
pavlushka-Hello every1!!05:50
chesedohello pavlushka- and others06:07
chesedoinetpro: it seems to fit where you put it...06:07
pavlushka-Hi chesedo!!!06:07
pavlushka-How are you?06:07
chesedogreat ty, and self?06:08
pavlushka-I am good.06:09
pavlushka-See ya,  tc06:10
Kilosmorning all09:25
chesedohello Kilos, how are you?09:28
Kilosok ty chesedo and you?09:32
chesedogreat ty09:32
magespawngood morning11:25
chesedomorning magespawn11:30
Kiloshi magespawn 11:41
Kiloschesedo you doing the G+ post or is inetpro doing that and the tweet place?11:56
Kilosi have sent out an alert to the list11:57
chesedoKilos: i can create a post - have no power over tweet11:57
Kilosforgot to add the debconf link in the mail though11:57
* chesedo will check in a bit11:58
Kiloshopefully pro will do it11:58
Kilosim bit weaker today it seems11:58
chesedonp Kilos, take it easy if need be11:58
Kilosi go nap for a while11:58
inetproanything else?12:07
Kilosi dont think so, ty inetpro 12:07
inetproKilos: gaan slaap nou man12:07
chesedowow quick, ty inetpro12:07
Kilosok lol12:07
inetprogoeie more almal12:08
chesedooh ja. more inetpro12:08
Kilosmore boetie12:09
* chesedo wonders if is his brain connected to the internet that he can sleep and chat at same time :P12:10
inetpromust be chesedo12:10
chesedoinetpro: did you also create a g+ event or can i create one?12:53
inetprochesedo: no, I thought you would do that13:03
chesedoinetpro: ok :)... and also done13:23
inetprothanks chesedo13:29
Kilosinetpro ^^14:18
inetproi've seen that Kilos14:18
Kilosis that kernel better then?14:19
pavlushkaKilos, o/15:12
KilosMaaz coffee on15:33
* Maaz washes some mugs15:33
Kilosohi superfly QA is dead15:34
* Kilos cries15:34
superflyKilos: oh right, hold on. I had to restart the server last night15:37
Kilosnot serious superfly  im teasing15:37
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!15:37
KilosMaaz ty15:38
MaazYou are welcome Kilos15:38
magespawnhi guys i am looking for a vps host, preferably here in sa, any reccommendations?17:31
pavlushkahi magespawn !17:31
magespawnhi pavlushka 17:34
pavlushkalooks like you are busy, magespawn 17:34
pavlushkawaht you are up to?17:36
magespawnyup still trying to sort out a issue with the company website, on the joomla side, but it looks like it maybe related to the server setup17:36
pavlushkagood luck on that.17:38
magespawnyup beginning to feel like i will need it17:39
magespawni often wonder if the hassel of using a cms is justified for small sites17:40
pavlushkayou can use wordpress I guess.17:42
pavlushkaor drupal17:44
inetprojoomla? yuck17:45
pavlushkahello, inetpro !!17:45
inetprohi pavlushka17:45
pavlushkayou are talking about joomla like a rotten egg.17:46
Kilosmagespawn you dont have a choice right?17:47
pavlushkaI guess they specified joomla.17:47
chesedomagespawn: what seems to be the issue?17:47
pavlushkaHi chesedo!17:48
chesedohi pavlushka and all others that i may forgot17:48
pavlushkachesedo, really?17:49
* chesedo cannot even remember if he greeted this morning17:49
* pavlushka thinking about chesedo, not even sure if he brushed his teeth.17:50
* pavlushka this morning17:50
pavlushkachesedo, you did?17:52
chesedooh hell, now that you mention it :P17:52
pavlushkaSo magespawn, say something, like a feedback.17:54
Kilospavlushka hell answer when he has time17:55
pavlushkaKilos, my bad17:56
Kiloshaha patience17:56
pavlushkayou reminded me your suggestion just saying the first line.17:57
chesedowell night all17:57
pavlushkanight chesedo!17:57
Kilosnight chesedo sleep well17:57
Kilossee you tomorrow17:57
pavlushkaand brush your teeth before going bed, chesedo 17:58
Kilosim lucky, i dont have teeth to worry about anymore17:59
Cryterionwhy fart and waste it, when you can burp and taste it!18:00
KilosMaaz announce Dont forget our monthly meeting here tomorrow night everyone18:01
MaazAnnouncement from Kilos! Dont forget our monthly meeting here tomorrow night everyone18:01
Kilostumbleweed ^^18:01
* Cryterion notes the meeting18:02
Kiloswhat ack?18:02
pavlushkaCryterion, I am rolling on the ground metaphorically , laughing18:02
tumbleweedKilos: meaning, I got the message18:02
CryterionI just had to add it18:02
pavlushkame too, oh, acknowledged!18:04
pavlushkaKilos, not mimicking you18:04
Kilosi know lad18:04
pavlushkamy reaction is the same.18:04
Kilosi forget peeps cut everything they can short so they can be faster18:05
pavlushkayeah right.18:06
pavlushkanight guys, have a successful meeting, bye18:07
Kilosyou too ty pavlushka 18:07
Cryterionanyone here know much about android os and a tablet that's locked in upgrade mode?18:27
Cryterionyeah Kilos, took it in and they recon cheaper to get a new one18:29
Kilospull the battery18:29
Cryterionmy thing is, I can't get adb to connect to it18:30
Kilosis there some why you can get in from a pc18:30
Cryterionfactory + full cache wipe done18:30
Kilosdo they have a factory reset18:30
