
flocculantthanks slickymaster :)07:06
flocculantknome: on *our* wiki contact page the wiki and lp icons look truncated07:56
flocculantbluesabre: elementary icons \o/ :)08:17
flocculantbluesabre knome - got a pad started - have grabbed bits from 14.10 to 15.10 changes onto there for when we get to final release while I thought about that http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-xenial-release-notes 08:18
bluesabreflocculant: it worked then?09:36
Unit193flocculant: Have not dug into it much right now. :/09:38
pavlushkaHi I am from Bangladesh, if there's anything for Bengali Translation?, actually I know there's may be huge things for Bengali translation.10:22
pavlushkaI mean for the recent release.10:23
pavlushkaI mean for the upcoming release.10:23
dkesselpavlushka: it looks like the installer slideshow is mostly untranslated: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+pots/ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu10:27
dkesselfor more things to translate, see: http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/documentation.html#docs-packages10:27
pavlushkaon it.10:27
knomeflocculant, at least i can't see that, so maybe you need to send a screenshot :)11:13
knomebluesabre, so what exactly do we need to change to make sure the contributor docs do not build on the package?11:18
knomethe "all" target?11:19
krytarikknome: Yes.11:22
knomekrytarik, thanks11:23
knomelet's see if i get there before my mom steps from the door11:23
knomeone of these days again i see...11:23
bluesabreknome: if I had to guess, drop "contributor-all" from https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/xubuntu-docs/xenial/view/head:/Makefile#L2911:27
krytarikAlso, to be more specific regarding my earlier suggestion on how to fix the current PDF build fails, we'd add the symlink creation and removal *around* the 'for' loop in the script.11:31
knomekrytarik, maybe you could prepare it somewhere11:32
krytarikknome: I was going to offer providing a diff, if that'd be sufficient, yes. :P11:35
knomeplease just provide the new file instead11:36
knomeas we've seen, playing with diffs can be dangerous :P11:36
krytarikknome: http://paste.openstack.org/show/lizRpEa1yNPsfjoGHhfV/11:44
HaloSpongemorning o/11:45
knomebluesabre, lp:xubuntu-docs is updated for you to upload; bugs courtesy of krytarik 11:49
HaloSpongeerr Hello11:50
knomeHaloSponge, hello11:50
HaloSpongeMorning morning, good mornings.11:50
HaloSpongeIm dating a vet !11:51
knomeokay, how is that related to the xubuntu development?11:51
HaloSpongesorry for that :)11:52
knomeno problem11:53
pavlushkaHaving problems with update.11:54
pavlushkaalthough I am up-to-date but a notification is flashing, saying update information is outdated.11:55
pavlushkaI am using Ubuntu Bangladesh server.11:56
knomepavlushka, what it is saying is that you haven't ran "apt-get update" recently enough11:56
pavlushkait says, this could happen due to repository problem or network problem, but definitely not network as I connected to you.11:58
pavlushkaand even the "sudo apt-get update" is working in the terminal as I re-run it to test.12:00
HaloSpongeHow do I get an Easter-egg into Xubuntu 16.04 ?12:02
knomeHaloSponge, hmm?12:03
HaloSpongesimple question thou.12:03
knomenot really...12:03
knomemaybe you should tell us what you are thinking and we can tell if it's possible12:03
knomeand whether we want to include it12:03
HaloSpongethats just control, not interested now.12:05
knometough luck then :)12:06
pavlushkaHaloSponge, goto https://www.fairylandgame.com/, they are giving free Easter-eggs, just use xenial, thats it12:06
HaloSpongepavlushka: That's a facehok app website, not interested :(12:07
* HaloSponge doesn't facebook12:07
pavlushkaknome, should I reboot?12:08
knomepavlushka, you can try running "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal and see if it gives you errors; if not, the notification should disappear as well12:08
pavlushkaW: gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_damien-moore_codeblocks-stable_ubuntu_dists_xenial_InRelease: The repository is insufficiently signed by key 993D634ED0E1A56F786F5B8F87BB07B4C99E40E1 (weak digest)12:09
pavlushkaW: gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_rebuntu16_avidemux+unofficial_ubuntu_dists_xenial_InRelease: The repository is insufficiently signed by key 1DB97831F2CB20F9DB8FFDE9191A0DD498F78EB3 (weak digest)12:09
pavlushkaW: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/c.falco/mame/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file.12:09
pavlushkaN: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use.12:09
