
=== PrivateUser is now known as Private_User
magespawngood morning06:06
chesedomorning magespawn and all others06:49
magespawnhi chesedo 06:54
chesedothings seem quite this morning06:55
magespawnindeed, everybody catching up with work after the public holiday06:56
magespawnand Kilos is not it yet06:56
dlPhreakGood morning everyone.07:00
magespawnhey dlPhreak 07:02
dlPhreakmagespawn: how are you?07:03
mazalI just had a screen of death for the first time ever on Linux. A black screen of death :P07:19
dlPhreakHi mazal 07:19
dlPhreakI had a lot of those back when I thought it was cool to compile my own kernel.07:20
mazalI was just working as normal07:21
dlPhreakWhat kernel version are you using?07:22
mazalmazal@mecer-werkpc-maz:~$ uname -r07:22
dlPhreakYeah that's weird. Kernel 3 is super stable. One expects that sort of thing with kernel 4.507:23
mazalI think I must sommer do an update , haven't updated in a week07:24
superflyGood evening07:24
dlPhreakhowzit superfly07:24
mazalLo superfly07:24
dlPhreakLol a week..07:24
mazaldlPhreak: It's because my updates notifier is broken. Been broken a long time and nobody could find the problem , including google. So I must always remember to do it as nothing reminds me. And my remember is bad07:25
superflymazal: you haven't bumped your PC have you? Kernel panics are *usually* because of a hardware problem.07:25
dlPhreakI'm on arch so there's updates every day but I just don't install it until I'm positive it won't break nothing.07:25
mazalsuperfly: Nope , but I did have an external harddrive in that refused to work. But that was about 30 min ago07:26
dlPhreakI have an update notifier on conky.l07:26
mazalProb that drive that caused it07:27
superflygood evening Kilos07:31
Kilosohi superfly and morning everyone else07:32
Kilosbeen trying to find a fone that will actually get answered in the police department that can answer for the clearance peeps taking so long and not answering calls or emails07:34
Kilosseems like the go blank when they see my nymber07:34
mazalMore oom07:36
Kiloshi mazal 07:36
mazalI see oom has the same problems as me07:43
mazalStruggling with SA incompetance07:43
mazalI'm still battling with telkom07:44
superflymazal: you don't have a telkom store in your town, do you?07:44
mazalThey haven't even started the cancellation that I handed in on the 10th already. And on the other side still don't have any routers for mobile either07:44
Kilosif they would only answer a fone or an email that could help, but one sends 5 mails before one reply then they say mail someone else07:44
mazalsuperfly: I drove all the way to PTA to a Telkom store and handed it in physically. Not even that trouble helped07:45
superflymazal: eish07:45
mazalI have never experienced such incompetance and uselessness before07:45
Kilosalways used to be the customer is always right07:46
mazalOnly the traffic department gets close07:46
Kilosnow it is "What customer"07:46
mazalIt's a complete mess in that company at the moment oom07:46
Kilosevery one sees only next pay check and how much booze it can buy07:47
mazalMy friend is past 3 weeks now also broken line07:47
mazalAnd it's the same in PTA. Where there are "supposed" to be technitians07:47
Kilosmaybe if i walk in smelling of booze i might attract some attention07:48
mazalAt the police station ?07:48
Kilosno at the clearance place07:48
Kilospolice stations just say thats clearance peeps domain07:49
Kilosmazal mail the telkom ceo07:49
Kilosthe new guy07:49
mazalManagement is the cause of the problem07:49
Kilosuseles dealing with lackies on ground lvel07:50
mazalIt's their fault that things are where they are07:50
Kilosyes they dont keep tabs but if its on mail or twitter then there is normally a reaction07:50
Kilostwitter best then everyone sees if they sort the prob07:51
mazalThey just want their insane salaries and retrence technitians to achieve it. Now there is nobody to do the actual job07:51
Kilosstupid hey07:51
mazalThat's SA07:52
mazalAll about greed and corruption07:52
Kilosactually sad07:52
mazalInfuriating is more like it07:52
Kilosbreek die cable na die tronk mense dan sal n techie gou uitkom07:54
Kiloseveryone is on facebook all the time07:55
mazalYeah our club office line was fixed within 3 days07:55
Kiloslike we thought the bangalori loco was dead 07:56
Kilosbut there are over 300 on fb07:56
mazalI don't fb much07:56
mazalI very rarely see anything interesting there07:57
Kilosnor do i07:57
mazalJust a whole lot of bs everyone shares07:57
Kilosover there they get free fb so you dont even need data to connect08:00
mazalI want free PSN and XB live08:00
mazalNow that will help lol08:00
mazalUpdates is a killer these days shees08:01
mazal20 gig a month easy , and that's just for a few games08:01
Kilosyes security is getting tight08:01
mazalI had months that was more than that08:01
mazalBack in the good old days when I had adsl08:02
