
tsimonq2Hi, I have a metapackage I built from a guide here: http://askubuntu.com/a/33417/33482900:26
tsimonq2I used dput to push it to a PPA00:26
tsimonq2it looks like it worked in the terminal, but it isn't showing up in Launchpad00:26
tsimonq2and it's been a few hours00:27
tsimonq2I just tried again00:27
tsimonq2any suggestions?00:27
wgranttsimonq2: 2016-03-21 00:25:14 INFO    Failed to parse changes file '/srv/launchpad.net/ppa-queue/incoming/upload-ftp-20160321-002432-010313/~tsimonq2/lxqt-meta/lubuntu-lxqt-metapackage_1.0_source.changes': Signing key CB6CA67C250D4C3CC544C8367A3279337B6D022D not registered in launchpad.00:43
tsimonq2wgrant: oh, well, thank you :)02:54
tsimonq2wgrant: you would think they would report an error somehow?03:06
wgranttsimonq2: since we don't know about the key we don't know who to report the error to.03:10
tsimonq2wgrant: but the PPA belongs to me?03:11
wgranttsimonq2: Doesn't mean that somebody else didn't upload a dodgy package to your PPA to spam you.03:11
tsimonq2wgrant: aha okay thank you forclarifying :)03:13
tsimonq2wgrant: so I need an SSH or PGP key in LP?03:13
wgranttsimonq2: The .changes file that you upload requires an OpenPGP signature from a key that's linked to your Launchpad account.03:14
tsimonq2wgrant: how do I confirm this?03:21
wgranttsimonq2: dput will list the fingerprint if the file it's uploading is signed. Compare it to the list of OpenPGP fingerprints on your Launchpad profile.03:22
tsimonq2okay thank you :)03:24
tsimonq2wgrant: while I'm here, can I have my default email address sent to my gmail address while having all of my email go to my @u.c email? or do I not need to have my @g.c email set as default for my @u.c to be working?03:49
wgranttsimonq2: Your @u.c email address will forward to your primary address in Launchpad.03:51
wgrantSo I guess the answer is "yes", because that's the only possible scenario.03:51
wgrant(unless you add a third address)03:51
tsimonq2but LP sends all notifications and such to my @g.c, and it would be awesome if it could send to my @u.c03:53
tsimonq2that really should get further customizability03:53
wgrantDoes it make a difference? The @u.c address is just an alias.03:54
wgrantAnyway, that's not something Launchpad can change -- Canonical IS manages the aliases, just using the Launchpad API to get the data.03:54
tsimonq2well sqawesome99@gmail.com is just really stupid :)03:54
tsimonq2OH so if I talk to IS maybe I can just remove my @g.c address altogether and have them point it to that?03:55
tsimonq2do you think IS would be able to do that?03:55
wgrantI don't think they have that facility. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEmail documents most of this studd.03:55
tsimonq2you think it would be worth it to ask in #canonical-sysadmin tomorrow?03:57
wgrantI've never heard of it being done before, but it's possible.03:58
wgrantOr email RT.03:58
tsimonq2alright I'll do that :)03:58
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=== Peng__ is now known as Peng
maprerinews on the debian import issue?17:44
cjwatsonmapreri: all patches landed, awaiting deployment17:44
cjwatsonmapreri: (somewhat impeded by my home ADSL being down so that one of the deployment request mails hasn't gone out yet)17:44
maprericjwatson: guess it'll be all settled tomorrow, then.17:45
cjwatsonShould be17:46
maprerifunny how today dinstall is broken, instead.  so no uploads since yesterday afternoon have been published :)17:46
mapreri(btw, wrong lang, but google translate helped)17:47
cjwatsonWell.  I consider that an (imported) English word too17:48
cjwatsonAnd while you can express the same concept in a phrase, there's no other single word for it :-)17:49
mapreriwell, never heard of it, but indeed wikipedia en has a page on it17:50
mapreriAND, it's really too new :D https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?year_start=1800&year_end=2008&corpus=15&smoothing=7&case_insensitive=on&content=schadenfreude&direct_url=t4%3B%2Cschadenfreude%3B%2Cc0%3B%2Cs0%3B%3BSchadenfreude%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Bschadenfreude%3B%2Cc017:50
cjwatsonit's a living language, what do you want of me :)17:51
maprericjwatson: back in topic for this chan, i have this thing, where those two "cancelled build" won't go away https://code.launchpad.net/~scribus/+recipe/scribus-daily17:52
mapreriI cancelled them yesterday to avoid useless build while testing a thing, fwiw17:52
cjwatsonmapreri: probably wrong sort order on the relevant query, will require a code change and possibly also a db index change - please file a bug17:52
cjwatsonI fixed a similar thing for livefses a while back17:53
maprerisuggestion for a title?17:53
cjwatsonin that case it was because the sort order included Greatest(LiveFSBuild.date_started, LiveFSBuild.date_finished) and if one was NULL then that would always sort first17:54
cjwatsonmapreri: see bug 142467217:55
ubot5bug 1424672 in Launchpad itself "LiveFS builds cancelled before they start sort above other builds in history" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142467217:55
