guess I don't understand how that works in Ubuntu. 14.04 only goes to 0.4.2-3 for weechat. If I add a source or pull from a newer release repo, does that package get broken11:28
Tammytondo you know how I find out which dev I'm using?11:28
MonkeyDustTammyton  what iain says11:29
mave_no, it gets replaced minasota11:29
Tammytonoh cheers11:29
MonkeyDustTammyton  and now: lsblk -f11:30
MonkeyDustTammyton  looks like ubuntu sits in sda611:31
iaincan u confirm how many hard drive you have in your system11:31
MonkeyDustTammyton  looks like ubuntu sits in sdb611:31
Tammytonit says it will cause filesystem damange :x11:32
Tammytonshould I just do it?11:32
minasotamave_: Ok, so if I use willy repo I don't need to purge the package, but if I add a wwechat.list file and repo to my sources list that pulls from weechat.org and install, I will have two versions of weecaht installed?11:32
MonkeyDustTammyton  first backup, before you start modifying partitions11:33
Tammytonthis will only modify my sdb6 partition though right?11:33
TammytonIt says it can't continue because it's mounted anyway11:35
Tammytonthanks for your help. I may just try reinstalling ubuntu11:37
MonkeyDustTammyton  good luck11:38
iainhope i kind of helped11:44
anthonyhey all how's it going?11:54
anthonyam newbie11:54
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Guest75241what is this for?11:54
MonkeyDustGuest75241  this is ubuntu support, ask your ubuntu question here11:54
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ben__is anybody there11:55
MonkeyDustben__  type /names11:55
ssarahhei guys what happened to xvba-va-driver from these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD#Enabling_Video_Hardware_Acceleration ?11:58
ssarahim using fglrx driver in ubuntu 15.1011:58
ssarahcant find it in apt-cache search either11:58
cageeHi. I am having trouble with bluetooth12:05
cageeasus x550L, the bluetooth appears to be available, but enabling it does nothing12:05
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MonkeyDustcagee  install blueman12:07
cageeno adapter found, it says :p12:11
peterkotananybody any idea how to start learning ubuntu?:)12:15
MonkeyDust!manual | peterkotan12:15
ubottupeterkotan: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:15
cfhowlett!manual | peterkotan read12:15
ubottupeterkotan read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:15
cageedepends what you use it for and your linux skills level12:15
ALFAby doing !12:15
MonkeyDustpeterkotan  what ALFA  says: learn it like you learned windows or mac: by using it12:15
peterkotanhey that was fast guys thanks:)12:16
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:16
VillageHello Guys, i want install phpsysinfo on my DS Ubuntu 14.04, maybe someone can help me?12:17
k1lVillage: where is the exact problem?12:18
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k1l!away > cglocke|BNC12:19
ubottucglocke|BNC, please see my private message12:19
Tin_manVillage,  i'm not sure about phpsysinfo, but the regular sysinfo can be installed by sudo apt-get install sysinfo12:19
cageeI am using 14.04, should I update to 15.10? Waiting for 16.04 ;p. Maybe 15.10 fixes my bluetooth12:21
Villagek1l, i don't know what i need do after sudo apt-get install phpsysinfo..12:23
VillageTin_man, can you show example?12:23
cageevillage, google sysinfo install guide?12:23
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Villagecagee, i don't know from google, it's to hard understand form me, one write that second one different.. i want live help from peoples who faced with it12:25
cageewhat is sysinfo btw, is it that web page that shows all the info? Or some native program?12:26
cfhowlettcagee, read man sysinfo12:26
Villagecagee, wait, i show you example, it's shows DS info12:26
Tin_manthere is no phpsysinfo in the apt-get library, just sysinfo12:27
SchrodingersScatVillage: in package phpsysinfo I see this file, does this help? /etc/phpsysinfo/config.php12:27
SchrodingersScatVillage: also /usr/share/doc/phpsysinfo/README12:27
k1lTin_man: there is phpsysinfo in the repos12:28
Villagecagee - http://phpsysinfo.github.io/phpsysinfo/demos.html12:28
SchrodingersScat!info phpsysinfo | Tin_man12:28
ubottuTin_man: phpsysinfo (source: phpsysinfo): PHP based host information. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.17-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 372 kB, installed size 1934 kB12:28
Tin_mansysinfo shows a complete breakdown of your system..12:28
k1lVillage: you just need to link it from /usr/share/phpsysinfo to the folder in /var/www you want it to run in12:29
cageeVillage: okay, it is a web page as I expected12:29
Tin_manSchrodingersScat, i'm not interested in phpsysinfo12:29
VillageSchrodingersScat, i don't understand from docs..12:29
SchrodingersScatTin_man: just explaining that at least in wily it does exist.12:29
Villagek1l, how i can do it?12:29
k1lVillage: ln -s /usr/share/phpsysinfo /var/www/12:30
Villageif to /var/www/html good? Because my page is at /html12:31
Villageand what tag -s meens?12:31
k1ladjust that to your need. i dont know your setup there12:31
MonkeyDust-s means symbolic12:31
cageevillage you can always do "man ln"12:33
Villageok Guys, let me try with it, i will write whats happenings12:34
Villagek1l, what differents between "ln -s /usr/share/phpsysinfo /var/www/html" and without -s ?12:41
bekksVillage: -s creates a symlink, without -s it created a hardlink.12:42
VillageOk, thanks12:42
MonkeyDustVillage  without -s, it's a copy that changes with the original ... when you delete the original, the copy stays12:42
bekksa hardlink isnt a copy, it is a second reference for the same inode.12:43
zeroxThis will fail: service start transmission-daemon12:46
zeroxbut this will success: /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start12:46
zeroxwhat's the difference: service start FOOBAR, and: /etc/init.d/FOOBAR start12:47
VillageMonkeyDust, understand, thanks12:47
MonkeyDustzerox  the syntax ... put the start in the end12:47
zeroxMonkeyDust: Sorry, I do meant "service FOOBAR start"...12:48
k1lzerox: the first is a (wrong) upstart syntax. the last one is sysvinit.12:48
Villagek1l, i thinks it's works, but don't show many info12:48
Villagejust little bit12:48
VillageBut be good, thank you k1l12:49
TammytonMonkeyDust reinstalling ubuntu fixed it :)12:49
zerox# service transmission-daemon start: result: transmission-daemon start/running, process 1836.  But actually it fails, with some error log12:50
k1lzerox: what errors?12:50
zeroxfrom log file: [20:49:03.838] transmission-daemon Error loading config file -- exiting. (daemon.c:498)12:50
zeroxbut run /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start, there is no such error, daemon is working well.12:51
xmjdoes the dell xps13 developer edition come with an ubuntu version that has zfs as default Filesytem?12:51
zeroxif run manually: transmission-daemon -f -g /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info, there is no error too.12:51
MonkeyDustxmj  #ubuntu-offtopic12:51
k1lzerox: as what user is it to be run in the config file?12:52
zeroxdoes "service start FOOBAR" ultimately invoke /etc/init.d/FOOBAR ?12:52
zeroxI have set "USER=root" in the /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon script file.12:52
k1lzerox: eeeek12:53
zeroxSorry, I meant "service FOOBAR start"...12:53
zeroxI'm running a virtual machine, only root user in it.12:53
bekkszerox: which OS are you running in your guest?12:54
k1lthis doesnt sound like a ubuntu setup.12:54
zeroxThe hypervisor is SmartOS, one virtual machine provides SAMBA. another one, whose OS is Ubuntu 14.04, will run transmission-daemon.12:55
zeroxIsn't "/etc/init.d/foo" equivalent to "service foo" ?12:57
k1lzerox: its 2 different init systems12:57
zeroxso I just stick to /etc/init.d/foo?12:58
k1li would suggest you make a proper ubuntu vm setup there.12:59
ioriazerox, "Note:Restarting (or reloading) Transmission daemon can be tricky. Restarting the the daemon (while it is already running) would rewrite the Transmission settings files to its original state. In other words, restarting the Transmission daemon would reset all the custom settings you saved. "12:59
ioriazerox, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TransmissionHowTo#Starting_and_Stopping_Transmission_Daemon12:59
zeroxioria: I'm aware of this. So I stopped the daemon, modified the settings.json, and run the daemon manually to make sure the settings.json file is okay.13:00
ioriazerox, oh13:00
zeroxI just restarted the Ubuntu 14.04. When I'm back to the system, there is no process listening at port 9091 (normally transmission-daemon listens on this). And the logged error is: transmission-daemon Error loading config file -- exiting. (daemon.c:498)13:02
zeroxThen I just run "/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start", everything goes okay.13:02
k1lzerox: then look at the upstart starting script13:02
k1lzerox: but your "root only" setup is out of the focus. ubuntu doesnt use such an setup.13:03
zeroxk1l: what is the upstart starting script?13:03
k1l!upstart | zerox13:03
ubottuzerox: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:03
ioriazerox, grep   ENABLE_DAEMON     /etc/default/transmission-daemon13:05
ioriazerox,  try 0 ?13:06
peterkotanis facebook chat works with pigdin?13:07
bekkspeterkotan: Officially, FB does not support any 3rd party clients.13:08
haasnWhat's the easiest way to get a newer kernel onto a ubuntu system for testing? I'm trying to try out a feature that seems to require Linux 4.4, but my 15.10 installation only ships with 4.213:08
k1l!mainline | haasn13:08
ubottuhaasn: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds13:08
peterkotanis there any other way?13:08
zeroxLooks like it's the permission error. No access to /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json13:10
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peterkotananybody have an idea where to start learning linux?13:21
k1lpeterkotan: install it. use it. read about stuff you want to do or you want t fix. basically learning by doing.13:22
peterkotank1l: yeah i dont really know what to use for13:23
k1luse it as your desktop like you use some other OS now.13:23
hetii I follow this howto: http://ipxe.org/appnote/ubuntu_live but I end with kernel panic in not-syncing  attemting to kill init, any clue why ?13:24
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peterkotank1l: alright thanks13:25
davany one?13:29
cfhowlettdav, no questions = no answers13:30
davi'm new in linux13:30
jatin30Having trouble in running sudo dpkg -i linux-image-3.0.0-rc3-xia_05_amd64.deb13:30
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davcan anyone help me in setup pidgin with fb account13:31
jatin30Can someone help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15424610/13:32
k1ljatin30: we had all this the last time. you need to specifiy the /path/to/linux-kernel.deb if that .deb file is not in the same folder13:33
davdid u type the correct name @jatin13:33
k1ldav: facebook doesnt allow any other clients anymore.13:34
binarydepthDoes DKMS has a INFO or MAN page  ?13:34
davyeah ,that is what i was also thinking13:34
jatin30K1l: yeah I know sorry I had to compile the kernel again and I forgot it13:34
davall thanks goes to messenger13:34
davis unity better than mate?13:37
cfhowlettdav, test it for yourself and make up your own mind.  it's free.13:37
k1ldav: if its better for you, we cant tell you. just test it :)13:37
davcan anyone give me cmds to replace mate with unity13:38
MonkeyDustdav  install mate, logout, switch login13:38
k1ldav: sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop13:38
cfhowlettsudo apt  install ubuntu-desktop13:38
MonkeyDustdav  install mate, logout, switch, login13:38
MonkeyDustoh, replace mate, i misread13:39
k1ljatin30: do you know in which folder the .deb file is?13:39
jatin30k1l: finding it13:40
davi want to first replace mate ,test it and then get it back.13:40
k1ldav: you can use several desktops on ubuntu. you can switch on the login screen13:40
davand how do i install unity ?13:41
cfhowlettsudo apt  install ubuntu-desktop, dav13:41
k1lscroll up. we already told you13:41
davok,gotcha thx guys13:42
maddawg3isnt unity installed by default?13:43
maddawg3i thought that was the go-to for ubuntu13:43
davna,it's Mate13:43
maddawg3tho i havent used ubuntu desktop in years so wat do i know13:44
maddawg3just server here13:44
k1lmaddawg3: not if you install a flavor that ships with another desktop preinstalled13:44