Kilosyou play too many games08:02
mazalThat's not many oom08:02
Kilostoo many08:02
mazalThat is for about 6 games08:02
mazalIt's this so called next gen. Crazy sizes08:02
Kilos20g is my years data nearly08:02
Kilosplay freecell and mahjongg, they never update08:03
mazalFor example , last month , just 1 COD update and 1 Gold update was 16 gig between the two of them08:03
mazalIt's no surprise when a game on launch have a 15gig or more day one update08:03
Kilosthat will change when you get mobile connection08:04
inetprogood mornings08:04
Kiloshi there inetpro how are you08:04
Kilosgood day i see08:04
Kiloseven morning before midday08:04
Kilosgonna rain08:04
magespawnbbl got to go out08:08
inetproKilos: good, good thanks08:10
inetpromagespawn: btw, these trees of mine seem to be special08:11
inetproI stopped by some other trees in the area yesterday and see no sign of these beetles08:11
Kilosoh my08:11
inetproor maybe the trees in the area outnumber the beetles08:11
Kilosnever mind there will be more next year08:12
inetproaround the Heatherdale graveyard there are plenty of them trees08:12
Kilosyou busy breeding for the whole vaal08:12
inetprocan I register as a professional breeder?08:15
dlPhreakWhen does 16.04 come out?08:33
Kilosnear end next month i think08:34
Kiloshi dlPhreak 08:34
dlPhreakKilos hi!08:34
dlPhreakAre you well?08:34
Kilosyes im ok ty, and you?08:35
dlPhreakGot a bit of the flu and I'm medicated lol08:35
dlPhreakDo you know the release date for 16.04?08:37
Kiloswe looked at it last week08:37
KilosMaaz google 16.04 release date08:37
MaazKilos: "Xenial Xerus release schedule - Ubuntu Wiki" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule :: "Why Are We Calling Ubuntu 16.04 LTS The Best Ubuntu Release In ..." http://fossbytes.com/the-spyware-feature-in-ubuntu-will-be-disabled-in-ubuntu-16-04-xenial-xerus/ :: "This Is The Release Date for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - OMG! Ubuntu!"08:38
Maazhttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/10/ubuntu-16-04-release-schedule-release-schedule-date-xenial-xerus :: "List of Ubu…08:38
dlPhreakI only download lts versions.08:39
dlPhreak21 april.08:39
Kilosi wait a month or two after release as well08:40
Kilosthen all the early bugs are sorted08:40
dlPhreakI have a daily build that I wanted to play around with on a VM.08:40
dlPhreakNever got around to it tho.08:40
Kilosi only tried that once08:41
Kilosnever the same as an official release08:41
Kilosso inetpro are you calling highvoltage to attend tonight as well?08:44
Kilosi mailed maia too08:44
Kilosasked her to pinch drubin as well08:45
LangjanHi guys, how are all the young men?08:57
LangjanKilos, and good news?09:02
Kilosnothing Langjan 09:04
Kilosstill bugging them or trying to09:04
LangjanIt's becoming a nightmare!09:05
LangjanReady for your meeting tonight?09:06
Kilosyes so far im gonna make it09:08
Kiloseven the complaints section doesnt answer their fones09:08
Kiloswill see how long it takes to answer an email09:09
Kilosyou attending meeting hey?09:10
Kilosif i was big enough id make it an order09:12
superflyKilos: there's a meeting tonigh, right?09:22
superflyKilos: how do I put an item on the agenda?09:23
KilosMaaz announce Meeting tonight at 8.30pm. Please attend. absentees will be proscuted09:23
MaazHear ye, hear ye! Meeting tonight at 8.30pm. Please attend. absentees will be proscuted09:23
Kilosyou just go edit it superfly 09:23
KilosMaaz spell prosecuted09:24
MaazKilos: That seems correct. Carry on09:24
Kilosnuvolari Squirm anton_may aquarat inetpro Langjan Private_User thatgraemeguy  theblazehen magespawn meeting tonight09:28
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 09:28
theblazehenhi Kilos, okay09:28
LangjanKilos, impending prosecution seems to be forcing me to attend but I don't know what to do there so maybe prosecution will be better09:32
superflyargh, the Ubuntu wiki really irritates me. why can't it redirect me back to the page I was on before I clicked "login"?!09:35
Kilosvery frustrating that hey09:35
superflyKilos: ah, OK, DebConf is on there. Ping me when the meeting starts, and when DebConf comes up. I'm busy with DebConf stuff otherwise.09:35
KilosLangjan just be there and share you company man'09:36
Kilosok superfly will do09:36
Kilosit was in evnts too i think09:36
Kilosgoosie added it09:36
Kilosbut nm09:36
Kiloswe gonna need this event to show we are actually doing something09:37
LangjanOK will try09:37
Kilosnumbers, its all about the numbers09:39
mazalBest start prosecuting oom09:39
Kilosnee man maak n plan09:39
mazalCan't be there , no inet09:39
Kilosuse you fone09:40
mazalMy fone is a cheapie 299 model oom09:40
mazalI don't use smart phones09:40
Kilossee you guys with the modern gadgets have no excuse09:40
Kilosoh ya09:40
magespawnmazal use it as a modem09:40
Kilosty magespawn 09:40
Kilosi used to do that with a cell on edge09:41
