
ric_sLaney, mihall119, Are you there? Can you help me answer this question?00:33
sarnoldTrevinho: does 1552537 make any sense to you? two people report it on wily and xenial :/00:45
Trevinhosarnold: I can't reproduce that as well...00:52
sarnoldTrevinho: thanks for giving it a look. I've got a feeling that it's user-induced somehow -- it almost always is :) -- but these reports never have enough to go on :(00:52
Trevinhosarnold: sure, it's better to check.00:58
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hikiko hi05:56
pittiGood morning07:15
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willcookemorning all09:03
davmor2Laney: guten tag09:10
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Laneyhey davmor209:34
Laneywie gehts?09:34
davmor2meh and it's too early in the morning for mehs09:41
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davmor2and too late in the week too09:42
Laneyit's all going to be A OK!09:44
* Sweet5hark1 lols at the npm javascript jenga breakdown.10:08
Laneyoh cute, I'm seeing the new slideshow10:08
Laneyis it me or should the gnome-software screenshot not have a bit of wallpaper on the rhs?10:08
Laneythe others don't10:08
willcookeLaney, doh!10:19
willcookeyou're right10:19
* willcooke fires up gimp10:20
willcookeLaney, have you got that screenshot link handy?10:20
willcookeI can probably grep for it10:20
LaneyI don't visit many other website with "weird" in the url10:21
willcookeI tried "laney" in mine, but nothing10:21
* Laney is a clickbait nonclicker10:21
Sweet5hark1"Ten things that Laney made me click -- see if those links will make you click too!"10:22
willcookeYou won't believe ten things laney doesn't click on10:23
Laneynumber 8 made me spit out my coffee!10:23
Laney"You have just inserted a medium"10:24
* Laney is going to use said medium to look at the hidpi ubiquity session10:25
Laneyback shortly10:25
Laneyrealised that I don't have anywhere to install the thing to though which is a tad annoying10:26
willcookecan you repartition your drive?10:28
willcookeborrow 10GB from swap for a few hours?10:29
darkxstLaney, speaking of hidpi, plymouth upstream git now has hidpi support (but no release as yet) do we want to cherry-pick those patches?10:29
Laneydarkxst: I know a-nothing, talk to slangasek maybe10:31
Laneyhave you tried it?10:31
darkxstLaney, I don't have a hidpi laptop, but ricotz says it works well10:31
ricotzLaney, darkxst, jfyi a package is locate here https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=xenial10:36
willcookeLaney, slideshow fix:  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/revision/73510:42
willcookeLaney, will MP it10:42
willcookecyphermox, sorry (again).  Last one.  I'm fairly sure this time ;)  https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+merge/28988010:46
Laneydarkxst: ricotz: Suggest you speak to slangasek, IMO it would be nice but it's not my decision10:46
desrtgood morning!11:00
willcookehi desrt11:03
davmor2willcooke: one partially successful install from pending \o/11:06
davmor2willcooke: now to see if oem kills it11:06
willcookedavmor2, what changed?11:06
davmor2willcooke: I think infinity fixed the locale/glibc changes he made I could be wrong though11:07
Laney*I* fixed the locale problem and he fixed the vte one which was stopping ubiquity from launching11:08
Laneyiz gud11:08
Laneywhat's up desrt11:10
willcookedesrt, Laney - any thoughts on this one:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libunity/+bug/153847111:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 1538471 in libunity (Ubuntu) "scope-runner-dbus.py assert failure: *** Error in `/usr/bin/python3': free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x0000000001ca17b0 ***" [Medium,Confirmed]11:12
willcookejamesh thinks he's narrowed it down to gir11:13
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davmor2Laney: you're awesome sir remind me to slap you less ;)11:45
andyrockhey all12:14
willcookehi andyrock12:18
andyrockbad news we got a core file12:18
andyrockbut it's empty12:18