Cryterionnot at this point, pc won't detect, but can get it into debug mode18:30
Kilosin a tiny hole in one if the sides with a pin thing18:31
Cryterionfactory reset didn't work18:31
Kilostry it a couple of times18:31
Kiloshave to hold it in maybe18:32
CryterionI can get into boot menu, and get into adb debug mode, but can't connect to pc18:32
MaNIyou have to hold down 3 buttons when you power it on18:32
Kilosor am i mixed up with routers18:32
MaNItog et it to boot in safe mode18:32
CryterionI'll look for hole18:32
MaNIyou should be able to google for that18:32
CryterionYou don't like google, rather duck it ;)18:34
magespawnCryterion: i have the same problem, my sons is stuck in upgrade mode too18:34
Kiloswhat makes18:35
magespawni have done pretty much everything in the recovery menu18:35
Cryterionok, my son's tablet as well18:35
magespawnmine is a vodcom tablet18:35
Kilostiny hole near where charger plugs in18:35
Kilosuse a paperclip18:35
Kilosifyou find it18:35
Cryterionsame, vodacom, "click" tablet18:35
Kilossharp pin no good18:36
Cryteriongotta charge it a bit, grrr18:36
Cryterionseen it, I pushed a diode lead in, just fits18:36
Kiloshi bushtech 18:37
Kiloshmm.. how many peeps have diodes lying around18:38
Kilosi have lots but always hunt for paper clip18:38
CryterionI do, lol, work with all the time :) - but yeah, guess not everyone does18:38
magespawnalso have to charge mine18:39
magespawnfound the hole18:39
Cryterionsmall slot thing18:39
Kilosdid it restart?18:39
Cryterionat least there's 2 off us now, we'll work it out18:39
Cryterionkilos they need to be charged first18:40
Kilosok good luck guys18:40
Kiloshi Na3iL 18:40
Cryterionprob best to get them charged, then myself and magespawn can run through different things tomorrow night once they fully charged18:41
Na3iLo/ Kilos 18:41
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:46
Kilosmorning inetpro see you tomorrow18:46
Cryterionnight kilos18:46
magespawnCryterion: i think i am going to take mine in, it is still on contract19:01
inetprotumbleweed: why did they stop calling interfaces eth0, eth1, etc and now using funny names like enp3s0f1?19:04
inetprooh and when did this happen even?19:05
Cryterionok, I can't, as my ex bought it and she doesn't have the receipt anymore, even though it's on a 2 year warranty magespawn19:05
Cryterionheya Sxuza19:07
Cryterionoh gone again19:08
magespawnCryterion: i have taken several in, mostly for the company, they have never asked me for a slip19:16
magespawnthey can call the details of the device up based on the imei number19:17
Cryterionhmm, what make is your's, as mine is a Click bought via Game19:17
Cryterionwhere do you take them?19:17
magespawnmine is a vodacom branded tablet, the ones they lauched with the data contracts19:18
magespawni take mine into the vodacom shop19:18
Cryterionok, closest vodacom shop that I know that could work is Gateway, will have try, but can only do it over the weekend as is 100km away19:19
tumbleweedinetpro: systemd!19:20
Cryterionmagespawn, have you taken any in, under the current locked condition?19:21
inetproanyone have an idea why they did it?19:21
tumbleweedinetpro: basically, because the system may not find the interfaces in the same order, every time19:21
tumbleweedpreviously, we dealt with this, by using a config file that got generated once, on first boot19:21
tumbleweedbut then if you ever swap an interface out, you get gaps, and it's basically, all rubbish :P19:21
tumbleweedalso, VMs that get new mac addresses on every boot get messy19:22
tumbleweedso, this naming scheme is based on the connection19:22
tumbleweedi.e. the bus ID of the adaptor19:22
tumbleweedthe BIOS can also provide a preferred name for each port, but very few do19:22
inetproso how does the naming convention work?19:23
tumbleweedinetpro: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/19:23
inetproahh, that looks more like something I was was trying to find19:24
inetprothanks tumbleweed19:24
magespawnCryterion: no, the ones i have taken in had different problems, ones hotspot stopped working, another would not switch at all (replaced with a new unit) and another would not charge19:25
magespawnthe first and third they returned in working order19:26
magespawnthanks for the info tumbleweed 19:27
Cryterionyeah, charger circuits often go on phone's, had an n70 sent in 2 days before warranty, and gave up on in, could've faught, but gave up, too much time.19:33
Cryterionicrap charger circuit also went, a kid fixed it, and it took me weeks to unlock the frigging thing, grrr19:34
Cryterionanyway, I'll try that route over the weekend, will be up that end of the coast anyway19:35
magespawnCryterion: somestimes the fight is not worth it19:37
magespawnsometimes too19:37
Cryterionyip, I'll just check, but then look at other options19:45
CryterionIt's just a tablet, +- 1grand for a new one19:46
magespawnbedtime for me, good night all20:04

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