
=== truexfan81_ is now known as truexfan81
oogyIs this a Ubuntu help channel?04:06
soeeany idea how can i fix this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15446319/ ?09:00
lotuspsychjesoee: adbobe flash is pretty dead on linux09:03
lotuspsychjesoee: install chromium-browser, or use webbrowser-app with pepperflash instead09:04
lotuspsychjesoee: or firefox + freshplayer09:04
Tlanis beta 2 out ?12:15
counter-clockwishey Tlan , did you find the answer to your question about 16.04?12:23
counter-clockwisTlan : why are you chasing that release, are you a beta tester?12:24
BluesKajHiyas all12:24
counter-clockwissup BluesKaj12:25
Tlanyeah just wondering on iam 16.04 mate edition12:25
Tlanbeta 1 and there was a upgrade option12:25
BluesKajcounter-clockwis, 'Morning coffee :-)12:25
counter-clockwisah k12:25
Tlan16.04 is coming alont nicely12:25
counter-clockwisBluesKaj, ahaha breakfast of champions12:25
counter-clockwisi want coffee now, brb12:26
counter-clockwismmm breakfast of champions12:30
counter-clockwistastes good12:30
Tlanhey is there a offical ppa for nvidia drivers?12:31
Tlani have a GTX 97012:31
Tlan and i hate having to manually install new drivers12:31
BluesKajTlan, the nvidia-361 is the recommended driver for the GTX900 series12:33
Tlanbut doesn't it suck for gaming?12:34
Tlanlike the newer drivers have bug fixes12:34
Tlanfor steam and stuff12:34
Tlanis that from edgers ?12:35
Tlanwhat is the full version number?12:35
k1lTlan: if you run the updates your system will become the beta212:36
BluesKajand what's the point of using an unstable driver from some ppa for games12:40
counter-clockwishow's gaming on ubuntu Tlan12:40
Tlanno i was wondering if nvidia had provide a offical ppa12:40
Tlanit's pretty close to windows for some things12:40
Tlanyou loose physix support12:40
Tlanso like borderlands 2 doesn't have the fance physix graphics12:41
BluesKajTlan, ppas arem't "official"12:41
TJ-the GPU PPA is :)12:41
k1lubuntu got official nvidia drivers in the ubuntu repos12:41
thehumanelementhay, anyone know if xenial dailies are really daily? Last Modified on the FTP site is the 7th March12:42
thehumanelementk1l that is cool12:43
thehumanelementalso does anyone know how to install Skype on 16.04?12:43
k1lskype is dying on non-windows. they drop support for more and more platforms. and dont update the linux version since some years now.12:44
TJ-thehumanelement: if you look on http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ you'll see the more recent spins haven't passed testing12:44
BluesKajthehumanelement, https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-skype-on-ubuntu-16-04-xenial-xerus-linux-64-bit12:47
Tlanwhats the latest driver in the ubunut gpu repo12:48
Tlani switched from amd to nvidia and it was like night and day for gaming12:49
counter-clockwisk1l, not surprised about skype dying12:49
counter-clockwisi don't find it to be a good program12:49
Tlanamd has way better open source driver though12:49
k1l!find nvidia12:50
ubottuFound: nvidia-prime, nvidia-settings, ubuntu-drivers-common, nvidia-cg-dev, nvidia-cg-doc, nvidia-cg-toolkit, nvidia-cuda-doc, nvidia-libopencl1-304, nvidia-libopencl1-304-updates, nvidia-libopencl1-331 (and 111 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nvidia&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all12:50
k1lnvidia-361 is the latest one in ubuntu repo12:50
counter-clockwisTlan , have you tried virtual machine for gaming? KVM Windows with gpu pass through?12:50
BluesKajTlan, it's in the repos/package manager12:50
Tlanno i have never tried that12:51
Tlani just dual boot windows 10 and ubuntu12:51
Tlani have alot of windows only games12:51
TJ-Tlan: also see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa12:51
BluesKajW10 sucks on some games from what I've heard12:51
counter-clockwisif you have iGPU you can run ubuntu off that, then pass through your gtx970 to the VM12:51
Tlanwindows 10 is fine12:52
counter-clockwisBluesKaj, give it time, still teething12:52
Tlanit's just they spy on you and log your keys12:52
BluesKajstill prefer W712:52
Tlanso you have to disable alot of stuff12:52
Tlanin the registry it's not that hard12:52
counter-clockwisi prefer win7 also, still running it as main OS on most of my rigs, but win10 not all bad12:52
