
axinocory_fu: thanks !01:49
bkerensaI have been getting an error "ERROR cannot assign unit "mysql/0" to machine: cannot assign unit "mysql/0" to new machine or container: cannot assign unit "mysql/0" to new machine: use "juju add-machine ssh:[user@]<host>" to provision machines"03:13
bkerensawhen trying to deploy mysql on a manual environment running wiley03:13
bradmbkerensa: did you try doing what it suggested?03:46
lazyPowermagicaltrout - i replied to the bug. i dont see why open file descriptors would cause a difference one way or another07:44
lazyPoweri feel like this was an unrelated07:44
lazyPower"fix" that just happened to work07:44
magicaltroutlazyPower: i replied to you, I think you read or wrong, or I just didn't explain it very well :P08:00
lazyPowerAh, that makes sense08:02
lazyPoweryeah, if we tweak that upstart job it'll do us some justice. We'll need to re-verify once xenial lands and we convert that to a systemd job08:02
lazyPowerbut for a hotfix, i'm +1 to setting that as default so we're g2g on lxd as well as public clouds08:03
lazyPowermagicaltrout - did you happen to have a patch for that? or was it all manual investigation/fix?08:24
jamespagemorning all08:34
lazyPowero/ jamespage08:40
lazyPowerjamespage - can i steal your eyeballs for a minute before you get into full swing?08:40
jamespagelazyPower, sure08:47
lazyPowerjamespage - before we begin, this is what we are visualizing - http://i.imgur.com/ABw9G9r.png08:47
jamespagelazyPower, okies08:48
lazyPowerall the funny little subordinate units are Elastic Beats - the replacement for "logstash forwarder"08:48
jamespagepurple green grey and blue right?08:48
lazyPowerbut now, they are more like FluentD, carbon, et-al - it collects and streams system metrics along with log data.  one beat per focus group - topbeat (distributed htop), filebeat (log files), packetbeat (network protocols), and dockerbeat08:48
lazyPowerhere's the topbeat dashboard that they have in a demo bundle -
lazyPoweryou'll see you can click into hosts, and drill down08:49
lazyPowerits *somewhat* interactive08:49
* jamespage looks08:49
jamespagethis is neat08:50
lazyPowerI've got this mostly functional Its the dashboarding part thats going ot wreck my free time08:50
lazyPowerthere no dash for filebeat, and the packetbeat shipping doesn't appear to be finding anything on the consul http/dns interface :\08:50
lazyPowerbut topbeat looks awesome!08:50
jamespagelazyPower, its like ganglia and nagios combined...08:51
lazyPowerkinda, there's no notion of alerting in here08:51
lazyPoweri'm pretty sure with some queries, attached to a webservice, that could be changed08:51
jamespagelazyPower, okies..08:52
jamespagethis all looks super useful08:52
lazyPowerjamespage - i think this has implications with our big data bundles, as we can do this one of two ways - river from ES to HDFS for cold storage, or route through logstash to split messages into dashboard and cold storage.   Think having this in OIL while running the tests. We can reproduce a visualization of the hosts under load during testing.   Long term compute jobs matched with what merlijin and team are doing for "common infrastructure08:53
lazyPower problems", match that to machine metrics as well *shrug*08:53
lazyPowerim no data scientist, but i think we've stumbled into something useful that applies everywhere for telemetry08:53
jamespagelazyPower, hmmm08:53
jamespagelazyPower, aggregating general telemetry, log data et al into a single place allows for some interesting analytics certainly08:54
lazyPowerits that or i'm super late to the party that fluentd/hekka/carbond/statsd have been having for a while08:54
jamespagelazyPower, tbh this is a bit of a gap with the openstack charm set right now; I'd love to integrate with something like this as well...08:54
lazyPowerits all juju-info based, and the full config is available for tweaking in the layer08:55
lazyPowerthis is like concept release quality right now08:55
lazyPowerbut it should take little to no time to get running on an openstack deploy08:55
jamespagelazyPower, that's fine...08:55
