
dagedi don't see the difference) sorry00:00
mushmouthwouldn't it be the other way around00:00
punkoivanand Unity for touch00:00
dagedyes it's bottom and what)00:00
mushmouthyou tend to use wm when your having fun00:00
borisetoOkay, kinda found a solution. Just a question, why would running "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY something" from terminal would work, but the same command in a desktop shortcut wouldn't work?00:00
mushmouthnot work00:00
dagedboriseto, set to terminal the login shell emulation00:01
dagedand will00:01
punkoivanmushmouth: awesome WM for touchscreen? O_o00:02
Jordan_Uboriseto: Because exec statements in .desktop files aren't interpreted by a shell.00:02
mushmouthpunkoivan: if you can get like a hacker screen for it why not00:02
mushmouthhacker keyboard*00:02
borisetodaged, so I guess you just want me to change the "Terminal=false" to true?00:03
punkoivanOh no, it's hust useful.00:03
mushmouthpunkoivan: i connect to my boxes from my phone when im out to do stuff00:03
borisetodaged, nope, it just crashes for some reason.00:04
punkoivanmushmouth: for this reason I'm always have laptop :)00:04
borisetoJordan_U, can you please elaborate a little? Trying to understand pkexec a little more...00:04
mushmouthpunkoivan: i use my laptop like a desktop :)00:05
dagedboriseto, try to use link.sh00:05
dagedfor example)00:05
punkoivanmushmouth: so, to be honest it's laptop-tablet - old Thinkpad with touch for work and fun.00:05
punkoivanAnd, about phone - I really have Nokia 3410 as my MAIN phone :)00:06
mushmouthpunkoivan: i prefer keyboard stuff im oldschool :(00:06
borisetodaged, I don't quite understand...00:06
punkoivanSince my Blackberry died month ago ;(00:06
dagedhow can I set the saving of all parameters on live usb w ubuntu? persistent mode00:06
dagedboriseto, what are you want to do?00:07
Jordan_Uboriseto: If you want to run GUI applications as root it's better to install and use gksudo.00:07
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mushmouthJordan_U: why not just do regular sudo?00:07
punkoivanmushmouth: physical keyboard is great and for work only this one. But when I read something or watch films (i.e in trains) I use touch.00:07
borisetoJordan_U, yeah but gksudo doesn't work for me since the fingerprint sensors installation. Had a long explanation before (maybe you weren't logged in).00:08
borisetodaged, I'm trying to create a shortcut for a script to have it as an icon in the dash but it has to be run with root permissions and can't use gksu since I've installed the fingerprint authorization.00:10
borisetodaged, so it works with the pkexec command, but only when run through terminal, for which I could just sudo it instead...00:11
borisetoJordan_U, well, found a workaround (that I don't like but it gets it done). Just typed sudo before the script and set terminal to true. I guess it would do for now. :)00:15
pat__boriseto: have you tried giving setuid permissions on the script00:18
damexhi, how can i install missing language(s) for packages from console? settings -> language support reports that there is some missing.00:24
bazhangdamex, for use with ibus or other00:24
damexbazhang, suggestions for thunderbird/spellchecking/etc00:25
usr13Does 14.04 need to use nomodeset for GForce 710000:25
usr13How can I boot to nomodeset and see?00:26
dagedguys, pls help, how to write changes on Live USB00:26
dagedpersistent from the box not working00:26
bazhangdamex, what does apt-cache searh that-language  show00:26
damexbazhang, uh.. i meant that suggestions https://i.imgur.com/k7puCmX.png00:27
dagedusr13 in boot menu type 'e' and try to insert nomodeset after 'quiet splash' and check it out)00:27
damexbazhang, i don't want personally to find and install each language pack for each package ;(00:27
bazhangdamex, what language00:28
damexbazhang, english/vietnamese/russian00:28
damexoffers en-gb/ru/vi00:29
bazhangdamex, if you wish to do it from console, you would need to apt-cache search it00:29
dagedubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo update-initramfs -u00:29
dagedupdate-initramfs is disabled since running on read-only media00:29
bazhangdamex, using ibus simplifies the process a lot, but you said console only00:30
damexbazhang, check-language-support -l ru00:30
damexi can send output to apt-get install i guess..00:31
damexor just check-language-support to find all suggestions for current system00:31
bazhangdamex, you want the most convenient way? console only wont be it00:33
damexbazhang, apt-get install $(check-language-support) -y00:33
damexthats it00:33
dagedanybody know how to save changes on Ubuntu Live USB?00:34
bazhangthat will not configure ibus00:34
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gallo_mobileI'm trying to run two GUI instances of deluge and transmission00:37
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Guest50874Hi guys, I have a bunch of .pcf font which I would like to use. However, the fonts with the pcf wouldn't install. Can somebody help me out find a sollution?00:42
nightdemon666hi all, i need help. just searched all over the net for the answer to my problem... im running 64 bit ubuntu 14.04 and just upgraded from 32 bit chrome browser to 64 bit and now flash doesnt work. need help. thanks00:43
nightdemon666flash should be baked into chrome, so i dont understand why baked in chrom flash doesnt work :-(00:45
dagedahah... the process of Ubuntu installation starts if I choose all entire disk for installation without manipulations with advanced partitioning...00:46
dagedwhat a crap00:46
wafflejocknightdemon666: how are you trying to check if it works?00:46
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wafflejocknightdemon666: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ shows "You have version 21,0,0,182 installed" using Google Chrome Version 49.0.2623.87 (64-bit)00:48
newhoaDoes anyone here use Thunar on a 1080p screen?00:48
nightdemon666wafflejock i did check about:plugins to see if it was installed00:48
nightdemon666and it is00:48
nightdemon666i'll check out that link though00:48
nightdemon666wafflejock it shows the latest version which is
wafflejocknightdemon666: should be all good then, what page isn't working?00:50
nightdemon666spotify webplayer00:50
wafflejocknightdemon666: might be something wrong in their code for version checking or something.... hmmm spotify doesn't seem likely to make that kind of error00:50
nightdemon666i uninstalled flash-player-stable 32 bit last night, then installed the 64 bit .deb file. i didnt test flash playeer though... didnt htink i had to :-(00:52
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=== Guest91624 is now known as PATROCLO
k1l_!es | PATROCLO00:54
ubottuPATROCLO: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:54
newhoaI was working on an Icon theme and was wondering what the most common icon size for people using Thunar/Nautilus/Whatever file browser on a 1080p monitor or higher is?00:54
dagedwhat a crap! Ubuntu 14.04 whe use entire disk - sets booting partition by default to fat32????????00:54
dagedhow can it be, and why??00:55
SerialFiredon't UEFI systems require the boot partition to be formatted as fat32?00:55
dagedI use ext2 for boot all the time00:56
dagedand why now Ubuntu by default uses fat32? o.O00:56
wafflejocknewhoa: not sure but my guess is SVG is really how it should be done so it doesn't really matter http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/suru-icon-theme-for-desktop/181300:56
k1l_daged: not for /boot00:57
wafflejocknightdemon666: yeah not sure I'm not a spotify user so can't really test it out easily and don't really have any sites I can think of that I actually use that require flash00:57
k1l_daged: you need to be very specific here. do you mean the "uefi" partition?00:57
dagedand what now, i must use fat32 for /boot?00:57
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dagedI just select use all entire disk and now I see th eresult of Ubuntu activity - /boot as fat3200:58
k1l_daged: please show a "sudo fdisk -l" in a pastebin00:59
newhoawafflejock: Thanks, I am using SVG but it doesn't scale well (scaling doesn't support hinting) so to get really sharp icons you need to render them at each size.00:59
nightdemon666wafflejock - i tested on adobe site and it failed there too. i also verified the .so for pepperflash in .config/google-chrome/....00:59
nightdemon666im thinking something is wrong with 64 bit flash on chrome on my system. it worked gine in 32 bit chrome, but im damned if im keeping a web browser that will no longer update01:00
Bashing-om!chrome-repo | nightdemon66601:01
ubottunightdemon666: Google recently deprecated 32-bit Chrome, which causes errors on 64-bit multiarch Ubuntu systems. To fix this, run:   sudo sed -i 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list /opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome01:01
wafflejocknewhoa: yeah not sure in that case I think 144x144 is used for high dpi but might be larger than that even, lately have used this web-app for generating a zip of various sized icons for the favicon that shows up in the tab bar in browsers and on the desktop when a page is saved to the desktop and a few other places http://realfavicongenerator.net/01:01
nightdemon666awesome sauce! thanks all, will try!01:01
Bashing-omnightdemon666: :) .. mind you, 32 bit is no more from google .01:02
dagedk1l_, http://pastebin.com/f31Vy7sG01:04
wafflejocknewhoa: ooo found a nice resource http://www.visualpharm.com/articles/icon_sizes.html01:04
k1l_daged: oh sorry. meant "sudo parted -l"  to see the gpt partitions, too01:05
nightdemon666bashing-om, what do i do after i typed 'sudo sed -i 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list /opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome'?01:05
k1l_daged: you mean the flag "boot"?01:06
dagedk1l_, the situatuin is I don't want to use fat32 for /boot)01:06
dagedno flag boot is ok01:06
dagedit's just a flag, i mean that fs is fat32(01:07
k1l_daged: its not /boot. its just the uefi partition with the boot flag. not /boot01:07
k1l_daged: yes, because the uefi needs it.01:07
Bashing-omnightdemon666: Should now be good . check: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' .01:07
seeithello, im trying to auto start a node.js server with npm start as a service, does anyone have any resources to do this?01:07
nightdemon666bashing-om - should i remove the current 64 bit chrome?01:08
* reisio headdesks01:08
k1l_there is not /boot partition at all. if you use "use whole disk" in the installer there is not seperate /boot partition. /boot will be included in the main partition.01:08
dagedif I use only Ubuntu can I use ext2 for boot partition? or I don't need separate /boot on my system?01:08
Bashing-omnightdemon666: No, that is the only change needed .01:08
k1l_daged: you dont need a serperate /boot partition. just keep it that way. thats fine01:08
nightdemon666trying now, thanks :-)01:08
dagedk1l_, you right! thanks...01:08
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dagedk1l_, and at this fat32 partitions which type of data must be saved?01:10
nightdemon666bashing-om - the only thing that upgraded was tzdata :-/01:10
k1l_!uefi | daged01:10
ubottudaged: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:10
Bashing-omnightdemon666: no google-chrome version 49 ?01:10
nightdemon666bashing-om - installed last nigth, so already at version 49.0.2623.87-101:11
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dagedk1l_, UEFI used instead of BIOS? or not... i'm stucked01:11
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nightdemon666bashing-om i installed from google web site... so thats why i asked about uninstallign chrome from my system now. then i can apt-get install google-chrome-stable package???01:12
k1l_daged: uefi is the new bios. if you use uefi you need some stuff like that partition. if you dont want that you can look if that mainboard got a setting to use bios mode (or called legacy mode)01:12
dagedoh understand now01:13
dagedand which mode is better, k1l_?01:13
k1l_daged: both work.01:13
dagedif I use only Ubuntu on my system01:13
dagedwhich is more safe or reliable?01:14
k1l_daged: keep it this way.01:14
Bashing-omnightdemon666: K. google already had the fix in place for new installs .01:14
dagedthank you so much01:15
nightdemon666bashing-om - well that sucks.... so i have another problem for why its not working :-(01:15
Bashing-omnightdemon666: " google-chrome-stable " is propprietary, has nothing to do with our repo .. all on Google .01:15
dagedk1l_, and if I undertsand corectly - that if I want to place /boot point to separate partition I must add one more patition ext2 for example with mounting point /boot, after the uefi fat32 parition01:16
nightdemon666bashing-om - i guess i should uninstall google-chrome-stable that i currently have installed 'via .deb file' and reinstall via the repo that was written into the sources.list file ubottu had me update...01:17
MoziMWhen i use remote desktop to access my ubuntu machine with xfce I found the super key to be very buggy and the auto-completion function in terminal isn't working either. I ran screencap I found that the os detected right arrow when i pushed down the windows key. However, whenever i try to bind the windows key using the xfce keyboard shortcuts it is detected as SUPER L.01:18
MoziMI'm using xdrp on my ubuntu machine and remote desktop on windows 7, my keyboard is a noppo choc mini 84 key keyboard.01:18
Jordan_Udaged: Yes, but there is no reason for you to create a separate /boot/ partition, so just leave things as they are.01:19
dagedare you sure?) kk01:20
Bashing-omnightdemon666: The easiest way I have found to install google-crhome is to download in another browser and hit the install button . I will say that I was able to install on this system via terminal .01:20
k1l_daged: why do you want a seperate /boot partition?01:21
dagedJordan_U, I thinked for a situation when logs are grow up and with some manipulations I can rewrite files in /boot01:21
OptiprismHey, I want to install Ubuntu and dual boot, but the windows OS isn't being detected01:21
k1l_daged: that is wrong01:21
dagedupdate-initramfs -u for example01:21
OptiprismIf I chose "erase disk" what will that erase?01:22
Bashing-omOptiprism: Maybe, Windows installed EFI, and you are booting the installer in legacy mode ?01:22
k1l_daged: most users are just fine without a seperate /boot01:22
dagedwhen I use linux before in past i set separate partitions for each mount point))01:22
dagedand I thinked that's good idea))01:23
OptiprismLike does it erase all HDDs or do I get an option of which HDD I can install Ubuntu on to?01:23
k1l_daged: no needed01:23
k1l_*not needed01:23
Bashing-omOptiprism: Will do as says .. wipe that entire whole disk and install only 'buntu .01:23
* daged sigh01:23
dagedand can I put /home to separate partition or not needed too?01:24
k1l_you can  do that.01:24
nightdemon666bashing-om - just noticed that NONE of what that 'sudo sed...' command i put in didnt even take. looking to fix this... dont know why it didnt really take since i was an admin when i ran it :-/01:24
OptiprismSo that option is safe to use if I got an empty HDD I want to install linux on?01:25
k1l_Optiprism: be sure it points to that hdd. and not the one with the installed windows01:25
OptiprismAlright thanks01:26
Bashing-omnightdemon666: That "fix" only applies to installs prior to goofle removeing the 32 bit software off their servers. ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' and see what the google source reads .01:26
dagedk1l_, and what you thinking about swap partition? if I have 32gb of RAM can I setup OS without swap?01:27
dagedand use tmpfs in RAM?01:27
k1l_you can. but without swap you cant use hibernation01:27
dagedhibernation is not needed for my tasks)01:28
dagedand how I can set the noswap on install?01:28
k1l_just dont create one01:29
dagedor I must setup with swap first and then disable the swap trought fstab01:29
dagedoh ok01:29
dagedand the system will not use swap?01:29
dagedgood thanks01:29
nightdemon666bashing-om - i already removed 32 bit chrome last night. then i installed chrome 64 bit after that, and it worked, so i was good with that,  but i didnt test flash to see if it worked. now i kn ow it doesnt and trying to fix that. now that command i entered was pointless??? i dont have google repo in my sources.list. can you please tell me exactly what repo to enter in that file? thanks in advance :-)01:29
squintydeb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main01:30
Bashing-omnightdemon666: Ouch ! When you installed chrome, the installer should have made up the source list file .01:31
k1l_nightdemon666: are you sure you talk about chrome or chromium?01:31
dagedk1l_, thank you very much, now I understand all)01:31
reisiodaged: actually, you should also alter vm.swappiness if you're going to go without swap01:32
dagedreisio, to 0 or 1?01:32
reisioeven if, with 32gb of ram, you would rarely encounter the inevitable consequences should you not01:32
nightdemon666bashing-om - writing this files manually...01:32
nightdemon666kil_ chrome. NOT chromium01:32
reisiodaged: I'd say so, yeah01:33
k1l_nightdemon666: than there is something really wrong on your setup. the .deb install should have created those repos.01:33
dagedok, shure01:33
squintynightdemon666,  you can just add that line to Software and Updates and then run sudo apt update etc01:33
dagedreisio, thanks)01:33
reisiodaged: by default, 60, it is assumed you have swap space, I'm sure you can see01:33
reisionp mayne01:34
nightdemon666squinty - which exact line? could you please paste it to this chat, if you dont mind? thank you01:34
dagedI set it 1 before01:34
squintynightdemon666,  deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main01:36
squintynightdemon666,  but as someone already mentioned that source should have been automatically installed when installing chrome.01:37
nightdemon666squinty - thats ok, i'll just reinstall and see if that fixes flash not working01:38
squintynightdemon666,  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/fix-failed-to-fetch-google-chrome-apt-error-ubuntu01:38
Bashing-omnightdemon666: Are you aware that chrome does not use adbobe flash ?01:39
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nightdemon666bashing-om - yes, sorry for any confusion. yes i know it uses pappi-flash (pepper)01:41
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nightdemon666bashing-om - well, flash still no worky :-(01:46
Bashing-omnightdemon666: Maybe : https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6258784?hl=en ?01:49
=== dave4925_ is now known as Illumitardi
kenbIs there a fix to the volume control in Xfce Xubuntu? What it does is if you go over about 1/3 volume it maxes out and starts a stuttering of the volume level and generally cuts audio in and out rapidly?01:52
kenb<kenb> It does not affect application like SMplayer or VLC etc. Just the mixer itself.01:52
kenb<kenb> Here is what I think is happening. If I open Sound Settings from the Panel, the mixer and levels work perfect. But if I slide the Panel master control beyond 1/2 way is when the pulsing occurs. It is like the Panel slider is operating a different mixer, as the controls do not move in the Sound Settings window?01:52
kenb<kenb> Is there more than 1 mixer application that is installed? Do I need to remove one of them? I know generally you have Alsa Mixer and Pulse Audio. Its like I have more than 1 master volume control and they are fighting each other.01:52
nightdemon666bashing-om - checked it all, its completely up to date and pepper flash is enabled. this makes NO since :-(01:53
scythefwdwell, after a long hiatus from ahving any linux in the house.. I jsut setup my first linux print server01:54
scythefwdgot it serving just fine to my mac.. both use cups so its basically a no brainer.. next.. try to share over smb to my windows hosts...01:54
Bashing-omnightdemon666: Agreed, I do not have a suggestion as I have not had that problem with chrome .01:55
kenbUsing Gadmin-Samba makes sharing your printer pretty easy. Doing it via cups about the same in the web based admin page. Good Luck.01:55
nightdemon666sad face :-( (for me)01:55
ni3Knightdemon666: are you using other addons with pepperflash (https everywhere) or check other browser settings01:56
kenbBasing-om are you referrring to the fact that Firefox pepper flash still remains outdated?01:56
ni3Knightdemon666: has problems with flash in firefox cause addons just saying01:56
nightdemon666ni3k - i have  no problems with flash on firefox. this is strictly a chrome 64 bit running 64 bit ubuntu 14.04 problem with me01:57
k1l_nightdemon666: works here :/01:57
kenbIt does not work because it is still using an outdated flash version, and Mozilla wont change it. There is hope I was told with much effort you can change it over to NPAPI version of flash that is more updated. I did not bother since Chrome and/or Chromium both have built in flash that does update itself.01:58
ni3Knightdemon666: pepper not 64bit?01:58
scythefwdken.. how well does that work with a headless boxen01:58
k1l_nightdemon666: what version is it?01:58
Bashing-omkenb: Naww .. working goggle-chrome with flash not responding . Any insight ?01:58
scythefwdno x, no lightdm01:58
nightdemon666kil_ -
k1l_nightdemon666: what?01:58
nightdemon666shockwave flash 21.0 r001:59
k1l_nightdemon666: what version of chrome? and where did you get it from and how did you isntall it?01:59
nightdemon666kil_ - thats what is showing in about:plugins the version of chrome is 49.0.2623.87 (64 bit)02:00
=== DrGonzo is now known as Guest42426
kenbOh ok sorry I fell into the middle of the chat. I use Chromium but even it has minor flaws. End up telling it not to Default, but set it as default in preferred applications keeps it working as the default. Kinda like the browser does not sync with the preferred apps. But you put in preferred apps as chromium-browser  or for chrome as chrome-stable and then all your web links use it.\02:01
