dholbach | good morning | 08:26 |
Kilos | hi dholbach | 08:26 |
dholbach | hi Kilos | 08:26 |
davidcalle | Morning | 08:32 |
Kilos | hi davidcalle | 08:32 |
davidcalle | Hey Kilos | 08:32 |
* dholbach relocates office, bbiab | 09:12 | |
dholbach | (as you can tell, I was almost out of the door earlier... I wanted to say "relocates to the office" of course :-)) | 09:30 |
popey | hah | 09:31 |
popey | I was thinking you must have had your spinach today | 09:31 |
Kilos | lol | 09:38 |
Kilos | hi popey spreadubuntu sorted | 09:38 |
Kilos | ty | 09:38 |
popey | great! | 09:39 |
dholbach | dpm_, want to have a call about the developer portal discussions you had yesterday? | 10:42 |
dpm_ | dholbach, yes, but I'm not quite sure when yet, it's a bit of a full day today | 10:42 |
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm | ||
dholbach | ok | 10:42 |
dholbach | let's catch up tomorrow then | 10:43 |
popey | Who is on the Q&A today? | 10:45 |
dholbach | I think I was in the one last week - anyone else maybe? | 10:46 |
dholbach | balloons, davidcalle, dpm, mhall119: you guys available? | 10:47 |
dholbach | I think balloons has a day off, right? | 10:47 |
dholbach | and dpm said he was busy | 10:47 |
dholbach | but I could help too, if noone else is available | 10:48 |
popey | yeah, you and I did last week. and balloons is on vacation | 10:50 |
mhall119 | I can do the Q&A today | 12:30 |
popey | \o/ | 12:53 |
mhall119 | who's going to be on with me? | 13:11 |
mhall119 | dpm: dholbach popey davidcalle has anyone setup the Q&A hangout yet? | 14:31 |
dholbach | I haven't | 14:31 |
mhall119 | ok, I'll create it | 14:31 |
mhall119 | who's going to be on? | 14:32 |
mhall119 | popey: dholbach: davidcalle ^^ | 14:32 |
popey | myself and dholbach were last week, but balloons is on vacation, so you and davidcalle ? | 14:34 |
davidcalle | mhall119: o/ | 14:34 |
davidcalle | Sorry for the late reply, just made sure I was able to | 14:34 |
davidcalle | dpm: dholbach: popey: ^ | 14:34 |
popey | yay | 14:35 |
mhall119 | davidcalle: dholbach dpm popey what announcements do we have for the Q&A today? | 14:47 |
belkinsa | mhall119, is there any openings in the Canonical Community Team? Or at least a community based opening? | 14:56 |
mhall119 | belkinsa: not yet, but maybe soon after balloons actually makes the move | 14:56 |
belkinsa | Alright, thank you. | 14:56 |
dholbach | mhall119, is all of ubucon.org in an Lp branch somewhere? | 15:05 |
svij | dholbach: this? https://launchpad.net/ubucon-site | 15:06 |
dholbach | brilliant | 15:07 |
svij | dpm and jose are also working on this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubucon-site/+bug/1549897 not sure what the status is | 15:07 |
mhall119 | dholbach: I don't know if that's all of it or how up to date it is, dpm and marcoceppi were coordinating that | 15:07 |
dholbach | dpm, marcoceppi: is ubucon-site up to date? | 15:08 |
belkinsa | mhall119 and dholbach, I can be a guess on the QA someday in the near future. | 15:09 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: i don't know? I can go update it if you'd like | 15:09 |
dpm | dholbach, svij, mhall119, the status is up-to-date: Jose was looking at it, but it turns out it was more complex than initially thought. | 15:09 |
marcoceppi | dholbach jose dpm I'm working on an updated charm that will make it easier to update in the future | 15:09 |
dholbach | marcoceppi, err... the question was more about if there were local changes on ubucon.org which weren't in the branch | 15:09 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: oh, no idea | 15:09 |
dpm | dholbach, I've got changes pending | 15:09 |
dholbach | dpm, in a branch? | 15:09 |
dpm | but I have no clue how to do the deployment with the new charm | 15:10 |
dholbach | dpm, is this about the blog? | 15:10 |
dpm | marcoceppi, do you think you could add a comment on the bug explaining how to do a manual deployment with the current setup? | 15:10 |
dpm | This way we could land changes manually without blocking on the updated charm | 15:10 |
dpm | dholbach, I _think_ I put them on a branch, but they were small changes only (the iframes fix we then added to d.u.c). I've not yet started with the blog | 15:11 |
dholbach | dpm, ok, I'll take a stab | 15:12 |
mhall119 | https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Ubuntu/posts/1CzSYJq4q3M sharing is caring | 15:13 |
dholbach | dpm, marcoceppi: so you guys use juju locally for testing and developing the ubucon site? | 15:13 |
dpm | dholbach, I did back then, yes | 15:14 |
mhall119 | belkinsa: which role would you want to be a guest for? You wear many hats :) | 15:14 |
belkinsa | I don't know yet, maybe CC for this time? | 15:14 |
mhall119 | should do that when neither dholbach nor I are hosting :) | 15:15 |
svij | haha | 15:15 |
belkinsa | Alright | 15:15 |
dholbach | marcoceppi, "charm build" is not a valid command(?) | 15:17 |
dholbach | marcoceppi, that's what was described in README.md | 15:17 |
* mhall119 may let davidcalle do most of the talking today | 15:18 | |
