
netphreakhi, guys!01:30
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mvoogra_: if you have time at some point it would be great if we could update the arm64 kernel in xenial in the store07:45
zygaGood morning08:03
mvoogra_: hm, the latest rpi2 kernel from the archive (canonical-pi2-linux.canonical_4.4.0-1004.5-1.snap) appears to not boot at all, hangs at "Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel."08:08
mvoogra_: auto-rollback-broken-boot ftw :)08:09
dholbachgood morning08:19
didrocksdholbach: good morning!08:19
dholbachsalut didrocks08:19
shuduohello, i am working on repack mopidy (http://github.com/mopidy/mopidy.git) into snap format. i'm referring py2-project of snapcraft-examples. after snapcraft build, i notice the execute file /usr/bin/mopidy as a python script file contain my work directory path in first line.08:38
shuduoi wonder mopidy is pip compatible but spongeshaker don't has weird path. any idea how to solve or workaround it?08:40
ogra_mvo, the cdimage snaps shoudl work ...08:58
ogra_(for updating the store)08:58
asachmm. running snapcraft from within snapcraft tree isnt possible anymore? it cannot find the plugins for me :/09:00
ogra_mvo, for arm64 we now have the linux-snapdragon kernel, the cdimage snap is already built from it by default since friday, i need to create as new package in the store for the new name10:05
* ogra_ is waiting for dd to finish to chekc the rpi image10:06
ogra_mvo, hmm, i think we need a gadget update for the rpi side10:07
mvoogra_: is the kernel available as an artifact on cdimage?10:08
mvoogra_: do we need a new dtb ? or why is the gadget update needed?10:08
ogra_mvo, iirc the 4.4 support was added, the all-snaps gadget is still on older firmware10:09
ogra_(i updated the 15.04 one but forgot about all-snaps back then)10:10
ogra_above on the cdimage link are all all-snaps snap artefacts10:11
mvoogra_: I can upload the dragonboard snap thats fine, I will upload to edge and you can test on your board?10:11
Sin_hi, all10:11
ogra_mvo, sure ... but create a new package called canonical-linux-snapdragon then10:11
ogra_and delete the old one10:12
mvoogra_: oh, its called differently? ok10:12
ogra_yeah, and that kernel is supposed to support more snapdragons as i understood10:12
mvoogra_: I assume the dragonboard.device tar file is not available on cdimage? "just" the snap?10:12
mvoogra_: aha, interessting10:12
ogra_the tarballs are still there too10:12
mvoogra_: in the past the tarball device stuff would not boot on the dragonboard10:13
mvoogra_: is that no longer the case, i.e. does it boot now?10:13
ogra_i'm booting the cdimage snaps daily since a few weeks on the dragonboard10:13
mvoogra_: cool10:13
ogra_i admittedly havent tries the rpi in a while ... nor the BBB10:13
Sin_how to install apache on a rpi 2 ubuntu snappy core?10:14
ogra_rpi should work after gadget update (will work on that now) ...10:14
ogra_BBB still needs someone to test (but i can do that as well, just later)10:14
ogra_Sin_, sure, you just need to snap it up using snapcraft10:15
Sin_ogra, i'm trying to install snapcraft on rpi, but no luck10:16
ogra_if you are on the 16.04 image: sudo snappy enable-classic; snappy shell classic10:16
ogra_that gives you an apt environment in whicgh you can do work to create snaps10:17
ogra_(you can just apt-get install snapcraft there)10:17
Sin_"ubuntu core does not use apt-get"10:18
Sin_15.04 img10:19
ogra_Sin_, http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/rpi2-all-snap.img.xz take that one10:20
Sin_thank you!10:21
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asacsergiusens: i cannot run the 96boards example from withing my snapcraft-master checkout11:05
asacit tells me "kernel plugin ot found"11:05
asacodd because its in the snapcraft/plugins directory11:05
asacare we still supporting running from within tree?11:05
asaci am running ../../bin/snapcraft --target arm64 from within that 96b dir11:08
asacsergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15452970/11:08
sergiusensasac, yeah, it is supposed to just work, I've been running in tree11:09
sergiusensasac, kernel plugin is not in master11:09
sergiusensasac, https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/36611:10
ogra_ppisati, hmm, did you ever get around the FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC on the pi2 ?11:11
* ogra_ is just trying the -next branch of the firmware 11:11
ppisatiogra_: yep, there's a way11:11
ppisatiogra_: hold on11:11
ogra_(or do you happen to have an up-to-date packaged version of the firmware)11:12
ppisatiogra_: well, the newest formware relocate the dtb in memory11:12