andyrockbut this error can be releated: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.12:20
andyrockbut still not sure if it's the cause or a result of the bug12:21
willcookeandyrock, whats next to try?12:23
willcookehikiko mentioned that there were some broken packages as well?12:24
andyrocki'll try to save the core file and restore the snapshot12:24
andyrocklikely we get a full bt12:25
hikikoandyrock, I've dist upgraded manually12:25
Sweet5hark1<- out: dentist12:25
hikikoand I see many problems here and there12:25
hikikoI believe that if  we fix broken packages/dependencies etc12:25
hikikothe session wont crash12:25
hikikoI'll note down the errors12:26
hikikoand send them to cyphermox12:26
hikikohe might be able to make more sense12:26
hikikoandyrock, I got no logs from the gui upgrade either12:26
hikikobecause the filesystem was corrupted after the crash12:27
hikikoit's very improbable12:27
hikikothat compiz causes this problem especially when the bug is "can't find libc"12:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1555237 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from 14.04.4→ 16.04 dies midway taking out the session." [Critical,In progress]12:27
andyrockhere he's able to make the session crash just upgrading few packages12:28
hikikocould be helpful :)12:32
hikikotbh I don't understand how12:34
hikikoit points out a problem in compiz?12:34
hikikohow did he end up with these packages?12:35
hikiko insserv: warning: script 'cron' missing LSB tags and overrides12:36
hikikoI got this one too for another package12:36
willcookefor the record: It may indeed turn out to not be a problem in Compiz (quite likely in fact, but lets see) - however, the point here is not to rule out compiz but to narrow it down to what *is* causing the problem so that we can get it fixed.12:36
hikiko(willcooke's comment)12:36
hikikothat looks much more relevant12:36
hikikoto the error12:36
hikikoI believe that we have to fix the packages anyway12:37
hikikowhat I would do12:37
hikikois to dist-upgrade manually12:37
hikikoand fix every broken package12:37
hikikoevery time it stops with an error12:37
hikikoand then try the visual upgrade12:38
hikikothe problem is12:38
hikikoI don't know how to do the fixes at all :/12:38
hikikoif someone could help on that12:38
hikikowe could make sure that there aren't any upgrade blockers12:39
hikikowhen I perform the visual upgrade something is so broken that causes a kernel panic12:39
hikikoand the error is that there's no root fs12:40
hikikowithout a proper fs12:40
hikikoit's impossible to retrieve any other info12:40
hikikoplus we ll have to fix the packages anyway12:40
hikikobecause we would like the user to be able to complete the dist-upgrase12:40
andyrockwell the kernel panic can be a result of a unity crash12:46
andyrockbecause the unity crash can cause an X crash12:46
andyrockso if you leave the upgrade in a bad moment you can get a kernel crash12:47
cyphermoxhikiko: things do *not* stop with an error. As the dist-upgrade gets done, compiz crashes and the session gets taken down before you can finish the upgrade, and it would continue if only there was still X to display prompts12:48
cyphermoxhikiko: you may use an older image to test that, or a newer one than 20160322 provided that glibc was fixed12:48
cyphermoxie. glibc is a different issue that is already being fixed12:49
Laneyon the latest one anyway12:49
hikikocyphermox, which images you suggest I use?12:49
hikikowhen I dist upgrade, compiz doesnt crash12:49
cyphermox20160323 should be good, I think12:49
cyphermoxhikiko: no, it's not *just* upgrading compiz12:50
cyphermoxyou also need to wait for the screensaver to kick in12:50
hikikoso cyphermox what's the theory?12:50
hikikothat the screensaver crashes the visual update?12:50
hikikoand leaves the system in a weird condition?12:51
cyphermoxI have no idea. compiz crashes, I upgraded manually until there was just the few desktop packages left I wrote down in my comment, because I couldn't reduce it any more than that12:51