tewardmaddawg3: ubuntu-desktop is the default for pure Ubuntu, Ubuntu MATE doesn't have ubuntu-desktop, they've got their own set.  in either case, ubuntu-desktop will install Unity and dependencies.13:44
iputradav: youre pproblemm clear ?13:45
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davi am new to Linux ,and i just to test hell a lot of it13:45
davdownloading unity now13:45
iputradav: i can use facebook chat in pidgin13:46
davhey how do i setup it with mate,and can i remove it later13:46
davbut mine not wrking13:46
davcan you tell me settings13:46
davand version of pidgin that you are using ,iputra13:47
iputradav: http://www.webupd8.org/2015/08/use-facebook-chat-in-pidgin-with-purple.html13:47
iputramy pidgin version is 2.10.1113:47
maddawg3gotcha teward13:48
davit's purple-facebook library13:49
maddawg3too many ubuntu flavors now13:49
davguys ,How to setup unity and then remove it (after testing)13:49
k1ldav: remove the meta-package you installed13:50
davkll:meta-packages of unity?right13:50
k1ldav: no13:51
k1ldav: install "ubuntu-desktop" which will install all the stuff needed for the ubuntu standard desktop that is unity.13:51
maddawg3not just remove but actually purge13:51
maddawg3yea if you install ubuntu-desktop it will work but to remove it do apt-get purge <package name>13:51
k1ldav: then logout. choose unity on the login screen, login. (this was told to you now 10 times. )13:51
maddawg3not just remove13:51
davok,can i use both of them13:52
k1ldav: yes13:52
maddawg3at the same time dav?13:52
k1ldav: just choose the desktop you like on the login screen.13:52
maddawg3no but you just logoff and select a different destkop env*13:52
davand remove one of them without hurting another one13:52
k1ldav: yes13:52
maddawg3just reverse the sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:52
maddawg3sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop13:53
maddawg3and it will remove it and delete anything associated with it13:53
davsudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop13:53
maddawg3that was put on when you installed it basically13:53
maddawg3no purge13:53
maddawg3dont just remove13:53
maddawg3you want it to remove everything13:53
k1ldav: just install ubuntu-desktop and start using it. seems like the removing is too much information for you right now13:54
maddawg3purge will literally get rid of everything you installed when you installed it basically13:54
maddawg3i think it removes all the dependencies you installed with it that are used by it13:54
davguys you are confusing me13:54
maddawg3what's confusing?13:54
maddawg3sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:55
maddawg3and to remove13:55
maddawg3sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop13:55
davi will handle else myself13:55
maddawg3ok well you asked13:55
maddawg3were given answers13:55
maddawg3and then kept asking the same question13:55
davhey,are you programmers?13:56
maddawg3you wanna talk to developers go to #ubuntu-dev13:56
dav... (3*.)13:56
maddawg3i'm a linux systems administrator13:56
maddawg3which means i know how to use the OS13:56
maddawg3dav you use windows?13:57
davi'm a c++ programmer13:57
maddawg3you know when you uninstall in windows how it leaves stuff behind in the registry sometimes?13:57
maddawg3well if you do just apt-get remove <package name>13:57
maddawg3it tends to leave stuff behind as well13:58
maddawg3doing sudo apt-get purge <package name> removes it and DELETES everything13:58
maddawg3leaving nothing behind that was installed when you installed the package13:58
davim getting it13:58
maddawg3therefore being a complete uninstall13:58
maddawg3must be taking first class in linux lol :-P13:59
davi love to learn13:59
daven == english?14:00
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davtell me more about ubuntu,maddawg314:01
cfhowlettdav, if you want to learn read the manual.  or www.fullcirclemagazine.org  start at #0 and continue14:01
maddawg3you can go read about it on the google14:01
maddawg3ooo i am buying that domain name right now14:02
maddawg3HELL YEA14:02
maddawg3damn it's owned14:03
cfhowlettalso --- it's offtopic14:03
davis there any source from where i can learn about Linux Kernel's interrupts and Api's14:03
maddawg3i apologize... i'll look for "HowToUbuntu.com" instead14:03
maddawg3sheesh topic nazis14:04
vervetmaddawg3: I don't think purge removes the dependencies, you have to run apt-get autoremove to do that14:04
maddawg3ah yea true14:04
maddawg3but no reason to in his case me thinks14:04
vervetyep, probably not14:04
Guest61864to learn more about linux,you have to buy a great book14:04
maddawg3but i wouldnt do just a "apt-get remove" for sure14:05
davthat's what i was waiting for.14:05
maddawg3i cant think of any time that i've ever wanted to keep config files after removing a package14:05
cfhowlett"buy"?  false.  http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20090405061458383/20oftheBestFreeLinuxBooks-Part1.html14:05
davok,guys thanks for your help really learned a lot14:07
Seveasmaddawg3: I can think of lots of times where you wnated it :)14:09
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Seveas(hint every time you upgrade a package, it's removed and installed)14:09
maddawg3oh true14:10
maddawg3if you want to get technicasl14:10
maddawg3but there's also apt-get upgrade14:10
Seveasthat does the same thing14:11
wsdjegubuntu startup need more thank 120s,how could I find what is going on?14:18
ogra_boot without splash to see actual boot messages would be a start14:19
MonkeyDustwsdjeg  a few tips http://paste.ubuntu.com/15425107/14:20
Emperor_Earth_Jordan_U: Hey, is now convenient for you?14:21
k1lwsdjeg: what ubuntu version exactly?14:22
wsdjegwhen I first time install this os,the system startup only need 20s14:24
k1lwsdjeg: systemd-analyze time14:25
wsdjegStartup finished in 8.107s (kernel) + 29.343s (userspace) = 37.450s14:25
wsdjegok,it is 37s,but it is too long for me14:26
sphaeroxhey, can i install gnomes themes on unity too?14:31
MonkeyDustsphaerox  i guess that would be gtk3 themes ... unity is a compiz layer over gnome314:32
sphaeroxahh okay, thanks man14:32
hinnerkhi. I'm running ubuntu 15.10 on my laptop, fairly standard installation. java is version Apparently javaws is not available. I thought it would be commonly part of java? What do I need to get it?14:37
BluesKajHowdy folks14:37
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alienshello i want to install Ubuntu on an EUFI machine14:57
aliensdo i just run live USB and let it sort itself out?14:57
aliensno dual boot, just Ubuntu14:57
TJ-aliens: provided you ensure you boot the Live image in UEFI mode, not Legacy BIOS. That is down to how the PC's boot manager prsents the options, plus things like SecureBoot, FastBoot and others in the system's config.14:58
aliensTJ-: I have option to boot in EUFI secure boot mode, or I can run Legacy BIOS14:59
aliensi.e. my USB stick is under "Legacy boot" options14:59
aliensi dont have anything specific either...15:00
jerome__hi guys15:00
aliensi tried installing OpenSUSE, its "opensuse-secureboot" showed up under UEFI mode, so I need a way to overwrite that data15:00
jerome__I have a small issue :  foreman is setting up a domain with bind integration, working great when creating a vm, but when deleting it, the entry is not deleted in bind15:01
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aliensso my question is - Legacy BIOS or UEFI?15:02
TJ-aliens: I'd try UEFI; SecureBoot to start with. If that fails, disable SecureBoot and try again15:03
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ROPAHi All, I need help installing 15.10 from a live USB to a microsd  card. The microsd card is not write protected and it is in an 'adapter', so it will fit into my existing full sized SD slot on my laptop.15:07
ROPAThe problem is that the installation program will not allow me to select the microsd card as a destination for the new install. The microsd is fully functional, ubuntu recognizes it and I can copy and delete files from/to it.15:07
ROPAI should also say that the microsd card came from a cell phone, but I expected the installation program to overwrite the entire contents of the sdcard anyway.15:08
ROPAhi AG4VE de KY1J!!15:11
SchrodingersScathow big is the card?15:12
MonkeyDustROPA  drop the caps15:12
ROPAok on caps, sorry. Card is 16 GB.15:12
BluesKajROPA, use gparted to reformat microsdcard to fat3215:14
TJ-ROPA: have you ensured any existing file-systems on the SD-card are *unmounted* before trying to partition the device, or does the installer not even offer the SDcard as a mass storage device option?15:16
ROPASchrodingersScat, ok, not sure what the format is now, but ubuntu recognizes it without problems, just won't work in the install mode. I will reformat and try again.15:16
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TJ-ROPA: if it is on /dev/mmcblk* device node then the installer might not like the fact its MMC rather than SCSI15:17
ROPAtj I tried it mounted and unmounted.15:17
TJ-ROPA: is it a /dev/mmcblk* device ?15:18
ROPAtj not sure what that means........15:18
ROPAtj if I reformat, will the result be an scsi device?15:19
TJ-ROPA nothing to do with 'formatting' - no formatting required; the installer partitions/formats15:21
TJ-ROPA MMC or SCSI are 2 types of mass-storage hardware device interfaces; many built-in sd-card adapters use MMC (Multi Media Card) interface directly. SSD, HDD generally use {PS}ATA presented as SCSI devices15:22
ROPAtj OK, I opened the 'disks utility', it states the partition type is W95 FAT32 (bootable) LBA.15:23
ROPAgparted lists it as fat32, but there is a yellow trianle on that line with an exclamation character in the triangle.15:25
adrian_1908ROPA, maybe try reformatting it again and see if the warning disappears.15:28
ROPAtj OK, I just looed up the meaning of the yellow triangle, it means "Unable to open /dev/sdc read-write (Read-only file system).  /dev/sdc has been opened read-only."15:28
ROPAlooed = looked, typo.15:29
ROPAI will try to reformat now.15:30
ROPAok, gparted says it can't write to the drive because it is mounted as 'read only'.15:31
AndChat71489sudo/ gparted15:32
ROPAso, right now, my microsd card has no partitions, says 'unallocated'.15:33
ROPAI thought gparted was always run as sudo.15:33
ROPAok, I closed gparted, started it from the command line with "sudo gparted". The warning and the yellow triangle are still there and it says it can't write to the drive becqauseit is 'read only'.15:38
ROPAI have a smaller 8GB microsd card, I'll insert it and see if it has a similar issue.15:39
AndChat71489sudo/ cfdisk15:40
ROPAby the way, the command line output says "Unable to open /dev/sdc read-write (Read-only file system).  /dev/sdc has been opened read-only."15:40
AndChat71489cfdisk/ dev/ sdb115:42
AndChat71489cfdisk /dev/sdb15:43
michael_mbphi all15:43
michael_mbpThoughts on recommending a decent laptop for Ubuntu please?  Something Lenovo?15:44
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lapyolenovo thinkpad15:44
michael_mbplapyo: any particular series?15:45
lapyoit depends on what you want15:45
ROPAmichael_mbp, I had fantastic performance with a Dell Model 15 and a Dell Model 15R, ordered them with P5 processor and ubuntu FLIES!!15:46
michael_mbpwell something that's quick, circa 16 gig ram, SSD would be nice.15:46
lapyolenovo has pretty good sites for searching the one you want15:46
ROPADell also has 14 inch and 17 inch versions of the same laptop.15:46
michael_mbpROPA: ah.15:47
michael_mbpugh these come with windows stock :/15:47
ROPAAs a company though, I DO NOT recommend Dell, I sold both due to Dells treatment of me to fix a waranty problem::>15:47
michael_mbpROPA: yeah, I'm stuck too in that regard as I'm in Sri Lanka and the company behind Dell is pants.15:48
ROPAYes, you cannot buy a Dell computer without paying for windows, although they will supply one with linux only instead.15:48
michael_mbpOne of the reasons all my equipment current is Apple, mainly cause I get warranty done in Singapore.  I spend 99% of my time in xterm on a Mac LOL.15:48
michael_mbpROPA: good to know, thanks.15:49
michael_mbptrying to find a good model, horrid UX http://shopap.lenovo.com/lk/en/laptops/lenovo/15:49
kbrglI'm using a Lenovo Yoga 500 model 80N4 and it works pretty great15:49
michael_mbpkbrgl: thanks!15:50
ROPAok, michael_mbp  GL to you. In closing, used Dells are available on ebay, not sure if a used computer meets your needs. Aloha.15:50
AndChat71489ROPA create a partition with cfdisk, than reboot your laptop e you can delete it with sudo/ Gparted15:50