ppisatiogra_: so the answer is:11:12
ppisatiogra_: https://github.com/piso77/ubuntu-embedded/blob/master/boards/raspi3/rootfs/boot/firmware/config.txt11:12
ppisatiogra_: see at the end11:13
ppisatiogra_: device_tree_address=0x0200000011:13
ppisatiogra_: and uboot.env needs to be modified to look for the dtb there too11:13
ppisatiogra_: here is some more info11:13
ppisatiogra_: search for "The slot at 0x100 is limited to...|11:14
ppisatithat gives some more context11:14
ogra_ppisati, thanks a lot !11:14
ppisatiogra_: our kernel support teh rpi3 btw11:14
ogra_yeah, but we have no fully working u-boot yet i think11:15
ppisatiogra_: yes we do :)11:15
ogra_(i havent checked swarrens branch on the weekend ... last i checked it still was WIP11:15
ogra_ppisati, oh !11:15
ppisatiyeah, i was using that one11:15
ppisatiand it worked11:15
ogra_for both pi's11:15
ppisatiit's not merged11:15
ppisatione for rpi2 and one for rpi311:16
ogra_preferably i'd like to use the same image on both ... for 32bit at least11:16
kyrofaGood morning11:19
ogra_hmpf ...11:42
ogra_still not booting the new kernel11:42
ogra_eeek !11:45
ogra_ppisati, i get a massive load of "cant mount device as F2FS filesystem" during boot11:45
ogra_purely cosmetic, but looks really scary11:46
ogra_mvo, so i got it booting ... but you wont like the solution ... our dtb from the kernel snap needs to end up in the toplevel of system-boot and overwrite the one from the firmware11:48
ogra_ubuntu@localhost:~$ uname -a11:49
ogra_Linux localhost.localdomain 4.4.0-1004-raspi2 #5-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 14 22:27:12 UTC 2016 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux11:49
ogra_(using the cdimage kernel snap)11:49
ogra_hmm, and resizing worked just fine11:50
ogra_ubuntu@localhost:~$ df -h |grep /writable11:50
ogra_/dev/mmcblk0p2  118G  151M  111G   1% /writable11:50
ogra_not sure what issue ali1234 had with his11:50
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ogra_kyrofa, didnt you also see the rpi not resize ?11:50
kyrofaogra_, indeed, yes11:50
kyrofaogra_, ppisati I've been seeing garbled HDMI output and evbug errors whenever I press keys on the keyboard as well11:51
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ogra_kyrofa, well, lets see if todays update will get you going then11:52
kyrofaogra_, awesome :)11:53
ogra_just need to discuss with mvo what we do with the dtb11:53
kyrofaogra_, so reading the scrollback, it seems you have a booting rpi3?11:54
ogra_(as a quick hack i can indeed just copy it into the gadget, but thats no solution long term)11:54
ogra_kyrofa, no, paolo has ... i'm working on the existing images today ... once we have a release i'll look at the pi311:54
sergiusenskyrofa, good morning! I could really use a review on the kernel plugin PR ;-)11:54
kyrofaogra_, ah, read too quickly then, but awesome :)11:55
kyrofasergiusens, yessir! Part way through now11:55
davidcallekyrofa: sergiusens: hi, is there a way to add an export to the launch wrapper created by snappy/snapcraft?11:55
sergiusensdavidcalle, no; the launch wrapper is an implementation detail11:55
sergiusensdavidcalle, it shouldn't be promoted to anyone ;-) People should write their own wrappers if they need that11:56
sergiusensdavidcalle, or create a plugin that exports env11:56
davidcallesergiusens: right, so, maybe the best course of action would be to create a wrapper part myself that exports what I want and launch the actual binary11:59
davidcallesergiusens: (first time I'm trying to snap something that's not a terminal game, some concepts and ways of doing things are still abit blurry to me :) )12:00
kyrofadavidcalle, exactly12:02
davidcallekyrofa: sounds good, thanks12:02
kyrofadavidcalle, you'll find little wrapper scripts here and there to be pretty central to how things are done12:02
sergiusensdarn, in an hour I have meetings for 5 hours :-/12:07
kyrofasergiusens, brutal12:07
kyrofaenoch85, you around?12:12
asacsergiusens: i am using your feature bran12:13
asacsergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15452970/12:14
davidcalledholbach: kyrofa: sergiusens: it worked, thanks a lot :)12:14
asacls -la ../../snapcraft/plugins/kernel.py12:14
asac-rw-rw-r-- 1 asac asac 10623 Mar 21 09:55 ../../snapcraft/plugins/kernel.py12:14
asacsergiusens: let me know if you need anything12:15
asaci am on 559044dc02646a3b10f078bd1d74182a3efd9a8d12:15
ogra_mvo, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/canonical-pi2_3.1_all.snap built from https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/snappy-systems (see revision 32-34) ... that one boots with the cdimage kernel12:44