pavlushkaN: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.12:09
pavlushkaW: gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/panthema.net_repo_debian_dists_squeeze_Release.gpg: The repository is insufficiently signed by key 1A0CC16F04D7CE0E03775095B7B702B5F4EF04FA (weak digest)12:09
knome!pastebin | pavlushka 12:10
ubottupavlushka: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:10
knomepavlushka, well, there you see the problem you are having12:10
pavlushkaI just imported my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS gpg keys to this system today.12:11
pavlushkaok, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15471651/12:13
pavlushkaSo what do I do know?12:13
knomethis is not exactly related to testing, but for that purpose and to get rid of the notification, you can try readding your PPAs.12:14
knomebut i also see you are using a repository designed for debian; fwiw, we don't support doing that12:14
pavlushkano, just asking for that notification, and if the repos creating problems, I am happy to remove those.12:16
knomethe repositories are essentially giving you that error, yes12:16
knomethe output you got explicitly explains you what the problem is12:17
pavlushkaalrighty, should I re-add or remove the weak signed PPAs?12:17
pavlushkaexcept the debian one.12:18
knomeuse your common sense please...12:18
knomeif you want to keep using them, you can try readding12:18
knomeif you don't mind, remove them12:18
knomeremoving them *will* get rid of the notification12:18
pavlushkasorry for the bother, knome 12:18
knomereadding might12:18
pavlushkahumbly appreciated12:19
krytarikLP bug 1558331.12:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1558331 in apt (Ubuntu) "message "The repository is insufficiently signed by key (weak digest)" is poorly worded" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155833112:21
bluesabreknome, thanks. Final freeze is in effect, so that gives us a chance to play with it before uploading12:30
bluesabreEr, final beta freeze12:31
flocculantknome: firefox > http://i.imgur.com/KTpHOGw.png not quite so bad in chromium > http://i.imgur.com/qos9ywq.png12:32
knomeor then we can ask for an exception and actually get the docs in the beta for people to look at12:32
flocculantnot even I would call those ellipses ... 12:33
flocculantbluesabre: yep - breeze blew away ;)12:33
knomeflocculant, your take on importance to get docs i b2?12:36
knomeflocculant, bluesabre: ultimately, the change just fixes a FTBFS and drops a part of the stuff we were building, so i'm not even sure if the freeze affects it much12:38
bluesabreflocculant: that's a breath of fresh air12:38
bluesabreknome, right12:38
bluesabreProbably meant to say, archive is frozen for b212:39
knomeas long as you get an ack from flocculant to cause a respin :P12:39
bluesabreFair point12:39
flocculantknome which docs? 12:39
bluesabreI'll work to get it uploaded tonight then12:39
knomeflocculant, xubuntu-docs12:39
flocculantbluesabre: if you upload something tonight - do a respin once it's available please12:40
flocculantno idea how much global spinning will go on - so if we've got something *now* go for it I'd fsay12:40
knomewe do12:40
flocculantknome: I thought those docs were in the image anyway? 12:41
flocculantcontr stuff is ood 12:41
flocculantoh reading backlog a bit - that's what you're talking about :p12:41
knomewelcome to today!12:42
flocculantwell - only get 30 minutes lunch ;)12:42
flocculantright so - not overly concerned about contr stuff in image - online is current12:42
flocculantbut if we have something else at the same time - then go for it12:43
knomesure, but docs FTBFS, so we don't have anything in the ISO12:43
flocculantoh right 12:43
knomeso this fixes the FTBFS and also drops contributor12:43
flocculantnot had time to zsync yet12:43
knomewell it has been ongoing for a few days12:43
flocculantdrops contr? 12:43
knomefrom the ISO12:43
knomeas we discussed... :P12:44
flocculantbut tells people where contr stuff is? 12:44
flocculantwell yea I know we discussed it :p12:44
knomewell... it points to "Get Involved"12:44
knomewhich has a direct link to the contributor stuff12:44
flocculantat the bottom after people get bored with the top ... 12:45
knomei got to go cook some food now; if you definitely want something else there, tell me :P12:45
flocculantnot even going there at the moment :p12:45
flocculantnow got 20 minutes :)12:45
knomewe can change the website12:46
flocculantyea ofc12:46
flocculantfix the iso docs 12:46
knomemaybe it would be a good idea to do so, but it looks like it needs some slight rewriting12:46
