
tsdgeoscimi: what's the status of card-social, want me to review?09:46
cimitsdgeos, debugging why the scope does not work for me :)09:46
cimitsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/+junk/scope-social_actions09:46
tsdgeoscimi: want me to try to help you debug what's wrong or you have it?10:21
cimitsdgeos, for now let me see10:22
tsdgeosdid a quick review of the code and looks reasonablre10:26
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cimitsdgeos, I tried putting an onCardDataChanged jsonstringify cardData inside cardCreator (when !isCardTool) but it is not printing anything10:46
tsdgeoscimi: phone? desktop?10:46
tsdgeosdid you run make?10:47
tsdgeoscardcreator needs make10:47
cimitsdgeos, ok I changed a bit into onTitleChanged: console.log("UCD inside card", JSON.stringify(cardData["socialActions"]));10:49
cimitsdgeos, but is undefined10:49
cimitsdgeos, same is social-actions10:49
tsdgeosprint cardDAta10:49
cimitsdgeos, it doesnt print10:50
tsdgeoswhat code do you have exactly?10:50
cimitsdgeos, but I can print cardData["attributes"] fine10:51
cimitsdgeos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15471189/10:51
cimitsdgeos, print http://paste.ubuntu.com/15471192/10:52
cimithe other UCD print is from cardtool fake template10:53
cimicomponents["social-actions"] is indeed defined for both10:53
cimiI guess we have a bug somewhere in pawel branches no?10:53
tsdgeoscimi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15471216/ works fine to print cardData for me10:57
tsdgeosrunnign make tryCard i get10:58
cimitsdgeos, for cardTool?10:59
tsdgeosi don't understand why cardData would be undefined for you10:59
cimitsdgeos, I run with unity scope tool10:59
tsdgeoscimi: what do you mean "for cardTool"?10:59
cimitsdgeos, the template card with fake data from cardtool?10:59
cimitsdgeos, when isCardTool is true11:00
tsdgeosyes, what about it? are you asking if it prints there?11:00
cimior the one with false11:00
tsdgeoswell, you can see it is there too11:00
tsdgeossecond like11:00
cimitsdgeos, works fine too here for tryCard11:01
cimitsdgeos, not scope tool11:01
cimimmm maybe I need to run smart proxy something11:02
ciminah always not working with that11:03
tsdgeosactually it seems json.stringify doesn't know how to stringify the real cardData since it's a QQmlDMAbstractItemModelData11:06
tsdgeoswonder how i did print that11:06
cimitsdgeos, you told me to use stringify :D11:09
tsdgeosi did11:09
cimibut yeah I understand11:09
tsdgeosi've been known to lie :D11:09
cimitsdgeos, it worked for the fake ones because we were treating them as json11:09
tsdgeoscimi: ok, this is what you want11:16
tsdgeos+                onCardDataChanged: { console.log("root", root); for (var k in cardData) console.log(k, cardData[k]); } \n\11:16
tsdgeosgives me something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/15471434/11:17
tsdgeosthat betteR?11:18
cimitsdgeos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15471733/12:32
tsdgeoscimi: ask pstolowski12:33
cimipstolowski, I updated my card social branch, but the model doesnt have socialActions defined12:34
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greybackSaviq: http://people.canonical.com/~gerboland/perf/13:36
greybackperf needs symbols files to backtrace properly13:36
greybackit'll have same limitations as gdb probably13:37
Saviqgreyback, yeah got those13:37
greybackSaviq: what are you seeing? Can you paste me a report13:37
greybackSaviq: in general, everything I know, I got from http://www.brendangregg.com/perf.html13:37
greyback# Sample CPU stack traces for the PID, using dwarf to unwind stacks, at 99 Hertz, for 10 seconds:13:38
greybackperf record -F 99 -p PID -g dwarf sleep 1013:38
greybackis probably the one I use most13:38
Saviqgreyback, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15472057/13:39
greybackSaviq: huh it saved nothing13:39
greybacktry use the -F flag to increase the frequency of the perf snapshots13:40
greybackdoes "perf top" give you much?13:40
Saviqgreyback, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15472067/13:41
greybackSaviq: wtf13:42
greybackas if that function is stuck in infinite loop13:42
Saviqgreyback, what's "dwarf"?13:43
greybackSaviq: attempts to unwind the stack using libdwarf, instead of trying to follow the frame pointer13:44
Saviqdwarf: No such file or directory13:44
greybackhmm, maybe older perf doesn't support it13:45