ogra_mvo, the dtb problem persistes though and i'm not sure it could boot with a 4.2 kernel at all12:45
ogra_(without manually copying the 4.2 dtb in place)12:46
ogra_mvo, bah, you didnt use any of the cdimage snaps for the store, thats not ok12:48
ogra_(i want to auto-submit them starting this week)12:48
ogra_oh, wait, i got tricked by the versioning12:49
ogra_hmm, no, actually correct, not one of them12:50
sergiusensasac, you need to be on f8fea60694c2f2540c9f7490bdd0376848179c1f12:50
sergiusensasac, https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/366/commits/f8fea60694c2f2540c9f7490bdd0376848179c1f12:50
dholbachdavidcalle, is it running already?12:51
davidcalledholbach: yep, got it running :) Now, I'm trying to ship games in the snap and have them accessible to it12:52
dholbachupload to the store! :)12:52
dholbachsnapcraft upload!12:52
ogra_mvo, so i think we have to re-do all of this12:54
ogra_we need to use the cdimage snaps here12:54
davidcalledholbach: still trying to figure out some runtime details :)13:07
dholbachok ok :)13:07
netphreakHello, guys!13:20
mvoogra_: sorry, I went for the safe route to ensure the cves are fixed, once they are in stable (i.e. now) I am more than happy to switch to the new artifacts13:35
mvoogra_: this was "upload-cve-fixes-first-without-any-risk" mode13:35
ogra_these snaps all come from the very latest xenial archive debs13:36
ogra_i would not expect any open CVEs in them13:36
ogra_(they are completely identical to the tarballs ... content wise)13:37
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kyrofaogra_, the resize on boot thing, is that for the writable partition?13:40
kyrofaogra_, should that continue to work if the writable partition is on a separate device?13:40
jdstrandmvo: hey, fyi, there is a new xenial kernel that might land today. this is going to require updates to ubuntu-core-security and ubuntu-core-launcher. I'm not sure when you are planning new os and kernel snap updates, but you might want to ping me if you are doing them before wednesday13:49
elopiomvo: related to that, if we are going with a two week cadence, we need to prepare today the 16.04 stable release to publish it tomorrow.14:00
elopiodo you think we should talk to the kernel team first about doing 3 weeks instead of 2?14:00
noizerHi jdstrand short question is it possible to use security-override and caps ( network-listener, ...) together?14:05
jdstrandnoizer: in 16.04, yes. in 15.04, no14:05
noizerjdstrand: ok thx14:06
mvoelopio: I think we can do that14:08
mvoelopio: i.e. prepare update today14:09
mvoelopio: I triggered a new image build14:10
elopiomvo: ok. I also like the idea of trying a release tomorrow to get an idea of what will make it easier. We can decide on the # of weeks a little later.14:14
mvoelopio: yeah, we did not have a stable release since 8. match, so +1 for a new update14:20
noizerWill snappy be compatible with the Raspberry pi 3?14:22
ogra_noizer, yes14:23
noizerogra_: ok that will be nicee14:24
kyrofaogra_, think the writable partition resize would continue to work if it was on another device (e.g. an external HD)?14:25
ogra_kyrofa, thats what my "yes" above was for ... as long as the patition is properly named it should all work14:26
ogra_(and as long as the old label from the old writablöe was removed ... i never tried what happens if you have two of them :) )14:26
kyrofaogra_, excellent thank you! And yeah, I imagine other problems would occur if that were the case!14:26
kyrofajospoortvliet, are you around?14:27
noizerwhat does the caps exactly with a snap. Does it changes the apparmor profiles?14:38
asacnoizer: yes under the hoot it generates the profile for that specific app14:39
sergiusensogra_, out of the blue question; how do I build a 32 kernel ofrom an amd64 system?14:39
ogra_sergiusens, hmm, better aks the kernel guys :)14:39
sergiusensppisati, ^ :-)14:39
asacsergiusens: -m32?14:39
ogra_i guess with some clever ARCH= setup14:39
sergiusensasac, is that all?14:39
noizerasac Is that possible to get the changes for some caps? because i need to make my apparmor myself for my own snaps got special restrictions14:39
ogra_passed to the toolchain14:39
asacnoizer: are you on 15.04?14:40
noizerasac no im on 16.04 rolling14:40
sergiusensasac, how about a 32 bit kernel from an armhf system?14:41
asacsergiusens: i386_defconfig14:41
asacdunno i will check this later and let you know if you havnet found :_)14:41
asacyou surely would want a cross compiler on armhf14:42
ogra_you want to build an x86 kernel on an arm host ?14:44