lazyPowerjuju deploy ~containers/development/bundle/beats-core08:55
jamespagelazyPower, this is all based around https://www.elastic.co/products/beats ?08:55
lazyPowerthe dash you're looking at is available as an action on the kibana charm08:55
lazyPowerjuju action do kibana/0 deploy-dashboard dashboard=beats08:56
lazyPowerall the agents self-register with an index upon relating to elasticsearch, i think that pretty well covers it08:56
lazyPowerfeedback / flames welcome :)08:56
lazyPoweroh, and all the repos are in github.com/juju-solutions08:56
jamespagelazyPower, I'll try find some time to give it a spin...08:57
lazyPowercompletely understand :)08:57
lazyPowerjust wanted to give you an early access peek, see if you're intersted in being a stakeholder08:57
jamespagelazyPower, deadline at the end of the week so maybe next week - but it does look useful08:57
jamespagelazyPower, our monitoring/metric/log solution is a little fragmented right now - so this might be something we target for next cycle - but that sounds about right timing wise to me...08:58
jamespageif this is concept right now...08:58
lazyPoweroh man i cant wait to get this to the list :P08:58
jamespagelazyPower, I like to look of this - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/filebeat-configuration.html08:59
jamespagejust suck up everything baby!08:59
jamespageits super simple08:59
lazyPowerand it does an amazingly good job too08:59
blahdeblahjamespage: are you the right person to pester about https://code.launchpad.net/~paulgear/charms/trusty/ntpmaster/sync-charmhelpers/+merge/289605 and https://code.launchpad.net/~paulgear/charms/trusty/ntpmaster/execd-support/+merge/289609 ?  Your name is on it. ;-)09:00
jamespageblahdeblah, eek!09:00
blahdeblahjamespage: I'll take that as a yes. ;-)09:00
jamespageI'll stick it on my list - just working the SRU backlog at the moment09:00
jamespagethey had already dropped into my inbox tbh...09:00
blahdeblahcool - thanks09:01
blahdeblahJust wanted to make sure they would get looked at.  At the moment I'm having to work from a fork, which is always sad.09:02
gnuoyjamespage, I'm hitting a problem running the xenial mitaka amulet tests for nova-cloud-controller. Am I right in thinking that that should work to the best of your knowledge?09:54
jamespagegnuoy, they should do yes09:54
jamespagewell they did last week at least...09:54
jamespagexenial maybe foobarred outside of charms...09:55
jamespagethats quite possible09:55
gnuoyjamespage, no, this is:09:56
gnuoy2016-03-21 09:48:20.269 29291 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions CantStartEngineError: No sql_connection parameter is established09:56
magicaltroutlazyPower: no patch i'm afraid, just hacked it and passed out10:08
magicaltroutonsite at a client, I can dump something in this evening, or you can push the 1 liner10:08
lazyPowerI'll try to circle back, but if you want to make the PR i'm happy to wait for a link10:09
lazyPowerwould be a big +1 if you made the PR and had associated tests :)10:10
magicaltroutokay i'll send something over this evening10:10
magicaltroutcurrently looking at a clients project plan for a tool they've got another consultancy migrating from sql server to hadoop10:14
magicaltrout19 days for Amazon EMR prod env setup10:14
magicaltroutshould be using juju :P10:14
lazyPower+1 to that sentiment10:14
magicaltroutor just employ someone more competent ;)10:14
magicaltroutXenial absolutely hoses my laptop battery, I hope that gets better before release ;(10:37
lazyPowerThe only laptop i've ever had good battery life under linux is my XPS1310:44
lazyPowerwhich is in a sad state these days :/ I think i tanked the ssd10:45
magicaltroutmy x1 carbon has a reasonably decent battery but it lasts about 50% of the time in Xenial than it did in Trusty10:45
magicaltroutbut the problem with all this slim laptops is I can't swap it, or add wedge on10:46
jamespagegnuoy, the fix for that should have landed in the master branch already10:54
jamespagegnuoy, just testing now10:55
jamespagelazyPower, do you ever sleep?10:55
gnuoyThe fix for " No sql_connection parameter is established" ?10:55
