
bluesabreevening all01:11
knomehello bluesabre 01:11
bluesabrehey knome01:12
knomewaiting for your comments on the docs mail :)01:13
knomealso, another question01:17
knomewould it be sensible to package just the user docs?01:18
knomei mean, leave the contributor docs out of the source too?01:18
knomebecause we don't really need it there, we just want to use the same assets01:19
bluesabredoesn't make sense to duplicate assets across two branches, that creates extra overhead and leads to mismatched assets down the line.01:19
knomebut can we leave out the contributor docs out of the (source) pkg for good even if they are in the same branch?01:20
knomebecause that would be even better01:20
knomeif it's a lot of work though, it might not be worth it to rip it off01:21
knomebecause when i wrote the mail i was just thinking "let's just not build the contributor docs"01:21
knomecompared to "let's not have the contributor docs in the package at all"01:22
bluesabreit'd be some work - we'd have to make some changes to the makefile to create a new distributable source package (like `make distcheck`)01:22
bluesabreso it'd be like building a release for xfce software like parole, etc01:23
knomewould that be one-off work though?01:23
bluesabreyes, should be a single time thing01:23
knomeright, then that might be something we might want to pursue01:23
knome(no pressure..)01:23
bluesabrethen future releases would be: 1) update version numbers in configure 2) make distchec 3) create package from generated source tarball01:24
knomehow do you see this01:24
knomewould it be better to do what you just described, or would it be just fine having some extra stuff (that's potentially outdated) in the source package?01:25
bluesabrei think its fine to have extra stuff in the source package01:26
bluesabrelibreoffice, for example, has extra themes in its source package that may or may not be built based on if you're in debian or ubuntu01:27
knomeyeah, but the point is that they might be valuable for some people01:27
knomeand themes do not get "outdated" in the same way as documentation does01:28
knomei don't know if you read the whole discussion we had before already (probably not), but we also discussed about having to do SRU-like updates for the docs package for the contributor stuff01:28
bluesabreyeah, but if we're not building them and have direct links indicating the the up-to-date docs are online...01:29
knometo make sure anybody running, say, 16.04 doesn't have the correct contributor stuff...01:29
bluesabrei think it makes perfect sense to update the docs for SRU01:29
knomeuser docs, yes01:29
knomebut contributor docs?01:29
knomeit kind of feels a bit moot01:30
knomethe contributor docs are *never* release-specific01:30
bluesabreunless they're in the `trusty`, `xenial` branches, right?01:30
knomenot even then01:30
knomethey are only in those branches because they have to be01:31
bluesabreI think I might be confused then01:31
bluesabrewhat do we mean by user/contributor docs?01:31
knomeuser is the usual documentation01:31
knomecontributor is the stuff that has the strategy document etc.01:31
knomeuser --> http://docs.xubuntu.org/1510/C/index.html01:32
bluesabreif you're going to contribute, you'll have to connect to the internet, unless we accept flash drives in the mail, right? :D01:32
knomecontributor --> http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/01:32
knome...how are you going to contribute to xubuntu without a internet connection anyway?01:32
knomesend a pigeon with a 10-page diff?01:32
bluesabreworks for xfce, no commits in that time01:33
* bluesabre burns himself01:33
knomeanyway, too borderline that this would ever happen01:33
knomei thought about that too01:33
knomefor about 2 milliseconds01:33
bluesabrecontributor docs can be stagnant in a release, as long as there is a clear indication that the latest are at x01:33
knomebut we don't want to build them01:34
knomeso it would mean they are only in the source package01:34
bluesabreoh right01:34
bluesabreso we have a landing page in the user docs01:34
knomeso the question is if we want to make sure they aren't even in the source01:34
knomeyes, http://docs.xubuntu.org/1510/01:34
knomefor 16.04, it actually links to the contributor docs that are built01:35
knome...for now01:35
bluesabreI don't think its that big of a deal if they're in the source01:35