ogra_what did you guys smoke today ?14:44
asacyeah or on amd64 :)14:44
asacits important that you can read live the build process14:45
ysionneauhi, does ubuntu-core support booting on a GPT disk?14:46
ogra_ysionneau, indeed14:47
ysionneauit seems the init scripts are searching for writable using findfs LABEL=writable, but in GPT you need to do findfs PARTLABEL=writable14:47
ogra_the amd64 and arm64 images default to it14:47
ogra_ysionneau, we set both ... partition label and filesystem label14:48
ysionneauI'm on a Tegra X1 board and I'm using my own xml to describe the partitionning14:48
ysionneauI guess my issue is in this xml14:48
ysionneauI set name="writable" for the partition, but it does not seem to set the label, only the partlabel14:49
ogra_ubuntu@localhost:~$ findfs LABEL=writable14:50
ysionneauah, I guess it's my ext4 "file" which is missing its label then14:50
ogra_(thats both on a dragonboard)14:50
ogra_well, ubuntu.-device-flash creates the labels14:51
ogra_before it unpacks the os snap in it14:51
ogra_("system-boot" and "writable" are the defaults)14:51
ysionneauI'm creating the ext4 myself, maybe I should just use udf14:53
ogra_yeah, you definitely should14:53
kyrofaogra_, ah, the pi2 gadget was updated?15:08
kyrofaogra_, means I need to update my fork15:08
kyrofaogra_, what changed?15:08
ogra_kyrofa, last three commits https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/snappy-systems15:09
ogra_(i'm about to merge that into the main tree)15:09
kyrofaogra_, ah, very nice. Okay I'll keep an eye out15:09
sergiusenskyrofa, meeting?15:11
kyrofasergiusens, sure! I figured you were booked15:12
sergiusenskyrofa, join snapcraft15:12
ysionneauyeah, I've got snappy booting on the drone board o/15:27
didrocksnice ysionneau \o/15:34
joc_elopio: ping15:37
popeyI just updated my snappy machine:-15:39
popey /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.config: 379: /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.config: cannot create /etc/timezone: Directory nonexistent15:39
popey(sorry, classic dimension)15:39
popey(classic)ubuntu@localhost:~$ ls -l /etc/timezone15:39
popeylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Feb  3 09:22 /etc/timezone -> writable/timezone15:39
popeythat looks wrong (writable/timezone) is in red in my shell15:40
ogra_popey, it exists outside of the classich container15:43
ogra_(and we can only use relative links for that)15:43
ogra_(though even absolute wouldnt help in this case)15:43
mvoelopio: I think we have an updated ubuntu-core in 16.04/edge ready for tesing15:46
elopiomvo: thanks. I will start.15:46
mvoelopio: \o/15:46
elopiomvo: what about the 15.04 update? is it still happening today?15:47
popeyogra_: so what's the fix?15:47
ogra_popey, dunno, copy that dir into classic ... (no idea how)15:49
ogra_there are a bunch more files (three iirc)15:50
ogra_in /etc/writable15:50
joc_elopio: hey, the example tests appear to have errored on the plainbox snapcraft PR, would appreciate you having a quick look15:51
ogra_elopio, please take into acocunt that we have a new name for the dragonoboard kernel and that you *need* the new pi2 gadget snap (3.1) to make the 4.4 kernel boot15:51
elopiojoc_: looking.15:55
elopiomvo: the tests are failing on the rollback when comparing the versions: 16.04-20160321-05-01+fake1 <= 16.04-20160321-05-0115:56
elopiothat date 20160321-05-01 in the version is new. I suppose the function you wrote to compare is not ready to handle it.15:56
elopioogra_: noted.15:57
ogra_elopio, use ~fake1 ?15:57
ogra_(i would expect this to work the same as dpkg versions)15:57
mvoelopio: can you point me to the actual test output please? the statement is correct, I don't think this is a version compare issue15:58
elopiomvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/15464432/15:59
elopiomvo: fgimenez was saying that the version maybe shouldn't include the date, because we already have a date field.15:59
mvoelopio: aha, I think I have an idea16:00
elopioand we can easily change the +fake1 to ~fake1 as ogra says. That's probably better.16:00
mvoelopio: that may indeed be a bug in the version compare code, iirc you normally can only have a single "-" but thats ok, should be easy to fix16:00
ogra_elopio, thats a limitation if using cdimage to build the snaps now ...16:00
ogra_(the date in the version string)16:00
mvoelopio: I think ~fake1 is not what we want it will be a lower version this way but we want the fake version to be higher16:01
ogra_i cant make cdimage aware of the latest version in the store so that i could bump it or some such ...16:01
ogra_fgimenez, ^^16:01
