
yofelProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.00:13
yofel0x76359418 in mdb_txn_begin () from /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/liblmdb.so.000:13
* yofel wonders how many baloo crashes coming from that lib he's seen so far....00:13
sgclarksegfault seems bad00:14
yofelthe odd part is that it's 32-bit-only00:14
sgclarkthey do not have 32bit hardware. 00:14
sgclarkI wonder can I qemu a docker image to test? lol00:15
yofelwell, you can get the same thing on i386, just at a slightly different point00:15
sgclarkI have one builder. amd64.00:16
yofelor I can give you access to my raspi if you ever need native armhf hardware00:16
yofelyeah, but a chroot is enough to run i386 on amd64 ;)00:16
yofelno need for qemu00:16
sgclarkguess I will have to look into that. It would be helpful for us? What happens when you see it fails upstream? You can disable the test or?00:18
yofelok, thanks to infinity breeze and breeze-icons are in release, kwin and kopete have the failing tests disabled so *should* migrate soon00:18
yofelI'll take another look at baloo and ktp-kded-integration tomorrow00:18
yofelyeah, then I usually just disable them - not a good idea, but it's not like I can fix the bug itself in a few seconds..00:19
sgclarkright. ok00:20
yofelI'm not sure if 32bit ci builds on kde are that much of a necessity. At least not when you're so busy just keeping it running00:22
yofelI usually just look there to see if tests also fail on the native CI or if we have testbed issues00:23
yofel(kwin was a testbed issue)00:23
sgclarkwell generally it does not take so much to keep it running, we are doing some big changes though. Now is the time to implement such a feature00:23
yofelanyway, off to bed. nini00:24
sgclarkgood night00:24
sgclarksleep well00:24
=== DarinMiller_ is now known as DarinMiller
ScottKAh well, I guess it's time to que up Canonical's trademark lawyers: http://news.softpedia.com/news/meet-ubuntubsd-unix-for-human-beings-501959.shtml04:18
yofelheh, ubuntuBSD08:44
yofelI wonder if mark will *now* figure out a list of stuff you need to change to not violate the trademark08:45
soee_yofel: are we not pushing Plasma 5.5.5 to archive yet ? same with apps08:47
yofelnot before the weekend, we're in beta freeze until thursday08:48
soee_maybe we could in the meantime stage Frameworks 5.20 :>08:49
soee_they wont get into 16.04 archive but will be ready for backports08:50
yofelagain, nobody will release that, so that won't happen until after 16.04 release08:50
yofelOTOH, it's iso testing time http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/358/builds08:50
yofel!testers 08:50
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information08:50
yofelISO testing ^08:50
soee_oh it is 1.5 GB08:53
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Final Beta Freeze in effect | Plasma 5.5.5: X/WIP, Plasma 5.5.4: X/archive, Apps 15.12.3: X/WIP, FW 5.18: X/archive | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging
yofelfreeze note08:58
vipyofel: is it livecd or install cd? because the desktop loaded, no installer showed09:08
lordievaderGood morning.09:11
lordievaderHey soee_, how are you?09:13
soee_lordievader: hiho, testing iso :-)09:14
yofelvip: like... you got no install / live session choice?09:15
vipyofel: http://i.imgur.com/4GI7ewG.jpg09:16
yofelit booted straight into that?09:17
yofelurgh, ubiquity-dm is busted then09:18
soee_meff same here i think09:19
soee_i blinks when it shoudl sow installer, than ums to live session09:19
soee_or livesession shoudl be always loaded ?09:19
yofeland can you please file a bug against kubuntu-settings-desktop about that folderview widget, it's not supposed to look like that09:19
vipif only desktop folder was bigger09:19
vipyofel: yup09:19
vipyofel: can you point me directly?09:20
yofelrun 'apport-cli kubuntu-settings-desktop'09:20
yofelor rather ubuntu-bug instead of apport-cli09:20
vipI always uninstall apport because it is irritating09:21
lordievadersoee_: Ah, good luck ;)09:21
yofelyou could just disable it ^09:21
yofelvip: just run it from the live session, it should be there09:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1560356 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity will not start on Xenial liveUSB" [Undecided,New]09:22
soee_this was reported for Xubuntu09:22
soee_so it is the same for us09:22