kenbnobody seems to have figured that one out either.  So I take it you have a flash app that wont run period.02:02
kenbGetting back to my question, is there more than 1 mixer deamon in Xubuntu?02:03
k1l_nightdemon666: please show the output of "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999"02:04
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
k1l_nightdemon666: after that please show "apt-cache policy pepperflashplugin-nonfree | nc termbin.com 9999"02:05
ni3Knonfree (02:06
nightdemon666kil_ - i gotta go, but hopefully i'll see whats typed on here when i come back. thank for the help guys :-)02:07
kenbI personally feel its a glitch in my computers hardware, this being an HP Compaq 5750 system.02:07
k1l_nightdemon666: install pepperflashplugin-nonfree02:07
nightdemon666ah, i'll do that, thanks02:07
ni3Kadobe migrating to html 5 for video (one day flash bs will be history)02:08
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nightdemon666kil_ - will this update when flash updates, or do i have to update pepperflash manually???02:08
nightdemon666or rather, will it update next time i apt-get update?02:09
kenbIn our lifetime?02:09
k1l_nightdemon666: it will update with the system updates02:09
nightdemon666testing now...02:09
kenbLately have found a lot of stuff applications that is are best to get directly from the authors site. Example VirtualBox is outdated in the software center. So is SMplayer which I have fallen in love with. But if you get the DEB version it seems to take care of the problems.02:11
nightdemon666kil_ - still failed :-( even shutdown chrome and restarted ... BRB02:11
kenbI suppose when maintainers that are in the thousands, do not maintain then everything falls to the side.02:13
kenbStill at least it brings freedom to the world of Linux.02:14
Guest42426really can't wait for that day... complete flash deprecation02:14
kenbThats like saying everyone would burn up their floppy disks because nobody uses them anymore. Sadly no matter what you still have everyone in the world NOT catching up.02:15
nightdemon666kil_ - ok, well, nevermind, i guess im not leaving :-/ but pepperflash still not working on 64 bit ubuntu with 64 bit chrome (not chromium)02:16
ni3Kweb video is going html 502:16
kenbSo in Xfce panel does the volume slider run a seperate mixer and how do you alter it to use just the Sound Settings mixer instead?02:16
ni3Kflash games not so much02:17
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
kenbOk I can see that in alsamixer from terminal is the one that the multimedia keys are running. Again if I set it above 1/3 of the indicators level or above 3/4 in alsamixer it causes the audio to click rapidly.02:22
kenbWhat is the other mixer then? The one that appears in Sound Setting is the one I want to use. Do I just uninstall alsamixer to make it work?02:23
Guest42426yah i should have said... deprecation of flash for web video embed02:24
ni3KGuest42426: until html 5 further developed02:24
ni3Kkenb: idk where everyone is at but i use sound and pulseaudio with no problems02:25
kenbOk so does Xfce even need alsamixer for sound to function?02:27
Bashing-omkenb: As you are getting no response here, might inquire in the #xfce channel .02:28
ni3Kcant change alsamixer config? guess unstall maybe worth a shot02:28
kenbPerhaps. I will go there and ask this.02:28
ni3Kwiki ubuntu channels02:28
ni3Ki should move too :]02:29
OneM_IndustriesSo, silly question. Is SATA hot plugging supported?02:34
OneM_IndustriesBecause I just plugged in a DVD drive into my box, and it is not seeing the DVD I put into the drive.02:34
ni3Kdid you reboot02:35
OneM_IndustriesNo, that is why I asked about hot plugging.02:35
ni3Klol oh02:35
OneM_IndustriesI really would rather not, but if I have to, ok.02:36
OneM_Industries(I have a ton of stuff open)02:36
ni3Kyou could google it02:36
k1l_OneM_Industries: it is supported, if your mainboard and the drive support it. i just hotswapped some sata hdds.02:37
OneM_IndustriesOdd. I have hot swapped HDDs before... looks like it is the drive.02:38
OneM_IndustriesTime to reboot, ah well.02:38
ni3K google saying if sata/esata controller and drive support hot swap02:39
OneM_IndustriesWell, time to reboot. Thank you!02:39
OneM_IndustriesAll this to watch a simple movie...02:39
somsip 02:40
somsip!find basic02:40
ubottuFound: libbasicobjects-dev, libbasicobjects0, nagios-plugins-basic, basic256, bwbasic, fonts-sil-gentium-basic, hildon-theme-mobile-basic, lcmaps-basic-interface, lcmaps-plugins-basic-bandn, lcmaps-plugins-basic-dummy (and 50 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=basic&searchon=names&suite=wily&section=all02:40
=== King is now known as hiwhiteboy
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sector_0how do you upgrade glibc?02:43
Bashing-om!info glibc wily02:45
ubottuPackage glibc does not exist in wily02:45
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sector_0Bashing-om, but I'm not using will02:46
sector_0I'm using 14.04LTS02:46
Bashing-omsector_0: apt-cache show glibc >> N: Unable to locate package glibc , In trusty .02:47
sector_0Bashing-om, sigh so trusty too02:48
sector_0ok thanks02:48
scythefwdcli to see disk size?02:52
Sebastiengood thing this was not a typo.02:54
Bashing-omscythefwd: ' sudo fdisk -lu ' for MBR partitioning .02:55
tsimonq2OK, say I have a Windows 10 install and a laptop. For whatever reason, I would like to turn this laptop into a server. It used to have a Lubuntu install on it and I used dd to write the Trusty mini.iso to the 16 GB flash drive of mine. I installed the Minimal instance onto the laptop and the new install doesn't have networking for some odd reason. The Minimal USB drive won't boot. What do I do?>02:57
reisioscythefwd: df -h02:58
scythefwdgood to go..02:58
Ben64tsimonq2: laptops don't make good servers, don't do it02:58
tsimonq2Ben64: say theoretically02:59
scythefwdvery very few laptops make ok servers02:59
Ben64theoretically laptops make horrible servers02:59
tsimonq2just roll with it! :P02:59
reisiothey make perfectly fine servers02:59
tsimonq2don't bash the idea, roll with it please02:59
scythefwdsaw one hp laptop that ran an exchange distance, sql, and a DC02:59
Ben64no. they aren't made to be run that much. heat issues for sure03:00
reisioeh, there are plenty of non-laptops that have heat issues, too03:00
scythefwdwhat are you trying to turn it into?03:00
Ben64probably would be better off buying a raspberry pi to be the server03:00
reisioif you leave a laptop plugged in all the time, though, for most, the battery will shortly be nullified, and eliminate the "build in battery backup" argument03:00
valkeriegot an issue if someone could help out03:00
tsimonq2*SIGH* let's not argue WHY, let's just FIX THE PROBLEM! please!03:00
reisionot with thinkpads, though :)03:00
scythefwdlaptop will outperform a pi03:00
Ben64scythefwd: until it overheats and dies03:01
reisiosubstitute "rpi" with "sbc" as you please03:01
scythefwdthat wasnt an issue.. it was a lab.. almost no usage :D03:01
reisiobadly designed things overheat != laptops overheat03:01
tsimonq2Can't ping google.com, it comes back with "unknown host"03:01
tsimonq2so what do I do? it's a fresh install!03:01
Ben64do you have it plugged in to ethernet03:01
valkeriepinging does nothing. why ping?03:01
scythefwdre-install.. not like you have any special configs, etc...03:01
scythefwdping only confirms something if there is a response03:02
Ben64tsimonq2: and what are you trying to server on it03:02
tsimonq2Ben64: not relevant, the fact of the matter is, I have no networking03:02
Ben64it is relevant03:02
tsimonq2it's a fresh install...03:02
scythefwdreload.... I'm not sure why you didnt do that first03:03
valkerieokay. i have a noob question i need help with03:03
Ben64valkerie: go for it03:03
scythefwdthen you're not losing anything are you03:03
Ben64tsimonq2: this works a lot better if you answer questions that are asked of you03:03
tsimonq2scythefwd: first time booting, did an install of the minimal ISO03:03
tsimonq2Ben64: this works a lot better when you don't ask for irrelevant info03:03
scythefwdand that changes the merit of my comment how?  reload the machine or go and DL the networking subcomponents and modules..03:04
scythefwdmanual install then03:04
Ben64tsimonq2: https://workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc/ read this and come back when you have a better attitude03:04
valkerieBen: running backbox, and when i try to run and sudo required cmds, when it asks for my pass, i cant enter it.03:05
tsimonq2*SIGH* I have a networking problem and you are asking me what the "server" is for03:05
tsimonq2and yes, I've read it03:05
* tsimonq2 storms off03:05
scythefwdwe have already answered your networking problem.. reload the dadgumned server03:05
tsimonq2it's 10 PM anyways...03:05
scythefwdyou have no configs, you have no data, its been turned on.. you lose nothing but 1/2 and hour03:05
Ben64valkerie: sorry, backbox isn't supported. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.03:05
scythefwdso, simpleton question03:10
scythefwddid a apt-get remove lightdm.. lightdm nolonger is there, but the S script in rc5.d was still there as is the folkder in /etc03:10
scythefwddo I also need to do a purge?03:10
Ben64what is your goal03:11
scythefwdjust removing unused packages from the distro03:11
scythefwdits a headless machine03:11
Ben64i wouldn't purge main packages like that without being very sure what else will get removed along with it03:12
Ben64if it's headless though, why not install the server version of ubuntu03:13
scythefwdI'm unfortunately running a spinoff, not a conocle release since they dont compile for ppc anymore03:13
scythefwdserver wasn't available in ppc version of the distro03:14
Ben64oh, then you're in unknown territory03:14
scythefwdyeah.. more in here for moral support lol03:14
scythefwdjust needed a print server, it was an underpowered, g4 mac mini that would do fine03:15
Ben64get a raspberry pi :P03:15
scythefwdit was free vs. the 70 I'd have dropped on a pi lol03:15
scythefwdits working as it is.. and no lightdm running, no x org running actually03:15
Ben64if it works, don't break it03:16
scythefwdstatic ip, cups sharing my printers..03:16
scythefwdI tried just now.. :D03:16
valkeriecan someone help me out with an issue i have using backbox03:16
scythefwdcups web server is still up, so all is good lol03:17
scythefwdjust tried the purge03:17
Bashing-om!backbox | valkerie03:19
ubottuvalkerie: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.03:19
rud0lf1764 nicks on channel03:23
rud0lfhello :)03:23
rud0lfmiddle of night here :)03:24
scythefwdis here too03:24
=== hicuteboy is now known as cuteboy
gallo_mobilehi I have a hdd that was external on OS X thats internal to a Ubuntu Box. I've tried "sudo chmod +w '/path/to/drive'" but it's still a "read-only file system"03:29
Ben64gallo_mobile: what filesystem03:30
gallo_mobilelemme double check03:30
gallo_mobileApple HFS+03:31
Ben64gallo_mobile: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus03:31
linociscohi all03:32
gallo_mobilethanks Ben6403:32
linociscoi have big problem with network printer MF8580CDW03:32
linociscoi can install not printed03:32
goddardhow can i execute a command after a sudo su?03:33
Ben64goddard: don't do sudo su. what are you trying to accomplish?03:34
netsinjust type the command and hit enter03:34
goddardBen64: run wireshark with modprob for usb monitoring03:35
goddardBen64: su -c "modprobe usbmon" && su -c "wireshark"03:36
rud0lfis there #ubuntu channel rules web page? i can't see any direct link03:38
* rud0lf is new to the channel and doesn't want to earn ban :)03:38
Ben64goddard: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31054437/how-to-install-wireshak-on-linux-and-capture-usb-traffic03:39
Ben64rud0lf: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:39
rud0lfthanks Ben6403:39
Ben64no problem03:40
goddardBen64: cool thanks03:43
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samuelcomo instalo jdk pelo terminal03:53
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gallo_mobileHow do i get my other internal drives to automatically mount during startup?04:23
somsip!fstab | gallo_mobile04:24
ubottugallo_mobile: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:24
gallo_mobilethanks somsip04:26
somsipgallo_mobile: just ask if you cant get the result you want, but the links are pretty comprehensive from memory04:26
Archbuntuhello guys, anyone got some good *buntu youtube channels they watch?04:27
gallo_mobileFYI the tuxfiles.org link is broken, seems like domain is for sell04:28
Biff1Could someone please direct me to the channel that could help me install a Xerox printer.Thanks04:28
Tundra-no-xEvening folks, it seems that X has died on me, what is the proper course of action04:29
lotuspsychje!discuss | Archbuntu join there04:30
ubottuArchbuntu join there: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.04:30
reisiogallo_mobile: web.archive.org04:30
reisioman fstab04:31
lotuspsychjeTundra-no-x: best to share all of your details in one line to channel, ubuntu version, grafix card,etc04:31
Tundra-no-xI'm running 14.04 lts, graphics card is an nvidia gtx 760, issue occured after closing a fullscreen application running under wine04:32
Tundra-no-xI suspect that x has died because it seems that X applications, like music players and IRC clients, have closed04:33
Biff1Could someone please direct me to the channel that could help me install a Xerox printer.Thanks04:34
mikodo I was told pkexec is default now instead of gksudo/gksu. Is that so? I'm on 14.04 so, I can't check. Thanks.04:36
Bashing-ommikodo: True that pkexec is the new kid on the block .04:37
mikodo Bashing-om Hi. Thanks.04:37
lotuspsychjeTundra-no-x: can you check in additional drivers, wich driver is active?04:39
lotuspsychjeBiff1: have you looked on xerox website if your type of printer has linux drivers?04:40
Tundra-no-xlotuspsychje: I don't think you understand, everything is down. I'm in one of the virtual terminals04:40
lotuspsychje!recovery | Tundra-no-x04:41
ubottuTundra-no-x: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode04:41
Biff1Yes, I have the two tgz files and have extracted them but can not figure out how to run setup04:41
lotuspsychjeBiff1: ubuntu version?04:41
Biff114.04 lts04:42
Tundra-no-xlotuspsychje: it has not failed to boot, the entire desktop has crashed04:42
Tundra-no-xI'm asking what the proper way to restart it is04:42
lotuspsychjeTundra-no-x: reboot?04:42
lotuspsychjeTundra-no-x: or lightdm restart04:43
Tundra-no-xI suppose that's an option, but there must be another way04:43
Tundra-no-xlotuspsychje: is it safe to sudo that?04:43
Bashing-omTundra-no-x: ' sudo service lightdm restart ' ??04:43
Tundra-no-xyeah, that's what I was asking for04:43
lotuspsychjeBiff1: have a link to the printer driver?04:44
Tundra-no-xBashing-om: thank you sir. I couldn't remember that for some reason04:44
Bashing-omTundra-no-x: [ I keep a cheat sheet ] //04:45
Tundra-no-xBashing-om: I've just been away from linux for too long04:46
nightdemon666kil_ - you still there???04:47
nightdemon666bashing-om - you still there???04:47
Bashing-omTundra-no-x: :) but more the pity .. will not take long to catch up even though a fast moving target - systemd !04:48
lotuspsychjeBiff1: there's a setup in that archive04:48
lotuspsychje!patience | nightdemon66604:48
ubottunightdemon666: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:48
Bashing-omnightdemon666: I be bere for just a few more (minutes) .04:48
Tundra-no-xBashing-om: I certinly hope so04:49
nightdemon666bashing-om lol, im getting told to stop repeating my self in the chat because i sent the same question to you and someone else :-P anyway...04:49
Biff1yes there is a setup file in "XeroxLinuxi686xpxxInstall.tgz"04:50
nightdemon666bashing-om i fixed the problem. see this link https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/MucV4nJqolw04:50
nightdemon666bashing-om that link led me to the answer, so, i'd like you to spread the word when someone else has the same problem, and comes in here for help04:50
Bashing-omnightdemon666: :) Yah .. look'n and aread'n .04:51
nightdemon666bashing-om basically, what i had to do was delete the FlashPlayer folder in .config/google-chrome and manually update flash in the chrome://components tab in chrome its self. then the latest flash player repopulates and so does PepperFlash folder04:52
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nightdemon666bashing-om, then stupid flash works :-/ wierd... what im hoping wont be an issue though, is every time chrome updates from the repo, and i install that update, that i wont have to go throught that procedure every time04:53
Biff1There is also a Readme file on how to use Setup but does not seem to work04:55
nightdemon666bashing-om what i found weird also, is that when i tried first renaming the libpepperflash.so file, chrome defaulted to an older flash version. thats when i realized that i had to delete the whole PepperFlash folder alltogether in order to get chrome to update its flash player. i guess the problem is a conflict between baked in pepperflash and what saves to .config/google-chrome/PepperFlash folder?04:56
lotuspsychjeBiff1: wich extension does the setup have?04:57
lotuspsychjeBiff1: did you also try the printer wizard?04:58
Biff1The printer is not here, I tried printer wizard when I was connected to it but it didn't work.05:00
Biff1the correct printer was not listed and the text only didn't work05:01
Bashing-omnightdemon666: Good Job .05:01
lotuspsychjeBiff1: try this method: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91886605:02
nightdemon666bashing-om if you can remember all of this, please spread the word to those who may encounter the same issue. apparently this affects windows users as well. ... i know the best solution to this problem! KILL FLASH! die flash die... HTML 5, thank you for not sucking, and may all web browsers support HTML 5 and all web designers STOP using FLASH, and use HTML 5. stupid flash. what a POS!05:03
lotuspsychje!language | nightdemon66605:03
ubottunightdemon666: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:03
lotuspsychjenightdemon666: for ubuntu, use the alternative chromium-browser05:04
nightdemon666sorry channel regulators... just had to get that one off my chest :-P05:04
lotuspsychjenightdemon666: or webbroser-app, both have pepperflash05:04
lotuspsychjenightdemon666: and there is also freshplayer for firefox05:04
nightdemon666lotuspsychje - i tested firefox (still uses old flash for linux) and it worked fine for my usage, but chrome is more reliable for 'most' needs... this is a media center system and i want everything to work :-D now it finall does, but i wonder if im gonna have to keep fixing it everytime chrome updates. we shall see...05:06
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lotuspsychjenightdemon666: if you just keep in mind ubuntu is not responsible for the way how chrome updates/manages05:07
nightdemon666lotuspsychje - had to fix the stupid login keyring pop up too. ugh, how annoying to have to fix things just to get things that were working just fine, to work again :-/05:08
Biff1the 'Readme' in your link is the same . . . . is CUPS the only 'driver' I need to install?05:08
nightdemon666lotuspsychje - yeah, i dont blame ubuntu... i blame google05:08
lotuspsychjeBiff1: think you need to add the printer inside that archive, then let CUPS add it or so05:08
nightdemon666lotuspsychje - such linux users as google should know that many people use chrome on their linux desktop systems and it 'should' just work. we tend to expect that, but this transition from 32 bit to 64 bit was a disaster05:10
=== cuteboy is now known as King
VoidWhispererA friend is complaining that doing do-release-upgrade caused his system to become unable to boot05:11
lotuspsychjeVoidWhisperer: from wich to wich please?05:11
nightdemon666bashing-om - thank you for all of your help, and good night. i appreciate everyones help who led me to finally be successful in fixing the problem. i just home that those who are seeing this, and care, can spread the word to those who will show up in this room to get help for this problem. it is not well documented on the internets05:11
VoidWhispererlotuspsychje, he's not sure he said like 10.4 to whatever do-release-upgrade would put him on05:12
lotuspsychjeVoidWhisperer: 10.04 is end of life mate05:12
VoidWhispererlotuspsychje, part of the reason he was upgrading05:12
lotuspsychjeVoidWhisperer: not recommended to upgrade from a dead version05:12
lotuspsychjeVoidWhisperer: so many security issues can passed by once's system, would you still trust it?05:13
lotuspsychjeVoidWhisperer: tell your friend to install a version from our topic clean05:13
VoidWhispereryeah, i'm telling him to use OVH's rescue mode to pull his files off and reinstall05:14
=== geek is now known as Guest8675
Biff1ran in terminal "sudo apt-get install build-essential". Downloaded LinuxCupsPrinterPkg.tar.gz and extracted. Went to System Settings/Printer and . . . (Lost)? 05:21
Guest8675alguien de Mèxico?05:22
nightdemon666VoidWhisperer - in my experience, i have 'never' gotten an upgrade install to work exactly as it should. i know its possible to do it that way, but it just isnt the clean way to upgrade, i know its a pita, but clean install is the best still... waiting for the day that i cant say that anymore05:23
VoidWhisperernightdemon666, i'm working on getting his files off ><05:24
reisioGuest8675: /msg alis list *bunt*es05:25
Guest8675hola alguien de Mèxico?05:25
reisioGuest8675: /msg alis list *bunt*es05:25
lotuspsychjenightdemon666: upgrades work nicely, if done the right way...this case is different as it involves an eol version05:25
lotuspsychje!es | Guest8638305:26
ubottuGuest86383: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:26