elopiolower, hum. This version rules are complex.16:02
elopioogra_: I think the output of snappy list will be a lot nicer if we don't have the dates twice. I didn't fully understand what you said about making cdimage aware of the latest version. Could you expand a little on that?16:03
jdstrandmvo: hmmm, bug #1553040 seems to be happening on the hour16:04
ubottubug 1553040 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-logind crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155304016:04
mvoogra_: lets wait with that before we figure the actual issue out16:04
ogra_elopio, cdimage doesnt know about the store ... by default it uses version numbers based on the date for everything it builds ... i can neither know what the last version was to bump it nor can i know whats in the store to bump it by 116:04
mvojdstrand: meh, that sucks16:04
jdstrandI guess I can uninstall ubuntu-core and reinstall16:04
jdstrandas a workaround16:04
mvojdstrand: sorry for the language, I think we need to set the priority to high16:04
mvojdstrand: yes, that should work16:04
jdstrandmvo: no need to be sorry. it does :)16:04
ogra_elopio, the only safe way to generate a version on cdimage auto-builds is to actually use a version string (or parts of it)16:05
ogra_is to actually use a date string16:05
mvojdstrand: the real fix is to just ensure the bootloader detection magic is smater and will not attempt to reboot if its not a snappy system16:05
fgimenezogra_, could you use something like curl -s -H "X-Ubuntu-Architecture: amd64"  -H 'Accept: application/hal+json' 'https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/package/ubuntu-core.canonical/edge' | jq '.version' to get the version?16:05
elopioogra_: could you take the version from the debian changelog?16:05
* jdstrand nods16:05
ogra_fgimenez, no, i dont have any access to the outside world during builds16:06
ogra_elopio, which debian changelog ?16:06
jdstrandRemoving ubuntu-core.canonical16:06
mvoelopio, ogra_: lets keep the version for now until this is better understood, it smeels like a bug in the version compare code in snappy16:06
jdstrandsnappy package cannot be removed16:06
mvojdstrand: lol, of course not, can't remove your os16:06
elopiomvo: ogra_: sounds good.16:06
ogra_mvo, well, i agree with fgimenez that we shouldnt have the date twice ... but i have no idea wht to do16:06
mvoogra_: oh, thats orthogonal I guess, thats fine16:07
elopiowhat is that -05-01 appended to the date?16:07
ogra_elopio, the os snap isnt bound to any debian/changelog ... and cant be16:07
ogra_elopio, time16:07
jdstrandmvo: yes, that obviously makes sense on a device, but sdoc now is interesting... I really should be able to remove that. I guess I can look at the cron job16:08
elopiogot it.16:08
jdstrandnot cron16:08
ogra_systemd timer :)16:08
jdstrandyes, I was getting there :)16:08
mvojdstrand: yes you should16:09
mvojdstrand: I mean, yes you should be able to do that, this was written when we had no idea about this use-case16:09
jdstrandmvo: oh sure, I was simply acknowledging that fact :)16:10
elopiojoc_: looks like an error connecting to the testbed. You can re-try them commenting: "retest this please"16:11
mvojdstrand: yeah :)16:15
popeyupdating my snappy pi.. I get this...16:20
popey2016/03/21 16:19:37.029389 sort.go:162: Invalid version "16.04-20160321-14-25", using '0' instead. Expect wrong results16:20
popeyis that normal?16:20
ogra_popey, most likely related to the issue that elopio and mvo are looking at above16:21
popeyoh, sorry16:21
mvopopey: yes, thanks, what ogra_ said, but this error message is actually very useful16:22
popeyOh good :)16:22
ogra_yeah, that explins elopio's error :)16:23
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15464724/ is the full output fwiw16:23
ogra_popey, funny, i wonder what happens after reboot :)16:25
ogra_seems it thinks it installed them16:26
mvoogra_: I finally looked at this and I think changing the version to only have a single "-" in it would be best if that is possible16:26
elopiopopey: thanks a lot. So it affects more than the integration tests, and you caught it early :)16:26
mvoogra_: i.e. 16.04+2016032114-2516:26
ogra_mvo, hmm, yeah ... i can do that but need to re-build and re-upload16:27
ogra_mvo, with a plus sign ?16:27
mvoogra_: yeah, plus is fine16:27
mvoogra_: or give me a sec and I paste a new string, "-" and ":" are problematic16:27
mvoogra_: "+" and "." are fine16:27
ogra_that takes quite some turnaround time though (livecd-rootfs upload ... waiting for publisher for 2h ... then rebuild and re-upload to the store)16:27
