
dholbachgood morning08:19
dpmmorning dholbach, had a good weekend?08:21
dholbachdpm, very good - how about you?08:35
dpmalso good :)08:37
davidcalleMorning o/08:39
dpmgood morning everyone08:40
svijI just added one photo from each ubucon germany to this page \o/ http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-germany/ :)09:21
davidcallesvij: nice!09:35
dholbachpopey, if I hit an immutable page in the wiki I have edited before, what might be the problem?14:30
dholbachhave you seen that issue before?14:31
pleia2dholbach: you can look at the raw text to see if there are ACLs in the header14:31
pleia2if not, how long has it been since you logged in?14:31
dholbacha few days14:32
pleia2ah, things shouldn't have changed in that little time14:32
dholbachand I can't see any ACL in the top14:32
dholbachbut let me log out and log back in again14:32
dholbachok, that made it work14:34
dholbachthanks pleia214:34
dholbachI'm going to call it a day - have a good one! :-)17:15

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