michael_mbpI'll check the local Dell agent and see what they stock. thanks mate.15:50
michael_mbpI plan to run FreeBSD, maybe Archlinux, and a couple others.15:51
michael_mbptoying with Virtualbox only gets me so far ;-)15:51
BluesKajmichael_mbp, my understanding that MS practically gives windows away to the manufacturers just so they install it on all their consumer computers15:51
michael_mbpBluesKaj: Ah...15:51
michael_mbpSo it's a virus then?15:52
ROPAAndChat71489, will cfdisk allow me to create a partition even though it is read only??15:52
BluesKajwell it does work for most people, but they still pay $130 US extra for any pc no matter which OS is installed15:53
ROPAAndChat71489,  I shall do so.15:53
AndChat71489cfdisk or sudo/ cfdisk15:54
ROPAThanks to all for help with microsd card issue!!!! Will try and return later.15:54
michael_mbpohh I forgot about this too http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/make/Lenovo/15:56
goddardhow can i stop a command from showing up in the terminal?15:56
goddardfor example history -w15:56
ROPAmichael_mbp, Gateway told me they are actually contracted to supply microsoft OS on any computer thet they sell!!!!15:56
michael_mbpPipe to &2>1 ?15:56
|avalon|command 2 >&1 > /dev/null15:56
slakevcgoddard add a space before it , that works on most distros15:56
ROPAGL all.15:56
michael_mbpTC ROPA15:56
michael_mbpoops, 2>&115:57
|avalon|michael_mbp: i believe that you are redirecting 2's filedescriptor to stdour15:57
|avalon|yes, that15:57
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cyclist_2Hi, everybody! I am in need of assistance in using Ubuntuzilla; does it remove the open tabs on the current version or does it keep them after upgrading Firefox?16:11
Delta706The manual page for hdparm says older drives may not implement write-cache-flush. How can I tell if my drive does?16:15
davhow to remove mate,without hurting unity?16:15
davcan anyone tell me how to remove mate without hurting unity16:18
mikelouddoes apt-get remove mate hurt unity?16:18
lapyoit shouldn't16:19
mikeloudi dont think it should either16:19
davwill it completely remove mate16:19
lapyounless there's some special configurations16:19
mikeloudyes, it will16:19
lapyoyeah, you can add purge to that command too to be sure16:19
mikeloudapt-get remove --purge mate and apt-get autoremove afterwards should do it16:20
davok,are u sure?16:20
lapyoit's a basic package removing command16:20
michael_mbpdo you guys prefer to stick to a GUI + term or jump to say another shell (F2?) and do something like tmux?16:20
lapyoGUI + term here16:21
mikeloudgui + term here aswell16:21
michael_mbpFYI it has been _years_ since I used a dedicated linux box. Been SSH'd in for the past 10+ years LOL.16:21
pilnei rarely jump to another shell these days tbh16:21
lapyomostly because I want to see everything at any time16:21
pilnei do however abuse virtual desktops in gnome sometimes16:21
davit not working16:22
haasnin my toy ubuntu partition I use a GUI so I can run graphical programs in the environment they were designed to run in. In my normal work OS I use a tiling WM + terminals all over my screen16:22
mikeloudyou need to type sudo before16:22
davyeah i have16:23
lapyowhat does it say16:23
davbut it's says 0 to remove16:23
davand 125 not upgraded16:23
lapyoare you sure you haven't already unistalled it?16:23
bunjeecan anyone let me know if there are card games out there like black jack, slots or any casino type games?16:23
lapyoyou can also use ubuntu software center to remove it16:23
mikeloudsudo apt-get remove mate-* could do it too i guess16:24
davhere listen ,it was pre installed then i installed unity16:24
davnow i want to remove it16:24
mikeloudlog in to unity16:25
mikeloudand try typing sudo apt-get remove mate-*16:25
davyeah im in unity16:25
davwill it completely remove mate,it saying 375 mb will be freed16:26
lapyoeasiest solution could be reinstalling the whole OS but with unity16:26
lapyoyes it will16:26
davi will try16:26
davfingers crossed16:26
mikeloudafter it finishes removing, type sudo apt-get autoremove16:26
lapyoit's not magic tho16:26
davyeah,but still..16:27
davwell i'm new in this16:27
lapyoit's very simple once you get the basics16:27
davi usually work in windows and vc++16:28
davnow i'm trying to learn linux16:28
mikeloudgood idea, it's fun16:28
lapyolinux is the best16:29
davespecially GCC16:29
davwhich is a lot better compiler then vc++16:29
davrestarting now16:30
voyager_ubuntu the best!16:31
lapyoI'm distro hopping always but I'm always coming back to ubuntu16:31
bunjeeany good card games out there on Ubuntu?16:31
lapyowithout unity tho, ugh16:31
mikeloudXfce is beautiful16:32
lapyolxde here, since I love openbox16:32
mikeloudwhat are the pros of openbox?16:32
mikeloudive barely touched it16:33
mikeloudeveryone seems to enjoy it though16:33
lapyovery minimal and very configurable I guess16:33
lapyoat least those are my reasons16:33
davhey it worked thanks16:33
mikeloudwerent the configuration files in xml?16:33
davbut starting up is bit slow16:34
davany tweaks16:34
lapyoyeah, you can do a lot with GUI too16:34
mikeloudoh, that's cool16:34
lapyodav: unity requires a bit more power than mate16:35
davi have16:35
adrian_1908big fan of XFCE too. It only lacks a good compositor (compton isn't bug free either) and the default file manager thunar is bug ridden. Other than that it's awesome, hits the sweet spot for me.16:36
davdo u think i should use amd drivers rather than open source ones16:36
lapyoI'd use proprietary drivers16:36
haasndav: I wouldn't recommend using the AMD proprietary drivers, ever16:36
lapyothey're crap?16:37
davi think the opensource ones are not correctly working16:37
haasnThey're bug-ridden, lack basic functionality and are prone to crashing16:37
lapyomy experience with proprietary drivers is mostly good16:37
haasnThen again, the free drivers are not that much better16:37
haasnI'd honestly just never recommend using AMD cards on Linux16:37
lapyoexcept with nvidia16:37
davAMD is cool16:37
davaccording to me16:38
lapyoyou should try both solutions to make a decision which way you like it more16:38
haasnlapyo: ??? exact opposite here, nvidia proprietary is the only thing that's remotely close to stable, functioning and fast - AMD fglrx is basically segfault soup, broken vsync;  AMD open-source has always been too slow for realtime use for me, nvidia open source is.. let's just not mention it, and intel proprietary is basically the worst driver in existence16:38
mikeloudadrian, yeah, xfce just seems to pack it all, my complaints are the same as yours but everything else works great16:39
adrian_1908Nvidia is clearly better in the Linux Desktop department. I don't know why AMD doesn't invest more into this, it could make them stand out; but they lag behind in almost every department. It's like Intel/AMD in a way.16:39
lapyohaasn: I haven't really used modern AMD hardware(graphics) on ubuntu, so I can't really say16:39
davok,you guys have more experience in linux then me16:39
haasnFWIW I'm exposed to all sorts of driver bugs because I develop a cross-platform OpenGL application that uses pretty much every feature it can get its hands on16:40
haasnMost of the obscure features are the ones that crash the drivers. Luckily 99.99% of users don't see them because we work around them in our code :/16:40
lapyothat would explain a lot16:40
adrian_1908dav: basically, start out with the open-source drivers, and if for some reason you're unsatisfied, try the proprietary ones. that's all there is to be said :P16:41
davbut it working great although the starting speed is a bit low16:41
lapyoI hate the fact that hardware manufacturers basically piss on GNU/Linux16:41
davopengl nice i never really got my hands on it16:41
davi usually work in compiler writting (simpler ones) and my own personal projects16:42
haasnlapyo: I hate the fact that NVIDIA as a company consistently uses under-handed business practices, flat out lies in my face about my GPU's capabilities, and does everything it can to promote vendor lock-in. I wouldn't buy from them if I had an alternative. That's why I'm hoping so much that AMD's free drivers will continue improving at the rate they currently are16:42
gangstalinuxhello there !!!16:43
haasnThey can already just about match fglrx's performance, and the AMDGPU architecture makes most of the difficult integration much easier. Plus, with the move to lower-level APIs, there will be less of a burden on the GPU driver vendor to define your application's performance16:43
adrian_1908lapyo: Yeah, still an issue of market size I think. As a linux user one tends to get a distorted image of the size of the user base compared to windows/OSX, it's truly tiny. I hope Steam will help affect this over time.16:43
lapyohaasn: ikr, I'm not getting any nvidia hardware ever again unless they change some things16:43
davmicrosoft too ,secureboot16:43
lapyoI have high hopes for steam machine/OS16:43
haasnlapyo: the sad part is that for my progam, even on linux, the AMD cards _massively_ outperform the nvidia cards for the same price; so not only am I giving money to nvidia, I'm also paying like twice the price for the same performance than if I was able to use AMD. Sadly, lack of vsync support when using multi-monitor setups with different refresh rates and orientations is a deal-breaker16:44
davare you guys professional programmers or free lancers16:44
lapyohaasn: that sucks16:45
adrian_1908haasn: Is that OpenGL or OpenCL performance?16:45
haasnadrian_1908: OpenGL. I don't want to touch OpenCL with a 10-ft pole16:45
lapyoI'm an amateur programmer mostly for fun16:45
adrian_1908hehe ok16:45
gangstalinuxnew to the hole linux seen. just came up on a mac with ubuntu all ready on it but am havind alot of trouble intalling lil things i like on it any sudjestions16:45
haasnadrian_1908: It's texture sampling performance, actually. AMD cards have like twice the texture clock of nvidia cards, it's all in the spec sheets16:46
haasnFor games it doesn't matter as much but for me it does :D16:46
davdo you think that is the reason why blender don't works correctly with amd16:46
adrian_1908I can imagine16:46
hetiiIs there some bug regarding booting ubuntu 15.10 over PXE ?16:46
hetiiit`s hang on getting ip16:46
rexwin_how to find services that are turned on specific runlevels as chkconfig?16:46
haasnhetii: Does it hang while trying to PXE boot, or does it hang *after* it successfully booted, inside the Ubuntu system?16:47
hetiihaasn: well I test it with pxelinux.0 and ipxe, both works the same way, it means, initrd and kernel is loaded then some scripts are called like nfs-premount, casper-preamont. after that I see that system try to get ip address for interface but it try it few times16:49
hetiiand end with kernel panic16:49
TJ-hetii: when doing PXE boot I recall there is a kernel command-line parameter to have it adopt the IP address used by PXE.16:52
dgarstangI have a 65 character checksum here. What type of checksum would that be?16:52
TJ-dgarstang: depends what base it is in16:52
haasnhetii: Hmm, I don't recognize the issue. We boot a handful of Ubuntu 16.04 machines over PXE-initiated local boots, and I've also a few dozen Ubuntu 14.04 machines (loading linux/initrd remotely) and it's always worked fine16:52
haasnEither it's something Ubuntu 15.10 specific or something about your DHCPd / TFTP settings are wrong16:53
haasnOr your specific ethernet hardware is doing something odd16:53
dgarstangTJ-: Hm. any way to tell?16:54
TJ-hetii: does the kernel have "netboot=nfs nfsroot=..."16:54
rexwin_what id chkconfig equivalent?16:55
majosahi, can anyone tell me where i can find "video_common.c" for edit? :D16:55
TJ-dgarstang: try the 'jacksum' utility16:55
rexwin_majosa, use the locate command after updatedb16:56
TJ-!info jacksum | dgarstang16:56
ubottudgarstang: jacksum (source: jacksum): computes checksums, CRCs and message digests. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.7.0-4 (wily), package size 202 kB, installed size 269 kB16:56
majosai will do, thx16:57
jlmmajosa: sudo find / -name 'video_common.c'16:57
dgarstangubottu: kk16:57
majosai try and next question come after i found it :D16:57
haasndgarstang: Where did you get it? Can you paste it? Is it 65 hexadecimal digits or base64 or?16:57
haasndgarstang: for reference 64 hex digits = 256 bits (e.g. sha256)16:58
majosaguys please help me i am learning but everytime something works there is a new problem, i got an error on motion with full hd resolution and find out that this seems the problem: https://sourceforge.net/p/motion/mailman/message/28579926/17:04