mvoogra_: and "-" is fine as long as there is only one16:28
popeyDo I dare reboot this?16:28
ogra_do you ?16:31
jospoortvlietkyrofa: I'm around now for a bit16:36
jospoortvlietsadly, not feeling well today16:36
ogra_mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15464880/16:36
jospoortvlietspend most of the day in bed and will be returning soon16:36
loolsergiusens: hey16:36
kyrofajospoortvliet, ah I'm sorry! Nothing important here, go back to bed :)16:37
mvoogra_: maybe a "." in between? "date +20%y%m%d.-%M" ?16:37
mvoogra_: otherwise looks fine16:37
kyrofajospoortvliet, OC9 will be released as soon as it's built16:37
loolsergiusens: did we have a nack on supporting patch files in snapcraft, or is this something that just needs work?16:37
mvoogra_: I think we can not avoid this delay, we could unpublish this particular version that is problematic though16:37
jospoortvlietkyrofa: rocking16:37
jospoortvlietkyrofa: we didn't figure out what PHP modules were missing though16:37
loolsergiusens: other question, is there anything discussing extending CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/LIBS etc. somewhere?16:37
ogra_mvo, i'll upload to the PPA first ... that at least speeds up the publlisher16:37
kyrofajospoortvliet, the images require imagick16:38
kyrofajospoortvliet, that build process is complicated though, so it won't make it by tonight16:38
jospoortvlietok... got it16:38
kyrofajospoortvliet, it's dog slow on the rpi2 too, FYI16:38
jospoortvlietkyrofa: yeah, of course... ;-)16:39
kyrofajospoortvliet, things are a bit snappier without it :P16:39
jospoortvlietkyrofa: for ownCloud, we should add caching at least, that'll help with performance16:39
jospoortvlietquite a bit ;-)16:39
jospoortvlietwas hoping somebody would help...16:39
kyrofajospoortvliet, yeah, that'll help16:40
jospoortvlietbtw see https://doc.owncloud.org/server/9.0/admin_manual/installation/source_installation.html for a list of deps that are useful/helpful16:40
jospoortvlietadd what you can ;-)16:40
kyrofajospoortvliet, yeah I'm familiar with it, the snap config is pretty bare-bones at the moment indeed16:41
sergiusenslool, nack on patches16:41
sergiusenslool, extend CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and LIBS where?16:41
* sergiusens needs to leave for a bit16:41
loolsergiusens: I want to pass an extra flag in CFLAGS to my build on top of the snapcraft ones16:42
loole.g. cmake build, autotools build etc.16:42
sergiusenslool, can't you do that with the flags keywords those support?16:42
loolI cant extend the current flags with this16:43
loolif I say CFLAGS="foo", it will override16:43
loolI could try CFLAGS="$CFLAGS foo", but dont think this works16:43
kyrofajospoortvliet, anyway, go back to bed. I'll send out an email16:43
sergiusenslool, maybe CFLAGS="$CFLAGS foo"16:43
jospoortvlietkyrofa: thanks!16:43
sergiusenslool, why do you think it wouldn't ? :-)16:43
loolsergiusens: I think I tried it, but I'll try again16:43
loolit was before fixing the shell escaping issue, perhaps it works now16:44
sergiusenslool, btw, what is your strategy with those PRs?16:45
ogra_lool, stop scaring your shell, then it doesnt try to escape :P16:45
loolsergiusens: what's the proposed approach for patches? point at a patched tree? I'm adapting this bb recipe https://github.com/open-switch/ops-build/blob/master/yocto/openswitch/meta-distro-openswitch/recipes-ops/openvswitch/ops-openvswitch.bb which is openswitch's openvswitch build (naming is confusing); it uses upstream's tree and adds openswitch patches; trying to do the same with snapcraft is hard16:45
loolsergiusens: I'm about to update them16:45
sergiusenslool, the policy is you will have your own tree16:46
sergiusenslool, if you think about, that is what patches really are; git just makes patching obsolete16:46
sergiusensjust look at our ubuntu kernel :-)16:46
loolsergiusens: sure, it's just that there is no merge support either, so how do you automatically take latest upstream git with your changes?16:48
loolit means people need an automation point on their own16:48
loolif we had something like Launchpad git recipes, then it would be fine though16:48
loole.g. I'd point at my branch with patches and merge it with upstream before building16:49
sergiusenslool, sorry, I can't follow; but more so because I need to run; can we talk later or tomorrow?16:49
mvoogra_: thanks16:56
ogra_new image build triggered17:22
=== heath__ is now known as heath
elopiothanks ogra_17:38
elopioit's awesome when everything starts to be in place. Now jenkins will notice that a new edge was released, and run all the jobs itself.17:38
ogra_neat !17:39
