
rsullyIs there a way to run a ipsec/l2tp vpn on a dynamic IP? All of the guides I find require you to specify the server IP in various parts of the setup and config00:01
bekksyou would need to adjust that upon every IP change.00:02
rsullyThat defeats the whole purpose. It looks like the problem isn't with xl2tpd, but with openswan. But I don't know if maybe openswan can run with or other dynamic IP mode, and just the guides I'm using don't offer that as an option00:03
bekkswhy does it defeat the whole purpose?00:04
rsullyBecause when it changes I'm likely not going to be on site or even notified00:06
bekksSo create a cron job.00:06
rsullyIt looks like ipsec.secrets can handle %any, and ipsec.conf can use %defaultroute instead of IPs00:06
rsullybut the guide I was using also required the IP in iptables for SNAT, so it isn't a full solution00:08
devster31sarnold: I almost solved it with dns masquerading01:16
sarnolddevster31: 'almost'? :)01:16
devster31I have no idea how it works, I'm experimenting, but it seems the easiest solution, local resolution with forwarding to google or opendns servers01:17
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jjrabbit543anybody know if there's a simply way to run a speed test from command line?02:50
sarnoldwhat sort of speed are you interested in measuring?02:50
sarnoldbandwidth in use or bandwidth available?02:51
jjrabbit543download/upload speeds02:51
jjrabbit543similar to the website speedtest.net or whatever it's called02:52
sarnoldiperf or iperf3 perhaps; sometimes I grab something big from kernel.org02:53
jjrabbit543cool i'll have to read up on how to use that lol02:57
* tarpman sometimes grabs something big from releases.ubuntu.com ;)03:09
sarnoldheh, i've never tried that approach.. normally the ubuntu servers are glacial, is that one better?03:11
tarpmanok, if i'm being honest, i probably wouldn't use that one specifically, but a nearby mirror03:12
sarnoldha, cool03:19
patdk-lapiperf3 is so much better though03:20
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sarnoldwow, a few seconds reading iperf3 sources looks promising03:21
sarnoldclean cppcheck03:21
sarnoldi thought one of the iperfs looked insane03:22
RoyKjjrabbit543: http://bfy.tw/4tIK03:30
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pezet91hello, how to make a mirror copy of the system on Ubuntu Server?07:58
pezet91is it possible?07:59
nocontrolhi all, I have installed ubuntu server 14.04 with vagrant and I've included Redis. So I am trying to start the server and I get a permission error08:26
nocontrolError says: failed to open .rdb for saving: Permission error08:27
nocontrolI've checked the redis.conf and the dir is /var/redis which is chowned by redis:redis and 77708:28
havenstancexrandr --output DVI-0 --primary --mode 1440x90009:16
havenstance<havenstance> just to clarify the --primary in this command will make that DVI display the primary display correct?09:16
lordievaderGood morning.09:21
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jamespagesmoser, raised https://bugs.launchpad.net/simplestreams/+bug/1560903 to cover the hypervisor_type -> virt switch in stream data and updated the MP.10:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1560903 in simplestreams "switch hypervisor_type -> virt in stream data" [Undecided,New]10:06
jamespagesmoser, oh and happy birthday :-)10:17
jamespageutlemming, Odd_Bloke: hey - any know issues with locales being installed on the latest cloud images for xenial?12:13
jamespagehaving trouble atm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/156093912:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1560939 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "libvirt-bin fails to install on a fresh xenial server" [Undecided,New]12:13
jamespagecoreycb, fyi ^^12:15
Odd_Blokejamespage: No _known_ issues, but it's not something that we particularly check.12:15
jamespageOdd_Bloke, only locale installed is C12:16
jamespageno language-pack-en12:16
Odd_BlokeClearly we've decided to reject anglocentrism.12:17
Odd_Blokejamespage: I'll have a quick dig. :)12:17
