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robruoh lol03:06
robruthat should have been in staging...03:06
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kozasil2100, good morning09:21
kozasil2100, I need your [core dev] help in publishing https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/112409:22
sil2100koza: on it!09:22
kozasil2100, thank you!09:22
sil2100koza: approved, +1 for the patch description09:25
jameshIs there any reason my mediascanner2 silo (ticket 1120) isn't moving to the "ready for testing" column?  I just noticed that the thumbnailer silo that was added yesterday got moved up ahead of it.09:25
kozasil2100, thanks09:26
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robrujamesh: dunno about the trello board (ask jibel) but on the bileto side it's been marked ready for QA since the 17th.10:05
jibeljamesh, it is not targeted to OTA10. We are landing OTA10 bug fixes in priority10:07
jibeljamesh, please escalate the bug if it has to be fixed in this release10:07
jameshjibel: I was just surprised, since I didn't think the thumbnailer silo had been explicitly targeted at OTA10 either10:10
jameshIf you targeted it to OTA10 because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/zhongshan/+bug/1554867, then it'd probably make sense to do the mediascanner silo too, since it is also mentioned there.10:12
ubot5Error: launchpad bug 1554867 not found10:12
jibeljamesh, silo 3? right, it's a critical issue for turbo10:13
jibeljamesh, all right, it is not obvious from the changelog or the bug attached. Please next time add a reference to the bug it fixes in the changelog.10:16
jibelor link the MP to the bug report10:17
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Saviqrobru, erm, sleep?10:20
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oSoMoNtrainguards: can someone help me understand why the automated signoff failed on https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1122 ?11:24
oSoMoNaccording to https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/xenial/landing-021/excuses.html there’s an issue with "old binaries", I’m guessing that’s because the silo originally contained a merge request that changed the packaging, but I removed it and rebuilt it since then11:25
MirvoSoMoN: probably undeleted superseded sources in the PPA, looking11:25
MirvoSoMoN: yep, that was it, changed packages between builds in which case that happens11:25
MirvoSoMoN: fixed, now we just wait for the next update which maybe unfortunately only in 50mins or so11:26
oSoMoNMirv, ok, thanks11:30
oSoMoNMirv, so the automated signoff tests are going to be re-run, right? no need for me to change the lander signoff status again?11:31
MirvoSoMoN: yes. switching the switch doesn't help anything.11:31
MirvI think people tend to do that even though it actually changes nothing except possibly causes more delays.11:31
Mirvit doesn't restart them in any way11:32
sil2100abeato: hey! I just commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/ubuntu/vivid/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch/support-adb-lollipop/+merge/28891711:47
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abeatosil2100, hi, actually I had some discussion with ogra_ and ondra about this, the conclusion was that we should actually remove that panic script from the ramdisk and create a special ramdisk for development purposes11:49
abeatosil2100, I just forgot about the MP, should have removed it :)11:50
ogra_abeato, well, actually i would turn the panic script into an "echo .... sleep ... reboot recovery" sequence11:50
abeatowell, that11:51
ogra_i.e. ecvho the reason why we fail, show that for a few seconds and reboot into a safe state11:51
sil2100abeato: ;)12:00
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jgdxjibel, silo 61 is in two columns on the board (ready and passed), and the ticket says "qa ready". I'm a bit confused—is there anything I need do?12:15
jibeljgdx, I'm confused too. Apparently the silo has been rebuilt before being published12:21
jgdxjibel, seems Saviq built it yesterday at 4, but it hasn't been built today according to https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-061-1-build/build12:23
Saviqjgdx, jibel, I'm afraid it was two concurrent landings of ubuntu-settings-components12:24
Saviqhttps://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1115 landed yesterday and we had to rebuild https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/114312:25
jgdxjibel, Saviq: should that impact its merge/publish though?12:55
Saviqjgdx, if another one landed before it - yes12:55
jgdxSaviq, just a rebuild or more things?12:56
Saviqjgdx, since that went onto trunk, so yours needed a rebuild, and that means QA needs to re-ack12:56
jgdxSaviq, but they acked today I thought12:57
jgdxpost build12:57
Saviqjgdx, a rebuild + sanity check usually enough12:57
Saviqjgdx, no, look at audit logs12:57
Saviq2016-03-21 17:46:31 +0100 (ci-train-bot) Needs rebuild due to new commits (ubuntu-settings-components/xenial).12:57
SaviqSuccessfully built (ubuntu-settings-components/vivid).12:57
Saviq2016-03-21 17:45:42 +0100 (jibel) qa_signoff: Approved12:57
Saviqjust a minute after it got QA Ack, it needed a rebuild12:58
jgdxSaviq, kay, that's unfortunate.12:58