flocculantwe can fiddle about at leisure 12:46
knomebluesabre, ^ there you go, but of course, it would be nice if you asked -release before uploading too12:46
knomebluesabre, (that said, i'm sure they will ack the request)12:46
flocculantknome: not sure why you think docs on iso are fubar? 12:48
flocculantI had synced - the docs look fine 12:49
knomeflocculant, because FTBFS13:41
knomeflocculant, but good that they are fine...13:41
knomeflocculant, are the PDFs even there?13:42
akxwi-davehmmm anyone got this error on VM launching the new Beta..  http://imgur.com/MsQ2Ltu15:03
davmor2akxwi-dave: yes breakage in vte15:05
akxwi-davephew.. not just me then..  :-)15:05
akxwi-daveahhhh just seen all the other crashes.. should really refresh web pages when i have had them open for a few hours..15:09
davmor2akxwi-dave: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1560459 if you want to follow along15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1560459 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashed with GLib.GError in customize_installer(): vte-pty-error: grantpt failed: Operation not permitted (1)" [Critical,Confirmed]15:14
akxwi-daveta.. also looks like bug 1560356 has been started as well15:16
ubottubug 1560459 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1560356 ubiquity crashed with GLib.GError in customize_installer(): vte-pty-error: grantpt failed: Operation not permitted (1)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156045915:16
=== HaloSponge is now known as FreeSponge
=== FreeSponge is now known as LibreSponge
=== link is now known as mexchip
knomeslickymaster, You can easily change your desktop wallpaper by navigating to <application><menuchoice><placeholder-1/><guimenuitem><placeholder-2/> Settings Manager</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Desktop</guimenuitem></menuchoice></application>, or alternatively, by right clicking on your desktop and selecting the <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Desktop Settings...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option. Where you have16:58
knome multiple workspaces, you can choose to have the same wallpaper across all workspaces, or by deselecting <literal>Apply to all workspaces</literal> and moving the dialogue to the next workspace selecting a different wallpaper16:58
knomeslickymaster, that probably needs "...workpaces, or use a different wallpaper for each workspace by deselecting..." and a period at the end of the sentence16:59
knomeslickymaster, With multiple monitors, this setting will only change the primary monitor's wallpaper. To change the wallpaper for other monitors, you will need to use the dialog as described above.17:00
knomeslickymaster, this could be improved too17:00
knomeslickymaster, Navigate to <application><menuchoice><placeholder-1/><guimenuitem>Software</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>App menu</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Software Sources</guimenuitem></menuchoice></application> and select the <guilabel>Updates</guilabel> tab. In the <guilabel>Updates</guilabel> tab, select either <guilabel>For any new version</guilabel> or <guilabel>For long-term support versions</guilab17:11
knomeel> from the <guilabel>Notify me of a new Ubuntu version</guilabel> dropdown depending on your choice.17:11
knomeflocculant, is that up-to-date?17:11
flocculantknome: yea pdf's are there.17:46
flocculantknome: re the above http://i.imgur.com/gX8kd9R.png17:49
flocculantI think that's the same as you've written :p17:50
knomeflocculant, no17:50
knomeflocculant, i believe that tells you to get there by gnome software17:50
flocculantyou can do that17:51
knomei can't, i checked and i don't have that menu17:51
knomein gnome software, i only have "software & updates", not "software sources"17:51
knomewell yeah, but the menu path is wrong then17:52
flocculantwell I don't imagine that'll change now17:52
knome<!ENTITY gnome-software-properties '<application><menuchoice>&appmenu;<guimenuitem>Software</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>App menu</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Software Sources</guimenuitem></menuchoice></application>' >17:53
flocculantit was software sources at one point I think17:53
knomeok, updated that17:53
knomei'm sure it was17:53
knome(seriously, no trolling)17:53
knomei've been gathering a good MP17:53
knomewell, a batch of fixed bugs17:54
flocculantfor? 17:54
knomefound while translating..17:54
* flocculant is trying to backtrack to get fixed bugs on things since 15.10 released for the notes17:55