soee_yofel: shall we test it further ?09:26
soee_it is bug that will show up on each test :<09:26
yofelright, meh :/09:28
yofelguess we'll have to wait until someone looks at it09:28
yofelfor now I'm happy that the desktop works more or less correctly09:29
soee_vip: will you report the folderview size problem ?09:30
vipsoee_: I have no time now09:30
vipsoee_: I cannot find web page to submit it09:30
vipand the vbox machine runs so slow, i cannot do anything 09:30
soee_i gave it 4 GB ram + 4 cores09:32
soee_yofel: against this package https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings the bug should be reported ?09:34
vipsoee_: you can attach above photo 09:36
soee_i will09:37
mparilloI think I recall something like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1560356 happening a few releases ago during alpha testing. But then, if I clicked on the install icon, the installer worked.09:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1560356 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity will not start on Xenial liveUSB" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:45
soee_there: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/+bug/156040409:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1560404 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "Live session desktop uses to small folder view widget " [Undecided,New]09:45
soee_vip confirm please09:45
soee_yofel: also the toolbox covers some part of the widget, can this be fixed to 09:47
soee_by moving the tolbox to different corner or moving a bit folder view ?09:48
yofelprobably, I don't know the code that inserts the widget offhand09:49
soeeis there some way to change konversation logs directory ?10:03
soeeso i can make my home folder cleaner ?10:03
Sho_in the Logs page of the ocnfig dialog10:04
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
sheytanplasma 5.6 packages when? :D13:10
BluesKajHowdy all13:11
telegram<Clifford>: Hi blueskaj14:38
BluesKaj_hi telegram14:57
lordievaderBluesKaj_: It is clifford (probably clivejo) ;)15:03
BluesKaj_ok lordievader thanks15:05
BluesKaj_hi telegram15:07
BluesKaj_oops I also meant <clifford>15:08
lordievaderBluesKaj_: The username between < > is the actual user saying the thing ;)15:08
BluesKaj_this is what appears in konversation lordievader, "<telegram> <Clifford>: Hi blueskaj"15:09
lordievaderYes, the second <> in that case.15:11
BluesKaj_interesting, this site (http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/kde-plasma-5-6-released) says "Plasma 5.6 will be available to install on Kubuntu 16.04 through the Kubuntu Backports PPA." , but there is no 16.04 ppa available there. :/ 16:19
soeewhat is the point for backports ppa for unreleased system ? :)16:20
soeeyes 16.04 will have backports after it is released16:20
BluesKaj_soee, exactly what i was wondering16:21
BluesKaj_it's supposed to add the backports ppa tho16:21
clivejoyeah, Im Clifford on telegram16:36
clivejoand my message seems to have been delapyed16:36
clivejosheytan_ soee: Xenial 16.04 is in freeze now so nothing new can be added.  5.6 will probably be backported, but we cant do backports until the release actually happens!16:39
sgclarkWhile I am sure we will package it eventually. We made no committment to that as of yet, where did they obtain this info...16:39
clivejothats provided we still have our RM's after release!16:40
sgclarkand yeah what clivejo said. no backports until we release16:41
sgclarkwell we need to somehow reduce the workload at release. This is waaaaaay too much for a couple of volunteers16:42
sgclarkthose tests failing, are insane mmounds of work for poor yofel. I feel terrible I am not much help there. yet.16:43
BluesKaj_wish i could hep , but my attempt at learning code failed miserably when <i copied the hello worldstring example on the C++ tutorial...so i thought if their example is mucked up, how am I supposed to learn from them :-)16:46
BluesKaj_help even16:46
BluesKaj_anyway, errands to do for a couple of hrs...later folks16:49
sgclarkno worries16:49
mamarleysgclark: I don't want to bother you with it now, but after the release, I would like to learn how I can help you guys out.16:50
sgclarkuser support is also super important and appreciated16:50
sgclarkmamarley: yes we hope to achieve that with many with the packaging parties16:50