Kilosno excuses09:41
mazalI very much doubt that this poena von brugen phone can do that09:41
mazalAnd if it could , it would cost me too much09:41
Kilosnever more than 10m data09:41
magespawnway too much09:41
superflymazal: even some of the older phones could be used as a modem09:41
Kilosdont game update with it09:41
chesedothen eavesdrop on the neighbour's WiFi09:42
mazalKilos: A pc that hasn't been updated in a month suddenly gets connected , will kill my pay as you go09:42
superflybut it depends on if your phone can be plugged into USB and what your phone shows up as in your computer09:42
Kilosturn off updates09:42
mazalAV turns it back on automatically09:43
Kilosin settings where it shows daily weekly etc scroll down and choose never09:43
chesedomazal: do you have a liveCD09:43
mazalRemember , it's winbloze we talking about here09:43
Kilosja chesedo clever09:43
Kilosyou dont have kde at home??????????09:44
Kilossies man09:44
mazalWaiting for 16.04 oom09:44
Kilosuse live cd09:44
mazalAND Inet. Can't install Ubu without inet09:44
Kilosno excuses only solutions09:44
mazalAnd the current rate I doubt I will be connected by May :(09:44
mazalI have live cd yes. But have no idea how to even check if my phone can be used as modem. And no google there to ask09:45
Kiloslive cd, cell as modem and browse to the site and login as qweby09:45
Kilosyou plug in the data cable and see if nm sees it09:45
inetpromazal: download the daily ISO for 16.04 and use it as a live CD on a USB disk09:46
Kilosai! ek sukkel met my volk man09:46
inetprokeep it up to date with zsinc09:46
mazalKilos: What's nm ?09:46
Kilosnetwork manager09:46
Kilosthe network icon09:47
mazalWhat should it see ? Should show modem ?09:47
mazalOr show my phone's name ?09:47
Kilosit will see the fone and offer to use it as madem09:47
mazalOffer via automatic popup , or right-click option ?09:48
Kilosright click if needed09:48
mazalWill check tonight if I don't forget. Have some iso's at home09:49
mazalBut I doubt it09:49
Kiloswhere theres a will theres a way09:49
mazalThis phone is serious entry level hey09:49
Kilosthink possitive09:49
Kiloswhat fone has barry got09:49
mazalHe has a smart one , S3 I think09:50
Kilosthere you go09:50
Kilosannex it09:50
mazalI was just about to say that doesn't help me , barry don't live with me lol09:50
Kilostell him his benefit is being able to attend meeting with you09:50
Kilosjust take the fone man09:51
Kilos'dont beg09:51
Kilosonly robot beggars are well off09:51
mazalBut what about the "modem" setup then ? Shouldn't there be specific dial-up settings or something. It won't be as easy as plug 'n play09:51
Kilosnm sees fones09:51
Kilosconnects easy you just have to tell it to use internet and *99#09:52
Kilosbutlately thats auto when you choose the country you are in09:52
Kilostell barry turn off password then it connects easy09:53
mazalI'm not gonna take the man's phone09:53
Kilostell him its orders from aove09:54
Kilosotherwise lightning will whack him onna butt09:54
mazalI remember something else now09:59
mazalBut don't know id it still works.09:59
Kiloswhat id09:59
Kilosoh if09:59
mazalMany moons ago , I bough a Vodacom 3g stick. Loaded it with 50mb prepaid data.09:59
Kilossjoe jy vol drama ne09:59
Kilostry it10:00
mazalBut that thing hasn't been in a pc for years. It's probably deleted from the network10:00
Kilosbut grab barry's fone first10:00
Kilosif stick works give back cell10:00
mazalDon't they delete cell numbers when it is not connected on the network for a certain time and give it to someone else ?10:00
Kilosput you sim from fone in it10:01
mazalIt's a sealed stick10:01
mazalCan't open it10:01
Kilosyes 3 or 4 months10:01
Kiloswhere you put the sim in then10:01
inetprojust get a new sim, quic, quick10:01
mazalMust be onboard somehow10:01
mazalIt looks like a usb memory stick10:01
Kilosno man they just clip together10:01
mazalinetpro: You mean it must be able to open somehow ?10:01
inetproyep, they all do10:02
Kilosthey clip together10:02
mazalI actually tried that when I got it and couldn't find how it opens. Boggled me , but it worked10:02
Kilosstart at the usb plug end and lever in cracks with knife 10:02
mazalI'm gonna try that first. Try open it , put my sim in10:03
mazalMaybe first check if the current sim still works10:03
mazalIt had data and money on it10:03
Kilosyes try but then you will need cell c aititme10:03
Kilosdata expires10:03
Kiloswith money one it might be alive still10:04
mazalAt first I connected it once a month to keep it alive , but after some time I stopped. And after move it is somewhere in a box completely forgotten10:04
inetproif it's many moons ago it will probably have expired and cut off from the network even10:04
mazalPrepaid data don't expire Kilos. But if they kille the nr then all will be gone10:04
mazalinetpro: I think that will be the case10:05