ioriamajosa, how did you install motion ?17:07
majosasudo apt-get install motion i think17:08
ioriamajosa,  i think you have the binary not the source ... video_common.c is in the source not in the ubuntu package17:08
majosai understand, i had to install it from source with edited video_common.c ?17:08
hetiiTJ, haasn This is my configuration: http://pastebin.ca/340566617:08
ioriamajosa, if you want to edit that file, yes17:08
majosathank you, helped me a lot, now i can go to the next step and learn how to install from source :D17:09
ioriamajosa, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/motion/3.2.12-417:10
haasnhetii: “ip=”17:10
haasnThe default device name is no longer eth0 in ubuntu 15.1017:10
haasnMaybe that's relevant?17:10
haasnyou could try adding net.ifnames=0 on the kernel command line17:11
TJ-majosa: according to the motion changelog, that fix (removing modulo 16 calculations for libjpeg) has been committed and in use since early 201217:11
majosaTJ: but i get this error, if i use 1280 x 720 its working... on 1920 x 1080 i get the modulo error17:12
TJ-majosa: on which version of Ubuntu?17:12
hetiihaasn: I check that with static ip as well as just ip=dhcp with the same result17:12
majosasorry my english is quiet not good enough to explain, sry for that :/17:13
TJ-majosa: !info motion trusty17:13
TJ-!info motion trusty17:13
ubottumotion (source: motion): V4L capture program supporting motion detection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.12-4 (trusty), package size 179 kB, installed size 767 kB17:13
majosabrb with that info17:14
hetiihaasn: btw you can look just at pxelinux.cfg/default where I test LABEL ubuntu 14.04_x86_6417:14
hetiiand there I use just dhcp entry17:14
TJ-majosa: hmmm, according to the 14.04 changelog it may not have received that patch, but its hard to tell. I don't see a 'new upstream release' change that would cover it at least. http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/m/motion/motion_3.2.12-4/changelog17:15
ioriahi TJ-17:15
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TJ-ioria: evening :)17:16
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ioriaTJ-  doing good ? ^_^17:16
TJ-ioria: been busy as a busy busy thing recently; slightly slower this weekend though17:18
ioriaTJ-  i see , thanx to take time to come17:18
majosaoh my gosh, this stuff is really hard for me, i learn and understand but sometimes it took me days to understand like "motion" all is working fine now, but i cant get full hd resolution.17:18
majosaand now i figure out the problem but cant solve it by myself17:19
TJ-hetii: the only thing I wonder about is booting the .efi kernel image; I wonder if its config is different from the legacy build and misses something. Are you able to test with the legacy vmlinuz?17:19
=== Detroit is now known as Chicago
majosaTJ: how do i install motion with this "patched" modulo 16 error ?17:20
hetiiTJ-: I download now ubuntu 12.04 and will try with it17:20
KrampusI have a "Critical to Someone" Server running 14.10.  do-release-upgrade failed in a way that makes me think the update path to current no longer will work.  Anyone know what kind of pain I'm setting myself up for if I just change the soures and dist-upgrade?17:21
TJ-majosa: "apt-get source motion; sudo apt-get build-dep motion; cd motion-*/; # edit the file #; dch -i;  fakeroot debian/rules binary "17:22
varaindemianafter trying to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 I can't login, I type my pass and after pressing enter I get back to the login screen. I also tried ctrl alt f1 and after logging from the terminal startx command doesn't work. Can I do something to revert the upgrade?17:22
varaindemianI also lost my internet connection17:23
majosaTJ: i will try17:23
varaindemianping google.com doesn't work17:23
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RustyShacklefordI want to add android studio to the app launcher17:36
SonikkuAmericaRustyShackleford: Is there an application icon for it?17:36
RustyShacklefordandroid studio generated a .desktop. When I use desktop-file-install, it wants to place it in /usr/share/applications17:37
RustyShacklefordSonikkuAmerica: yeah there is17:37
JohnHi all17:37
RustyShacklefordanyway that just seems odd. It would add the launcher for all users17:37
JohnSo im failing to update my ubuntu server via apt-get17:37
JohnHere the log: http://paste.ofcode.org/WpHZ9xgLRE4giZWqqQaEzn17:37
RustyShacklefordI mean I'm the only user, but if there was another user Android Studio would appear in their launcher17:37
RustyShacklefordbut they don't have permission to run it17:37
JohnI think its telling me it cant connect to the update servers17:38
SonikkuAmericaRustyShackleford: Which is fine (given you trust the program), because that's just a smattering of .desktop files that it sticks in the launcher. If you don't trust it in the /usr directory, there's always ~/.local/share/applications/ as well17:38
JohnAny ideas?17:38
SonikkuAmericaRustyShackleford: Of course, ~/.local/share/applications/ will make it only appear in your user session17:38
TJ-John: the guest is running on AWS? looks like the instance doesn't have full network access17:39
JohnTJ-:  hm, perhaps some ports aren't fully open17:39
majosaTJ cd motion-*/; get me and error ? First two commads work17:40
JohnHm, everything looks OK from the security group17:41
Johnall outgoing is allowed to any port17:41
RustyShacklefordSonikkuAmerica: well the .deskotp files are already .local/share/applications17:42
RustyShacklefordand they don't appear in the launcher17:42
RustyShacklefordmaybe I should restart?17:42
SonikkuAmericaOr at least log out and back in again, RustyShackleford17:43
JohnI'll try rebooting17:43
JohnTurn it off and on again -__-17:43
RustyShacklefordworks more often than it should17:44
RustyShacklefordmight as well update before I reboot17:44
JohnIm going to take a snapshot because i always forget and always regret it17:44
JohnJust throwing that out there :P17:44
JohnI almost rebooted my local machine -____-;17:46
JohnToday is not a good day for me :P17:46
RustyShacklefordlol gotta love it when a restart fixes your problem17:46
SonikkuAmericaJohn: Try the main server17:46
RustyShacklefordone more thing. I use irssi on a VPN17:47
JohnSonikkuAmerica: what do you mean? :)17:47
RustyShacklefordis there a way to make a shortcut to log in via ssh?17:47
RustyShacklefordI can never remember the IP address and my domain expired17:47
SonikkuAmericaJohn: Well, I think it's trying to reach an update server that it can't reach....17:47
JohnYou want to ssh into something on login?17:47
Johnah, ok17:47
RustyShacklefordJohn: no, just to have a shortcut17:48
JohnPerhaps the update server needed to reboot too...17:48
RustyShacklefordJohn: something like ./logintovps17:48
Johnah right, yeah you can do all that from the connection manager17:49
RustyShacklefordI guess I just make a bash script. And add it where?17:49
JohnWait, sorry, vpS not vpN17:49
majosaoh my gosh, my ip is blocked by ubuntu archive17:49
JohnWherever you like - i would recommend putting it in /home/your_username as "vps"17:50
llutzRustyShackleford:  create a simple bash script "~/bin/ssh-to"17:50
Johndont worry about the sh17:50
Johnchmod +x vps17:50
llutzRustyShackleford: contains just " ssh `basename $0` $* "17:50
Johninside it put "#!/bin/bash" on the first line, then below that your vps ssh command17:50
wafflejockRustyShackleford: so long as the bash script is somewhere in your path and marked executable you can run it anywhere17:51
llutzRustyShackleford: then create symlinks  named like hosts in your ~/.ssh/config   "ln -s  ssh-to  myhost1"17:51
llutzRustyShackleford: login with just calling "myhost1"17:51
wafflejockpersonally have a ~/scripts folder I added to my path and just add little scripts in there for connecting to VPSes17:51
Johngah, it just hangs on 100% [Connecting to us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecti17:52
Johnand seems to be up and working17:53
wafflejockJohn: you open port 22 on the firewall on AWS it looks like?17:53
Johnyeah, sure - for ssh17:53
wafflejockJohn: you need to have the firewall rules configured through their web interface to allow SSH access17:53
majosaTJ: ok its working i edit the file17:54
Johni can ssh in, i just cant apt-get update17:54
wafflejockah okay17:54
JohnSorry, i should have pasted the full error log17:54
wafflejockJohn: strange I have an AWS server using the same repos and it's working okay here17:57
wafflejockJohn: I don't see "In Release" on any of mine though what's that about?17:57
JohnNo idea :/17:57
JohnI messed around with some things once to get Neo4j running17:58
Johnbut i dont remember where17:58
wafflejockyeah can see the PPAs there it's trying to fetch from but seems it's failing on the AWS update server connection not that PPA17:58
Johnah, ok17:59
wafflejockwell or rather it fails on both17:59
mojtabaHi, I have connected my laptop using cable to the internet and I am trying to create a new access point. But the problem is that after connecting to my laptop, my phone does not get any IP. Do you know what could be wrong?17:59
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wafflejockJohn: any sort of network config changes recently that you're aware of?18:00
majosaTJ: dch -i;  fakeroot debian/rules binary " last two commands get me an error18:00
Johnum, well, i installed OpenVPN recently-ish18:00
Johnwell, months ago, but meh18:00
Johnthat involved ufw18:01
wafflejockJohn: have you updated since then? might be related to that, found this post with some generic googling http://askubuntu.com/questions/164169/unable-to-connect-error-with-apt-get18:01
Johnbut sudo ufw status returns Status: inactive18:01
mojtabaHi, I have connected my laptop using cable to the internet and I am trying to create a new access point. But the problem is that after connecting to my laptop, my phone does not get any IP. Do you know what could be wrong?18:02
nemesisDrone`,  marzio:18:02
wafflejockJohn: yeah wonder if it has something to do with it trying  use the VPN connection or some bad network adapter when it's doing the apt-get update for some reason18:02
wafflejockJohn: maybe check out ifconfig, I'm not too privvy on the details of managing the different interfaces but think you can use ifup/ifdown to turn interfaces on or off... imagine you want to be pretty careful here and get a snapshot before you start messing with network config though so you don't lock yourself out completely18:03
JohnChanging my sources.list seems to give me a different server IP, but same issue it looks like18:04
Johnyeah, haha, good point :)18:04
hetiiTJ, haasn this is what I discover, when use image from  ubuntu12 under  real box I get kernel sync panic cause he cannot mount rootfs, in this same box but with virtualbox where I have bridge with real network interface ubuntu 12 ask me to provide a name for disk118:04
hetiiI have no idea what`s going on with my setup but only archlinux is able to boot.18:05
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hetiiubuntu12/14/15/linuxmint/ are not able to mount root fs or stock on getting dhcp ip18:05
hetii(even when provide static it  still drop into kernel panic)18:06
Johnwait, er, maybe its because i was screwing around with the MTU18:06
richard_name is richard18:06
JohnHere's my ifconfig deets http://paste.ofcode.org/RD5bDZm6q8XMBhQB7JV9hi18:06
JohnDoes that look similar to yours wafflejock?18:06
richard_anyone find casino card games, black jack or slots?18:07
wafflejockJohn: yeah I mean we're in different regions so the IP ranges are different and all but it looks fine for that one... no other interfaces showing up when you do that?18:08
John"Names Richard. Black Jack's ma game"18:08
JohnYeah there's also lo but meh18:08
richard_I'm sorry - did not introduce myself correctly - my name is richard...18:08
richard_John - how do I get black jack?18:09
wafflejockJohn: yeah nothing scewy looking in any of that really would maybe try disabling OpenVPN temporarily or if that doesn't work see if you can find the MTU change an see if that's effecting it18:13
dm_comphi, why isn't ProjectLibre in Ubuntu Software Center? (15.10)18:14
JohnYeah so i remember now - i was messing around with the MTU on the vpn, not the eth018:15
JohnAnd i turned the vpn off and nothing changed :/18:15
JohnPlus, the VPN works, so i think it was all just a red herring18:15
wafflejockJohn: yeah worth checking though would be an easy win if that were it...18:15