ogra_well, the upload is still all me manual ...17:39
ogra_(and a big PITA)17:39
elopiooh, sure, it's ci, cyborg integration.17:40
elopioI also will need to manually select the channel checkbox z.Z17:41
joc_elopio: unfortunately my "retest this please" comment seems to have been ignored17:43
elopiojoc_: I think I need to whitelist you so you can retest.17:46
elopiolet me see. It's still a little confusing this plugin.17:46
joc_elopio: thanks17:47
elopioogra_: can we change also the version of the latest edge snap?17:50
ogra_elopio, which one ?17:51
ogra_i cahnged all versions that are generated by the build to the schema tht mvo suggested above17:51
elopioogra_: in the store, revision #62 edge I see 16.04-20160321-14-1317:51
ogra_no, tht comes from the snap.yaml17:52
ogra_i dont think thats changeable17:52
ogra_(and i learned today that we cant delte snaps ourselves either)17:52
elopiowe can upload a new one with the fixed version.17:53
ogra_thats what i will do once this build finished17:53
elopioso if I understand correctly, that would mean to go to that cdimage url where you are uploading the snaps, download it and upload it to the store selecting the edge channel.17:53
ogra_exactly, thats what i'm doing all day aleready :)17:53
elopioogra_: ok, so nevermind I said anything. I thought that last part was on mvo's hands.17:54
ogra_i was fiddling with the click-toolbelt stuff to have cdimage auto-upload from there ... but that will still take a few days17:54
elopioogra_: using snapcraft or calling the api directly?17:54
ogra_mvo is the one who needs to approve the snaps to have them published :)17:54
ogra_elopio, 12.04 server ... no snapcraft ...17:55
ogra_thus: click-toolbelt17:55
elopiogot it, I will be slowly trying to understand all those parts this week. Let me know if I can give you a hand somewhere.17:56
mvoogra_: are they ready already :) ?18:10
ogra_mvo, ready, yes, not uploaded yet18:11
mvoogra_: nice, keep me updated!18:13
mhall119zyga: ping18:25
=== devil is now known as Guest3520
ogra_mvo, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4142/ (ubuntu-core), https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4283/ (canonical-pc-linux (dont forget i386 ;) )), https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4284/ (canonical-pi2-linux)18:36
ogra_mvo, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4316/ (canonical-bbb-linux), https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4739/ (canonical-snapdragon-linux)18:36
ogra_happy approving :)18:36
=== Guest3520 is now known as devil__
=== devil__ is now known as devil_
elopioogra_: mvo: is this a good version for the ubuntu-snappy deb we upload to the PPA? 1.7.3+20160310ubuntu1~ppa14-118:40
elopio14 is the number of the build, so it's always increasing.18:40
ogra_why -1 ?18:40
mvoelopio: this looks good, you can skip the final "-1"18:40
kgunnogra_: i haven't check on dragonboard in a while, is it getting any love? or is it roughly in same state as ~January18:43
ogra_kgunn, totally18:43
ogra_the store is full of shiny new packages and we'll do an alpha release this week18:43
ogra_(4.4 kernel is now canonical-snapdragon-linux ... and ubuntu-core for arm64 just got updated)18:44
ogra_we still dont have any classic mode on arm64 though18:44
popeyogra_: so will there be another update i can pull down on my edge pi which will replace the busted one?18:44
popey(in some hours?)18:44
ogra_popey, why hours ?18:45
popeyI assume it takes a while :)18:45
ogra_just pour some extra fuel into elopio and it will be fast :)18:45
elopioogra_: mvo: dch adds a 1 at the end. I'm not sure how to remove that.18:49
elopiodch --distribution xenial -m --local ~ppa$BUILD_NUMBER- Daily release to the PPA18:49
elopioany tips to improve that ^ ?18:49
ogra_hmm, i thought it only does that with explicit -i18:51
mvoelopio: its fine, it won't hurt18:51
kyrofasergiusens, this should look familiar, but a bit easier to review: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/38419:52
kyrofaelopio, ^^19:52
sergiusenskyrofa, my comments weren't exported though :-P19:55
kyrofasergiusens, unfortunately not :( . Darn intermediate branch. I wish I could change the PR partway through19:59
kyrofasergiusens, but the complicated bits (strip cleaning) aren't here anymore, so your comments wouldn't be relevant anyway19:59
sergiusenskyrofa, heh :-) I search for the closed one and replicate20:00
sergiusenskyrofa, oh they aren't? I don't want to blindly trust you though ;-)20:00
kyrofaHaha, no don't trust me! I realized a lot of that other PR didn't have anything to do with strip cleaning-- there was a bit of setup to do it. This PR is that "bit of setup"20:00