flocculantfigure if I get the note base complete now - easy peasy when real release is tomorrow :p17:55
knomemousepad search highlights are easier to see!!!17:56
flocculantyea :D17:56
flocculantwill probably assume release notes are for 14.04 upgrade to 16.04 for what's changed17:56
flocculantpeople who've changed between will already be aware17:57
flocculantnot bugs though ... 17:57
knomeyeah, it's a delicate balance i think17:57
knomebut since we recommend the LTS version...17:57
flocculantyea -my starting position is if people are that interested in all the bug fixes in 2 years they can look them up17:57
flocculantbut for what's changed - we should have them there 17:58
knomenot necessarily something for now (though i might be irritated enough to do it anyway), but we likely want to avoid saying "gnome software" everywhere where we talk about installing18:09
knomenot only because the finnish translation looks silly18:10
flocculantwell I would be laidback about just calling it software anyway18:19
knomewhat i mean is that there is no specific reason to repeat the default package manager name anyway18:19
knomei pushed the fixes, updated translation templates and requested a one-time import18:26
knomelet's see how swift it is this time...18:26
flocculantknome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/ReleaseNoteBase is where I am at the moment18:36
flocculantrather more detail than we've ever had before I think18:37
knomelooks okay to me18:39
knomethough i might be a bit unfocused18:39
knomeobviously some cleanup and such18:39
knometypo in the typo  fix18:45
knomeok, should have fixed the brainfarts19:24
knomeand 40 strings left to translate :|19:24
knomehow am i such an idiot19:26
pleia2knome: should probably announce backgrounds thing today19:29
knome^ see above, definitely should19:30
pleia2I will move our etherpad draft to wordpress19:30
knomeshall we do that right now?19:30
knomei'll clear the contest site19:30
knomeok, done19:31
knomeanything else we need to do or just go?19:31
pleia2knome: draft saved, see https://xubuntu.org/?p=377719:32
pleia2can prettify or whatever you want19:32
pleia2knome: oh, need a stub as well for front page of x.o, can you do that and hit publish when you're happy?19:34
knomei can19:34
knomejust a sec and i'll check the article first19:34
* pleia2 nods19:35
knomeok, updated the draft, please see19:37
knomeok, so let's see how this looks when published :P19:38
knomeok, lookie at frontpage19:39
knomeok, added a note about winner count19:40
knomeupdated excerpt too19:42
knome(and again, s/Xubutnu/Xubuntu/)19:42
knomeready to social media?19:42
knomewell i really shouldn't be fixing typos today, judging by the commit message typos alone19:48
knomemmkay, a few more strings are translated to finnish now20:02
flocculantstill think we've missed a trick not having the community involved in which 6 get picked20:24
* knome gives a blank face stare back20:25
flocculantperhaps we should do something like - 6 get picked, x of which the community can choose, the remainder by the team20:25
flocculantknome can do that as much as he likes - I still think that we're wrong not doing so20:26
knomenot doing what? blank face? :P20:26
knomei get what you are saying, i just don't have a strong opinion and this is the way we did it the last time, so...20:26
flocculantpoor reasoning there ;)20:27
knomei'm trying to avoid even reasoning, and ultimately avoiding an argument20:27
flocculantat some point we must have changed from synaptic to USC - look where that got us ... 20:27
flocculantso basically what you're saying is that a couple of us will choose - ignoring the rest of both the community and the rest of team 20:28
knomethe contest site allows us to pick any LP team to be eligible to vote, so i consider my part done - if we decide to let community pick20:28
knomeor the team, or whatever20:28
knomedon't get me wrong, i'm not saying "i don't care"... but it isn't a huge thing to me did we decide to go A or B20:29
flocculantwell somehow someone somewhere has to make some decision here :)20:29
* knome refers to the marketing and project leads20:29
flocculantI'd say bring it up in a meeting - but that's rather pointless :p 20:30
* knome awards flocculant one point20:30
flocculantha ha 20:30
knomethe offline package management section is meh20:31
flocculantchange it then20:31
knomeyou mean i can drop it?20:31
* knome hides20:31
knomei'm not saying your version is meh20:31
knomei'm saying the whole thing is meh...20:31
flocculantjust don't change it back to repeating itself once every 4 lines :p20:31