nightdemon666VoidWhisperer - yep. best way. back up. wipe. clean install. would work better for winblows too... too bad microsoft has everybody by the balls to upgrade from 7 or 8.1 and you cant help it unless you feel like paying for another licence (not me)05:26
nightdemon666VoidWhisperer - i will be honest,... i havent upgraded from old to new version of ubuntu, but kali was a bust. awful :-(05:27
VoidWhispererwell, atleast it's not my server05:28
VoidWhispereri tend to keep my stuff updated anyways05:28
lotuspsychje!discuss | nightdemon66605:29
ubottunightdemon666: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.05:29
nightdemon666VoidWhisperer - windows upgrades have sucked too... do you recommend upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04??? i'd like have the latest and greatest for my poor little 2007 macmini, buti dont want to jack up my whole media center installation :-/ im ok with its eol being 201905:33
lotuspsychjenightdemon666: 16.04 isnt out yet, not recommended05:33
VoidWhisperertbh i'd rather linux updates over windows upgrades05:34
VoidWhispererbut i don't have a choice about using windows on most of my devices :p05:34
VoidWhispereri have a gaming laptop that would burst into flames because the fan drivers only work on windows, and a tablet that i run linux on most of the time05:34
nightdemon666VoidWhisperer - dig, but what about when it is released?05:34
VoidWhisperernightdemon666, what?05:34
=== DrGonzo is now known as Guest56484
nightdemon666VoidWhisperer - about upgrade to 16.04 when it is released05:35
VoidWhispererwell i mean05:35
jotalopezcanal de venezuela?05:35
cooldharma06hi all05:35
lotuspsychje!es | jotalopez05:36
ubottujotalopez: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:36
VoidWhispererif you are talkin about the server thing, it's already screwed, there's no retrieving it, since something with the update screwed the boot sector :D05:36
cooldharma06i am trying to access pudb from my remote machine via ssh, keys are not working inside pudb05:36
VoidWhisperernightdemon666, i hate having a laptop that would explode if i tried to consistently use linux on it. :/05:38
=== Sir_Lestaty is now known as dumbledore
nightdemon666VoidWhisperer - lol, not sure what that means for you, but 'for the most part' ive been happy with linux installs on all my devices. unfortunately a bit of config to do, but when its solid, its solid, and 'most' of the time it stays that way. ive had so much more work to do with windows installs than linux, but then again, i dont try to play games on my linux installs. if i did, probably a differnet story05:41
lotuspsychjenightdemon666, VoidWhisperer both stop it please, this os totaly offtopic05:42
VoidWhispererlotuspsychje, sorry..05:42
nightdemon666lotuspsychje - yeah, my bad. sorry to both you and VoidWhisperer. im done. night ya'll05:43
Biff1Wood it be easier to install the printer with the printer connected?05:44
lotuspsychjeBiff1: you didnt connect it yet?05:45
Biff1Correct, the printer is at my shop05:45
lotuspsychjeBiff1: go for the wizard connecting your ptinter with usb05:49
Biff1I will grab it tomorrow n give it another try. Out05:51
guest75finally got dual boot with ubuntu 15.10 and win 8.1 on uefi bios setup05:54
lotuspsychje!yay | guest7505:55
ubottuguest75: Glad you made it! :-)05:55
guest75so am i my friend found this excellent technical article05:55
guest75i'd been struggling with trying to set it up like this for 4-5 days now05:56
guest75anyway the article is at:   itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/05:58
guest75all i know is it works with win 8.1 and ubuntu; not sure about win 7 and win 1006:00
guest75next i need to find out why with nvidia proprietary driver and steam client why it's not working; i want to game in linux :)06:02
lotuspsychje!steam | guest7506:03
ubottuguest75: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.06:03
guest75thanks for the info06:08
ValjanGedit is tossing an error at me that I can seem to find on the internet. Would this be a decent first stop to ask about it?06:18
anonymousim going to ddos  thjs server06:19
=== anonymous is now known as Guest68224
hateballValjan: Yes, just ask06:20
ValjanError is as follows:    (gedit:8852): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files06:20
ValjanI should note Gedit seems to be operating fine, but I have no idea why this is being thrown up in terminal.06:21
hateballa11y is related to accessibility06:22
hateballbut I dont use gedit so I dont really have any great ideas06:22
=== King is now known as KiFam
jatin30http://imgur.com/BqTkwBY can anyone explain this06:27
=== KiFam is now known as King
jatin30 http://imgur.com/BqTkwBY can anyone explain this06:33
dgarstangOff topic sorry. ANyone know a cloud provider that allows me to run vagrant boxes?06:36
Jordan_Ujatin30: Where did you get that kernel from?06:38
jatin30Jordan_U: I had to install Linux XIA in my system06:39
jatin30kind of a project06:39
Jordan_Ujatin30: Also, in the future please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com for text rather posting a screenshot of your terminal.06:39
Jordan_Ujatin30: That doesn't answer my question.06:40
jatin30Jordan_U: Sure thing! Can you have a look at this link. https://github.com/AltraMayor/XIA-for-Linux/wiki/How-to-install#Installing_Linux_kernel_with_XIA_stack06:40
jatin30I compiled it properly but having issues in "installing" part06:40
Jordan_Ujatin30: The output postwd indicates that you didn't actually enable XIA via "make menuconfig" as instructed in that link.06:43
jatin30so how do I fix that06:44
Jordan_Ujatin30: Also, manually compiling kernels is generally not recommended or supported here. What is your end goal?06:44
jatin30can you please tell me the cmd to fix that06:44
jatin30End goal is I have to set up Linux-XIA in my system06:44
jatin30Its kind of a little assignment for kernel-dev project06:45
Jordan_Ujatin30: Assigned by whom?06:45
jatin30a mentor . I am applying for GSOC 16. thats what06:46
jatin30Jordan_U: could you please tell me the command06:48
Jordan_Ujatin30: OK, I think this discussion is more appropriate for ##linux. Lets move the discussion there.06:48
jatin30Jordan_U : please see  ##linux07:00
Jordan_Ujatin30: I already replied to you there.07:01
Anastasia19I cant talk in freenode07:01
noobstraphas anyone successfully installed dropbox headless client?07:05
trimasis SHA1 used in -FDE- less secure than using SHA256/512? SHA1 has been deemed insecure since 2005, or am I misinformed?07:09
trimasi selected the encrypt option during installation but I've never given a second thought to the underlying function until I recently stumbled across cryptsetup documentation and found out that the default hash spec is SHA1 !!!07:09
trimasi'm aware of cryptsetup faq entry #5.20 >LUKS is broken! It uses SHA-1! ...No, it is not broken.07:09
trimasthere's contradictory info all over the interwebs about what i'm trying to understand07:10
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Anthony-Lwould you consider ubuntu the best OS for a live OS?07:39
Sebastienkubuntu is small enough to be #1 for that. imo07:40
greenrideWhat's the best screenrecorder for screencasts on Ubuntu 14.04LTS?07:40
cfhowlettgreenerr, no such thing as "best" in any software category.  too subjective.  install, test and choose for yourself.07:42
greenridecfhowlett: One that works would be good.07:44
cfhowlettgreenride, options abound. see the software center for choices07:44
greenridegtk-recordmydesktop doesn't seem to work properly07:44
DavidFromBEhaving some issues with fglrx on one of my ubuntu hosts. fglrxinfo says : https://bpaste.net/show/fc8b0bdefeb507:47
DavidFromBEi'm not having any issue on the other hosts07:47
DavidFromBEi tried to uninstall/reinstall fglrx, doesn't do much07:47
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ggghi im trying to invoke: apt-get install collectd07:52
ggg but it complains about "E: The package rabbitmq-server needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.07:52
ggg".. and it doesnt install anything. What gives?07:52
cfhowlettggg, what ubuntu version?07:54
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gggcfhowlett: 15.1008:11
cfhowlettggg, you program is in the main repos.  proof:   apt-cache policy rabbitmq-server08:12
gggi dont need or want rabbitmq08:12
geirhaggg: make sure ''sudo apt-get update'' succeeds08:12
cfhowlettggg, do this and then ...08:12
gggi cant install any other software anymore08:13
gggwhat is this wtf08:13
cfhowlettmore /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999            so we can see your sources list.08:13
cfhowlettand cease the wtf comments.  language.08:13
cfhowlettmore /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999            so we can see your sources list.d08:14
cfhowlettwait, what?  your sources point to 15.04 which is DOA08:14
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/vivid08:15
geirhaso vivid's repos has probably been moved away recently08:15
gggok i doubt the version of my ubuntu is the problem, this is some bug with apt-get08:15
geirhano, it means you have 15.04 installed, not 15.1008:16
geirhayou need to upgrade to 15.1008:16
ggg.19.0-31-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 7 15:04:02 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:16
cfhowlettyour OS is no longer supported.  that means ... wait for it .. NO installations.  or security for that matter08:16
geirhaggg: lsb_release -a08:16
gggyes 15.0408:16
ggghow do i fix apt-get so that it works again?08:16
cfhowlettsupport ended last month08:16
cfhowlettnope.  the fix is to install a supported version08:17
ggglook if you have no idea please dont answer with wrong answers08:17
cfhowlett!vivid | ggg read this then tell me how I'm wrong08:17
ubottuggg read this then tell me how I'm wrong: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/vivid08:17
gggapt-get worked just fine 5min ago and then i added a bunch of repos from some weird website and it doesnt work anymore08:17
cfhowlettlong story short here, ggg.  15.04 is no longer supported in any way, shape or form.  Including this IRC channel.  the cure is to install a supported version.  Your choice.08:19
gggok how do i do that?08:19
hateball!eolupgrade | ggg08:20
ubottuggg: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:20
gggapt-get dist-upgrade gives me the same problem as i have told you08:20
gggit just prints "E: The package rabbitmq-server needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.08:20
cfhowlettggg, see the above link?  read and follow08:20
ouroumov_remove the repos you added, then upgrade ggg08:21
gggit says "No command 'deb' found, did you mean:08:23
cfhowlettcorrect.  there is no "deb" command.08:23
gggur link has 'deb' commands in it08:24
llutzggg: read again, it's not08:24
gggwhat do you call this? deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME main restricted universe multiverse08:25
llutzggg: that a line from sources.list, as you've been told in the link above08:25
cfhowlettggg, slow down.  that's not a command.  it's an entry in the sources list.   NOT a command08:26
cfhowlettggg, note: you have another option.  you could torrent the current live versions and clean install rather that EOLupgrade.  IMHO, this is a saner option, but YMMV08:27
wiltorsI'm trying to run a make script but I'm getting some very vague errors. Let me know if you need the full printout. http://pastebin.com/HhLjJG9k08:28
gggim gonna solve this myself, you people are beyond difficult08:28
cfhowlettwiltors, #bash would know more08:28
geirhaNo, ##workingset. #bash doesn't do make08:29
gggok just for your information, the command to solve my problem was: dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq08:32
ggg rabbitmq-server08:32
gggno, it wasnt an EOL issue08:32
cfhowlettwe happy now?08:32
gggim happy, no idea what you are08:33
battleaxehow can i make ethtool -s eth0 wol pg persistent across reboots?09:02
lotuspsychjebattleaxe: make a startup item out of your command?09:06
battleaxelotuspsychje: I've tried putting a line 'up ethtool -s eth0 wol pg' in my /etc/network/interfaces file underneath 'iface eth0 inet dhcp'09:11
battleaxewish me luck09:12
cfhowlett!help -l09:19
DavidFromBEwhen dpkg says a package status is rc, how to clean it up completely ?09:29
TJ-DavidFromBE: purge09:29
DavidFromBETJ-: is there a way to purge all of them ?09:31
llutzDavidFromBE: apt still has no equivalent to: sudo aptitude purge ~c ?09:31
cfhowlettDavidFromBE, I do this script regularly as housekeeping for such issues:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/15447754/09:33
DavidFromBEllutz: there's a --purge parameter, i'll look into that09:33
TJ-DavidFromBE: "man dpkg" and read the "-P --purge" description. in summary, "dpkg --purge --pending"09:33
llutzDavidFromBE: dpkg --purge $(dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | cut -f1)09:34
DavidFromBETJ-: Thanks09:34
DavidFromBEllutz: awesome, thanks09:34
TJ-llutz: that's overkill :D09:34
llutzTJ-: sometime it needs a hammer to fix stuff09:35
TJ-llutz: but dpkg's "--purge --pending" does that built-in, you don't need to give it a list of packages09:35
llutzTJ-: well, doesnt work with already removed packages (here)09:37
llutzTJ-: those aren't "all unpacked but unconfigured packages", which --pending relates to09:38
user3354563456why when I type gedit in the launcher I see pics that not related to the gedit09:39
user3354563456especialy vulgar pics for genital. corrections09:40
TJ-llutz: that's strange - the policy is supposed to be any package unpacked (e.g. installed) *or* removed but with remaining conf-files09:44
roryuser3354563456: It will show pictures from your hard disk where the filename has "gedit" in it?09:45
llutzTJ-: dpkg 1.17.5ubuntu5.5  trusty won't purge the configs, neither does dpkg in debian. where do you have the "removed but with remaining conf-files" definition from? i only find the unpacked/not installed09:48
TJ-llutz: well, in 'man dpkg' for --purge it says "If -a or --pending is given instead of a package name, then all packages unpacked, but marked to be removed or purged in file /var/lib/dpkg/status, are removed or purged, respectively"09:52
dhiaeddinehey, I'm getting error while updating "W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/universe/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch"09:53
dhiaeddineeven changing apt source doesn't help09:53
dhiaeddineany idea?09:54
cfhowlettdhiaeddine, mirrors do fall behind and behind date.  this usually self-corrects.  try a different mirror09:54
llutzTJ-: ah ok, reads a bit different in german for me. I found that now in the english-page. still, doesn't work as expected09:55
dhiaeddinecfhowlett: this is canonical source! I tried other source wit same result09:55
TJ-llutz: the source may have a bug. In src/packages.c::enqueue_pending() in case act_pending: the test "if (pkg->status == PKG_STAT_CONFIGFILES) continue" looks like it should be "!="09:57
Sonderbladei've installed the xfonts-terminus package, but the terminus font doesn't show up in font dialogs. any idea why?09:57
TJ-Sonderblade: possibly a font-cache needs rebuilding?09:58
llutzTJ-: but isn't PKG_STAT_CONFIGFILES the "c" in "rc" and thus correct?  "!=" wouldn't match rc then either09:59
SonderbladeTJ-: shouldn't that happen automatically when you install fonts?10:00
llutzSonderblade: did you restart your app after installing the fonts?10:01
Sonderbladellutz: yes10:01
TJ-llutz: if it were "!=" then it wouldn't hit the 'continue' statement, which means the package is in STAT_CONFIGFILES and should be added to the list of packages to be purged. Right now if a package is in that state it is ignored due to the 'continue'10:02
TJ-llutz: the effect, at first glance, looks to be a package in Remove/Conf-file state can't be purged but a package in Install/Conf-file can be purged10:03
llutzTJ-: sounds like a bug then. (selfnote: "learn C at last")10:05
user3354563456rory: on my hard disk have not images10:06
Hadigimana sih cara install compiz10:06
cfhowlett!english | Hadi10:06
ubottuHadi: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList10:06
lotuspsychjeuser3354563456: did you disable online searching in dash?10:07
user3354563456where to disable?10:07
lotuspsychjeuser3354563456: wich ubuntu version are you on?10:07
lotuspsychjeuser3354563456: security & privacy 3rd tab10:08
user3354563456but is good idea to be more restrictive for the content.10:08
lotuspsychjeuser3354563456: you are responsible for tweaking your own system, not ubuntu10:09
cfhowlettaptly put10:09
Hadisering keluar Enabel gitu pas install compiz di ubuntu 14.04 LTS10:09
TJ-llutz: I'll track down one of the maintainers of dpkg and ask if the reading is correct10:10
younderwasn't that cered in the last issue of ubuntu user?10:10
user3354563456lotuspsychje: I use freshly installed system on my office PC....10:10
lotuspsychjeyounder: 16.04 will be disabling online searches by default10:11
Hadihow to cope E: Unable to locate package in Linux Ubuntu LTS 14:0410:12
Hadihow to cope E: Unable to locate package in Linux Ubuntu LTS 14:0410:12
cfhowlettHadi, what package???10:12
user3354563456lotuspsychje: 10x for the help. disable search do not show bul*ts10:12
younderlotuspsychje, Yes I ahve a alfa version on 16.04 running in a vitual server here, though I am more interested in systemd10:12
lotuspsychjeuser3354563456: no prob10:12
Hadipackage Compiz-Fusion-Plugin-Extra10:12
Hadipackage Compiz-Fusion-Plugin-Extra10:13
lotuspsychjeyounder: you can discuss stuff in #ubuntu+1 if you like10:13
Hadihow to cope E: Unable to locate package Compiz-Fusion-Plugin-Extra in Linux Ubuntu LTS 14:0410:13
popeyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-shopping/+bug/1559340 is the bug for gedit showing things it shouldn't in the dash10:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1559340 in unity-lens-shopping (Ubuntu) "Searching for "gedit" in dash brings up sexually explicit images from online search" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:13
popeyuser3354563456: ^10:13
popeyit's being investigated now.10:14
Hadihow to cope E: Unable to locate package Compiz-Fusion-Plugin-Extra in Linux Ubuntu LTS 14:0410:14
Hadihow to cope E: Unable to locate package Compiz-Fusion-Plugin-Extra in Linux Ubuntu LTS 14:0410:14
Hadihow to cope E: Unable to locate package Compiz-Fusion-Plugin-Extra in Linux Ubuntu LTS 14:0410:14
Hadihow to cope E: Unable to locate package Compiz-Fusion-Plugin-Extra in Linux Ubuntu LTS 14:0410:14
Hadihow to cope E: Unable to locate package Compiz-Fusion-Plugin-Extra in Linux Ubuntu LTS 14:0410:14
cfhowlettHadi, saw you the first time10:14
younderMye exeriences with the Comitz package is that it creates greater problems han it solves anyhow10:18
younderIt seems very fragile, and he wrong combination of selections can leave you systemin an unbootable state10:19
younderIf you can't get it installed can you hande the greater problems of a complete windows reinstall?10:20
marduki connect my ubuntu desktop with windows print server?10:22
mardukcan i connect my ubuntu desktop with windows print server?10:23
cfhowlett!samba | marduk yes10:23
ubottumarduk yes: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html10:23
vullumRunning Xubuntu 15.10 and installing Windows 7 in Virtualbox for the first time. It's taking Windows forever to find the updates from a clean install. Is this normal?10:23
cfhowlettvullum, you'd have to ask ##windows, right??10:24
mardukam i obbligate to install samba on desktop?10:24
cfhowlettmarduk, it *might* be possible to configure the print via cups10:25
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu10:25
EriC^^vullum: do you have internet connectivity in windows?10:25
younderCUSP will run linux printers, but to coonect to windows yo need samba10:25
vullumI do have internet connectivity.10:25
cfhowlettyounder, true, but you need not necessarily to connect to windows to use the printer10:26
vullumIn windows(nat).10:26
EriC^^vullum: then /join ##windows as cfhowlett said10:26
cfhowlettvullum, if you have the prints net address, see if you can add it via cups.10:26
cfhowlettsorry, marduk see cups for printing.  vullum please ignore10:26
mardukthe print server is a windows print server, but i have some ubuntu desktop and i need to connect these with the windows server printers.10:27
youndercfhowlett, I assumed there might be window systems on the network.  If no then no you don't10:27
younderAnyhow Samba is 'cleaner' if you need active directory, then say installing NFS10:28
cfhowlettmarduk, here's what I did at my last shop:  get the printer properties via windows.  go  into ubuntu to add the printer via the http://numbers here.  I never used the printer windows printer server at all, ubuntu connected and printed directly10:28
younderI have been instaling NDS, LDAP, Kerberos and NFS on a local cluster here and believe me it is quite a handfull.  On the hone Samba was much simpler and less error prone10:31
younderIt is alo better integrated into the ubuntu windows tools10:32
Dropais there anyone who's more familiar with SNMP?10:34
mardukcfhowlett: thanks but i need to use the windows printer server where i have many printers. i knew your first fix but isn't usefull for me.10:34
Dropaall my SNMP clients give huge list of data, but as my friend tried to do the same, these clients gives very little information about the machine10:35
cfhowlettmarduk, someone else will know more than I.  ask about windows network printer in the channel10:35
younderDropa, sound the the logging settings.10:36
Dropaand we can't figure out why, we both followed the same tutorial for it, and it didn't really need that much configuration10:36
LibertyWeNeedDoes anyone know how to contact Sound Cloud? I want to get rid of my accounts from there.10:36
Dropayounder: is there some setting that what can be polled?10:36
cfhowletterrr, pretty much offtopic here LibertyWeNeed.  check their website for support options10:37
LibertyWeNeedI thought someone would know10:37
