
celestehDoing the virus scan first, in the hopes that it would catch a naughty plugin. Facebook is keeping it's own tabs on me, making me swear to have done a virus scan before it will let me back on, so I'm not sure a clean profile would help ( as I would certainly want to return to my normal profile)00:04
celestehIf one of my plugins has turned evil, I thin they would actually throw me off at some point. I don't like facebook, but I don't want to get banned either00:04
daftykinsthere are never many though, so you should be able to tell at a glance (Firefox plugins)00:05
celestehYeah, I installed a few tab managers that I don't want to disable, as I fear I would loose my many many unloaded but open tabs00:05
daftykinshehe, bookmark them00:06
celestehdisabled greasemonkey...00:06
celestehI know I should. it's just gotten so out of control. I found a tab a few days ago that had been open for two years...00:06
daftykinsoh my word - i think you might have to call Guinness about that00:08
HaloSpongeI'm happy & going to bed. http://i.imgur.com/rSnauy7.jpg00:15
m0nkey_DOTT has been REMASTERED! :-D http://dott.doublefine.com/02:14
m0nkey_Can't wait for it's release this month :)02:14
HaloSpongem0nkey_: Yes I saw the campaign, there. thanks.02:27
mappswho's still up02:35
HaloSpongeme's up.02:35
mappswhat ye doing02:35
HaloSpongeI had a nap.02:35
HaloSpongemapps, Whats your favourite drink ?02:37
mappsnon alcoholic? vimto02:37
mappsbut i dont drink it..rots your teeth..soo much sugar;p02:37
m0nkey_that's Geoff02:42
mappsdo you guys watch many series?02:42
m0nkey_Also known as the Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust02:42
mappsLOL at the pic HaloSponge02:43
HaloSpongeThere's a contest over on reddit. https://redd.it/4bfmmp02:45
HaloSpongemapps, you vape ?02:47
mappsgonna watch an ep of blindspot02:47
ali1234is that a real car or photoshop?02:49
HaloSpongehi ali123402:59
HaloSpongenot sure, really.03:00
ali1234it's off top gear03:00
HaloSpongethe ganoo bit looks photoshopped.03:00
HaloSpongeali1234, hows it going ?03:00
ali1234you know. just watching some top gear03:01
ali1234then going to bed03:01
HaloSpongethanks for the download-helper extension. really good, cheers03:01
HaloSpongereally helped.03:02
HaloSpongewhat s your blog again /03:03
HaloSponge^ ?03:03
ali1234who me?03:03
ali1234i don't really have one03:03
HaloSpongetweeter ?03:04
ali1234not so much lately though03:04
HaloSpongealister buxton wasn't it ?03:04
ali1234close enough03:04
HaloSpongeI'll have alook.03:05
HaloSpongenothing since 2015 :(03:06
ali1234i haven't had much time to post things03:06
HaloSpongewhat you been up-to /03:06
ali1234teletext stuff03:07
HaloSpongesounds ambiguous.03:07
HaloSpongedoesn't a VHS only last 8 years thou ?03:08
ali1234more like 50 if you store it right03:08
ali1234you have to distinguish between "a" VHS and all VHS though03:09
HaloSpongeYou do Raspberry, then ?03:10
HaloSpongeI'm getting a Kano. Wud you recommend it ?03:10
ali1234never heard of it03:12
ali1234seems fine03:13
mappsfell asleep watching tv05:20
mappsi need to get a blanket i can use for the sofa and some curtains for lounge, only got blinds..so cant sleep there well05:21
zmoylan-piyou need a blanket with sleeves for sleeping on sofa05:25
mappswatched 3 eps of blindspot:)05:26
mappsdo you watch any tv series?05:29
zmoylan-pilast week tonight is about it05:30
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:18
davmor2Morning all09:04
diploMorning all09:08
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Tuesday, and happy As Young As You Feel Day! 😃09:36
HaloSpongeMorning, those with benefits.09:42
HaloSpongeIt's Q&A day today !09:42
foobarrybeen working on my large monitoring screen to show things09:43
foobarrycss makes me cry09:43
foobarryi do this http://i.imgur.com/lcFImfV.png and then colleague says, that box need moving 2px down09:45
foobarrythen it messes everything up09:45