flocculantknome: perhaps it should be a wiki - then link to it from the docs20:32
flocculantloses a chapter 20:32
* knome shrugs20:32
knomeagain one of the things i don't care too much about, but since it's in... :D20:32
* flocculant shrugs too 20:32
flocculantyea 20:32
flocculantI guess it'd not be there if skellat hadn't written it20:33
knomevery much so20:34
flocculantseems very much a I do this so everyone needs to know thing :p20:34
knomewell, it certainly can be useful20:34
knomeif you are not connected at all times20:35
flocculantbut it's in there now - and yes for some it can be useful20:35
flocculantnot sure what we can do to make it less meh :p20:36
pleia2knome: sorry, was distracted20:36
flocculantevening pleia2 :)20:36
pleia2knome: looks good, starting social media wagon now20:36
pleia2flocculant o/20:36
knomepleia2, tweeted20:39
pleia2g+ and fbed20:39
LibreSpongeJust 'nother day for, don't know about anyone else ?21:31
LibreSponge**Just another day for me , .....#21:31
LibreSpongesans #21:31
knomeLibreSponge, if you don't have anything that is related to the xubuntu development, please take it elsewhere21:32
LibreSpongeok. soz.21:32
LibreSpongeknome, Is there any chance the wiki could use Dokuwiki instead ?21:33
knomeLibreSponge, the xubuntu wiki uses dokuwiki, the ubuntu wiki we have no control over.21:34
LibreSpongeoh ok, sorry.21:34
Unit193And the Ubuntu wiki is far too big for dokuwiki.  There is talk about switching to MediaWiki though.21:34
LibreSpongeIs there any mention of  xfPanel-Switch on the wiki ?21:35
LibreSpongeI saw a video, but am scared to post it here.21:36
knomeLibreSponge, we have #xubuntu-offtopic for a more relaxed discussion21:38
bluesabreflocculant, knome: in case this wasn't figured out, the failed -docs build did not replace the previous upload22:01
bluesabrehence no breakage and PDFs22:01
flocculantbluesabre: evening :) 22:01
bluesabrehey flocculant22:01
flocculantaah right :)22:01
flocculantbluesabre: the draft b2 release notes are looooong ... 22:02
knomebluesabre, i've prepared the stuff in the branch, and it has some content fixes now as well...22:02
flocculantknome - can you look at the upgrade mail draft at the bottom of http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-xenial-release-notes22:03
flocculantdoes it make sense to you - trying to give people where we are on that22:03
bluesabreflocculant, knome: I'll take a look at everything a bit later, including the release notes and blog post22:03
flocculantbluesabre: link to the draft notes is at the top of that pad ^^22:03
knomebluesabre, cheerio22:04
bluesabreflocculant: thanks!22:04
slickymasterpleia2, will you please share https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2016-March/011082.html in xubuntu G+ account?22:04
flocculantevening slickymaster :)22:04
pleia2slickymaster: sure22:07
slickymasterthanks pleia2 22:09
pleia2slickymaster: done22:10
pleia2did fb too22:10
knomeflocculant, so when you use update-manager, the upgrade fails22:12
knomeflocculant, but apparently you can still boot to it?22:12
flocculantyea 22:12
knomeflocculant, what exactly is "broken" then?22:13
flocculantit boots, you might need root menu, you might be able to vt122:13
slickymasterknome, I assume rev 571 already show those strings changed22:13
knomeflocculant, yeah, so no GUI22:13
flocculantknome: not sure what's broken tbh - just that it hangs but you can finish it 22:14
flocculantknome: well I got a login screen - didn't actually bother looking to see if the desktop worked - was more interested in seeing if I could fix it22:14
flocculantgiven that it takes ages to do to get that far ... 22:15
knomeflocculant, better?22:19
flocculantyea - that works - thanks :)22:20
flocculantI've spent the last 2 hours in the release note - then forgot I promised this :D22:20
knomethat happens22:25
flocculantyup :)22:25
flocculantbluesabre: there is a note for you at the top of the pad :p22:25
* flocculant wanders off into the night ... 22:26
flocculantnight all :)22:26
slickymasternight flocculant 22:27
pleia2knome: oh, hah, we should share on the mailing lists too22:29
pleia2I will write quick emails now22:29
* knome blinks22:29
knomecan poke them if you want to put in pad22:29
knomeor you can just write and send, i trust you22:30
pleia2I will just write and send, they will be short22:30
knomeno submissions yet ;(22:42
Nairwolfhi guys, I have seen your mails recently. I should be able to do upgrade tests tomorrow with hardware, I will tell you what are the results22:59
NairwolfI suppose with 14.04 I have to test with 14.04.4 ? 22:59

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