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madwizardSorry, wrong channel :/10:37
cfhowlettpro-tip:  websites provide support options of their own.  check those before asking ubuntu10:37
LibertyWeNeedcfhowlett, I can't find an email address10:39
cfhowlettLibertyWeNeed, this is not soundcloud support.  check their website for support.10:40
LibertyWeNeedyounder, thanks. the link doesnt work btw10:41
younderLibertyWeNeed, When I do a web search I find methods10:46
Anastasia19Cannot send to channel freenode. Why10:58
k1l_Anastasia19: its moderated. you need to wait untill someone gives you +v10:58
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Anastasia19Can I have it now10:59
k1l_Anastasia19: if its urgent then pm a staffer.    we from #ubuntu cant do anything about how they run #freenode10:59
Anastasia19Do you know how can I contact someone from Anonymous. Theres a problem11:01
Anastasia19Post op problem years ago11:01
cfhowlettAnastasia19, ask #ubuntu-offtopic or, you know, google11:01
k1l_Anastasia19: see their webpage11:01
Anastasia19What is their webpage11:03
cfhowlettask google and don't be lazy, Anastasia1911:03
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j0kkerheey :D anyone here ? :D11:03
k1l_j0kker: no :)11:04
j0kkerhaha :D11:04
j0kkerheeej :D11:04
Anastasia19I searched our usual hideout but its gone11:04
j0kkerCan u help me with popcorn time ? i cant install it11:04
k1l_Anastasia19: we in here cant help you on that. you could ask in ##chat11:04
tumaroohow do i enable ufw permanently11:14
cfhowlett!ufw | tumaroo11:14
ubottutumaroo: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo11:14
tumaroolike service ufw enable or wat11:14
tumarooufw is the firewall11:14
xebrahi, is it possible to disable (or remap) a shortcut like Ctrl-Alt-F1 (for accessing a tty) WITHOUT having to be root?11:14
cfhowlettwell aware of that, tumaroo.  read the link11:14
tumarooubottu:  cfhowlett  i did that and read that, still it is inactive on bboot11:20
ubottutumaroo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:20
j0kkershouldnt this be a support channel11:20
j0kker? :D11:20
j0kkerand nobady gives a fcuk11:20
j0kkernice :D11:20
k1l_!details | j0kker11:21
ubottuj0kker: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)11:21
cfhowlettj0kker, profanity is not just against the channel rules, it motivates people, well me, to ignore you.  adust your attitude11:21
k1l_j0kker: and this is volunteers support. we dont get paid. so i would not insult others in here who take their time to help others.11:21
j0kkeri didnt insult anyone kil :D11:22
cfhowletttumaroo, sudo ufw enable should do the trick11:22
tumarook1l_: i understand that. and i read the wiki/docs, but it disables on boot11:22
cfhowletttumaroo, do this: sudo ufw status | nc termbin.com 999911:23
tumarooi use arch! not ubuntu, and on   arch i can't ask as against policy and they will(and have) kick me11:23
cfhowlettpaste the url here11:23
cfhowletttumaroo, arh is absolutely not supported here.  wrong channel.11:23
tumaroono no it does not matter which distro, even on ubuntu i get the same, it is ufw specific, and ubuntu, i use ubuntu11:24
cfhowletttumaroo,you JUST said you're using arch.11:24
k1l_tumaroo: ##linux then for generic linux questions. this channel can only deal with ubuntu support11:24
j0kker##linux :Cannot send to channel11:25
tumarooon ubuntu i am getting that error, i dual booted my OS11:25
j0kkerwhy is this popin out ?11:25
mac234Is there a way to Ugrade from 14.10 to 15.04 without removing the 14.10 copy and going for a fresh install?11:25
k1l_j0kker: read their topic. you need to register to freenode11:25
hateball!eolupgrade | mac23411:25
ubottumac234: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:25
cfhowlettmac234, yes.  torrent 15.10 and clean install11:25
j0kkerty :D11:25
cfhowlettmac234, 15.04 is dead, end of life and no longer supported11:25
mac234then 15.10?11:26
k1l_mac234: yes you can with the EOLupgrade. but you need to upgrade again to 15.10 then.11:26
mac234we can upgrade to 15.10 without doing all the 'remove 14.04 and install 15.10' steps?11:27
cfhowlettmac234, you have 14.04 now???11:27
k1l_mac234: what is the output of "lsb_release -d"?11:27
mac234yes cfhowlett.11:27
cfhowlettmac234, wait until next month and upgrade to 16.0411:27
mac234Description:Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS11:28
mac234@kll_ ^11:28
k1l_mac234: for 14.04 you need to do the eolupgrade to 14.10, then to 15.04, and then the regular upgrade to 15.10. that is a lot of trouble. why do you want to upgrade?11:28
k1l_cfhowlett: hint: the LTS upgrade will be opened when 16.04.1 is released in july11:29
cfhowlettk1l_, true.11:29
mac234I am currently on gnome environment, I wish to work on their modules, they suggest using 15.04+11:29
cfhowlettmac234, then they are giving terrible advice11:30
cfhowlett15.04 is dead.  It's DEAD, Jim!11:30
mac234sorry just checked its 15.10 they are suggesting11:30
k1l_mac234: as i said: you need to do 2 EOLupgrades. and then a regular upgrade to 15.10.11:31
mac234so many versions, argh.11:31
mac234kll_: so a fresh installation should be the way to go?11:31
k1l_it might be faster.11:31
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
httperr418hi folks, have a mounting question11:38
httperr418when you connect external storage, by default it is automatically mounted11:39
httperr418how can you disable that so that by default it is not mounted and you have to do it manually?11:39
hateballhttperr418: iirc there is a setting for that in Nautilus11:40
httperr418hateball - I have not been able to get the instructions for that to work correctly11:42
httperr418I was hoping for a command line edit11:42
cfhowletthttperr418, http://askubuntu.com/questions/9622/how-to-turn-off-automount-in-ubuntu-server-10-04   or ask #ubuntu-server11:44
httperr418how do you get that to apply to any external device rather than to a known one?11:47
TJ-httperr418: it's done by 'udisks' daemon; you can control it via config and via command-line udisksctl11:49
neuromute9hey folks, I just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and "kept" my squid config, but there were major changes and I need to replace it with the newer config.  How can I pull it down?  I tried purging, removing the config file and then reinstalling but it complains about "Unable to open config file"11:49
neuromute9I touched the file and still no go.11:49
cfhowlettneuromute9, best to ask #ubuntu-server11:50
neuromute9How can I grab the current default config?11:50
cfhowlettNever mind11:50
cfhowlettneuromute9, sudo apt-get install --reinstall squid?11:51
neuromute9internal error, no file name for squid3:amd6411:51
neuromute9fun times11:51
cfhowlettneuromute9, is this a server?11:52
neuromute9it's the desktop version of ubuntu, but it has a web server running11:53
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httperr418TJ-: the instructions I can find have information on how to make something automatically mount when you already know its info11:58
httperr418but they don't cover preventing something from automounting when you don't have the detail11:58
TJ-httperr418: from what I read the control of auto-mount is done by gnome-disks12:00
httperr418that's the old way from my reading12:00
httperr418as far as I can see it has been replaced by udiskctl12:01
TJ-httperr418: if you know how to match the device(s) you can create a custom udev rule to have udisks ignore it/them by setting ENV{UDISKS_IGNORE}="1"12:02
TJ-httperr418: actually, you probably want to set ENV{UDISKS_AUTO}="0"12:04
httperr418is that a bash setting?12:04
httperr418can't see a conf file which would be appropriate12:06
httperr418nor a setting in udisksctl12:06
TJ-httperr418: check this: 200~http://paste.ubuntu.com/15456310/12:10
httperr418oh, it's an fstab setting?12:10
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TJ-httperr418: no; a udev rule12:10
TJ-that rule will tell udisks not to auto-mount *any* valid recognised file-system type12:11
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httperr418what file holds the udev rules?12:11
TJ-httperr418: read the pastebin12:12
httperr418oh very sorry, so used to people not putting helpful information like that in pastes that I didn't even think to look that12:13
httperr418at that*12:13
Tlanis ubuntu 16.04 beta 2 out?12:14
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1 | Tlan12:14
ubottuTlan: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+112:14
TJ-httperr418: I don't guarantee it'll work but based on the docs it ought to12:14
j0kkerare converted packagees with alien ok to install ? :D12:14
Tlando you know if it's out?12:15
cfhowlettTlan, "Support only in #ubuntu+1"  as in ... ask the correct channel12:15
httperr418regret to inform that it did not work TJ-12:20
httperr418it may be that I have misunderstood how to use the paste you gave me12:21
TJ-httperr418: copy the content into a file and put it in the file-system as the comment indicates12:21
httperr418yep, did that12:22
httperr418rebooted to be sure it would reload the configs, then tested12:22
TJ-httperr418: the rule might need some work; I'm not clear on exactly what it needs to match against to be set - I've guessed that any block device with a valid file-system would be the most obvious though12:22
httperr418yeah that does make sense12:23
TJ-httperr418: reboots not required for udev rules; they take effect immediately12:23
httperr418but just connected a USB stick and it auto mounted happily12:23
TJ-httperr418: it's always possible udisks doesn't obey that 'hint' as is described in the docs, of course12:24
httperr418:( ok12:24
cfhowletthttperr418, more than a bit over my head here, but I believe dmesg would record such an event and may provide a clue12:24
BluesKajHiyas all12:24
TJ-httperr418: best thing would be to check the value was set by udev when the device was connected - if we know that, we can reason about what to do12:24
httperr418where would I find that?12:25
cfhowletthttperr418, dmesg | tail12:25
j0kkerdo i need to install something about this: sudo: ./install: command not found12:26
TJ-httperr418: do you know what device (e.g. /dev/sdc) the USb device is right now?12:26
mojtabaHi, I have list files, and there is prwx. do you know what does p stands for?12:27
httperr418would you expect dmesg to produce new events when the device mounts?12:27
httperr418because it doesn't, I'm tailing it and got nothing12:27
cfhowletthttperr418, shows up in mine12:27
httperr418TJ-: sdb/sdb112:27
TJ-httperr418: then you can check with "udevadm info --query all --path /class/block/sdb1"12:28
httperr418but I would want it to not mount regardless of what sd* it got12:28
TJ-httperr418: if you can pastebin that info I can also scan it12:28
TJ-httperr418: so, the rule set it: "UDISKS_AUTO=0" ... and yet it was mounted, so udisks ignored the hint12:31
TJ-you could try using UDISKS_IGNORE="1" instead/as well12:32
TJ-httperr418: try changing the udev rule to be like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15457572/12:32
httperr418still mounts12:34
httperr418I'm going to have to go grab some food, will give you a wave when I'm back12:36
httperr418thanks for your time dude12:36
mojtabaHi, I have list files, and there is prwx. do you know what does p stands for?12:37
Cablegunmasterhey I have a problem with my keyboard settings but can't find a keyboard which has the double quote's and the double quotes fixed I need to type shift + ¨ + space to get the " <-- instead of double ¨ typing this key.12:46
Cablegunmasterhow to change it?12:46
wibekI want to install gcc-defaults from launchpad.net but how?12:46
k1lwibek: its included in gcc package12:49
wibekk1l: But if I install gcc I get 4.8.5 I want 4.912:50
k1lwibek: you might need a PPA for that.12:51
azi_how can I list all the i386 packages installed on my system?12:51
wibekYes, I've added https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/test but how do I install 4.9?12:52
cfhowlettazi_, dpkg -l | grep i38612:52
k1lwibek: what ubuntu do you use exactly?12:52
hateballCablegunmaster: you can use xmodmap if there's no traditional keyboard layout that looks the way you want12:52
wibekI use kubuntu wily12:52
azi_cfhowlett: thanks. is there a way to obtain just the names, so that I can send this as a list to someone that wants to install the exact same packages?12:53
cfhowlett!wily | wibek12:53
ubottuwibek: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.10 - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/wily12:53
TJ-azi_: "dpkg -l '*:i386' "12:53
k1lwibek: on that page you just linked: there is a dropdown menu where you can choose your ubuntu release and see what packages that PPA got for you.12:53
k1lwibek: its "gcc-5". so do a "sudo apt update && sudo apt install gcc-5"12:54
CablegunmasterI want to change my ¨ key functionality with " how can I do that :)?12:54
cfhowlettazi_, there is but the exact command escapes me at the moment.  sorry12:54
k1lwibek: but this is gcc 5.2.1. not 4.9. but that is the only one the PPA got12:54
mojtabaHi, I have list files, and there is prwx. do you know what does p stands for?12:54
wibekk1l: Ok, the higher version is no problem, I need at least 4.9.112:55
wibekI'm new to building in linux12:56
wibekNow I've gcc-5 but I need gcc and c++12:56
wibekI used to install build-essential12:57
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MonkeyDustmojtaba  it means 'pipe' ... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19780783/whats-the-p-permission-found-on-var-run-screen12:58
mojtabaMonkeyDust: thanks12:58
TJ-azi_: "  dpkg-query --showformat='${Package} ' --show '*:i386'  "12:59
mojtabaI can create proxy server using ssh -D locally and configure network manager manually to use it. Is there a way to select which addresses use this proxy? (By specifying something special in the URL, like http_proxy instead of http?) What is configuration URL for?13:05
timiniHey, just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu13:08
timiniIm just installing some binaries, jst wondering whaich folder I should use in Ubuntu?13:09
timinii know fedora user /usr/local13:09
BluesKajwhat bionaries?13:09
=== _Tristan-Speccy_ is now known as Tristan-Speccy
timinigoogle cloud tools SDK13:09
timinithey have a bunch of command line tools13:10
timinigutils and such13:10
BluesKajfrom debs?13:10
timinino from their own installer, asks for an install dir13:11
hateballtimini: you can just put them in ~/bin if you dont need it systemwide13:12
timiniOK if i want them systemwide?13:13
timiniis there something like /usr/bin13:13
timinior should I just put them in /bin13:13
httperr418hi TJ- have you had any other ideas?13:14
BluesKajusr/bin is default for a lot of default apps13:14
Ben64i'd use /opt/<something>13:14
httperr418I seem to recall the last time I managed this it was on 12.04 so that may have made things a bit different13:14
TJ-httperr418: have you tried the amended udev script?13:15
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httperr418no dice13:15
hateballtimini: I'd go with Ben64's suggestion, less messy than putting alongside packaged binaries13:15
httperr418which line in the output I pasted was it that tells you the rule was being applied, but ignored?13:15
TJ-httperr418: looks like those hints are ignored then13:15
pbxi lost the super-1, super-2, super-3... shortcuts for the launcher. how do i restore them?13:15
TJ-httperr418: so, the rule set it: "UDISKS_AUTO=0" ... and yet it was mounted, so udisks ignored the hint13:15
httperr418oh, is it just the fact that it's not doing anything?13:15
timinisounds good, /opt it is then13:15
TJ-httperr418: yes, your udev rule is working but udisks, or the thing controlling it, is ignoring the hints on what to do, which is opposite what the udisks documentation says should happen13:16
httperr418oh lovely13:16
httperr418I think last time I did this it was just via /etc/fstab13:17
TJ-httperr418: you could add entries in fstab matching the device IDs, with the option "noauto" but you'd have to know in advance the identity of the device(s)13:17
slietzauHey, can someone please help me debug a freeze at login screen? I'm running 15.10 with 4.2.0-27 kernel.13:17
httperr418hmm, there's no catch all in there? maybe that was a limitation I was unaware of last time I did this13:18
TJ-httperr418: are you using Ubuntu/Unity/Gnome? in those, as I understand it, gnome-disks controls/manages udisks13:18
=== matt__ is now known as matthelmke
MonkeyDustslietzau  reboot ... then, when you see the 5 dots, hit F12 ... what does it say13:19
httperr418it's just the standard 14.04 desktop install13:19
slietzauAfter booting I see the cursor blink once before the system freezes and is completely unresponsive ( Ctrl+Alt+F1 doesn't work)13:19
slietzauMonkeyDust: I think the boot is too fast, should i disable fastboot, splash and quiet?13:21
MonkeyDustslietzau  you can try that13:21
MonkeyDustslietzau  first time, someone says 'boot is too fast'13:22
slietzauBut then the system boots fine and if I hit CtrlAltF1 at the right time I'm able to get into tty1 and the system works until I switch to tty713:22
MonkeyDustmandela  it works13:24
slietzauMonkeyDust: Adding 'nomodeset' and 'xforcevesa' as boot parameters works too, but this is not a solution since I can't use my 2nd monitor.13:24
TJ-slietzau: is it a hybrid GPU system?13:24
slietzauyes, nvidia + intel13:24
slietzauTJ-: But the nvidia card should be disabled. I'm using that one only on windows.13:25
MonkeyDustmandela  stop13:25
lotuspsychjeslietzau: seems like 15.10 kernel is now, you not fully up to date?13:25
TJ-slietzau: check the /var/log/ files; kern.log, Xorg.0.log possibly too13:25
slietzaulotuspsychje: I had the same problem when I upgraded to 4.2.0-30 and I could solve it by going back to -27. But when I upgraded last friday my -27 kernel broke, too13:26
slietzaulotuspsychje: I tried the newest kernel and the issue is gone but external USB devices are not working at all. No idea what happened there...13:27
slietzauTJ-: I checked them. When the system freezes they have a line of garbage at the end. Nothing useful before the freeze13:31
TJ-slietzau: that suggests corrupted memory got written to the files13:32
TJ-slietzau: if the integrated GPU is being used, is it sharing RAM (memory) with the OS or does it have dedicated vRAM?13:33
slietzauIt seems like the best option would be to just update to the current kernel but then I have the problem with USB devices not working (strangely the internal keyboard works but nothing else)13:33
slietzauTJ-: It's the 940m. As far as i know the RAM is shared.13:34
TJ-slietzau: isn't "940m" an nvidia GPU?13:34
slietzauSorry, the internal GPU is the one from the 5600U, so not 940m :)13:34
tomaz__hi... i would like to limit the size of nginx access log ... and have everything under logrotate... can i do this without restarting nginx????13:35
TJ-slietzau: so as you're seeing video issues too it makes me wonder if there's some problem with memory sharing/allocation/exhaustion going on. read Xorg.0.log carefully see if it indicates how much memory it is using, and if its shared or not13:35
slietzauTJ-: The internal is intel HD graphics 5500 and the RAM is shared13:35
pbxhow do i set things so the super key pulls up the dash?13:36
stcpbx: It should do that by default. Have that never worked for you ?13:38
pbxstc, i turned it off somehow, and can't get it to take "just super" as the shortcut13:38
stcpbx: And your running stock ubuntu with unity, right =13:39
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stcpbx: You should be able to define the shortcut in compizconfig-settings-manager (not installed by default). See the screenshots in this link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/105558/how-do-i-disable-the-super-key13:40
yoggI made a "chmod 000  mytest.txt" and now tried as root "chmod 660 mytest.txt". But I get an access denied message (ubuntu 14.04). I also tried it with python with the same result. Is there a way to fix this (I can cat the file copy everything but this is somehow strange)?13:41
slietzauTJ-: Okay so before the crash there is a "Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference" in kern.log13:41
slietzauand i915 is on top of the call tracke13:42
MonkeyDustyogg  maybe with sudo13:42
DigitalIm installing ubuntu 15.10 right now (try live -> install ubuntu) and i dont want to encrypt my home folder, but the checkbox for that option cant be changed. can someone please help me with that?13:42
yoggMonkeyDust: I'm already root. But does also not work with sudo13:42
MonkeyDustyogg  chmod 000 was not a good idea ... try copying it, maybe the permissions change with yhe copy13:43
k1lDigital: what ubuntu is this exactly?13:43
k1lDigital: ubuntu doesnt enforce encyption.13:44
a40ntistosWhat do you suggest for a windows running laptop. To dualboot in the same hard drive Ubuntu or to install them on an external usb 3.0 ssd?13:44
EriC^^Digital: you can always remove it after you install13:44
yoggMonkeyDust: It was only a test, and I know haw I can workaround it, but its really strange that the root user can not make a "chmod" on a "000" file. Normaly root can do anything ^^13:45
k1la40ntistos: same disk dualboot. external is always slower13:45
a40ntistosk1l: even if it is usb 3.0 and ssd?13:45
Digitalk1l: ^^13:46
=== mohammad is now known as Guest56034
k1la40ntistos: yes.13:46
EriC^^Digital: make a new user in settings > user accounts13:47
Guest56034what is alternative for android studio and eclipse to program for android ?13:47
llutzyogg: what filesystem is your mytest.txt on?13:47
EriC^^Digital: type id first in a terminal to get a list of all default groups you're in13:47
k1lDigital: if you go back to the first page of installation wizard. is it still the same?13:48
yoggllutz: ext213:48
TJ-slietzau: looks like you've got a bug there, or else corruption or faulty memory even.13:48
llutzyogg: lsattr mytest.txt13:49
stcGuest56034: I don't think you will find anything that integrate everything together as well as those two.13:49