Odd_Blokejamespage: So I don't think we've ever shipped language-pack-en.12:26
Odd_Blokejamespage: (Does doing either of the things suggested in the cloud image MOTD fix the problem?)12:27
jamespageOdd_Bloke, I installed the langpack - that does resolve the problem12:27
jamespageI suspect the second one will as well12:27
Odd_Blokejamespage: "Mar 23 11:17:14 username systemd[1]: Failed to start Load Kernel Modules." <-- that looks like a more likely culprit12:35
Odd_Bloke(I would expect that all of those open calls come after the actual failure when the error message is trying to be localised.)12:36
smoserjamespage, thanks.12:48
smoserjamespage, do you think 'kvm' is the right name?12:56
jamespagesmoser, I'm not sure tbh - I put that up as a straw man12:56
smoserwell, at least on server stack, lenart agrees with you12:57
smoser[    6.854315] systemd[1]: Detected virtualization kvm.12:57
smoserwll, i'm good with the rest of it, and i would ilke to have sane values. to me 'qemu' seems more correct, i dont have strong feeling against lxd13:01
smoserwhat does juju call these things?13:01
arie_swhi all13:02
smoserjamespage, ^ does juju expose 'lxc' or 'lxd' or 'kvm' or 'qemu' ?13:05
jamespagesmoser, that's still up for discussion - right how its lxd and qemu13:06
jamespagebut that's changeable13:06
smoserso is there any reason that i should pull this now then ?13:06
jamespagesmoser, this branch is part of the work to enable multi-hypervisor openstack clouds with juju13:07
smoserjamespage, well, juju uses the words 'kvm' and 'lxc'  elsewhere.13:09
jamespagesmoser, in 1.25 it does13:09
jamespagein 2.0 lxd is used as well13:09
jamespagesmoser, so I feel lxd and kvm is more aligned to existing virt terms in juju13:10
smoserwell, you can tell me what to do . i'd rather not pull it and upload it to ubuntu and then change it.13:10
jamespagesmoser, agreed13:10
smoserwell, tell me what to do . i'm fine to upload or to wait.13:12
tewardmatsubara: ping - did anyone help hunt down the issue with the keyboard layout selection issue, or is that still an unknown?  (It may be a show-stopper, at some point...)13:31
matsubarateward, not yet. I asked cyphermox yesterday but got no reply yet. I'll ask around again13:32
jamespagesmoser, ok - so after some discussion - 'lxd' and 'kvm' is the plan13:32
matsubarateward, I have some other stuff to take care this morning but will keep poking13:32
jamespagesmoser, so I think my merge-proposal is good for that....13:33
tewardok, was merely curious.  was also tempted to put it up on one of the mailing lists given the extreme size of problems I can anticipate happening with that issue, both here and in the Desktop side, was merely curious if you ever got a reply on -devel :)13:33
cyphermoxmatsubara: what about?13:33
tewardcyphermox: the debian-installer issue where the keyboard layout selection is nonexistent13:33
* teward hunts down the bug13:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1559507 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Keyboard selection is missed" [High,Confirmed]13:34
smoserjamespage, ack. will upload13:34
tewardcyphermox: there's reports Ubiquity has a similar issue on the GUIs, but not sure if it's related - (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1549529)13:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1549529 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "The keyboard is still installed as US-English even if another language is selected during the installation" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:34
tewardthough i'm more interested in the server installer issue :P13:35
cyphermoxok, I will look into it just after I'm done with netcfg13:35
tewardcyphermox: thank you kindly.  matsubara did some initial hunting into the issue, and commented on the first bug (debian-installer) with a possible issue cause, but I think we were both waiting for someone more aware of how debian-installer operates to peek at it?13:36
* teward shrugs13:36
tewardin any case, thanks for looking at it (when you get to it)13:36
* teward goes and pokes nginx some more13:36