inetprobest bet is to get a new sim, they're very cheap10:05
mazalThis will teach me now to not forget things argh !!!!10:05
mazalI wonder though , if sim is nuked , then if I log in to My Vodacom it shouldn't show there right ? If it still shows it might be alive still ?10:06
mazalI will have that login details in a doc somewhere10:06
* mazal goes searching10:06
mazal"We are unable to authenticate you now, please try again later."10:09
mazalI guess that means it's nuked as the username is the cell number10:09
inetprocall them to re-enable it10:09
mazal.me is nou sommer de m543r in vir homself10:10
inetpromazal: they can activate a sim again10:10
mazalAnd the irony is , I got it that time as a backup for when my ADSL is down. And due to my own forgettfulness it doesn't work now10:11
mazalinetpro: I will try10:11
pavlushkao/ all10:20
pavlushkahi magespawn !!!!10:27
pavlushkaKilos, can I take Maaz for a while! I know Maaz wouldn't mind.10:52
kmfchesedo: saw you mail on the GLUG list :)12:01
Maazkmf: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell kmf Sorry i missed you. i slept most of the afternoon away" 3 days, 21 hours, 13 minutes and 33 seconds ago12:01
Kilossorry kmf 12:01
chesedohi kmf12:01
kmfhi Kilos 12:01
kmfhi chesedo 12:02
* chesedo was wondering if any of them went through12:02
kmfbtw Kilos the Trademark usage for Ubuntu for Hope has been approved by Canonical 12:02
Kiloskmf have you any feedback on your project for tonights meeting12:02
Kilosthats good news12:02
kmfKilos very relieved .... 12:02
inetprochesedo: you can always check the archives12:03
chesedocongrats kmf12:03
inetprohi kmf12:03
inetprowell done kmf12:03
kmfhowdy inetpro 12:03
kmffor what ... sending an email?12:03
Kilosyes very well done12:03
kmfI won't be able to attend tonight's meeting just wanted to drop in and share the news12:04
inetprokmf: yes, to see whether his mail went through, if he is unsure12:04
Kilos#glug.za has shrunk12:04
chesedoinetpro: got an auto reply from our list that it was received, but not from any of the lugs which i wondered about12:04
kmfchesedo on the topic of the Con's they are a mission to organize12:05
chesedook, ty for feedback kmf12:05
kmfchesedo but maybe we can can aim for a digital meetup12:05
kmfat various satellite sites 12:06
chesedothats also an idea12:06
Kilosim gonna have a ballie nap if im not needed12:07
inetpronag oom Kilos12:12
* inetpro likes the new apt12:47
inetprosince when can we use apt in stead of apt-get?12:48
inetprolooks like they introduced that in 14.0412:48
* chesedo has been wondering why he sees a progress bar sometimes during updates12:56
chesedogood find inetpro12:56
inetproI still prefer aptitude search in stead of apt search though12:57
Kilosgo home all and get ready for tonights meeting14:33
Kilos8.30 pm14:33
LangjanHi Kilos, just to let you know I will not be joining you this evening, we have guests for the night. Have a great evening! 14:44
Kilosok ty Langjan 14:45
Kilosyou are forgiven14:45
LangjanThanks, I knew I would be it I confess - that's how it works. 14:45
LangjanMooi loop14:46
Kilosjy ook dankie14:46
Kilosgeniet die aand14:46
LangjanJy ook dankie14:46
Kilosoh well apt works14:54
Kilosapt update and apt upgrade14:54
Kiloslekker saves looking for - and typing get14:55
magespawnhow time for me, chat later at the meeting14:58
Kilosgo well14:58
Kilosmaybe ill sleep through the meeting14:58
Kiloswhat will this command do guys??15:47
Kilosapt install foo15:47
Kilosdont tell me try it till i know what foo is even15:47
pavlushkacan I change my local default fonts?16:14
bushtechevening all16:15
bushtechany kodi users here?16:15
Kiloshi bushtech hope you here for the meeting as well16:15
bushtechwhat time is it?16:15
bushtechok might be in and out very busy16:17
Kilosok ty16:22
Kiloschesedo is jy reg vir die mense17:25
KilosMaaz seen nuvolari 17:26
MaazKilos: nuvolari was last seen 1 month, 27 days, 7 hours, 15 minutes and 12 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-01-25 02:10:54 PST], and has been online on freenode since 2016-03-22 02:02:48 PDT17:26
Kilosnuvolari ping17:26
chesedohey Kilos17:26
chesedostill 1H left though17:26
Kilosjust checking17:26
chesedoKilos:  you excited?17:29
Kilosi have to wait a month for next meeting17:30
chesedolol... good17:30
* chesedo will also miss may's17:30
Kilosyes thats more important17:32
chesedowill have a test next day17:32
Kilosinetpro will do it17:32
=== PrivateUser is now known as Private_User
Kilossee you all tomorrow. just tell me when i must remove the bot17:39
Kilostumbleweed you havent forgotten have you??17:43
tumbleweedoh, hi17:44
Kilos50 mins to go sir17:44
Kilosso chesedo you still available for april hey17:47
=== PrivateUser is now known as Private_User
KilosMaaz coffee on18:04
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:04
Kilosthought i was disconnected18:04
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:08
