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ozzzHello 2 all!07:24
ozzzFellaz please can someboduy help me, I cant understand how to add custom repo to manifest.xml. I have unofficial git with source of CM for my phone. It been tested before, works well. But how to add it correctly for building Ubuntu Touch, I dont know, even can't find any additional info.07:28
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morphisoSoMoN: ping10:33
oSoMoNmorphis, hey, what’s up?10:42
morphisoSoMoN: I've found the reason for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/155365710:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1553657 in Canonical System Image "Clicking on camera & microphone settings crashes app on mako & flo" [Critical,Confirmed]10:42
morphisin progress of landing a fix10:42
oSoMoNmorphis, that’s great news, thanks for working on it!10:43
morphisoSoMoN: np10:43
ozzzgusy, anybody here?10:44
ozzzpls need help10:45
lotuspsychje!ask | ozzz10:49
ubot5ozzz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:49
ozzzubot5:  please can someboduy help me, I cant understand how to add custom repo to10:49
ubot5ozzz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:49
ozzz              manifest.xml. I have unofficial git with source of CM for my phone. It been tested before,10:49
ozzz              works well. But how to add it correctly for building Ubuntu Touch, I dont know, even can't10:49
ozzz              find any additional info.10:49
ozzzlol )10:50
ozzzubot is just a bot...10:50
ozzzlotuspsychje: pls, maybe you can help. I have source of cyanogen mod, it works on my phone, but isn't official version. and I don't understand how I need correctly add it to the manifest.xml to build ubuntu touch for my phone10:52
lotuspsychjeozzz: i wouldnt know sorry, in this channel you might need a lil patience, as we across several timezones10:53
lotuspsychjeozzz: so best to repeat your issue(once in a while) and idle/patient10:53
ozzzlotuspsychje: thanks! ofcourse I will wait!10:54
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javier4I'm here again. Anybody knows where can I find info and link to 5.x branch of UbuntuTouch repo?11:05
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javier4I'm here again. Anybody knows where can I find info and link to 5.x branch of UbuntuTouch repo?14:52
ogra_javier4, perhaps ondra can point you in the right direction14:52
ondrajavier4  repo init -u ssh://w-ondra@code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com:29418/aosp/platform/manifest -b personal/w-ondra/phablet-5.1.1_r5 -g14:53
ozzzsorry for asking third time. maybe someone can help me add unofficial cm mod to the manifest.xml?14:56
javier4Thanks to both of you, guys! I'm going to try my first port on a new device, and this one ships with an android 5.1 rom.14:56
javier4ondra, is it stable enough?14:56
ondrajavier4 yeah, camera has problem with video recording14:58
ondrajavier4 otherwise all should work14:59
javier4Perfect. Thanks again.15:00
morphisoSoMoN: just found: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/156006815:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1560068 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Settings report incorrect Microphone device names" [Undecided,New]15:05
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oSoMoNmorphis, thanks for the report15:05
morphisoSoMoN: IMHO sth we should better fix before we release OTA1015:06
oSoMoNmorphis, yeah, but I’m on something more urgent for OTA10 already, will take a look asap but I can’t promise anything15:07
morphisoSoMoN: we could adjust the name of the source in Pulse but you would need to do a mapping for the language stuff anyway, so how do we take this best?15:07
oSoMoNmorphis, if you have suggestions, feel free to add them to the bug report15:07
morphisoSoMoN: are there any translations for this in place?15:18
ondrajabawok no prob15:25
ondrajabawok sorry, wrong nick15:25
oSoMoNmorphis, not that I know of, oxide is simply exposing the names of the sources as it gets them from pulse, and the browser simply displays that information15:33
morphisoSoMoN: ok, then we need some filter for the null input15:37
ozzzwhy i'm getting that error when syncing the source? : Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/phablet-4.4.2_r116:30
kenvandinemterry, mzanetti: did anyone ever figure out what was causing system-settings to hang with silo 41?16:42