* mapreri copies the bug17:55
mapreribtw, why the source pacakge built by a recipe are 3.0 (native) ?18:22
dobeythey aren't necessarily18:23
mapreridobey: well, they are here, even if my debian repository contains a d/s/format with 3.0 (quilt).  also it contains quilt patches which are somehow applied, even.18:24
cjwatsonbzr-builder/git-build-recipe flatten 3.0 (quilt) to 3.0 (native), I think so that they don't have to deal with getting an orig put in place.18:25
dobeymapreri: anyway, recipes are built as native packages because they don't have the orig tarball18:25
dobeysince they're building from a bzr tree18:25
mapreriumh, is getting a tarball out of a VCS that hard?18:25
mapreribut I see.18:25
dobeyi don't see why it matters really18:26
cjwatsonIt's a pain to do it properly with bzr18:26
dobeyindeed it is a pain18:26
maprerijust it annoys me, as then I have to deal with a 3.0 (native) when downloading the built source (and try out stuff with it)18:26
cjwatsonIt's easier with git if set up properly18:26
cjwatsonBut it's also an extra chunk of stuff people have to set up ...18:26
dobeywell, bzr export does a decent job18:26
cjwatsonAlso: the tools only do this if they can't find a pristine tarball18:27
dobeybut if you have the debian/ dir in the vcs, it gets a bit more annoying18:27
cjwatsonIf you're seeing this happening, it's an indication that they tried and failed, but needed to fall back18:27
* mapreri lost where the discussion is going18:28
dobeymore a statement, than a discussion :)18:28
cjwatsonIn the bzr case, it would be because there's no upstream-WHATEVER or upstream/WHATEVER tag corresponding to the orig version in question18:28
cjwatsonSo nothing to reliably export18:29
cjwatsonCreating such a tag would probably fix it18:29
mapreriumh, in my case where I have a daily recipe, would just be tarball out the current HEAD18:29
dobeywhich is fine if the upstream tree is the bzr repo you're using18:29
maprerithen you have a .orig,18:29
cjwatsonThat's nice, but bzr-builder won't do that18:29
cjwatsonUnless there's an explicit tag18:30
mapreriand just use the very same directory to `dpkg-soruce -b .` and you'll have every.18:30
cjwatsonAnd honestly, I'd rather not touch bzr-builder at all ever :)18:30
dobeyif you're building a git->bzr import, tagging gets a bit more complicated18:30
maprerihere I have a svn → bzr import, where tags are not really a thing :)18:30
cjwatsonYeah, we'll hopefully have git->git imports pretty soon though, so that'll obviate that18:30
cjwatsonRight, I'm afraid you'll have to cope with 3.0 (native) in that case, sorry18:30
mapreria usable thing, at least18:30
dobeymapreri: is debian/ in the upstream vcs tree, or a separate branch you nest?18:31
mapreriare we going to have svn→git imports sometime in the future before svn disappear?18:31
cjwatsonDon't know18:31
dobeysvn disappear? haha18:31
dobeygood joke :)18:31
mapreridobey: on a separate repo.  under bzr, which makes everything more painful as I'd love to cherry-pick from the git repo I use for debian, instead of manually copy patches18:31
cjwatsonI imagine it could be fitted into the existing code import infrastructure somehow, but unlikely to be in the next several months at least18:32
dobeymapreri: why not import the git repo to a bzr tree?18:32
mapreriluckily I don't touch this often, I'm only spending a day on improving everything, probably I won't come back until the next release in 6 months or so18:32
dobeyof course i guess that becomes problematic if a patch gets merged upstream or such18:33
mapreridobey: I don't know bzr really.  I just add/commit/rm/uncommit/push18:33
maprerieverything else needs googling.18:33
cjwatsonAh good, my mail server managed to squeeze the mail for my deployment request from earlier up my ADSL line during the few minutes it was back18:34
maprerithough I guess everybody is out by this time18:34
mapreriso it'll need to wait tomorrow?18:34
mapreris/out/off/  ← this should be more English18:35
cjwatsonWe have American sysadmin coverage18:35
cjwatsonAnd Asia-Pacific, for that matter18:35
cjwatsonIt'll probably be picked up by one of those shifts18:35
dobeymapreri: do you need to maintain a difference between your bzr packaging branch and the git repo used for debian?18:36
mapreridobey: not really a "need", no18:37
maprerialso, it's not a so live package that needs constant love with lots of releases, etc18:37
dobeymapreri: if you don't need to change anything under debian/, you could just set up an import from the git repo to a bzr branch, instead of having to maintain a bzr branch and copy patches over or whatever18:38
mapreridobey: bzr repo contains only debian (in the root of the directory).  git repo is a standard gbp repo with everything18:38
maprerihow would you do it?18:38
dobeymapreri: you can use nest-part in the recipe18:38
mapreri"shrugs", I don't find this particularly daunting anyway18:39
dobeywell, just a suggestion to make life slightly easier for you :)18:39
maprerii'll consider, some other day :)18:40
mapreriok, I'll be off now. o/18:42

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