cyphermoxand in between I'd let the screensaver activate to try and get the system to crash again12:51
cyphermoxI don't know enough about X or GL or compiz to know why the screensaver would change anything for compiz12:51
hikikois it possible12:52
cyphermoxthat's why we asked for help12:52
hikikothat the screensaver12:52
hikikouses a library that is upgraded by one of those packages12:52
hikikoand that's why it crashes?12:52
cyphermoxthat's still X or desktop.12:53
cyphermoxhave you tried upgrading things at all?12:53
andyrockcyphermox: X crashes as well here12:54
hikikoif you disable the screensaver12:54
hikikoyou still have the issue12:54
hikikox crashes too12:54
cyphermoxhikiko: sure. if you prefer you may well look into that crash?12:55
hikikocyphermox, I'm looking at it but it seems to me that the crash is a consequency of the upgrade crash12:55
cyphermoxthe upgrade does not appear to crash, what makes you think that?12:56
hikikoI think pitti had the same prob with willcooke and me and saw a similar message for insserv and cron12:57
hikikoafter the crash I rebooted12:57
cyphermoxdo you have a stack trace?12:57
hikikoand got a kernel panic12:57
hikikothe fs was in bad state12:57
cyphermoxsure, but that's normal if the system freezes while you upgrade12:57
hikikomy theory is that:12:58
cyphermoxour goal is for the system not to freeze and the X session not to die while upgrading12:58
hikikoeither a post installation script is doing something or something is missing and makes x crash12:58
hikikoa visual program crashes and stops the upgrade12:59
hikikobut I think 1 is more possible12:59
hikikobecause I had dist-upgrade problems12:59
hikikocompiz seems to crash because it cant find libc12:59
cyphermoxhikiko: we asked for help because it would be very nice if you could look into the compiz crash itself or the X crash or whatever, and see if that can be fixed -- if a postinst script tries to do things and causes a crash, it is overwhelmingly still likely to be a bug12:59
hikikoif libc is missing13:00
hikikohow could i fix that in compiz?13:00
cyphermoxhikiko: we'll always be replacing libraries from under things. that's what upgrades do, and it wouldn't be different from what upgrading from wily to xenial would do, or vivid to wily13:01
cyphermoxsomething is triggering that crash, and perhaps there is a way to avoid it13:01
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cyphermoxas mentioned earlier, even if you disable the screensaver the whole session eventually freezes, that's verybad and if we'll need help to figure that out too13:03
hikikoI agree13:03
hikikoyou mean that13:03
hikikobefore the crash13:03
hikikoyou disabled the screensaver during the upgrade13:04
hikikoand got a crash?13:04
cyphermoxI tried both things13:04
hikikosorry I didn't understand that13:04
cyphermoxwith the screensaver, as soon as the screensaver starts, compiz crashes and I get thrown back to lightdm, and then I can't login13:04
hikikothat's during the upgrade?13:04
hikikowhat are the steps to reproduce?13:05
hikikoyou start the update manager in compiz13:05
cyphermoxwithout the screensaver (with the screensaver disabled), the upgrade seems to continue slightly longer but eventually the session *freezes*, I can't move the mouse anymore13:05
cyphermoxyou just run 'sudo update-manager -d' in a unity session13:05
hikikothat's what I do13:05
hikikobut in my case13:05
hikikothe screensaver doesn't seem to do anything13:06
hikikoat some point13:06
hikikowith or without screensaver13:06
hikikoeverything blacks out13:06
hikikoand when I ssh13:06
hikikoI see no logs and X or compiz running13:06
hikikoand if I reboot13:06
hikikoI get the kernel panic13:06
hikikoand the message is that the fs cant be mounted13:07
cyphermoxwe explicitly can't care about what happens after you reboot13:07
cyphermoxin this case, the upgrade has not completed so the system may be in any state13:08
Laneydavmor2: want to confirm bug #1560973 / dupe it if you already know?13:14
ubot5bug 1560973 in Ubuntu "EFI booting Ubuntu image to grub removes existing boot entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156097313:14