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Hey mamarley: that is wonderful, make sure you come along to the next Kubuntu Party. see kubuntu.org16:51
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: we'll help you get involved16:51
geniiSpeaking of parties, if anyone is in Toronto on day of release, come on by for cupcakes and coffee :)16:52
sgclarkmm cupcakes and coffee yum16:52
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Yum, sounds good16:52
* sgclark now wants cupcakes and coffee16:53
mamarleySick_Rimmit: The problem with that in my case is that I have a regular job and the party is right on top of that time. :(16:53
geniiShameless plug: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/3330-toronto-xenial-xerus-release-party/16:53
sgclarkmamarley: maybe I think (hope) we will record these?16:54
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Hey cool, I will add that to the Podcast news. So we'll shout out for you on that event. 😉16:54
mamarleysgclark: OK.  I already have some of the skills you need though, such as at least a basic understanding of Debian packaging and experience with doing git merges.16:57
clivejoooooo nice 16:59
yofelconsider me unhappy. I *intentionally* don't have matching plasma and application color schemes17:00
yofelI hope you can turn that off somewhere17:00
clivejoyou rebel!17:01
yofelhm, well, nice to see improvements, but I really use nothing of that. Guess I won't care much about 5.617:03
mamarleyThat's good, since you probably won't see it for another month!17:04
sgclarkI just want a strong LTS release :) will not worry about new stuff till that is done17:05
tsdgeossgclark: baloo-kf5 seems to be stuck or something17:16
tsdgeosstill at 5.1517:16
sgclarktsdgeos: yofel is fighting with that17:16
yofelyes, thanks to a test crash on 32bit that I'm a bit worried about17:16
clivejo!info baloo-kf5 xenial17:16
ubottubaloo-kf5 (source: baloo-kf5): framework for searching and managing metadata. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.15.0a-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 265 kB, installed size 1691 kB17:16
sgclarkfails on 32bit arches17:17
tsdgeosi thought that's on purpose17:17
tsdgeosask vishesh17:17
tsdgeosi have a slight memory of him saying 32 bit was unsupported17:17
yofelwell that does not quite work out in reality17:18
tsdgeosi may be wrong, as said it's a slight memory17:18
yofelhm, remembering his mail to packagers a couple days ago someone needs to send him cookies17:20
geniiBTW, when Alternatives...Application Menu is used ( on both my Wily and Xenial testing machine ) Recent Applications seems to ignore applications which open automatically as result of saving session 18:49
geniiNot sure if this is by design however18:50
acheron88yofel: 5.6 has a Breeze-light plasma theme with the classic colours that doesn't adapt19:26
yofelwell, I use breeze-dark for plasma and breeze-light for apps19:26
yofelif that still works I'm happy19:27
acheron88yes there is that as well19:27
acheron88you can have it non adaptive light or dark if you want19:32
clivejoyofel: in the git-clone-all script where does it pull in the git repo data from?19:50
yofeluh, some config file19:51
clivejoIve edited conf/git-clone-all.json but is doesnt seem to do anything19:51
yofelthat's what it's reading though19:51
yofelwhat are you trying to run?19:52
clivejoI was just hacking the script to git clone from Neon19:52
clivejobut it keeps defaulting to debian19:52
clivejono idea where is getting that from19:52
yofelthe clone-this-one line?19:53
clivejoI changed that19:53
yofelshould work19:53
clivejothats what I thought19:54
BluesKajthe xenial landing ppa is giving this error "  The repository is insufficiently signed by key E4DFEC907DEDA4B8A670E8042836CB0A8AC93F7A (weak digest)" The key is definitely the same as the one the launchpad ppa ppa shows.20:05
mamarleyBluesKaj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/155666620:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1556666 in Launchpad itself "PPA (In)Release files use SHA1 digests for GPG signature" [High,Fix committed]20:06
BluesKajok mamarley thanks20:06
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mamarleyAlso, it is only a warning.  The PPA will still work.20:06
BluesKajyeah, but it's annoying :-)20:07
BluesKajpk , time for othe things ...later20:13

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