
pavlushka-Hi every one!05:57
pavlushka-Ekushey,  o/05:58
Kilosgreetings all10:05
EkusheyHello Kilos :)11:39
belkinsao/ all.13:27
Kiloshi belkinsa 13:38
belkinsaMy SpeardUbuntu membership was expected.13:39
Kilosyou lost me now13:40
Kiloswe in spreadubuntu13:40
belkinsaNo, I think mine was13:41
belkinsaHello Svetlana Belkin,13:41
belkinsaThe status of your membership in the team SpreadUbuntu (spreadubuntu)13:41
belkinsawas changed by Ruben Romero (huayra) from Proposed to Approved.13:41
Kilosi dont see you there13:41
belkinsaI don't see me.13:41
Kilosso where are you hiding then13:41
Kilosoh my13:42
belkinsaI have access to the mailing-list but where am I?13:42
Kilosi hunted and cant find you there13:43
belkinsaI looked too.13:43
Kilosgo to the site and login13:43
belkinsaBut at least Pavlushka is in13:44
Kilosyes i saw13:44
Kilosruben asked me if i want to admin the LP people so i said yes13:45
Kilosnow i have to find a way to get mail alerts13:46
Kilosim glad that is sorted13:47
* Ekushey sneaks in14:10
Kiloshi Ekushey 14:11
EkusheyBD will lose to AUS today as well :(14:11
Kilosoh my , i havent even looked14:12
Kilosslept all afternoon14:13
EkusheyHave you seen  https://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntubsd/?14:13
EkusheyCan they use the Ubuntu name?14:13
EkusheyIt's based on BSD kernel, not Linux14:14
Kilosmaybe they have asked canonical for permission14:16
EkusheyThey better do that...14:20
Kilosi had to get permission forthe africa site as well14:26
EkusheyYou're a LoCo14:28
Kilosafrica is a continent with many locos14:28
EkusheyOh your one is for entire Africa?14:29
Kilosfome Capetown to Tunisia14:30
EkusheyCool :)14:30
Kiloswhew typos14:30
Kilosbangladesh losing too many early wickets14:32
EkusheyYes :|(14:33
Kiloshi pavlushka 14:47
pavlushkaHi, Kilos , I am back home just now.14:48
pavlushkaSo, how's things going around?14:49
pavlushkainstalling an HP printer now to xenial.14:52
Kilosall ok here spreadubuntu approved14:57
belkinsaKilos, make sure you mail the mailing list about the change in leadership.15:15
Kilosno change belkinsa ruben still there15:16
Kilosill just help with the LP applicants15:16
belkinsaAh, I see.15:16
Kilosdid you see the mail i forwarded15:16
belkinsaI saw.15:17
Kilosah read too fast15:17
* belkinsa speedreads at 700+ words per minute15:17
pavlushkahey, I got approved by Ruben to spreadUbuntu.15:20
pavlushkaKilos, I still didn't get you.15:25
Kilosget me what?15:26
pavlushkathe reason for lol15:26
pavlushkaI guessed something15:26
pavlushkabut not sure15:26
* belkinsa doesn't anyone who uses "lol" all the time15:26
Kilosi saw that 9 hours ago15:26
belkinsaAnd no, this is not a lol moment.15:26
Kilosthen waited for belkinsa to wake up and you were trvelling15:27
pavlushkaKilos, I figured.15:28
pavlushkabelkinsa, may be Kilos's lol was ironic.15:29
Kilosno man15:29
Kilosi was expecting you tel tells us when i was readin mails15:30
Kilosbut you were late15:30
pavlushkanot my fault.15:30
Kilosto tell15:30
pavlushkathen is it my fault.?15:30
Kilosyou were trvelling15:31
pavlushkayes, yes15:31
Kilosbattling today it seems15:31
pavlushkaagainst what?\15:32
pavlushkanot a problem.15:32
Kilosstill feel half asleep and i woke 2 hours ago15:32
Kilosmust be old age15:32
pavlushkaask Maaz to make some coffee.15:33
pavlushkabelkinsa, you cant get this lol, or do you?15:33
Kilosi lol when i really lol15:34
Kiloslol is a happy word15:34
pavlushkayea, we like to see happy people around, a lot.15:35
belkinsapavlushka, I know it stands for "laugh out loud", but it's usage by many doesn't seem to imply that they are really doing so.15:41
pavlushkaFYI, the printer I installed is working.15:44
Kiloswell done15:44
pavlushkatoday I met my college teacher after a very long time.15:48
pavlushkaat Dinajpur.15:48
pavlushkayou can search the name Dinajpur in google.15:49
pavlushkaits my grandpa/grandma's home.15:49
pavlushkaI grew up there.15:49
Kilosso you are far from home15:49
pavlushkanow I am back home.15:50
pavlushkaI started for home after I met him.15:50
pavlushkaI liked him as an idol.15:51
pavlushkaActually, there are many persons/idols I like.15:52
pavlushkabut I dont know if they like me too.15:53
* pavlushka laughing15:53
Kilosjust work at being the best person you can15:58
EkusheyWork until your idols become your rivals :)15:59
Kilosand do everything the best you can and life will look after itself15:59
pavlushkaEkushey, :), i love them.15:59
EkusheyAren't you a student pavlushka?16:00
pavlushkastudent of life, but not academically, but I may enroll myself any time.16:01
EkusheyEnroll to what?16:01
pavlushkaanything  like, I am a math graduate academically.16:02
pavlushkaanything I like.16:02
pavlushkathere's a little chance of doing a post-graduation in math for me.16:03
pavlushkabut I like math.16:04
EkusheyYou did undergrad in maths, right?16:04
EkusheyYou intend to become a teacher?16:05
pavlushkanot likely.16:06
pavlushkabut dont know if I ever change my mind.16:06
pavlushkamay be too late.16:08
EkusheyWhy not do your MSc.?16:09
pavlushkaright now I am supporting my Father in his small business.16:10
EkusheyThat's nice, but without masters degree you'll have hard time getting a job16:11
EkusheyUnless you want to stick to family business16:11
pavlushkaI quit my job and back to home to be with my parents and in supporting role.16:12
pavlushkain a supporting role.16:12
pavlushkaEkushey, yes that's a fact. :)16:13
pavlushkaI am hungry, anyone want some rice and some curry?16:15
Kilosi love curry16:30
pavlushkaKilos, really? wow.16:37
Kilosi actually make a good curry myself16:38
pavlushkawow, that's a jolly good thing.16:40
Kilosand i use rajah curry powder and my own chillies and peppadew16:41
Kilosand home grown leaves off a curry leaf tree16:41
pavlushkaI learned some cooking from my other mentor, my cousin, Sayeda Sharmin Jahan, she is a pro at what ever she does.16:43
pavlushkawow , looks like you have your own cuisine!!!!!16:45
Kilosyes  and i grow my own garlic as well16:45
pavlushkawe used to do that sometime. actually my mom used to.16:47
EkusheyAustralia require another 42 runs with 7 wickets and 39 balls remaining :/16:57
EkusheyAustralia require another 22 runs with 5 wickets and 22 balls remaining 17:11
Kilostoo many dropped catches and misfields17:18
Kilosgood wicket now17:19
pavlushkawe should move on.17:23
pavlushkanight guys.17:31
Kilosnight all18:46

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