hikikocyphermox, question:13:28
andyrocki'll try to run the upgrader without compiz13:28
andyrockon top of metacity13:28
hikikothe new lts has cron or uses the systemd cron?13:29
hikiko+1 andyrock13:29
davmor2Laney: I'll take a look in a second for you just need to finish off test the bit's I'm doing currently13:31
cyphermoxhikiko: I have no idea about cron13:32
cyphermoxeither way the usage should be the same13:33
hikikocron stops13:33
hikikobefore the crash13:33
hikikoI don't know if it's relevant or not13:33
hikikobut I got the same message as willcooke and I think pitti got it too13:34
hikikoI don't know if it's worth investigating13:35
Laneymuktupavels: hey, do you know if metacity is supposed to be all good with hidpi?13:37
Laneytrying to understand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1560162 (sorry for the inflammatory title)13:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1560162 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Xenial: scaling is horribly out on xps13 install session" [Undecided,New]13:37
muktupavelsLaney: probably not...13:37
Laneyseems like window placement / decoration drawing is not right13:38
TrevinhoLaney: can you ack https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1157 ?13:42
TrevinhoLaney: also... Hey! :)13:42
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Laneyhi Trevinho13:43
Laneyhow goes?13:43
Trevinhoquite good, you?13:43
Laneylots of weird stuff going on13:43
Laneyjust bugs13:44
muktupavelsLaney: metacity most likly need something like this - https://git.gnome.org/browse/mutter/commit/?id=57c1078ee742d9f01e80e7fe05c88adfec4b4ac313:44
muktupavelsI have not done that because I have no HiDPI display :(13:44
Laneymuktupavels: do they have something for window placement too?13:45
Laneyubiquity has GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ALWAYS13:45
Laneybut you can see it's being positioned in the bottom right13:46
Laneyyou can set some keys / environment variables to use 2× scaling13:46
* Laney will try on the installed system anyways, but after lunch13:46
Laneyprobably have to look at glib/s390x too, which still hangs13:47
muktupavelsLaney: don't remember13:47
muktupavelsLaney: do you know what environment variables I should use?13:55
davmor2Laney: so oddly it removed the efi entry for the first ubuntu install however it added it correctly from grub2 so now I guess I really need to test against something other than ubuntu so I'll dig out an image from somewhere14:09
davmor2Laney: I assume the issue is that the files and path are the same14:11
davmor2Laney: feel free to change the title of that bug to something more manageable for yourself, I just write what I see and hope it makes sense :D14:13
mvoLaney: hi, sorry for the trouble with ubuntu-snappy, please just seed ubuntu-snappy-cli instead of ubuntu-snappy14:49
Sweet5hark1re from the dentist (still drugged though)14:49
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Laneymvo: ok15:04
Laneydavmor2: what do you mean with 'added'?15:05
mvoLaney: I just uploaded a new ubuntu-snappy that ensures its all working with ubuntu-snappy-cli15:06
Laneydavmor2: note I don't have anything other than xenial installed15:07
Trevinhoricotz: abi-fixed bamf should be in proposed15:07
davmor2Laney: so the EFI folder path and file names for Ubuntu installs are the same so it looks to me like they overwrite with the newer version installed.  However there is a new entry in Grub2 for the older install which I think is expected, I'm installing fedora now and I'll do a side by side with that as then the paths should be different15:07
ricotzTrevinho, great :)15:08
Laneydavmor2: why is it overwriting anything if I just look at the menu and then turn the system off?15:08
Laneycyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1560973 -> grub2, or something else?15:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1560973 in Ubuntu "EFI booting Ubuntu image to grub removes existing boot entries and makes system unbootable" [Undecided,New]15:08