Tlanbut i only use windows for gaming12:52
Tlanwin7 is slower than windows 10 though12:52
counter-clockwisi dunno about the whole spying thing, i think that's over hyped a bit12:53
Tlanthe kernel is slower12:53
counter-clockwisi dunno, i can't notice a speed difference on my machines12:53
Tlan it has better support for newer hardware12:53
Tlani like some of the windows store apps12:53
Tlanlike the AMC app12:53
Tlanits the only way i know to watch walking dead on my pc12:54
counter-clockwiswindows 10 is trying too hard to be OS X, that's my main gripe12:54
Tlanwith out downloading the episodes or torenting12:54
counter-clockwiswalking dead <312:54
counter-clockwisu just made me realise, i missed this weeks ep12:54
Tlani like how microsoft is just evolving windows 1012:54
Tlanlike they keep adding new features that normally would be a service pack or newer version12:54
counter-clockwishow can you like it, they havent even started yet :P12:54
counter-clockwishow is it different though12:55
Tlanlike they just keep rolling new builds12:55
counter-clockwisthe service packs were just a way of deliving a bunch of updates at once12:55
Tlanbut ubuntu-mate is my fav os12:55
counter-clockwisthey are just updating it the same as they always have...12:55
counter-clockwisthey've just labeled it differently12:55
Tlani can still play most of my steam games in ubuntu mate as well or very close as good as windows12:55
counter-clockwisa "service"12:55
counter-clockwisyeh that's cool12:56
BluesKajI have on old usb TV capture dongle and I haven't been entirely successful finding linux drivers/modules for it altho it used to work on older kernels... have some old VHS tapes taken at fasmily gatherings that I'd like to transfer to the hdd then make dvds or send them thru dropbox to releatives12:56
counter-clockwiswhen linux catches up on gaming, it can be my main OS12:56
counter-clockwisuntil then tho..12:56
counter-clockwisBluesKaj, gotta get some new hardware mebbe?12:57
BluesKajcounter-clockwis, yeah maybe...had it working on W7, perfect video, but no audio12:57
Tlani think this vulkan api will make it more competive with direct x12:59
Tlandirect x is a mature platform12:59
Tlanthats the difference12:59
Tlanthe drivers are more mature on the windows platform for gaming but ubuntu and linux have come really close in a short amount of time12:59
counter-clockwisthey just need more people to switch to linux and the support will come13:00
Tlani think linux really needs get gaming better to become more popular13:00
counter-clockwisi'd say itll happen the other way round13:00
TlanMicrosoft will eventually shoot them selves in thefoot13:00
counter-clockwisas linux gets more popular, theyll make gaming better13:00
Tlanpeople are getting really pissed off with microsoft forced security update that installs windows 10 automatically13:00
counter-clockwisit doesn't do that13:01
Tlanya i think this vulkan api is what they needed13:01
counter-clockwispeople are just idiots and click the "schedule for a time" button13:01
counter-clockwisand then wonder why a count down starts and suddenly installs win 1013:01
counter-clockwisanyone complaining about win10 auto installing is a novice for sure13:01
Tlanthe update was listed as a security update so the machine will just automatically install it13:01
counter-clockwisi literally have never heard of it happening to anyone except n00bs on forums13:01
Tlanin windows 10 you have less control over updates13:01
TJ-can you keep the discussion on-topic please, or go to #ubuntu-offtopic13:01
BluesKajjust install the GWX Control Panel to get rid of the W10 annoyances on W713:02
Tlanor how you receive updates that was the deal when they gave windows 10 away13:02
Tlanis that you had to take updates13:02
counter-clockwisi think we best listen to TJ-13:02
Tlanright now i play alot of call of duty black ops 3 on pc13:02
Tlani can't play that in linux13:02
k1ltell them to make native linux ports of the games13:03
Tlanwell the problem is that direct x is better optimized than opengl13:03
k1lwith steam running their own boxes on linux there is a first step.13:03
Tlanso they gotta port it over to opengl which i guess is harder to program13:04