stcGuest56034: So you would have to use a couple of different applications to archieve the same thing.13:49
MonkeyDustyogg  why ext2 ?13:49
stcGuest56034: Eg. ATOM for editing, compile and start the emulator from the command-line.13:50
DigitalEriC^^: ok did that13:50
slietzauTJ-: I don't think it's faulty memory since the system runs fine under windows and other kernels are "working". Do you think 'update-initramfs' could solve the issue?13:50
k1l!ubuntu-make | Guest5603413:50
ubottuGuest56034: ubuntu-make is a command line tool which allows you to download the latest version of popular developer tools like android sdk and others. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make13:50
yoggllutz: MonkeyDust: I forgot about the immutable bit -.-   THX. Its an old system. But its time to change the fs to ext4 yes13:51
Guest56034stc, i am on ubuntu 14.0413:51
Digitalk1l: i cant go to the first page but after going back as much as possible it is still the same13:51
lalala123Hi, I'm trying to make my download folder read-only/non-executable, but when I use chmod 666, I cant save anything to the folder.13:51
EriC^^Digital: add your new user to the same groups except for the 1001 group13:51
TJ-slietzau: follow up the stack trace in the log; maybe post it in a bug report13:51
Guest56034stc, android studio is freez and eclipse is not supported for android any more13:52
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DigitalEriC^^: what same groups?13:52
Guest56034i need to write my program in java classes13:52
a40ntistosthanks a lot k1l . Also what do you suggest, to create the partition from windows or to let ubuntu installer to do it?13:53
Guest56034and then create a layout in xml and then convert my program to apk files13:53
k1llalala123: that is the result if something is read-only. you cant write to it13:53
k1llalala123: so your concept is not working in first place13:53
EriC^^Digital: did you type id ?13:53
lalala123kll: but it's read and write (666), shouldn't I be able to add a new file or does that fall under "execute" permissions?13:54
DigitalEriC^^: kk13:54
k1la40ntistos: windows cant create ubuntu partitions. just isntall windows. then use the widnows tools to shrink windows. then start the ubuntu sub and create the partitions in the free space.13:54
stcGuest56034: Hmm.. Java is unfortunately a language which is easiest written using an IDEA. And especially when it comes to android it is nice to have a one-button compile+run in emulator. So perhaps try to look into why android studio is freezing. Are you running the latest version ?13:54
stcIDEA = IDE13:54
Picilalala123: you need to have execute permissions on directories in order to traverse into them.13:54
k1llalala123: folders as such need +x to be able to be gone into13:55
DigitalEriC^^: the default user isnt in group 100113:55
EriC^^Digital: what groups did you get?13:55
lalala123Pici & k1l: I see. I've read that someone made all downloads read-only by default and I thought I could achieve that by using chmod on the download folder.13:58
Guest56034stc, i found a way to solve freezing but when i choose avd manager and choose a device for emulator for example nexus4 i cant see this device to start13:59
mobile3anyone here to explain zombie process?14:01
mobile3how forking twice avoid zombie? anyway we are giving wait() in that c program? so isn't it the wait doing the job instead of forking twice??14:01
stcGuest56034: It's not visible in the list of available device ?14:01
somsipmobile3: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process14:01
DigitalEriC^^: ^^^^14:01
EriC^^Digital: ok, add him to dip plugdev and cdrom14:02
mobile3somsip: I want the c program without wait() written in it! Can you please help?14:02
EriC^^sudo usermod -aG dip,plugdev,cdrom testuser14:02
k1lmobile3: i think that better suits into ##linux or a c channel14:02
somsipmobile3: no, you need a channel where c is discussed, like ##c14:02
EriC^^Digital: btw you can use paste.ubuntu.com to paste or <command> | nc termbin.com 9999 to paste directly14:02
mobile3It would be better I think in linux... lets see If I can connect!14:03
DigitalEriC^^: kk, done14:04
mobile3somsip: I am getting this error Cannot send to channel: ##linux14:05
EriC^^!register | mobile314:05
ubottumobile3: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:05
cisstrdif I install 15.10 now will I be able to upgrade to 16.04 ?14:06
somsipcisstrd: yes14:06
DigitalEriC^^: what now?14:06
EriC^^Digital: logout and login using the new user14:07
cisstrdsomsip: does using zfs change anything in that regard14:07
EriC^^sudo userdel -r <olduser> as well14:07
somsipcisstrd: dunno on that one14:07
k1lcisstrd: you even need to upgrade to 16.04 until july14:07
k1lcisstrd: and zfs will not change anything for you. the standard FS ist still ext414:08
DigitalEriC^^: i now try it again right?14:08
cisstrdit's not relatively urgent (though I have time on my hands right now)14:09
cisstrdnot sure if I should just wait14:09
cisstrdor I could install 16.04 right now (dailybuild)14:10
EriC^^Digital: try logging in with the new user, yeah14:11
cisstrd3 days away from the final beta freeze14:11
tomasm-anyone know how to get dnsmasq to allow for a locally hardcoded domain to be locally resolved? I've got in my resolv.conf as per network-manager, and "address=/.foobar.com/" in my /etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager  file, and even after I "service network-manager restart", nslookup foobar.com STILL resolves externally.14:11
MonkeyDustcisstrd  16.04 in #ubuntu+114:11
cisstrdah ty :)14:11
k1lcisstrd: if you need to ask, dont install a alpha/beta ;p14:12
cisstrdk1l: I am not looking for installation support am I? ;)14:12
slietzauTJ-: thanks for the help, I found a solution.14:13
DigitalEriC^^: i logged into the new user and run the installation guide but i still have no option14:13
EriC^^Digital: i said after you install you can delete the user with the home encryption and make a regular user14:14
Digitalwell, fail xd14:15
Guest56034stc, i dont see  that in the list14:16
StubbornOXanyone available to helpme setup snmp manager14:17
MonkeyDustStubbornOX  ask and wait14:17
StubbornOXI need some assistance with setting up an SNMP manger on ubuntu 14.0414:19
MonkeyDustStubbornOX  yes, you said that, let's hear it, in one line14:19
OptiprismWhy is #ubuntu-beginners invite only anyway?14:19
StubbornOXwhat is there to hear i need help14:19
PiciOptiprism: because it forwards here, and you are already here.14:19
MonkeyDustStubbornOX  start with a question14:20
StubbornOXhow do i setup a SNMP manager on Ubuntu 14.0414:20
stcGuest56034: Hmm.. are you sure that you have completed the "create new device" wizard correctly ? Perhaps watch a youtube video or something. It has been a while since I've developed Android apps, so i don't remember it properly. Sorry.14:21
OptiprismOk I've got a question, how can I make and install something from github? When I clone the repository I want there is no makefile or ./configure script, so what do I do?14:21
MonkeyDustStubbornOX  http://www.it-slav.net/blogs/2009/02/05/install-and-configure-snmp-on-ubuntu/14:21
k1lOptiprism: that might depend on the exact thing you want to install14:22
StubbornOXMonkeyDust thanks14:22
cisstrdOptiprism: read the README14:22
OptiprismThe readme just says to build and install it14:22
OptiprismIt's pretty minimal14:22
MonkeyDustStubbornOX  there are plenty tutorials on snmp14:23
OptiprismAny ideas how I go about finding out how to install it?14:23
StubbornOXMonkeyDust it seems i keep hitting my head on the wall with this for some reason.  My goal is to to setup a SNMP manager and  email server on a box to monitor my closed network(no internet at all)14:24
CablegunmasterOptiprism, http://www.it-slav.net/blogs/2009/02/05/install-and-configure-snmp-on-ubuntu/14:24
StubbornOXMonkeyDust I am really new to linux so please forgive me14:24
Guest56034stc,  i did it exactly14:25
k1lOptiprism: again: that depends on what exact program that is14:25
Guest56034stc how can i programming for my app in terminal?14:25
PiciStubbornOX: icinga/nagios can poll and email on snmp events. cacti is another mature tool for snmp managment, but I'm not sure what its alerts toolset is elike.14:25
OptiprismAlright, it is this thing: https://github.com/marlam/qvr14:25
StubbornOXPici I tried to find nagios in the software center and didnt and I doing that wrong aswell?14:26
stcGuest56034: There are a lot of text/code editors that can run in a terminal, such as VIM and EMACS. However, if you are not familiar with those I've would not recommend you starting to learn them when doing android development. My best advise right now, would be to uninstall everything android on your computer - and reinstall. Try to install the android studio using ubuntu-make14:27
PiciStubbornOX: These are all server tools, I'm not sure if they are advertized in the software center, but you can instal them using apt.14:27
elh9whats all that guest stuff14:28
StubbornOXPici ok its sudo apt-get install nagios?14:29
elh9stcsudo apt-get install nagios3 nagios-nrpe-plugin14:30
Guest56034stc, http://developer.android.com is blocked in my country14:30
PiciStubbornOX: I beleive the package name is nagios3.14:30
StubbornOXPici thats why i couldnt find it.14:30
stcGuest56034: I will make a video showing how to add a android virtual device, just give me five minutes.14:30
StubbornOXPici thanks14:30
Guest56034stc, okay14:31
tomasm-anyone know what file dnsmasq is supposed to be using for a config? I have 15.04 . It's NOT /etc/dnsmasq.conf14:31
elh9StubbornOX, looks like theres an additional package ontop of nagios314:31
elh9sudo apt-get install nagios3 nagios-nrpe-plugin14:31
Guest56034stc, i am using 1.5.1 android stusio14:31
elh9and nagios-nrpe-server14:32
StubbornOXelh9 ok thanks14:32
Picielh9: thats only if you want to use nrpe14:32
StubbornOXwha tis nrpe14:32
StubbornOXwhat is14:32
elh9is that not needed in this situ?14:32
elh9remote exec14:32
elh9remote monitor14:32
Picielh9: he said he wanted to use snmp14:32
elh9ah soz14:32
elh9< ignore14:33
StubbornOXI want to have have this box monitor my network and send an email if it recieves and alert14:33
StubbornOXfrom and snmp14:33
StubbornOXgrr i cant type14:33
StubbornOXfrom an snmp trap14:33
StubbornOXwith my limited linux experiance is nagios the best route for me?14:34
k1lOptiprism: hmm, cant find any thing on that. maybe you need to contact the ones making it14:35
stcGuest56034: Taking a while to Download.. :) Please be patient..14:36
Guest56034stc, okay thanks14:37
PiciStubbornOX: Its a solution. There may be others out there, but nagios/icinga is one of the industry standards for network monitoring. This tutorial looks to be rather good for setting up your own snmp monitoring with nagios, http://www.unixmen.com/monitor-linux-server-nagios-core-using-snmp/14:37
Optiprismk1l: Alright, thanks14:37
PiciStubbornOX: Theres also #nagios14:37
slietzauI installed a new kernel with `apt-get install linux-image-4.2.0-34` and when I boot that kernel only basic modules are loaded. How do I fix that?14:40
StubbornOXPici again thanks I will look into that.  Thanks14:41
k1lslietzau: what is the output of "lsb_release -d"?14:42
slietzauk1l: Ubuntu 15.1014:43
a40ntistosk1l I will create a partition from windows on my hard drive, when I boot Ubuntu from my usb stick in order to set up it I will choose Install Ubuntu alongside Windows boot manager os the Something else option?14:44
k1lslietzau: make sure "linux-image-generic" is installed14:44
slietzauI didn't know there was a fancy way for doing `cat /etc/issue` :)14:44
slietzauk1l: It wasn't installed. What do I need that for?14:45
k1lslietzau: that is the meta-package to make sure you have the latest kernel and headers14:45
slietzauk1l: Thanks, that fixed it I think. Which packages should I always have installed?14:46
k1lthat package will make sure you get all the latest kernel and headers. that is enough for the kernel and modules to be build14:49
dgarstangOff topic sorry. ANyone know a cloud provider that allows me to run vagrant boxes?14:49
k1ldgarstang: better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic14:49
stcGuest56034: Hope this will be helpful (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6np1YncbUEAUU1tQ1FzVjVrdG8/view?usp=sharing)14:52
jotalopezcanal venezuela14:54
stcGuest56034: The emulator took too long to start so you don't see that in the video - but it did. Eventually.14:55
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stcGuest56034: Hope this will be helpful (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6np1YncbUEAUU1tQ1FzVjVrdG8/view?usp=sharing)15:07
Guest56034stc, thank15:08
Guest56034i am downloading it15:08
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Guest56034stc, i did same15:10
Guest56034but no result15:10
stcGuest56034: And the device does not appear in the dropdown menu ?15:10
reza_samhi guys........I know how to turn swap off by entering sudo swapoff -a in the terminal, but that's just for the current session, because after a reboot swap turns itself back on. Is there any way to turn swap off permanently?15:10
Tin_manhello all i've a question, I'm newer than new with the ubuntu server i installed for a home server, the install went fine, installed ssh, when trying to log in from my other device it won't recognize my server password.15:11
k1lreza_sam: make a "#" in front of the line for swap in /etc/fstab15:12
reza_samk1l tnx ...now im going to test it w815:12
k1lTin_man: you need to give the user from the server: ssh user@serverip15:13
Tin_manoh, from the server side?15:13
k1lTin_man: no15:13
stcGuest56034: A complete reinstall would be me last advice.15:14
reza_samk1l : is it # /etc/fstab: static file system information.?15:14
Tin_manwell the instructions i followed said that if your userid was the same just use ssh dave@myipaddress15:14
stcGuest56034: Of android studio. Obviously.15:14
k1lyou have a user and pw on the server. from the clientside you need to run this command: ssh user@ip15:14
Tin_manthats what i did15:14
k1lTin_man: you need to use the same username in front of the @ as the username is on the server15:15
Tin_manplease try again after 3 times it says permission denied15:15
Tin_manpublickey, password15:15
Tin_manthere the same15:15
Tin_mansame on all my computers15:15
k1lreza_sam: you can show me the fstab with "cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"15:16
Tin_mani checked the /var/log/auth.log15:16
Tin_manand it only said terminated..15:16
k1lTin_man: what os and program do you use as client?15:17
reza_samk1l : http://paste.ubuntu.com/15463961/15:17
reza_sam plz check it15:17
k1lreza_sam: make # in front of the last line15:17
reza_samoh sheT ...ok ok w8 to test ir15:18
Tin_mani've tried it with ubuntu 14.04 and debian 815:18
Tin_manhave tried it with linux mint yet..15:18
k1lTin_man: you enter the right PW? the pw from the user on the server?15:18
k1lTin_man: then see the auth.log on the server15:19
Tin_mani can do anything on the server15:19
Tin_mandid that, only thing it has with sshd is 3 lines evertime i try to log in and the last line is "Terminated"15:19
k1lTin_man: details matter a lot here15:20
Tin_manit's upgrading now so it'l be a while before i can pastebin it..15:20
reza_samk1l : what is this eror? (gedit:2522): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files15:20
k1lreza_sam: please dont use GUI programs for that.15:21
k1lreza_sam: use "sudo nano /etc/fstab"15:21
reza_samk1l : ok my friend w815:21
k1lreza_sam: then make the #, then press ctrl+o to save it. ctrl+x to exit15:21
* k1l goes afk now15:22
k1lso if you have more details then ask the channel again15:22
reza_samk1l : i restart my pc and come back w815:22
reza_samk1l : oh...is not off again15:24
reza_sam hi guys........I know how to turn swap off by entering sudo swapoff -a in the terminal, but that's just for the current session, because after a reboot swap turns itself back on. Is there any way to turn swap off permanently? plz help me again15:28
geniiComment out the line in /etc/fstab that mounts it then15:29
keepnearhello,everyone,my vlc player has only voice when playing .mp4.what can i do15:32
akikreza_sam: pastebin the /etc/fstab file again15:32
reza_samakik : ok15:32
hetiiHi :)15:35
hetiiQ: How I can have a persistent live ubuntu booted over PXE ?15:35
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reza_samakik : http://paste.ubuntu.com/15464196/15:37
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akikreza_sam: you need to make the last line "#UUID=82b092c1-1bc9-4315-8299-ba83590a4727 none            swap    sw              0       0"15:38
akikreza_sam: without the quotes15:38
reza_samakik : so ...if my ram's system going to full..is it turn on auto?15:39
k1lreza_sam: no15:39
k1lit will stark killing programs15:39
ash_workzcan you go from 14.x to 15.x with a command or is that something where you'd have to jump on a liveOS, remove 14 and install 15?15:40
reza_samk1l : how can i turn in off and start it auto when my system need to iT?15:40
k1lreza_sam: that doesnt work15:40
hetiibtw I have a question regarding "boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot=" what exactly happen with the system when use nfsshare ? It just download casper/filesystem.squashfs and decompres into ram15:41
k1lreza_sam: but that is how swap works. it is only used when its needed. so you want a regular swap like you already have15:41
reza_samk1l : so ... now...os ot better myswapoff or on ?15:41
hetiior just mount it and access on demand ?15:41
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reza_samk1l : oh tnx15:41
reza_samk1l and akik: hummm...i like ur helping15:42
k1lreza_sam: what is the problem with swap? if the swap is used there is a reason. so if you disable swap it will have to do something like killing programs15:42
reza_sam<k1l> i dont heavy program to do...so i think is better go to off15:42
k1lreza_sam: if its not needed its not used15:43
EriC^^reza_sam: why do you think that?15:43
reza_samEriC^^, so i read about it that : swap is very bad if turn it and dont use from it :X15:44
reza_samEriC^^, so i read about it that : swap is very bad if turn it on  and dont use from it :X15:44
EriC^^reza_sam: where did you read that? it's wrong15:44
reza_samEriC^^, oh ...really? so tnx from ur help :)15:45
reza_samEriC^^, do u have LPIC - 2 ?15:46
EriC^^what's that? no idea here :D15:46
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reza_samEriC^^, Linux Professional Institute certification :X15:48
k1llinux certification. better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic about that, reza_sam15:48
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EriC^^oh ok, nope reza_sam15:48
reza_samK1L : i dont have question...i think that u have this certification ...and can helping to people15:49
k1lno, i dont have that cert.15:49
naccash_workz: the only supported ubuntus in that list are 14.04 and 15.1015:51
naccash_workz: and you can only (at this point) go 14.04 -> 16.04 or 15.10 -> 16.04 (once it's released), at least easily15:51
ropohow disable global changes in libreimpress?15:51
ropolike if i change a font of a text of the slide every other text's font chnages too15:52
lotuspsychjeropo: maybe the #libreoffice guys might know that one15:52
skinuxToday is release date for new LTS isn't it?15:52
ash_workznacc: okay... well supposing you wanted to do either of those; you could do so from the cli?15:52
lotuspsychjeskinux: no15:52
ash_workznacc: and if so, using what command?15:52
lotuspsychjeskinux: around 21st april15:52
skinuxOh...okay. Sorry15:53
lotuspsychjeskinux: join #ubuntu+1 for the schedule15:53
k1lskinux: its called 16.04 because its release will be in april 2016.15:53
skinuxI'm gonna run upgrades from Trusty non-LTS versions, then just upgrade to LTS when it's released,15:53
naccash_workz: technically questions about 16.04 are meant for #ubuntu+1, but you'd use the normal do-release-upgrade or the GUI w/ development releases enabled (as 16.04 is not yet released)15:54
k1lskinux: dont do that. that is a lot of effort. you can stay on LTS and upgrade with the official upgrade in july15:54
ash_workznacc: I see; "do-release-upgrade" ... I thought there was a command like that but I couldn't remember15:55
skinuxWell, I keep getting told Trusty is dead, yet there is no newer version released that anyone says I should upgrade to.15:55
naccskinux: trusty is not dead15:55
naccskinux: 14.04 is supported for 5 years15:55
naccskinux: hence "LTS"15:56
frank__i have ubuntu vivid, and i just recently updated.15:56
k1lskinux: trusty is not dead.15:56
naccfrank__: vivid, on the other hand, is dead :)15:56
k1lfrank__: vivid is dead. you need to upgrade to 15.1015:56
k1l!releases | skinux15:56
ubottuskinux: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases15:56
frank__sure also 15.10 is LTS15:57
naccfrank__: no.15:57
skinuxHmm. Well, how can I get PHP 7 on Trusty?15:57
lotuspsychjevanderson: welcome, how can we help you?15:57
naccfrank__: 12.04, 14.04, 16.04 are LTS15:57
k1lfrank__: no15:57
naccskinux: use Ondrej's PPA, which is unsupported here15:57
k1lfrank__: you need to upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 until july.15:58
naccskinux: officially, you cannot get PHP7 on trusty15:58
frank__my point is though that i might have updated at the same time i downloaded katoolin15:58
k1lfrank__: so first upgrade to 15.10 asap15:58
frank__which allowed my repository to be crowded with "kali" which is as well deb15:58
frank__i think =.=15:59
k1lfrank__: if you run that rubbish repos its not supported here anymore15:59
skinuxHow about unofficially?15:59
frank__this has caused my comp to recognize at a root level that it is kali15:59
lotuspsychjeskinux: its not recommended to go mix package versions like that15:59
frank__the issu though would be that i lost my interface in the transaction16:00
k1lfrank__: that is the reason its not supported here. talk to kali and the katoolin guys16:00