mzanettikenvandine, still on it... but no, we haven't figured it yet16:44
mzanettikenvandine, fwiw, it's unity8 that it's hanging, not the settings. the settings just happen to trigger it most often16:44
kenvandineis it a particular panel that hangs?16:44
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popeyogra_: do you recall any particular reason why we don't ship telnet on the phone? :)16:52
ogra_nope, i dont16:52
ogra_do we still ship it elsewhere ?16:52
* ogra_ thought we even dropped it from the dresktop default installls16:52
ogra_ah, i see it in the mainifest of the daily desktop image16:54
ozzzdear friends, sorry for so many stupid questions16:56
ozzzbut plz help me undertsand someone16:56
ozzzfatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/phablet-4.4.2_r116:56
popeyogra_: I "need" it on the phone16:56
popeythink it's a reasonable thing to ask?16:56
ogra_popey, well, talk to the seed-master then ...16:56
popeyIt's super useful for debugging connections / servers (and playing MUDs)16:57
ozzzwhy I'm getting that16:57
MSpongeSaw this about that $4 phone you may like - http://liliputing.com/2016/03/so-about-that-4-smartphone.html16:57
mcphailpopey: add busybox and a simlink to your ~/bin directory? Think there is telnet in there...17:06
popeywont that need me to ssh localhost?17:07
ogra_thats definitely a valid workaround17:07
mcphailpopey: don't know. Haven't _actually_ tried it ;)17:07
* popey tries17:07
popey~/bin isn't in the path17:09
ogra_it should after you createdit and rebooted17:10
mcphailyou sure...? I thought it was17:10
ogra_(there is a chack in bashrc (or was it profile)17:10
popeynope, not there17:10
popeymy ~/bin has existed for a long time17:11
ogra_it is actually in ~/.profile17:11
ogra_on desktop installs at least17:11
ogra_if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then17:11
ogra_    PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"17:11
popeythat can't be being run then17:12
* mcphail realises the binary he has in ~/bin is also installed in /usr/local/bin17:12
mcphailpopey: stick it in /usr/local/bin. That is definitely in the default $PATH17:13
popeycp: cannot create regular file ‘/usr/local/bin/busybox’: Read-only file system17:14
ogra_mcphail, but requires a writable root17:14
ogra_is there a ~/.profile on the phone ?17:14
ogra_(you could just try adding one)17:15
dobeyshould be17:15
popeyi have one17:16
popeyit has the lines17:16
popeybut clearly isn't being used17:16
popeymaybe a terminal bug17:16
ogra_well, check via ssh17:16
ogra_if its not used there either then there is a systemic bug17:16
dobeylikely the terminal isn't creating a login session17:17
popeytelnet works when i phablet-shell17:17
popeybut not via terminal app17:17
mcphaildoes it run from terminal app if you type bin/telnet?17:18
dobeypopey: is the apparmor-easyprof fix landed yet?17:19
dobeypopey: iow, this is probably the same reason "sudo chroot" doesn't work17:20
dobeybug #153480717:21
ubot5bug 1534807 in Canonical System Image "Cannot run "sudo chroot ." in Terminal" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153480717:21
dobeyjdstrand: ^^ did new apaprmor-easyprof go into vivid overlay yet?17:21
jdstrandI can try to do that this week. I was going to bundle it with another change17:21
dobeyjdstrand: ok, that'd be great17:22
popeymcphail: no17:22
dobeypopey, mcphail: ^^ that's why you can't run telnet if it's under $HOME17:22
popeyat least it's known, thanks!  😃17:22
mcphailAh well, at least it looks as if it is going to be fixed soon :)17:23
dobeyif you copy the binary to /tmp or something though, should work, as a workaround :)17:23
* mcphail wonders if busybox + simlinnks should be added to the system image..?17:23
ozzzgents, somebody pls, why I'm getting17:23
ozzzfatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/phablet-4.4.2_r117:23
ozzzI only found this17:25
ozzzrepo init -u https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/p/aosp/platform/manifest.git -b phablet-4.4.2_r117:25
ozzzbut no chance to sync repos17:25
ozzzanyway I'm getting that "Can't find" error17:25
ozzzmaybe this because version 4.4.2 is no longer supported?17:30
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mhall119mariogrip: are you around for our call?17:32
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mcphailOoh - a proprietary nvidia driver which supports Mir! Perhaps I can get back to trying to develop a Mir client now18:13
dobeymcphail: "a mir client" ?18:16