gnuoyjamespage, do you mean the master branch of the charm ?10:55
lazyPowerjamespage - my sleep schedule is completely borked. i wake up at like 3am and pass out around 8. But the level of work i can get done in this morning wake is off the hook10:56
jamespagegnuoy, yes10:56
lazyPoweri'm seriously considering making this my permanent schedule.10:56
magicaltroutI went through years of starting work at 4am10:56
magicaltroutget far more done10:56
magicaltroutkids stopped that plan, for now at least10:56
jamespagegnuoy, I just deployed master branch changes with xenial-mitaka OK10:57
gnuoyjamespage, ack, I'll rebase my branch10:57
lazyPowermy only dependent is furry and doesn't understand the concept of cat vs computer10:57
lazyPoweron the up side he doesn't disturb me when he's going into spaz mode at 4am on this schedule10:58
jcastrolazyPower: so I debated capitalizing MUST and SHOULD12:35
jcastrobut then the entire thing becomes hard to read12:35
jcastroI was thinking maybe instead is under each header12:35
jcastrosaying something like "everything below MUST"12:35
jcastroand then "everything below SHOULD"12:35
jcastrosomething that makes it obvious without punching your eyeballs in the face with capitalization every line12:35
lazyPowerSeparate it into terms that parse well with proof. Make them errors and warn level events.12:35
lazyPowershoulds = warn12:36
lazyPowermust = error12:36
jcastrooh I see12:36
jcastrodude, that's brilliant.12:36
jcastroI will work on this12:36
lazyPowerright on :D12:36
marcoceppilazyPower: re:amulet13:08
* lazyPower is all ears13:09
* marcoceppi looks at code13:09
lazyPowerfor context: i'm puzzled by an amulet nuance, i can get the relationship information from one direction -  but not the same relation in reverse. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b252865ec752459f01f8#file-10-deploy-with-logstash-L2213:09
lazyPowerlooking at metadata, i have no idea how this actually worked in the first place, the relation name is beat, not filebeat13:09
marcoceppilazyPower: so does that line work?13:10
lazyPowerits returning the IP address of the unit on the other end of that relation, when i reverse the params -   self.unit.relation('filebeat', 'logstash:beat') (or logstash:filebeat according to this) - it yields that the relationship is not fond13:11
marcoceppilazyPower: it's the relation as scoped to the unit13:11
beisnerlazyPower, jcastro +1 and a smile wrt warns being nonfatal, and scooting fatal issues to error.13:12
lazyPowerso filebeat, filebeat:logstash?13:12
lazyPowerbeisner <313:12
marcoceppilazyPower: so if you want logstash's side13:12
marcoceppilazyPower: self.d.sentry['logstash'].relation('<LOGSTASH_METADATA_REL_NAME>', 'filebeat:logstash')13:13
marcoceppilazyPower: self.d.sentry['logstash'][0].relation('<LOGSTASH_METADATA_REL_NAME>', 'filebeat:logstash')13:13
marcoceppilazyPower: everything is scoped to the unit you're calling relation on13:14
beisneron that note - we want to prep *os-charms with the min-juju-version metadata as soon as practical ahead of 16.04.  do we know when charm proof will allow that?13:14
marcoceppilazyPower: http://pythonhosted.org/amulet/amulet.html#amulet.sentry.UnitSentry.relation13:14
marcoceppibeisner: as soon as you open an issue on the repo13:14
lazyPowerah, duh13:15
lazyPowerright on, thanks marcoceppi13:15
marcoceppilazyPower: we can probably do a smarter job of this command, but I haven't found a nicer UX for it yet13:17
lazyPowerwell what bit me was i aliased self.unit to that specific sentry13:18
lazyPoweri didnt even trip that i was calling this on filebeat getting the data from its perspective13:18
lazyPoweri jus tknew i had the wrong ip, and was trying to backtrace to where i needed that scope to change. obv the params weren't the issue :P13:18
lazyPowerthats it, self.d.sentry['logstash'][0].relation('filebeat', 'filebeat:logstash')13:20
lazyPowernow to figure out where this stale artifact came from that i have in our namespace13:21
=== TaLioN- is now known as TaLioN
tvansteenburghwhat's the best way to determine whether i'm juju1 or juju2 from a running unit?13:28
