
dholbachgood morning08:19
davidcalledholbach: let's merge all relevant branches ot trunk today, what do you think?10:02
dholbachyep, WFM10:08
davidcalledholbach: which ones do you want to see in?10:23
davidcalledholbach: inherit, post-deployment-fixes and mike's apidoc changes? Or is the tour ok to join the party?10:24
dholbachthe tour yes, but not the tour.refactor branch10:26
dholbachI can check Mike's branch if you want10:26
dholbachso you don't have to do them all10:26
davidcalledholbach thanks :)10:30
mhall119davidcalle: any progress from webops on the upgrade?13:48
davidcallemhall119: nothing more than what's on the rt (that we are in position #12 on their todo)13:55
dholbachmhall119, for your current MP - what's a good way to test it?14:36
dholbachcan you maybe add something to the description here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/developer-ubuntu-com/apidoc-frameworks-creation/+merge/287069?14:37
mhall119dholbach: sure15:15
mhall119dholbach: added testing instructions as a comment on the MP, let me know if it's not clear15:38
dholbachthanks a bunch mhall119 - will start taking a look in a bit15:40
dholbachmhall119, so before merging the branch I run the apidocs importer once? is it just a matter of running the management command in a fresh install?15:40
mhall119dholbach: you can run the ./update_apidocs.sh script to import everything, of just copy/paste a few of the lines from it if you only want to import enough to test15:41
mhall119you'll need to setup the topic, language and version records through the django-cms admin first though15:42
mhall119I usually setup apps/qml/15.04.1/ and then import just the QtQML and QtQuick apis15:43
mhall119that's enough to test15:43
dholbachdavidcalle, for the inherit MP, we need to update the pip cache15:54
dholbachdo I just add the binary and bump the revno?15:54
dholbachmhall119, can we, at some stage, please start with a fresh pip cache branch?15:54
dholbachmhall119, davidcalle and I both thought it was a good idea - I don't recall you commenting on it though15:54
mhall119the mechanisms are supposed to ensure that our deployments only update their pip-cache when needed, I'm afraid that starting over fresh might cause it to miss out on new packages15:56
mhall119it's only a slight possibility though, so if the burden of the branch history on it is high it's worth doing15:57
davidcalledholbach: sorry I've missed it, I can update the cache in a short moment15:57
mhall119maybe in the future we can look into making it a tarball on swift, rather than a bzr branch15:57
dholbachdavidcalle, no worries and thanks a lot15:58
dholbachmhall119, davidcalle and I often bounce branches to each other for playing around or start a new checkout from scratch and downloading 223M every time is a bit much15:58
dholbachanother option would be to advise in README.md to branch pip-cache to ../ and symlink it from there before doing anything else16:00
mhall119or bzr branch it from ../ instead of Launchpad16:00
mhall119or lightweight checkout16:01
dholbachyep, nice one16:04
davidcalledholbach: cache update16:11
dholbachmhall119, in the example you mentioned earlier, should the version be sdk-15.04.1?16:57
dholbachyes, looks like it16:58
dholbachmhall119, also: udpate_apidocs.sh does not use @env16:58
dholbachso django_openid_auth has to be installed on the local machine too16:58
dholbachmhall119, what would be a valid version string for a new development version (instead of sdk-15.04.1)?17:04
mhall119dholbach: oh, you need to activate your virtualenv to run update_apidocs17:05
mhall119you can use sdk-15.04.3 for a new string17:06
mhall119really anything would be fine17:06
mhall119could be dholback-is-awesome17:06
mhall119or, you know, maybe spelled correctly17:06
dholbachI see17:07
dholbachmhall119, where does perms.api_docs.add_version come from?17:12
mhall119dholbach: it's auto-generated permissions for the Version model17:14
mhall119every model gets an add_<model> permission17:14
dholbachI see17:14
dholbachthanks a lot - approved the MP17:14
dholbachand with that... I'm going to call it a day - have a good one! :-)17:15

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