marcoceppi | dholbach: you have to install charm-tools from ppa:juju/stable | 15:18 |
dholbach | from xenial? | 15:18 |
dholbach | is that good enough | 15:18 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: charm-tools in xenial hasn't been updated, we're uploading it now with a FFE | 15:18 |
dholbach | go go go! | 15:18 |
mhall119 | dholbach: yeah, xenial is too old :) | 15:19 |
dholbach | it drives me nuts if teams all use their own PPAs, but ok, adding it :) | 15:19 |
tsimonq2 | is the community team Q&A starting yet or is that at 11? (10:20 by me now) | 15:19 |
dholbach | thanks marcoceppi | 15:19 |
belkinsa | tsimonq2, yes, because of the daylight savings. | 15:20 |
tsimonq2 | belkinsa: so it's going on right now? | 15:20 |
dholbach | in 40m | 15:20 |
belkinsa | No, in 40 minutes. | 15:20 |
tsimonq2 | oh okay, good :) | 15:20 |
tsimonq2 | thanks :) | 15:20 |
dholbach | marcoceppi, I get "ERROR no environment specified" when I do "juju deploy postgresql" | 15:22 |
dholbach | sorry O:-) | 15:23 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: no worries, what does `juju switch` say? | 15:23 |
dholbach | marcoceppi, the same | 15:25 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: have you run `juju init` ? | 15:25 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: is this on the jump machine or your local machine? | 15:25 |
dholbach | marcoceppi, I haven't - it was not part of the README.md :) | 15:25 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: hah, well you have to configure juju first | 15:26 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: it assumes you've already done that | 15:26 |
dholbach | ok | 15:26 |
* dholbach ← new | 15:26 | |
marcoceppi | dholbach: no worries | 15:26 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: I'll update the README to mention that | 15:26 |
mhall119 | dholbach: don't worry, snappy will fix it ;) | 15:26 |
dholbach | mhall119, yeah :-P | 15:26 |
marcoceppi | mhall119 dholbach juju 2.0 will fix this, no more configuration needed | 15:26 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: once you've done that, I assume you're going to do a local deploy or a cloud deploy? | 15:27 |
dholbach | marcoceppi, just local - I want to hack on it | 15:27 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: cool, so you'll want to make sure `juju-local` is also installed | 15:27 |
dholbach | marcoceppi, I set default: local | 15:27 |
HaloSponge | https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/4bhnu1/ubuntutouch_be_wholehearted_the_ports_are_coming/ | 15:27 |
dholbach | yep, isntalled | 15:27 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: then `juju switch local` just to be sure | 15:27 |
dholbach | now it wants a namespace or something | 15:27 |
dholbach | config not prepared | 15:28 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: wat? | 15:28 |
dholbach | the error messages suck somewhat | 15:28 |
dholbach | ERROR missing namespace, config not prepared | 15:28 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: yeah, 2.0 is addressing that. too little too late | 15:28 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: odd, I've never seen that | 15:28 |
dholbach | cool | 15:28 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: `juju version` says? | 15:28 |
dholbach | 1.25.3-xenial-amd64 | 15:28 |
marcoceppi | huh | 15:29 |
dholbach | I installed the ppa and upgraded | 15:29 |
mhall119 | HaloSponge: image doesn't match title | 15:29 |
marcoceppi | dholbach: let me boot up a xenial lxd machine | 15:30 |
dholbach | thanks! | 15:30 |
HaloSponge | mhall119: Yes it does - its a viral advert for reddit. Leave it alone ! | 15:30 |
HaloSponge | stop being picky on me. | 15:31 |
svij | mhall119: one thing regarding the sponsorship brochure: The event is run by "ubuntu Deutschland e.V." out association. You can find the name/address here: http://verein.ubuntu-de.org/node/1 | 15:31 |
svij | s/out/our/ | 15:31 |
HaloSponge | I'm diping into advirals. | 15:32 |
* HaloSponge is thinking about doing a twitter business post. | 15:32 | |
mhall119 | thanks svij | 15:32 |
dholbach | davidcalle, dpm, popey: team call | 15:32 |
dholbach | yo yo yo | 15:33 |
popey | oh | 15:33 |
dholbach | marcoceppi, bootstrap maybe? | 15:34 |
=== HaloSponge is now known as FreeSponge | ||
mhall119 | davidcalle: joining? | 15:35 |
=== FreeSponge is now known as LibreSponge | ||
marcoceppi | dholbach: yeah | 15:49 |
dholbach | ok | 15:50 |
dholbach | marcoceppi, "Waiting for agent initialization to finish" | 15:57 |
* dholbach twiddles thumbs | 15:58 | |
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk | ||
davidcalle | dholbach: I'll do a bit more candidates investigation tonight. Talk to you tomorrow o/ | 17:08 |
davidcalle | Have a nice eod folks :) | 17:08 |
dholbach | you too! | 17:09 |
* dholbach calls it a day too - have a good one | 17:13 | |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler |
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