KilosMaaz dankie man18:09
MaazGroot plesier my vriend18:09
Kilosinetpro how come i never got a reminder from G+18:09
CryterionMaaz make beer18:09
MaazCryterion: Excuse me?18:09
Kiloshi Cryterion 18:09
Cryterionheya Kilos18:09
Kilosim glad you stayed on with us18:10
Kilosyou the minetest guy hey18:10
Kiloscame with graeme18:10
Kilosare you happy here with us18:11
Kilossorry for the questions18:11
CryterionGlad I did, plenty helpfull peeps here that I can also help at times18:11
Cryterionnp prob18:11
Kilosis there anything that irritates you18:12
Kilosim trying to work out how to keep peeps happy in a channel so i can pass along the info to other locos18:13
Cryterionjust Maaz, won't get beer18:13
Kilosok wait ill sort that18:13
CryterionMaaz: Beer Please18:13
MaazHidden in the back of the fridge Cryterion18:13
Cryterionhe even hides them, lol18:14
Kilosthere you o18:14
Kilosyes man for you and a selected few18:14
Kilosotherwise the hooligans polish them off18:14
Kiloshe hides the rusks as well18:14
CryterionMaaz: where are the rusks?18:15
MaazCryterion: Not a clue, sorry18:15
Cryterionhmm, guess he won't tell either18:15
KilosMaaz rusks please18:15
Maazbehind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone Kilos18:15
superflyKilos: onhou om my te ping. ek't a paar dinge om te doen vanaand 18:16
Kilossal so maak superfly 18:16
Kilospin exactly at what times? when debconf section starts18:17
Kilosor at meeting login time18:17
Kilosai! where karl went now18:18
magespawngood evening18:21
Kiloshi my magespawn 18:22
Kilosall good ??18:22
Kiloswb kmf 18:22
Kilosthought you left us18:22
magespawnall good18:22
kmfyou where right18:22
kmfmy adsl is killing me at home18:22
Kilosoh my18:22
magespawnjust got a new mifi device and contract from cell c18:22
Kilosis that good magespawn 18:23
magespawn5 + 15 gb R9918:23
magespawnyup 24 months18:23
CryterionI had that before magespawn18:23
Cryterionkept running out though, grrr18:24
Cryterionthink it was R89 at the time18:24
magespawni thought it was 20GB a month for R9918:24
Cryterion5day + 15 12through to 6am18:25
Kilosnight owls data bundle18:25
chesedoKilos: should make april's18:25
Kilospro will be happy18:26
Kilosne inetpro 18:26
Kiloshe only has one month to do18:26
magespawnCryterion: this is my on the road data, i have access to the work wifi at all the places where i work18:27
chesedono we should be versatile so that others can see they are welcome to do it too18:27
Cryterionok kwl18:27
Kiloswe are versatile when you away pro does it18:28
Kiloswb Na3iL 18:28
chesedolol, or fly when he is also mia18:29
Kilosoh ja18:29
Na3iLty Kilos :D 18:29
Na3iLhow was ur day 18:29
Kilosgood ty Na3iL and you18:29
Na3iLam extremly good :D 18:29
chesedoHi Na3iL18:29
chesedosa peeps are you ready?18:29
Na3iLhiyas chesedo :D 18:30
chesedoMaaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Monthly Meeting - March 201618:30
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles18:30
chesedoMaaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction 18:30
chesedoWelcome all and thank you for joining in on our monthly meeting18:30
MaazCurrent Topic: Welcoming and Introduction18:30
chesedoOur bot Maaz will be doing the minutes so please introduce yourself to him using `Maaz: I am <firstname lastname>` eg. 18:30
chesedoMaaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht18:30
Maazchesedo: Okay18:30
CryterionMaaz: I am Gavin Bauer18:30
MaazCryterion: Alrighty18:30
chesedoToday's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160322 18:31
chesedoplease feel free to suggest last minutes changes now18:31
kmfMaaz: I am Karl Fischer18:31
Maazkmf: Alrighty18:31
KilosMaaz I am Miles Sharpe18:31
MaazKilos: Okay18:31
Kilossuperfly login time18:31
Kilosinetpro ping18:31
chesedoMaaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting18:32
MaazCurrent Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting18:32
chesedothe last meeting's minutes is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160223 18:32
chesedoIt was quite exciting so going over it should be fun18:32
magespawnMaaz: I am Greg Eames18:32
Maazmagespawn: Yessir18:32
superflyMaaz: I am Raoul Snyman18:32
Maazsuperfly: Yessir18:32
inetproMaaz: I am Gustav H Meyer18:33
Maazinetpro: Done18:33
chesedoIs everyone happy with the agenda and previous minutes18:33
KilosNa3iL you want to login with the bot please18:33
Na3iLMaaz, I am Zoueidi Naeil18:33
MaazNa3iL: Alrighty18:33
chesedoMaaz: agreed No raised issues for previous minutes18:34
MaazAgreed: No raised issues for previous minutes18:34
Kilosya chesedo go on18:34
chesedoMaaz: topic Plans for 201618:34
MaazCurrent Topic: Plans for 201618:34
chesedoin the last meeting kapanda asked about Ubuntu membership18:35
chesedo... do not know if he got sorted18:35
Kilosi havent seen him since18:35
chesedoHe is also at Joburg LUG if anyone else might be there too?18:36
