
tseliotricotz, mamarley: I have 364.12 already packaged. Are you interested? http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/100577/en-us15:46
ricotztseliot, yes, is the wayland support working?15:50
tseliotricotz: I enabled that but I haven't had the chance to test it yet15:50
tseliot(it's disabled by default)15:50
ricotztseliot, sudo cat /sys/module/nvidia_drm/parameters/modeset ?15:51
ricotztseliot, could you put your package somewhere?15:51
tseliotjust the debs or the sources too?15:52
ricotzthe source of course15:52
ricotzpeople.ubuntu.com or so15:52
tseliotI can do that15:53
ricotztseliot, I assume vulkan is working fine though?15:54
tseliotit should (the code is there). I haven't tested that though. 15:55
tseliotsudo cat /sys/module/nvidia_drm/parameters/modeset15:56
tseliotI have a udev rule that passes modeset=115:57
ricotztseliot, I see, was about to ask that15:57
tseliotricotz: oh, wait, I actually packaged a private pre-release. 364.12 is newer. I'll update to that15:58
ricotztseliot, let me know when abd where I can grab the package15:58
ricotzah ok15:59
ricotzjust push the debian.diff.gz then15:59
tseliotno tarball?16:00
ricotzI can grab the *.run's too if you don't have it yet16:01
ricotztseliot, better use http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/364.12/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-364.12-no-compat32.run16:03
tseliotyes, that wasn't available when I packaged it16:03
tseliotI'll do it now16:03
tseliotdebian/rules get-orig-source FTW!16:04
mamarleyOoh, where is the package?  (I actually checked to see if there were any NVIDIA updates available this morning but didn't see that one.)16:29
mamarleyAnd DRM-style KMS support too!  I wonder if this means we can finally have a proper accelerated high-resolution console...16:36
tseliotI'm trying to upload that but ssh is giving me all sorts of troubles...16:50
* mamarley slaps tseliot's ssh around a bit with a large trout.16:55
mamarleytseliot: Did you package nvidia-settings 362 as well, or should I do that?17:09
tseliotmamarley: no, I didn't17:10
mamarleyOK, I will do it then.17:10
* tseliot reboots17:10
mamarleyjcastro: Did you hear that the latest NVIDIA driver (364.12) supports DRM KMS, Vulkan, and apparently native PRIME too?17:30
jcastromamarley: yes, it sounds awesome.17:47
jcastromamarley: And this morning my PSU went bye bye, so I have to RMA it, etc.17:47
jcastroI am stuck on laptops for a while17:47
ricotzmamarley, jcastro, hey :)17:49
mamarleyHi :)17:50
* ricotz reboots17:50
mamarleytseliot: Any luck with the upload?  If not, you could just post the debian.tar.gz somewhere and one of us could upload it.18:05
tseliotmamarley: err, no, I can't access any of the canonical systems at the moment. I'm trying to solve the problem first18:06
tseliotmamarley, ricotz: my ssh connection is ok now. I'm uploading here (it should take a few minutes) http://people.canonical.com/~amilone/nvidia/18:32
mamarleyYay!  nvidia-settings gave me a bit of trouble.  They changed how their binaries get stripped, which caused an FTBFS.  I had to rejigger a couple of patches.  Almost done...18:38
mamarleyricotz: What difference do we have on 361 between Wily and Xenial?  It is just the EGL alternatives, right?18:53
ricotzmamarley, I think so19:02
mamarleyCool, thanks!19:02
ricotztseliot, first no transitional packages for the ppa ;)19:02
mamarleyricotz: I can handle that. :)19:03
ricotztseliot, nvidia_drm must be loaded first to respect the modeset=1 arg otherwise nvidia_modeset will auto-load it as dependency?19:08
ricotztseliot, please add libwayland-dev to the build-dep instead of ignoring shlibs-dep, what happened to "#NVIDIAEXTENSION#/libglx.so.#VERSION# #NVIDIAEXTENSION#/libglx.so"19:25
ricotzI am calling it a day19:27
tseliotricotz: I'll do it tomorrow19:32
* mamarley slaps soee around a bit with a large trout.22:07
* soee :)22:07
mamarleysoee: If you dare, https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/staging22:08
soeealways :)22:08
soeeuhmm... 22:09
soeeBłąd:21 https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/staging xenial Release22:09
soee  404  Not Found22:09
soeeah lol i used whole link ....22:10
soeehmm http://paste.ubuntu.com/15468244/22:11
soeeit doesn show driver to update22:12
mamarleysoee: You must manually install new major versions; they don't automatically upgrade.22:12
soeeah i have to remove old one first probably22:12
mamarleyIf you request the new one to be installed, the old one will be uninstalled automagically.22:13
soeemamarley: +1 http://wstaw.org/m/2016/03/21/Screenshot_20160321_231804.png22:19

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