beisnermarcoceppi, ack thx, raised :)13:28
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: from a deployed unit? there really is no way13:29
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: i was hoping to make benchmark-gui smart enough to work on either w/o being told13:31
tvansteenburghi guess i could just try both and see which works13:32
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: well, you've got full api access, can't you prob or try login v1 then do login v2 then error?13:32
jamespagebeisner, I'm doing a pull request to add extra-bindings and series anyway14:23
jamespagewhat's the juju-min-version key?14:24
rick_h_jamespage: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ID-r22-UIjl00UY_URXQo_vJNdRPqmSNv7vP8HI_E5U/edit min-juju-version14:25
rick_h_with the notes/etc14:25
jamespagerick_h_, ta14:36
jamespagemarcoceppi, raised another two issues for new metadata.yaml top-level entries charm-tools needs to support14:46
jamespageI'll swap you for some package reviews/uploads...14:46
aisraelmarcoceppi: Have you ever seen this apt error before? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15463740/14:56
aisraelHas anyone successfully upgraded an environment from juju 2 beta 1 to beta2? `juju upgrade-juju` just reports no upgrades available.14:59
marcoceppiaisrael: you need to use a different stream15:03
marcoceppiaisrael: that apt error is a known one15:04
marcoceppijamespage: pushing the packages to a ppa without backportpage atm15:04
marcoceppijamespage: what is "extra-bindings" ?15:06
jamespagemarcoceppi, network space bind points which don't relate to actual relations...15:12
marcoceppijamespage: interesting, okay15:12
marcoceppijamespage: are they just a dict of dicts?15:12
jamespagemarcoceppi, example - https://github.com/javacruft/charm-neutron-api/commit/665c34bca503edf80c0a5c108b2cf335ec48bcb115:13
marcoceppijamespage: ack, ta15:13
=== cos1 is now known as c0s
=== cos1 is now known as c0s
marcoceppijamespage: we'll have an initial set of packages today, but charm-tools and charm will be ready tomorrow15:56
jamespagemarcoceppi, ppa location?15:56
marcoceppijamespage: https://launchpad.net/~marcoceppi/+archive/ubuntu/xenial-chopper I just started running dput against that a second ago15:57
aisraelmarcoceppi: could you point me to any docs on streams in 2.0? My google-fu is failing.16:05
lazyPoweraisrael https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-February/006618.html16:06
lazyPowerthis does however make reference ot environments.yaml which doesn't exist in 2.0 :\16:06
aisraellazyPower: Yeah, that's where I'm stuck.16:06
aisrael`juju get-model-config` doesn't have an agent-stream key16:07
lazyPowercherylj ping o/16:07
aisraelwait, yes it does16:07
lazyPoweroh maybe an unping is in order then16:07
cheryljhey lazyPower, what up?16:08
aisraelSo I have agent-stream: devel. I still can't upgrade my environment to beta2, though16:08
lazyPowerHey, do you know where we stuff the stream info in juju 2.0 to set streams?16:08
aisraeltl;dr;, upgrading from juju 2 beta1 to beta2 isn't working for me16:08
marcoceppiaisrael: maybe just destroy environment?16:11
aisraelmarcoceppi: Probably faster at this point :/16:12
marcoceppiaisrael: I don't think we support upgrades from betas16:12
aisraelmarcoceppi: ahhh. That's good to know.16:12
lazyPowerunping cheryl, thanks for responding!16:13
arosales~charmers it looks like thedac has gotten all the necessary +1 and then some for his ~charmer application16:16
arosalescongrats thedac16:17
thedacarosales: thanks \o/16:17
lazyPowercongrats thedac16:17
arosalesany ~charmers care to comment on the thread and him introduced to ~charmer responsibilities ?16:17
lazyPowerbeisner - we still need to onboard you right?16:17
marcoceppiaisrael: tehre are a few that need to be onboarded still16:17
marcoceppiarosales: ^16:17
marcoceppiwe'll do them all at once16:17
arosalesmarcoceppi: sounds good.16:18
lazyPowerits time to assemble!16:18
arosalesmarcoceppi: lazyPower perhaps an official reply on the juju list would be good too16:18
aisraelcharmer-voltron is coming together nicely16:19