frank__now im stuck with terminal16:00
k1l!kali | frank__16:00
ubottufrank__: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:00
lotuspsychjeskinux: if you like other package versions, install other ubuntu version16:00
linux820my linux freeze at boot . it only shows logo please help me16:01
lotuspsychjelinux820: ubuntu version?16:02
linux820linux mint 17.116:02
lotuspsychje!mint | linux82016:02
ubottulinux820: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:02
k1llinux820: ask the mint guys then please16:02
frank__well its tricky most of my previous updates and roll backs are in fact from 14 trusty16:03
linux820where i found mint guys !! i ask for help in linuxmint-help but  no reply for long?????16:03
frank__hence my conundrum16:04
k1llinux820: see their webpage for support then. its not an ubuntu issue and its offtopic in here16:04
k1lfrank__: we cant help you. ask the kali and katoolin guys for help. they made your system a kali.16:04
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frank__if someone could help me understand how from a ubuntu now already a kali back to ubuntu16:05
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:06
frank__yea ok i get that16:06
k1lfrank__: make a reinstall of ubuntu16:06
frank__sure i could do a roll back16:06
k1lfrank__: the kali repos did mix a lot of packages. there is no safe way back to an official ubuntu16:06
frank__something that dosent take up space16:07
frank__any pointers16:07
frank__apart from a reinstall16:07
k1lfrank__: no. cant be done.16:07
frank__wow really thanks16:08
reza_samhi again...how can i find sources.list of on application and add it to my sources.lisT?16:08
k1lreza_sam: you mean: how to find a 3rd party PPA or other repo?16:08
k1lreza_sam: what program are you looking for?16:08
Sonderbladesudo rm ~/.fonts.conf, it says "operation not permitted" so how do i get rid of the file?16:10
k1lSonderblade: dont use sudo16:10
k1lSonderblade: in your users home there should not be stuff that needs sudo rights at all16:10
reza_sam<k1l> no....for exaple google chrom is not in the sowftware manager because we dont have repository of chrume....then we going to add chrume link to our sources.list in /etc/apt/sources.list16:10
EldonMcGuinnessAnyone familiar with AUFS or use it?16:11
Sonderbladek1l: yes. doesn't answer my question though16:11
k1lreza_sam: you dont add anything to your sources.list file.  3rd party repos will be added to the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory.16:12
k1lreza_sam: if you donwload the chrome .deb-file and install it, it will make its own 3rd party repo automatically16:12
k1lSonderblade: ls -al .fonts.conf16:12
elh9EldonMcGuinness, have you seen mergerfs?16:12
reza_sam<k1l> hummm.... if i want add 3rd party to my repository befor download .deb...what can i do?16:13
EldonMcGuinnesselh9, no I have not, I'll take a look16:13
Sonderbladek1l: -rw-rw-r--16:13
elh9its very simple, performs as well as aufs16:13
k1lreza_sam: you dont do it for chrome.16:13
k1lSonderblade: and owner and group?16:13
reza_sam<k1l> hummm.... so for other app...what can i do?16:14
elh9/mnt/data/* /storage fuse.mergerfs category.create=eplfs,defaults,allow_other,minfreespace=20G,fsname=mergerfsPool 0 0016:14
k1lreza_sam: that depends on the app.16:14
Sonderbladek1l: my username16:14
elh9EldonMcGuinness, just have that string in my /etc/fstab16:14
elh9and it pools all the data drives from my snapraid array16:14
EldonMcGuinnesselh9, does it do balancing and is it userland or kernel?16:14
k1lreza_sam: in general: there is the /etc/apt7sources.list.d/ folder where 3rd party repos are placed.16:14
elh9it does do balacning16:14
elh9and you have options on exactly how it does it16:14
EldonMcGuinnesssounds like it might be a winner then!16:15
reza_sam<k1l> iknow... for example i wanna add Viber messanger repository to my  repository befor download .deb16:15
k1lSonderblade: rm .fonts.conf16:15
elh9userland vs kernel, not fully sure16:15
Sonderbladek1 "operation not permitted"16:15
elh9its userland16:15
EldonMcGuinnesslooking to move a lump of data from a windows machine to a similar setup in nix, the data is currently managed by an app called drive bender.16:15
EldonMcGuinnessabout 12TB worth16:15
reza_sam<Sonderblade> use sudo su -l and then writw ur command16:15
Sonderbladereza_sam: i did, see channel log16:16
k1lSonderblade: please show the whole output of "uname -a", "pwd" and "ls -al" in a pastebin16:16
EldonMcGuinnessdrivebender does about the same thing as aufs so it should work out well.16:16
elh9i did a 3TB transfer to my mergerfs pool 2 days ago, with rsync, was all good16:16
elh9largest file was probably only 5GB though16:16
elh9but no problems16:16
EldonMcGuinnesselh9 any chance that it will work with NTFS partitions? :P16:16
k1lreza_sam: do they even have a repo?16:16
elh9i'm not sure about that EldonMcGuinness sorry16:17
EldonMcGuinnessno worries, thanks for the info16:17
reza_sam<k1l> how can i  understand it?16:17
k1lreza_sam: setting up a repo on programs that only allow download from their website is not working.16:17
elh9EldonMcGuinness, in terms of balacing,  in the mounting string above,  this part >>>  category.create=eplfs <<< controls the balacing16:17
reza_sam<k1l> so never i dont need to add repository manualY?16:18
EldonMcGuinnesscheers elh916:18
k1lreza_sam: that question doesnt make sense.16:18
elh9i think epmfs and eplfs will try to fill each drive first before moving on to the next16:18
elh9there are other strings that will keep your drives filled equally16:18
k1lreza_sam: i already said it depends on the exact program you want to install. but chrome and viber dont work that way.16:18
elh9no worries16:18
reza_sam<k1l> just interduse to me an app for test add repository of it to my sources list16:19
naccreza_sam: that's not how applications work in ubuntu. Tell us the application you want to add. Many are provided by Ubuntu in the official repositories.16:20
k1lreza_sam: no16:21
reza_samnacc : oh good tnx16:21
k1lreza_sam: never put something in your sources.list file yourself16:21
max_hi guys16:22
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k1lreza_sam: you keep asking the wrong questions. just use the official ubuntu repos for installing. and if you want to use a program that is not included, then we can look for that exact program.16:22
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reza_sam<k1l> yes ... my question is not goood...but tnx for ur explain :)16:22
reza_samand the end question..... for example i have USB toshiba 8G :i want when i connect it to my pc٫my photoes copy in ut auto16:24
gnukmananybody here use ubuntu mate?16:24
popeygnukman: yup16:24
popeygnukman: i use it on an old thinkpad x61s, love it16:24
popey(but then I would, I started the project)  😃16:24
gnukmanis there any way to change the odroid admin login name without creating a new account?16:25
gnukmani tried to chmod but it keeps telling me the odroid account is in process16:25
popeythose are unofficial images, but technically I don't think it differs from any other linux system - you'd need to create a new account, yes.16:25
ubottuenzuccio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:26
gnukmanhmm, ok ty popey16:26
popeyhave fun :)16:26
popeyI envy you. I want an odroid :)16:27
CarlFKwhat is the command to upgrade distro?  like from vivid to wily ?16:27
popey!upgrade | CarlFK16:27
ubottuCarlFK: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:27
popeyCarlFK: (basically sudo update-manager, or sudo do-release-upgrade)16:27
nexaceI am trying to apt-get install dosemu, however apt is saying the package isn't available. google says that "dapper" repository should be added but apt tells me its not found. any suggestions?16:28
CarlFKdapper.. is almost as old as dos6.22 ;)16:28
nexaceseems like it16:28
popeynexace: dapper is way unsupported16:29
lotuspsychje!usn | CarlFK see also the security risks on your eol version16:29
ubottuCarlFK see also the security risks on your eol version: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.16:29
nexaceaskubuntu.com still has dosemu listed as "multiverse" for Trusty16:29
popeyuh, 10 years old this year!16:29
nexaceis it possible to install with apt-get still?16:29
popeyi have it here on trusty, yes16:29
nexacehow did you install it?16:29
popeyapt install dosemu16:29
popeyit's in the trusty archive16:30
CarlFKpopey: my vivid seems to have it: apt-cache policy dosemu ... 0           500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ vivid/multiverse amd64 Packages16:30
popeylooks good CarlFK16:30
nexacepopey: E: Package 'dosemu' has no installation candidate16:30
popeynexace: what version of ubuntu is this?16:30
reza_samfor example i have USB toshiba 8G :i want to this job that when i connect it to my pc٫my photoes copy in it automaticly16:30
popeynexace: are you actually running 6.06 there? :)16:31
nexacepopey: Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS16:31
popeyok, good16:31
TJ-nexace: "apt-cache policy dosemu"16:31
popeynexace: can you pastebin (paste.ubuntu.com) your /etc/apt/sources.list  ?16:31
popeynexace: chances are you don't have multiverse enabled16:31
popeynexace: or go to software sources and tick the multiverse box16:31
nexaceTJ-: none for both16:32
nexacepopey: I am command line only16:32
llutzreza_sam: write a custom udev-rule to start "programm" when "device" is connected.16:32
nexacepopey: i will paste 1 sec16:32
reza_sam<llutz> how can i write it ?16:32
TJ-nexace: so prove if the component is enabled: "grep trusty.*verse" /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*}"16:32
reza_sam<llutz> i very like to learn it16:33
nexacepopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15464842/16:33
llutzreza_sam: as a start, read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98978016:33
nexaceTJ-: that command did not work16:33
reza_sam<llutz> oh....for this rule i have to write scripts?16:34
TJ-nexace: sorry, a typo! " grep 'trusty.*verse' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*} "16:34
TJ-nexace: that will show you any entries for BOTH "universe" and "multiverse" - if you don't see "multiverse" it needs adding16:34
PowaBangai have a problem with my harddrive usb16:34
llutzreza_sam: if you want "when i connect it to my pc٫my photoes copy in it automaticly", yes, it needs a script to do that16:35
popeynexace: as suspected, your multiverse lines are commented out16:35
PowaBangaI can't delete or modify any contain besause it is in read onli mode -_-"16:35
popeynexace: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and see lines 33-36 - remove the # from the front, so they start "deb ...."16:35
nexacepopey: k16:35
k1lPowaBanga: ususally drives will be in read only mode when errors happen16:35
nexacepopey: worked. thanks :)16:36
popeynexace: sweet!16:36
popeynexace: enjoy dos :)16:36
nexacepopey: running MajorBBS 6.2516:36
nexacepopey: telnet bbs.soc4ever.com16:36
PowaBangamy hard drive work realy good16:36
popeyhehe :)16:36
k1lPowaBanga: cna you show "dmesg | nc termin.com 9999" the url in here?16:37
llutznexace: bbs, that thing from .... too long ago? :)16:37
nexacellutz: yea somebody has to keep it alive :)16:37
* popey makes an account16:37
llutzpopey: 1st we've to throttle our inet down to 300bps16:38
JustMozzyhello everyone16:39
PowaBangaI haven't answer from your command16:39
lotuspsychjeJustMozzy: welcome, what can we do for you?16:40
popeyPowaBanga: typo - it's termbin.com - you missed the b16:40
k1lPowaBanga: that was a typo from me. its "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999"16:40
JustMozzyI am trying to capture all the files (not directories) that came with a package. when I use dpkg -L php5-cli it also shows directories like /usr/bin, however I want to copy all the files that were in that package to another directory. when I combine dpkg -L with xargs cp, I will end up copying everything under /usr/bin which is undesireable. does anyone have an idea?16:41
PowaBangadmesg | nc termbin.com 999916:41
k1l[  923.119049] Buffer I/O error on dev sdb1, logical block 1, lost async page write16:42
k1lthere was an issue with that drive. then it got hard unmounted and now the fat-fs is damaged. you need to umount it again and run fsck on it16:43
hetiiI create casper-rw file in my root of nfs share, in the system its accessible in /cdrom/casper-rw but its not used16:43
hetiiany clue if its possible to have casper-rw in nfs share?16:43
naccJustMozzy: write a helper script?16:44
k1lPowaBanga: well. actually it was in an unstable state from the beginning. so always unmount the usb devices. even on windows. before pulling the plug.16:44
PowaBangahow to resolve that ?16:46
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JustMozzynacc: thing is I'd like to make it dynamic, so that I can copy the files from virtually any package to another directory. or is there an option for apt to install the files to a different root?16:46
lotuspsychjeJustMozzy: can you explain what all this is for exactly? did you add ppa's or manual install or so?16:46
k1lPowaBanga: run fsck on the unmounted partition16:47
JustMozzylotuspsychje: it is more or less experimenting to extract packages in order to create a self-contained tarball. I do have scripts to get an application's dependencies, but I need an automated way to also get the configuration files and needed var directories16:48
k1lPowerKiller: and dont just pull the ocrd while its mounted on any system16:48
cariveriHi.How to auto boot the second best kernel instead of the newest?  kernel update failed. kernel doesnt boot without problems.16:48
PowaBangak1l how I do that, i should run "fsk /media/MyStorage" ???16:49
k1lPowaBanga: no. /media is for mounted partitions. you dont want to fsck a mounted device if you want to keep your data16:50
k1lPowaBanga: fsck the /dev/sdb116:50
k1lPowaBanga: after you umounted that /dev/sdb116:50
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k1lPowaBanga: sudo16:53
PowaBangaI do 1 ?16:54
lotuspsychjeJustMozzy: not sure if its exactly what you search for, but could apt-get download yourpackage help or aptoncd?16:55
k1lPowaBanga: yes.16:55
PowaBangaThere are differences between boot sector and its backup. ????16:56
k1lPowaBanga: what is on that drive?16:56
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PowaBangabackup of my actualy pc, boot with multisystem,… hmm… integral of walt disney movies…16:59
JustMozzylotuspsychje: thanks, I'll try it out17:00
PowaBangaintegral of stephen king movie too ^^17:00
cariverihey. please help. server drivers dont seem to be loaded when loading the kernel updated ubuntu. including basic network driver.17:00
PowaBangasome games…17:01
lotuspsychjecariveri: wich ubuntu version is this?17:01
PowaBanganothing important17:01
k1lPowaBanga: well i would use 1). but since the filesystem is already damaged there might be that some files could have errors afterwards.17:01
reza_sami want connet to my friend linux in network...and write to his terminal and can run command...is it posible?17:01
lotuspsychjereza_sam: ssh?17:02
cariverilotuspsychje: it is ubuntu 14.04 trusty right now, when the previous kernel is loaded.17:02
fibayes google for this, ssh will help17:02
lotuspsychjecariveri: updated to latest ?17:02
PowaBangaok, wait 5 min17:02
reza_samlotuspsychje, if i ssh to him.can does he see my command ?17:02
cariverilotuspsychje: I think so. but the update process once failed. it is a machine from someone else desperate for help.17:03
fibatry to boot in restore mode17:03
reza_samlotuspsychje, i want teach him....i want that see my command when i explain to him17:03
fibain grub you can check restore mode or some else boot option17:03
fibacheck your sda for bads17:04
lotuspsychjereza_sam: remote software then, vnc over ssh or teamviewer17:04
TJ-reza_sam: it can be done using a terminal multiplexer, e.g. with tmux in multiuser mode17:04
reza_sam<TJ-> explain more17:05
MarezzHi, can someone please tell me how can I completely remove zeitgeist from Ubuntu 14.04?17:05
llutzreza_sam: or using screen https://www.getfilecloud.com/blog/how-to-share-ssh-commandline/17:05
k1lMarezz: you are aware that a lot of services dont work then? like searching for files etc?17:05
reza_sam<lotuspsychje> his internet is week...team viewer is heavy for his internet17:06
reza_samllutz, i want show them liv17:06
Guy1524hey guys, an awesome new nvidia driver just came out: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/100577/en-us  and I want to install it on my optimus laptop with a 960M.  Last time I tried installing a driver by just using the .run it broke my installation, could someone guide me through the process of installing the driver.  Also, if there are no negative affects I would like to use wayland (ubuntu gnome 15.10), should I insta17:06
reza_samTJ-, can u say about ur sugest more?17:07
cariveriok. doing the fschk option. but the utils when booting the recovery of the latest kernel get stuck often.17:07
llutzreza_sam: sharing a ssh-session is live...17:07
k1lGuy1524: you overestimate the stability of wayland and new video drivers17:07
libbieshow is the default dns search domain defined in ubuntu?17:08
Guy1524k1l: https://forum.teksyndicate.com/t/oh-hello-wayland-how-did-you-happen/9853217:08
Marezzk1l, I can live with that17:09
cariverilotuspsychje: yes. stuck again :(17:09
reza_sam<llutz> when i ssh to him...he can see result of my command...for example....mkdir reza....he cant see mkdir reza in his terminal...but can see the result of this that folder in his deskto17:09
TJ-reza_sam: Person A would start "tmux new-session -s shared_session". Person B would ssh into a separate user account on the same PC, and then do "tmux attach-session -t shared_session" and at that point would be sharing person A's terminal17:10
lotuspsychjeMarezz: why not just tweak your existing system and disable all you need?17:10
k1lGuy1524: wayland is everyting but stable. there is missing a lot from the desktops like gnome or kde. and  a mass of programs not ready for wayland too.17:10
cariverilotuspsychje: just after reading on partitions. sda5, sda3 in that case.17:10
Guy1524x programs work on wayland through a wrapper I am told17:11
k1lMarezz: i see most people wanting to remove zeitgeist due to FUD. but that is wrong. zeitgiest is not sending data anywhere.17:11
jackcomgimp can’t saved as jpg?17:11
Guy1524ya through XWayland17:11
k1lMarezz: but if you want to remove it, just uninstall the zeitgeist package and reboot17:11
jackcomgimp can’t saveas jpg?17:11
Guy1524k1l: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/wayland#XWayland17:11
k1lGuy1524: they "work". but its not like on a regular desktop17:11
k1lGuy1524: no copy&paste, crashes a lot, windowbuttons not working. no resizing. video errors.....17:12
lotuspsychjejackcom: you could ask the #gimp guys17:12
jackcomthanks lotuspsychje17:12
ulstrahh it's a wonderful day17:12
Guy1524k1l: really, didn't know that17:12
k1lGuy1524: i know. i just tested live versions of gnome and kde on wayland 2 days ago.17:12
Marezzk1l, oh, nice, I read somewhere that uninstalling it also removes unity and breaks the system17:12
lotuspsychjecariveri: does it occur when booting all previous kernels?17:14
dhex16help with dd program?17:14
renn0xtk9is it normal that shortcut form ubunut applications (e.g ctrl+w or drag drop in rhythmbox ) do not work in kubuntu  (kde ) ? is there any way to fix it ?17:14
Guy1524idk, the guy on the forum seems to be having a good expierience with it, he says he can play CS:GO with pretty good framerates.  And cs:go uses SDL2 which uses X if I am correct17:14
k1lGuy1524: so, if you follow the wayland progress a while you will see its said "it is production ready since ages" but in reality its still very crashy and not a daily desktop except for very limited usage.17:14
cariverilotuspsychje: problems only occur on the newest kernel. other previous kernels work.17:15
lotuspsychjecariveri: ah, file a new bug mate, but before you do make sure your up to date with system17:15
lotuspsychje!bug | cariveri17:15
ubottucariveri: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:15
k1lGuy1524: "some guy on the internet said he got a new fps record on wayland"? :)   you are free to test it yourself. but dont expect wonders17:15
TJ-cariveri: lotuspsychje it'd be worth checking the hash of the /boot/vmlinuz-$VERSION of the failing kernel against the package's hash list in case it is corrupt17:16
TJ-cariveri: lotuspsychje also, it'd be worth re-generating the related initrd.img17:16
PowaBangaf1k, i come back in 1 hour17:16
k1lMarezz: see "sudo apt-get remove --dry-run zeitgeist*"  to see what will be removed17:16
k1lMarezz: if you are worried about security or privacy issue see the privacy settings in system settings17:17
Guy1524I guess Ill stick w/ X a little longer then ):17:19
TJ-cariveri: lotuspsychje  use "VERSION="$(a.b.c-d-generic)"; pushd /; grep boot/vmlinuz /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-${VERSION}.md5sums | md5sum -c; popd"17:19
lotuspsychjeGuy1524: MIR is comming our way17:19
cariverilotuspsychje: it is version 3.13.0-83-generic that failed.17:19
lotuspsychjecariveri: try what TJ- suggest ^17:20
fooI'm having an issue with mysql daemon. I do service mysql stop, it says stopped, but ps aux|grep mysqld shows it's still running. Any idea how I can stop this?17:20
TJ-cariveri: lotuspsychje  check the hash with "VERSION="$(3.13.0-83-generic)"; pushd /; grep boot/vmlinuz /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-${VERSION}.md5sums | md5sum -c; popd"17:20
fooah, it stopped now17:20
cariveriTJ-: I assume to do that I would have to boot the recovery mode?17:20
TJ-cariveri: any working kernel boot17:20
TJ-cariveri: here's what to expect if the kernel image is good (this is for my installed kernel version here) e.g. "boot/vmlinuz-4.5.0-rc5+: OK"17:21
TJ-cariveri: it's simply a file integrity check to ensure you've got a good kernel image, without any corruption in it17:22