Tlanthats why i have hope for this vulkan api13:04
k1lTlan: i think its the other way around. opengl is that way because no one cares anyway. if direktx is rubbish the angry gamer mob will rage against MS13:04
Tlanvulkan will be like direct x for linux13:04
Ben64dx isn't better optimized or easier to program13:05
Tlanwell they probably put more resources in it because that is where the majority of the customers are on13:05
Ben64not so much13:05
Ben64dx works on windows and xbox13:06
Tlanyeah i know13:06
Ben64opengl works on windows, linux, mac, ps4, wiiu.... etc13:06
Tlanya i know13:06
Tlanbut it doesn't run as well as the direct x versions13:06
Tlanlike the ports to linux are not as smooth as the windows13:06
Tlanthe source games run well on linucx13:07
Tlani think those are native ports13:07
Ben64i mean source for your claim13:07
Tlannative ports usually run well13:07
Tlan oh well it doesn't take a genius just try it in both oses13:08
lotuspsychje!info gnome-software xenial13:08
ubottugnome-software (source: gnome-software): Software Center for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.19.93~git20160318.55deb24-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 207 kB, installed size 933 kB13:08
Tlanlike i get 200fps in windows 10 in csgo13:09
Tlani get like 115fps in ubuntu csgo13:09
Tlanor i will only get 9013:09
Ben64that's not comparing dx vs opengl13:09
Tlantry xcom213:10
thehumanelementokay thanks k1l and TJ-13:10
elh9Ben64, what is it comparing?13:18
elh9< knows little on subject13:18
Ben64how the game runs on windows vs linux13:18
elh9well yeh13:18
Ben64you can't change so many variables and assume the problem is just one thing13:18
elh9fair call13:19
Ben64if you want to compare dx and opengl, you should have everything else identical13:19
Tlanwell thats the problem13:19
elh9makes sense13:19
Tlanthere is just as much effort put into linux ports right now13:19
Tlanthere are some really good native ports that shows linux can run just as well as windows13:19
Tlanbut it's far and few between which sucks13:19
lotuspsychjeunless the high end games?13:20
Tlanit's getting better13:20
Tlanyea you really can't run the high end games13:20
Tlanyou are forced to use windows13:20
Ben64or a ps413:20
lotuspsychjemaybe one day :p13:20
elh9Tlan , that's expected though isn't it?13:20
Tlanplust like i get more control over my video card in the windows driver vs the linux one13:20
Tlani don't know why13:20
Tlanlike there is no overclocking13:20
Ben64what driver13:20
Ben64you can overclock13:20
elh9overclock with custom bios13:21
Tlanin the nvidia control panel?13:21
Tlanin linux?13:21
elh9custom bios13:21
Tlanit's super easy in windows you just move a slider13:21
Ben64yep super easy here too13:22
elh9it's easy to a point, then you need custom bios13:22
Tlanwell i have a Asus strix gtx97013:22
Tlani have to flash a new bios?13:22
elh9maxwell bios editor13:22
Tlanso the stock is what ever i want it to be13:23
Tlanit's factory overclocked already13:23
Tlanbut in windows it will turbo up to 1475mhz in a game13:23
elh9you can go further if ur cooling is adequate13:23
Tlanya the strix has awesome cooler13:23
Tlanthe fans don't even turn on until it reaches 65c13:23
elh9factory overclock is probably 50 - 100 mhz over reference13:23
Tlani love this card13:23
elh9you can probably go 300mhz +13:23
Tlanit's like 100mhz13:23
Tlanno the most i can probably do stable is 1475mhz13:24
elh9yeh 970 is good price/performance13:24
Ben64so you compared a game in windows with overclocked gpu to linux with normal clock and wondered why the fps was lower? :S13:24
Tlanyeah i got it for $300 on amazon13:24
Tlaneven without overclock13:24
Tlanwindows has like better latncy or framtimes13:24
Ben64do you have a compositing desktop13:25
Tlani have mate13:25
Tlanya i think i had compiz on13:25
Ben64well that will affect it13:25
Tlanyeah i should turn that off13:25
Tlanit's really close though13:25
Tlanthe performance13:25
elh9article about why bios modding is needed for decent oc on gtx 97013:25
elh9-article +thread13:26
Tlani could probably push the card to 1500mhz or 1525mhz13:26
Tlanbut most gtx970 max out13:26
Tlanat those speeds13:26
Tlanthe ram is running at 7800mhz13:26
Tlani didn't need to increase voltage and it hits 1475mhz no problem13:27