lazyPoweropenstackers: question for you re amulet testing. If i'm onboarding an ISV and say they dont use the openstack-origin config, is the proper way forward here to submit a MP against the charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.amulet.deployments.py class and add themselves? or is this already handled elsewhere?16:22
beisnerlazyPower, yes plz16:27
lazyPowerwas that re: amulet or re: onboarding?16:27
beisnerlazyPower, onboarding.16:28
* beisner digests the other ?16:28
beisnerlazyPower, do you have an example/link?16:29
lazyPoweri have one better, let me forward over the mail16:29
beisnercool thanks16:29
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: you got a few mins? Hate to distract but I've got some charm-tools questions16:31
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: sure16:31
beisnerlazyPower, yes, mp @ c-h for exactly that.   it's necessary to exclude them from the automagical flux capactitor charm test configuration foo.16:31
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: I'll see you in eco-wx16:31
lazyPowerthats what i was thinking, but the confirmation is nice :)16:31
beisnerif they're using the openstack amulet helper that is16:32
lazyPowerthanks beisner16:37
beisnerlazyPower, yw sir16:37
jamespagemarcoceppi, erm parse == python-parse?16:53
marcoceppijamespage: yes, parse is the soruce package for python-parse and python3-parse16:53
jamespagemarcoceppi, problemo - we already have python-parse in distro16:54
* jamespage looks16:54
marcoceppijamespage: what? where?16:54
jamespagemarcoceppi, I take it you need the py3 support16:54
marcoceppiI freakin searched everywhere for it16:54
jamespagemarcoceppi, try "rmadison python-parse"16:54
jamespage-- Cyril Bouthors <cyril@bouthors.org>  Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:37:03 +010016:54
jamespagebeen there a while...16:54
marcoceppi1.6.3 is so old though16:55
marcoceppi1.6.6 was almost two years ago16:55
marcoceppijamespage: we don't actually need py3, charm-tools is still only py216:56
marcoceppijamespage: on a fresh xenial machine though, it couldn't find python-parse16:57
jamespagemarcoceppi, I can rev it - leave that one with me16:58
marcoceppijamespage: thanks, we need python(2)-parse >= 1.6.616:58
marcoceppijamespage: I'm uploading the next one, there's about 5 that aren't in archive today (except for charm and charm-tools) so 7 total16:59
marcoceppijamespage: I have a few packages with wily as their target, should I just upload those as is to the ppa or bump them to xenial?17:02
jamespagemarcoceppi, ok python-parse updated in xenial17:05
marcoceppijamespage: \o/ thank you17:05
jamespagemarcoceppi, bump the target17:05
marcoceppijamespage: just dch -i or is there a better way?17:05
jamespagemarcoceppi, that's fine for now - i'll tidy as I upload...17:05
marcoceppijamespage: going to pm right quick17:08
jcastrokwmonroe: http://2016.texaslinuxfest.org/call-for-papers17:12
c0sthere seems to be a discrepancy between the command syntax in 2.0 and their description in here. At least17:14
c0sjuju add-credential17:14
c0s  is listed as17:14
c0sjuju add-credentials <cloud> -f creds.yaml17:14
c0sThe plural form isn't getting recognized by the software17:14
kwmonroeyeah c0s, that's gotta be a typo in the 2.0-beta2 release notes.  probably copy pasta from autoload-credentials (plural) to add-credential (singular).  'add-credential <cloud> -f creds.yaml' is what works for me.17:18
kwmonroejcastro: ack on the TLF cfp17:18
c0syup, it does for sure. The dev's docs you sent me got it right.17:18
kwmonroeobey the release notes, devel docs, and #juju (pick 2) ;)17:19
c0shey jamespage.... Long time no see ;)17:21
c0sThis is Cos from Bigtop17:21
jamespagehey c0s - indeed a long time!17:21
c0sgood to see you around and sticking to the same guns ;)17:21
jamespageyou bet...17:21
marcoceppirick_h urulama tvansteenburgh when a charm is pushed to the store, will the push command validate series at push time? what happens if a malformed series is added?17:21
urulamamarcoceppi: as in you pust trusty but it's xenial only?17:22
marcoceppiurulama: as in the metdata.yaml says "- whatevetr"17:22