davmor2Laney: I don't know, one for the foundations team15:08
Laneydavmor2: yeah, just throwing it out there :P15:09
Trevinhoricotz: it should also fix your issue with new starting bamf app created with no desktop file. Although as you said you should fix plank to properly show them15:09
Laneyyou don't need to investigate that much15:09
Trevinhoor launchers around15:09
cyphermoxLaney: yeah, grub possibly, though I can't see why it would change anything on the hardware15:10
davmor2Laney: no I'm just doing a side by side with another os to see if the efi entries are kept then I am assuming they will be but it is always good to know that too15:10
cyphermoxLaney: either it's that or it's some freak BIOS bug15:10
davmor2cyphermox, Laney: grub2.  Grub doesn't support efi15:10
Laneyit was more 'grub2 or some other component completely?' :)15:11
cyphermox^ indeed, but nobody uses grub-not-2.15:11
Laneycyphermox: yeah, I don't have any other efi installs to check against though I'm afraid15:11
* Laney has grub2-ified it15:11
cyphermoxLaney: I should be able to reproduce on my hardware.15:11
cyphermoxif not, it's a BIOS issue15:11
Laneygood job we're friends with superm115:12
cyphermoxhaha yeah ;)15:12
cyphermoxoh, wait15:12
cyphermoxLaney: is that a new install?15:12
cyphermoxwhat image did you use?15:12
Laneyjust looking at the grub-efi menu thing15:13
cyphermoxcould it be the install itself that confused your BIOS?15:13
Laneyyou know the one that appears from the install15:13
Laneybefore you even get to ubiquity or anything15:13
cyphermoxI mean, the system you used to write the image, was it a newly-installed system?15:13
LaneyI just dd-ed it from my regular install15:13
cyphermoxthere's a strong smell of BIOS, in any case15:14
davmor2cyphermox: confirmed the initial issue if you install ubuntu along side ubuntu I'm just trying fedora23 with ubuntu alongside now to see if that behaves differently I'm hoping it does :)15:14
cyphermoxdavmor2: what initial issue?15:15
davmor2cyphermox: the efi one15:15
cyphermoxbug #? or are you talking about the same thing as Laney?15:16
davmor2cyphermox: same one as Laney15:16
davmor2man fedora takes an age to install15:17
cyphermoxwell, it's not the same thing if you're installing two things on the same disk side by side15:17
hikikoandyrock, and cyphermox I check the post inst scripts that have warnings or errors to see if i find something relevant15:38
andyrocki just managed to reproduce the crash with metacity15:38
hikikoi told you it cant be compiz15:39
hikikothe other things i want to check is:15:39
hikiko1 libc is multi arch did we changed the dirs?15:39
andyrockcyphermox hikiko i always get the crash after udev restarting15:39
hikikome too15:40
hikikoand the gvfs-common15:40
hikikois the last package i see here15:40
hikikoso we must probably check its scripts15:40
hikikobut I have to go15:40
hikikoI ll be back later to continue investigating15:41
hikikoI just wanted to let you know what I am looking at15:41
hikikomaybe you get some better ideas15:41
cyphermoxandyrock: crash with metacity> the session dies and you get back to the login screen?15:41
andyrocki don't get back to loginscreen15:42
andyrockbut x died15:42
hikikolibc looks very suspicious to me that's what I am going to check first when i come back15:42
cyphermoxgood enough I suppose15:42
andyrockcyphermox: ^^^15:42
cyphermoxhikiko: please show what makes you think it's libc; if that's the issue, we can deal with it by letting infinity look at it hard again15:42
cyphermoxandyrock: dmesg?15:43
hikikobecause compiz couldnt find the libc15:43
hikikoi think15:43
hikikoat the point of the crash15:43
hikikothe new libc15:43
hikikois installed15:43
cyphermoxright, but what was compiz doing at the time?15:43
cyphermoxdo you have a backtrace?15:43
hikikothe dynamic loader15:43
hikikostill looks at the old directories15:44
hikikoi am going to check if it works15:44
hikikoin i38615:44
cyphermoxplease show logs for this15:44
hikikowhen i come back15:44
hikikodo you have the log15:44