Saviqgreyback, same thing in perf report :/13:46
greybackSaviq: :( We need to learn what that symbol corresponds to. I don't really know what else can be done13:52
Saviqgreyback, at least for now we seem to have found why the freeze - we were never changing timezone so early before13:53
Saviqand with new OOBE tz change is part of it13:53
greybackSaviq: but you were thinking rotation might also have something to do with it?13:54
Saviqgreyback, yeah, tz change + rotation triggers it13:54
Saviqit's real dumb13:54
greybackif you want me to look into it, say the word13:56
Saviqgreyback, I think we'll let Mir folk look into it, assuming we get clear steps to repro13:56
pstolowskicimi, will take a look13:58
tsdgeosdandrader_: will you review https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/rootObjectCanBeNull/+merge/289800 ? It's on some code that seems you made (or copied from some other file)14:18
dandrader_tsdgeos, sure14:19
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pstolowskicimi, are you sure you're using shell plugin from the silo?14:46
cimipstolowski, which branch?14:50
cimipstolowski, yes14:53
cimiI built locally14:53
cimipstolowski, does it work for you?14:53
pstolowskicimi, i need to flash my phone to check. only looked at my code (which is exactly the same as for inline playback)14:58
pstolowskicimi, have you pushed all your changes? i'll rebuild the silo14:58
cimipstolowski, I did14:58
cimimmm looks like lp is annoyed15:07
cimipstolowski, no pawel we need this merge https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/card-social/+merge/28966315:08
pstolowskiSaviq, greyback I reproduce the freeze once by following the steps from the bug report. and i've just got another freeze after activating app-switcher15:08
Saviqpstolowski, I think we found reliable steps to repro - and it's a preexisting issue triggered by the silo15:09
Saviqpstolowski, I just updated the bug report a moment ago15:09
pstolowskiSaviq, ack15:09
Saviqrelated to timezone change, which we didn't do in OOBE so far15:10
Saviqand triggered reliably by device rotation15:10
pstolowskiSaviq, the freeze I just got with app switcher is probably something else. unity8 eats very little cpu15:10
pstolowskiSaviq, in the original case i couldn't even adb15:11
Saviqpstolowski, yeah, that's when adb asks unity8 whether it's unlocked15:11
Saviqand it times out15:11
pstolowskiSaviq, is this only on 1st timezone setup? i couldn't reproduce it when changing timezones later15:14
Saviqpstolowski, yeah, needs a wipe15:15
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tsdgeosdandrader|lunch: ping when you're back16:09
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tsdgeosdandrader|lunch: commented on the homekeypage16:32
cimitsdgeos, pstolowski, josharenson seems like the rebuild of silo 71 is going well16:50
josharensoncimi: I'll make sure to dist-upgrade when its done16:51
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dandradertsdgeos, ping16:54
tsdgeosdandrader: the question i made on the MR16:54
josharensoncimi: How do you install that test scope? I built/installed it w/ click/pkcon but its not showing up in the scope list17:00
pstolowskicimi, oh, i need all the filters stuff in silo 71 :(17:04
pstolowskicimi, and yes, i remember you mentioned rebasing our stuff on top of filters..17:04
cimijosharenson, you installed the silo?17:27
josharensoncimi: yes but haven't updated it in ~ an hour17:28
cimijosharenson, we need to wait for unity-api stuff17:29
cimijosharenson, build didnt go well I think17:29
dandraderSaviq, ping18:36
Saviqdandrader, pong18:47
dandraderSaviq, for animated cursors, I wanna use the AnimatedImage item. But for that I've to write a QImageIOPlugin to read xcursor files. It's a Qt GUI plugin. Ideally it should live in a separate package and project. But that's probably a lot of bureaucracy, so at last at first I guess we should just put int in unity8/plugins (along with those qml plugins)?18:51
Saviqdandrader, maybe it makes sense upstream, simply?18:57
Saviqdandrader, we can carry it as a distro patch until it lands upstream in Qt and we have their version18:58
dandraderSaviq, using xcursos is quite a niche. Only compositors written in qt would be interested in that19:07
Saviqdandrader, yeah, maybe - no opposition on including it in unity8 from me19:08

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