matsubarathanks cyphermox13:37
matsubaraand teward as well13:37
tewardpfft.  i just don't like it when the Lubuntu team tries to bother me into nagging people about bug states heh13:37
jamespagesmoser, ta thankyou very much!13:37
tewardultimately doesn't affect me, given i'm using US-English, but for others, I can see why it'd be evil13:38
devster31with resolvconf and dnsmasq what's the correct file to edit to set google DNS servers? resolv.conf is manged by resolvconf, so that's not an option13:51
jamespagecpaelzer, dpdk uploaded - I feel I'm only really reviewing technically the packaging now as your dpdk jitsu is far ahead of mine now...13:51
TJ-devster31: is the system using ifupdown or network-manager?13:51
rbasakdevster31: try https://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/. A little old but I think some of it is still relevant.13:52
rbasakUsing dnsmasq on a server seems a little odd though13:53
devster31TJ-: how do I check, it's 15.04 with systemd, nothing fancy installed13:53
devster31rbasak: it's for SOHO use, I have some machines that I want to access with their domain name but their local IPs13:54
TJ-devster31: is it configured via /etc/network/interfaces (ifupdown)13:54
devster31and I don't know enough about DNS to set up a full dns server13:54
devster31TJ-: doesn't that add the dns server to the interfaces though? if I use it for other machines it won't work right?14:02
revealWhat would cause %post and %packages to not actually install or work as intended for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server inside a kickstart file14:03
allquixotic_Hi, I want to install a package (parted) from the shell in the Ubuntu Server installer booted from the CD. But dpkg and apt-get are not available in the environment. Is there any way to do this?14:04
TJ-devster31: if it uses ifupdown with a dns-nameservers entry in /etc/network/interfaces, then resolvconf will set the name-servers in /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf, which is sym-linked from /etc/resolv.conf14:04
cpaelzerjamespage: thank you - I'll let my jitso wreak havok on update excuses then if it shows up there14:07
jamespagecpaelzer, now I just need to figure out how to make this all work with openstack...14:09
cpaelzerjamespage: not that I assume I would be a big help compared to your openstack-jitsu but let me know if I can14:11
jamespagecpaelzer, I've added the 'userspace-networking' flag to the ovs charm14:11
jamespagejust need to muddle through allocating pci devices and injecting them into ovs now...14:12
jamespagecpaelzer, ok so how to I tell ovs/dpdk to slurp up a virtio device?14:15
jamespagecpaelzer, oh wait I see - it does that automatically14:17
* jamespage just lost connectivity to a compute host14:17
devster31TJ-: ok, what's the difference if I add it to resolvconf.conf with something like name_servers_append ? also, should I add nohook resolv.conf to the dhcpcd.conf file?14:18
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jamespagecpaelzer, do I need your latest update to get virtio-net devices working directly with dpdk?14:36
jamespageblacklisting does not appear to be working atmmm14:36
JajceHey everyone! I have one small silly question. Is it possible to enforce apparmor to log to a separate file instead of logging everything to /var/log/audit/audit.log ?14:39
tyhicksJajce: hello - there's nothing in the AppArmor project that allows for that14:40
tyhicksJajce: however, you may be able to configure auditd to log AppArmor messages to another file14:41
tyhicksJajce: I wouldn't know how to do that off the top of my head but the auditd.conf man page is usually pretty easy to read through14:41
Jajcehm, thanks for suggestion, going into auditd.conf then :)14:42
RoyKtyhicks: if it logs to syslog, there should be filtering possibilities there, in rsyslog14:45
tyhicksJajce: ^ RoyK's suggestion only works if you uninstall (or stop) auditd14:46
Jajcetyhicks: Royk: ok, thanks, I actually tried that one and failed. Now I know why :D14:47
revealin kickstart does %post represent installing applications after the install14:50