fooAny idea what might cause this error? https://bpaste.net/show/10a0ed3da2dd17:22
cariveriTJ yes. I see.  Im in the root shell now from the recovery mode. let me see...17:23
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BingoEriC^ my fantastic buddy !17:24
MonkeyDustfoo  it helps if you say, which ubuntu version, whne did the error come up, what were you doing, what do you want etc17:24
TJ-cariveri: I have to leave for a while. However, if that file checks out, then do "update-initramfs -u -k 3.13.0-83-generic" to rebuild the image, then try booting that kernel version again17:24
TJ-cariveri: also ensure that /boot/ has sufficient free-space (dh -h )17:25
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corndogeHey, I'm running ispconfig+postfix+dovecot and I can use this (https://www.wormly.com/test_smtp_server) to send emails from my server without username/password. What could be the problem ?17:30
llutzcorndoge:  postfix misconfigured17:31
corndogellutz, i thought so but could you tell me what the setting that causes this could be?17:31
cariveriTJ-: I did it without the exported variable of the version and I get : "no correctly formatted md5 checksum found" are you sure that commadn was correct? grep looks up /booT/...generic  inside of the file /var/...generic.md5sum  piping the result to md5sum -c ?17:31
cariveriTJ-: the pushd /; I did not understand though17:31
TJ-cariveri: the pushd saves the current directory and changes to / in order to run the command17:32
llutzcorndoge: check smtp_sender*, smtp_sasl* entries17:32
cariveriTJ-: alright, then I could just go there.17:32
TJ-cariveri: sure; having pushd ensures the commands work no matter what17:33
Bingois KdenLive for kde only?17:33
cariveriTJ-:  still, the result is not correctly formatted checksum. so the krnerl is in deed corrupt?17:33
TJ-cariveri: no; that sounds like the grep isn't extracting a line from the packages' md5sums file17:34
llutzcorndoge: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix for ideas17:34
TJ-cariveri: does the .md5sums file actually exist?17:34
corndogellutz, thanks i'll do that17:35
cariveriTJ-: for sure it does.17:35
TJ-cariveri: then there's something incorrect in the commands you've typed17:35
TJ-cariveri: try the grep part on its own to prove you get a single line out for boot/vmlinuz17:35
TJ-cariveri: also, check "ls /boot/vmlinuz*" to see the installed kernels17:36
cariveriTJ-: yes. I trimmed the path away. and the result is now. boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-83-generic: OK17:37
Guest61014i am going to install android studio with umake android command in terminal developer.android.com is blocked for my country and i need to use tor socks proxy in terminal what do i do that ?17:37
TJ-cariveri: great, so the kernel is valid. now regenerate the initrd17:37
TJ-cariveri: do "update-initramfs -u -k 3.13.0-83-generic" to rebuild the image, then try booting that kernel version again17:37
TJ-cariveri: the initrd contains many kernel modules and other bits that, if corrupted, could cause problems17:38
EldonMcGuinnessAnyone here use AmazonCloud?17:38
cariveriTJ-: ok. need to boot the other kernel before that. because the files system was in fact read only.17:39
BingoDatamation (online) best desktop 8/2015, Ubuntu, LinuxMint, ZorinOS, SolyDX, PCLinux OS, L/Xubuntu, Antergos17:39
MonkeyDustEldonMcGuinness  how is your question ubuntu related?17:39
EldonMcGuinnesswanting to know if it works well with ubuntu?17:39
Bingoit's installed in 14.04 ubuntu17:40
renn0xtk9no idea why shortcut do not work under kde ?17:40
MonkeyDustEldonMcGuinness  #ubuntu-offtopic17:40
Guest61014i am going to install android studio with umake android command in terminal developer.android.com is blocked for my country and i need to use tor socks proxy in terminal what do i do that ?17:41
cariveriTJ-: ok. it was regenerated. rebooting that beast.17:41
Guest61014i am going to install android studio with umake android command in terminal developer.android.com is blocked for my country and i need to use tor socks proxy in terminal what do i do that ?17:41
cariveriTJ-: it booted as expected. but networking and graphics still fail.17:43
Bingoumake is making android studio.17:43
tinyalphawhat are you guys up too17:44
TJ-cariveri: now go to the logs. Check /var/log/kern.log for kernel problems - possibly a 3rd party driver rebuild is required and wasn't done17:44
Guest61014i am going to install android studio with umake android command in terminal developer.android.com is blocked for my country and i need to use tor socks proxy in terminal what do i do that ?17:45
lotuspsychje!patience | Guest6101417:45
ubottuGuest61014: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:45
cariveriTJ-: I looked for error|fail and foudn that sd3 had mounting problems, and fail occured on something like ata1.00: failed to get NCQ Send/Recv17:47
cariveriTJ-: otherwise nothing obvious.17:48
Bingoman, is Xenial 16.04 Beta 2 online?17:54
k1lBingo: #ubuntu+1 for unstable releases17:54
Bingonutting stable yit       ?17:54
cariveriTJ-: perhaps this?: snd: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel.17:55
k1lBingo: its not released yet. it will be released by the end of april. that is already in the name, since its 2016.april17:55
BingoOh, k1l , wull. I asked in there anyway17:57
Bingotha Upgrader will pull it down when it happens..17:58
Bingoi dont like the wall papers. there are beter. my 14.04 did not has wallch, change papers with.17:59
lotuspsychje!discuss | Bingo18:00
ubottuBingo: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.18:00
BingoMir? replace x.11 ?18:03
k1lBingo: some day. yes.18:03
insidiousCan someone help me? im running the latest version of ubuntu and my blacklit keys were working fine... i did a update reboot and keys wont turn on.18:11
insidiousAny ideas?18:11
sebsebsebinsidious: blacklist keys what do you mean?18:12
insidiousthe lights on the keybored18:13
sebsebseboh back light keyboard ok18:13
sebsebsebinsidious: when did you put 15.10 on? were they working b before in 15.10 ?18:13
insidiousi went into power settings tried to use the manual brighness18:13
insidiousyes they were working for two weeks18:14
MonkeyDustinsidious  what's 'the latest' to you? 15.10 or 16.04 ?18:14
lotuspsychjeinsidious: isnt there a Fn + key combo for enable/disable or some?18:14
sebsebsebmaybe a bad update or something...18:14
insidiousfn keys only working for the display brightness18:14
insidiousi know the lights still work because when i reboot and after bios they light up18:14
insidiousjust inside ubuntu they dont wok.18:15
lotuspsychjeinsidious: ok then it needs deeper investigation in your logs18:15
lotuspsychjeinsidious: can also try booting a previous kernel to test18:15
insidiouslotuspsychje... both versions worked.18:15
insidiousi ran the update command before i rebooted18:16
insidiousand then they stopped working18:16
insidious15.10 for the last two weeks they worked fine. until i rebooted18:16
k1linsidious: what keyboard?18:17
lotuspsychjeinsidious: check your dmesg/syslog see if any related error shows up18:17
insidiousk1l: dell latitude e641018:17
insidiouslotuspsychje:  how do i do that?18:17
k1linsidious: cna you reboot to the second latest kernel in grub?18:18
lotuspsychjeinsidious: you can sue the logviewer icon, or manuallu browse /var/log18:18
insidiouslotuspsychje:  http://pastebin.com/VhMZGKDF18:20
lotuspsychjeinsidious: try also what k1l suggests as test18:20
insidiousi don't know how to do that.18:21
insidiousand the latest kernel version was working fine for two weeks.18:21
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insidioustheir is not a manual terminal command to enter?18:22
lotuspsychjeinsidious: http://askubuntu.com/questions/13886/how-to-light-up-back-lit-keyboard18:23
k1linsidious: reboot. press left shift on booting. see the grub menu. try the older kernel18:23
A1ReconHas anyone managed to install VLC 2.2.x on Ubuntu 14.04? vlc 2.1 can't play many formats.18:23
MonkeyDustA1Recon  what formats can't you play18:24
insidiousok ill try k1l18:25
A1ReconI tried downloading some videos from Youtube using youtube-dl. For some reasons uses ffmpeg to merge "mp4+some audio format" into a mkv file. vlc 2.1 says this is an undf format and can't play it. @MonkeyDust18:26
A1ReconMonkeyDust, ^18:26
MonkeyDustA1Recon  i guess 'mp4 + some audio format' is indeed not defined18:27
MonkeyDusttoo vague18:28
A1ReconI can confirm that vlc 2.2 can play these formats .... even MX Player on android can play these mkv files18:28
MonkeyDustA1Recon  correctly recorded mkv files18:29
MonkeyDustA1Recon  if you don't get an answer here, ask in #ubuntustudio18:29
A1ReconMonkeyDust, dude it works on vlc 2.2 and MX Player on android. Same exact file which I copied to my mobile..... All I need is a way to update vlc to 2.2.x on Ubuntu 14.0418:30
A1ReconIs there a way to that?18:30
MonkeyDustA1Recon  drop the 'dude' ... try the !backports, if you're looking for a more recent version of vlc18:31
A1Reconwow sorry...18:31
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:33
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DanciaHello. I am quite new to linux/ubuntu and have a question. For example I installed some kind of service with user1. Can I somehow "give away" this service to other user as if it was created with user2, not user1?19:04
k1lDancia: what service are we talking about and how was it installed?19:05
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llutzDancia: if the service has no option to run as different user, you cannot change the euid of that process during runtime easily19:07
Danciak1l, well, to be exact I tried to install VM GUI (phpvirtualbox). And I did it with wrong user. I have created separate user vboxuser to use it in config file, but since (as I believe) I installed phpvirtualbox with other user, I cant establish connection using VBOXWEB_USER=vboxuser to VM GUI19:10
DanciaBasically, what I am asking, is it possible to switch VBOXWEB_USER to other user in phpvirtualbox.19:11
DanciaSorry for my lack of knowledge on this topic. xD19:11
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k1lDancia: i dont know about phpvirtualbox.19:15
k1lDancia: maybe the guys in #ubuntu-server know better about that specific program.  but in general it should be easy to switch the user the program is started as. look at the upstart starting script or whatever it starts19:16
Danciak1l, Ok, thanks for tips. That's enough info for me to more forward.19:17
k1lDancia: you might need to change some permissions to that new user if there are permission errors after changing the user.19:19
PowaBangaK1L are you here ?19:21
k1lPowaBanga: just a few minutes19:21
PowaBangacool :)19:21
k1lPowaBanga: 1)19:24
PowaBangawhat this will do ?19:25
ksftI'm having problems with my graphics card19:25
ksftI tried to install pycuda, but it broke something19:25
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ksftI have an NVIDIA graphics card, and I have nvidia-352 installed19:26
phenomenonIs there a way to make ovpn client from ovpn.se to automatic load on startup?19:26
ksft`apt-get install pycuda` installed nvidia-340 too, which stopped the graphics card from working19:27
ksftsomeone here suggested I `apt-get purge nvidia*` and install just nvidia-35219:27
ksftthat made the graphics card work again, but it also got rid of pycuda19:27
RazzdollI believe I have multiples in my apt source file. Is there a way to find out what I just need?19:27
ksftcan anyone help me?19:27
PowaBangak1L http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-15488819:28
k1lPowerKiller: correct it: 1)19:29
PowaBangaPerform changes ? (y/n)19:29
k1lRazzdoll: why do you think that?19:29
k1lPowaBanga: y.19:29
ksftk1l: you helped me yesterday19:29
ksftI was having problems with my graphics card19:29
k1lPowaBanga: that drive is a mess. you have no change not fixing it.19:29
PowaBangaInvalid input19:30
Razzdollk1l, I am seeing the same link update.19:30
k1lPowaBanga: y19:30
Razzdollk1l, then it is saying error not found, etc.19:30
k1lRazzdoll: put all the output into paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here19:30
Razzdollk1l, ok one second19:31
k1lksft: i dont know what driver pycuda needs to work with.19:31
ksftk1l: would installing it and then uninstalling nvidia-340 work?19:32
ksftor uninstalling nvidia-352?19:32
k1lPowaBanga: you made a big Y, not a small y19:32
TaholmesGood afternoon -- Anyone have a recommendation for a good linux program that will allow me to use my graphics tablet to annotate PDF files? Im using Okular right now, it works but is not great19:32
Razzdollk1l, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15467062/19:32
k1lksft: if pycuda only works with 340 and has that as a depency it will get removed again.19:33
k1lksft: so sort what programs you want and what their depency is19:33
ksftk1l: sort?19:33
k1lRazzdoll: eeeek19:33
Razzdollk1l, uh oh, not good?19:34
k1lRazzdoll: never ever again use that sources.list builders and put 3rd party repos into your sources.list19:34
ksftk1l: why does nvidia-340 being installed prevent a program from using nvidia-352?19:34
k1lksft: you said pycuda needs 340. i said i dont know about pycuda19:35
Razzdollk1l, oh. so do you know the file I should be using? Or correctly, rather. (lol)19:35
ksftk1l: I have a game that won't run if I install pycuda (and nvidia-340 with it)19:35
ksftglxgears also doesn't work if I have it installed19:36
k1lRazzdoll: yes. 3rd party repos belong into their own files in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder19:36
bqhow to take screenshot?19:36
k1lksft: so dont install 340 and pycuda if you want that game :)19:36
Razzdollk1l, Do you have a working source file, or correct one?19:36
MrSassyPantsI can no longer access my samsung android phone, was a bug introduced into the mtp stuff?19:36
ksftk1l: but I want pycuda19:36
ksftk1l: it completely breaks graphics, not just that game19:37
PowaBangaHe speak with 3 people at same time ^^19:37
ksftinstalling pycuda makes glxgears not work19:37
k1lRazzdoll: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/sources.list/#Wily  just change the de. to fr.19:37
k1lPowaBanga: so its done?19:38
PowaBangafor me, the harddrive is ever in read onli19:38
k1lPowaBanga: sudo eject /dev/sdb19:38
k1lPowaBanga: then plug it in again19:38
k1lsee dmesg19:38
PowaBangaha !19:39
PowaBangait work19:39
PowaBangarealy thanks !!!19:39
k1lksft: so maybe pycuda is the issue. where are you installing it from? look at what depencies it got.19:40
* k1l is afk now19:40
Razzdollk1l, thanks. how come 15.10 doesnt have a securitys deb?19:43
TiNKrankromani pe aici19:44
xnottehello! i cant install nothing. All packages say "The following packages have unmet dependencies:.........E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.". I was after a apt-get upgrade. I've done apt-get update, clean, autoclean and nothing solves this19:44
TiNKrankromani pe aici19:44
TiNKrankromani pe aici19:44
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Ben64xnotte: paste the full error on paste.ubuntu.com19:44
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xnotteBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15467219/19:45
Razzdolloops k1l , i see it, thanks. FR is Franch isn't it?19:46
Ben64xnotte: what version of linux19:46
xnotteBen64: 12.04 LTS19:47
naccxnotte: using any PPAs or anything?19:47
xnottenacc: no19:47
Ben64xnotte: ok, now pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy mysql-server mysql-server-5.5"19:48
Ben64now apt-get install mysql-server-5.519:49
xnottehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15467280/ all dependencies are broken for all packages19:49
Ben64well i have to go to work, keep following the dependencies, and running apt-cache show <package> and try installing them until you find the problem19:50
Razzdollk1l, how could i fix this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15467289/19:50
Ben64Razzdoll: he's been gone for a while now19:51
larisiocete version ubuntu 15.10 est fantastiq19:52
Razzdollk1l, well dang.19:53
RazzdollBen64, I mean, well dang lol19:53
Ben64and that error is because the repositories don't exist19:53
xnotte_Ben64: sorry timeout. said sometghing ?19:53
Ben64xnotte: well i have to go to work, keep following the dependencies, and running apt-cache show <package> and try installing them until you find the problem19:53
xnotte_Ben64: ok thanks19:55
larisiocan't install skype on ubuntu 15.1019:56
Delta706is there a way to have a script that is run at shutdown time?19:59
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest66908
larisioit seems that gays here have high knowledge, tell me please just how to install skype20:01
LoshkiDelta706: yes, generally the same mechanism that starts things also shuts them down. I expect the details differ depending on whether you are pre or post systemd.20:02
Loshkilarisio: sorry, I only support heterosexual skype20:02
PowaBangak1l, I can delete file from my hard drive, but I can create any new file20:06
PowaBangait say the hard drive is read only :(20:06
larisioLoshki: i know an old french maxime which says: "qui s'excuse s'accuse" ---- translate to know ---- By the way: in your language gay mean """"fellow"""" isn't?20:06
MonkeyDustlarisio  Loshki keep this channel family friendly20:06
Loshkilarisio: "guy" means "fellow". "gay" means homosexual. Just my little joke.20:07
=== jan is now known as Guest30212
larisiook but I just want to know how to install skype but i received that20:08
maquisIf my computer is currently running 4.2.0-30, why would apt-get upgrade be wanting to install kernel 4.2.0-16?  Is it trying to downgrade my kernel due to a bug or something?20:08
Loshkilarisio: well what happens if you go to http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/ and install it from there?20:09
naccmaquis: what version of ubuntu?20:10
maquisnacc: 15.10 server20:10
naccmaquis: did you happen to enable the updates component at some point and then disable it again?20:11
TJ-maquis: what does "apt-cache policy linux-image-generic" report?20:11
maquisnacc: i don't think so20:11
maquisTJ-: http://pastebin.com/UdpJLPZj20:12
maquisuname -r says: 4.2.0-30-generic20:13
TJ-maquis: it looks like you have at some point uninstalled "linux-generic" and/or "linux-image-generic" which are the placeholders that always depend on the latest actual linux-image-$VERSION20:13
maquisTJ-: huh... i have no idea how I could've done that. So, should I install one/both of those?20:14
deadlockHello, guys. The 'xinput' command will be available in the Mir? I need to disable touchscreen and i can do it with this command, but i don't know if it will work in Unity 8.20:15
TJ-maquis: however, on 15.10, "apt-cache depends linux-image-generic" reports "Depends: linux-image-4.2.0-16-generic, linux-image-extra-4.2.0-16-generic, linux-firmware"20:15
TJ-maquis: so it looks like that installed -30 version is from some other source20:15
littlebunnyfufudeadlock: Try #ubuntu-desktop for Mir20:15
naccmaquis: it's from -updates, afaict20:15
naccTJ-: --^20:15
naccTJ-: maquis: but i think TJ- is right, at some point linux-image-generic was removed and so the autoremovals/updates aren't being trakced properly by apt20:16
maquisno idea how I did that... Actually, I did mark something when I was installin to say that I did want automatic security upgrades... would that cause it?20:16
TJ-maquis: strike that; my system is incorrect, the current version is actaully -3720:16
maquisseems like it shouldn't, though20:16
deadlocklittlebunnyfufu: thanks, man20:16
TJ-maquis: Yes; the -37 comes from the security pocket20:16
TJ-maquis: see http://packages.ubuntu.com/wily/linux-image-generic20:17
maquisTJ-: ah... so maybe if I do an apt-get update and then upgrade, maybe it will fix it all?20:17
TJ-maquis: "apt-get dist-upgrade" will upgrade to newer kernel package versions20:17
TJ-maquis: but you may still need to re-install "linux-image-generic" to have it happen automatically - otherwise you'll need to give apt-get the actual package name-version20:18
maquisTJ-: cool. thanks!20:19
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coolballI have 32 bit ubuntu... do I have an option for running chrome?20:26
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wbillis there anyway in ubuntu on the command line to make the level for the input on the sound card say from a mic to always be the same boot after boot mine keeps minimalizing everytime i boot from scratch???20:36
wbilllike maybe when it restarts it runs this command kind of a deal20:37
minimecwbill: Read through this askubuntu question... Maybe try 'alsactl --file ~/.config/asound.state store' ... alsactl --file ~/.config/asound.state store20:40
minimecwbill: http://askubuntu.com/questions/50067/howto-save-alsamixer-settings20:40
wbillok tyvm minimec20:42
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peacefrom where can i get libcap-progs for ubuntu?20:52
peacesudo apt-get libcap-progs doesn't works?20:53
Picipeace: Why do you think that is a package name?20:53
aethersispeace, you could try apt-get install libcap2 libcap2-bin20:54
Picipeace: Are you looking for a specific application?20:54
peacePici: was tryng to build something.found on their readme?20:54
aethersispeace, more details please20:55
aethersisin the worst-case scenario you might have to download the specific version source code and build it on your own, but first make sure what exact libraries are required20:56
peaceaethersis: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/gitweb?p=online.git;a=blob;f=loolwsd/README;h=5d1e0819f601665831be9d6721cc45c5bce7c270;hb=HEAD ---> line 1120:57
peaceaethersis: libcap2 libcap2-bin are already there.But please assure it's the right thing and libcap-progs is not20:58
Picipeace: its hard to tell without knowing what they think is in libcap-progs21:00
revealwhere does ubuntu 14.04 LTS server store the name servers, not in /etc/resolv.conf?21:01