Kilospavlushka you wanna login with our bot18:36
Kilosand watch how to use him18:36
pavlushkasure, but how?18:36
chesedoMaaz: topic Ubuntu for Hope18:36
MaazCurrent Topic: Ubuntu for Hope18:36
Kiloswelcome K_K_N 18:36
K_K_Nthanks Kilos18:37
K_K_Nam too late for the meeting forgot all about it18:37
Kiloslogin with the bot please sir18:37
chesedokmf: release is next for, think we will have a get together before next meeting?18:37
chesedonext month18:37
Cryterionpavlushka - Maaz: I am Your Name, logs you in18:37
K_K_NMaaz: I am Kerasen Naidoo18:37
MaazK_K_N: Okay18:37
kmfchesedo what did you have in mind .... you asking me on a date ;)18:38
K_K_Ndid I miss anything important so far or you guys just started?18:38
pavlushkaMaaz: I am pavlushka18:38
Maazpavlushka: Yessir18:38
Kilosone month to release of 16.0418:38
Kilosyour name pavlushka not your nick18:38
chesedokmf: to pc need to be fixed up, resources 'leveled'  or OSes installed that you might need help from the Loco?18:39
Kilosnot serious but next month18:39
kmfchesedo I'll have to make a plan, why not launch the project at a release party :) then we have a lot more interaction18:40
pavlushkaMaaz: I am Pavel Sayekat18:40
Maazpavlushka: Alrighty18:40
Kiloswb Vince-0 18:40
Vince-0Maaz: I am Vincent Swart18:40
MaazVince-0: Sure18:40
chesedokmf: we could but have no release party plan for prt18:40
Kiloskmf rope in inetpro he escapes too often18:41
* Cryterion starts tying a noose18:42
* chesedo has been thinking of having one, but his brother has b party that weekend18:42
kmfsure ... will do I need to run speak to you guys later ... sorry 18:42
Kilosok kmf ty for joining18:42
chesedook kmf18:42
kmfta 18:43
chesedoMaaz: topic Events 18:43
chesedonothing seems to have happened last month18:43
MaazCurrent Topic: Events18:43
chesedobut we have DebConf comming up18:43
chesedosuperfly: you available now18:43
Kilostumbleweed you too18:44
chesedoin mean time, no one knows of anything else for upcoming month?18:44
superflychesedo: Sortof. I'm sitting behind some really awful lag.18:45
chesedoor any other?18:45
chesedosuperfly: ok will switch topic soon18:45
* superfly is not entirely sure where tumbleweed is right now18:45
superflyhe seems to be talking from a plane all too often18:45
Kilosyeah the globe trotter18:45
chesedoMaaz: topic DebConf18:45
MaazCurrent Topic: DebConf18:45
chesedosuperfly: floor yours18:46
superflyuh, right18:46
Cryterionwhen and where is it being planned?18:46
Kilostumbleweed ping18:46
superflyFor those who don't know, DebConf is the annual Debian conference for developers and users.18:46
Cryteriontumbleweed is 0.44 seconds away18:47
superflyUbuntu is based on Debian.18:47
superflyDebConf 16 is being held in Cape Town, from the 2nd to the 9th of July. Registration opened on Friday.18:47
chesedoCryterion: in Cpt, 2-9 July18:47
magespawnhow big is the conference?18:48
Cryterionwill note, hopefully I can make it, will have to fly down for a few days18:48
superflyAttendance is free, and there are bursaries for those who can't afford travel and accommodation expenses.18:48
Kiloswb captine 18:48
Kiloslogin please18:48
superflyTo request bursaries (sponsorship) for food, accommodation, or travel, you must be registered by Sunday, 10 April 2015. Any registrations after that can't be guaranteed bursaries.18:49
superflyTo register, go to https://debconf16.debconf.org/ and sign up on the site. Once you're signed up, go to your profile and click on the "Register" button.18:49
superfly(I'm currently about 30 seconds behind everyone else)18:49
captinekilos thanks18:49
captinehow do i do it again?18:49
Kilossorry superfly 18:49
tumbleweedsuperfly: sorry :)18:49
* tumbleweed is in SF today18:49
tumbleweed(plane yesterday, plane tomorrow)18:50
Kilos captine Maaz I am Full Name18:50
superflySorry guys I can't answer questions right now, my lag is sitting at 45 seconds18:50
captineMaaz I am Bradley Putzier18:50
Maazcaptine: Sure18:50
Kilostumbleweed you wanna login please18:50
* tumbleweed can answer questions18:50
tumbleweedMaaz: I am Stefano Rivera18:50
Maaztumbleweed: Done18:50
tumbleweedalso, o/18:51
chesedoo/ tumbleweed18:51
superflytumbleweed: no need to apologise :-)18:51
magespawntumbleweed: how big is the conference in attendance?18:51
* Kilos greets our globe trotter18:51
tumbleweedmagespawn: we're estimating 250 people18:51
tumbleweedmagespawn: not huge18:51
tumbleweedlast year was over 500 - record size18:51
chesedotumbleweed: is the conf very technical in nature?18:52
magespawnstill fairly big18:52
superflymagespawn: Typically it's 350 people, I think we're expecting a little less than that, but tumbleweed will have a better estimate.18:52
tumbleweedchesedo: yes, pretty technical, but also very social18:52
tumbleweedpeople bring their whole families18:53
tumbleweedbut they're there to get work done18:53
tumbleweed(and have fun)18:53
