
tsimonq2Hi, I've created a metapackage for use in installing LXQt on (L)Ubuntu. Julien's seems to be a little outdated and I wanted the experience. So I was wondering if anybody had a stock Lubuntu Xenial install, if they could add ppa:tsimonq2/lxqt-meta, apt update, then install lxqt-metapackage from my PPA to see if it works. I don't have VM access right now and I would like to get this ready ASAP. :)17:16
tsimonq2then see if LXQt works like normal17:16
tsimonq2it *seems* like all packages install correctly in a chroot, but you can never be sure. :)17:17
tsimonq2ianorlin, wxl, phillw ^^^^^17:17
tsimonq2in my test chroot, I've installed lubuntu-core and it seems to install all the packages properly17:18
tsimonq2(lubuntu-core, then lxqt-metapackage)17:18
tewardnote: bug #1559507 is confirmed on latest Daily, and in Server daily.  investigation into whether this is a core-functions change or something missing underway18:34
ubot93bug 1559507 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Keyboard selection is missed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155950718:34
teward(for Server side, that is)18:34
tsimonq2hello from Raspbian (soon to be Ubuntu) on my Pi 3! :D19:33
* teward drags tsimonq2's rpi 3 into /dev/null19:34
* tsimonq2 drags teward into an Apple conference19:39
tewardtoo late - already was at one19:39
tsimonq2aww you poor thing19:39
tsimonq2so sad19:39
phillwtsimonq2: do you know where your master is?19:42
tsimonq2phillw: nope, I'll ask on Hangouts19:42
phillwkk, if you would...19:43

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