elh9upping the voltage slightly will get you those few extra megahertz13:27
Tlanand the temps never go higher than 70c13:27
Ben64and reduce the life of your card13:27
Tlanya i don't really want to mess with voltages13:27
elh9got a little bit of temperature head room to oc a bit further13:27
Tlanprobably i dunno how much performance i would get13:27
Tlani have a 29" ultra wide monitor13:27
elh9maxwell doesn't scale that great with o/c13:28
elh9kepler was a little better on that front13:28
Tlanso my res is 2560x108013:28
boernhow do i find out which dgx/gfx driver i have in ubuntu? because i have video a little video stutter in firefox/chrome13:28
elh9Ben64, shouldn't reduce life enough to worry about13:28
Ben64boern: lshw -C VIDEO | grep driver13:28
elh9most people aren't keeping their cards longer than 3 years13:28
Tlanthe strix has a better powerphase13:29
boernconfiguration: driver=nvidia latency=013:29
Tlanlike better onboard components like chokes and stuff13:29
Tlanso it could probably take a small bump in voltage13:29
Tlanthe card is really heavy13:29
elh9i think the Asus Podcast episode 2 commented on that power phase stuff, they basically said it's meaningless and just a marketing ploy13:29
boerni use the nvidia driver, because the open source driver has problems13:29
Tlan well the card uses a single 8pin which is different than the refernce design13:30
Tlani don't think it's totally meaningless13:30
Tlanthose extra designs can help with overclocking over the reference design13:31
Tlanthe open source nvidia driver is really bad13:31
elh9yeh i dunno, listen to the asus podcast, there's only 2 episodes so far, both interesting, and they explain the power phase stuff and what it actually does for the card13:31
Tlanwell alot of these cards they change the layout of the pcb13:32
elh9aswell as other cool stuff13:32
elh9ie. non-reference13:32
elh9i think the reasoning that they gave was multiple phases help when you are pushing the caps to the limit, but the way the boards are designed, the caps will never come even close to their limit.13:35
elh9well.. the way the caps are designed13:35
elh9and the ones that are chosen13:35
elh9far exceed their need, and therefor using extra doesn't make a huge deal of difference13:35
Tlanbut you don't want leaky caps13:42
Tlanlike the long term use at those high frequencies13:42
Tlanyou want quality parts13:42
Tlanit reminds me of their sabertooth motherboards13:42
boernhow can i move the unity launcher in ubuntu 16.04 to the botton?13:44
boerni heard its now possible13:45
k1lgsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom13:46
boernwow great thank you13:47
boernhow do you all know these commands13:48
boerni hope they implement a gui feature for that.. so noobs like me can do it too xD13:49
k1lwell, i am following some things about ubuntu.13:49
k1lIMHO to have the choice to place the launcher is good. although it spoils all the idea behind unity and i dont use it because i have way more with than hight on my monitors.13:50
k1li even set the win10 taskbar to be at the left.13:50
boernbut when you need width its better to place it on the bottom13:53
boerndepends on your needs13:53
boernso year, good to have to choice13:53
boernone to too much x)13:54
k1lbut to place it at the bottom it spoils the advantage of the the mouse centric behaviour to the upper left corner13:58
boernoh year i just see it.. i have to move my mouse even more13:58
boernokay left is really better13:58
boernyou convinced me13:59
k1lfor the launcher you can use autohide. that works quite good.14:00
k1lon windows that is not the same, since it also hides the systray and clock.14:01
boernis autohide a tool?14:02
k1lno, its a setting for the launcher14:02
boernah okay thanks14:03
elh9launcher/taskbar on the left is golden14:03
elh9<3 extra vert screen space14:04
boernsometimes i wish installing a program on ubuntu/linux would be as seemless and consistent as on OS X14:06
boernOS X just drag in the folder and you are good to go.. ubuntu/linux are so many diffent ways thats really confusing for the average user14:07
elh9yeh but you pay the price boern14:07
elh9for the convenience on OS X14:07
elh9try to create a folder in protected system folders14:07