tumbleweedchesedo: have a look at previous years' programmes18:54
tumbleweede.g. https://summit.debconf.org/debconf15/18:55
chesedotumbleweed: ty18:55
chesedoanyone else have more questions?18:56
tumbleweedwell, I'm here for another reason that just to tell you about it18:57
tumbleweedwe are also starting to need some help, in preparation18:57
tumbleweedand we will need some help, when it's under way18:58
tumbleweedtalk to me, or join #debconf-team on irc.debian.org, if you're interested18:58
Kilosi mailed maia and asked her to try attend tonight but no reply yet18:58
Kiloshave you heard from her tumbleweed 18:58
chesedoKilos: you are all our cpt peeps?18:58
tumbleweedone thing that comes to mind, is that we could use someone to try and find video equipment for hire (we have very specific needs, so it probably means quite a bit of time on the phone)18:58
chesedowow, tall order...18:59
Kilosthey are very short here tonight18:59
Kilosfly knows them all18:59
chesedoMaaz: agreed DebConf needs help and has to find video equipment for hire19:00
MaazAgreed: DebConf needs help and has to find video equipment for hire19:00
Kiloskulelule was gonna help , dunno where he is tonight19:00
Kilosnuvolari is also down there19:00
KilosCryterion arent you there as well?19:01
inetproeven thatgraemeguy is there, not?19:01
CryterionI'm in Durban19:02
Kilossorry Cryterion 19:02
Cryterionwell just south of durban19:02
chesedoCryterion: if you would go?19:02
Kilosfly there they will sponsor19:02
superflytumbleweed: hrm, I'll need a reminder, but if you  can give me some more specific information, I can ask one or two folks I know.19:02
CryterionI would, any help would be appreciated, tks19:02
Kilosregister Cryterion 19:03
superflythatgraemeguy is down here, I'm not sure where kulele88 is19:03
Cryterionwill do19:03
Kilosjoin them there too 19:03
chesedoMaaz: accepted that Cryterion will try and register to help with DebConf19:03
MaazAccepted: that Cryterion will try and register to help with DebConf19:03
chesedohmm... anyone got more?19:05
chesedoty you for volunteering Cryterion19:06
chesedoMaaz: topic Miscellaneous19:06
MaazCurrent Topic: Miscellaneous19:06
Cryterionnp :)19:06
Kilosmake us proud of the banana boys Cryterion 19:06
chesedowilliamk does not seem to be here tonight19:07
CryterionMust I bring some with19:07
Kilosna they are snoek eaters19:07
Cryterionstill need to get hold of him, live the save small town now19:07
chesedoUbuntu-in-the-wild is still up at trello if any has more to add to it (it has expanded since last i cheched)19:08
Kiloswowmive forgotten all about trello19:08
tumbleweedsuperfly: ack19:08
chesedoKilos: do not have much to add about LUGs involvement (only got a response from kmf so far)19:09
Kilosnp chesedo well keep working on them19:09
Kilosthey also seem snowed under atm19:10
Kilosor have become social media addicts19:10
chesedospeaking of trello though, maybe we should do some cleanup there19:10
Kiloswb magespawn 19:10
Kilosinetpro ^^ trello cleanup19:11
chesedoKilos: you think you could maybe?19:11
Kiloscould what?19:11
Kilosoh trello19:11
chesedoclean up... you most in the know of everyone19:11
Kilosill  look yes and get pro to help he is the admin guy there19:12
chesedolol ok19:12
inetproKilos: we can do it 19:12
Vince-0I need a reason to go to Cape Town19:12
Kilosty inetpro 19:13
chesedoMaaz: accepted Kilos and inetpro to clean up trello19:13
MaazAccepted: Kilos and inetpro to clean up trello19:13
KilosVince-0 what reason do you need19:13
chesedoty Kilos and inetpro19:13
Kilosoh chesedo Vince-0 is dbnlug19:13
Kilosand wiliam19:13
Kilosand magespawn 19:13
chesedooh hey ty Kilos19:14
Vince-0debconf sounds like a good reason I mean19:14
Kilosdbnlug are G+ addicts19:14
Kilosyes Vince-0 it is19:14
chesedoKilos: nope their was last updated years ago19:14
Kilosand if you volunteer to help theyll even feed you19:14
Kilosoh my19:15
chesedoVince-0: think you could volunteer?19:15
KilosCryterion google thing19:15
Cryterionyuck, I'm not google19:15
Vince-0ya lemme check my schedule19:16
chesedoVince-0: ok19:16
Cryterionstill yuck19:16
chesedothat seems to cover the meeting stuff then...19:16
Kilosinetpro give Cryterion the link for our G+ please19:16
CryterionThink I have it somewhere19:16
chesedoMaaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting19:16
MaazCurrent Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting19:16
Kilos+1 for chesedo19:17
* chesedo just gives another heads up that he will miss may's19:17
Kilosinetpro vote man19:17
Kilosinetpro may is yours19:17
chesedoMaaz: agreed chesedo to chair next meeting19:18
MaazAgreed: chesedo to chair next meeting19:18
chesedoMaaz: topic Next meeting19:18
MaazCurrent Topic: Next meeting19:18
chesedoit seems to be 26th april to you gues too?19:18
chesedoMaaz: agreed Next meeting is 26 April 2016 @ 20:3019:19
MaazAgreed: Next meeting is 26 April 2016 @ 20:3019:19
