
smosermagicalChicken, i dont expect you to make much sense out of it02:14
smoserbut http://paste.ubuntu.com/15443576/02:14
smoserthat was my quick hack attempt to do some 'fallback'.02:14
smoserlaregely to just test some of the other assertiions i had.02:14
smosermagicalChicken, so one take awy of this is that the fallback network info should not try to rename devices that are 'virtual'02:32
magicalChickensmoser: I think I understand it mostly. I get not trying to mess with the virtual devs02:40
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rharpersmoser: in the patch you shared, there was a reference to a /tmp/my.patch (looking on our shared host) it modifies the systemd networking.service Wants target; is that still needed ?18:12
smoserno. that is resolved with cloud-init-local saying Wants=networking-pre.target18:13
smoserwhich is in my branch18:13
rharpernet1 ?18:13
rharperI should pull and rebuild the deb, right ?18:13
smoserlet me know how it fails :)18:13
smoseri dont think i've broken it, but i might ave18:14
smoseri think it should work18:15
smoseri probably had it working with 119118:15
smoserbut the working tree on taht system has this http://paste.ubuntu.com/15466159/18:15
smoserso if it doesnt work, maybe read that and see if it helps18:16
rharper1191 works18:17
rharperso happy to not see the 120 second timeout =P18:17
smoserrharper, but current does not ?18:46
rharpersmoser: I just did a bzr pull, and I got 119118:46
rharperin net118:47
rharperso that's current AFAICT18:47
rharpermaybe you have local changes not pushed to trunk.net1 ?18:47
smoserhm.. i have 1199 here.18:47
magicalChickenI'm seeing 1199 as well18:48
magicalChickenIt looks like it works to me, I've been working from it18:48
rharperah, yeah18:49
* rharper can't read18:49
rharper1199 works fine18:49
smosercan you push your git that works ?18:49
rharperjust getting that done now18:51
rharpersmoser: ok, pushed18:52
* rharper will now poke at using scripts.d instead of cloud-init injected scripts so we can test cloud-init disabled 18:52
rharpermagicalChicken: what are you blocked on w.r.t cloud-init-test ?18:53
magicalChickenrharper: Nothing atm, since it's all passing nwo18:53
magicalChickenrharper: I had been working on getting a test of cmdline ip= going but had been blocked for a bit, but I should be able to finish that now18:53
smoserrharper, so...20:32
smoseropenstack networking information -> network-yaml20:32
smoserthat is a needed component.20:32
smosershould be fairly stand alone conversion20:32
smosercould you look at that ?20:33
rharpersure, do you have a pointer to their metadata yaml ?20:34
smoserrharper,  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85673/9/specs/juno/metadata-service-network-info.rst20:42
smoseris some.20:42
smoseri'm not sure if there is better or more complete somewhere else20:42
smoserbut that shoudl give you somethign to google for20:42
rharperimage can have custom startup scripts to get networking config from20:43
rharperConfig Driv20:43
rharperarbitrary blobs ... we don't support that in our network config as of now;   what do? =)20:43
smoserrharper, ?21:00
smoserconfig driv ?21:00
rharpersmoser: in the RFC21:00
rharperthe goal was to support neutron network config, and allow arbitrary scripts run to "configure" things21:00
smosercloud-init does read the config drive.21:01
smoserwe actually do somewhat read this information21:01
rharperI'm just saying that if the config-drive includes scripts that muck with the network; it's possible things won't go quite right21:01
smoserno it doesnt21:02
smoseri dont think21:02
smoseri'm almost certain its sane21:02
rharperthe last use-case described is what concerns me21:02
rharper* image can have custom startup scripts to get networking config from Config Drive21:02
smoseri think image here means OS image21:03
smoserie, cloud-init can have custom startup scripts...21:03
rharperyeah, OK21:03
rharperto obtain the data21:03
rharpersorta like the per-Datasource "bring up a layer to find your source" scripts21:03
smoserserverstack does not populate network_data21:04
smoseryou can get a config drive like this, rharper21:04
smosernova boot --config-drive=1 --user-data=/tmp/cstack.hr20QA/ud-rendered --key-name=brickies --flavor=m1.small --nic=net-id=db6a8975-5ca2-49d6-8ca7-f8747a163e58 --image=421f67f2-c72d-4396-a678-ff4a16278fb7 xenial-20160321-21044021:04
smoser--config-drive=1 is what you want21:05
smosergoing afk for 2 to 3 hours.21:11
rharpersmoser: magicalChicken: well, I have run-parts based collect_scripts working now;  the downside is waiting on multi.target adds like 30 seconds to the total test-time;  I'll see if i can just do after cloud-init.final service and see if that speeds things up21:21
magicalChickenrharper: 30 seconds isn't really all that long, so that's good21:26
rharpermagicalChicken: yeah, not terrible; but I think it was closer to 10 seconds without; so it's mostly just empty time21:26
rharperyeah, I moved it to just be After=cloud-init.final21:26
rharperand we're at 18 seconds21:26
rharpersmoser: magicalChicken: ok, pushed the run-parts collect scripts to cloud-init-test master; smoser I'll start poking on the config drive conversion to network.yaml22:13
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=== openstackgerrit_ is now known as openstackgerrit

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