knomeif you had read my mail... ;)01:35
bluesabrepretty sure i did01:35
knome" - Since the contributor documentation would still be available in the source package, make sure the source has a note pointing to the newest branch in case somebody wants to build the contributor documentation (I can take this item too)"01:36
knomealong with " - While keeping both documentation sources in the same branch, drop contributor documentation from the default build target, thus, not shipping it with the built documentation on the ISO"01:36
bluesabrewho is grabbing the source package to look at docs though?01:36
knomei don't know.01:36
bluesabreand especially without internet01:37
knomeso i guess the only question left is01:37
knomeis it naughty to essentially change the source package01:37
knomewith for example a translation update01:37
knomemeaning, change more than just the translations in the source package01:38
knomeeg. if/when we have an update for the contributor docs after the docs freeze, then we do the translation update upload01:38
knomeor are source packages not subject to freezes (when they don't affect the packages itself)01:39
bluesabreshouldn't matter then, the docs package that is being created only has translation differences, even if the other source has changed01:39
knome"other source"?01:39
knomeit's still the doc package source01:39
bluesabrebad words01:40
bluesabredistracted by cat getting in face and being annoying01:40
bluesabrethe other parts of the source (that are not in fact packaged)01:40
knomeif that's not a problem, then ok01:40
=== link is now known as mexchip
bluesabreI'd argue if anybody raised questions about it01:41
knome...otoh, if the alternative is to take a one-time task and get the contributor docs out of the package...01:42
* knome shrugs01:42
knomeultimately, i don't care how it's technically dealt with01:42
knomeas long as it's sensible for all parties involved with it01:43
bluesabreI *might* get fancy with a makefile that could accomplish that01:43
bluesabrebut its a pretty low priority01:43
bluesabreI'd rather just argue with folks01:43
knomei would think the next high priority thing is revert the startpage change01:43
knomeok, bedtime02:12
dkesselknome: +1 on the contributor Docs change idea05:43
flocculantknome: lots of words ... do any mean I need to think again? 08:51
HaloSpongeMorning flocculant08:54
flocculanthi HaloSponge 08:59
HaloSpongeflocculant: Are you stil 'packaging' for 16.04, like Kubuntu is doing at the moment ?09:02
flocculantHaloSponge: afaik other than any bug fixes landing - we'll not be adding anything now09:03
flocculantor shouldn't be 09:03
HaloSpongeok ... What's on the agenda for Xubuntu over the next few weeks, then ?09:04
flocculantwallpaper competition09:04
flocculantbit late to be adding things now09:04
HaloSpongeI'll do some testing for you .09:05
* HaloSponge makes a promise :)09:05
flocculantHaloSponge: do you read the dev mailing list? 09:05
flocculantif you do - that's where I call for anything ;)09:05
HaloSpongeXubuntu seems to have come a_long way :)09:05
flocculantit has :)09:05
flocculantI remember looking way way back and wandering off09:06
HaloSpongeI concur.#09:06
HaloSpongeI remember the screensaver was a pet peev, of mine. Kept coming on after I'd changed the settings to 'blank' the screen ... with no way around it.09:07
HaloSpongei.e. I wanted screensaver to go away.09:08
flocculantwell I never had issues like that 09:09
* HaloSponge is very clever .09:10
HaloSpongeHe's done csomething for the first time.09:11
HaloSpongeI pasted this link....09:11
HaloSpongeinto here.09:11
HaloSpongeBut I think I have crashed bountysource, though.09:12
HaloSpongeDoes Xubuntu accept bounties ?09:12
flocculantthere has been talk about it - but as I never do code I tend to not take much notice 09:12
* HaloSponge is really Bobba |Fetts Uncle :)09:13
flocculantwell nice to talk to you - I'm off out for a bit now09:14
HaloSpongeflocculant: I need a cigarette. Can you think of something interesting to say in the next 4 minutes so I come back to a problem-to-solve or something ? Cheers.09:14
flocculantHaloSponge: fix community involvement in testing for us09:15
flocculantI'll be back in a couple of hours and will be interested to see what you come up with :)09:15