tvansteenburghas in you typoed "tursty"17:22
urulamait should, yes17:22
marcoceppiurulama: but, will it?17:23
* urulama goes and tries before saying yes, just in case17:23
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: I think here we just need to make sure that the series is a valid list, otherwise we'll always be behind with supported series17:23
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: okay17:23
urulamamarcoceppi: it will fail, yes, with a stupid error though ... i'll add a task for fix17:24
marcoceppiurulama: <3 thanks17:24
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: push will gate that, we just need to check formatting17:24
aisraelDeploying a local charm in beta2 is hanging - any ideas? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15465568/17:25
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: ack, trying to find out if list is required, or if it can be a string instead if you only support one series17:25
urulamamarcoceppi, tvansteenburgh: verified for both normal and multi series charms ...17:25
marcoceppiurulama: <3 thanks!17:25
* urulama now goes: how could you doubt charm store!!! :)17:25
aisraelLooks like the deploy is triggering this: ERROR juju.apiserver charms.go:114 returning error from POST /model/df5bae38-c251-4ee9-8334-ed014ae6fb80/charms?%3Amodeluuid=df5bae38-c251-4ee9-8334-ed014ae6fb80&series=trusty: [{github.com/juju/juju/apiserver/charms.go:68: } {error processing file upload: unexpected EOF}]17:36
* aisrael goes off to file a bug17:38
lazyPoweraisrael - was your debug-log spewing errors about hashsum mismatch?17:42
lazyPowerthats the only bug i've seen thats kept my local charms stuck in pending17:43
aisraellazyPower: Nope. Fat charms that are too fat won't deploy.17:43
lazyPowerthese aren't fat :/17:43
aisrael22M works; 250M doesn't17:43
lazyPowerits some weird transient thing i only ever seem to hit with local charms17:43
lazyPowerand usually an upgrade-charm triggers it back into being happy17:44
aisraelthe only hashsum issues I had was updating packages in the vagrant image17:44
aisraelkwmonroe: mbruzek: do either of you know of a big fat charm offhand (one of the ibm ones or big data ones, maybe)?17:45
lazyPowerthere was a really fat one amir nd i worked on that was ~ 190 mb fatpacked17:46
* lazyPower digs17:46
kwmonroeaisrael: easiest thing to do is "dd if=/dev/zero of=<charm_dir>/awheck bs=1M count=250" to make a local charm fat.17:48
aisraelkwmonroe: Hey, good idea!17:48
lazyPowereven better17:48
lazyPowerkwmonroe - did you try to replace java with 250mb of /dev/zero data?17:49
kwmonroesure did lazyPower, and no-one cared...17:49
c0sLazyPower, I am sure you won't notice a thing after that - will work just the same ;)17:49
mbruzekaisrael: https://jujucharms.com/websphere-liberty/trusty/17:51
aisraelmbruzek: Excellent, sir!17:51
mbruzekaisrael: That one is not too bad, but the binary for the sdk and liberty is in there.17:51
mbruzekSo not too fat, but the binaries are in the charm.17:51
magicaltroutlazyPower: I'm fixing this kibana init script but I don't know what I can do test-wise, I can define a test that only runs on LXD can I?18:48
lazyPowerhmm, good point18:48
lazyPoweryou really cant as the substrate is defined by the runner agent, either CI, or myself as the driver.18:48
lazyPowerand i can see someone clicking "deploy on AWS" and that test becomes noisy then18:49
lazyPowermagicaltrout - point taken, one liner update it is!18:49
magicaltroutalrighty, I'll just check it fixes it locally then shunt it up18:50
arosalesI was working on bootsraping AWS with beta2 and I got18:51
arosalesso I had to create a cred.yaml file and do18:51
arosales juju add-credential aws -f cred.ayml18:52
arosales juju add-credential aws -f cred.yaml18:52
arosalesis this a known issue that the interactive bits aren't there yet18:52
marcoceppijcastro: fiche is updated, but it's old school ingestion, may take a hot min to show up18:52
rick_h_arosales: yes, the team i sstill working on it18:52
rick_h_arosales: some branches went by last week18:52
arosalesrick_h_: thanks18:52