elh9gotta boot in safe mode, turn of csrutil and only then...14:08
boernhmm.. why would i do that?14:08
elh9for example, htop is a great program14:09
k1lboern: use apt or softwarecenter to install a program from the repos. or use a PPA. or use a .deb14:09
elh9try install it on OS X14:09
k1lfor some programs, who dont want the easy way for the user, you need to run other ways.14:09
MonkeyDustthe software center is different in xenial14:09
boernfor example xampp: i download a .run file for XAMPP.. i have to install it via terminal and then its not event listed in my launcher.. i have to start it via command... WHY14:10
MonkeyDustwell, it *looks* different14:10
PiciWhy would you use xmapp when you can use the lamp stack in Ubuntu?14:10
k1lxampp :(14:11
PiciAlso, why would a tool without a user interface be listed on the launcher?14:11
boernbecause i am a windows noob and need my localhost and localhost/phpmyadmin xD14:11
k1lif you want it the hardest non ubuntu way, dont complain its not easy on ubuntu :/14:11
boerni dont even know what lamp stack is  :S14:12
boerni only know xampp14:13
MonkeyDustboern  what are you trying to do or achive?14:13
boernphp development with my sql14:13
k1lboern: ubuntu ships already everything that is in xampp in the ubuntu repos.14:13
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.14:13
cisstrdwant to switch my home-box over to ubuntu, considering 16.04, it's not a prodcution-server or anything, mainly storage (zfs), as long as my data is fine, I wouldn't care about possible os instabilities14:16
elh9hey boern, i was doing a lil php dev on ubuntu (with lamp), check out symfony, such a good framework, so many tutorials, so much info online, decent set of functionality etc14:16
cisstrdnot sure if I should go with 15.10 now (and upgrade later) or go with 16.04 after the final beta freeze14:16
Piciboern: btw, the reason you'd really want our LAMP over xampp is twofold: 1) you get no security updates with xampp, 2) you won't get any support for problems with xampp here or any other Ubuntu irc channel.14:16
elh9makes your life very easy in terms of interacting with the mysql db (or postgress or whatever other common sql driver u use)14:16
elh9uses doctrine for interactinos with mysql, so freakn powerful14:16
elh9/j #symfony14:17
boernokay i will try thank you :)14:17
boerni am always open to new ways.. but i need to know them :D14:17
elh9it may take a few hours to get use to it, but if you are already familiar with php you are pretty much good to go14:18
elh9and once you see what it's doing, you can make a social media site in under an hour14:18
boernlocalhost is working.. but where is my http://localhost/phpmyadmin?14:22
elh9you may need to edit your httpd.conf14:23
k1lcisstrd: considering zfs it might be better to go with 16.04. but its not included in the installer, iirc14:23
elh9allow access14:23
elh9k1l, i'm about to setup a zfs array alongside my snapraid array, whats the deal with 16.04 and zfs?14:23
elh9oh wait, i forgot im in #ubuntu+1 no worries14:24
cisstrdk1l: what do I have to expect from using 16.04? reading mailing lists and doing daily updates till release time?14:26
k1lcisstrd: if all goes well it should be stable with a lot of updates every day. but it could be that some programs dont work or the system doesnt work.14:27
k1lfor me it works, but since some days vlc crashes the whole system when using my dvb-t hardware.14:28
cisstrdk1l: which would be fine, as long as it doesn't screw up my zpools14:28
cisstrdI know I won't get a guarantee that it won't but that's very unlikely I assume14:28
k1lwell, no one can guarantee that14:28
k1lyou only get a big "told you so" if you come here complaining all your data is gone ;p14:28
cisstrdwhich is fine14:29
cisstrdthat's what development is14:29
cisstrdbut it's unlikely given the beta freeze right? :D14:29
k1lwe never know.14:29
k1lyou can ask 100 times but that wont change it to someone making a guarantee for you :)14:30
k1lif you can risk this: go with 16.04. if you cant risk it: stay on stable releases.14:30
k1li can risk it on my daily machine. so i am using 16.04 right now. but i have a diualboot and i know how to get a working system quick if something goes bad.14:31