jamespagebeisner, the daily xenial images lack locale data and libvirt-bin won't install as a result...14:54
cpaelzerjamespage: you need the latest update to work with openstack-dpdk14:58
cpaelzerjamespage: without the update you will run into bug 155991214:59
ubottubug 1559912 in dpdk (Ubuntu) "Openvswitch 2.5 + dpdk 2.2 totally failing for virtio PMD" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155991214:59
cpaelzertl;dr - segfault of openvswitch when calling into dpdk lib15:00
cpaelzerjamespage: you said blacklisting doesn't work how does it look like atm?15:02
cpaelzerjamespage: I consolidated some of my logs so you can compare http://paste.ubuntu.com/15480059/15:05
jjrabbit543anybody know what df stands for?15:37
Picidisk free/file15:37
jjrabbit543Pici: ty that will help me remember better15:41
beisnerjamespage, ack understood, just added to the bug to confirm from the test automation vantage point.15:42
mahmohj^2: you may be interested in this too in case: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#New_upstream_microreleases and here's an example I think: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-hardened/2014-February/000735.html15:47
cyphermoxrharper: I'm reviewing/sponsoring your multipath-tools merge16:02
cyphermoxcaribou: ^16:02
cyphermoxcaribou: jgrimm: sorry for the trouble / miscommunication16:05
jgrimmcyphermox, oh cool! i got crickets yesterday, and knew you were swamped16:06
cyphermoxyeah sorry16:06
cariboujgrimm: cool, that's one less on my plate :)16:06
jgrimmlooking for ways to spread the work, totally appreciate your time16:06
cyphermoxit was escalated to me an hour ago by slangasek16:06
jgrimmthanks you both!16:06
cariboujgrimm: np16:09
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codewafflecan someone point me to where to start with building OpenLDAP against OpenSSL (instead of GnuTLS) into a .deb that can then be installed on multiple servers via dpkg?17:00
codewaffleactually I think I nailed my search right after asking, sorry :/17:01
tarpmancodewaffle: apt-get source, change debian/control to build-depend on libssl-dev instead of libgnutls-dev, change debian/configure.options to build --with-tls=openssl instead of gnutls, dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc17:03
tarpmancodewaffle: er, and a dch -l in there somewhere.17:04
tarpmancodewaffle: if you're having specific issues with gnutls, bug reports would be appreciated17:05
jjrabbit543redhat costs money right?17:09
sarnoldyes but if you want a variant without support there's centos17:09
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jjrabbit543so is ubuntu-server geared more towards home users then?17:14
sarnoldubuntu has far more things packaged, and there's more support available for free users, but if you want to buy support contracts from canonical that's certainly an option :)17:16
ChibaPetjjrabbit543: http://blogs.wsj.com/cio/2016/01/13/att-adopts-canonicals-ubuntu-in-push-to-replace-proprietary-systems-with-open-source-tech/17:17
ChibaPetSome users and vast enterprise operations, yeah.17:17
TJ-Has anyone seen problems with 16.04 mariadb, default install, not being able to log-in to the database over TCP, or over socket as any user other than root?17:21
jjrabbit543who is canonical?17:22
jjrabbit543tech support company for ubuntu?17:23
sarnoldjjrabbit543: canonical employs many of the people who work on the ubuntu distribution -- including e.g. me ;)17:23
jjrabbit543no way17:23
jjrabbit543that's pretty cool17:23
jjrabbit543so that's how you know all this stuff17:24
sarnoldwell, many of the ubuntu-specific details anyway; i've been using linux for 22 or 23 years now, ubuntu only eight or nine years, and been a canonical employee for less than four years17:25
ChibaPetsarnold has been using Linux longer than me. I clung onto BSD for a long time.17:26
sarnoldthere's a lot I liked about the various BSDs17:27
sarnoldmaybe if i'd started there first it would have 'stuck' better17:27
jamespagecpaelzer, I can't get pci-blacklist to work17:31
jamespageif I use that, ovs-vswitchd fails to start....17:31
* jamespage scratches his head17:31