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1-ZhrAsMO809:46
zmoylan-pisounds like it would be easier to move the colleague...09:46
foobarrythen i end up with this http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img910/9066/gjxeFL.gif09:46
diplolooks nice foobarry09:46
foobarrywhats more is the work behind the scenes to get the info09:47
foobarrybut its useful stuff09:47
diploI'd not worry about the styling any more than that, it's only for internal use ?09:47
MooDoohello all09:53
JamesTaitdavmor2, not bad. ☺09:53
davmor2I thought it worked :)09:54
foobarryheh http://i.imgur.com/eEtq0ec.jpg10:28
davmor2oh the irony10:29
zmoylan-piand zincy to make it not rust :-)10:30
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: I remember having to do CSS. You get it looking correct in browser A, then browser B vomits a mess everywhere.10:42
TwistedLuciditySo you then have to spend an hour explaining to boss that browsers A, C, D, E thru to Z all agree to within a pixel but that B is IE and should be burnt at the stake.10:43
TwistedLuciditySame deal with spreadsheets.10:43
* TwistedLucidity fetches pitchfork to deal with Excel10:43
TwistedLucidityAnd that statue of "Wallace" is an utter abomination.10:44
zmoylan-pivery gibsony10:45
TwistedLucidityIt's an affront10:45
davmor2TwistedLucidity: you fool it's a statue it has aback and sides too10:46
HaloSpongeGood article: http://liliputing.com/2016/02/running-ubuntu-on-a-cherry-trail-intel-compute-stick-or-other-operating-systems.html10:58
HaloSpongeLooking bleak weatherwise, I guess. http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2635167#outlook11:41
HaloSpongesebsebseb: hi11:46
HaloSpongeDoing Q&A today ?11:46
sebsebsebHaloSponge: what I don't do Ubuntu q and a11:46
sebsebsebmaybe your thinking of that other Seb11:46
sebsebsebpopey: Have you seen the Brusseles news?11:47
popeyof course, yes.11:47
HaloSpongeyes, scarey.11:47
foobarryonly just saw it via fb11:48
sebsebsebyeah my older brother just told me a little while ago11:48
* HaloSponge doesn't fascebook11:48
sebsebsebjust seen some Intenret stuff about it11:48
* foobarry doesn't news11:48
* sebsebseb was in Brussels at end of Janurary and early feb11:48
* HaloSponge points foobarry to the weather map, prev.11:48
foobarryfacebook seems to be working as a news delivery mechanism11:48
sebsebsebfoobarry: indeed it can do11:49
foobarrymy highly curated feed filters all/most depressing crap11:49
sebsebsebpopey: so FOSDEM in Brussels for you next year? :d11:49
foobarryalthough i have too many teachers on my feed11:49
foobarryteachers always moan11:49
sebsebsebwell at least didn't happen when I was at the air port11:51
diploknightwise lives in Brussels, bet its awful there atm11:56
sebsebsebdiplo: oh right and yeah I know someone who lives near the  airport to an extent11:56
sebsebseband indeed everything locked down public transport it seems11:57
HaloSpongeGameBoy Advance is 15 today. https://goo.gl/sBnKtV12:37
sebsebsebHaloSponge: can buy those cheap second hand and games for them now12:38
sebsebsebHaloSponge: oh q and a is in day now12:40
sebsebseband tuesday12:40
TwistedLuciditydiplo: Yeah, place is apparently in near-total lockdown. (I've waffle-bothering chums in another channel)13:01
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
knightwiseanyone called me ?15:20
knightwiseJust checking in to say i'm ok :)15:20
diddledan11:56diploknightwise lives in Brussels, bet its awful there atm15:20
popeyGood to hear!15:20
diddledanglad to hear you're good15:20
knightwisethanx guys :)15:20
knightwisewe are pretty shaken up here. i live in tongeren which is about 90 km from brussels15:21
knightwisebut up to last month i worked in brussels15:21
knightwiselistening to the radio here and trying to keep up with the news15:21
foobarrydid they catch the people, or it was suicide attack?15:31