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jgdxjibel, so it needs a re-ack from QA. I wonder if you could sort out the cards, i.e. move [1] to "Needs qa signoff" or just delete it in favor of [2]? [1] https://trello.com/c/RZOqXJzt/2946-1143-ubuntu-landing-061-ubuntu-settings-components-jgdx-dednick [2] https://trello.com/c/ulzB1yx7/2954-1143-ubuntu-landing-061-ubuntu-settings-components-jgdx-dednick13:00
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jibeljgdx, reapproved13:04
jgdxjibel, thx13:04
Mirvpublishing, too13:06
jgdxMirv, hey, did silo61 publishing fail or get stuck?14:36
Mirvjgdx: seems to have worked fine?14:37
jgdxMirv, i thought it would automagically merge as well.14:38
Mirvjgdx: it never does before it migrates from proposed to release pocket in xenial14:41
Mirvjgdx: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#ubuntu-settings-components14:42
jgdxMirv, okay, thanks.14:42
sil2100It should migrate soon, it's not seeded in any desktop images so it shouldn't be affected by the archive freeze14:47
salem_trainguards hi, can anyone trigger a rebuild of telepathy-ofono/xenial/arm64 on silo 42?14:58
sil2100salem_: on it14:59
salem_sil2100, thank you!14:59
oSoMoNtrainguards: can someone help me understand https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/vivid/landing-021/excuses.html ? those tests have been running for 3 hours just to end in a timeout (apparently), it’s getting incredibly complicated to just land a silo15:34
oSoMoNsil2100, seen my request for help earlier?15:59
sil2100Yeah, looking at it, can't see any reason for that15:59
sil2100Did you try running those locally somewhere against the new webbrowser-app?16:00
sil2100Not much I can do besides re-running sadly, don't have enough knowledge/permissions I suppose16:00
oSoMoNsil2100, ok, can only the failing architecture be re-run? I’ve tried to do that myself, but I get an error message: "You submitted an invalid request: Package unity8 does not have any test results"16:23
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salem_fginther, hi, do you know how to add an external repository to sources.list on jenkins? Or do you know where to get this info? I tried to search for some sort of parameter to do that but no luck so far.16:54
fginthersalem_, if you're using chroots or pbuilderjenkins, you can create a hook script to add the repository prior to the build stage17:33
fginthersalem_, pbuildjenkins has some options for specifying a custom hook directory which can be used for one-offs17:34
oSoMoNtrainguards: has the failing autopkgtests been re-triggered for silo 21? If not, can you please do that for me?17:42
salem_fginther, thank you!17:43
robruoSoMoN: I actually can't, sorry, you need somebody with upload rights on the package17:51
john-mcaleelyjibel, so, i don't see how to mark this request 'ready for qa'18:01
john-mcaleelyhelp welcome18:01
john-mcaleelyrobru, ^ it seems I'm expected to 'assign' this request to a silo next18:02
jibeljohn-mcaleely, done18:02
john-mcaleelyjibel, robru thank you18:02
jibeljohn-mcaleely, no it's fine like this18:02
robrujohn-mcaleely: assigning is for people who need a PPA to build debs in. I haven't had time to make a sensible workflow for you non-PPA weirdos.18:04
john-mcaleelyrobru, understood. long may I remain a weirdo :-)18:04
oSoMoNsil2100, can you help me re-trigger the tests for the regression at https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/vivid/landing-021/excuses.html ?18:35
oSoMoNnevermind, I reset the status of lander signoff, hopefully this will trigger a full autopkgtests run (and hopefully this one will pass)18:53
oSoMoNtrainguards: I can’t figure out for the life of me how to get the automated signoff to re-run on silo 21, can you please help me? clicking the little re-run icon on https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/vivid/landing-021/excuses.html gets me an error message ("You submitted an invalid request: Package unity8 does not have any test results"), and resetting the lander signoff status in bileto doesn’t work either19:03
oSoMoNI’d really like to hand that silo off to QA19:03
robruoSoMoN: just ask jibel to add it to the queue I guess?19:20
robruoSoMoN: britney runs on average every hour. if you "reset the lander signoff" all you're doing is creating a race condition in which if britney runs at the exact second you disable your lander signoff, you delay the run by a further hour.19:21
robruoSoMoN: current britney run time is 45 minutes.19:22
oSoMoNjibel, can silo 21 be added to the "Need QA signoff queue" ? there’s one autopkgtest failure (see https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/vivid/landing-021/excuses.html) but it seems unrelated, the tests timed out19:42
MirvoSoMoN: yeah it's bug #1544917. I'd welcome a true "reset britney results" emergency button for that and other problem cases, forcing qa to manually override is not nice either.19:49
ubot5bug 1544917 in Auto Package Testing "Retry says "does not have any test results" on reported Regressions" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154491719:49
Mirvbut asking qa nicely tends to work for ota critical silos.19:49