jamespageand if I don't, I lose the node...17:31
jjrabbit543bsd isn't linux?17:41
sarnoldbsd predates linux by 15 years or so :)17:41
jjrabbit543ah ok nvm17:42
sarnoldthere's some shared code, and there's many applications that run on both bsds and linuxes well, but they're mostly independant systems17:42
PresidentTrumphi, which folder should I be putting user installed php libraries in?17:45
PresidentTrumpoffcially which folder? I know I can do whatever I want...17:46
j^2mahmoh: thanks :D17:47
j^2mahmoh: i’m still straighting things out over here. but i’m making progress :)17:53
mahmohj^2: scream if you need to17:54
j^2you know i will buddy you know i will ;)17:54
cpaelzerjamespage: what I've seen with the blacklist when passing as parms is that it rally cares about being two arguments17:55
cpaelzerjamespage: so "--pci-blacklist 000:00:03.0" won't work it has to be "--pci-blacklist 000:00:03.0"17:55
naccPresidentTrump: what do you mean by php libraries? extensions (.so files) or php packages (a la composer ror whatever)?17:55
cpaelzerjamespage: what way does it fail to start btw - do you have a log and a commandline that I could debug on tomorrow morning?17:56
jamespagecpaelzer, its weird - I could not get ovs to start under systemd start17:56
jamespagebut I can run the same command from the command line ok17:56
nacccpaelzer: aren't those identical strings? (was one suppoesed to contain =)?17:56
cpaelzerjamespage: I had no = sign17:56
cpaelzerjamespage: there are also shortopts -b and -w if that might help17:57
cpaelzerjamespage: http://dpdk.org/doc/guides-1.8/testpmd_app_ug/run_app.html17:57
cpaelzerjamespage: it might be important where before/after the -- you sort that in17:57
cpaelzerjamespage: you might refer to that git repo I had posted before, it has a script which does that17:58
cpaelzerjamespage: it echoes to /etc/default/op... and restarts the service - was working yesterday17:58
cpaelzerjamespage: I'm leaving now, if you are still stuck when you hit EOD please drop me a mail if I can help18:11
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jvwjgamesI have a question19:52
jvwjgamesMe and my brother are building an earthquake early warning system and was wondering if there is a way to convert a high-pitch signal into an alert19:53
jvwjgamesBasically here is how are earthquake early warning system19:53
jvwjgamesWill work19:53
tewardjvwjgames: not sure how this is on topic here?19:53
jvwjgamesWe are using amateur radios so that we can detect the earthquake on the fault line and we then have a master amateur radio that links to my house and then from there over to Bluetooth to my server and then for my server out to all phones that are connected over the Internet to the service and then when the earthquake gets detected a high pitched sound gets transmitted over the amateur radio network and then the high pitch19:53
tewardsounds like you need an engineer, not a support chat room19:53
jvwjgamesDon't reason I asked in this room is because I have a Ubuntu server and I was wondering if there's a program that can convert high pitched signal tune alert19:55
jvwjgamesThe only reason*19:55
jvwjgamesTo an alert*19:56
sarnoldjvwjgames: investigate packet radio, ax2519:57
TJ-jvwjgames: if the pitch of the warning tone is at a predictable, and is fed into the server via,say, audio line-in, it should be pretty easy to arrange to perform real-time spectral analysis (using Fast Fourier Transform libraries/tools) that trigger the alert20:01
jvwjgamesAnd I have fail safes in place20:02
jvwjgamesSo if the internet goes out during the earthquake it will reroute to cell towers for internet20:03
jvwjgamesinternet-based if my power gets knocked out battery backup20:03
jvwjgamesAnd if my*20:04
TJ-jvwjgames: may be worth investigating puredata with the pd-fftease plug-in20:07
jvwjgamesWhat is puredata20:07
TJ-!info puredata | jvwjgames20:13
ubottujvwjgames: puredata (source: puredata): realtime computer music and graphics system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.46.6-2 (wily), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB20:13