Johnhowever, i was having an unrelated issue on the VPN (MTU issues), which i now fixed, haha18:15
wafflejockJohn: not sure where to look next :)18:16
JohnApparently the server needs to accept ICMP things to help with the VPN, which i just learned and activated18:16
JohnIs there a verbose mode for apt-get update?18:16
wafflejockgood question dunno18:17
JohnI mean, i can ping the server its trying to talk to from the server just fine -_-18:17
Johni will investigate!18:17
JohnTo the manual pages!18:17
wafflejockJohn: ah yeah -V18:17
Johnaw, awesome18:17
lolololmy computer broke: Im now on "initramfs" and I dont know what to do: I have 3 kernels, I tried them all and all took me here18:21
lolololbusybox v1.22.1 built in shell (ash)18:22
tiskenhi to all18:22
lolololenter help for a list of built in commands18:22
tiskenhow are you?18:22
matthewkimtisken: thanks how are you18:22
tiskenim fine thanks18:22
tiskenim from spain18:23
lolololbefore this happened I had very suddenly permission issues, not being able to save to directories where I usually save without problems18:23
matthewkimtisken: hola, como estas (only one sentence I know)18:23
truerockYo no comprendo nada :D18:24
tiskenmuy bien18:24
tiskenvery well18:24
wafflejockhah Hi tisken if you're looking for general chat join #ubuntu-offtopic, believe there's an #ubuntu-es as well if you have any #ubuntu support questions though this is the place18:24
tiskenok waff18:25
tiskeni will do it18:25
majosaTJ: thank you so much, all is working perfect now :D18:26
wafflejocklololol: what have you been trying so far? have you tried booting with a live USB to see if you can access the filesystem?18:26
k1ldm_comp: should there be an package?18:27
lolololwafflejock: not much, I reseted the laptop 3 times and tried the 3 kernels... I have no idea what to do now18:27
wafflejocklololol: just did a search this might be relevant though I've never personally encountered this issue so not sure http://askubuntu.com/questions/137655/boot-drops-to-a-initramfs-prompts-busybox18:28
wafflejocklololol: would try making/using a boot USB or DVD or whatever though to get into a live environment so you can diagnose from there... might be able to do it all in the busy box shell too but typically easier to fix things from a live environment so nothing in the main system needs to be mounted (in case you have to do something that fixes the filesystem)18:30
cajuntechieHey everyone. I asked this in the #mutt channel but they sent me here. Is there a way to install mutt without installing Postfix? I'm going to use a remote SMTP server for delivery and don't need Postfix.18:30
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dm_compk1l: i don't know. there is a .deb on sourceforge (I just used that)18:32
lolololwhy do I have a bad superblock wafflejock ?18:33
Ben64cajuntechie: probably "sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install mutt"18:33
k1ldm_comp: then tell the project to maintain a package in debian and ubuntu repos. then there will be packages in ubuntu :)18:34
wafflejocklololol: that's another good question if that's actually the root cause of the problem I wonder if it's a sign of HDD failure, would be good to probably run any SMART diagnostics tools to get the info from the drive about failures to see if it should be replaced... probably want to be sure that's the issue though18:34
JohnSeems that -V doesnt work with update18:35
wafflejocklololol: some nice instructions here on checking HDD and memory in a live environment http://askubuntu.com/questions/317241/can-i-use-ubuntu-to-diagnose-hard-drive-or-ram-problems-in-windows18:35
Johngah, i dont know. Maybe if i just wait it will go away on its own18:36
JohnI cant install anything either, but everything currently on the machine seems to be working18:36
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dm_compk1l: debian might have license issues since they have some 3ed party license agreement18:38
bray90820Can someone help me here I have  a bash script here and every time it's run /media/backup opens up18:42
bray90820If it's possible I would like for it not to open18:42
Waheediis there a way to set noproc from upstart script in addition to nofile limit?18:42
wafflejockbray90820: what do you mean by "opens up" you end up there after running the script in the terminal?18:44
wafflejockbray90820: or like it opens a file browser at some point?18:44
Waheedithis looks like what i want http://linux.die.net/man/2/setrlimit18:45
bray90820Waheedi: it opens in a graphical environment18:46
bray90820wrong ing18:46
wafflejockhmm ok18:46
dorelyoAfter upgrading from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 I ca not login. After entering my password the login screen appears again. I tried ctrl alt f1, I logged in, but 'startx' command failed to run. I don't know how to access my Desktop Enviroment. Can I revert the upgrade somehow?18:46
bray90820wafflejock: How would I have it not open up18:46
Ben64dorelyo: join #ubuntu+1 for support with 16.0418:46
wafflejockbray90820: I am just guessing here but maybe the mount is causing the GUI to auto open on mount18:47
bray90820wafflejock: Well when I run each command separately it works but when I run ur as a bash script it ends up opening18:47
WaheediI get this error when trying: limit noproc 10000 10000  in upstart .conf --> stop: Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn't exist18:48
bray90820wafflejock: I don't want it to open18:48
wafflejockbray90820: yeah this is the only line I would think could trigger that to happen "ssh root@ mount -o ro /dev/server/backup '/media/backup'" not really sure how to test that theory though, but know that cd and rsync and all have no graphical component and won't trigger anything but mounting a location does sometimes cause the window to automatically pop-up (like when it automounts a USB which is useful)18:49
bray90820wafflejock: Your Probably right and note that I am currently testing this stuff without SSH but it also happens with SSH18:51
mish41i just installed ubuntu. i'm a bit clueless as how to make sure i have the best video card drivers installed. from the snappyness of the graphics while i browse the internet it seems slow. i have an ati radeon hd 4870. do i start by looking at what package managers have?18:51
wafflejockbray90820: looks like you can disable it completely but not sure on a per mount basis http://askubuntu.com/questions/191527/disable-auto-opening-nautilus-window-after-auto-mount18:51
bray90820wafflejock: I think that link will actually work for me since I am not really using this compute for much more then a home server like once or twice a month I might actually use it with a screen18:52
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cofoHello all18:56
hilxmish41, start 'Additional Drivers' Application and let it search for drivers18:56
cofoAny testdisk experts?18:56
mish41hilx: when i look at software & updates -> additional drivers, it just says no additional drivers available18:57
k1lmish41: what is the output of "lsb_release -d"18:58
mish41k1l: ubuntu 14.04.4 lts18:58
Bashing-ommish41: AMD droped support for that card a few years back, The only viable option is to run the open source driver ' radeon' . See that it is installed and loaded with terminal command ' sudo lshw -C display ' . In the configuration line do you see " radeon " ?18:59
grirgzi'm trying to make multicast working in an ad-hoc ethernet network, but on one computer i don't receive the responses from the other when doing "ping", do you know what could be wrong ?18:59
k1lmish41: amd dopped support for the old 4xxx cards18:59
Johngah, i have a feeling this is one of those errors that will be with me forever until I move all the data on this VM to another18:59
JohnHow do i 'unselect' packages in ubuntu?19:00
k1lmish41: so you dont have a fglrx anymore. you need to stick to the open source kernel driver19:00
JohnLike, i have wiped my sources.list to be default, and removed everything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:00
k1ljohn unselect? you mean deinstall?19:00
JohnI dont want to deinstall, well maybe i do19:00
JohnI dont know -whatever I need to do to get apt-get update working again19:01
k1ljohn: for removing ppa you better use ppa-purge19:01
k1l!ppa-purge | john19:01
ubottujohn: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:01
Johnah, ok19:01
JohnIs there a way to see what ppa's are currently being used?19:01
k1ljohn: maybe "apt-cache policy"19:01
mish41Bashing-om: when I do that command i get configuration: driver=radeon latency=019:01
JohnI dont have ppa purge :(19:01
Johnapt-cache policy gave me: http://paste.ofcode.org/wphSV4R2WNmyrMss3Pstw419:02
k1lmish41: dont run any commands. read the first answer!19:02
JohnDoes anything there look abnormal?19:03
k1ljohn. talk to your hoster if you have issues with the repos they offer you19:03
abdullayev851#join wikipedia19:04
abdullayev851join #wikipedia19:04
mish41k1l: I get that ATI doesn't officially support this card anymore, which means they don't provide a driver. I guess my question is conceptual, how does one figure out which other parties make drivers for a video card? Does each distro have a driver for each video card?19:04
k1labdullayev851: "/join #channel"19:04
LuckyTuxHey guys, i hace quick question about drivers19:04
LuckyTuxWhich one should I use?19:04
k1lmish41: you have 3 choices: use the amd driver (fglrx), use the open source driver in the linux kernel (radeon) or make your own driver (i doubt anyone can do this). so since amd doesnt make fglrx anymore for your card your only choice is the kernel driver. which is already working since you see somehting on your monitor :)19:06
k1lmish41: what is the output of "uname -a"?19:06
wafflejockJohn: pretty much looks the same as here a few extra repos we both have aside, like k1l said you might want to see if you can file a support bug with AWS to see if they can point you in the right direction or let you know if they have some issue with some part of the repos they're hosting for these images19:06
mish41k1l: Linux mish4-desktop 4.2.0-27-generic #32~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 22 15:32:26 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:07
TJ-LuckyTux: "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" will do the job for you :)19:07
k1lmish41: ok, that is already the 15.10 backports kernel.19:07
xdevnullHello people, How to create shortcut of file.sh19:08
xdevnullI'm running that via terminal always19:08
xdevnullIs there any alternatives?19:08
mish41k1l: so essentially i have the most up to date radeon driver (provided by ubuntu) for the video card?19:08
wafflejockJohn: seems to be working from my AWS machine that's also using http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages and the like19:08
davido@xdevnull so how would you like to be able to run it?19:09
k1lmish41: yes.19:09
xdevnulldavido just like shortcut and double click19:09
mish41k1l: thanks19:09
xdevnullrather than ./name.sh from terminal19:09
wafflejockJohn: AWS may be able to get you more info if you get them the instance id or whatever they need though to tell you if something is wrong with that particular box or network segment or give some steps to diagnose19:09
* aris1 19:11
* aris1 19:11
hilxxdevnull, https://askubuntu.com/questions/299052/how-to-execute-sh-script-from-a-desktop-shortcut19:12
Sonderbladeany idea on how to solve this when updating initramfs? cp: ”/etc/fonts/conf.d/60-latin.conf”: file or directory not found19:13
xdevnullhilx, Thanks boss19:13
mish41k1l: is it known whether the kernel video card drivers are much worse than official ones? I notice when i browse google maps its a bit sluggish. so not sure who to blame19:14
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k1lmish41: the open source drivers are a lot of reverse engeneered drivers. so sometimes they are a bit worse than the fglrx.19:16
m000gleIs there any way to lock the screen in Ubuntu 15.10, without the Unity Greeter causing the screensaver to activate and the displays to sleep?19:18
m000gleEven with power settings set to never sleep or turn off display, and with caffeine running/activated which should also inhibit this, the Unity Greeter seems to simply ignore the setting.19:18
xdevnullhilx, i've added .desktop file with [Desktop Entry] but i get error19:19
xdevnullthere was error running application19:19
xdevnulllaunching *19:19
wafflejockxdevnull: you have the full path in the exec line?19:19
xdevnullyes sir19:19