Saviqrobru, hey, is there anything we can do about the train complaining about the shadow package being in xenial already https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1138 ?20:03
robruSaviq: what? "burned version number" means the version number in the silo already exists in xenial but the packages have different contents.20:04
Saviqrobru, I'm afraid that's possible, mterry, I think, srccopied it instead of bincopy20:05
Saviqrobru, anything can be done, other than going to a different silo and bincopying?20:05
robruSaviq: no, that test is explicitely a source check. they have different SOURCE contents.20:05
Saviqthat'd be very weird...20:05
robruhmmm but the diff is empty20:06
Saviqrobru, yeah, and it was copied from another silo is all20:07
Saviqexcept it's not there ¿?20:07
robruSaviq: not sure what to tell you: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/cupstream2distro/view/head:/cupstream2distro/archive.py#L217 either one of them is missing a .changes file or they have different changelog contents20:08
Saviqrobru, and the PPA won't accept the same version with different contents, right?20:09
Saviqif you bincopied from archive20:09
Saviqand if you delete, train will complain ;P20:09
robruSaviq: why is it needed in the silo if it's already in xenial? just delete it?20:10
Saviqrobru, it's not in vivid yet20:10
Saviqrobru, the silo us dual, so I thought there had to be packages for both?20:10
Saviqrobru, if it can be deleted and train will be happy, all the better20:10
robruSaviq: you're right that dual requires both. I guess I can copy the vivid one to vivid overlay ppa directly and then delete both20:11
robruSaviq: indeed the changes don't match: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/245141347/shadow_4.2-3.1ubuntu4_source.changes https://launchpadlibrarian.net/247561703/shadow_4.2-3.1ubuntu4_source.changes20:12
Saviqrobru, ok, we'll do that when it's time for publishing, thanks20:12
robruI'm not sure why the diff is null20:12
Saviqrobru, interesting, mterry must've rebuilt the source and uploaded to the silo20:13
Saviqit might just be that it compressed differently20:13
robruSaviq: I guess so, even the debian.tar has a different size20:13
Saviqyeah exactly20:13
robruSaviq: lol are you saying .xz is not a deterministic compression algorithm?20:14
Saviqrobru, is any compression algorithm deterministic?20:14
SaviqI mean, on purpose?20:14
robruSaviq: I would hope that the lossless ones are!20:15
Saviqotoh it might just be as little as file props that results in the archive actually having different contents, but not when you compare the file contents20:15
robruSaviq: that sounds more realistic.20:15
Saviqrobru, but why, you care about the uncompressed data to be the same, not about the compressed stream20:15
Saviqrobru, I would be surprised if compressing the same file twice gives you the same compressed stream every time20:16
Saviqit's not a hashing algorithm :)20:16
robruSaviq: if you compress the same file twice and get two different results, how can you be sure they'll decompress into the same original? differences make sense in something lossy like a jpeg but not in something lossless like a tarball.20:16
Saviqrobru, disagree, compression algos adapt to what they encounter, I don't think there's a guarantee they'll take the same path every time :)20:17
SaviqI mean, it might be the case by chance, but there's no point in guaranteeing that IMO20:18
robruSaviq: but if they produce different outputs based on identical inputs that means there's some sort of random nondeterministic element going on20:18
Saviqrobru, and?20:19
Saviqas long as when you decompress again you get the same result, I see no problem20:19
robruSaviq: I just don't see how you can guarantee different compressed data sets decompressing to the same original. it's weird.20:19
Saviqrobru, the compressed file has info on how it was compressed, so decomp follows that20:20
robruSaviq: I also don't understand why the algo wouldn't be deterministic. I mean, how did they write xz? "we'll compress at level 9 on tuesdays and level 8 on other days of the week"20:20
robruSaviq: I don't understand what factors other than the input data could impact the output20:21
Saviqrobru, I don't know enough about those algos, but say it does things in parallel20:21
Saviqrobru, it might depend on available resources20:21
SaviqI just mean I don't think they're designed to be deterministic "one way", because why20:22
Saviqeasy to check ;)20:22
dobey huh20:22
robruSaviq: ok anyway. we'll never know what mterry did there. it's a mystery for the ages... ;-)20:22
robrudobey: do you need help with a silo or are you just "huh"ing at this conversation?20:24
robrubecause I'm about to run for lunch...20:26
dobeyrobru: the conversation20:26
robruheh, ok20:26
dobeybecause we obviously need the hash to be equal every time, otherwise the build system will think the contents are different, and fail20:26
robrudobey: normally it is, but mterry did something funny when he copied it, so the hashes don't match despite the debdiff being empty.20:27
robrudobey: like instead of using copy-package I guess he downloaded it and reuploaded it, recompressing in-between.20:27
dobeyanyway, enjoy your lunch :)20:28
robruthanks, bbl20:28
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