revealask this bc im creating a kickstart file and want to set the name servers21:01
peacePici: https://sites.google.com/site/fullycapable/ ---> do you think it's related?21:01
revealand etwork --device=eth0 --bootproto=static --ip=192.168.###.### --netmask= --gateway=192.168.###.### --nameserver=###.###.###.### --noipv6 --hostname=$$$ doesnt work21:01
aethersisapparently libcap-progs is only for opensuse21:01
aethersisyou might have to compile from sources21:01
peaceaethersis: https://sites.google.com/site/fullycapable/ --> maybe not.Just wanted if I am going right21:02
aethersisit's more of a specific package related topic than a ubuntu related topic... I can't help you with that any further than to tell you I'm not aware of libcap-progs package being avalible for ubuntu. You might need to compile it from sources21:04
aethersisdoesn't seem too scary, I've done this with gsteramer with all the plugins on tegra and it's pretty darn big xD21:04
TJ-reveal: if the system isn't using Network Manager then it'll be ifupdown and its /etc/network/interfaces{,.d/}21:16
TJ-reveal: when resolvconf is installed there are ifupdown hooks that call resolvconf to update the resolver config seen by the symlink at /etc/resolv.conf. in 'interfaces' that is usually 'dns-nameservers'21:17
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
pedrocranyone have any clue why my 14.04 install has recently stopped inhibiting the screensaver/lock when fullscreen content is playing?21:24
pedrocrI don't recall changing anything that would affect that21:24
pedrocrI've noticed it with chrome, so maybe it's actually a chrome bug21:24
pedrocrseems like it doesn't happen with vlc so it's most likely a chrome bug21:29
=== King is now known as hiwhiteboy
Psy0rzhi all21:39
hhee1hi guys. 16 lts - already cool for usage? :)21:39
k1lhhee1: its not released yet (end of april) and if you need to ask dont use alpha and betas :)21:40
hhee1k1l, want to install xfce there :)21:40
hhee1think it will be nice :)21:40
k1lload ubuntu 14.04 or 15.10. there are xubuntu isos that inclide xfce already21:40
hhee1k1l, just need install fresh linux to my laptop, and thought about new lts.21:41
k1lhhee1: then install 15.10 and update end of april :)21:41
hhee1k1l, xubuntu have less support time as i know?21:42
hhee1k1l, no want smth brand new :)21:42
k1lhhee1: it uses the same base system.21:42
hhee1k1l, for support time i think it more tru to install usual ubuntu and then xfce there. no/21:43
hhee1k1l, read wiki, there is string "14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr 2014-04-17 April 2017 LTS"21:44
hhee1k1l, just 3 year support21:44
k1lhhee1: you want to install a beta, and now argue about the long term support? :)21:45
hhee1k1l, what wrong with beta? :) its my laptop not mission critical system :)21:46
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k1lhhee1: ubuntu/canonical offers 5 years support for the packages in main. xfce is maintained by the xubuntu community in universe. so that is the reason for 3 years support.21:48
k1lhhee1: so it doesnt matter if you install ubuntu and then xfce or xubuntu in the first place.21:48
hhee1k1l, it means that all about xfce will be supported 5 years?21:52
hhee1all except xfce i mean21:52
hhee1i used wrong words :)21:54
hhee1bas__, hello! :)21:54
hhee1k1l, not understand... "Xubuntu 14.04 LTS was released on 17 April 2014 and, being an LTS, features three years of support."21:56
k1lhhee1: non LTS versions have only 9 months support21:57
hhee1k1l, know that21:57
hhee1k1l, i talked about lts21:57
k1lhhee1: ubuntu/canonical supports 5 years everything that is in the main repo. xfce, kde etc are not in main repo. they are in universe and maintained by the community. there its the community that decides how long they can support it.21:59
k1lhhee1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu21:59
hhee1k1l, yep! this is i understand. it means - all except xfce related packages in xubuntu will be supported for 5 years?22:00
k1lhhee1: everything that is in main will be 5 years supported.22:00
hhee1k1l, ok tnx :) think i got it :22:01
grapsHas anybody downloaded and run a new version of Mozilla Firefox in Ubuntu 14.04.1 ?22:03
hhee1graps, which version? regular, beta, or developer?22:04
mmlj4why would I want to run vanilla ubuntu as opposed to mint? I need guidance, please22:04
hhee1mmlj4, why do you need mint?22:05
grapsmmlj4: The regular version22:05
grapshhee1: The regular version22:05
mmlj4hhee1: why should I avoid mint?22:05
Myrttimmlj4: from this IRC channel's point of view, if you use Mint you're out of luck of getting help here22:07
grapshhee1: I did a crazy way of installing the updated version: sudo tar -jxvf firefox-45.0.1.tar.bz2 in /usr/bin22:08
wiltorshello everyone, I am trying to run an script which checks dependencies for a make, and it calls for automake version 1.9, how can I install this version?22:09
mcphailgraps: untarring an archive under /usr/bin is a good way of breaking your whole system. I advise you to avoid doing that, and please do not encourage that inthis channel22:10
grapsmcphail: Okay, point taken. I destroyed the Mozilla runtimes, I believe22:11
k1lmmlj4: just look at all that security issues and managing on mint. that should be enough. for more comparisons ask in ##linux22:11
k1lgraps: why dont you just use the firefox ubuntu ships?22:12
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grapsk1l: I was, but when I browsed after starting the executable, it was a deprecated version found (version 30)22:12
k1lgraps: what?22:13
k1lwhat ubuntu are you using there?22:13
grapsk1l: It was stable version 30, but I wanted to upgrade to the latest version (45)22:13
mcphail!info firefox trusty22:14
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 45.0+build2-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 41464 kB, installed size 97537 kB22:14
bobby23when booting up after ubuntu gnome 14.04 update, i get this message "starting enable remaining boot-time encrypted block devices" what could i possibly do through manual recovery to fix thix22:14
k1lgraps: ubuntu ships version 45 in all its current ubuntu releases.22:14
mcphailgraps: the current version in stable is version 4522:14
k1lgraps: so what ubuntu are you using there at all?22:14
grapsk1l: No version, it was broken after I did the sudo tar command22:15
k1lgraps: last time now: what ubuntu do you use exactly?22:15
grapsk1l: 14.04.422:16
k1lgraps: because you should never ever have had to do this messing with you system since ubuntu ships firefox 45 in all its supported version22:16
grapsk1l: Okay, but I think I was earlier than 4522:16
grapsI > it22:16
k1lgraps: "sudo apt purge firefox* && sudo apt update && sudo apt install firefox"22:17
grapsk1l: Okay, I'll try that command set22:17
grapsk1l: Does it matter where I run the command ?22:18
k1lin your terminal22:18
grapsk1l: As in /usr/bin, or /opt, or it doesn't matter22:19
k1lgraps: stop22:19
grapsk1l: Okay, I didn't run anything yet22:19
k1lgraps: never ever start to fiddel with /usr/bin or other folders if you dont know what all that is22:19
k1lgraps: my commands run with the package management system. it doesnt matter where  your prompt is.22:20
grapsk1l: Okay, good point, I think mcphail told me that a few minutes ago (fiddling around /usr/bin)22:20
\9apt deals with /usr/bin for you, don't go messing around there22:21
bobby23can anyone help me22:22
grapsk1l: I will run that sudo apt purge... command one line at a time, fair enough ?22:22
bobby23i am new to linux but i have grown tired of it and in love with it22:23
bobby23there are always bootup problems when faced with updates22:23
k1lgraps: yes, you can run those 3 command one at a time without the §§22:23
grapsk1l: Okay, thanks. Here goes...22:23
grapsk1l: Okay, they've been run. Did you need the output ?22:25
k1lgraps: yes, please in a pastebin22:25
grapsk1l: Okay, looking up the pastebin instructions22:26
k1luse paste.ubuntu.com and put all the text there.22:26
Cantariajoin #ubuntu+122:27
grapsk1l: Problem...I don't have a working browser. I'm checking in another pc with a working browser22:27
mcphailgraps: paste it into a text file and then run "nc termbin.com 9999 < yourfile.txt"22:30
k1lgraps: right. put it into a new textfile in your users home. and do what mcphail said :)22:30
grapsmcphail: I'll paste it into a gedit editor, then run the nc termbin... command22:31
grapsIs this correct ? -> http://termbin.com/380u22:32
grapsI think it's on there22:33
k1lgraps: ok.22:33
grapsI'll wait22:33
k1lgraps: does firefox work now?22:33
grapsk1l: I haven't invoked the command yet. Try it now ?22:33
xdevnullHello people, Can any one help me setting up zsh, I followed everystep. All correct. But the Terminal background keeps the same.22:34
mcphailgraps: you'll need to run the commands from a different directory than the one where you have the firefox tarball. It is confusing the shell22:34
xdevnullIn the turoial they said. Import this color scheme. How do i import it ?!22:34
k1lah yes.  good spot mcphail22:34
* mcphail hates shell globbing22:35
grapsmcphail: Okay. I was using a terminal window22:35
k1lgraps: wait, you can try with "sudo apt purge firefox"22:35
mcphailgraps: yes - you did things correctly. It is just an old Unix bug ;)22:35
grapsk1l: Where, in the terminal window ?22:36
k1lgraps: yes22:36
grapsk1l: Running "sudo apt purge firefox" in the terminal window22:36
MonkeyDustgraps  try   sudo aptitude purge ~c22:40
grapsk1l, mcphail: What next ? I tried running firefox, but it's currently not installed22:40
k1lno, we need to get rid of all that manual firefox stuff22:41
k1lgraps: "sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox"22:41
k1lgraps: "sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox-addons"22:42
grapsk1l: Okay, typing those commands now22:42
SoucatchHey guys22:42
SoucatchWant to contribute some code, don't know where to start. Can somebody point me in the right direction?22:43
k1lgraps: after that "sudo apt install firefox"22:43
grapsk1l: Okay, here goes...22:43
k1lSoucatch: look for a project you want to contribute to. then ask the projects team how you could help22:43
k1l!contribute | Soucatch22:44
ubottuSoucatch: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu22:44
MonkeyDustSoucatch  create a GUI for NFS, it's a wanted item22:45
k1lgraps: now start firefox22:45
grapsk1l: Okay, attempting to start firefox22:45
grapsk1l: That's a negative. firefox is currently not installed22:46
k1lgraps: type "firefox" in the terminal, does it start?22:47
grapsk1l: Negative, it states "The program 'firefox' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install firefox"22:48
grapsk1l: Should I go ahead ?22:48
minimecgraps: Make it simple... ;) 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox' Your probably fine with this command.22:48
k1lgraps: "ps ax | grep -i firefox"22:48
grapsk1l: It stated: "4473 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto -i firefox22:49
k1l"which firefox"22:50
grapsminimec: I saw your post22:50
black-vincyhow to install qq?22:50
grapsk1l: No output22:50
SoucatchThanx, ubottu22:50
k1lgraps: "ls -al /usr/bin/firefox "22:53
black-vincy wine : 依赖: wine1.6 但是它将不会被安装22:53
black-vincyE: 无法修正错误,因为您要求某些软件包保持现状,就是它们破坏了软件包间的依赖关系。22:53
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw22:53
EriC^^black-vincy: export LANG=C22:54
grapsk1l: http://termbin.com/qzsx22:54
EriC^^then run the commands and pastebin  the output in paste.ubuntu.com22:54
k1lgraps: so you didnt run both commands i gave you22:55
k1l<k1l> graps: "sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox"22:55
k1land k1l> graps: "sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox-addons"22:55
k1lgraps: ah wait, i made atypo22:55
grapsk1l: Okay22:55
k1l"sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/firefox"22:55
grapsk1l: Running "sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/firefox"22:56
MonkeyDustgraps  sudo rm22:56
minimeck1l: It was you that told graps, that he should not mess around with folders and files. So why do you tell him to remove these folders. Just let him reinstall firefox. That will overwrite and replace his local install...22:56
MonkeyDustgraps  sudo rm /var/lib/info/firefox22:57
k1lminimec: it will not. he did a manual install into those folders. and apt/dpkg is not installing the ubuntu-firefox  because that folders already contain stuff.22:57
grapsk1l: How about if I try this "sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox" ?22:58
minimeck1l: apt-get --reinstall should do IMHO. Otherwise he could 'sudo apt-get purge firefox' first and do a normal install afterwards.22:58
k1lminimec: we did a purge and a fresh install already.22:59
k1lplease see backlog22:59
nick_nameon start up, bluetooth is enabled and connect to a headset I have, but pulse audio does not display the headset in settings; running "sudo pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover" makes the headset appear in settings but, configuring the audio as A2DP, resets to HDP when I open vlc to play a video.22:59
minimeck1l: Reading you conversation, I am not really sure that he did 'purge' firefox.22:59
grapsk1l: So, the last command I executed was "sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/firefox"23:00
nick_nameHow do I get the bluetooth to connect correctly and default to A2DP for the headset?23:00
k1lminimec: he did. but it didnt remove the stuff "since the folders are not empty"23:00
k1lgraps: "sudo apt purge firefox"23:00
grapsk1l: Okay, here goes...23:00
k1lminimec: i quote from the pastebin "dpkg: warning: while removing firefox, directory '/usr/bin/firefox' not empty so not removed"23:01
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
k1lminimec: on a original ubuntu install, its just a symlink in /usr/bin/ but he did install the firefox.tar into it23:01
k1lgraps: after that do "sudo apt install firefox"23:02
grapsk1l: http://termbin.com/ybic23:02
minimeck1l: Hmmm... Ok. And I was pretty sure that purge would remove the folders and its conent anyway... But I am not too old to learn ... ;)23:02
grapsk1l: Executing "sudo apt install firefox"23:03
MonkeyDustgraps  try   sudo aptitude purge ~c   <-- replace purge with search, to see what it does23:03
grapsMonkeyDust: Saving that command to clipboard23:04
grapsk1l: http://termbin.com/boq123:05
k1lgraps: ok, does it work now? starting firefox?23:05
grapsk1l: Affirmative, thanks !23:06
grapsk1l: Version 45 attained23:06
k1lgraps: ok. so please only use the ubuntu package managment from now on,.23:06
grapsk1l: Sounds good, will try that next time23:07
grapsThis termbin is neat stuff23:08
grapsI originally wanted to see how to bake a potato with youtube, then after getting my firefox damaged, figured that all I had to do was put the potato in the oven, turn it on for a few minutes, and out would come a baked potato23:10
=== Mob is now known as MobGod
grapsOkay, thanks k1l, mcphail and all the rest ! Time to actually bake the potato23:12
mcphailgraps: bon appetit23:12
MonkeyDustpomme appetit23:13
=== prometheus is now known as Guest88747
WicaeedHey all, I just did a vgrename on an existing volgroup servername-os, I've renamed all of the mapper entries in fstab, but when I run update-grub it complains about missing mapper entries that reference the old volume group23:24
Wicaeedare there any interim steps between vgrename, edit fstab to reflect new entries, and then update grub.cfg in /boot?23:24
black-vincyhow to install qq23:25
corndogeHey, is it usual that I can send emails via telnet from my postfix/dovecot smtp without any auth? http://hastebin.com/ineqimigin.xml23:25
black-vincysend email?23:26
k1lblack-vincy: seems like qq is a chinese software. maybe the guys in #ubuntu-cn know better23:28
k1lblack-vincy: or look at this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/540875/how-to-install-qq-on-ubuntu-14-0423:29
xubyhi, why are there mounted partitions after booting from a gparted live-cd? now I can't expand the extended partition that contains the lvm (it's on a virtalbox hard drive and it's locked); how do I unmount? it says mountpoint xubuntu-vg, and there's a root and a swap_1 partition in it (lvm) ... what would be the cli-command?23:29
k1lxuby: type "mount" and see what is mounted.23:29
k1lxuby: and see "free" if there is a swap used23:30
mcphailcorndoge: that will depend on how you have set it up23:30
mcphailcorndoge: it is certainly possible to be running without auth23:31
black-vincysudo apt-get install wine?23:31
corndogemcphail, is it only 1 setting that I need to enable to forbid people from connecting to me and sending mails or multiple?23:31
xubyk1l: k thx, I'm gonna have to reboot, maybe will return later23:32
mcphailcorndoge: there are lots of different ways to set it up. I haven't set up postfix/dovecot for years, and shudder at the thought of doing it again. You'll need to do a bit of reading to make sure things are secure23:33
PhothrismAlright, general linux question: Is there an official way to know what apt-get command gets the program that I need? For example I want to install qt5, is the best way to just try to find possibly old apt-get commands via google?23:33
naccthat's not a general linux question, that's a general ubuntu/debian question :)23:33
mcphailPhothrism: use "apt-cache search whatever" to get a list of possible packages23:34
PhothrismIt just all seems much more impractical compared to just downloading the exe on a website23:34
k1lPhothrism: use "apt search searchword" to find stuff23:34
PhothrismHmm let's see23:34
cheapieTry packages.ubuntu.com, second search box.23:34
mcphailPhothrism: if you use the package manager, dependecies and upgrades come for "free". Don't download random executables23:35
cheapieFirst box searches names/descriptions, while the second searches contents.23:35
hggdhapt-file will search for all matches in the repositories. apt-cache will only look at installed packages23:35
k1lPhothrism: ubuntu offers the service that it made software already working and not break other programs.23:35
corndogemcphail, yeah ive been trying that for hours and i think i have SASL set up properly now (as 250-AUTH) appears... but somehow I still can send mails without auth. Is there a keyword you could give me that I could search for?23:35
e-ventAnyone know if there is a way to check the uplink and downlink speed of a PPPOE modem connection?23:35
PhothrismOoh this is actually pretty nifty then.23:36
k1lguys, if you use the "new" apt command it will combine that. "apt search"23:36
PhothrismIs there a way to uninstall packages in case I install something that breaks stuff?23:36
mcphailhggdh: that isn't correct23:36
k1lPhothrism: packages or other software you donwloaded somewhere?23:38
k1lPhothrism: yes, you can remove those packages with "apt remove packagename". but the packages in the ubuntu repo are already made working with all other packages23:38
PhothrismOh they are? So you mean I can just go around installing all the things just in case I need them?23:39
mcphailcorndoge: ages since I have done this. Have a look at "smtpd_relay_restrictions" in your postfix configurations. You might be set up to send from your own host without auth by default, but need auth from a different host23:40
k1lPhothrism: that is the idea behind that package system23:40
cheapie*Some* packages are incompatible with certain others, but it's smart enough to not install them at the same time.23:40
corndogemcphail, thanks i'll check that23:40
mcphailcorndoge: but, honestly, don't take my advice on postfix configuration23:41
k1lPhothrism: since you have a german ip, you are german?23:41
k1lPhothrism: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Paketverwaltung/23:41
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PhothrismOh thanks I'll take a look23:41
e-ventAnyone know if there is a way to check the uplink and downlink speed of a PPPOE modem connection?23:41
cheapiePhothrism: I can't really think of many examples in Ubuntu (haven't used it in a while), but over in, say, Debian, sysvinit-core and systemd-sysv can't be installed at the same time. APT is smart enough to remove one if you tell it to install the other.23:42
PhothrismAlright maybe package systems are pretty useful :P23:45
PhothrismDoes anyone know how to get the newest qt (or at least version 5.5.0) installed? for some reason I only have version 5.2.123:52
e-ventphoriwan, check the packaged version for your version of ubuntu23:55
e-ventassuming it isnt 5.2.123:55
k1lPhothrism: for what ubuntu version?23:55
e-ventyou will be needing a PPA23:55
nolsenFor some reason Ubuntu's Display Manager isn't showing Unity8 as a DE option, any reason why?23:55
e-ventnolsen, is it installed?23:55
k1lnolsen: its not installed by default23:56
nolsenk1l: ._.23:56
PhothrismErr how do I find out my ubuntu version23:56
nolsenI know that23:56
k1lnolsen: try this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8inLXC23:56
nolsenI don't like LXC.23:56
k1lPhothrism: "lsb_release -d"23:56
Phothrismlsb_release -d23:56
nolsenI have unity-with-mir23:56
Phothrismo wait wrong window23:56
nolsenunity8-with-mir I meant23:57
PhothrismIt's ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS, I think it's the newest one via the website23:57
k1lnolsen: that is the suggested way, the unity and mir guys said.23:57
nolsenk1l: It's already installed23:57
nolsenbut it's not an option23:57
nolsenOh I see23:59
mcphailPhothrism: qt is a fundamental group of libraries on Ubuntu. Many packages depend on it. "Upgrading" qt can break thoise packages. So Ubuntu doesn't roll along with the latest qt packages - it picks one for each release and sticks with it, making sure all those other packages don't break. To get a newer qt, the only "safe" way is to use a newer Ubuntu release. There are other ways, but you are likely to break things if you don't know what you are doi23:59
hggdhmcphail: indeed, badly stated. apt-file looks for files within packages23:59
PhothrismOh I see23:59

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