hikikocyphermox, it was andy's15:44
hikikohe pasted it yesterday15:44
cyphermoxif it's an issue with libc's pt_chown or something, it might already have been fixed in the new image15:44
hikikocyphermox, sorry I haave to go I ll look at it tonight and ping you15:45
hikiko+it's just a theory15:45
hikikoI am not sure15:45
andyrockcyphermox i don't have it, i already restarted the vm15:47
andyrocki'll try to see if I can get a bt of Xorg15:47
andyrockbecause it's Xorg that's crashing with or without unity/compiz15:47
cyphermoxwell, I suppose that's good news15:48
Laneymvo: Guess this wants to wait until after beta now15:59
Laneybut I've seeded it anyway15:59
mvoLaney: thanks16:04
Trevinhodesrt: you here?16:04
andyrockcyphermox ^^^16:08
andyrockdo you think it's the libc bug that has already been solved?16:08
Laneypitti: any chance I/you/we can reboot 'aupkg01' to get it on the -15 kernel?16:08
pittiLaney: sure16:09
LaneyI'm abusing it a little bit to try to reproduce this blasted glib2.0 hang16:09
desrtTrevinho: at lunch.  bbiab.16:09
Laneypitti: JFDI or something more?16:09
Laneystop workers I guess16:09
pittiLaney: if you want to be kind, pkill worker and let the current tests finish (or at least settle down a bit)16:09
* Laney nod16:09
pittiLaney: actually, there's just two pyzmq tests running for 4/7 hours which look stuck16:10
pittiLaney: so yes, stop workers, dist-upgrade, and reboot16:10
cyphermoxandyrock: no idea tbh16:10
Trevinhodesrt: ok, enjoy... Let me know when you're back16:10
andyrockcyphermox: is the bug fixed in the last image?16:11
cyphermoxandyrock: it doesn't look that way, and it seems to me like writes should just work too16:11
cyphermoxandyrock: yeah, the bug I was thinking of should laready be fixed in the last image (20160323)16:11
GunnarHjinfinity: Hi Adam, did you notice bug #1560577? If you think my latest idea (minor script modifications) is ok, I can make a real patch. Suppose that change could be accepted in Debian as well.16:31
ubot5bug 1560577 in glibc (Ubuntu) "Confusing new locale-gen behavior" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156057716:31
infinityGunnarHj: Try again with -0ubuntu2, that behaviour changed.16:35
GunnarHjinfinity: Aha, didn't know. Will do.16:36
desrtTrevinho: back!16:52
Trevinhodesrt: so, i've slightly updated the MP for hiding window buttons...16:53
Trevinhodesrt: it's at https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/gtk/unity-maximized-headerbar-buttons-hide/+merge/288552, basically I'm checking whether the headerbar is also the toplevel's titlebar before hiding stuff...16:53
Trevinhodesrt: but, we can't avoid to do that if we don't want a double-title/buttons16:53
desrtin the case where the headerbar contains controls maybe we could hide the title label itself?16:54
TrevinhoI don't think that would cause any breakage since these values are still shown.16:54
davmor2cyphermox, Laney: so after an hour and 3 minute installing fedora turns out they lvm by default thankfully I haz t'interwebz to help me modify it all.  I now have ubuntu and fedora cohabiting and both entries show in uefi menu16:54
Laneywhat does this teach us?16:55
Trevinhodesrt: which kind of controls you mean?=16:55
davmor2fedora's path is EFI/fedora/shim.... and ubuntu's is EFI/ubuntu/shim...16:55
desrtlike all the stuff that apps like gedit shove into the headerbar16:55
desrtwe don't want to hide this stuff16:55
Trevinhodesrt: in fact we don't.16:55
Trevinhodesrt: only the title label is hidden and the window controls (close, maximize, hide)16:56
desrtah.  i see that.16:56
Trevinhodesrt: I'm also tempted to force the window contls to always stay left in unity... But that might be too much :P16:57
desrtlooks pretty reasonable16:57
Trevinhodesrt: this is the same app here with the current patch in both restored and maximized state: http://imgur.com/a/VETka16:58
desrtlooks good indeed16:58
desrti have no further comments about the patch16:58
Trevinhodesrt: I was thinking also that maybe the headerbar could either hidden if empty (i.e. no custom controls, window buttons, subtitle) when maximized...16:59