cisstrdk1l: one last thing, I see only desktop images are provided I can still do a minimal install right?14:32
k1lyou can use the http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/ one14:34
cisstrdk1l: ah thanks :)14:34
geniiLubuntu has also a minimal14:35
elh9k1l, whats ur method of getting a working system quick if sometihng goes bad?14:35
elh9or is that the dual boot you mentined?14:35
k1lah yeah, the lubuntu one got the alternate isos14:35
k1lelh9: either fixing what is wrong or rolling back to a working system.14:36
elh9yeh cool14:37
MonkeyDustmove the launcher bar to the bottom: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom14:56
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
boerni have a problem with video playback in chrome/firefox (html5&flash).. i have little stutter from time to time when i watch a video.. do you know how to fix this? i am running on ubuntu 16.04, but i had this issue on linux mint 17.3 as well(same computer)15:14
boerni tried mulitiple graphic drivers from the "additional drivers" program but its still the same15:15
boerni have gtx 74515:15
boernthe sutter is audio & video15:16
lotuspsychjeanyone knows if telegram-desktop gonna be added to xenial?15:51
MonkeyDusti already have telegram desktop, so yes16:10
MonkeyDustwait, guess i deleted it16:10
MonkeyDustodd, i did have it, though16:11
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: well its not really an install16:16
lotuspsychjeboern: fresh install or upgrade?16:17
boernlotuspsychje fresh install16:19
lotuspsychjeboern: did you tried all drivers?16:19
boernlotuspsychje: graphic card drivers?16:20
boernyes, there are 2 proprietary from nvidia (340 and 361) i tried both and i have the same issue16:21
lotuspsychjeboern: did you try the -updates versions aswell?16:21
boernwhen i use the open source driver i have massive text glitches trough out the while system16:21
boernwhat do you mean with -updates versions?16:22
lotuspsychjeboern: go check your additional drivers section16:22
lotuspsychjeboern: should show like 340 and 340-updates16:23
k1ldid you reboot after changing the driver?16:23
lotuspsychjeboern: also install chromium-browser with pepperflash and test glitches in online video's16:23
boernhttp://postimg.org/image/o4bssldbl/ this is all i have16:24
boernyes i did16:24
boerni havent tried chromium.. but on firefox its the same issue.. with both flash and html516:25
boerni tried the "tested" one but its not better16:25
lotuspsychjeboern: thats why i asked, have you tested them all one by one, your list shows nvidia-361-updates too16:25
boernoh.. ahm sorry i havent seen that :S16:26
boerni will try brb16:26
boernthank you!16:26
lotuspsychjeboern: try if it performs better on video perhaps16:26
boernokay, is it an updated version?16:27
lotuspsychjenewest revision16:28
boernbut confusion but okay .. i will try brb!16:29
boernokay so now i will test.. thanks for now!16:31
salamanderrakeis there an nvidia ppa?16:37
salamanderrakehttp://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/100577/en-us latest stable nvidia driver released today, 364.12 has vulkan, wayland, mir support16:37
lotuspsychjesalamanderrake: its advised to try the drivers ubuntu provides first16:38
salamanderrakethe drivers ubuntu provide are not 364.1216:40
lotuspsychjesalamanderrake: not yet16:40
lotuspsychjesalamanderrake: also 16.04 is still in development phase16:40
k1lreleased today, why is it not in the repos since yesterday? ;p16:41
salamanderrakeexactly k1l16:45
salamanderrakeI am wondering the same thing.16:45
k1li dont know if they will make it into the official repo. but they will be put into some ppa at least.16:46
salamanderrakethe problem is it will be put in more then one, vulkan, mir, wayland related ppas16:47
salamanderrakeactually I think it will be put into the official repo at some point because of the mir support.16:49
salamanderrakeis ubuntu mir still a thing?16:49
ubottuMir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir16:49
salamanderrakeslated for 14.04, when is that getting released?16:50
lotuspsychjehmm nvm that16:50
salamanderrakemight want to update that statement16:50
lotuspsychjek1l: ^ can you guys adapt that trigger?16:51