HaloSpongeFair enough. It was a good smoke .. plenty of boats in the bay ... had a chat with a bird or two. Say alot is happening in Spain at the moment. But you can never trust a chaffinch.09:21
HaloSpongeI'm off .. c u later.09:37
flocculantbluesabre: yea - saw it - wish I could vote for you :)11:49
flocculantgood luck old chap ;)11:49
dkesselwhat the hell is a debian ".menu" file and does having it in a debian package somehow automatically cause a .desktop file to be created out of it? meh...11:53
dkesseltrying to understand what the patch for a package would be, to help with the appstream data stuff...11:54
dkesselmh nevermind, i might not need to understand that in order to help :p12:03
HaloSpongeback again .. good racketball session at the club house this 'mornin12:07
krytendkessel: Basically though, both of those are independent.12:08
bluesabredkessel: to answer your first question, https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/menu.html/ch3.html12:08
flocculantwb HaloSponge :)12:10
HaloSpongehi there.12:11
* flocculant has a go with 14.04>16.04 in kvm today 12:38
* bluesabre wishes flocculant the best13:06
krytenGridCube: Ftm, he has asked the same in #ubuntu.13:26
GridCubeoh, the search scope?13:27
kryten"< peterkotan> k1l: yeah i dont really know what to use for" :313:27
GridCubekryten: P: this is -devel13:27
krytenAnd nope. :D13:27
krytenCrap. :D13:28
flocculantbluesabre: so that failed then ... 13:46
flocculantterminal window says it's doing something with /etc/gnome/defaults.list - above that some other thing13:51
flocculantfunnily enough - all the fails I've seen have faltered at that defaults.list - but above something different - udisks/module-init-tools/libutempter0 - all show defaults.list in the terminal window of the upgrader 13:54
flocculanttrying with an updated 14.04.1 rather than .4 - cypher mox said he'd got one to upgrade yesterday13:55
krytenknome: Btw, I've stopped looking into fixing the PDF build fails properly after suggesting the least bad hacky solution. :P14:15
kryten...Or pointing out, rather.14:16
bluesabresounds to me like the best solution would be find an alternative to fop or stop building PDFs14:31
flocculant\o/ 15:12
flocculantanother thing to apparently hang on15:13
flocculanteven though the terminal says /etc/gnome/defaults.list ... 15:13
flocculantbluesabre: jfi - got all the upgrades to eventually get there. Took a fail report on the tracker for me to wake up and dpkg --configure -a16:13
flocculantobviously still fail - but at least we can get to a working xenial from trusty16:13
HaloSpongeHello peeps ! How's it hanging ?17:26
flocculantbluesabre: bug 155734918:43
ubottubug 1557349 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole does not hold the media frame when paused in fullscreen mode" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155734918:43
pavlushkaif anyone faced the bug #1556531?19:04
ubottubug 1556531 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "Login screen needs a click to get alive, otherwise remains black." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155653119:04
pavlushkaand is it a crime not to call sudo being root? bug #155654219:08
ubottubug 1556542 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal flickers while calling any program as root not using sudo." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155654219:08
pavlushkaand also I cant set my external display as primary, bug #155643819:10
ubottubug 1556438 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Can't set my external display as primary" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155643819:10
krytenpavlushka: Well, if you're already root, no need to call sudo, of course.  But how do you become that in the first place then?  (I'd suggest "sudo -i".)19:19
pavlushkaset root passwd, then login as root.19:20
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:20
Unit193bluesabre: Oh right.  And didn't say last night, but good luck you crazy man.20:12
knomeflocculant, the mail basically summarises what we discussed and proposes the same thing i said then, so no21:22
flocculantknome: ack - was more all the words in channel - not the mail :)21:26
ochosiknome: i presume you've considered adding a link to the devel ML in the dev.x.o header, right?22:23
knomeochosi, yes.22:49
knomeochosi, have you considered looking at the media manager article?22:50

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