TrevinhoBut again I'm not sure whether it's too much :)16:59
desrttrying to figure that out is going to be more difficult17:00
desrtlet's stay with this one for now17:00
desrtalmost all of the apps are putting something in there anyway17:00
desrtso the empty case is uncommon17:00
Trevinhowell, not sure how it is for normal apps, but fair enough17:00
Trevinhodesrt: as for forcing the window buttons to always stay left, I don't do that, right? :)17:01
desrtplease not17:01
desrtit certainly has nothing to do with the issue at hand17:01
Trevinhoyeah, I agree.. that would be too much :)17:02
TrevinhoLaney: then... Since seb is enjoying his free time, could you please sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/gtk/unity-maximized-headerbar-buttons-hide/+merge/288552 for me?17:02
TrevinhoI'd like to land the theme changes as well then17:03
TrevinhoLaney: sure, no rush17:03
* Laney weeps17:09
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willcookeLaney, if you have the inspector set up, you could try this simple idea for the linked buttons:17:43
willcookeseems the linked buttons in 3.18 are a bit buggy17:44
Laneyit's better, basically makes them unlinked17:45
Laneybuggy why?17:45
willcookethe separator between the linked buttons is always there17:46
willcookeyou can style it17:46
willcooke*except* it does respond to a border-radius17:46
willcookeso I made it the same as the buttons, and then enlarged the border image a bit to make it look like they are unlinked17:46
willcookealso raveit65 the MATE theme guy said they were17:47
Laneyfinding it hard to conjure up much sympathy :)17:48
Laneytrying to style a linked button to be unlinked ...17:49
willcooketesting with the widget factory now17:50
willcookefound 1 problem already17:50
willcookeoh, no17:50
willcookethats not changed by this17:50
willcookecyphermox, BTW, do you think that latest change to the slideshow will get in to the beta?17:52
willcookecyphermox, low priority of course17:52
Trevinhodesrt: I've quickly played with the headerbar to hide it when there's nothing to show in unity... It would be something like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15481404/17:53
Trevinhowhat you think?17:53
cyphermoxwillcooke: should already be in: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/10917:57
willcookecyphermox, ah... https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+merge/28988017:58
willcookecyphermox, this *really* is it now.17:59
willcookewell, for today at least17:59
cyphermoxok, so you mean one new change on top?17:59
cyphermoxthat won't be in the beta ;)17:59
willcookesorry to be a pita17:59
cyphermoxno problem17:59
cyphermoxI'll merge it in a bit, once I'm done with this keyboard magic18:00
willcookethanks cyphermox18:00
willcookein the meantime I'll carry on reading about steganography.18:01
willcooketotally unrelated18:01
cyphermoxwillcooke: aren't stegosaurii extinct? ;)18:11
willcookeno, you just can't see them18:12
muktupavelsLaney: maybe this will help - https://git.gnome.org/browse/mutter/commit/src/ui/ui.c?id=d7c4f57aaebcd1e6da7a7b343765c0c4b6b81b2518:12
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Laneymuktupavels: will try to look tomorrow18:13
willcookeLaney, think I've found a better fix... WIP18:13
muktupavelsLaney: with gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2 it works better :)18:22
muktupavelsLaney: https://git.gnome.org/browse/metacity/commit/?h=gnome-3-18&id=d06393b4952333883d66c2b0d570eedc19e8e7a018:22
willcookegannin' for me tea. bbl18:27
davmor2willcooke: ZOMG upgrade is only working18:49
davmor2jibel: ^18:49
davmor2well so far at least but I'm pretty sure it has got further than before18:49
davmor2cyphermox: ^18:49
jibeldavmor2, you must have done something wrong18:51
flocculantdavmor2: still hangs for me from 14.04 to now and appears to have crashed18:51
davmor2flocculant: don't ruin my optimism with your facts ;)18:51
davmor2jibel: who knows18:52
davmor2oh oh it just greyed out :(18:52