chesedothat's it... thanks you for joining in and hope to see again on next meeting or before19:19
Kilosty for chairing again chesedo 19:20
chesedoMaaz: end meeting19:20
MaazMeeting Ended19:20
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-03-22-18-30-07.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-03-22-18-30-07.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-03-22-18-30-07.html19:20
Kilosty for attending everyone19:20
chesedoyw Kilos19:20
chesedoMaaz: forget last meeting19:20
Maazchesedo: I didn't know about last meeting anyway19:20
chesedoMaaz: last minutes19:20
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-02-23-18-30-04.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-02-23-18-30-04.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-02-23-18-30-04.html19:20
chesedoMaaz: forget last minutes19:20
Maazchesedo: Sure19:20
chesedoMaaz: last minutes is <reply> Minutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-03-22-18-30-07.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-03-22-18-30-07.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-03-22-18-30-07.html19:21
Maazchesedo: I'll remember that19:21
chesedoMaaz: last minutes19:21
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-03-22-18-30-07.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-03-22-18-30-07.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2016-03-22-18-30-07.html19:21
Kiloswell done now no need to hunt19:21
captinesorry for being so absent.  been ultra swamped. now to bed.  night all19:22
inetprothanks chesedo 19:22
chesedonp captine, and night19:22
Kilosnight captine 19:22
chesedonp inetpro19:23
Kilostumbleweed after this is all over is there going to be ibid time??19:24
Kilosyou dont think i forgot hey19:25
Kilosok peeps. ty for a nice meeting and all the input19:26
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:27
pavlushkanight guys!19:27
chesedotumbleweed: can you give Vince-0 for information about volunteering for DebConf19:29
chesedoah... my typing is bad today...19:30
Cryterion<superfly> To request bursaries (sponsorship) for food, accommodation, or travel, you must be registered by Sunday, 10 April 2015. Any registrations after that can't be guaranteed bursaries.19:31
Cryterion To register, go to https://debconf16.debconf.org/ and sign up on the site. Once you're signed up, go to your profile and click on the "Register" button.19:31
superflyVince-0: ^^19:32
superflywhat Cryterion said19:32
chesedosuperfly, tumbleweed: what is the debCamp?19:37
K_K_NI am out people sorry did not contribute much to the meeting19:39
chesedonp K_K_N, good night19:39
tumbleweedchesedo: it's basically sprints19:40
K_K_Nnight chesedo19:40
K_K_Nnight all19:40
tumbleweedpeopl getting together to work on things, before debconf19:40
chesedowhat kind of things exactly?19:41
* superfly leaves that one for tumbleweed to answer, he doesn't really know himself19:41
tumbleweedchesedo: Debian things19:41
tumbleweedhttps://wiki.debian.org/Sprints has some repotrs from past debcamps included19:42
chesedoty tumbleweed19:43
tumbleweedit's also when the video and network teams set up19:45
chesedosounds exciting19:47
chesedoanyway night all19:47
superflynight chesedo19:49
inetprogood night chesedo19:50
superflyQuassel Web seems to work better for me -_-19:50
superflybtw, inetpro, thanks for the tip on "apt" -- it's way better than apt-get and apt-cache19:51
inetprosuperfly: absolutely19:51
inetproand a pleasure19:51
* inetpro noticed Stéphane Graber using it in his LXD 2.0 Story19:53
tumbleweedapt is awesome :)20:02
inetproas mentioned earlier, I still prefer aptitude for search20:03
inetprobut maybe I just need to look at all the apt-cache options again20:04
inetproaptitude advanced search is real awesomeness20:06
inetproaptitude search term reference: http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/projects/aptitude/doc/en/ch02s03s05.html20:08
tumbleweedaptitude search is fancier20:08
inetproand simpler :-)20:09
tumbleweedapt search is more like axi-cache search20:09
tumbleweedwhich is what I actually want, most of the time20:09
inetprofirst time I even see axi-cache20:11
Vince-0done and dusted20:46
inetprosome interesting info about Searching for Packages in the The Debian Administrator's Handbook at https://debian-handbook.info/browse/stable/sect.searching-packages.html20:50
inetprobut aptitude remains my tool of choice for now20:50
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
inetprohaving said the above I will admit, apt-cache has a few interesting ways you can search for packages21:01
inetprofor example as seen at http://askubuntu.com/questions/298506/using-apt-cache-search21:01
inetprowill be nice if apt could combine the power of aptitude, apt-cache and axi-cache into a single tool21:03
inetproone day21:03
pavlushkanight all21:08

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