arosalesc0s: ^ fyi  -- using a cred yaml file for me I was able to deploy the realtime analytics bundle18:53
c0swell, looks like something is different about the accounts.18:53
c0sI have setup awscli and about to try to start a micro instance to see what happens18:54
arosalesc0s: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15466644/ is what worked for me18:57
c0sah, looks like it is past the error message. Perhaps Marco did something to my account ;)18:59
c0sit is spinning up an instance now19:00
arosalesc0s: great19:00
c0syup, doing the apt-get update and all shenanigans19:01
c0sgood, all set now I guess19:01
marcoceppic0s: so Amazon says we have up to 100 instances per region, but I suspect they're lying. us-east-1 was at 20, it's down to 10 now. I think trying us-west-1 instead might work19:03
c0syeah, could be the case too.... I will switch to the local one: looks like I am the only one here anyway ;)19:04
c0spardon my ignorance, when I have bootstrap'd a controller, I see that juju creates the ssh keys for me but looks like I can not ssh into the bootstrap instance using those.19:18
c0sperhaps should use different user name not the ec2-user@ as usual?19:18
c0scould not find any documentation on that....19:18
rick_h_c0s: as the ubuntu user?19:20
rick_h_c0s: ubuntu@hostname19:20
rick_h_c0s: and theres a19:21
c0sthat's better! :)19:21
rick_h_`juju ssh` command as well19:21
rick_h_c0s: ubuntu@ is the unbuntu cloud image standard account across clouds19:21
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: as an fyi: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/141#issuecomment-19943775619:22
c0smake sense, thank you!19:22
c0srick_h: one more question I guess (in the next 30 minutes at least): does bootstrapping process bring up an interface similar to that of demo.jujucharms.com ?19:23
c0sor it is all CLI at this point?19:24
rick_h_c0s: it will but for now you have to juju deplpy juju-gui19:24
c0sah, self-contained... I like it. Thank you!19:24
rick_h_c0s: it's a new feature.landing in 2.0 but not there yet19:24
rick_h_c0s: make sure you juju expose.19:25
c0sok, doing this right now19:26
marcoceppilazyPower: hey, everything LGTM on the kubernetes PR19:33
marcoceppihad a question about etcd, but it's not major19:33
lazyPowersure, whats up?19:35
marcoceppilazyPower: it's on the pr19:35
marcoceppialso, is there any documentation about charm build or installing charm-tools ?19:35
lazyPowerah, no, that was the other card that i haven't done yet19:36
marcoceppilazyPower: ack, then this LGTM pending your throughts about ~containers19:37
magicaltroutif the lxd bootstrap node goes missing you can't kill the environment \o/19:54
jcastrodefine "goes missing"19:55
jcastrolike, destroying it out from under juju?19:55
magicaltroutwell I don't know whats actually wrong with my server, probably some borked routing but19:56
magicaltroutsurely kill should flatten it regardless19:57
magicaltroutthat said, maybe my build is just out of date, haven't pulled a new one in a week19:57
lazyPowermagicaltrout - i've had that happen19:59
lazyPowerthe only resolution was to clean up the cache.yaml in your $JUJU_HOME19:59
magicaltroutkill should kill it regardless of connectivity id have thought?19:59
lazyPoweri feel like kill-controller should do that for me when i'm banging a --force flag on kill-controller, which is already a RBFH19:59
lazyPoweryep, my sentiments exactly20:00
rick_h_lazyPower: magicaltrout file a bug?20:00
lazyPoweralready on it20:00
rick_h_especially if you can reproduce it20:00
rick_h_kill-controller does try to play nice, but should bypass the api server if it's not there/times out20:00
magicaltrouti'm eating steak, I have priorities! :P20:00
rick_h_magicaltrout: fair enough :)20:01
mupBug #1560191: kill-controller is hinky without a model-controller behind it <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560191>20:03
lazyPowerno taxation of the feels without representation of the bugs rick_h_  :)20:03
rick_h_lazyPower: lol, "hinky" ?20:09
aisrael<3 hinky20:10
lazyPoweryeah, i didnt know what else to call it, as its not exactly expected, but it works most of hte time20:24