wafflejockxdevnull: ah here's a quick work around to log why it failed to launch http://askubuntu.com/questions/436999/how-do-i-diagnose-there-was-an-error-launching-the-application19:20
ioriaxdevnull,  it depends also on the script ... what it does and what it needs to run ....if works in terminal try Exec= gnome-terminal -x /path/file.sh19:23
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xdevnullioria. it's phpstorm ide. i usually run it via ./phpstorm.sh19:23
wafflejockxdevnull: ah PHPstorm automatically made the .desktop files for me let me see if I can find them here19:24
ioriaxdevnull,  from its folder  , right ?19:26
wafflejockxdevnull: here's what my stuff looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/15428298/ I might have manually extracted phpstorm to that /opt/ folder though I forget really but it did generate the desktop entry for me19:26
xdevnullioria, Yes cd phpstorm/bin then ./phpstorm.sh19:26
xdevnullwafflejock it's in my Downloads folder :P19:27
wafflejockxdevnull: just showing the desktop entry there then the output of ls -al /usr/bin/phpstorm that shows it's linked19:27
wafflejockxdevnull: yeah mine was there for a while :)19:27
xdevnullCan't i just keep it in DownloadS? or that will cause problem?19:27
wafflejockxdevnull: it's okay I just wanted to be "cleaner" about it /opt seemed like a reasonable place19:28
wafflejockxdevnull: I ran it from Downloads for like a year though I don't think there's any issue about where it's really at19:28
ioriaxdevnull,  maybe you need a little script that cd in there (phpstorm/bin/), and then executes ./phpstorm   , put the first in the .desktop (make the .desktop executable)19:29
xdevnullioria, it is19:29
xdevnullwait i'll pastebinit my file19:29
wafflejockxdevnull: yeah think you just want the full path to phpstorm.sh in there instead of trying to cd in the exec line19:29
xdevnullHow can i pastebin the deskptop file via pastebinit19:30
xdevnullpastebinit grep ?19:30
wafflejockxdevnull: cat /path/to/file | pastebinit19:30
k1lthat kills a kitten ;)19:31
k1ljust "pastebinit /path/to/file"19:31
wafflejockheh sorry haha forgot you can just pass it a file19:31
wafflejockxdevnull: hmm yeah so long as /home/devnull/Downloads/PhpStorm-143.1770/bin/phpstorm.sh is executable that looks like it should be fine19:31
bray90820wafflejock: The link you sent me works perfectly19:32
wafflejockbray90820: cool no problem19:32
wafflejockTerminal should be false I think19:32
wafflejockxdevnull: ^19:33
xdevnullwafflejock, same19:39
wafflejockxdevnull: hmm yeah if running the .sh file directly works fine would try that post about wrapping the call in another script that logs the errors to a file to see what's happening19:40
wafflejockxdevnull: maybe some environment variable/path issues or something19:40
xdevnullwafflejock, I would love if u can expain to me the first step. I'm newbie sry :/19:41
ioriaxdevnull, try with an %f at end   ... Exec="/home/devnull/Downloads/PhpStorm-143.1770/bin/phpstorm.sh"   %f19:42
xdevnullsame thing19:43
wafflejockxdevnull: no problem, basically what that post is asking you to do is write a new bash script (this is just a text file that starts with #!/usr/bin/env bash ) include that text they have there except you just replace the /path/to/yourapp part with the call to the .sh file you have in the exec line the 2>~/myapp.log part will take any error output (2) and send it to that log file19:44
wafflejockxdevnull: basically save this text in a file http://paste.ubuntu.com/15428499/ lets say it's ~/testWrapper.sh, then run chmod a+x ~/testWrapper.sh, and change the Desktop Entry file to point at the ~/testWrapper.sh (would probably use the full path just in case it doesn't expand the ~ so like /home/myuser/testWrapper.sh)19:46
wafflejockxdevnull: when you run the desktop entry then you'll end up with a file in your home folder ~/myapp.log and it should say what actually errored out19:47
xdevnullwafflejock, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15428570/19:51
wafflejockxdevnull: well weird...19:57
wafflejockxdevnull: maybe it's not using the right version of the JRE/JVM or something but it's still not entirely clear from the error, at least something to google on19:58
wafflejockxdevnull: you could also just go through the install again pretty sure it asks during install if you want it to make a desktop entry, pretty sure I said yes then went in and changed it :)19:58
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Sonderbladecan you get dpkg or apt to install all the files from a package without running pre and postinst scripts?20:02
xdevnullwafflejock, I downloaded it as zip an unzipeed it and access that via bin dir20:05
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wafflejockxdevnull: yeah think there's like a setup.sh or install.sh in there too though one sec let me see. I recall running some GUI install step20:05
wafflejockxdevnull: it may have just been a first run thing I see this in the Linux install instructions in the base of the stuff I extracted http://paste.ubuntu.com/15428792/20:07
czmanit is my first time to use irc ^_^20:10
wafflejockxdevnull: you can probably move that ~/.WebIDE folder to ~/WebIDE_bak or whatever it is in order to get it to do the first run stuff again, but can't find anything that definitively says that in their docs this is the closest I see https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/2016.1/importing-phpstorm-settings-on-first-launch.html?origin=old_help20:11
xdevnullwafflejock but seems it's not a problem with phpstorm it self20:11
xdevnullcuz phpstorm running from bin dir20:11
wafflejockxdevnull: well it's with the way the launcher here is configured for sure but saying you can have it create the launcher for you20:11
wafflejockxdevnull: seems from the error it's probably not using the JRE that's bundled with PHPStorm for some reason but I'm not positive on that20:12
xdevnullAnyways, Thanks20:12
xdevnullWell keep using .sh :P20:12
xdevnullno worries20:12
ioriaxdev i tried your .desktop  with another program and it wasn't working .... i found extra characters in it (invisible=spaces) that have to removed  to make it work. I think depends on the page where you copied it from20:12
xdevnullI apperciate your help. Thank you alot20:12
wafflejockxdevnull: heh yup sorry we couldn't get it figured out20:12
xdevnullioria, <320:14
xdevnullioria & wafflejock, Thanks both of you <3. It's now working20:14
xdevnullseems i copied empty spaces as ioria said.20:14
ioriaxdevnull, yay20:14
wafflejockoh sweet20:14
xdevnullWe should change "win" word :P cuz it's remind me with windows20:15
wafflejockstrange error too though20:15
xdevnullxD thx again20:17
rangelov310hi guys : )20:25
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czmanpython or c++ ?develop a ubuntu suru style app20:31
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wafflejockczman: what is suru?20:38
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czmanubuntu new design language20:40
Guest4214with debhelper there is a goal of dh_usrlocal. I am failing to get past it because it is failing to delete a directory in usr/local20:40
Guest4214anyone come across this problem?20:40
wafflejockczman: appears to be Qt/QML based so think C++ is there a way to write Qt apps with Python?20:41
wafflejockoh huh20:43
mcphailczman: you might want to have a look at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/ where there are some tutorials on developing ubuntu apps20:43
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czmanmcphail: ok thanks20:44
mcphailczman: the #ubuntu-app-devel channel can be very helpful during European working hours, as well20:44
czmanmcphail: sadly,i`m in china20:46
mcphailczman: never mind. You can leave your irc client idling in the channel, and get your replies when you wake up :)20:47
colamanhey wie kann ich xchat einstellen20:51
genii!de | colaman20:53
ubottucolaman: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:53
czmanmcphhail: it's better this way20:53
czmanhow @ a person in irc client? i am using polari20:55
geniiczman: Don't bother, just use their name20:56
geniiczman: Their client will highlight it for them20:56
czmangenli: ok21:02
lee_g750jmhello all21:27
hadeswatch3rlee_g750jm hello21:31
lee_g750jmhello hadeswatch3r21:32
lee_g750jmso how long has most of you used ubuntu  for21:37
hadeswatch3rWarty Warthog for me.21:38
hadeswatch3roff and on .. until present 16.04.21:39
circ-user-RcYrqhardy hedgehog21:40
lee_g750jm14.04 LTS21:40
hadeswatch3rHoary Hedgehog... you mean..21:41
lee_g750jmyeah i like 14.0.421:41
lee_g750jmright now this will be my laptop  os21:43
lee_g750jmwindows 10   is no more21:44
lee_g750jmcompiz +emerald21:44
abh0rtugh, windows 10 is terrible..good choice on ditching it :)21:47
abh0rtimo, 7 was the last good working windows21:48
hadeswatch3rI still have windows 10..21:48
luckwolfwindows 10 is bad21:49
lee_g750jmbad as in good or  just  bad21:49
hadeswatch3rAgreed... Windows10 NSA edition.21:49
abh0rtWindows in general is just bad21:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:49
abh0rthaha, nsa edition..ohhhh so true21:49
MneuroI had a windows 10 partition around until this week.  Windows 10 just has too many bugs and issues to even bother with it anymore21:49
luckwolfis very hard repair the partition of  system in windows21:51
gr33nbitsheias need some help, configured a vpn on a vm and now need to copy the /ovpn-client from the vmubuntu server to the host21:51
gr33nbitswhat's the best way to do it?21:51
mnemonic_gr33nbits: use scp21:52
gr33nbitsdo i need to do anything on the host?21:52
mnemonic_gr33nbits: Yes - it has to be running SSH server.21:53
gr33nbitsokis, i will try21:53
mnemonic_gr33nbits: Can you SSH in to the host?21:53
gr33nbitsnever done it21:53
mnemonic_gr33nbits: If the answer is "Yes", then SSH is installed.21:54
mnemonic_gr33nbits: You can test it with: ssh <host_ip_or_name>21:54
gr33nbitsyes it's installed21:54
gr33nbitsoh maybe ufw i probably need to disable and restart and try again21:54
mnemonic_gr33nbits: If that works, you can copy your file over using: scp whatever.ovpn host_ip_address:/home/[username]/21:55
gr33nbitsssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused21:55
gr33nbitsufw i will disable and restart21:55
gr33nbitsthanks a bunch though21:56
mnemonic_gr33nbits: No need to restart. Just turn off the firewall with: sudo ufw disable (I think).21:56
gr33nbitslet me try21:57
gr33nbitsstill refusing connection21:57
mnemonic_Can you access the host at all?21:57
mnemonic_How are you accessing the host?21:57
gr33nbitsssh ip21:58
gr33nbitstrying on the host21:58
mnemonic_No, I mean, do you already have access to a terminal on the host?21:58
mnemonic_So how were you attempting to turn off the firewall on the host?21:59
gr33nbitsyes was trying ssh on the host21:59
gr33nbitsnot on the vm server21:59
mnemonic_Do you have access to the VM server?21:59
gr33nbitshow can i try22:00
gr33nbitsusing the server ip?22:00
mnemonic_What are you using? VirtualBox?22:00
gr33nbitsyes virtualbox and ubuntu 14.04 server22:00
mnemonic_So the VM guest is 14.04 server?22:00
gr33nbitsyes the host is 14.04 too22:01
mnemonic_So do you have a window in which you can type things in to the guest?22:01
gr33nbitsi just don't want to install desktop on the server machine22:01
mnemonic_You don't have to.22:01
gr33nbitsyes i do, i configured the vpn server already and i think it's fine22:01
mnemonic_You have access to the guest terminal, right?22:02
mnemonic_In the guest terminal, type in: sudo ufw disable22:02
gr33nbitssudo ufw status verbose on the guest and it's inactive22:03
gr33nbitsdidn't installed yet22:03
mnemonic_Okay, so no Ubuntu firewall is installed.22:03
gr33nbitson the host only22:03
gr33nbitsnot the vm guest ubuntu server no22:03
gr33nbitsand on the host i have ufw disable22:04
mnemonic_On the guest, type in: netstat -plnt | grep 2222:04
mnemonic_What does it return?22:05
gr33nbitswith sudo netstat -plnt | grep 2222:05
gr33nbitsnothing on return22:05
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gr33nbitsso guest door 22 is open?22:06
mnemonic_It's not a "door", it's the standard SSH port.22:06
gr33nbitsoh okis22:06
mnemonic_On the guest, what do you get when you enter: ssh
gr33nbitsenglish not main sorry22:06
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gr33nbitsconnection refused22:07
mnemonic_Okay, so you don't have openSSH server installed. You will have to install it.22:07
gr33nbitsah ok22:07
gr33nbitsso i need on both22:07
mnemonic_What do you mean by "both"?22:07