lotuspsychjesalamanderrake: unity7 will still be default on 16.04 and unity8 installable, default unity8/mir in 16.10 estimated16:51
salamanderrakeah ok16:52
k1lits somewhat installable since 14.04. but its not the default16:52
lotuspsychjeah ok16:53
lotuspsychjeso inclusion still counts16:53
k1lthat is somewhat misleading but we have only limited space on the factoid and the whole mir history doesnt fit :)16:54
MonkeyDustcinnamon DE turns black and freezes in xenial17:06
MonkeyDustsame issue since i installed xenial, some 2 weeks ago17:07
MonkeyDustMate now17:08
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: did you try unity sidebar to bottom yet?17:08
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  yes, it's weird, but autohide works better17:09
MonkeyDustthen i reasoned: with the launcher on the bottom, i can as well use mate17:10
MonkeyDustloving my new wallpaper, though ... http://posbrand.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Interior-Design.jpg17:11
lotuspsychjelets c17:14
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: nice1 mate, like it minimal17:14
MonkeyDustmaybe an idea for a new wallpaper set: interiors17:35
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: i recently downloaded the whole ubuntu wall collection17:41
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: cant recall if there was interior17:41
MonkeyDustthere will be, in the near future ;)17:43
lotuspsychjecurrently we have more nature and landscapes17:43
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: didnt find too much: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-September1107-6466447617:52
BingoI say, March 24 release Xenial 16.04 beta 2, online??  If so, is it running well?17:56
lotuspsychjeBingo: wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule17:57
MonkeyDustBingo  it runs, ok, there are a few display glitches, though17:58
MonkeyDusti'm happy with it17:58
Bingomir. Unity 8  ?18:04
k1lquestion ?18:04
Bingothey cut off the graphics drivers.18:04
Bingoi need a box that will supplant my graphics18:05
Bingook tyvm folks. for tha info.18:05
k1lBingo: can you make sentences that actually make sense?18:06
k1lok, he cant18:06
MonkeyDust'tha info', that's 'hiphop language'18:08
lotuspsychjehiphop monologue :p18:10
dasjoeMaybe it's a Haiku?18:10
lotuspsychjeyes thats it18:10
MonkeyDusta haiku must have an element from nature in it ... wind, or trees, or leaves etc18:11
MonkeyDustonly if it's xenial18:12
lotuspsychjebbl guys18:30
Asad2005Can i upgrade directly from 12.04.5 LTS to the latest 16.04 image directly18:49
k1lAsad2005: no18:50
Asad2005Or do i have to upgrade in steps18:50
k1lyou need to update to 14.04 and then you can use the developer LTS path to 16.0418:50
Asad2005k1l: with update-manager -d18:51
k1lwhen you are on 14.04 and the release prompt is set to LTS, yes18:51
geniiAsad2005: LTA to LTS direct upgrade does not become an option until point release, so you won't get a notice until 16.04.1 arrives18:52
MonkeyDustAsad2005  you can do that as of 16.04.118:52
Asad2005So when 16.04 is finally release i can do directly to 16.04?18:54
MonkeyDustAsad2005  no, not 16.04 ... 16.04.118:55
MonkeyDustAsad2005  in a terminal, type   cat /etc/issue18:55
Asad2005ok thanks18:55
MonkeyDustAsad2005  do you see the .4 ?18:56
Asad2005MonkeyDust: I have shut down the lap top, i will upgrade tomorrow to 14.04 then to 16.0418:58
MonkeyDustAsad2005  what is it now?18:59
Asad200512.04.5 LTS19:00
ChibaPetIs the required jump to 14.04 documented somewhere? Debian-based systems are often very good at jumping versions, in my experience.19:25
k1lChibaPet: i would not recommend to jump versions19:26
ChibaPetRight. I'm just curious.19:26
ChibaPetFor production stuff it seems better to redeploy from scratch in any event.19:26
k1lwell no. the updates have automated testing  and work since some time19:28
k1lmy system here wsa installed as 13.10 and made every upgrade since then19:28
ChibaPetDepends on the environment I guess.19:29
ChibaPetA common plan is to tie hardware and software lifecycle together, in which case updating major versions would be largely irrelevant.19:30
ChibaPetFor budget-constrained environments, upgrading is far more common. (Home, small business, etc.) And FWIW, I like the ability to cleanly upgrade from version to version. Bothers me that the other side of the fence doesn't do it.19:31