diddledanIslamic State have apparently claimed responsibility15:34
knightwiseyep , just heard it on the news15:35
=== HaloSponge is now known as FreeSponge
knightwiseits frustrating to see our police departments cant keep a secret15:35
knightwisepictures that are meant for internal use end up on social media and stuff15:35
diddledanthose are usually the gruesome ones15:36
FreeSpongeknightwise: I bet there are bizzies everywhere, No ?15:36
diddledanwhy does anyone need to see blood and gore other than for evidence purposes? I'd much rather those not be released publicly15:36
=== FreeSponge is now known as LibreSponge
diddledanhow about something more lighthearted? http://boingboing.net/2016/03/22/britons-vote-to-name-287m-res.html15:38
zmoylan-piwe live in the age of instant gratification... were people under fire will upload the pics/video instead of keeping their head down15:39
zmoylan-pidon't worry darwin sorts it out... eventually15:39
diddledangotta love the darwin awards15:41
zmoylan-pii even like the movie... :-)15:41
LibreSpongeknightwise , alright there ?15:42
knightwiseLibreSponge: yep , safe and sound15:44
LibreSpongegood to hear it .. I need a MacBook Air converting to Ubuntu this summer - may pop in :)15:45
knightwisehaha :) you're always welcome15:46
knightwiseWhere are you from ?15:46
LibreSpongeI spoke to you before - I'm the guy who had the wedding in Holland, last summer.15:46
* LibreSponge waits for the IKWhatYouDidLastSummer gag !15:47
knightwiseaaah yep ! I remember :)15:47
LibreSpongenephew's doing well.15:47
LibreSpongeHe likes to draw diggers.15:48
foobarrywho doesn't15:48
LibreSpongeorange ones.15:48
=== Matrixiumn is now known as Xack
LibreSpongebe Bruce or Bat17:43
asahadeoHi, is there anyone here?19:28
asahadeoI am relatively new to Ubuntu - I installed Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (now Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS) on an old Dell Latitude laptop back in November.19:31
Myrttiyou've already upgraded it to 16.04?19:31
asahadeoHaven't had much time to fully explore Ubuntu due to work, but looking to learn.19:31
asahadeoI don't have 16.04, 14.04.19:32
asahadeoIt's a Dell Latitude D610 laptop.19:32
Myrttioh, I read wrong, continue19:32
asahadeoI am not sure it would be able to handle 16.04 in any case :P19:32
asahadeo16.04 is the one that offers touchscreen capabilities...?19:32
asahadeoAnyway, I am looking to contribute to the Ubuntu community, just unsure as to what sort of capacity...19:34
asahadeoI am working as an apprentice web developer at the moment, learning some C++ and Javascript at home.19:34
zmoylan-piuse, enjoy and help some person you know give it a try.  success \o/19:35
asahadeoThanks :)19:35
asahadeoTrying to consider which team to go for first.19:37
asahadeoMaybe I could join the bug testing team, learn some of the basics from there.19:38
popey19:32 < asahadeo> 16.04 is the one that offers touchscreen capabilities...?19:38
popey16.04 is the one that is very similar to 14.0419:38
popeybug squad is a great place to start19:39
popeyalso askubuntu :)19:39
asahadeo<popey> 16.04 is the one that is very similar to 14.0419:43
asahadeoI am pretty sure 16.04 was said to provide support for touchscreen devices, though...?19:44
asahadeoAt least, that's what a lot of people were hoping for.19:44
knightwisepopey: looking forward to the release19:48
foobarrySuperMatt: are most rackspace positions onsite? or some are workfromhome?20:05
=== m0nkey__ is now known as m0nkey_
* diddledan bounces m0nkey_21:31
m0nkey_sorry, applying an update to my FreeNAS box21:31
m0nkey_that's where I run ZNC21:31
diddledangotcha bob21:31
diddledanI'm messing about with yubikey21:31
diddledanmy Yubikeys now work for SSH and Git in addition to GPG/OpenPGP22:31
daftykinsdiddledan: are you going to set them as required for boot? ;)23:13
diddledanthat sounds fun23:16

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