gr33nbitscan i mount a pendrive on ubuntu server and cp the directory?22:08
mnemonic_Yes, you can.22:08
gr33nbitsthat would be much easier22:08
mnemonic_Although not sure about your VM guest, and whether or not is will detect a USB device.22:09
mnemonic_Personally, I'd install SSH server on your guest: sudo apt-get install tasksel22:09
mnemonic_Then run tasksel on the guest using: sudo tasksel22:09
mnemonic_Then select "SSH Server" (something like that).22:09
mnemonic_Once done, you can copy any file from host to guest using: scp filename.ext guest_ip_address:/destination/path22:12
gr33nbitsso on the host i don't need to install ssh server gotcha22:13
wafflejockmnemonic_: needs authorized_keys on the guest no?22:13
gr33nbitsport 22:connection refused22:13
mnemonic_What do you get on the guest when you run: sudo netstat -plnt22:14
mnemonic_Can you see anything listening on port 22?22:14
mnemonic_It will look something like this: tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      972/sshd22:14
gr33nbitsyes on the guest i can22:14
gr33nbitsoh man don't tell me i need to configure the vpn again22:15
mnemonic_Were you prompted for a username and password?22:15
gr33nbitscause i installed the ssh server22:15
gr33nbitsyou mean on the guest or the host?22:15
wafflejockgr33nbits: when you try to scp from the host machine to the guest machine are you prompted for credentials?22:15
gr33nbitsah the host22:16
mnemonic_On the host. From the host, when you tried to scp the key over, were you prompted for a username and password?22:16
gr33nbitsno i am not22:16
mnemonic_What is the IP address of your guest?22:16
mnemonic_(I'm assuming it's a local IP address)22:16
wafflejockgr33nbits: it should prompt you for a password to login if you aren't using key based login and have a public key in the authorized_keys on the guest that corresponds to your private key on the host22:17
mnemonic_What do you get when (from the host) you enter: ssh
gr33nbitsi don't and i don't get a prompt22:17
gr33nbitsmnemonic_, it connects22:17
mnemonic_Cool. So you can SSH in to the guest from the host?22:18
gr33nbitswafflejock, it's doens't prompt me22:18
wafflejockgr33nbits: well does it connect with ssh from the host to the guest like mnemonic_ asked?22:19
mnemonic_If you can SSH in to the guest from the host, then you should be able to scp a file from the host to the guest.22:19
mnemonic_gr33nbits: You now have to 'exit' from the SSH session (or open a new terminal, to make sure you're on the right machine).22:20
mnemonic_gr33nbits: Then, 'cd' in to the directory where the key is.22:21
mnemonic_gr33nbits: Then: scp yourkey.ovpn
mnemonic_(or where ever you want to copy it to)22:21
naskerHello kind people :D22:22
pat_hi nasker22:22
wafflejockhello and hello22:22
mauXDDhola nasker22:22
naskerhow are you guys ? everything good ?22:22
mauXDDhabla en español22:23
wafflejocknasker: not bad, got some ubuntu problem?22:23
wafflejock!es | mauXDD22:23
ubottumauXDD: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:23
mnemonic_gr33nbits: If you do not want to use the terminal, another option you have is to open up Nautilus (the file browser), press CTRL + L, then in the address bar enter: sftp://
mnemonic_gr33nbits: You can then just "drag 'n drop" files.22:24
gr33nbitsit's first time i trying to copy files like this i would prefer console22:25
gr33nbitsi can login in ssh on the guest22:25
gr33nbitsjust missing something on the scp command22:25
mnemonic_What do you get when you open a terminal on the host, then type: touch.txt22:26
mnemonic_Sorry, I meant type: touch test.txt22:26
mnemonic_Then: scp test.txt
gr33nbitsthat creates a file on the host22:27
gr33nbitslet me try22:27
mnemonic_Yes, then the second command secure copies it to the guest.22:27
gr33nbitsi don't need to authenticate?22:27
gr33nbitsdoesn't copy22:28
gr33nbitslook just tell me what is the command i need to type on the host22:28
mnemonic_gr33nbits: I'm not sure how you've configured things. If you have key authentication set up, you will not be prompted for a password. If you do not, you will be prompted for your password.22:28
mnemonic_Oh, sorry - do you have a user account set up on the guest VM?22:28
mnemonic_You said that you managed to successfully ssh in to the guest, right?22:29
gr33nbitsmnemonic_, tell me the scp command i have to type on the ssh guest22:29
mnemonic_It's not on the guest.22:29
gr33nbitsjust tell me the scp command i have to do to move the directory22:29
mnemonic_You should be typing that from the host.22:29
gr33nbitsor i need to move file by file22:29
gr33nbitsi did but didn't copied22:29
mnemonic_From the host: scp filename (or where ever)22:29
gr33nbitsbut the files are on /etc/ovpn-client22:30
mnemonic_On the host or guest?22:30
mauXDDhola walfflejock22:30
mauXDDen español22:30
gr33nbitsi configured the vpn server on the guest that is a ubuntu server 14.0422:31
mnemonic_Ah, right. Then, from the host, you should use: scp* .22:31
mnemonic_Sorry, that sould be: scp* .22:32
gr33nbitsno password for the ssh server needed?22:32
mnemonic_I don't know. Depends if you have key authentication set up. If not, it will prompt you for a password.22:32
mnemonic_What do you get when you enter: scp* .22:33
gr33nbitsproblem is that i can't ssh on the host22:33
mnemonic_I thought you said you already did?22:33
gr33nbitsoh the guest yes22:33
mnemonic_Where did you ssh to/from?22:34
gr33nbitsim on ssh on the guest22:34
mnemonic_So you have a terminal open on the guest?22:34
mnemonic_And you can ssh from the guest to the host?22:34
gr33nbitsno cause on the host i can even ssh
mnemonic_Is your guest VM?22:35
gr33nbitsno host ip22:35
mnemonic_Host IP for what?22:35
gr33nbitsso on the host i should ssh guest ip22:36
gr33nbitsit stays blinking22:36
gr33nbitsbut does nothing22:36
mnemonic_You have probably entered an incorrect IP address.22:36
gr33nbitsno i haven't22:36
gr33nbitsdo i need port?22:36
mnemonic_Did you install OpenSSH server on the guest?22:36
gr33nbitsor password?22:36
gr33nbitsyes the server is running on the guest22:37
mnemonic_OpenSSH server is running on the guest?22:37
gr33nbitswell i do on the guess: ssh ip and it asks me the pass22:37
mnemonic_I do not understand what you just said.22:38
gr33nbitsif i do ssh on the guest22:38
gr33nbitsnext line is a password that i have st22:38
mnemonic_So is the IP address of your guest?22:38
mnemonic_What do you get from the host when you enter: ping
gr33nbitsreturns nothing22:39
mnemonic_That means you do not have a route from your host to your guest.22:40
gr33nbitsmaybe the guest vm network card22:40
mnemonic_In other words, your guest is not contactable from your host using that IP address.22:40
gr33nbitsexactly is set to NAT22:40
gr33nbitsdo i need to change that?22:40
mnemonic_10.x.x.x looks like a NAT type address.22:40
gr33nbits:) lol im such a noob22:41
gr33nbitsso vpn wont work either before i fix that22:42
mnemonic_You need to set up a bridged or host-only network interface.22:42
gr33nbitsdone let's see22:42
gr33nbitsbtw sorry for the mess in the chat room22:43
gr33nbitsand thanks a bunch mnemonic_22:43
mnemonic_Have you already set up a new interface?22:43
gr33nbitslogging in22:43
gr33nbitsok i can ping the guest from the host22:44
luka_fucking loonix man I swear22:44
mnemonic_So on the guest VM, what do you get when you enter: ipconfig | grep "inet addr"22:44
luka_man this OS makes me rage22:44
ikonialuka_: tone down the language please22:45
ikoniait's not welcome in this channel22:45
ikoniano problem22:45
luka_I have found a design flaw22:45
luka_in whatever elementary OS uses for the interface22:45
gr33nbitsi get >22:45
titanium17im going to ask the dumbest question ever: How do I increase the font size of xchat on ubuntu?22:45
luka_once oyu hide the menu you can't get it back22:45
mekhamii just put ubuntu on a dell inspiron 17 3737 and loaded up firefox, for some reason it won't connect to the internet22:45
titanium17seriously im lost, i am ashamed, but lost.22:46
mekhamiit's working just fine on my ubuntu desktop22:46
mekhamiand it's connected to wifi22:46
mekhamiand i changed the dns settings22:46
mekhamibut it's not loadin g anything up22:46
ikoniaelementary is not ubuntu22:46
SchrodingersScattitanium17: no preferences under 'Edit'?22:46
mnemonic_gr33nbits: Does that mean you get nothing?22:47
titanium17SchrodingersScat, found preferences, I see text box and font but no font size22:47
gr33nbitsbut i can ping the guest now mnemonic_22:47
titanium17SchrodingersScat, scratch that. I am dumber than I thought I was. Choosing font also chooses size alongside.22:47
mnemonic_gr33nbits: Sounds like no IP addresses are assigned. What type of network interface did you add?22:47
titanium17problem solved!22:47
gr33nbitsnow i have
SchrodingersScattitanium17: great, and we've had worse questions22:47
titanium17thats reassuring!22:48
mnemonic_gr33nbits: Good news! If you can ping the guest from the host, you should now be able to ssh from the host to the guest.22:48
gr33nbitslet's try22:48
mnemonic_gr33nbits: What do you get now when you: ssh (from the host)22:48
gr33nbitsask's me a password mnemonic_22:49
mnemonic_Then it's definitely working. You don't have to ssh in to the guest if you don't want.22:50
mnemonic_You can now just use scp.22:50
gr33nbitsso what do you suggest?22:50
mnemonic_From the host: scp* .22:51
gr33nbitspassword doesn't seem to work QQ22:51
mnemonic_You have probably typed it in incorrectly.22:52
gr33nbitsgonna do it again22:52
mnemonic_You also need to have permissions (at least 'read' permissions) to the /etc/ovpn-client directory.22:53
gr33nbitsnope it works on the guest but not on the host the pass22:53
wafflejockgr33nbits: do you have the same username on both systems?22:53
pseudonymousHi - I'm writing a systemd service-file and having a single problem - I'd like my service to run under a specific uid & gid. I've checked the systemd.service man-page but found nothing. How do I go about doing that ?22:53
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mnemonic_wafflejock: Good point!22:53
gr33nbitsno wafflejock22:53
gr33nbitsoh i need the same user?22:54
mnemonic_scp username@* .22:54
mnemonic_(replace username with the user that you use on the guest)22:54
gr33nbitsoh pass worked22:54
gr33nbitsnow with the user22:55
gr33nbitsscp: /etc/ovpn-client/*: No such file or directory22:55
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mnemonic_That's the directory you gave me.22:55
gr33nbitsyes should be this one let me check22:55
mnemonic_gr33nbits: A very easy way to do this is using Nautilus. You'll be able to view directories on the VM guest as though they were local.22:57
mnemonic_gr33nbits: Open Nautilus, press CTRL + L, then in the address bar enter: sftp://username@
mekhamii'm still having problems, seemingly with DNS on a fresh install of ubuntu22:58
mekhamii changed my nameservers to googles, and certain websites are working but not others22:58
ikonialook at which ones are not working22:59
ikoniaI suspect you've not pointed your machine at googles dns correctly22:59
mekhamian dhow would one do that22:59
ikoniado what ?23:00
gr33nbitsok done from the command line23:00
mekhamiset them "correctly"23:00
mekhamisince you assume i haven't23:00
ikoniaI don't know how you have23:00
gr33nbitsbut i will take a look at nautils23:00
mekhamiin the network settings23:00
mekhamithe connection settings23:00
ikoniaI'm guessing you've not, but I don't know what you've done23:00
pseudonymouswill repeat: how does one run a systemd service as non-root23:00
ikoniaso you've changed them in network manager ?23:00
ikoniaso that should get picked up23:00
ikoniawhat is a website that's not working ?23:00
mekhamibut facebook works fine23:00
gr33nbitsmnemonic_, Thanks a bunch for the time and patience you gave me, sorry to all the other members for the spam23:01
ikoniaso if you open a shell and do "nslookup www.reddit.com' or whatever, what do you get ?23:01
mekhamiikonia: a whole bunch of addresses23:02
ikoniaso that means DNS is working23:02
mnemonic_no gr33nbits23:02
ikoniaso DNS isn't a problem23:02
mnemonic_(sorry, I mean "np gr33nbits")23:02
mekhamiikonia: other reasons certain pages wouldn't load?23:03
ikoniamekhami: depends how you are getting out, your ISP could have internet caches in place, you'd have to work it throguh23:03
mekhamiikonia: my internet is working just fine on other device23:03
mekhamiincluding my ubuntu desktop;23:04
ikoniamekhami: putting something like firebug in your browser, and seeing exactly what URL's are loading / whats not and what ever message they are giving23:04