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Chaos_Zeroafter logging in with likewise-open, how can I have a network printer automatically added with the same login credentials? Is this what PAM is for? I am not familiar with it.23:36
naccChaos_Zero: what is likewise-open? I don't see it in the repository?23:37
spammyok, so the ubuntu openstack instructions suddenly changed...http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/openstack under "Install OpenStack yourself"23:38
spammyshrugged and decided to give it a try....sadly juju bootstrap fails with openstack-install :(23:39
spammyerror is that "ubuntu/trusty" must be set for juju23:39
spammytried setting it via openstack-install....same results23:39
spammyguess these new instructions aren't quite ready23:39
spammywhere can I find the old instructions?23:40
patdk-laphow do I get a nfs system to mount at boot on xenial23:40
patdk-lapseems no matter what I try, it just won't mount it23:41
spammyDeeps:  of course.  thx23:42
naccpatdk-lap: what did you try?23:42
naccpatdk-lap: also, what do yuo mean "nfs system" ?23:43
patdk-lapnfs server?23:43
patdk-lapnfs is a protocol that provides a network file system23:43
naccpatdk-lap: yes, i know23:44
Chaos_Zeronacc: I don't know if it is a package actually, it is just a method to 'integrate' ubuntu to allow you to log into active directory.23:44
naccpatdk-lap: do you mean you can't get a client to mount nfs at boot? or you can't get an NFS server to serve NFS properly?23:44
patdk-lapwell, in fstab I have: nfs.example.com:/nfs /mnt/nfs bg,noacl,nfsvers=3,nosuid,nolock,nodev,_netdev,nordirplus 0 023:44
patdk-lapwell, I have 30 other systems with this nfs mounted on them23:45
patdk-lapfor the last 12 years23:45
naccChaos_Zero: is it part of Ubuntu?23:45
patdk-lapso I doubt that is the problem with the server23:45
naccpatdk-lap: i'm just trying to understand what you're trying to do, what you wrote wasn't clear to me23:45
patdk-lapI think it might just be an issue with bonding/bridging23:46
naccpatdk-lap: what happens when you attempt to mount /mnt/nfs ?23:46
patdk-lapseems sometimes network stack comes up without default gateway23:46
patdk-lapit just works23:46
naccpatdk-lap: so it's only failing to mount during bootup?23:47
naccif your network stack is able to (does) come up without a gateway, then it seems like that would easily keep nfs from working23:48
patdk-lapnfs is on another network, not affected or needing the gateway23:48
patdk-lapincluding dns23:49
naccpatdk-lap: would probably need to see logs or something, it's hard to know -- are you uptodate in 16.04?23:50
patdk-lapas of 30min ago23:50
Chaos_Zeronacc: No, it is not in the repositories, I think. https://www.powerbrokeropen.org/23:51
naccChaos_Zero: i would contact them :)23:51
naccChaos_Zero: can't really help you with something not in ubuntu23:52
Chaos_Zeronacc: often IRC channels can be fairly specific without being exact. For example, for this software, I would expect that some ubuntu administrators would have the greatest chance of having user it before.23:53
Chaos_ZeroFor example, I see a question about NFS above. Clearly not ubuntu specific.23:54
naccChaos_Zero: it was about nfs configuration in 16.04, pretty ubuntu specific and using ubuntu tooling23:54
naccChaos_Zero: you're right, you might get an answer here23:54
naccChaos_Zero: i simply suggested you contact the people that make the software you're using23:55
Chaos_Zerovery well, I apoligize if I came off strangely. I am not the best at explaining my reaconing, I guess.23:56
naccChaos_Zero: no, you're fine, and i wasn't trying to dismiss you either; i just don't know anything about that setup, sorry23:56
Chaos_ZeroOk, this may be more related: Suppose I add the printer without authentication details using the lpadmin command. If I then try to print using it, I will not be prompted for authentication, It will just sit in the queue as 'held for authentication' until I go there to release it. (14.04)23:57
Chaos_ZeroHow can I enable the prompt?23:58

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