flocculantdavmor2: I did fleetingly think about doing a davmor2 - you have to be joking, no it isn't in #x-dev :p18:55
davmor2oh just kicked back in18:55
davmor2libreadlines obviously just takes some setting up18:56
flocculantdavmor2: I left mine all afternoon while off doing my real job - came back - hard reboot - booted into xenial desktop somehow - had to dpkg --configure -awholelotofthings then it's there :)18:57
davmor2flocculant: lalala I can't hear you :P18:58
davmor2flocculant: it's all your fault it was installing fine till you said it wouldn't ;)19:08
flocculantI have a use finally :p19:08
davmor2jibel, willcooke: Looks like it kernel panics/locks up the system at gvfs-common19:09
davmor2cyphermox: ^19:09
davmor2still it got further than before \o/19:09
jibeldavmor2, is it in a VM?19:09
davmor2jibel: it is19:10
davmor2jibel: takes too long to reinstall on hardware to test there for fun :)19:10
jibeldavmor2, yeah, just wanted to confirm.19:11
davmor2flocculant: you in vm too I assume right?19:13
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willcookeLaney, better fix I think:  https://pastebin.canonical.com/152650/19:36
cyphermoxdavmor2: ack19:37
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willcookeLaney, for you consideration:  https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubuntu-themes/ubuntu-themes-linkedbuttons/+merge/28996719:47
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qenghoMan, I dislike git's "ui".20:12
GunnarHjinfinity: Nice improvements in the latest locale-gen. :) Still found a couple of issues, and make a new diff (attached to bug #1560577). Would appreciate if you could take a look.20:16
ubot5bug 1560577 in glibc (Ubuntu) "Confusing new locale-gen behavior" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156057720:16
davmor2cyphermox: oem install is definitely not right on kvm will try on hardware now20:32
cyphermoxdon't worry, multiple reports of oem not quite right; I'm going to have a lot to do there20:33
davmor2cyphermox: by tomorrow :o20:33
davmor2cyphermox, willcooke: looks like the end user slide show is missing slides not sure why as the installers is correct unless willcooke renamed them?20:34
davmor2cyphermox: and then it never completes the end user install so you are left with the oem account on the system and nothing else20:35
willcookedavmor2, I see the issue.. sec...20:35
cyphermoxdavmor2: not by tomorrow20:36
willcookecyphermox, those were the sym links I was worried about20:36
davmor2cyphermox: but tomorrow is the release of beta final ;)20:36
cyphermoxslideshow isn't release-critical20:40
cyphermoxand oem has fewer users than keyboards ;)20:40
willcookecyphermox, davmor2 - fixed:  https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+merge/28997420:53
davmor2willcooke: nice :)20:55
davmor21 down20:55
TheMusowillcooke: I did respond to the bug. As it is, the indicator as it was before didn't really work for the mate flavour anyway. Sure you could select a profile, but nothing would really be changed, due to the gsettings being geared to Unity only, and the hard coded profile code not containing any mate settings.21:38
TheMusoThe cleanest way forward is to add support for mate/GNOME flavours, which would need an FFE.21:38
willcookeack, thanks TheMuso - lets see if they can get some people to help21:38
willcookecan someone tell me how I attach a branch to a bug?21:55
willcookeIs it too late once I've pushed it up to LP?21:55
willcookewait, I think I see it21:55
willcookeyeah, done21:56
TheMusowillcooke: You're up late. :)21:58
willcookefixing bugs!21:58
willcookeDoing some real work21:58
TheMusoYeah, good enough. :)21:58
willcookeright, got another fix sorted.22:01
willcookeGot one for rb to run by design tomorrow22:01
willcookenight all22:02
TheMusowillcooke: Since you're around, I don't have anything pressing to talk about in our one on one tomorrow your time, so unless you do, I am happy to allow you some extra sleep tomorrow morning if you like. :)22:02
TheMusodamn missed him.22:02
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