MonkeyDustChibaPet  'tie hardware and software' sounds as windows logic to me19:37
boernhey i have used every graphics card driver (gtx 745) and i still have video sutter in my browser.. with html5 and flash video.. can anyone tell mich how to solve this?19:38
boerntell me*19:38
ChibaPetMonkeyDust: It's pretty common in enterprise environments with planned hardware lifecycles, and it often matches what you get with support contracts from big appliance vendors.19:38
ChibaPetboern: Which driver do you have installed/running?19:39
ChibaPetMonkeyDust: For reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IT_asset_management19:40
boernChibaPet: http://postimg.org/image/f1n3c9kl7/ i have used every single one of them19:40
boernof course with restart every time19:41
boernbut it just wont help19:41
ChibaPetboern: Just out of curiosity, if you say 'glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"' does it say 'Yes'?19:43
ChibaPetAlthough I have yet to see the supplied packages fail to suppress Nouveau.19:43
boerndirect rendering: Yes19:44
ChibaPetboern: Another thing I'd do is save off a screen tearing test and view it with an offline video program.19:45
ChibaPetYou want to rule out the web browser as the culprit.19:45
ChibaPetIf you search YouTube for "tearing test" you can find a bunch.19:46
boernChibaPet: and see if the videos lacks offline?19:48
ChibaPetIf it does, it's possibly an issue with your browser, and not your video pipeline.19:49
boernthese hickups in the browser dont happen so ofen.. lets say once every 10 minutes19:51
boernand there is no hickup at the moment even in the browser19:51
ChibaPetThat makes me suspect the network connection, honestly.19:51
ChibaPetIf you had a problem with your video drivers you'd see it with greater frequency than that.19:51
boernbut my internet is fast :o19:52
boernokay i have google chrome.. i will try chromium19:52
ChibaPetSpeed, latency, and end to end reliability are not generally related.19:53
boernokay.. but listen to music in google play music runs without problems19:53
boernwell i will try chromium19:54
boernokay just had a lag again19:55
boernthe lag always feels if the videos loops for a short time19:55
boernand firefox is not better either19:55
boernand on windows (same pc/internet) there is no such issue..19:56
boerni really always wanna give linux a chance but such things always let me move aways.. thats so frustrating19:57
boernand i also had is that issue on linux mint 17.3, so its not that ubuntu 16.04 is in beta19:57
ChibaPetIf Windows doesn't show the issue, then it's likely not network. I'd still blame your browser first, before graphics drivers.20:01
ChibaPetEither way, testing offline is a really good idea.20:01
MonkeyDustare internet videos a reason to choose an os?20:02
salamanderrakedid a fullupgrade and now pulseaudio is dead or someting, because now audio defaults to alsa.20:14
salamanderrakehow do I make sure my default audio is pulse and not alsa20:19
ChibaPetsalamanderrake: PulseAudio often defecates on its own binary state. Try removing ~/.pulse and see if it rights itself.21:15
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
salamanderrakeChibaPet: I had no ~/.pulse23:02
hilxx.oO( hehe ... technically you died. )23:05
ChibaPetsalamanderrake: Sadly, that's exhausted my store of PulseAudio debugging tips. On this end, I delete it out of hand, because it's been horribly unstable for me while providing no value whatsoever.23:06
ChibaPet(Once... Once... I used it to set up a chain to save audio from Firefox to a file. Not sure there was another way at the time, or now, in fact.)23:06
salamanderrakepulse audio is not starting23:18
salamanderrakelike there is on pules.service or pluseaudio.service23:18
salamanderrakesorry I forgot pulseaudio is supposed to be started via individual23:19
salamanderrake pulseaudio --start23:19
salamanderrakeN: [pulseaudio] main.c: User-configured server at {cf2083cb7527494a9308e072d8b7799b}unix:/run/user/1000/pulse/native, which appears to be local. Probing deeper.23:19
salamanderrakefirst unity dies and now pulseaudio23:20

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