magicaltroutlazyPower: launchpad confuses the life out of me20:31
magicaltroutbut the activity log says i've linked my branch20:32
magicaltroutwith a 1 line patch20:32
lazyPowerlink me sir20:32
mupBug #1539806: [ARM64][LXD Provider][ 2.0-alpha1-0ubuntu1~16.04.1~juju1] kibana 'hook failed: "install"' <juju-core:Invalid> <kibana (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1539806>20:33
lazyPower bug *and* a fix?20:51
lazyPowerman, thats awesome!20:52
magicaltroutwell i can't yet fix go stuff, but i can hack around upstart scripts until they work ;021:01
c0sdo I understand correctly, that Juju doesn't support in-flight changes of the relations?22:17
c0sSay, if I want to move a service from it's own dedicated node to collocate with another service. It is somewhat equivalent to scaling a cluster up and down, but not exactly, per se22:18
magicaltroutyou do understand correctly c0s, AFAIK you need to shut it down and redeploy if you want to move your unit from one machine or location to another22:31
c0sI see. But I should be able to add/remove slaves as need, right?22:32
c0s(presumably, it will be fun on a busy HDFS cluster though)22:32
magicaltroutyeah, juju add-unit will add you new slaves22:32
c0scool, that's what I thought. And I guess at his point I can co-locate new unit with an existing one22:34
c0sthanks for the clarification magicaltrout!22:35
magicaltroutno worries c0s22:36
magicaltroutyou actually charming bigtop then c0s or just playing?22:46
c0sat this point I am just playing but who knows ... ;)22:46
c0sOne thing I don't get completely, is the fact that Juju has to build/publish its own set of the binary tarballs, then add all this metadata on top instead of resorting to existing Apache-proper data stack with its native packaging.22:47
c0sand of course I refer here to Bigtop ;)22:47
magicaltroutyeah but this is canonical you're talking about, they just reinvent stuff because they can ;)22:51
magicaltroutTake Wayland/Mir ;)22:51
c0slemme check on that ;)22:54
c0sah, that... yesh22:55
c0sAlthough I like Unity, really22:55
magicaltroutregardless of distro the first thing I generally do is remove the default WM ;)22:56
rick_h_c0s: happy to talk decisions sometime if yulou're.interested23:05
rick_h_bah sorry phone typing23:05
c0syes, very23:05
c0swrapping up for today - had a good progress and a lot of new things were learnt ;)23:05
rick_h_c0s: arosales worth setting up a call there?^23:05
c0sor if you feel like doing it today - I would ready in 15: need to walk the dog23:06
rick_h_arosales: to help bootstrap c0s on why things.work the way tyey do?23:06
rick_h_c0s: dinner time.here, but think arosales can setup.something this week23:06
magicaltroutc0s: you doing apachecon? i'm trying to round up a loose band of Apache folk interested in juju to sit down and have a beer/chat at some point23:10
c0sI don't know yet... planning on, but it will depends on how business going for me ;)23:15
magicaltroutfair enough!23:16
c0sI am not a part of any big corp now, so paying for all the events myself23:16
magicaltroutyeah the first apachecon i went to i self funded, then last year I was supposed to apply to TAC and accidentally signed up to LF travel sponsorship23:17
c0swould be great to have a chat like that of course. I had some face2face time with some of the Juju folks during Scale14x down in LA, and it was good23:17
magicaltrouti was lucky i still got accepted ;)23:17
c0swell, for the last three years I was a VP of open source development for a company. With my own budget and all ;)23:18
c0sBut I think I got tired of corp-stuff, really23:18
magicaltroutI assumed you were romans actual right hand man23:18
magicaltroutnot just a twitter right hand man ;)23:18
c0sI never been to Pivotal man ;)23:19
c0sRoman is their Director of OS; I was at a completely different company23:19
magicaltroutyeah, he has his fingers in many open source pies23:19
c0swe never lended a hand to each other ;)23:20
c0srick_h_ understood. Let's do a call when something works for all timewise23:20

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