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om26er | bzoltan, Hi! | 12:56 |
om26er | bzoltan, click chroot fails for me in Xenial: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15471861/ | 12:57 |
om26er | full log http://paste.ubuntu.com/15471866/ | 12:58 |
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bzoltan | om26er: The quick advice is to use the static chroot package ubuntu-sdk-api-15.04-armhf | 13:14 |
om26er | bzoltan, will that automatically appear in the list of available kits ? | 13:14 |
bzoltan | om26er: yes | 13:15 |
om26er | bzoltan, seems that package does not exist | 13:15 |
om26er | in xenial atleast | 13:15 |
bzoltan | om26er: it lives in the SDK PPA | 13:16 |
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nik90 | renatu, Hey, how do I install silo-49 to test https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-1439049/+merge/289198 ? | 16:30 |
nik90 | renatu, I use Kaleo's ubuntu silo installer app, but it shows that silo 49 is not installable since its build failed. | 16:30 |
renatu | nik90, citrain device-upgrade 49 <device-password> | 16:31 |
renatu | nik90, yeah it is faling only on xenial, I am not sure why | 16:31 |
nik90 | renatu, So I add the ppa ppa:phablet-team/ubuntu/tools on the phone and then install citrain tool? | 16:33 |
renatu | nik90, you run it on desktop | 16:33 |
nik90 | renatu, https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-1439049/+merge/289198 doesn't open the event details page for me. I did install citran and added silo 49. | 16:48 |
nik90 | renatu, it does however take me the correct day and also position the hours in view. | 16:51 |
nik90 | it just doesnt go into the event details page | 16:51 |
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robert_ancell | Is it possible to have an app that can be downloaded to a device using the store but is only available to a select group of people? | 21:39 |
robert_ancell | I'm not sure what the interaction between public/private and sharing is | 21:40 |
robert_ancell | My case is I have an app under development that I'd like to publish through the store ('cause it's fast and easy) but only allow testers to access before I make it public | 21:40 |
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