mcphaildobey: I had started trying to port the godot game engine for the phone, but gave up as developing for Mir was a massive pain18:17
mcphaildobey: It will help if I can hack it on my desktop18:18
dobeymcphail: oh, is it not using SDL?18:19
dobeywell, if you have to link to libmir*, shipping an app on the phone is a giant pain anyway18:19
mcphailis it?18:19
dobeybecause it's not technically a stable part of the SDK; so every time the ABI breaks, you have to rebuild, and then you can only support phones running on the latest update18:20
mcphailMust be possible, because SDL2 links to it18:20
dobeyoh, sure, it's possible18:20
dobeyit's just a pain :)18:20
mcphailyes - found that with SDL2. Trying to get the right version for the right Mir is annoying18:20
* mcphail wishes the Mir devs would increment the major version number on API/ABI breaks18:21
dobeyeh, that wouldn't really help18:21
mcphaildobey: it would help my brain18:22
mcphaildobey: with some versions being compatible, and others not, it becomes hard to know when you have to rebuild18:23
dobeythere's also the fun gcc 4 vs gcc 5 issues too18:24
ozzzFortunately i resolved that problems18:42
ozzzthat i asked for help above18:42
mterrykenvandine: fyi the About and Reset buttons in System Settings don't have haptics19:00
kenvandinemterry, in the main view?19:04
mterrykenvandine: yeah19:04
kenvandinebecause the listitems, i don't remember the backstory on that19:04
mterrykenvandine: I suspect they are supposed to though.  Could use an AbstractButton or just call haptics.play() manually19:04
kenvandinemterry, i think it'll get fixed when we finish the slotsLayout work19:05
mterrykenvandine: most of the other listitems in USS do haptics19:05
kenvandinewe're about half done with the port to the new listitem19:05
mterrykenvandine: oh is there a redesign in the works?19:05
mterrykenvandine: ah19:05
kenvandinebeen stalled for a while though :/19:05
mterrykenvandine: well cool!19:05
kenvandinewe have lots of code done :)19:06
la_juyishey, anyone having problems with mtp on rc proposed?19:27
jibella_juyis, what kind of problem?19:32
jibella_juyis, like michi on the mailing list?19:32
la_juyisjibel, basically it seems to lose connection all the time. I was trying to see some pics, and I couldn't, so i figured I'd copy them to my computer but it's not woking either. i get to copy some and then  I got an error like it couldn't read the file in the phone19:33
la_juyisjibel, hihihihihi19:33
jibella_juyis, which device?19:33
la_juyisjibel, mx419:33
jibella_juyis, usb on mx4 is a bit flaky19:33
jibelwhen it works19:34
la_juyishm... so it might be a Mission:Impossible to get those pics out with the cable?19:34
jibella_juyis, try different cables, try from another machine. Personally my mx4 only works fine over usb when connected to a usb1 hub or an old eeepc19:35
la_juyisok :) thanks19:36
popeyyeah, dont use usb319:36
la_juyisGo WiFi Transfer go!19:36
la_juyispopey, oh, ok. good one19:36
la_juyisthanks guys19:36
jibella_juyis, you can always transfer over ssh19:36
jibella_juyis, or by email ;)19:37
la_juyisjibel, yeah, not so much. I'm also having problem with a captive portal. for some reason the browser doesn't take me to the login page :/19:37
* la_juyis has to report that on LP19:37
jibella_juyis, there is likely a bug already. It's an issue since day 1 on this machine19:38
la_juyisI'll wait until i get a "freer" wifi19:38
la_juyisjibel, i know it works with *some* portals19:38
la_juyisbut not at my local airport, for example, or at this hotel. don't know which kind of info could help thou19:38
popeyla_juyis: open terminal, paste url from browser into it19:39
popeywget <url>19:39
popeyso you capture the html19:39
popeyalthough might also be some js / css failing19:39
la_juyispopey, will try that!19:42
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Haydn127Hi, I'm currently on Ubuntu Touch (devel) running in windowed mode on a Nexus 7 2013. I've seen demos of this being able to run X11 apps such as LibreOffice or Gimp. Where can I find a guide on how to do this as currently when I try to run one from the terminal it displays "Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY22:34
Haydn127 variable.".22:34
popeyHaydn127: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Libertine22:37
sakrecoerhi, for bugs with wifi settings, were should i file/search for tickets?23:10
sakrecoernever mind, i just found it :)23:11

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