gr33nbitsshould i keep the connection bridge or can i set it back to NAT for the VPN23:04
mekhamiikonia: seems to be hanging on googleadservices23:05
mnemonic_gr33nbits: You can have a NAT, host-only, and bridged if you want.23:05
ikoniamekhami: not uncommon for some of the URLS that hang off it23:05
gr33nbitsbut with NAT i couldn't ping it23:06
mekhamiikonia: but like i said it's working on the desktop i'm currently talking to you on23:06
mekhamiso it has to be specific to this laptop, no?23:06
gr33nbitsbut if that doesn't matter23:06
ikoniadifferent ad URL's that are not dead23:06
mnemonic_mekhami: How did you change your DNS?23:06
mekhamiwell i also can't ping these websites23:06
mekhamimnemonic_: through network manager23:07
ikoniaICMP is different to http23:07
ikoniatry telnet url.com 8023:07
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ikonialets have a look, what exact command di you use23:08
mekhamitelnet reddit.com 8023:08
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ikoniamekhami: ok - so that works23:08
ikoniaif you do nslookup reddit.com and then telnet ip 80 on each of those addresses do any of them work ?23:09
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mekhamiso far no23:10
ikoniacheck them all23:10
ikoniathat will tell us more23:10
mekhamithere's like 3023:10
mekhamiwell that's an exaggeration23:10
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mekhamibut there's probably 1523:10
ikoniathere is 1523:10
mnemonic_mekhami: When you changed your DNS, did you select "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only" and then enter the Google DNS servers?23:11
mekhamimnemonic_: yes23:11
mnemonic_mehdi: And what Google DNS servers did you use?23:11
mekhamiikonia: none of them are working23:11
ikoniaso something is actually blocking you then23:11
mekhamithis is an absolutely fresh install of ubuntu just did it today23:12
ikoniatraceroute to one of the addresses/url see where it gets stopped23:13
mekhamiwhat's the command for that23:13
ikoniatraceroute ipaddress23:13
mekhamii don't have traceroute installed23:14
mekhaminvm i'll just install it23:14
ikoniait's installed by default on ubuntu23:14
ikoniawhat version of ubuntu is it ?23:14
mekhamiand it's not23:14
ikoniaahhh wait23:14
ikoniayou're on an IPv6 address23:14
ikoniaI wonder if it's the ipv6 to v4 gateway23:14
ikoniaeither way - try the traceroute23:15
mekhami30 lines of * * *23:15
ikoniaso it doesn't get off the first hop23:15
ikoniawhat is your default gateway23:15
mekhamino idea23:16
ikoniahave a look23:16
ikoniait's set in network manager23:16
mekhamidefault route?23:17
ikoniawhat is that23:17
mekhamithat's what it says under 'default route'23:17
ikoniamekhami: are you on AT&T ?23:18
ikoniaok - so thats a legit IP then23:18
ikoniathat doesn't look like a default route though23:18
ikoniathat looks like a consumer public IP23:18
ikonialets cheat, can you pastebin the output of "netstat -rn" please23:19
mekhamii can access facebook23:20
mekhamiso i facebooked this from my laptop to my desktop23:20
mekhamicause i couldn't access any pastebins23:20
ikoniathat route seems really odd23:21
ikoniawhat's the IP address of your wireless lan card ?23:21
mekhamithat's wlan0 inet addr23:21
ikoniathat seems really odd as thats a direct public addresss23:22
ikoniawhat's the IP address of the desktop that's working23:22
mekhamiit's on ethernet23:22
mekhamiwhich is a 192.168 addr23:22
xdevnullI need help with regex23:23
ikoniaon the desktop thats working can you go to "whats my ip" in a browser23:23
ikoniawhats the public IP it's showing23:23
ikonia(the working desktop)23:23
xdevnulli've string start like this ".static-stringhere"23:23
ikoniaIP V6, this looks an odd ssetup23:23
xdevnullstringhere couldn't be anything, whats the right pattern?23:23
ikoniatell me about the wireless machine23:23
mekhamidell inspiron 17 373723:24
mekhamiubuntu 14.0423:24
mekhaminothing modified23:24
ikoniawhat's the setup, is it a wireless router that is plugged into the wall ?23:24
ikoniaand the wired machine - does that plug into the same router ?23:24
ikoniawhy do they have different IP ranges23:24
ikoniaand why is the wifi one public23:24
mekhamicouldn't tell you23:25
ikoniarather than a private range23:25
ikoniathat seems very very odd23:25
ikoniacan you ping on the wireless machine ?23:25
mekhamihold on i'm just gonna restart networking real quick23:25
mekhamiright okay23:26
mekhamiping is fine23:26
ikoniaso it can see that device23:26
ikoniait sounds a very odd setup from a router point of view23:26
mekhamijust fyi23:26
ikoniais the wifi address DHCP ?23:27
ikonialook at the two addresses23:28
ikoniathey are different public subnets23:28
ikoniaone is .43 the other is .4223:28
mekhamiso it would seem23:28
mekhamion the laptop, the inet addr for wlan0 is
mekhamion the laptop, the inet addr for wlan0 is
ikoniabut the gateway is .4223:28
mekhamithe 'default route' is
ikoniaso thats not "a problem" but it is very odd23:29
ikoniaI'd put in a call to AT&T and ask them to confirm the router setup they sent you, as it's "odd"23:29
mekhamii've had this wireless setup for quite some time now23:30
mekhamiand this laptop is the first thing that doesn'tw ork23:30
ikoniait's very odd, as it can't be DHCP addresses23:30
ikoniaas your router can't be giving out public IP addresses23:30
mnemonic_mekhami: What happens if you just set it up to use DHCP (and whatever DNS servers are automatically assigned)?23:31
mekhamimnemonic_: same situation. facebook loads just fine. other sites don't23:32
mekhamireddit for instance.23:32
mekhamigoogle searches work23:32
mekhamiand that's only on this laptop, my desktop everything works23:32
ikoniait can't be doing dhcp23:32
mnemonic_What do you get with: nslookup www.reddit.com
ikoniaas your router can't give out AOL public addresses23:32
mekhamimnemonic_: it's hanging on that command23:32
mekhamiconnection timed out23:33
mekhamion my laptop it returns the 15 addresses correctly23:33
ikoniahang on - you said nslookup was working before23:34
mnemonic_mekhami: What about: nslookup www.reddit.com
mekhamiikonia: and now it's not23:34
mekhamimnemonic_: hanging23:34
ikoniatype nslookup then type server23:34
ikoniawhat do you see23:34
mekhamidefault server: address:
ikoniaok, so it's correctly using dns masq23:35
mekhamiand now we can't reach reddit23:35
mekhamiusing noslookup23:35
ouroumovCan you ping reddit's IPs?23:35
ikoniausing these public IP's seems like a very very very bad id23:35
k1lwho manages that router?23:36
ikoniamore so when there is an ipv4->ipv6 bridge23:36
mekhamiouroumov: no23:36
mekhamik1l: i do23:36
mekhamibut i've not touched it since AT&T gave it to me23:36
ouroumovWhy don't you use a private address range?23:36
mekhamii'm currently using the default setup23:36
ikoniathat can't be23:36
mekhamiand all my other machines do23:36
mekhamiwell it is23:36
ikoniaas it's not giving up DHCP public addresses in the ATT range23:37
ikoniaor you couldn't have more than 1 device on it23:37
mekhamiall of my other machines correctly use private addresses23:37
ikoniait would use up the whole range23:37
ouroumovYour packets might be dropped when they leave successive nets with invalid IPs23:37
ikoniamekhami: network manager, is that using dhcp23:37
mekhamiikonia: yes23:37
ikoniacan't be right then23:37
ikoniaas it's got a public IP23:37
mekhamiidk what to tell you lol23:37
mekhamii'm answering all of your questions very honestly haha23:37
ikoniaI don't doubt that23:38
mekhamihere's what i'll do23:38
mekhamii'm gonna delete the network23:38
mekhamirestart the laptop23:38
mekhamiand we'll go from there23:38
Waheedinoproc should be nproc, that was my fault23:40
mekhamiikonia: so i am now connected again on a fresh default configuration23:40
mekhamiipv4 automatic dhcp23:40
mekhamidefault route
mekhamiip address
mekhamiprimary dns
mekhamithis is all wlan023:41
ouroumovSo weird23:41
snowgogglescheck to see if the MAC is being cloned23:41
ikoniaerrr thats crazy23:41
ikoniapublic IP23:41
ikonianot going to work23:41
ikoniaprivate DNS23:41
ikoniayour router is configured wrong23:41
mekhamiit's worked on every other machine ever23:41
ikoniathere is no other reason I can see for such an odd config23:42
mekhamii have multiple phones ,tablets, my deskop, a PS423:42
mekhamiwith no problems23:42
ikonianot interested in the past23:42
ikoniacurrently - that is a mental config23:42
mekhamiwhat i mean is23:42
ikoniaand dhcp cannot be working either as those are public AT&T addresses23:42
mekhamiit's the default setup23:42
mekhamii've never touched the router config23:42
ikoniawell, to me, it's very wrong now23:42
ikoniaand never going to work23:42
mekhamiikonia: advice on how to configure it th en?23:44
ikoniatalk to AT&T and explain the issue23:44
ikoniathat would be my first port of call23:44
mekhamii guarantee if i call at&T23:45
mekhamithey're not gonna understnad a word of what i tell them23:45
mekhamiand they'll send out a tech that'll check the wires and tell me 'oh uh idk what's wrong'23:45
ikoniathey will if you get through to the right suppport level23:45
mekhamiis there anything in the router config i could loook for23:47
ikoniaI wouldn't advise it23:47
ikoniaas the wrong thing could drop you off the AT&T network23:47
mnemonic_You could try turning your router off, leaving it for 30 (or so seconds), then turning it on again (long shot, but worth a try).23:48
mekhamican't wait to move to austin23:48
mekhamiand get on google fiber23:48
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Sec_GuyJust testing how to use this channel.23:50
Sec_GuyI'm interested in thoughts on how to do encryption in a way that protects my data even if someone steals my box from the house.23:51
mnemonic_Sec_Guy: You can use "full disk encryption", or you can encrypt your home directory.23:53
Sec_Guymnemonic_:   yes, FDE ... then I have to enter a passphrase at each boot, right?23:53
Sec_GuyThat kinda slows the rebooting when I am working in another country.  :)23:54
wafflejockSec_Guy: you'd just want to have an encrypted file system or encrypted folder, keep in mind this makes recovery of data in there difficult or impossible if you don't have the key to decrypt https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome23:54
Sec_Guyencrypted filesystem or directory, would be compromised when someone got physical access to the box, right?23:55
ikoniaI'd seriously ask - what are you protecting ?23:56
ikoniaso few home users need encyption, and it adds a layer of complexity and risk that is not required for most users who believe they need it, and in reality, just want it23:56
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Sec_Guyikonia:   Fair question. It is almost a want vs need....23:56
wafflejockagree I don't encrypt my home folder23:56
mnemonic_Sec_Guy: If your home directory is encrypted, then physical access to the box will not compromise the data in your home directory.23:57
wafflejockI have an encrypted DB for my passwords that's it23:57
Sec_Guybut I disagree with your notion of people needing encryption. New world, we all need encryption to maintain privacy23:57
ikoniaprivacy of what ?23:57
ikoniawhat are you protecting that isn't available in other ways23:57
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Sec_Guyprivacy for the sake of privacy. I'm not hiding anything,  btu the reverse is relevant, no one needs to snoop my stuff,23:58
mnemonic_ikonia: I would respectfully disagree with that. When you have a laptop, and you have all your personal data on that laptop (files, photos, whatever), if that laptop is lost of stolen, you're screwed.23:58
Sec_Guythat's backup mnemonic_ , not encryption..   we need both.23:58
ikoniamnemonic_: I'm not saying there isn't a need - most people are protecting nothing thought and increasing risk23:58
wafflejockSec_Guy: yeah anytime you implement more layers of security you reduce the ease of use23:59
wafflejockit's good to be aware of the trade offs it's not all one way or the other23:59
ikoniaeg: encypt your disk - but backup to say facebook and aws - people have your data, what are you protecting23:59
mnemonic_I always encrypt my home folder whenever I install Ubuntu.23:59
ikoniait's normally for the majority of people just the odd file that needs protecting23:59
Sec_GuyI am happy to make it more difficult to protect my privacy23:59
ikoniaSec_Guy: encypting your disk isn't really protecting your privacy23:59
ikoniait's a false economy in a lot of situations23:59

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