
tewardanyone able to force-end a meeting in #ubuntu-meeting?  The chair of the meeting disappeared so we're having difficulties ending the meeting16:41
teward(the bot won't let anyone close it)16:44
k1l_i dont know if Pici is around16:45
PiciMikaela: around?16:45
PiciI am, but I'm not very knowledgable about meetingology16:45
Mikaelateward: possibly done, I am not sure on those commands, I fear it removed your current logs too16:48
tewardit might've, i'll pull IRC logs then16:48
Mikaelaafterwards thinking I should possibly have done "savemeetings" before attempting to "deletemeeting" even if "if save is given, safe the meeting first, defaults to saving", what is that even supposed to mean?16:49
* Mikaela will be wiser next time then.16:49
k1l_or adding another chair. that can close it?16:52
tewardMikaela: thanks for poking it though :)17:07
Mikaelayou're welcome17:08
Mikaelacorrection: meetingology is wiser than me and wrote the logs to http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ even if it forgot to mention it17:14
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