kyrofaSo then subsequent PRs can just fill in their little bits20:01
kyrofasergiusens, smaller PRs=better20:01
sergiusenskyrofa, oh, you removed the strip part20:03
kyrofasergiusens, right20:03
sergiusenskyrofa, got it; I still managed to add MOAR comments ;-)20:03
kyrofaYeah I keep forgetting about !r20:04
sergiusenskyrofa, btw, somethings failed here https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/38320:04
kyrofasergiusens, hmm...20:06
kyrofasergiusens, huh... I can't connect to the VPN at the moment. NM is telling me it doesn't have permission20:12
sergiusenskyrofa, heh, I hate nm :-P20:12
sergiusenskyrofa, elopio btw, I am doing some manual traffic shaping on which PR gets tested next20:12
kyrofaI'd totally reboot, but I have an emergency build of owncloud going that I can't stop20:12
kyrofasergiusens, no problem20:13
sergiusenskyrofa, ssh and screen ;-)20:13
kyrofasergiusens, screen doesn't work in classic20:13
kyrofasergiusens, otherwise that's the obvious choice20:13
sergiusenskyrofa, if it is a serial connection it would be fine20:13
kyrofasergiusens, :P20:13
sergiusensto disconnect and reconnect20:13
kyrofasergiusens, SSH I'm afraid20:13
zygamhall119: hey20:55
sergiusenskyrofa, testing is taking forever :-P21:11
kyrofasergiusens, yeah, killer21:11
mhall119zyga: hey, I had a task to follow up with you about show to ship apps written for the phone/tablet on a the snappy desktop, do we have a plan for how we're going to approach that for 16.04?21:18
mhall119last we spoke you were still workign that out21:18
kyrofajdstrand, I've got two owncloud.canonicals in the manual review queue for network-listener. Mind taking a look?21:24
jdstrandkyrofa: approved21:28
kyrofajdstrand, thank you!21:30
zygamhall119: I think that hasn't changed since, we're still tying loose knots together to make the system work21:30
zygamhall119: I think we're still a bit behind there on what we aim to deliver21:31
mhall119zyga: with it using the snappy space, will we be able to land that feature for users of 16.04 even after release? Or will it have to wait until 16.10?21:40
sergiusenskyrofa, care to rebase https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/384 ?21:42
zygamhall119: I'm almost 100% sure that we'll land updates across all systems21:44
zygamhall119: we really need to land all the key things for 16.04 but we'll be making updates as the system evolves; AFAIR we're still trying to determine exactly how snappy updates in ubuntu will look like but that's the plan21:45
mhall119zyga: ok, can you send an update to the email thread dholbach started, titled "Releasing the SDK libs as a snap" with the current state of things?21:48
zygamhall119: yes, I'll read updates since I replied initially and I'll do my best to reply21:49
mhall119thanks, just to keep everybody in the loop updated21:49
popeyerror: owncloud-pi2.kyrofa failed to install: gadget package installation not allowed21:51
popeyshould I be able to install that?21:51
sergiusenspopey, no, gadgets are only allowed during image creation22:02
davidcallesergiusens: hi again, is there a way to put myself in the position of my snap, with the same constraints and path, and run commands (and maybe install packages)?22:05
popeysergiusens: shouldn't they be hidden from snapy find then?22:21
sergiusenspopey, oh they should; I made that statement or logged a bug about that or told stevebiscuit22:30
sergiusensI forget which22:30
sergiusensthat and other kernels22:30
sergiusensand also other uninstallables22:31
sergiusensdavidcalle, there's supposed to be a `snappy shell <snap>` ... but zyga22:31
sergiusenslol, that came out wrong; I mean zyga can expand on if that is implemented or no22:31
wililupyQuestion: Whats the best documentation for building Kernel Snaps?23:08
sergiusenselopio, care to look at https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/386/files23:40
sergiusenswililupy, wait for snapcraft 2.5 to be announced later tonight or early in the morning23:41
wililupysergiusens: ack23:41
elopiosergiusens: looks good. Are you going to include these two fixes I have in-progress?23:41
sergiusenselopio, nah; we will get those in on Wednesday23:42
sergiusenselopio, I have a bunch of small fixes to get in23:42
sergiusensthese can go there23:42
elopiosergiusens: will you open a new milestone for the wednesday or should I target these bugs to 2.6?23:46
sergiusenselopio, 2.623:51
sergiusenselopio, 2.6 is the wednesday milestone ;-)23:51
sergiusenswe are releasing 2.5 today :-)23:51

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